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Nimshi Ophni

"It's just an eye-patch no need to stare. Do I stare at you?"

0 · 1,361 views · located in Heartlia, Gajeel.

a character in “Battle of the Guilds”, as played by Chikka


Nimshi Ophni


"Oh yes, what is beneath this eye-patch, heh."

Full Name:
Nimshi Adonibezek Mazzini Laso Ophni
"I actually have many names though I am sure you would die way too soon to hear them all, good sir. I will not bore you, simply call me Nimshi if you must."
"I may have been caught in a dress once but that does not take away facts."
"I am honestly sixteen but look like a thirteen year old - I can explain it."

Sexual Orientation:
"Why is that relevant? Do you even understand how I feel? Nobody is even good enough to lay a finger on my body, I value close bonds, that is all."

"It is somewhere to belong I guess. They are all I have left so yes, perhaps I do feel a need to care for them a little. I will keep them safe, don't worry."

"Basically it's my job to ensure you do not die - got it?"

Hair Color:
Navy Blue
"Simple - not overly in your face."
Eye Color:
Bright Blue
"But you only see one of them."
5' 4"
"I-I like my height thank-you very much."   
128 lbs
"Not exactly heavy, am I?"

Nimshi doesn't overly like tattoos, he doesn't find them pleasant and can't understand why people like them. He certainly doesn't have any to speak of. Maybe in a sense he is afraid to get one, perhaps. But he would never admit it!
"Why on earth would I want one? Never mind a few. I believe it lowers a persons respect when they let their flesh be painted like some picture."
He actually has both his ears pierced though only once! He likes them.
"It was a crazy idea I had and naturally agreed to it - but I don't regret it. It's a nice accessory I think, not overly girlie either. I do indeed rather like them."
A few here and there from previous scrapes though only small remainders of serious injures he has taking in the years. Most the time he can heal himself.
"My body is perfect, bar the minor scar. Their small though so you can't really notice them - I'm a good healer! Of course I can heal my own wounds."
His eye-patch. What is he hiding under it? You'd be lucky to know.
"What you hiding kid? Lose an eye? Blind? So many questions for one measly eye-patch. No - I am not blind, I have my eye and its my business!"

{Defensive, Sullen, Loyal, Hesitant, Defiant, Cold}
Though young Nimshi is not someone who you should treat as some dumb kid, despite the many who do, he could be considered more hardened and serious than any adult he'd care to mention. Thrown out into the word at a young age he has had to adapt quickly, albeit not perfectly. Upholding a cold exterior he refuses to drop it so easily for anyone, opting to keep people at an arms length and trust them just about as far as he throw them - quite literally.

Everyone's an enemy until you defeat them. He tends to live by this odd philosophy, in that he can't trust others that easily especially those proving to be stronger than him, and only by conquering them does he know that he can tolerate them around him as they aren't a threat. Makes sense?

Beneath that 'don't care who you are' front hides a more lovelier boy. He knows to be reasonable and is actually nice to those he has close bonds with. Though these are few and little so he does treasure them in his own way, only he may not show it directly. Nimshi is very hesitant to show his feelings in-case they are misinterpreted or used against him in someway, so he usually prefers more private meetings with those who he cares for and only then is he more open.

As such, his guild is perhaps the thing he treasures most. His teammates are those who he has bonded with over time and are naturally the few individuals that see him at his most vulnerable and open. A weakness perhaps, he is protective of them and strikes down any bad word said of them. A father and sister to him maybe they are his emotional ties, truly. Truly they are.

Simply, he is a quite mature boy despite his youth. Though having childish moments now and again that can be quite cute he does try to act older than he is. Nimshi can also get quite embarrassed by things or situations, and tends to sulk and pout when displeased or irked. He can be such a kid at times.

