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"Yahma ronghai tee lang laganna, for I believe that was a challenge!"

0 · 531 views · located in Ingloriously Normal Japan, 20XX

a character in “Bad Hands”, as played by Wudgeous




"Let the world be as the world is, and I remain the rightful prince of its dusks.
Unless you would seek to cross me?"


Themes, Say You?
Traditional Expectations | "ąø„ąø£ąøøąø‘ąø¢ąøøąø”ąø™ąø²ąø„"
Today | "Pushing the Sky"

Wrath of Garuda | "Battle Royale"
And For the Ladies, | "Nco Kuv Me Me"

Name: "Very, very mortal thing to do, owning a name. Yet granting oneself a name, that is the way of the Betters, no? *Liak kawa," A brief pause as he drums his lower lip, "Sahen; named after none."
Age: "If I told you I was as old as all of **sawan, you would not believe me." He is between 250 and 300 years old, though we're not sure he knows this.
Race: "What would I look like but myself? Ah, that one is quite the question." Garuda, Geroda, Khrut, and of course, "Karura-san~."
Faction: There is an evident bristled motion in his shoulders as he responds almost defensively: "I serve none. Not-a-one. 'It's my life,' as it goes. And that is how it goes...? 'It's now or never; I just wanna live forever,' ha ha."
Role: "The life of the party, as it were!" The arguably unwelcome foreigner, and life of the Mario party according to Tae who wants to RUIN THE SERIOUSNESS OF MY PROFILE THANKS.
*you will call me

Complexion: Bronze, sun-kissed. Few get a glimpse of his bare back, but it is strangely darker than his front. Stranger still is how one can almost make out the silhouette of a handprint back there.
Body Type: Manry and studly (sorta barrel-chested), as if he belongs in a gay porno. It doesn't help that he looooves showing off his abs and only deems a proper top necessary for "formal occasions." Don't ask to see his pecs dance. Just don't. (Because he'll laugh at you and act all embarrassed, and you'd sure be the awkward turtle of the week, wouldn't you?)
Height and Weight: Human form would be a measly 5'7" and a clean-cut 150 pounds. Garuda form is 130 pounds heavier and a more than half a foot taller.
Distinguishing marks: Tattoos are on his nude chest. One may wonder why he lacks individual tooths, but eh, there are more incriminating things than clean, curving walls of ivory. T'is probably just be a mouthpiece. Dude must love boxing! Days of his youth were marked with a dry, grey tongue, but he's fixed that. No longer shall the ladies make out with the inside of a parrot's mouth, unless they are just really into that sort of thing. But his feet are still funny, in particular the number of toes...
Apparent Temperament: A careless sloucher, aloof shrugger and disrespectful shoes-on-the-table sort, he seems. He strides about with the situated swagger of owning the place, in contrast to his inner intrigue and curiosity toward new sights. He's pushy in the crowds, not because he's better than they are, but because he REALLY wants to see what the crap they're looking at.
Sahen is perpetually frowning and equipped with fiercely high brows, which leads to some really sarcastic smiles even when actually tickled to mirth. Think Jack Black and Ian Somerhalder brows. Hell, if Ian were Asian-- His numerous vexed blinkings are, in fact, not meant to be taken as "UH! What'd you just say to me, bitch??" but rather, a genuine "Beg pardon, say again?"
Abrupt head tilts and curious "o" lips hint at his true nature, however. That of a tourist. Ewww.
Hair and eyes: "The wind is my comb." As you can imagine, it..... Do we really need words? Sometimes his hair is a nest. Mostly it's swept back. Sometimes it assaults his face. But it is never, never sleek unless he's been in the bath very recently. Maybe it might sometimes look greasy silky smooth to the touch, but I dare you to run your hand through it and not wash it off for a whole day. Yeah. Don't wanna, do you? His eyes are dark, but glisten like a wild animal's when cast in lit shadow.
Facial features: Angled eyes, always with an impatient/concerned flickering beneath the eyelids. HIs upper lip is poutier than his lower (arguably an overbite), mimicking an avian mouth. He's also equipped with strong man jaws and a thick man neck.
Wardrobe: On sunny days, he wears douchebag sunglasses. Sahen enjoys fine silks and blue pants, and he likes his bling. Don't fuck with his bling (which are actually just gold armlets, anklets and a sort of neck brace. That's not the actual one, but it would be just as wide and big and equally dopey-looking under a t-shirt).
He's found happi to be sooo comfy, also.

The monster resembling both a great bird is adorned with feathers of red, green and gold, is gifted with ripping talons and vast wings. The wings sprout from the shoulder blades to the elbows, leaving his forearms free to wield weapons and crush throats even in his natural state (though he won't be able to fly at the same time, obviously, unless you count wrestling while plummeting toward the green Earth to be more than "falling with style"). His face is a curious thing, for he retains recognizably human eyes despite the immense curved beak in place of his nose and chin. His torso, skull, and skeletal structure of the knees, in addition, are those of a man, though his heaving skin is dyed a deep, deep red. His feet are vicious claws, wounding the ground on which he sets himself, stalwart enough to break a joint and tear off a limb.

Despite what shiny douchebag shoes and black douchebag sunglasses may inform you, this man-monster is extremely old-headed and traditional-minded. Chivalry is most certainly not dead! He loves, truly and deeply, just as any other would. He just loves a lot. In many places at once.
But truly, he loves suddenly, and deeply. He is no better than a dog in the moments a maiden has his attention--shooting her longing glances, nuzzling his nose into her cheek, plucking lotus buds, and dragging her off to teach her to dance in the solace of untainted moonlight, away from the city. He is thoroughly giving, passionate, and an absolute fool after garnering a warm kiss.
On the other hand, just because you approve of his flighty attitude does not mean he will gladly return the favor. The garuda is a jealous and territorial creature once he's professed someone to be "his," and no greater savagery will his rivals in love find in ripping talons and cruel, gobbling beaks.
He does what he wants, not because he does not receive consequence, but because he does not learn from consequence. He'll foresee a broken nose and charred feathers perfectly clearly, but he does shit that leads up to them anyway. In part, it's due to his distaste toward backing down, toward being humiliated, and this craaazy idea that he is ultimately invulnerable. He's not, but seeing as he hasn't been killed yet, you can't convince him otherwise. What do we have so far? Pride, lust, wrath, gluttony... grumpy, sneezy, dopey, doc....
Yet he is easy to please: Idle promises of your strength and your love (respectively, from men and women--vice-versa is a solid no-go), vouching for his superiority over anyone who opposes him, introducing him to beautiful women... Unless you fuse with his shadow, however, he'll likely forget that you're in his good graces after about a good week. Cheaply gained favor is far from permanent, though a clever way to very quickly have an ally in cumbersome situations (and I'll give you a basic and dumb example): "-after being threatened- Yeah?! Well! Well... The garuda can beat you!!" "Huh--? Of course I can! Who challenged me? HAVE AT ME, BRO."
Sahen is helpful when he likes you. At times, more/less helpful than you may like. Quite unpredictable what you'll get, really. He might save your life ten times over, or do your laundry for you, or he might just smile when you're around and stick to you like a siamese twin at parties...
He does not like being made a mockery of, or being put on display in front of a crowd like some showbird. He (thinks he) does not brag, does not prance about with shimmering feathers. Accusing him of bravado will prompt him to wickedly ask, "You would like to see me angered, next?"
He tends to be moody after long flights.

