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'Super Duper' Cubey

"Yay! Playtime!"

0 · 864 views · located in Stratevaria Galaxy

a character in “Battlefield Stratevaria”, as played by Lazyscreename



Name: 'Super Duper' Cubey

Title: Subject Cube

Age: Unknown, but insists he is 7 despite evidence otherwise

Genetic type: Mutated Fur Beastman

Planet of origin: Veradoxia

Allies: Deunan(deceased), Graves, Lekan(deceased), Quin(deceased), Gelon

Rivals: Ozma(deceased)

Likes: Toys, Sweets, Juice, Playtime, Cartoons

Dislikes: Staying still, Waiting, 'Meanies', People crying, Sharing

Faction: Guardian Labs

Theme: Mumbo's Themes - Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts

Backstory: No one is entirely sure how Cubey came into being the way he was now, thanks to Guardian Labs covering up the incident, but from what they say if asked it seemed it was a terrible lab accident, though some say it was actually intended for him to mutate, others believing he was born as he is. The true story is only known to the top executives, the first staff members that discovered him, and Cubey himself.
No matter what his origins, The odd cubic giraffe-like beastman, has been kept safely in a cosy facility of his own, acting as if he was merely a child, though appearing much older and bigger, with whispers he might even be older than most of the staff assigned to him. The green man-child spent his days playing with toys, watching cartoons, eating snacks, throwing tantrums about bedtime and beating up cardboard cut-outs, as well as being the subject for a variety of experiments with his gravity manipulation powers.

One day, while being aloud to walk around outside in the facility they kept him in for a change, Cubey asked one of his carers what would people give him if he was a hero and saved the whole galaxy, who simply replied patronizingly that he could get all the toys and sweets that he would want but would have to wait until he was a grown up before he could do anything like that. This puzzled Cubey, as he saw plenty of kids as heroes in the cartoons he watched, and they seemed to save the world all the time without much trouble. Opportunity then struck when there was a sudden power cut in Neopolis, leaving Cubey the chance to wander away out of the facility past the currently out of order force field and as the power returned, watched the message from the terrifying GEHENNA. Although absolutely shaking in fear, and the carer he was with shouting at him to come back from the other side of the force field, Cubey suddenly realized beating this monster would make him a hero, and ergo, be rewarded with a tons of toys and sweets. So it was then he waved goodbye to his home and began his journey towards Megido, as the 'Super Duper' Cubey.

Powers: Super stamina and resistance, Gravity manipulation, Sensory antennae.

Weakness: Immensely gullible and childish, Easily distracted, Slow reflexes, No formal training.

Abilities: Though he was self-taught, Cubey can manipulate his own gravitational field in a 3 meter radius, such as make make objects orbit around him, float in mid air like a feather, or suddenly plummet like a pile of concrete. He can't affect other people's gravity however.
Self-taught martial arts, and sensory antennae lets him sense his surroundings with smell alone at a 6 meter radius, which also leaves him with surprisingly good tracking skills, akin to a sniffer dog.

Fighting style: Not exactly the most disciplined fighter and having had no teacher than himself, with only cardboard cutouts to rely on for practice, Cubey's fighting style is often to simply rush at the opponent without thinking and hope for the best, often trying his best to mimic fighting styles of characters from his favorite cartoons, with headbutts, speed ball punches, dynamic dive kicks, and simple slaps to name a few, proving that TV can make you violent, but not necessarily good at it due to having pretty much the agility of a toddler.
His saving grace however, is his gravity manipulation, giving him edge as he his able to manipulate how heavy and light he could be, as well as using any nearby objects as shields and projectiles, and also tends to use it make himself move quicker or throw much harder punches.

So begins...

'Super Duper' Cubey's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sentinel Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Clockwork
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Cubey was lost. Well, that wasn't entirely true. Cubey knew he was on a really big ship. Super big. Maybe even bigger than his house. No, Cubey was sure, this place was bigger than his house, maybe more than Neopolis even. It was called the Realta Nue, that much he knew, and it had lots of people from Neopolis like him too. The problem with that was, despite there being tons of cool shops, a park, and lots of other cool stuff Cubey hadn't seen a lot of before or completely new things, the so called 'Super Duper' one couldn't really figure out the maps they left up around the place for visitors. It truly was mind-boggling for the child-minded mutant.