"I have my moments, I guess. I can be cute too, yes? I mean don't get me wrong I know how to be nice its just sometimes my words don't come out quite as how I mean them to be. Then again if I don't know you then I certainly don't have to apologize, do I? I just don't' like you, heh. Nothing personal though. Just note, I don't really appreciate it when others think they know best and baby-me to no end. I have a mind of my own, it is wise and independent, so lets not mess around shall we? Unless your Jrya, Kouhara or Maxus I will not tolerate it."
{Toy Collector}
He won't openly admit it but Nimshi is an avid collector of all sorts of toys. He enjoys the craftsmanship that goes into them and the joy they bring to children, not that he plays with them himself, of course. Don't be silly now, ha ha.
"It is totally not a girls toy! Boys can have dolls too!"
{Long Walks}
When things get a little overwhelming or he just wants some alone time, Nimshi enjoys nothing more than going for a long peaceful walk around towns and open fields. It clears his thoughts and the fresh air is always welcomed.
"The air, quietness and butterflies buzzing around. Oh yes."
There's nothing better than proving your knowledge against others and naturally Nimshi enjoys it when he can compete in some form and trounce his foes in a battle of intelligence. Especially pub quizzes with grand prizes.Oh yes.
"Getting into pubs is always hard when you look young."
If you call something by the wrong name then he'll set you straight - rather bluntly. After all if you were given a name and nobody got it right wouldn't you be mad? He feels like he's doing a favour in some odd way to something.
"That thing? Thingy? What-you-call it? It's a map, fool!"
Whenever uneasy or a little nervous he'll fiddle with his eye-patch. He's slightly cautious about it being on his face, in that he fears it may fall off if not securely put on right, and he'll be damned if he lets anyone touch it! Do not touch.
"It looks right, doesn't it? Not too much to the left, yes?"
Though not deliberately - most times - Nimshi may come across as slightly whiny, or rather down. Somewhat pessimistic he's quick to express his displeasure and finds it easy to bring a happy mood way down, sadly.
"But it's that way! Not this way! Where are we going! Hey!"
  • {Flavoured Water} "Water is all fine and dandy, but what I really appreciate it a little dash of something else. Preferably apple."
  • {Theater Shows} "A woman with a breathtaking voice is alright in my books. Not many admire such novelty acts, such a pity it is."
  • {Sight Seeing} "Whenever we go to new areas I do enjoy seeing all their landmarks. You certainly see some sights, believe me. Heh."
  • {Tasteful Literature} "I know I am a young lad but I do not enjoy such... things that many others enjoy. I like clean things, quite."
  • {Falling Leaves} "When I was a child I always loved running under trees just as their leaves were falling off, especially on windy days."
  • {Mockery} "Well only when it is directed at myself or those I know. I will not stand for such pitiful acts, you can be sure of that."
  • {Mothers} "I may look like a child but I am not yours! Go tend to your own brat, please. I do not require your affections. Please."
  • {Defeat} "Losing does not aid in building a fierce reputation. I cannot help but feel disheartened when a losing streak begins."
  • {Courting} "No I will not court your daughter, and no I am not doing that either. I-I'm not interested sorry, please go far away."
  • {Discipline} "I hate getting told off, and punished. I'm not a child! You can't do this to me! I have rights and thoughts too so listen!"
Nimshi is actually quite talented in the art of disguise. His youthful frame allows him to generally adapt into alternative appearances such as dressing up as girls. He looks pretty convincing! This is proven most useful when in need of gathering information and gaining access to otherwise restricted areas.
"I may be in a dress but do not dare get frisky with me."
Not one to skip into a battle unprepared Nimshi is quite the lad who is smart enough to form a strategy beforehand. He likes his teammates to have an upper-hand in any way possible so does his best to ensure they are not fighting blindly without some sort of plan! Such information is gained with disguises.
"And you just merely assumed I was not thinking ahead? Tsk tsk."
Unsurprisingly his head is full of need-to-know first aid know-how. He feels that it is wise to have an alternative to healing others instead of entirely relying on his abilities. He'll probably have a kit of some sort tucked away somewhere with equipment, in-case he should need it at a moments notice. Smart, eh?
"And people think studying is so pointless? Maybe I wont treat you then, huh?"
{Poker Face}
When it matters Nimshi knows to keep his emotions bottled-up to the point that he could be deemed emotionless. He doesn't like being vulnerable and giving others a reason to tick-off his feelings. Over the years he's learned this tactic and knows to use it. This is especially useful in a fight and any confrontation.
"Pardon the cute face it really does clash with my cold vibe, right?"

Nimshi hasn't experienced much of the world so to say. Although not wanting to openly admit such a thing, he does need a guiding hand as he grows and gets older and learns new things. This embarrasses him in a way, he hates his youth and more so his younger appearance. He's such a kid at times, ha ha ha.
"I don't understand things, especially when around those older than myself."
Though much worse as a child, he does still suffer from this phobia but it has eased somewhat. More exactly Nimshi fears washing himself, he has this unexplained fear of bathing. Never telling us exactly why, most times he has to be forced to wash much to his displeasure. He doesn't enjoy this part of himself.
"Of course I want to be clean! B-But I just can't... do it."
Nimshi thinks more about himself than others. His inner thoughts and feelings always plague his mind and overshadow his concern for those around him, as well as his teammates. Due to this sometimes he can be unaware of others feelings. He doesn't mean to be this way but he has to look out for number one.
"I'm not heartless but neither am I expressive - somewhere in between."
Not an obvious quality, but Nimshi is still a young lad and hardly knows how to really take care of himself. Even if he may not express it he does need someone to make sure he eats enough, rests plenty and regularly washes. If it wasn't for his guild he would be lost in the world, as much as he protests against it.
"I'm not a baby you know, I can do things... in my own time."

At a very young age Nimshi was taken away from his mother and father and has never seen the man and woman again. From what the boy can vaguely remember they were of respectable in-heritage and lived in a large grand house though that's as far as his memories extend. Their faces, scents and voices have completely escaped his memories for as long as the day he was taken away.

But there was a reason. It was towards the end of his time with his captors that the boy had been told all about how he had been born with a curse, the reason why his right eye was so different to his left, and that was the cause for his out of the blue kidnapping. They eventually released him though, in unfamiliar surroundings quite far from anywhere he recognize, and similar with his parents he never saw them again. And that is where his new life finally began.