Speech: Well... he doesn't curse in English/Japanese, but when you see long strings of italicized words you don't recognize... Sahen does not conjugate verbs, like a loser. His tone of voice is mellow, almost playfully factual. It is how it is, unless he's questioning it, in which he takes on demanding airs and scowls as if nothing is more stupid than the subject his grand self is being forced to address. He's generally, unexpectedly polite in words, however, and his insults are always clear. No clever backhanded compliments here! If you are being a bastard, then you are a bastard; he ain't gonna beat around the bush for your sake.
This... bluntness applies when wooing a lady, except when discussing sex, in which he'll act like a modest librarian (and blush like a new bride when you talk dirty to him. Grrl, where you learning to say those things to a man...)
Pet Peeves: The letter "S," being underestimated, being humiliated, whores coming onto him, miniskirts, exposed glitter cleavage, women wearing belts, shorts, having his head or hair touched, losing, weak attacks, weaklings acting bigger than they are, cowards, people who slur, people who constantly text, cats, pigs, mermaids, earbuds, beds that don't have mosquito nets, beds lacking in elevation, plastic, stepping on things, not understanding what someone is saying, hats... um, etc.
Favorite color: Gemstone red and golden swirls.

Specialty: Beating his so-very mighty wings and creating tempests is what he's known for, and there's certainly a truth to that. He's most powerful when the elements flex their intangible muscles; he is enthralled and empowered, able to navigate through, and able to stand against the wind's howls and the rain's daggers. He can encourage brewing storms to hasten, but this isn't very effective without at least a few angsty clouds already hanging out in the sky.
Fighting Style: Quick strikes with talon-poised hands, yanking the enemy as close as possible for complete domination... ahem. As in he'll take the least opportunity to pin you on the ground and..... no, not what you're thinking, no no. :( Let's just say he's up-close and brutal, yes? Yes? Fights like an animal/street fighter sprite, very close quarters.
Preferred Weaponry: Small, pronged weapons he can twirl in his hand and twist in your heart, if anything. He's skilled with a bow and arrow as well, but he'll most prefer fighting barehanded, mano-a-mano. No rules, just the full prowess of one beast against another. Have at him, bro. (Yes, he likes to brawl in his more delicate human form, too, stupid bird).
  • Being set on fire. Feathers are entirely flammable! And considering his lack of an affinity for water...
  • Maidens who fight. Very distracting...! (But careful--for losing to him means sex, willing or not.) Assertive women in general, however... well, they're daunting. Particularly the ones outside his "ideal."
  • The Times. He's not used to getting in trouble for rape, for example. And he's had close calls from hovering too near to an airplane. Also, what are guns?? And TV and internet references? Going WAAAAY over his head.
Inventory: A cellphone with a cracked screen, a disposable camera (with actual rolls of film!), armlets and anklets, smelly socks, the occasional sack of fruits, and a bitchin' crown (treated with the sanctity of armor, and not generally worn till "wartime").
Minor Ability: Immunity to all poisons. Betch, he ain't archnemesis of the snakes for nothin'. Legend says just being in the same room as Garuda will cure toxin-induced illnesses, but I sure wouldn't know. :|
Large bird affinity. Careful when bringing him to a zoo...! Little things though, like larks and song birds... well... to be very blunt, he thinks they're retarded. They don't listen to him, really. And they don't watch where they poop.
And? Presence. You'll notice bits of text in red, yes? These are not especially loud, and they do not sound exceptionally different from his other statements, but somehow they impart powerful vibrations through the eardrums. Mental sonic booms, of a sort, most common when he guffaws. This doesn't serve much purpose for him, to be honest, but it certainly puts several of the residents on edge. While royalty have signet rings and shit, this bastard projects an assault on the senses. He ain't neither human bean nor common hand, that's for sure. Arguably, this is his wild side seeping through his human guise, seeing as the presence is constant when he takes his true form.
Additional Guise: Hahaha, nawww. He's happy with what he's got. Thank you, though.

Hobbies: Cards, dice and tickets. Gambling. His most favorite have to be races and bloodsports. Should lady luck spurn him, someone's going to lose a tooth. Also, getting married! Usually unofficial knot-tying, but he's signed about four papers. (What? That's what everyone else does to get married these days, right? Or have they moved back to the good old "sex = husband and waifu" days?))
  • Strong breezes. You know how some people squeal and shriek delightfully while running through the rain? He roars with laughter at winds and tempests. The intangible whipping against his flesh, the howling and rushing against the curves of the landscape. Oh, his domain is the grandest of all, is it not? (Also, bad weather makes him stronger, as mentioned a'fore).
  • Natural warmth and light. He is not fond of the artificiality of light bulbs and heaters. If it is night, let it be night! If it is winter, let it be winter! Mortals are so determined to changing their surroundings instead of their own perceptions, hmm?
  • Shiny objects, which is why he'll trade paper for coin any day. His favorite Japanese coin is the 10 yen.
  • Women. Women, women, women. Beautiful creatures, most delectably sweet of all fruits. His "type" is the long black hair sort, with shyly clasped hands and sweet eyes peering from meek lashes. They totally want him. (If you're thinking there is a degree of sexism from him here, you'd be thinking along the right lines. It's not malicious sexism intent on hurting feelings, but nonetheless).
  • 90s rock.
  • Dirt. It's an icky, icky sensation under the nails. Because he thinks rather highly of himself, he doesn't like coming into contact with dirt and grime and mud, uck, and, to an extent, blood. Part of this is also that he doesn't like bathing more than once a day.
  • Copious amounts of water. He hates having his head dunked under water, having his face splashed, getting his hair wet--none of that. He'll splash you with your own blood if you press him, son.
  • Homosexual women baffle him beyond words. How do they even--? And how can they not be interested in him? HOWWWW?
  • Computers and video games. It takes him less than five seconds to try to comprehend a device, then crush it for being "sassy" with him. He did sort of warm up to cellphones for a while, but he soon after developed a habit of dropping them everywhere. This... makes getting in touch with him generally difficult.
  • He also does not enjoy major changes, like any good old codger ought to not enjoy.
Fears: Drowning. Water in itself does not scare him (despite all the scowling), but dying in a dark and engulfing airless pit is the worst fate he can imagine.


