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Tandriel Anhisi

"It feels refreshing to do something noble for once."

0 · 371 views · located in Baekoth

a character in “Baekoth: Heretics”, as played by Vasilion


Tandriel Anhisi
"Redemption through vengeance. Yeah, I know it sounds odd, but hear me outā€¦"


Worded Description
Tandriel Anhisi, former orphan and concubine, now mage extraordinaire. The Messiah-Queenā€™s thralls took everything from him and while he still looks soft, he has lost some weight and acquired a haunted look. The wrinkles are more numerous, the hands no longer meticulously clean. His new tattoos are a living testament to his hunt for power. His clothing, while still of great quality, is starting to show some wear and tear. However, once he finds himself in social situations his old arrogance and confidence show up again. His crooked smile resurfaces and he seems ten years younger all of a sudden.
Hair:Short brown hair
Facial Hair:A short beard, untidily trimmed due to his fear of having others shave him and his own ineptitude at handling a razor.
Skin Tone:Pale
Weight:59 kg
Voice:Baritone with the occasional voice crack
Body Markings:Tandriel is covered in tattoos. His left arm is covered with thorny branches, culminating in a rosebud in his palm. His right arm is decorated with a snakeā€™s body with its head in his right palm. A large sun is tattooed on his back. The most recent tattoo is a flying griffin on his back.
Scar Tissue:A scar on his right cheek. Officially from an assassination attempt, in fact caused by a shaving session gone wrong

Tandriel Anhisi

The Concubine, Erciā€™s whore


Visual Age

Factual Age


Sexual Orientation

Mage Ranking



Tandriel has a silver tongue. He knows how to flatter, seduce and manipulate while having enough intellect to back these talents up. Usually he gets what he wants without anyone realising he has ever had a hand in the matter. He prefers to act from the shadows, using proxies to take the fall.

And nevertheless he is currently bereft of wealth and influence, which has embittered him. He doesnā€™t dream of reclaiming his previous power, knowing it was lost forever when his lover and sponsor died. However, he can still get even with those who conspired against him and then celebrated his downfall. And for this he is willing to risk what little he has left, namely his own health and sanity.

He is also extremely power-hungry. Paired with his desire for vengeance this has led him down some dark paths, always bargaining with all sorts of creatures for more magical power.
However, while he is hell-bent on vengeance, his cowardice guarantees he will do so from a safe distance. While not afraid of bargaining with otherworldly entities, him being intelligent (or arrogant) enough to believe he can keep outsmarting them, he will do everything to stay out of physical harmā€™s way. Violence sickens him and pain makes him faint.

Finally he is vain and proud. He knows his looks can be an asset thus takes very much care of them. He also desires for his name to live on through the ages and he is painfully aware that so far odds of that are quite small. Despite this, heā€™s not a bad person in se. With his new powers there and plenty of options for him to make a living. This time however he actually wants to do some good as well.

Rubs his hands together and moistens his lips right before speaking up.
Bites his lip when thinking, it started out as a seduction trick but now itā€™s become a habit.
Regularly looks at his tattoos to verify they are still there, fearing thazt their disappearance would bring hordes of angry spirits crashing down on him.

Moral Alignment
Lawful neutral

ā€œRedemption through vengeance.ā€

Vengeance and a desire to make a lasting contribution to the world.

His own death
People finding about his cowardice

Redemption, vengeance and fame

Dance, theatre and music


His sharp intellect, determination and
He possesses little to no physical skills.
Is your character literate? In what languages?
Fluent reader and writer in common and elvish


A black hat with a white feather.

A golden necklace depicting a storch

A burgundy green vest

A red cloak, clasped with a golden clasp depicting a griffin.

A collection of silver and golden armbands of intricate design

Right Hand
Two rings with emeralds in them, worn on the ring and middle finger

Left Hand
A single ring with an amethyst on his ring finger

A leather belt with a golden clasp

Green pants

Red shoes


Rating System
[Perfect] - [Excellent] - [Good] - [Above Average] - [Average] - [Below Average] - [Poor] - [Very Poor]

Hand-to-Hand Combat:[Poor]A lack of physical skill and a distaste for dirtying himself make Tandriel a poor brawler. While he still remembers some tricks from his time in the slums, years of comfort have robbed him from the skills to use them efficiently.

Melee Combat:[Average]While Tandriel abhors violence, he often used to do mock fencing practices with his late lover, giving him more than decent skill. However, he tends to lose his nerve in fights, reducing his combat effectiveness significantly.

Ranged Combat:[Average]: While also distasteful, at least this allows Tandriel to keep his distance

Magic Combat:[Good]: He severely dislikes using his magic for combat but is quite adept at it.

Mounted Combat:[Poor]: While he can ride a horse, heā€™s enver tried to swing a weapon while riding it.

Racial Abilities
[Good]Cunning: Years of plotting have sharpened Tandrielā€™s wits even further, making him perfectly capable of reading other people and acting accordingly.
[Good]Adaptability: A lifetime dealing with nobles forces you to be adaptable and catering to their every whim.

Natural Talent
[Good]: Seduction: A lifetime as a concubine have learned him all the skills. If he wants somebody, odds are heā€™ll get him or her.

Class Skills
[Excellent]Magic: While Tandriel is only a mage of moderate potential and has never bothered to practice that much, preferring instead to hide his talents, recent developments have driven him further. He has bargained with powerful spirits for more power, spirits he seeks to control through his tattoos and manipulate with his wit.
[Good]Extensive Knowledge: Tandriel has always liked to read whenever it was inopportune for his lover to take him to court.