Over the course of a few days following that moment he was soon taken in by a nice couple who lacked any children of their own, and seemingly content in raising him, Nimshi remained in their care for a few years after. That was until the incident happened. The woman had looked too closely into his right eye and presumably sparked off some sort of reaction to which resulted in her being severely injured, nearing the point of death. Whatever the boy had done he wasn't sure as such a thing never occurred before. They threw him out after that and the boy left the town altogether and sought elsewhere to begin anew.

A heavy amount of years passed from then on and throughout it many aliases and disguises were adapted and created to conceal his true-self. He couldn't venture too far into many towns and rarely got to know anyone at all. How he managed to survive he doesn't exactly know, that period of his life something of a distant dream than reality, if nothing else. He hates thinking about it.

However one good thing came from it all. Between the towns he journeyed between Nimshi learned more of what his eye was through town gossip and rumours passed on. Quite, he was born with a curse but that wasn't entirely a bad thing contrary to what he had believed. He discovered that he was gifted with a curse that absorbed the life energy of others but also when reversed it restored it in various ways. The energy also affected his growth apparently and slowed it down to the point that his body was nearly three years behind his age.

Armed with this new information he continued wandering the world as he had grown so accustomed to. Though when venturing through one town in particular he came across a special item that would eventually become his trademark. His eye-patch. By wearing it he could risk being nearer people without harming them and even stay longer in different towns, but he never was the type to hang around in one place too long. But still at least it aided him.

At some point later he stumbled upon two girls and decided to stay with them as the trio then traveled together. It was slightly better than wandering on his own though old habits were somewhat missed as he found himself stuck with the two females. Over the course of their time spent together Nimshi did grow closer to them gradually, and a short time later their small group expanded as another joined them. A man, someone who could protect them at least. Though not wishing for a family Nimshi has found one in this group that they named Omega. In their time together he has grown more wise of his abilities and found himself in the role of their healer. Likewise he has grown as a person too and finds a sense of belonging with them. He is grateful for them, truly.
"They are my everything, my common-sense."

ImageImageFace Claim:
Ciel Phantomhive

So begins...

Nimshi Ophni's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hiteikei Kirano Character Portrait: Ethniu Buara Character Portrait: Nimshi Ophni Character Portrait: Jrya Okumura Character Portrait: Atsuko Gensou Character Portrait: Kouhara Okumura
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The Courageous Nine


Alright, and so we flip the first page of our vibrant story, a peer into the point of view of nine, somewhat young guild members, aspiring to become renowned. But first, let’s state the setting. We inhabit the beautiful yet cruel world of Gajeel, a land that can make anybody’s dream a reality. Although humans are still a prominent species within these lands, they must share the world with beats of sporadic nature and figure. Whether they may be passive, aggressive, or have even been integrated into our lifestyle, they are still here to stay. With death always lingering overhead, humanity has adapted to survive in this harsh reality. Children are born with unique qualities and characteristics, which makes them unique, each a diamond in a pile of, well, more diamonds. Within their cribs, infants slumber with tools at their sides. Rather than teething on bibs, they suckle on sword hilts. They awaken their powers at a young age, and do their part in the bettering of their species. Academics and studying are recurring practices, just not as highly valued as it is in fictional novels. Actually, one time I read this extremely hilarious folklore, where children actually went to these institutions known as ’colleges’, just to get a job! I swear, whatever that writer was on, I want in on i- sorry, getting off track. Continuing on, our story begins in the satellite village of Heartlia, located on the outer rims of Gajeel’s Rings of Humanity, a system of towns surrounding the Capitol. The central hub is the largest city in existence, and this small minescule town dwells in comparison. But everybody in Heartlia knew eachother to great extents. Villagers left their doors unlocked at night, they assisted in the survival of the community, and graciously welcome outsiders.

Now you lot come in. All nine of you have wound up in this village. May it be because you have a shop stationed there, or you were raised in the town, maybe you were even stopping by to take a leak? Although you are all young, versatile individuals, suddenly being robbed with your undergarments literally on the floor is a tad bit embarrassing. Anyways, all of you are pieces which will fall into the intricate puzzle, in do time, though. But this morning was different from the generic rest. For the most part, is was ordinary. Villagers were working in the fields, children were running around like a bunch of moles hyped up on milkweed, the livestock were taking their routine shit- anyways, somehwat was peculiar. Overnight, the city had been covered in posters. No town corner was left uncovered. Even worse, the advertisements were crudely drawn, even the King’s five year old grandson could draw better. But after further analysis, you realize that they are all nearly identical. They weren’t drawn because of godawful taste in artists, but they were mass-produced. Words needed to get out, and fast. And if the government placed so many in an irrelevant village such as Heartlia, you couldn’t even fathom how many were plastered in the larger towns. The ad happily welcomed guilds to join a contest, to see who could rise to the top among others. Yeah. There’s your queue. Make your worthless existence somewhat meaningful, kick some ass, hone your skills, and don’t get gutted to death. But it will take a day or two to traverse the distance between the outer rim and the Capitol. The curtains have now risen, the spotlights are shining brightly, now time to roll out our protagonists. Let's hope this isn't their final story.