Agenda: Inde-fucking-pendence, and some space to spread his wings. And taking bunny-fingers photos with random cute women. (He doesn't say "girls" because "girls" are thirteen and under. Fourteen and over? GOOD TO GO!~)
Where they hail from: "A mother's womb, just as you have." Whether it's actually Southeast Asia or India has been debated for as long as he's known, though he's certainly raised his leg and made his mark in both regions.
Naga: His serpentine half-brother, and downright douchebag. Anyone mentioning the seasnake will receive a swift glare and snarl, as Sahen despises the idea of being in the same place as the creature. (Not to be confused with Naga Neroli).
His mother: After freeing her from the tyranny of his father's other wife and her snake children, the garuda has no further business with his mother. They are free. He is free. And he will be bound by none.
That other brother: is a total loser and suck-up and Sahen thinks he cramps his style.
Various wives: Ahem.
Various children: ..... Well, um. They're around. Ought to all be old enough to prowl the skies without his guidance by now, he'd guesstimate. The children of Garuda are either exceptionally human, or exceptionally bird-like. The latter grow immense, intelligent, and thoroughly loyal toward their father; though they are just as equally vengeful toward those who cross them, to this day hunting anything that slithers in cowardice between rock crevices. The former are as changelings are, taking after their human mothers and adapting perfectly to her legal husband's lap. These creatures are charming, valuing their own subterfuge and survival above all else, and tend to have remarkable lifespans. Of course, Garuda himself has only been in touch with a few. Over hundreds of years. Quite on and off.
Should a loinspawn of his be in trouble, however, he will not hesitate to side with them utterly; a good strategy for getting him to murder your ass would be to kill one of them and not bother hiding the fact.

Notable Experiences: As the story goes, the two wives of one husband had a bet. "Whosoever correctly guessed the color of the next born calf would gain the freedom of the other, and the freedom of all her children," those were the blasted terms. That was the stupid game. These, of course, were no ordinary women: during their pregnancies, they managed to procure the smile of a minor God, and each gained a wish. One wished for a great number of children, and the other wished for babes few, but strong. The first birthed an entire race, the naga. The latter, she birthed two eggs. "Wait for them to hatch," she was reassured sweetly, over and again.

But she was an impatient woman, deeply keen to win her husband's favor.

She broke the shell of the first, earning a mere human babe, radiating plainness. She wept and cursed at her own idiocy, holding the child near and forgetting his unborn sibling. Should the world have been silent, the moment a talon tore through its protective prison and tasted clean air, that moment ushered in the birth of sound. It was a beast without rival that emerged, and his mother was giddily nonplussed by her prize.

Of course, he came to make a grand slave for his half-brothers.

It is said that the Nagas dared the Garuda to battle every God in order to attain his mother's freedom, and all fell but Lord Rama, with whom Garuda made a deal instead. He became the chariot of that God, according to legend. And what better steed than a great birdman could there be? However, Sahen refuses to testify about this point in his life; both about whether or not it is true, and about where his loyalties lie at any given time.

In truth, Sahen here is a reincarnation of the original Garuda King. What, you thought the Garuda wouldn't have been around when Jesus was born a couple thousand years ago? HAHA TOO BAD legitimate Garuda is old as shit. The boy we have here is basically dust compared to his predecessor, but still to be reckoned with in his own right considering his birthright and the fading of older creatures in these modern times.

For once you grow old, my child, you grow weary of all this rampant, intrusive progress from the mortal race, weary of all these wars from this HATE that never truly fades. You fly to a mountaintop and sleep, shutting out all but the slicing sensation of cold, the wind plucking you clean of your feathers, the jeering of memories--thousands upon thousands folding over one another, molding into a single rehash of pointlessness and dull failures.
Loneliness was, at least, a comforting embrace...

Etc: (Or rather, "crap I didn't think of while writing this damned thing." It'll be continually updated until I get bored).
-He thinks Ronald McDonald and Colonel Sanders must have been saints rivaling Gandhi. So many statues of them!!
-Bird likes his smokes (pipes, ivory, long, inscribed with men on horses and war elephants), and you are getting a bruised shoulder if you do something obnoxious like shoving your thumb through the smoke hole.
-"Chang cherdshom, nyam plalom jai: ying nyam daidai nai la, suay yad fah ma din..."
-He's also proficient with a flute. Smokes a pipe, blows a flute. If he weren't so intent on being straight I'd------
-"Ma ley, ma ley!!"
-Mr. Saif Ali Khan has theee perfect Sahen smile. <3
-He appreciates well-drawn tattoos quite a bit, let alone ones with imagery he finds agreeable.
-"I fight beasts, not men."

So begins...

Sahen's Story

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Character Portrait: Isamu Character Portrait: Sahen Character Portrait: Story Hands [NPC's]
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Osaka, a Funky Town if you ask Him, at the Festival's Outskirts

Most prominent were the lights, in that they were the most numerous and most blinding. They dotted the surroundings like petrified fireflies, suspended and trapped in colorful and swinging lamps; big fireflies, overfed for the sole purpose of being meagerly more useful to a superior race. He would not be surprised if this was exactly so, as it was the way of the mortal. Make everything useful, everything will be useful but oneself. Allowing the reddened, filtered rays to trickle down their surfaces were the stalls with their prettily printed notices, the paper and plastic toys drooping from the awnings, the people tending to them, and the increasingly bustling visitors caught in webs of giddy intrigue. It was different from his lands of red clay and towering temples, from his river markets and species of fruits and smiles. He was occasionally greeted by faces whiter in complexion than he's used to, and teeth that did not fare as well in pureness of shade. Whether their demure blushes were painted on or merely hickies from the cold, he did not know. Sahen would make expressions in exchange each time, thinly, as if he had business of importance somewhere distractingly nearby, but not close enough in proximity that he had time to spare for the likes of you with the rice bead eyes.

Of course, he did have business, of a sort. His business was frivolous entertainment, to be seized and attained rather than encouragingly provided via beseeching, wrinkled hands or hollering little voices. Neither was he to be distracted by the ones that bristled his invisible feathers: the ones that walked with human silhouettes but glanced at him with jutting walrus fangs and gestured rudely with spindly multi-joints when they took note of his steady sideglance. Perhaps what most soured his mood was the fact that he did not care for falsely golden-haired girls chattering away on miniscule machinations while holding hands with their not-quite-husbands, who would in turn be preoccupied sparing a queer eye for another's female's "accidental" cleavage. Youth. Though he enjoyed the shedding of overhanging trees. That was a nice touch, he thought, wondering if someone very rich paid some monkeys to leap from branch to branch every other romantic moment. Once Sahen realized he was idling, however, he arose like a newly trampled patch of grass, fiddling with the collar of his blue happi (decorated with prancing and preening peacocks) and straightening his clownishly vast sleeves (littered with golden lettering at the very edges) as his ivory pipe sagged from lazy lips. He was situated at an arch--its crimson arms-for-columns was embraced by yellow and pink tinsel, and it was topped with what he considered to be a golden hat--well away from all the fun and games within, away from the exploding pigments staining a black sky. He dared to budge from his designated spot, just a little, but did not actually act on the urge. He would be consumed quickly by the ones he currently watched, the ones meandering right on by in their clopping wooden shoes, and this would not be good because he had a date.