He peered around the place he managed to wander into now, eyeing up his surroundings of the park in wonderment as he sucked on the straw to a carton of orange juice, branded with some kind of superhero mascot it seemed. It looked like managed to end up back in the park again, with it's lush vibrant surroundings of tons of beautiful and not so beautiful green life and wide open space, seeming a little meek due to being in an ship as large as this was very new to him, especially from having lived in that facility for so long. It was a lot to take in for a 7 year old boy. Well, a heavily mutated fur beastman that was convinced he was 7 with gravity manipulation powers and sensory antennae, anyway. Among the large number of folks he noticed a small group of very varied individuals seeming to having all sorts of discussion, which Cubey bet they were all super best buddies. He suddenly felt a little lonely, wishing he had brought one of his carers or some of his toys to keep him company when he left home. He decided to stare at them for a little while looking at each of their faces, hiding ineffectively behind a skinny palm tree.

One was a purple robot-looking man with multiple red eyes, that seemed to have no smell on him as far as Cubey could tell. He looked like one of the robots from Rainbow Rangers, and made him laugh when he told a joke, murmuring under his breath the word 'pie-rats' with a grin as he watched the synthetic rattle about.
The second one, who just laughed along with the purple synthetic's joke too, was a human dressed much like a pirate, with a cybernetic implant over one eye and smelled really bad of some special drink that Cubey remembered one of the carers drinking before. Maybe it was rum. Pirates like drinking rum didn't they. Cubey wasn't sure if he should of been worried or not, as the pirate man started demanding his weapon back to a pretty girl dressed with a skirt an tie and had weird glowing blue eyes and tentacle things in her long black hair, that smelled weird, like she was two people than just one human. He just hoped the pirate wasn't a meanie one and would hurt him and people, Cubey didn't know how to get to Megido, and this ship was his best bet, the reason why he did his best to sneak on-board. Whether he was actually spotted by anyone then he didn't know.
What he did know was that another robot guy, this one looking more like some solider in black armor, who also didn't smell of anything, had just offered the pirate man one of his cannons, which made Cubey worried if they were all bad guys.
He looked at the others present carefully to see if they were meanies, which included a blue squid-thing that didn't smell as fishy as Cubey thought, which he was almost as surprised as when the big bug lady with her smaller bug friend didn't smell gross either. The cyborg snek wearing sunglasses however smelled much like expected, of reptilian skin and metal parts.

Cubey then knocked aside his interest in the strangers quickly however when he noticed some pretty girl with pink hair and a rather fancy outfit crowded around by quite a few people in front of a stage. It didn't take him very long to realize she was none other than Deunan Knight, intergalactic pop sensation! Not to mention the singer for one of the opening themes of his favorite TV show ever, Rainbow Rangers. He was struck in awe and amazement for a few moments, ceasing from drinking his juice box to leave his jaw hang open in shock. He then shook himself out of the trance before scrambling over to the crowd to her too, shoving the juice box in his pocket, excited and ecstatic he now had the chance to meet such a celebrity. When he got to the surrounding fans, trying his best to push and shove between them, calling out to Deunan; "Hey! Hello! Hi! Hiya! It's really Deunan Knight! Wow, this is so cool! You did the song for Rainbow Rangers! It's my most fave show ever!Your awesome and sing really, really, really good and ummmm, you look pretty!"
With the last comment Cubey blushed a bit, embarrassed at shouting out the compliments, before realizing he didn't have a paper for an autograph with frown, acting disheartened before brightening back up as he began remembering the juice carton.
"Ummmm would you sign my Rainbow Ranger juice box?" he asked as he pulled said juice box out of his pocket, waving it about in the air before accidentally pouring it's contents on his own head. The boxy beastman mutant froze up for a few moments in the middle of the crowd as he realized what happened and that he just embarrassed himself in front of a famous person. He then took what was the only logical solution in his mind. He began to cry.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sentinel Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Clockwork
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Clocwork followed K2 loyally while folding his arms, waving a bit at Sentinel and co. upon seeing them.

Megahertz turned to Sentinel and lightly kicked him in the shin. "H-hey, not funny!", she shouted in her usual embarassed tone. She was such a petite and tiny woman, that someone like Sentinel would barely feel it.

Quin was pleased by their reactions.