Jrya whined as her legs hurt from the long journey to Heartlia. Omega had been traveling throughout Gajeel, as they were trying to make their way to the Capitol. Kouhara smacked her whiny sister on the head, as Kouhara was getting piggy backed by Jrya. "Hey! Koharaaa.." Jrya said, while taking one hand to rub her smacked head. "Stop whining Jrya! Woman up!" Kouhara sung, and smacked her sisters head once again. Jrya felt like complaining one more time just to annoy her sister, but she decided to not, because Kouhara has a really hard whack to the head. Jrya heard Kouhara start to sing a small tune their mom taught the sisters before she died. Kouhara sung with a beautiful voice, making Jrya want to fall asleep. Kouhara kept singing, but soon she died it down to her humming voice.

Once Jrya walked over the hill she saw a small town come into vision. She rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn't seeing anything weird, it might just be her eye tricking her."Jrya!" Kouhara said, and pointed forward. "Over there! It's a real town!" Kouhara cheered, and got off Jrya back and started to sprint past Jrya, while Jrya tried keeping up, waving her guild over. "Cmon guys~! Lets go!" Jrya smiled, and finally caught along with Kouhara.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hiteikei Kirano Character Portrait: Ethniu Buara Character Portrait: Nimshi Ophni Character Portrait: Jrya Okumura Character Portrait: Atsuko Gensou Character Portrait: Kouhara Okumura
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#, as written by Ignetio
Maxus "Bones" Izyal

Maxus looked over to where the girls were running to. "Wait up! Come on I'm old!" He yells as he sprints to keep up with the girls. He sprinted to catch up. eventually in arms reach he tries to stop them. "Hold on keep your cool we don't want to look like a bunch of idiots sprinting to them." He stops out of breath. He looks up at the city "By God its beautiful" he says in between breaths. "This is where we met...." He looks away for a moment wiping away a tear. when he looks back she puts on a big smile."Welcome to Heartillia" Finally caught his breath. he stood up and walked to the town. The town in which he lived in for years. The town in which his wife and kids died. Looks like soon history would repeat itself. That is without the wife tough.

((OOC sorry about this being only 150 words (and i did not count this) but i'm working on a project and wanted to introduce my character. so there he is.))

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hiteikei Kirano Character Portrait: Ethniu Buara Character Portrait: Nimshi Ophni Character Portrait: Jrya Okumura Character Portrait: Atsuko Gensou Character Portrait: Kouhara Okumura
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Jedly

It was a normal, ordinary morning. All was tranquil. The birds were chirping, townsfolk were making their way through the streets, the sun was peeking through the apartment’s window. Actually, rather than a subtle peek, it was rudely intruding upon the premises, blaring its bright rays onto bed sheet. It was as if the beam of light was sentient and was targeting the individual attempting to lie in slumber. After the figure below the sheets rolled over a few times, he let out a groan of displeasement as kicked the sheets off. Hite narrowed his eyes at the blinding light, which even pave its way through his unknotted hair. The boy squinted and stretched out with a prolonged yawn, then proceeded to get into his morning routine. After fitting his hair in its common double-pigtails, he dressed himself in the same formal attire he had sowed himself. With a buttoned down shirt and a perfectly woven tie, he was ready for business. He quickly took in the state of his bedroom, making sure everything was neat. The boy was fond of keeping things in mint condition, and he constantly passed that mindset onto his fellow guild members. Of course, there are things which one can’t keep intact. A few coffee mugs or dishware once in a blue moon due to a certain care-free doll.

After he made sure he looked presentable, the boy checked in on the rest of the rooms. Echelon resided in the upper portion of a two-story building Hiteikei had bought with a decent amount of his funds. Just two bedrooms and a living room. But the trio have definitely turned a profit, since the lower floor was a mixture between a cafe and a florist shop. They equally served sweets, beverages, and rare plants which they were able to grow en masse thanks to Eth’s ability. In addition, since Airyl fancies sweet foods, all three are versed in the art of confectionaries, but the other two fail to ascend to the same level of the doll’s undying passion.

Due to the fact it was morning, Hiteikei had to open up shop. The boy let out a sigh as he descended the flight of stairs leading down to the lower floor. With each step came its own clank, produced by the sheaths tapping against his thighs. He was too tired to tie them tighter, as he was still waking up. With yet another yawn he entered the back kitchen and instantly got to tending boiling water and brewing coffee. The aroma and scents produced by the array of beverages helped to wake the boy up. His movements were still sluggish, since he nearly stumbled a couple of times whilst carrying hot drinks. ”Alright Kirano, right foot, left foot, right foot, left foot…” The boy trailed off as he continued to follow through with the motions. He left the coffee to sit, and in the meantime decided to step outside for a breath of fresh air. All seemed usual, excluding the armada of posters blotched against every single wall. The boy raised an eyebrow and examined the one attached to his own door, running his eyes across the page.