Earlier in Osaka, but in particular, beside a Quivering Corpse.

Few things fazed the steel-eyed Makoto ane-san, and the sight of fleeing life was not one of them. A woman simply did not marry a man prone to whaling clubs and decimating nose bones without any sort of emotional preparation for the gore, the splatters and the unseemly crunching. This body she crinkled her kimono by, however, had no visible protrusions or weeping wounds. Perhaps that was the more disturbing than much of her dire encounters, outside the news the glittering little one had brought. Like impatiently drumming fingers, its left fin flicked and flickered one final, feeble time before it was still. Makoto could feel frowns pouring against the back of her neck as she reached out to touch its scales. "Your diligence would be rewarded, dear one," she said sweeping her hand over its bulbous and frightened eye. "Be well."

There was a pause before she faced her husband, let alone return to his extended elbow hoop, rising from her crouch as if smoothing out a paper airplane. Flowery words finished, the Demon Queller cleared her throat quietly--an assurance that nothing was too terribly amiss. Nothing beyond her control. Yet internally, where none would see but her frequent and yearly friends, concern dotted her forehead, and her teeth brushed and chewed numerous times against her lip. It was nothing short of distressing that the Fuku Ryu Dragon is no longer among them, unable to attend the festivities as he always did, and no immediate solution came to mind. It was not merely grief or mourning that clawed at her gut, but an Oyabun's wife was not to show weakness at any time.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sahen Character Portrait: Amori Tsubasa Character Portrait: Yamada Shirayuki
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Osaka, where it's just too damn noisy.

ImageCallused fingers folded over the bowl of the pipe in parody of a loverā€™s embrace, lifting it from between two rows of slightly-oversharp teeth. A cloud of smoke swirled and eddied into the air after it, hanging there with stubbornness that lasted only a moment before it was carried away by a gust of winter wind. A girl somewhere to his left shrieked, her fancy parasol abducted by the deft fingers of the breeze. He could have sworn he heard it shout something on the way, but the sounds were too far beyond him for even his youkai ears to detect.

Tsubasa chuckled beneath his breath at the young womanā€™s put-out expression, an exaggerated pout chasing all loveliness from her face until she huffed and turned back to the gaggle of others she walked with, collectively voluminous enough to stop traffic in all the wrong ways. Heā€™d never had to deal with crowds until he moved to this forsaken city, den of thieves, panoply of colors and veritable salad-bowl of sound. Folk bustled around here and there, but generally parted like water before the massive man, a river around the base of a still mountain. Or maybe a volcano, with how much he seemed to be smoking. Yes, that suited him just fine. Serene as you please, but with magma burning slowly in his veins where the blood should be.

From his vantage point six feet and some inches from the ground, he was easily a head taller than most in the crowd, and scanned the lot with affected disinterest, throwing a disdainful look onto his face for good measure. Inwardly, he was just about as excited as the little boy who tugged mercilessly at the hems of his motherā€™s yukata, urging her this way and that with the exuberance and needless fluttering of a sparrow. In all his years of life, heā€™d never once been to a festival, and the undercurrents of happiness that most of the participants bore seeped into his limbs, enlivening them and creating an unnatural buzz beneath his illusory skin.

But there was something else, and this was why Tsubasa had stopped his strolling and was now looking about- seemingly without anything more than generic distaste for the enthusiasm and tomfoolery of those about him. A clay bottle marked with the kanji for sake found its way to his mouth, and he tipped it back carelessly, causing a middle-aged housewife to shoot him a disapproving look as she passed, a nice compliment to the obvious envy on her husbandā€™s visage. Joke was on them; the bottle contained nothing but simple water. The taste of smoke was cleansed from his tongue, and he tossed the empty vessel into a nearby receptacle, folding his hands into his distended sleeves. Yes, something ran even deeper than the happiness here, and it felt almost likeā€¦ unease. It pricked the hairs on the back of his neck, and he cursed his useless empathy. It was like a thousand stinging ants, marching along his spine and taking a bite out of his nerves whenever they damn well felt like it. Hateful little bastards.

Mark his instinct, something was going to go down here. He didnā€™t know what, who, or when, which just annoyed him. Snorting and tossing his head slightly, he moved off into the crowd, ignoring it for the moment. Might as well enjoy the lights and glaring-bright colors while he still could. There had to be food around here somewhere, right?

Osaka, a little more fun than yesterday.

Shirayuki stared at her reflection in the mirror for a long moment. This was something she was almost compelled to do every time she saw a reflective surface, but she had yet to decide what she felt about the image presented to her. Presently, her face was uncovered, her story written in white and pink lines across the canvas of her skin. She tilted her head to one side, an almost-curious gesture, and a too-long morass of curls fell over her shoulder. She blinked once, slowly, then pulled the elastic material up and over her mouth and nose, shoulders loosening in cast, and brushed at her fringe absently with thin fingers so that it obscured the majority of her forehead. Picking a piece of dust off the light-and-dark blue yukata, she sighed breathily and shrugged.

Descending the stairs, she sidestepped to avoid two seven-year-olds chasing each other up to the second floor, spotting her brother just entering the house. She smiled beneath the mask and signed a greeting, which he returned as well as he could with his singular arm. She hadnā€™t told him why sheā€™d suddenly decided to go to the festival, but heā€™d volunteered to watch the young ones anyway, and for this she was grateful. Though in time his questions would cascade over her head faster than she could mime her answers to them, she for the moment was safe, since he saw this as ā€˜progress.ā€™ It didnā€™t quite feel right to take advantage of that, but it was harmless enough.

Moving to a kitchen drawer with a lock, she pulled the key from her sleeve and opened it, tugging as the wood caught. Everything in this place was dreadfully old and only worked sometimes, but it was still worlds better than the big, empty mansion theyā€™d once inhabited. Inside were several old-fashioned throwing knives, which she stowed carefully in her obi. The Minami area held many unfortunate reminiscences, and it would not do to go into any situation unprepared, no matter how innocuous it might seem. Daichi watched her wordlessly, then nodded solemnly, before catching himself and smiling instead. She appreciated the thought, and bade him farewell before stepping out into the cold, taking up a small satchel that sat near her door.