Seeing K2 and his two accomplices approach, Megahertz became silent...there was a tinge of fear in her eyes. A fear that subsided as Lekan and Sentinel both did their part in finally fixing K2's gun. " guys...", Megahertz lets out a simple, touched whisper. She did not understand. They had nothing to gain from helping her. Why are they doing this? Having lived most her life as an Ishkavi Corpse Walker and a Dark S1de agent, Megahertz did not believe in altruism. She wanted to live, so she took this body. She wanted to survive, so she gave out the tickets to the foursome assaulting her library. Everything in life has a price tag. Even Dark S1de thieves who steal from the rich and give to the poor did so to make themselves feel better, and so that they could feel superior compared to the selfish misers in the upper city. So why were they trying so hard to help her? What a waste of valuable resources. Megahertz frowned without realizing, as she reflected on this.

"Eh?", Megahertz was snapped out of her deep thought by Sentinel's question, and with an unsure smile, she replied, "Ah..ahaha....sure..."

Clockwork turned to his left as he heard a....cry? He noticed a small crowd of fans gathering around Deunan Knight and the strangest Beastman he has ever seen. Strange, but adorable.

"W...whoa.", was Clock's only comment.


"Ahahaha, yes, yes!", Deunan smiled and smiled as she mingled with her crowd of fans. This was one of her favorite parts of showbusiness: meeting the fans. Unlike the paparazzi who just wanted dirt on you, or the managers who would nag you over and over again about some trivial matter or another, the fans were genuine. Honest. She can feel the love in their hearts, and she only hoped that they can feel her love in theirs.

As the crowd of fans were pushed aside by Cubey, he quite quickly attracted the attention of Deunan herself. She looked at him with a smile while placing her hands on her thighs and lowering her back slightly to get a better look. Her eyes and smile widened in excitement when Cubey mentioned the Rainbow Rangers. Recruiting the theme song was a joyous experience for her, so much so, that she had the lyrics of the theme song memorized in her head. Cubey's supreme cuteness instantly won her over. "Ahahahhahahhahaha!", Deunan cheerfully laughed out loud, and patted Cubey in the head. "Cubey, I am awesome only because you are awesome!!"

She was more than happy to sign Cubey's juice box, but as she tried to do so, she watched as the poor Beastman poured the juice all over himself. A moment of awkward silence ensued, and some members of the crowd began to laugh as Cubey cried, until Deunan's glare silenced them, one by one.

Deunan then crouched down and got closer to Cubey, looking him in the eye with her own beautiful and soothing green gaze. Clear and calm, like an emerald sea.

"Hey now, Cubey....why don't you and I sing the Rainbow Rangers theme, together?", she asked softly.

She then looked around at the crowd, and said energetically, "Wait! How about ALL of us sing the Rainbow Rangers theme??"

"YEAH!!", Most of the crowd shouted out in agreement. Deunan looked back, and pointed at a stage hand who was in the middle of taking away one of the speaker. "Music, please~!" The stage hand blinked twice, before putting down the speaker and turning it up, hoping he will get paid overtime for this.

The brave, bold, synthpop music began playing. A futuristic and heroic song, which fits the Rainbow Rangers like a colorful glove.

"Hanate! Kokoro kizanda yume o mirai sae okizari ni shite, (Release the dream engraved in your heart! Leave even the future behind,)
genkai nado shiranai imi nai (I know no limits; they’re meaningless!))
kono chikara ga, hikari chirasu sono saki ni haruka na omoi o! (This power scatters out those feelings that are so far from how they used to be.)"

Unlike her previous song, Deunan used a lighter, more high pitched and youthful voice. Her dancing also fits this voice, appropriately chirpy and full of bird-like moves, as she hopped, stepped, and jumped around the park. Obviously, she did not practice this particular dance before, as her moves were a bit more random and spontaneous, but this only added to her charm. The crowd surrounding her struggled to dance with her, but it was a happy kind of struggle. Deunan looked at Cubey with a wide-eyed, encouraging smile, trying as best as she could to not make him feel so embarassed anymore. She looked at him not as an adult and a child, or even as an idol and a fan, but rather as two decent people.

Quickly, some of the crowd that dissipated turned around and rushed back to the park upon hearing their idol's song.

The shiny lights awaken true desire.
Only my RAILGUN can shoot it, kanarazu (without fail!)
tsuranuiteku tomadou koto naku (I go through; I’m not lost.)
kizutsuit mo.... hashiritsuzukeru!" (Even if I’m hurt, I keep on running!)"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Clockwork Character Portrait: Mosa Belkan
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0.00 INK

Roza's communicator beeped as she left the store, alerting her of a new email.