”Hm… contest…?” The boy rubbed his chin while analyzing the poster. It was quite the interesting, yet crudely drawn advertisement. He wouldn’t blame anybody for dubbing it a rip-off or fake, but the amount of parchments posted around town would say otherwise. Hite shrugged, a little part of him considering the offer as it was directed at guilds. ”Sounds interesting. I wonder what Eth and Airyl would say…?” A slight smirk spread across his face as he nodded, but abruptly remembered his obligations. The boy lightly swung the door open and slipped his way through the opening. He dug into his vest pocket and procured a notepad, with a to-do list hastily drawn on its surface. "Coffee, nearly done. Still have sweets and I have to check up on the plants..." He glanced at the entrance to the upper level, wondering when his friends would stir. "...Hope she didn't wet the bed again. Haven't had an 'accident' for a few months, please don't break the streak." It was a worry the boy had grown accustomed to, since it had occurred a few times during their time as a crew. "Oh well, back to work." And with that, the boy proceeded with his duties.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nimshi Ophni Character Portrait: Jrya Okumura Character Portrait: Kouhara Okumura Character Portrait: Maxus "Bones" Izyal
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#, as written by Chikka
Nimshi Ophni


Dark hair swayed freely as a light breeze blew along, causing a quick-paced rhythm of sudden motion as his collar shook back and forth as another light, but sudden gust of wind blew. A disgruntled sigh fled his lips at that moment whilst hunching his shoulders just a little, a weak attempt at retaining some warmth whilst the only functioning eye he had un-amusingly glared up ahead as he walked along side his guild. As it was Omega has been traveling for a long time, or at least it felt that way. Nimshi couldn’t really remember the last time they had a proper rest and whilst pondering on it further he could already feel his legs tiring more as he forced each step forward. To the side of him he could hear the sisters bickering between themselves but he tried to drown the noise out - with what he didn’t know, his thoughts? Thinking always helped but his mind was strained and nothing came to mind.

”Jrya! Over there! It's a real town!” Hearing this, Nimshi took a few rushed steps nearer the girl as his eye matched her line of sight. Indeed, a town was visible close by. It wasn’t a mirage? Though slightly doubtful the boy shook off the uneasy feeling. The girl hurried on ahead followed by her sister, and then Maxus. "Wait up! Come on I'm old!" Nimshi couldn’t deny the slight smirk that filled his face just then, but once dropping it, he soon followed on after the trio though refrained from saying anything just yet.

The group soon came to a stop at the town and Nimshi took a deep breath having caught up to them, his gaze looking up to Maxus. "Hold on keep your cool we don't want to look like a bunch of idiots sprinting to them." The man seemed just a bit too emotional at that point, was there more to it? He seemed to know the place well but the boy didn’t wish to interrogate him over it. For now he’d settle with exploring the town considering the length they traveled to get there, it was only right, eh? He was entitled to that much at least.

”Heartlia? Can’t say I have been here before.” He muttered quietly, mainly to himself as he raised a brow. For sure the boy had found himself in many towns, wanted or not, but this one had escaped his fancies until now. ”Anyhow,” Taking a step forward the youth stood in front of his teammates and placed both hands to his hips as he addressed them, his usual moody expression recurring as he looked at them. ”Now that we’re finally here can we please find somewhere to eat, or at least a place that offers drinks?” He asked, dropping his arms as he crossed them against his chest. ”Or give me some money to go and get something, surely we’re not that poor – are we?”

Glancing away briefly he took the chance to eye-up some of the shops nearby, and though half-heartedly impressed by the first few, his expression near instantly lit up as one in particular caught his eye. Momentarily distracted, he walked over to the shop that was a few steps down from the group, and then pressed his face and hands up against the shop window. It was a toy shop, stuffed to the brim with goodies that the young healer wanted, especially what looked like to be similar to a porcelain doll that stood in the window display.

”If I had enough I could buy it.” He sighed, taking a step back as he lightly dusted off his coat for a moment. It was truly a debate - food or a doll? He wanted one, but needed the other. Raising a hand he slid a finger under one of the pieces of string that held his eye-patch together, lightly bending it slightly whilst in brief thought. ”I'll be back for you, I guess.” With that, he turned his head and looked to his guild and exhaled a deep breath once his mind was - sadly - made up just then, dropping his hand to his side. The doll would have to wait.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hiteikei Kirano Character Portrait: Ethniu Buara Character Portrait: Nimshi Ophni Character Portrait: Jrya Okumura Character Portrait: Atsuko Gensou Character Portrait: Kouhara Okumura
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#, as written by Jedly
(This would occur after Envoy's opening posts. Just wanted to get this up here to keep things moving.)