The walk was pleasant, if chill, and her spirits lifted. It had been such a long time since sheā€™d actually done something purely for amusement, and when this realization had hit her during her conversation with the stranger (such as it was), she hadnā€™t had to think very hard about what to say to his offer. Sometimes, chance dealt you a strange hand, she knew that well enough. She also knew that such wild cards were only ever what you made of them, and so she took it as a sign, illogical as that may be, to take a break from the studying and the diligence for a while.

It wasnā€™t hard to find the place where the parade would be, festooned in gilt and glitter and color and light. It reminded her poignantly of her childhood, and for a moment, she was simply transfixed by the happenings around her, before she shook her head with a rueful smile and melded into the crowd, searching for someone who stood out rather more than she did. She passed a tall fellow with a raucous mane of hair and unusual footwear, but such oddities werenā€™t so unusual in places like this, so she scarcely paid him any heed. Time and guesswork placed her in the vicinity of a tinseled archway, and there was the curious stranger.

Shirayuki approached, dipping her head in greeting since he likely didnā€™t understand the elaborate system of gestures she used to convey meaning. She wasnā€™t even sure if he read proper Japanese, now that she came to think of it, and their earlier conversation had been a stumbling sort of affair that had nevertheless left her highly amused and rather enjoying herself. The young hanyou gestured towards the gate, asking if he was inclined to enter. She did feel bad for making him wait, and hoped it hadnā€™t been entirely too long. Without a good way to inquire, though, sheā€™d have to risk being a little rude.

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Character Portrait: Sahen Character Portrait: Yamada Shirayuki
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At the Forefront of the Locale, where it was suddenly a bit brighter if only in his own eyes.

One could swear the expression he then wore had a reminiscence of the cooing of pigeons. Pleasantly transfixed on the snow woman's approach, the sagging pipe slipped cleanly from his mouth (though he caught it deftly with his right hand, knocking it clear of ash on his other wrist and then tucking the object out of sight). Rather than taking the lead into the jungles of light or curiously facing the direction toward which she gestured; Sahen gingerly cupped her protruding fingers, leaning in to touch the very tip of his nose to her cheek and whispering little more than a quiet exhale: "You-are just too good to be true~ cannot take my eyes off of you."

He laughed then (which undoubtably murdered the notion of there being a marching band tromping through the masses to play accompanying instrumentals as he broke into proper accented song), in what some would suspect it was of a self-conscious sort. Who ever dared to utter Frankie Valli lyrics without a smudge of embarrassment tainting his soul? But mayhaps, mayhaps he was just happy to be where he was at that moment, and cared about little else. "You are prettier than every other maiden who has passed by these pillars, mae nang payaban," he informed her, in that suspiciously factual way one would think was meant to insult others more than to compliment the receiver. Though in truth, he did not consider the statement to be much of an exaggeration; appreciating her choice in modest garments, her subdued scent like that of a breeze, her fleet of eyelashes and pale lips. In the two weeks he'd spent in this region, he found this woman the most captivating. Possibly it was the mask, an accessory not so bad after all, reminding him of a great, oppressive sun and sand-skinned dancers; or just as possibly, it was her silence, which he had goofily presumed to be some sort of oath of chastity. He decided after admiring her a little longer, amid warm colors bathing the side of his face, to add in a contented murmur, "And... you honor me with your presence."

He brightened rather abruptly, glistening at the eyes and beaming at the mouth with a sincerity easily rivaling the Christian virgin. "Come! You will guide me, for I fear I would get us lost and hungry." Perhaps disturbingly, he did not once relinquish his grasp of her hand, but he was unaggressive, willing to let go should she deem his touch discomforting... though requesting even a little personal space would be too much to ask of the garuda, at the moment.

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Character Portrait: Chiba Tomoe Character Portrait: Sahen Character Portrait: Amori Tsubasa Character Portrait: Yamada Shirayuki
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Festival Grounds, and perhaps she canā€™t just melt into the ground after all...
ā™« ā™« ā™«

Contact. Perhaps she was silly not to have expected it, but all the same, the smooth motion with which her hand was grasped elicited enough surprise that the offending fingertips nearly lost all color, though they held onto their solidity by a thread of will. It was the same thread that Shirayukiā€™s inner self clasped onto when she realized that his face was in much greater proximity now than it had been the moment before, and she swallowed, throat suddenly dry and a doubtlessly unbecoming scarlet hue spreading over her face. She was unable to do much, and she definitely had not the wherewithal to move, but likewise she did not flinch in the slightest, the only betrayal of her feelings the nearly-comical widening of her eyes. The words were almost lost, so startled was she by the suddenness with which she was seized (though, she supposed, it was far too delicate to be truly construed so), but in the end they only confused her further. She glanced quickly this way and that, as if to confirm that the other people passing them were in fact ordinary enough, and not some form of grotesque monster that would lead him to say such things.

People had once willingly said such things to her, and she had accepted them as nothing more than her due. That had been years ago now, though, and as her embarrassment and shock faded, they gave way not to shame (as they might have were she inclined to think him making jests at her expense), but rather a particular kind of amusement. She found him so very strange, and this was perhaps just one more instance of it to cement the inclination with proof. She could not be insulted for the very same reason she could not consider it a true compliment: he had not the faintest idea what he was talking about. This was the whole point of walking around masked. So instead, she assumed the overwrought chivalry to be a jest of some kind, and a breathy chuckle passed into the air between them, shattering that most peculiar hold she could have sworn his presence had inflicted on her before.

For her, it was as if his last comment confirmed her suspicions, and she smiled broadly, stepping back a little and bowing deeply, as if to humbly acquiesce to his request. It doubtlessly looked amusing, the willow-branch of a woman still gently clasping one hand and bending at the waist with unnecessary flourish before the foreigner with twinkling eyes. Her own crinkled at the corners with the force of the invisible smile, and she winked, gently tugging him so that he might follow her without getting lost in the crowd. True, contact was not something she was much accustomed to any longer, but that did not make her at all averse to it.

She flowed through the crowd as though it were a river and she were a fish, born for nothing quite so much as navigating the treacherous streams of passerby and merrymaker. Shirayuki was trying to devise a way to ask him what he felt like eating or doing, as most people she encountered didnā€™t understand sign language. Though she would have used her reedy-soft voice if it would have made a difference, there were simply too many people and too much noise for her to make herself audible. Instead, she stopped in front of a row of food vendors before releasing his hand and about-facing, tilting her head to one side in the clearest pantomime of an inquiry she could affect without intricate gestures and an understanding conversationalist like her brother. The smells of tempura and takoyaki drifted towards them from the little grills installed in the bannered boxes of industry, each wrought with brighter colors and bolder slogans than the last.

Osaka, where remembering is harder than it should be.

