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Back Again » Places

Places in Back Again

This is a list of locations that can be found in Back Again.

All Places


13 posts · 11 characters present · last post 2015-08-04 22:55:01 »



Josh rode back to town where he spend the rest of the afternoon patrolling the streets and responding to a few small cases. At 4 o'clock he was back at the station changing clothes at the end of his shift. He said good bye to his colleagues, most of which wished him a nice reunion. He walked out of the station towards the local elementary school. His sister Cindy wouldn't finish her shift until 7 that evening, so it was up to him to pick up his nephew from school. Most of the kids were being taken home by the school bus, but since they were living so close they often found it easier to pick him up themselves.

While Josh was waiting he looked over the football field next to the school. The exact same field where he started his illustrious career as a sport fanatic. It was strange, but now all he could remember from playing was Ava standing on the sidelines cheering him on. Weird, tonight I will see her face, her smile. And I have no idea what to say to her. From outside Josh could hear the bell announce the end of the day for the students. Jason was one of the first kids running out of the school, much like Josh had always done. Seeing his uncle the little boy came sprinting towards him and pretty much jumped into his arms. Josh gave him a tight hug and put him down on the ground. "Hey little buddy, how was school today?

On the way to Cindy's house Jason kept on talking the entire way. He was telling about his lunch, the things he learned and the girl in his class he got a kiss on the cheek from that day. Back at the house Josh poured two glasses of juice and he grabbed two bananas from the fruit bowl. The Callahan men were quietly finishing these refreshments at the kitchen counter. Afterwards Josh told Jason to go upstairs to get some baseball gloves and a ball so they could play catch.

Jason's technique was improving every day and Josh liked the fact that his nephew was enjoying it so much. The two hours before his sister got home flew by, so much even that Josh completely forgot to make the dinner he was supposed to. While Cindy changed into her comfortable outfit Josh tried quickly to cook something up, albeit stumbling and all. About 10 minutes later she came into the kitchen and shooed him out of it. "Thank you for picking up Jason, now get out. You have to get ready for your reunion. If I didn't know better I'd almost think you don't want to go, waiting and delaying around here." Josh saw the smiling face of his sister and admitted to himself she was not wrong. He was still nervous about that evening. Older, wiser, different, none of that mattered. He couldn't for the live of him figure out how different he was from 6 years ago.

Josh got out the house and jogged back to his own, not far away. At home he dropped his keys on the desk next to the entrance and jumped under the shower upstairs. It didn't take him long, what did was picking out his clothes. Looking at 5 different options he decided he almost acted girly and he just picked an outfit at random. He didn't want to wear jeans, but he still went for some comfortable pants and a simple shirt. He looked at himself in the mirror and wondered if anyone would recognize him, he himself did not. To make it a bit more his own he rolled up his sleeves so it looked a bit less butler like.

Ignoring the car he grabbed his own bicycle and jumped on it. It was a mere 15 minutes before he arrived at the lake and he put his bicycle in the bike rack provided. He saw he was not the first one to arrive. The trees were decorated and lanterns hung from side to side. Josh walked up to the gazebo to sign the portrait. He found himself on the picture quite easily and quite centred. He stood next to Dave, both of them hands in the air. As always in high school he saw Ava standing not too far from himself. After he signed he walked inside, without actually cooking he also never got to eat that evening, so he was looking for snacks first. He made a b-line to the snack table and saw there was little for him to binge on. It seemed some of the snacks were still on their way.

While standing looking over the few options he had, he suddenly felt two hands slamming down on his shoulders, like he had felt a million times before.


When Dave stepped out from behind the curtain, pants on and all, he noticed a slight blush on Ava's face. It wasn't like him, but for a moment he was scared he had embarrassed her. As he came out Ava came towards him, armed with a stethoscope and warned him about the cold. "Oh, I'm quite sure I can handle the cold stethoscope guided by your hand." Why the hell did I say it like that, am I trying to become more Shakespearean or something. He felt the cold, although it wasn't too bad.

As the examination went on he kept a close eye on Ava. Aside from the normal checks it seemed she was trying to look at him as little as possible. For some reason he felt it to be a challenge. Normally he didn't need to do much to have a girl look at him shirtless, it was harder for them to stop staring. Either he was too arrogant, or she was really focused on her job, Dave couldn't help thinking it was both. He knew that Ava knew him from an early age. She knew his boyish behaviour, his fondness for sports, and above all his arrogance and his snotty attitude towards others. Other girls never had a problem paying him compliments, about his body his smile or his general behaviour. But Ava would know that every compliment for Dave was one more point on the arrogance scale.

After some reflex tests it seemed they were all done. Ava told him to get dressed again and he quickly disappeared behind the curtain. "Alrighty Dave, you are all set. You can get dressed and find your way back to lobby, you can request any results and follow-ups with the secretary." He got dressed again and when he came from behind the curtain Ava handed him a lollipop. He gladly accepted and walked out the door. As he walked out Ava said "See you tonight!" Dave was a bit confused but also said "Yeah, fure, fee you tonife." The lollipop in his mouth made the words come out a bit more childlike than he had hoped.

He walked to the secretary's desk in order to arrange for the results to be send to his head office. As he finalized things he decided to ask her directly, this time removing the lollipop before he spoke. "Excuse me, but is there something going on tonight, like a party or something?" The old secretary smiled instantly, it looked like she knew everything that was going on in this town. She seemed to look at a file on her PC before answering. "Let's see, son... Tonight there is a bridge tournament in the old pub, there is birthday party a the Hendersons's and of course there is the reunion at the lake of the class of 2008... Looking at you that must be the one you are looking for." Dave thanked her and walked back to his newly acquired house.

He spend the rest of the day organizing his home office and being on conference calls with the office. He had the feeling they send him forward a bit earlier than normal, the first two weeks looked like they would be fairly quiet. Of course it could be a way for the company to force him to take his vacation days of the last 2 years. Late in the afternoon, he took a glass of whisky while he read the news on his tablet. He was reall missing his stuff, but when he called in the afternoon he heard they would only come in tomorrow. After his drink he went upstairs to get dressed. He picked one of the lighter suits which always felt to him to look 'happier'. He decided to drive to the party. If he would be drinking he would see if he could take a taxi home. He wondered if he would see Giselle at the party. If it was his guess he thought probably not. He would read about her every once in a while with a modelling job here or there. She certainly was the export product of Virginia City.

Arriving at the lake he parked the car and locked it with his remote. When he saw other people carrying in drinks and food, he almost felt guilty not bringing something himself. He looked to see if he saw anyone he knew and he thought he caught a glimpse of one such person. Half walking half running he followed the man until he stopped at one of the tables where some food could be found. With every step he was more sure this was Josh and as tradition goes he slammed his hands on the shoulders of the man in front of him. "Joshie!"

Josh turned around and looked in the face of his old buddy. He spread his arms and the two man hugged, like no time had gone by. "My goodness, Dave, you have literally not changed a bit. Where have you been?" The two went for one of the standing tables and as they leaned on the table they started talking about their lives an careers. The women in their lives were thoughtfully left out of the conversation somehow. Around them they hardly noticed more and more people coming in.