Offer Your Soul

Regardless of how or when you entered the lively town of Heartlia, you instantly notice the abundance of posters, plastered onto every wall, corner, and even tied with a rope around a random child’s waist. Poor kid. Didn’t even notice who was looping the rope around him. Anyways, that’s enough sympathy for an astigmatic youth. Back to the story. You all notice the crudely drawn posters, barely legible in their design. The contest would be held in the Capitol itself, the central hub which outsiders are barely given entrance. Some say that the citizens there eat diamonds and poop gold. Other say they’re a bunch of cunning swine, completely refusing to commend guilds for their constant protection of the city. Whatever people say, it’s unknown territory to the satellite villages. So, what shall you do? Shall you uptake the two week journey, and possible die in the contest itself? Or will you sit on your rear and image yourself consuming jewelry out of despair? The choice lies in your hands alone.



As if on cue by the youthful redhead, Hite’s ears picked up the familiar thumps of somebody stirring overhead. Just as quickly, the footsteps proceeded downstairs and into the kitchen, belonging to no other than his other guildmate. The doll was serenaded by the beverages Hite had concocted, and gave the boy a quick nod. His face lit up as he gave a response, ”Good morning, Airyl.” Although, his formal tone didn’t match his friendly expression. Airyl’s motherly instincts seemed to go into overdrive after they exchanged greetings. The doll set her eyes upon the pre-teen innocently sitting on the counter’s edge, insouciantly swinging her legs back and forth. Chances are she was imaging the cyan-haired boy in a maid’s outfit. But before she could go on a spree of envious thoughts, she willingly hopped off the counter and allowed Airyl to brush her hair. Hite smiled at the sight, comparing it to a heartwarming scene between mother and child.

He was definitely thankful they had found Airyl in that abandoned building. During the months prior, all of the tasks concerning Eth’s which would usually befall a parent were to be complete by Hite alone. Since his father wasn’t the best at the role, he had absolutely nothing to reference and barely skimmed by. Now caring for the girl was equally distributed between the two older members, but there have been countless times where Hite cried out to the doll for assistance. The three had been getting by pretty smoothly these past few months. They were all extremely versed in their own fields, whether it running a cafe, selling plants, or fending off the town from packs of low tier monsters; they ended up with a profit in the end. Of course they were all hard workers, and reaped the rewards they deserved. Hite simply had to hand it to the two, since they were both relatively young in their own spectrums. Regardless of age and experience, they were able to adapt to drastic changes of scenery and lifestyle. Now they were used to the daily grind.

Speaking of ordinary routines, Airyl's voice snapped Hiteikei out of his trance when she asked him what was on their agenda. The boy tapped his chin in thought and glanced up at the ceiling. "Hmmmmmmmm..." His humming was obviously drawn out. It was an attempt to create some sort of comical effect, but the boy just ended up shrugging. "Well, aside from the usual pastries and drinks we serve, there isn't much. We haven't received any new requests for plants as of recently. Neither has the mayor burst into our store, crying his eyes out and begging us to offer him our help. Nor have their been any crimes or monster attacks. Pretty much the normal routine. Setting tableware, jamming out food, shun old men who wish to sully our innocent, young heroine here." As he was about to tend to another coffee press, the image of the posters outside flashed in his mind. He instantly spun around on the ball of his foot and snapped his fingers, locking gazes with his comrades. "Actually, there's something. Be right back." The boy blurted out before making his way for the door. He weaved himself through the table and eased open the door, then tugged the poster off of the window. Almost as soon as he had left, he returned with the paper in hand and placed it onto the counter. He glanced up at his comrades with an excited complexion, then returned his sight to the page.

"It's an advertisement issued by the Capitol's government. Whole lot of these posters covering the town. They were placed overnight, and the officials are nowhere to be seen." He stared at the picture more intensely, trying to make a deduction from the advert, "It's a contest for guilds. A battle, if you would. We haven't done anything too eventful in the past month or so. I'm not saying we have to do this, but think of the result if we do find ourselves near or on top. We would definitely make a name for ourselves, thus bringing in more customers, which would further make Heartlia more traversed. I have faith enough faith in our abilities that we can come out with some form of achievement." Hite leaned back from the sheet, his entrepreneur way of thinking shining in full bloom. He glanced over at his comrades, who he wouldn't blame if they were suddenly taken aback by this sudden change of concept. "It'll be nice to out of town for a bit. Besides, neither of you have ever gone to the Capitol, right? I've only gone there a few times with my old man. Wonderful place. Lots of delicious foods, it's like paradise. But, there are a decent amount of pompous elitists. But that's something we can overlook. We can bake something special, a limited time offer if we decide to depart. So, anyways, what do you both think?" He asked quizzically, cocking his head to the side as he awaited a response.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nimshi Ophni Character Portrait: Jrya Okumura Character Portrait: Kouhara Okumura Character Portrait: Maxus "Bones" Izyal
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#, as written by Ignetio
Maxus "Bones" Izyal