Image The bushy, rebellious eyebrow ascended his forehead immediately upon the approach of the small person, though he did not cease eating the odango he'd purchased himself. Tsubasa found it entirely impossible to discern the personā€™s gender by virtue of the voice issuing from behind the plastic mask, and moreover, the fact that whomever they were clearly knew his name was disturbed him. The more he thought about it (and he was taking his sweet time, too, standing there like a dumb fish for the better part of ten seconds and chewing contemplatively, if with a hint of exaggerated arrogance), the more he was certain he knew the person from somewhere. He just couldnā€™t place it.

The former monk swallowed with an air of finality. ā€œDo I know you, lady?ā€ he asked, the question almost petulant. It probably would have been, were his lingering confusion not so evident in every word of it. Instead of the crass address that he had tried to make it, then, it sounded like a genuine inquiry, and he resisted the urge to smack himself for getting it wrongā€¦ again.

It was bothering him, though. Heā€™d gone ahead and assumed the speaker was female, because in his experience, they didnā€™t make men that small, but there was something else, too. The vaguest inclination that he knew what the face underneath that mask looked like, and had had this particular internal debate with himself at some point in the not-so-distant past. For some reason, a peculiar, smoky scent was also called to mind, though no other associated impression leapt to the forefront of his boggled brain.

So, as he was convinced he ought to, he pretended that his confusion meant nothing to him, crossing his arms over his chest and staring around at the goings-on as though they held no particular interest to him, but then neither did the not-stranger. A sham, all of it: he was absolutely fascinated with the festival and all the people in it, the woman in front of him no less so than any of the rest and perhaps more. It was supposed to be rude to stare at women though, wasnā€™t it? Or did that very fact mean he should be doing so, as to appear more the lascivious drunkard sort?

Sometimes, all this pretending bamboozled the hell out of him.

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Character Portrait: Isamu Character Portrait: Sahen Character Portrait: Yamada Shirayuki
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Various little Places, Various little Times; Enveloped in Bliss, Regardless.

Ah... human food, the delicacy of mice. He had little fondness for it, but held no unusual hatred--merely, it was that the portions were not filling, and the taste unremarkable. Still, he was far from disappointed that his companion, in her gently fervent way, lead him to a stand of mortally enticing scents (though he saw fit to tease her about it just a little). "Whatever you like," he said with flippant merriment in response to her gestures, surprisingly astute toward her (very obvious) indications. A meal, the way he understood it, provided ample excuse to be with someone without the effort of conjuring conversation about the (very nice) weather, and so Sahen saw no reason to turn down the notion. He did not refrain from making suggestions should she further hesitate to speak or flap her arms about, and he was particularly adamant about paying for the ordeal. Sahen had been very excited to finally figure out the inner workings of modern money (and gold) conversion, you see, and was no less than eager to take advantage of it. What was the loss of a few yen in exchange for a woman's meek grin?

The sprinkle of rain had delighted him, weak though it was; but Sahen was a good enough in the guise of a man to know that it was very few women who appreciated getting their hair (and food) wet. Laughing aloud, he'd tugged Shirayuki under a vague excuse of a shelter, before that using his arm as a makeshift umbrella for her pretty head. "Namtha ginnaree," he mused to himself, eying the endless ceiling with skepticism. "I wonder if they see me." Of course, even if "they" did decide to track his wingprints and spot him in the impressive crowd, he knew their being the cause of rain would be unlikely. Though the herds of swan women were unforgivingly jealous creatures, they did not shed tears at the slightest provocation, and they did not desperately stalk him in order to seethingly watch him attain new consorts.
*Tears of Ginnaree

They merely gossiped with great vigor.

In place of the pipe was currently a shrimp kabob, barely eaten even after the parade had begun and jutting from his mouth like a bare leg from a dark alleyway. Had he not had the stick pinched between his fingers, it would have fallen to the ground and become a grand shame, as well as too "dirty" to continue eating according to most mortals; for Sahen, indeed, had his breath stolen when the finely dressed women passed, swirling like fine china on an auction stand. He caught himself smiling, stopping lest he be asked what it was he found so amusing, and reluctantly averted his eyes. "Mae nang, puak nee man kongja mai..." he began, before changing his mind and swapping his mother tongue for a more limited palette of vocabulary, "What is it you are celebrating, I wonder? Would you tell me this?" Yes, remained certain in believing that she merely chose not to speak, and remained only minutely puzzled by her choice in silence. Beautiful women always had good reasons for doing things, and he's never doubted this in all his years. "It cannot be a rain dance--could it? Even my people don't have such beseeching skill. Amazing...!"

What eventually caught the bird's abrupt attention, tearing his thoughts from beautiful eyes and demure demeanors, was not the shapeshifters--grandly entertaining and cute though the furballs were, he had sensed non-human presences long before they were made known. The parade was littered with unnatural blood: it was blood that may not have been red, blood that has survived more than mortal years, blood that chose to prowl in both the dark and broad daylight. Even the dear woman beside him had a droplet held close and pulsating in her arms, though it was entirely possible she'd merely been bitten--or eaten the meat of monsters--rather than being a descendent of oddities... But there was something old here. Sahen took a stray step, hunching down at the shoulders as his flickering pupils studied the scene laid bare before him, searching, searching for the spirit that had scraped a coarse fingernail through his memory.

The monkey had been exhausted absolutely, reduced to crossed legs, hands clapping in prayer, and a stomach so small one could squeeze his waist with one fist. The monkey was as dutiful and loyal as one could ever expect a mystic servant to be, wasting all his strength and resources on fruitless ventures. Garuda would have felt ashamed, should he be inclined to compare himself to the once energetic and spry thing: that careless thing bounding on tree tops, that powerful thing hurling great boulders at giants, that tenacious thing who loved his missing master so dearly.
"Hanuman," greeted the Garuda with transparent pity, "I suppose you won't be headed out anytime soon?"
The monkey said nothing.
"Hanuman," repeated the Garuda with disgusted pity, "have you ever thought that maybe it's time to give up?"
The monkey said nothing, though he scratched at his protruding ribs. Plucking off some nuisance of a flea, perhaps.
"I know you enough to judge you, foolish beast. I know of your hate for losing, but I know of your love for freedom. Embrace this...! It might really be as they're all whispering, that Lord Rama is no longer--"
Never." Breathed the monkey, before flying into a devouring rage that would dot the minds of clairvoyants around the turning globe. For how can one forget such staring, with maddened, reddened eyes so filled with tormented sadness, such howling with a heart thoroughly absent from his chest?

It was in the little house that he felt it, and the object resembled the angel shrines he knew so well. Inside was the old presence, visibly shaking Sahen for a moment, for it was so akin to the one, lone soul he respected. It could not be him. It could not be him. Wavering, Sahen held his head, observing instead one of the demons that dwelled abnormally close to the angel shrine before letting it pass by. It was not a big demon, though it exuded the radiance of a dignified giant with its fine, bulky clothes.