Byatis is on his way to eliminate Chief Garush. I have news
of Queen Vitani and her legion of spiders traversing the Koren
River southeast of the Realta Nua. An ideal location for
an asssination.

May the night shroud you,

The Koren River...a location that a Dagojouisian native such as Roza would be well-aware of. It is a river that span nearly half the planet, and is the main source of water for many North Dagojouisiians. Many rocks and cacti dot the landscape around the river, which should provide Roza with ample hiding spots.

Of course, the problem right now would be actually finding the spiders somewhere in the colossal (to say the least) river.


Ciril's datapad displayed several vehicles for hire in the hangar bay on the lower decks:






Clockwork whistled as he peeked at the datapad. "I vote for the hoverbikes. Much more stylish."


Vlad was surprised by Gelon's offer, and she glanced at him. "I think your credits are better spent on repairing your broken hardware, Deskovitch." Vlad has a naturally harsh way of talking, but Gelon could tell that she at least slightly appreciated his generosity. She then nodded in confirmation at Gelon's question. "Half."

At last, they enter the Realta Nua. The air conditioned interior was a welcome reprieve from the scorching desert. Vlad immediately took off her cracked helmet, and shook her head to get her hair out of her eyes. Ridley looked between Ophelia and Gelon. "...You have an amazing talent for pissing off everyone you meet.", he said with a genuinely....impressed...tone.

They walk several steps forward, noticing Deunan dancing with her crowd of fans, and her music blaring loudly from the park.

Vlad and Ridley took a moment to watch the Interstellar Rose, catching sight of the strange Cubey amongst the people. When nobody was looking, Ridley began bobbing his head to the catchy beat.The song was cheesy and the dance unrehearsed, but there was energy, dedication, and charm behind it all.


Suddenly, from the other side, a loud, bellowing voice was heard, a voice which caught Vlad and Ridley's attention.

They saw the enormous figure of Mosa approach as he waved his huge and beefy hands.

"Mosa....", Vlad said, her tone softening when she caught sight of him.

Mosa looked at Vlad, then Gelon, Ridley, and Ophelia. "Hehehehehe! Nice meeting you all here!", Mosa said with a genuine grin. He seemed to have forgiven Gelon already, and even showed concern as he noticed their wounds. "Wait..what happened?! You hurt?? And who that be?????", Mosa asked as he pointed at the frozen Ophelia.

Vlad and Ridley looked at each other, then at Gelon. Vlad wasn't sure telling Mosa of her....activities....was a good idea. The big croc has a proportionally big mouth, one which she would not trust her secrets with.

"Mosa, it ain't your business.", Ridley replied in his usual jerk-like manner.

Mosa turned to Ridley. "That not work on Mosa. That just made Mosa even MOAR curious!", he said as he bared all his fangs in a toothy grin.

Ridley slumped his shoulders and groaned, while Vlad shook her head, and decided to lay the blame on Gelon. "Gelon touched her boobs. She did not appreciate it. Shit happened, and-"

Mosa's eyes widened, and he lost his grin as his jaw dropped. Before Vlad could even finish her sentence, Mosa turned to Gelon and yelled out,


Loud enough that at least a quarter of the bystanders around them began staring at the group, causing Vlad to do a facepalm.

The setting changes from F.S.S. Realta Nua to Stratevaria Galaxy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sentinel Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Clockwork
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The setting changes from Stratevaria Galaxy to F.S.S. Realta Nua

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sentinel Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Clockwork
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(Sincerely apologize again, I'm so spacey after writing all these essays)

"Thanks big guy but I don't think i can-" Keeton watches as Lekan grabs the gun and starts to repair it using his tentacle, eying him suspiciously. The "Jolly Rojer" as the captain had named it, was a plunder from a Darkov facility. This was the very reason Keeton has such a large price on his head.

Keeton takes the gun back from the squid, had he seen what lay inside? There was a reason the gun looked the way it did, disguise, and for a very good purpose. He needed to repair it as soon as possible, but did not have the parts necessary to conduct a repair of that caliber.

"We will see you two love birds later!" he says eying down the squid. He was a high risk threat, and Keeton couldn't have that, not now, not on a ship belonging to Darkov. Keeton walks to where Clockwork and Ciril are looking at the transportation module.