Maxus walks looking at his feet most of the time. The city bothered him. He hated having to see it again. The city had its own butty.... the smell hit him. It was the one thing he loved about the city that he actually missed. Heartlia coffee. It was the only coffee that he could drink. "Hey kids. Whos up for some cof...." He noticed the poster. He started to think, which lead to a scowl. looking around he seen they were everywhere. It was cruel but they needed money. He turned and walked away like he never seen it. Still maintaining his scowl. This was madness. But it was money. "Kids I hate to ask, but we have next to no money. If you want we can enter. I would prefer if we did not enter but i will let you choose." He turned around and look at them eye to eye. "No rush to decide just know that once we enter there is no leaving. I will let you guys think it over" he stood up. "We need somewhere to sleep and i doubt i have enough for anything fancy and still get food." He looked at his sword. He has taken life before, but never for gain. He had 4 coins. That would never last past today. Putting his coin purse away he looks over to a inn. "God I hope we can get a tab in here." he begins to walk to the inn.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nimshi Ophni Character Portrait: Jrya Okumura Character Portrait: Kouhara Okumura Character Portrait: Maxus "Bones" Izyal
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#, as written by Chikka
Nimshi Ophni


Nimshi listened to what Maxus had to say, crossing his arms over once rejoining the group and standing beside them. Redirecting his stare briefly the boy noticed the posters plastered across the town, tilting his head just a little as he glanced over the information scribbed onto them. So there was a competiton? It did intrigue him, especially as it seemed like a solution to their problems - so it made logical sense. And the healer always did sway more towards that.

Maxus didn't seem keen on the idea however, Nimshi could understand his concern but the boy knew the competition seemed like a worthy opportunity to take on. Plus, if they were successful it gained their guild some fame into the bargain. It could work. Nimshi pondered over it for a few minutes longer, but even still his mind seemed perfectly made up - but was he right? Snapping back into reality, he noticed Maxus walking off and took a step in his direction, before halting promptly.

”By the looks of it we need the money - so can we really turn this competition down?” He asked with a sigh as he dropped his arms and looked around momenteraily eyeing up the posters once more as he mentaly debated his words more carefully. ”I mean, we could... win it?” Was he being too confident in his guild? Could they be victorious? He was making his decision way too quickly for his own personal liking, however, Nimshi couldn't help but overthink things a little. A moment later he turned to the girls to hear their thoughts.

”What do you two think? Do you agree?” Taking a breath and hushing himself, the boy fell silent and relaxed his shoulders. He was not the leader, not any sort of fighter of the group. His job was to keep everyone alive and safe - was he up to such a competion? Truly? Who knows. But even still, how would he progress as a healer if he didn't challenge himself? Maybe this competition was what he needed - what they all needed. ”I say we go for it, that is my decision.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nimshi Ophni Character Portrait: Jrya Okumura Character Portrait: Kouhara Okumura Character Portrait: Maxus "Bones" Izyal
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Jrya and Kouhara looked at each other as their other guild mates suggested to join the battle. Kouhara gave Jrya a warning glance, but Jrya ignored it."Let's do it." Jrya said, optimistically while she held onto her sisters hand with a warning glance at everyone who passed by. Jrya never knew why everyone she meets is scared of her, but Kouhara knows. Kouhara's stomach growled and she whined."Can we get food?" She asked, and looked up at Maxus with puppy dog eyes.

Jrya sighed, and reached into her satchel that was hung on her shoulder. Jrya looked through her satchel and saw a few coins buried in at the bottom. She reached to grab them, and in return pulled out five coins. "Hopefully our coins will be enough for one room in the inn." Jrya said and rubbed her stomach, she was also as hungry as Kouhara.

"After we get the inn room, can we get some snacks?" Kouhara asked, the added once more; "I'm really hungry." Kouhara whined, and held her stomach. Jrya nodded at her question, and thought about the guild battle thingy. 'Gosh..What if we die?' Jrya thought, and looked around at her fellow guild mates- They were her only family, her best friends, the only people in the world she could trust with her life.

"Let's go get a room now..~!" Jrya cheered, trying to avoid the fact that she might die in this competition. She picked up her sister, and started to run to the small inn that Maxus pointed to. She smiled and knew she should enjoy life while she was still young- No offense to Maxus or anything..

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nimshi Ophni Character Portrait: Jrya Okumura Character Portrait: Kouhara Okumura Character Portrait: Maxus "Bones" Izyal
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#, as written by Ignetio
Maxus "Bones" Izyal

"Ok then off we go to get a room and food." He said in his 'adventure voice' he uses each tie they go to do some kind job. Maxus walked in with the coin purse in hand. "One room please." He puts the last 3 coins on the table. retrieves the room key. "Thank you." he looked at his empty purse. 'Well back to being broke' once in the room he laid down his blade and then himself he then closed his eyes "I'm not asleep. just resting my eyes" He sat there for a bit remembering his time here last time. A tear falls from a eye. When he realizes this he stands up and wipes his eyes. Looking out of the window he says "Once we sign up there is no going back. Also this is a fight to the death." turning around to the kids he asks "You know I will die for each of you right? So if I die Don't mourn until you have won and collected the prize. I don't want you slowed down with grief." He smiles. "I love you kids. lets go get something to eat. Actually go to the market an pick out want and I will cook it how ever you like." He said this while getting out his pan that he always caries. The "Trusty Cooker" or "T.C. is what he named it. He has not cooked in a long tie and could not wait to do it again.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hiteikei Kirano Character Portrait: Ethniu Buara Character Portrait: Nimshi Ophni Character Portrait: Jrya Okumura Character Portrait: Kouhara Okumura Character Portrait: Airyl
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#, as written by Jedly