Giants? Dignified...? Sahen soundlessly scoffed, supposing he truly was tired from past hauntings. It was all very curious, but surely none of his business. Surely the only familiar face in this foreign land would be that of his reflection. Sahen convinced himself of this through joining elbows with his lovely accompanying maiden; his twisting, snaking hand grasping her affectionately by the wrist. He was like a monstrously tall child that could not be torn from its nanny, nipping at her fingers with his own as naturally as one would reach for air when submerged in a lake. He smiled all the while.

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Character Portrait: Chiba Tomoe Character Portrait: Isamu Character Portrait: Sahen Character Portrait: Amori Tsubasa Character Portrait: Yamada Shirayuki
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Festival Grounds, where sheā€™s enjoying things more than sheā€™d expected.
ā™« ā™« ā™«

She might have snorted softly (not terribly ladylike of her), and might have rolled her eyes at him, but in the end her good humor won the day. With a small shrug, she procured some shrimp and a daifuku, handing him the former with a nod of thanks for footing the bill. Admittedly, she hadnā€™t fought the suggestion overmuch; she wasnā€™t exactly as well-off as sheā€™d been in her childhood, and medical school did tend to drain oneā€™s resources, scholarship or not.

They ambled for a while after that, mostly in silence, which was kind of nice. It was hard to recall the last time sheā€™d been to this particular festival. She had hazy memories of these colors and smells, and of course this general area had been her home for most of her life, butā€¦ hers had not been a duration particularly disposed to stopping and smelling the roses- or the assorted grilled goods, for that matter. There was, though, a vague inclination that if she looked skyward, she would see something that made her feel at ease: a great blue shape high above, watching over them all. Perhaps it was simply a childhood fantasy, that there was some powerful being out there who would deign to look benevolently upon the figures on the ground, and yetā€¦

She felt the rain before it began to fall. Such was one of her many useless talents, a vaguely prescient feeling about the weather, at least if precipitation was at all involved. This was a good thing, without a doubt- she had never been averse to the rain. At first it was tiny droplets, the kind that would fall and only dampen with great time, but gradually they coalesced into something more substantial, and she relished in the rush of relief that such things always brought with them, tilting her head skyward and welcoming the feel of moisture. Gravity was not quite enough to pull them from her, and they fell slowly only when she relinquished them, to patter on the earth quietly. Another silly, symptomatic something, but scarcely noticeable or important.

They were cut off by something, and Shirayuki opened her eyes to see her companionā€™s arm hovering over her head, a makeshift shield against that which would do her no harm. Sweet, but wholly unnecessary. Nevertheless, she allowed herself to be guided beneath a canopy, where only the occasional drop found its way to the ground. He said something she did not understand, followed by a question that made only a bit more sense. Shirayuki did not know who ā€œtheyā€ were, but it did not seem of too much importance from the way he said it.

She might have even asked, for no other reason than to be polite, but the parade began in earnest now, and she watched with something between reverence and amusement at the procession meandered, marched, and shuffled by. Like his, her eyes found the dancers almost immediately. Her reason was of course entirely different, and a trace of longing flitted its way across her face before she settled into looking a little bit wistful. She was never hard to read, and did not play at stoicism, having learned long ago that it was a game she would never win. Still, at the same time as it saddened her to remember what she had lost, she still appreciated the grace and poise of the art, and so it made her happy, too.

The shapeshifters were always entertaining. It was not so unusual for most youkai to be able to do such things, but she, having only half that strength, was not. Any alterations that she underwent were entirely involuntary, and usually associated with situations most unpleasant.

Diverting her thoughts from that unfortunate tangent, she tried to think of how best to answer his question. It was still too loud, though, what with the music and the crowd, and she rubbed her throat ineffectually. She had thought of pointing to the sky, but since he already wondered if it had something to do with the weather, that probably wouldnā€™t work. Pursing her lips, she looked around, at last raising her hand to point at the painted likeness of a dragon, borne by several marchers and some distance in front of the mikoshi. Technically, she was unsure that this was even the right answer, but it had always seemed so to her. She supposed he would understand how literal she was being, since he had seemed not at all surprised to see children turning into foxes or women into toads.

Looking at him, though, she noted his fascination with the mikoshi itself and wondered. There was something going on here that she did not understand, and she watched it trail past them. Shirayuki wasnā€™t sure if the reason for such intentness was wistfulness, confusion, or something else, but it seemed to be important. She only became further convinced of this when his arm twined around hers- that was, in her experience at least, a comfort-seeking gesture. Perhaps it was misplaced for her to project the attitudes of family members and children onto someone else, but nevertheless it was what she was inclined to do, and so she did it, lacing her fingers through his and nudging her shoulder into his arm with characteristic affectionate indulgence.

She tilted her head in the direction the mikoshi had gone, towards the Shirogane Shrine. If it was important to him, they would just have to go see.

Festival Grounds, and the whole thing is so damn confusing.

Image Tsubasa blinked a couple times, not initially rising to the bait the weird lady presented. She removed that mask she was wearing, and he was struck again with the sort of vague familiarity you have for the clerks at some store you visit maybe once a week.

"You'll have to stick to bars so I don't have to rescue you from the opium den again, if it affects your memory so."

For a second, he was pretty sure sheā€™d just made that shit up, but then it all clicked into place, and he narrowed his eyes. ā€œBastard had it coming,ā€ he replied a little too quickly, flinching internally when he felt the heat on his face and very well-aware that he was turning that slightly-red color he took on rather frequently. The tengu huffed impatiently and decided now was not a good time to stick around and have the conversation. In fact, he was pretty sure never would be the best time for it.

He only sort of remembered exactly what had happened in the opium den. Some guy he was working for at the time had mentioned it in passing as a rather good place to find the shady kind of folks who would hire a guy like him to muscle around like an idiot, and since that was basically the only thing anyone would hire him for, heā€™d decided to pay a visit. Well. When in Romeā€¦ Opium hadnā€™t been anything like tobacco, really, and he had this feeling that heā€™d overdone it. He vaguely recalled some fool picking a fight with him, which his drug-laced self was only too happy to oblige, and thenā€¦ not much else until he was dragged out by a person much smaller than himself. Since it was a lady (albeit a slightly off-looking one), he hadnā€™t really the heart to protest.

Heā€™d woken alone, sober, and at his own address, apparently having let himself in, though how he found the place was still a mystery. Now it made considerably more sense. His old instinct for politeness warred relentlessly with the constructed one heā€™d made for being an asshat, and in the end neither of them really won. ā€œRight.ā€ One syllable, neither a thanks nor a disparaging remark. He didnā€™t even really manage to make it sound dismissive, though he tried valiantly.