"I'm gonna be frank with you guys, we are after Byatis. I woke up with a sloppy message written by myself saying to keep an eye on him, and thats exactly what I did." Keeton flips the screen on his right mechanical eye to an exact location of the eldritch rouge. "I think we all can agree Byatis is one hell of a shifty character, but what exactly is he doing on the surface of Dagojouiise? Thats what we are here to find out. Ciril as far as I know, you are a Darkov spy, but honestly man I'm putting my trust in you." Keeton looks into one of Ciril's set of eyes trying to get a read on the guy but finding nothing.

"So without further ado, I think it's time we get off this embarrassment of a ship. Also, Hover bikes are kick ass!" he throws his hand up for a high five with clocky.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sentinel Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Megahertz Character Portrait: Deunan Knight
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Lekan graciously accepted the payment Sentinel offered. It seemed almost a little much for a pistol, but he decided against taking issue with it for fear of offending the synthetic. He noticed that the pirate seemed to be glaring at him, probably since Lekan was unable to repair the entire firearm. Well, he had just told them he wasn't a gunsmith, so they had to find someone else to fix it. However, if he knew just what the hell was even in that pistol, then he might have had a chance at fixing it.

"May we see each other again soon," he said to Sentinel and Megahetz before leaving them. Those two were quickly shaping up to be his best customers on this voyage. The pirate's remark about love birds was one that slightly confused him. Did humans always perceive outings consisting of one male and one female as a date? Lekan enjoyed Quin's company, yes, but they hadn't really got to know each other that well. Besides, she was set on trying to marry GEHENNA.

Upon approaching the stage, the first thing the Ondari noticed was... a rather odd-looking variant of Beastman, to say the least. In all his travels he hadn't seen a creature like this before. Not while sober, at any rate. He kept his distance from it, hanging near the back of the crowd around the stage while he thought about what he could possibly say to Deunan.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sentinel Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Clockwork
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Shaking out of his reverie as Lekan addressed him, he nodded softly before responding, "I hope the same. Once again, it has been a pleasure. Farewell." Watching as Lekan traveled to the stage, he finally took notice of the...Beastman that was standing there singing with Deunan. It was nothing he had ever seen before. The shapes were not natural in some ways, but a Beastman it was. What had happened to...him?

Looking down at Megahertz, he felt a slight pang at her words. Where before she was enthusiastic herself, now she seemed uncertain. What had caused the change? The others simply arriving? Something that was said to her? He couldn't puzzle out a solution and wasn't sure as to what he should do now. Remembering the plan from before he pulled up a small map in his HUD and located the shopping gallery. Fixing it on his screen, he asked Megahertz, "It seems Deunan is a bit busy right now. Would you like to explore a bit more of the ship instead?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sentinel Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Clockwork
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Although Cubey was truly amazed and over the moon at Deunan's kindness and willingness to talk to him, the legendary pop idol was talking to him, even her words was washed away along with the juice as the other fellows fans giggled at his misfortune, causing the long necked fellow to sob even harder, until he was confused at the sudden silence from those laughing at him. Puzzled, Cubey made his crying lessen and pretty much stop to a sniffle when he looked up to see the dazzling and beautiful Deunan Knight herself, kneeling in front of him, her soothing, tranquil emerald eye's meeting his own odd pale and pupil-less ones. The mutant beastman froze up in surprise, his eye's growing wide as the mesmerizing celebrity suddenly suggested to sing the Rainbow Rangers theme song, to which Cubey's sadness suddenly was gone, as he hopped from each foot in sheer giddy joy, exclaiming as he rose his hands to his mouth; "R-r-really? Wow! That would b-b-e so cool! Yes, lets sing the theme! Wow I get to sing wit Deunan Knight! Yay! Thank you Deunan!"
It seemed he had forgotten all about the juice incident, shoving the carton back in his shorts just in time to cheer in agreement with the crowd at the pink haired pop star suggesting everyone should sing along, leaping in bounds towards the stage as he heard the theme to his treasured cartoon show begin playing, squealing in delight.

In truth, Cubey tended to struggle with the words, mostly out just pronouncing them than due to memory, but did his utmost to sing his heart out along with Deunan, bouncing up and down with the music, as he waved his arms frantically, classing this as a dance apparently. As the first few verses were belted out, Cubey admittedly fumbling the words as he did his best to follow along with everyone's example to the extent he tried his best to mimic Deunan's movements, following the directions she walked on stage, seeing her give a dazzling smile of reassurance to him, which he full-heartedly returned back. When he turned round, he also noticed the huge crowd starting gather in to sing along the Rainbow Rangers theme, which left him completely stunned for a few moments, freezing up near the stage, until it got to his favorite part of the song, screaming out the 'Sparkling!' at the top of his voice, and almost coughed himself apart after he did.