Alright, sorry, had to go grab a mug of coffee. Now we’re a little bit closed on time here, so we’ll have to skip through a few chapters. We’re not missing anything tooooo important. Well, aside from Cobra being smushed by the tree which abruptly fell on him. Poor bastard didn’t have enough time to react. Although he was actually still alive after being crushed to the brink of death, he was thereby bitten by an… actual cobra. Bet his parents feel like they’re to blame for choosing such a shoddy name. Along side the fallen warrior, Atsuko found some berries in the woods, which produced quite the amusing side-effects. Legend has it there’s a crazy woman who lurks within the forest of Heartlia, who’s cackles can be heard from miles away. Only a few have seen her and were able to escape with their lives, as most succumbed to death-by-scarf. Um, let’s see… Anything else? Maxus got dragged along by his younger companions, making him feel like the child of the group. Echelon sold an unfathomable amount of sweets before their departure and temporary closing of the cafe. Taika has remained a sole guild member, the solemn leader of Envoy.

And now we arrive at our current juncture in this lovely novel. For the past two weeks, the nin- Sorry, I mean seven of you have been travelling to the Capitol. All of you started off in the minescule town of Heartlia, one of the outermost satellite villages. During this passage of time, you have had a few run-ins with monsters, fought your way through thick and thin, and have taken refuge within various towns. Throughout your travels, you have heard of a plethora of guilds joining the contest, some with more intimidating reputations than others. But you keep your determination held firmly to your chest, your head high, and your eyes on the prize. Regardless of your form of transportation, may it be servant, horse, carriage, or Maxus, within two weeks’ time you arrive at the renowned Capitol, the central hub of humanity’s foothold. As you make your approach, the first thing you instantly spot is the unsurpassable wall surrounding the city. It seemed as if its rim kissed the sky and reached out to the clouds. Alright, you got me, I’m overly selling it, it’s not that high. As you get closer, you see the crowds of people filing through a gate almost as large as the wall itself. All of the individuals entering the city vary in shape, size, and armament. They are surely competing guilds. You’re left dumbfounded by the amount of competitors. How will you rise above them, as most of them seem to outclass you? I personally bet on the underdog, but that’s just my preference. I mean, this is a pretty thick book, probably a few hundred pages in here. Since it revolves around you lot, you must be of some importance and make some progress in the battle.

The wall is heavily guarded, with regiments of soldiers stationed at each tower. They were all men of the Government, or more commonly referred to as “The Common Men”. Those soldiers lack the zeal and special abilities guilds are composed of. All they know how to do is wield a weapon, and pray to whatever deity they believe in. The chivalrous footsoldiers just stand idly as you pass through, into foreign territory. You stop in your tracks, frozen in awe at the amazing sight before you. A lively city, bustling with thousands of people, shops were selling items and delicacies of your wildest dreams. Buildings bordered the sidewalks, cobblestone developed the streets on which you stood. You have an hour or so before the gathering, might as well kill some time and enjoy yourselves for a bit, eh? We’ll move onto the next chapter shortly.

Your reaction right about now

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hiteikei Kirano Character Portrait: Ethniu Buara Character Portrait: Nimshi Ophni Character Portrait: Jrya Okumura Character Portrait: Atsuko Gensou Character Portrait: Kouhara Okumura
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#, as written by Ignetio
Maxus "Bones" Izyal

"Only an hour left. Only an hour to go back." Maxus looks around to some of the guilds he smiles and then chuckled sarcastically. "Are you kids freaking out yet?" he then starts going into deep thought. Don't scare them you ass he thought to himself. Scowling and tapping on the hilt of his blade. I need to find a way to spy on the other guilds. Uuug.... I'm not sneaky. Sitting down from the walk to rest he looks to the kids. "So what do you guys want to do?" what he really wanted to ask was. "Can't we just take another low paying job. Can't we go back." he then laughed a bit inside knowing he was acting as a child. He then looked to the other guilds once more. He studied them, Who liked who, What used what, And the weak spot in their armor. He only had an hour to do so. He hopes he can memorize these things. This was going to end badly for a lot of people now Maxus thinks about it. There will be a lot of deaths. For what? the entertainment for the king. Gods I hope The show will be good enough to let multiple guilds win. But knowing how the fat greedy bastard is the answer is no. he thought to himself. What sick idiot gets off to kids dying? Even more importantly.....

.........what was the prize again?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hiteikei Kirano Character Portrait: Ethniu Buara Character Portrait: Nimshi Ophni Character Portrait: Atsuko Gensou Character Portrait: Airyl
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#, as written by Ignetio
R.I.P rp.