The rain started to patter down, and Tsubasa frowned with mild distaste. Heā€™d always hated having wet feathers. Not that he had feathers right now, mind, but it would probably still make his damn head into a sopping mess of uncomfortable damp. He was about to excuse himself to find yet more food and a better spot from which to watch the proceedings when the lady bowed to some old guy and asked if the parade had started.

Correction: this was not just some old guy. Tsubasa shifted his weight from one foot to the other, an unconscious action that prepared him better for any number of defensive maneuvers. It wasnā€™t that he thought he was about to be attacked, merely that it had struck him subconsciously to be wary. It was much the same feeling heā€™d had around the abbot, but that had been tempered by years of near-familial connection, and this was not. They walked with the same deliberate, regal stride, and there was some similar kind of too-much-knowledge in their faces. It made him distinctly uncomfortable, though he refused to allow himself to show it.

It also forced him to reevaluate the woman next to him. He glanced between the two, feeling quite like he was intruding upon something and should leave, but he sharply negated this internally. Heā€™d been here first, dammit, and he wasnā€™t going to leave just because some guy in a suit showed up. If they wanted to have their little conversation here, that was fine with him, but he wasnā€™t going to pretend he wasnā€™t listening or anything like that.

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It Can't Be...?

The garuda felt as if ants were crawling about his innards, and though the hand comforting his own did little to quell their hungry nipping, he was occasionally reminding himself of the fact that he appreciated this touch. Female company was never, never bad; particularly not when they were cooperatively staying by his side. Those who sought to leash him, walk with him only where they cared to go--those sorts would never see him again, perhaps catching a glimpse of a turned back and sprouting wings if they were lucky (and if he were that desperate to get away). This girl he'd discovered in what little time he spent in this land; she was not one of those controlling heathen women, and this was good. He might even feel inclined to visit her once in a while, after they part ways. At the moment, however, Sahen did not allow his gaze to be torn from the mikoshi--possessing avian eyes, it was not a difficult task. The task was maintaining an easy pace, rather than bolting into the heavens and watching the little house from a perch next to one of those fat dog-rat things with the drumming bellies.

He discovered, to his dismay, that the presence within the lifted shrine was not of his imagination. It was something old, and it was something powerful; a soul that would not be easily quelled by a mortal hand. How unfortunately familiar it was, in this respect. Will he be leashed again, if he allowed the one in the portable shrine to go unchecked? No, if anything, it would be his pursuit of it that would lead to a renewed life of servitude. Yet he must follow, he had little choice in the matter. After all, everyone had thought Lord Rama, almighty slayer of giant kings and reincarnation of an old god, was dead. Well, that is, everyone but that stupid monkey. Sahen did not look forward to informing that bastard of his findings (so maybe he won't).

The hordes of people relented as they progressed onwards after the thrum of clinking bells and sandals of heaving men (either they've been walking quite a ways, or whatever was in there weighed tons--the soul was sitting among gold bars, possibly?) It seemed dire emotions could not get enough of him, however, as he soon took note of another troubling detail. Shifting shadows. Determinedly averting faces. Hushed grunts into instruments of technology. They were not alone in trailing the soul. "Stay near." Sahen warned quietly, before balking, then halting his pace entirely. "Mae nang; inform me. How little do you know of the real stories? The sort that tell of people who truly do keep children safe in their beds, unabducted by the grotesque? For I may have brought you into one." And this was not something he appeared happy about. The garuda's features creased with an age foreign to him. Were it merely his own safety he had to worry over, he would scoff in the face of concern, box it in the ear for having the audacity to rear its head. The back of his neck was prickling--ah, because the skin in that area was giving way to a more feathery texture. His instincts would not allow him to hold his human guise for much longer, it seemed.

Sahen released Shirayuki's hand (she had such soft, tapering fingers...) while distancing himself from her by a step. "Would you still come with me? Or I could meet up with you in a little while. I am sorry." It was a little embarrassing actually, cutting a date short in this way. If fate didn't grab him by the elbows (which were getting fairly tight in the sleeves at the moment, damned overeager underarms). But what choice did he have? He did not wish anyone to unknowingly wander into danger beside him. The Gods were aware that's happened enough times for him to learn from it.

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Osaka, and irony tastes nothing like metal.

Shirayuki did not have a birdā€™s eyes, but she had all the empathy of the truest still-bleeding heart, and she learned more from watching him watch the mikoshi than the mobile shrineā€™s fluttering drapes could ever teach her. Perhaps she could not understand the tense line of his jaw, could not comprehend the reasons for such intense focus in one sheā€™d thought as flighty as an August breeze between skyscrapers, but observation was not the same thing as comprehension.

ā€œStay near.ā€ The words reverberated, sending a thrumming trill up her arm from the place they touched, rocketing through her limbs and up into her throat, down into the ground as though the command itself were growing her the roots she needed to do just that. Upon further consideration, it was not so much a physical thing, but a visceral one: the mandate, for it was no simple entreaty, rippled across the surface of her soul, if indeed she had such a thing in the first place.

Before she could scarcely register the impact of whatever it was that heā€™d just done (for surely, it had been something; she was meek, but not subservient by nature), time seemed to pick back up at its normal pace and he was speaking again, the words lighting a kind of mirthless amusement in her eyes, for oh, if only he knew.

Her understanding of such things was not grand. She would not pretend to be a power-player in a game where she barely registered as a piece on the board, the lowliest of pawns, if that- no, half a pawn, and half the unwitting victim of so much chess. Still, it was a reality that she knew, that she had come to know always through violence. When had she discovered it? Was it the first time she was elbow-deep in the blood of a dying tanuki, trying to sew him together enough that he might survive to fight another day? Was it even earlier, when some assailant she could not remember had torn out her throat with his or her teeth, leaving her forever bereft of whatever small gifts had been afforded her in the grand scheme of things?

Or, perhaps, was it simply when her mother had left, unable to live in a humanā€™s world with a humanā€™s rules, but unwilling to subject herself to ā€˜baserā€™ yokai? Sometime between then and her fatherā€™s desperate, lovestruck (after so much time!) pursuit, when at last the faces of his children had mocked him long enough?

But, though perhaps a few of these thoughts might have flickered in troubled frowns and downcast eyes across her face, she would not answer so, for it would require a rudeness not in her nature, to so thoroughly shut down the presumption that she still wore the whitewash of the innocent. And perhaps, perhaps she did not quite want him to know this of her, not just yet.

Shirayuki fixed Sahen with a look, furrowed of brow and gentle in reproach, lifting her chin stubbornly and stepping forward a few strides to draw even with him once more. If I am to endure this once more, let it be of my choosing, and for better reasons than before.