Darkness: Tandriel can conjure a thick darkness where even torches provide only scarce light. So far he has often relied upon it to escape.
Fire: Tandriel has exceptional control over fire. He can conjure or control it. While it can do some serious damage, he mostly uses it for cooking or lighting tobacco.
Healing: Tandriel is a capable enough healer, though his distaste for blood and suffering make him use it only in the direst of circumstances.
Suggestion: While Tandriel cannot control people, he can use his magic to push them in a certain direction they were already considering. While he usually prefers to actually convince them, this power is a nice alternative in times of need.
Summoning: Tandriel can summon spirits from the beyond to do his bidding, though often he has to make a sacrifice before they are willing to comply. As this usually involves the shedding of blood, heā€™ll only do so when he himself is in great danger. It is for this reason that he also keeps this talent a secret as he does not want people to expect him to use it for the greater good.
Wind: Tandriel is a master of the wind. This is one of the few magical skills he has used frequently these last few years, often conjuring breezes on warm summer days. Nowadays he uses it offensively as well as defensively. While he knows he can block arrows with it, in practice this has proven a bit more difficult and more often than not he was too slow, leading him to being peppered with arrows.


Some books and clothes, a substantial sum of money and a horse

Tandriel wears a wide variety of jewellery, all gifts from his late lover.

Weapon Name:Dancer
Weapon Type: Rapier
Material: Steel
Ammo: /
Length: 100 cm
Weight: 1kg
Weapon Description/Info:A gift from his late lover. Tandriel has used it often to spar against him. Recently heā€™s been forced to use it for more serious goals.


Group Affiliation
Rebels/Free Army

Marital Status



Social Rank
Commoner trying to behave above his station


Tandriel, nĆ©e Sam, was one of the many orphans littering Cithia. The first years he only survived due to thievery, sheer luck and making the right friends. Even from a young age he was quite adept at social interaction, flattering the older boys while making himself useful to them. It wasnā€™t a good life, it was a horrible life by all means, but he survived. Once he nearly died when he got in a fight and he received a stab wound. This is when he discovered his innate magical abilities as his fear and desperation drew out his healing magic, allowing him to recover. This was the first time that Sam realised he was special and could perhaps aim for higher things than a life on the streets.

This belief was only strengthened when he matured. He soon discovered that underneath all that grime and dirt, there was actually a face that while perhaps not traditionally beautiful, at least had a certain charm. While he tried to hide his magical talents, he did show off this new talent. And eventually around the age of sixteen he was noticed by the right person, an only slighter older noble, Eric Holst, who took a liking to him.

That was the start of a better life. All of a sudden Tandriel was pampered and taken care of. He learned to read and write, expanded his knowledge and also dabbled in magic, though Tandriel did his best to hide it. He soon forgot about his past and tried to make sure the rest did too. He was a whole new person who lived in style and breathed class. He even adopted a new name, Tandriel Anhisi.
At the same time he and Eric had a nice enough relationship. While at first Tandriel had only seen him as a means to an end, he slowly started to love him. As his appreciation grew, they grew closer and closer. They fenced together and slowly Eric started to involve Tandriel in politics, which Tandriel loved. While life at court was definitely different from the streets, flattery and manipulation worked just as well there. While he was often mocked as Ericā€™s concubine or even plaything, this never deterred him from scheming endlessly. He helped Eric improve his position and slowly their power and influence increased.

However, the rise of the Messiah-Queen and her feverous dedication to Aule made life at court extremely dangerous. For a long time Tandriel and Eric managed to stay ahead of their rivals, but eventually they got the better of them. Eric was accused of heresy and while the evidence was forged, the claim itself was true enough. The inquisition stormed the estate, killing anyone who stood in their way. Eric faced them head on and fought to the death, preferring death in combat to being burned. Tandriel on the other hand fled, leaving his love behind and taking quite some money with him.

For weeks Tandriel was forced to run. After years of wallowing in comfort and trying to pretend his past as an orphan had never happened, he was back where he started, just with more emotional baggage. All the time trying to justify his cowardice to himself. Eventually he found an acceptable excuse, deciding that if he could avenge Eric his flight would no longer be cowardly, but noble. However, realising that all his influence and power had gone up in flames along with their estate, he turned to magic once more. For years he had hardly dared to practice it, fearing to draw the eye from the Messiah-Queen. Now he no longer cared. However, he was soon forced to accept that his skills were pitiful and that it would take decades to become powerful enough to pose a threat.
Tandriel had no patience for that and instead turned to bargaining with spirits. At first he forced weaker ones to do his bidding but he was swiftly forced to accept they lacked the power for his purposes. Then he turned to powerful spirits, risking his life, soul and sanity in the process. It paid off though. So far heā€™s managed to enter into mutually beneficial bargains, increasing his power without sacrificing too much.

Now Tandriel is once more a force to be reckoned with. While before his connections were his strongest asset, he can now back his words up with significant magical power. It is time for vengeance. Only that will allow him to redeem himself in his own eyes.
However, he isnā€™t entirely consumed by vengeance. While he never bothered to take a hard stance on it before, being too comfortable to worry about it, he has always had a distaste for slavery. Paired with his distrust of Aule, who is simply too good to be true, and the fact that his enemies are loyal to the Messiah-Queen an alliance with Iphigenia Diā€™vore was a logical next step. Not only would she help him achieve his ends, it would also offer him the perfect opportunity for fame and further redemption through serving a noble cause.

So begins...

Tandriel Anhisi's Story