The man-child became so overjoyed at so many fans of the show he held dear to his heart, he started wiggle about in a vague attempt to pretend whatever instrument was dominating the instrumental part, which for some reason Cubey was convinced was a guitar despite it not even featuring in this part, and without thinking, accidentally change his gravity so he began floating in mid air, seeming completely unaware of his levitation as he thrashed about out of sync with the music.

"Yay! Deunan Knight, your so cool and good at singing! Maybe even cooler than the Rainbow Rangers! Maybe not Ranger Blue though, he's super ultra mega cool, but don't feel bad, because he's probably the coolest guy in the history of ever!", Cubey babbled to Deunan clapping his hands in delight, seeming completely un-phased that he was no longer touching the ground, before turning his head in curiosity to find that the squid guy from earlier was also in the crowd, to which he simply waved to cheerfully before continuing to dance without rhythm, though was wondering where all his friends had wandered off to. Maybe they were busy doing grown up things.
"This the best day i'll ever have in forever!" he boldly proclaimed, giggling once again, seeming to have forgotten about his thoughts about the strangers from earlier once again.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sentinel Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: Ridley Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey
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The three stared at Gelon as he dug himself deeper.

"...You beat up a 19 year old girl?!", Ridley asked in an apalled tone.

Mosa, unfortunately, was still focused on Gelon's boob-touching, as he turned to Ridley. "RIDLEY, YOU HAVE TO UNFREEZE HER!" He then glared at Gelon. "GELON! MUST APOLOGIZE!" He shook his head and folded his enormous, muscular arms. "NO WAY TO TREAT A LADY!"

Vlad and Ridley looked at each other. A few seconds pass, and Vlad said, "Do it."

Ridley looked at them in dibelief. "Okay, but if she tears down the ship, I'm blaming you two."

Planting Ophelia on the ground, Ridley placed his hands on the ice, absorbing the cold and rapidly thawing the lunatic, while a very....displeased....Mosa watched.


Clockwork listened to K2 as he confessed about his suspicion. He wasn't sure he agreed with K2. Just because he looked like a beast out of hell doesn't mean he was automatically an asshole, right? That's just racial profiling. Still, K2 is the human. And humans have good gut instincts, as far as Clockwork was told. Most of the time.

"AYE CAP'N!", Clockwork shouted as he high fived K2.

The three proceeded to head to the lower decks' hangarbay. It was dark and dusty down here, with nobody around, and the garage door was closed. One supposes there's not much to look at in this planet anyways. Tucked on the lefest corner of this hangar are three long, horizontal objects covered in tarps.

Clockwork approached one, and pulled off the tarp, revealing a weathered-looking hoverbike with a black and orange flame motif. These hoverbilkes are at least 2,5 meters long, but very narrow and sleek. Large engines and exhausts can be seen on the underside and the back of the vehicle. Sand filters were placed near the engines, and the front section of the hoverbikes are shaped like bladed fins.

Clockwork whistled, before whispering, "Groovy."


Quin floated up and down besides Lekan, occassionally glancing at him.

Eventually, she stated, in her usual calm and somewhat emotionless manner, "You look troubled."


Megahertz kept quiet for a few seconds, not even looking at Sentinel. It almost looked like she wasn't listening to him, but instead...

.....A loud rumbling noise was heard from...somewhere inside her.

A furious blush soon decorated Megahertz's face, and she turned away, before whispering,

"Y-you did not hear that."

She must be hungry. She hadn't even had breakfast, after all.


Deunan's enthusiasm skyrocketed as Cubey's happiness returned. There was something adorable, and even admirable, to Cubey's effort to catch up with both the singing and dancing. This time, instead of laughing at him, the crowd looked on at him encouragingly as they continue to dance and sing, feeling a sense of camaraderie with the strange looking beastman.

Deunan watched as Cubey floated in the air and clapped his hands, laughing out loud as his comment heartily. "Ranger Blue is THE BEST!"Eventually, the song reached its climax, and Deunan finished off by striking her signature pose with the rest of her audience: cocking her hip to the right, and pointing with her left hand while winking. Of course, there was bound to be a person or two who was out of sync, but for the most part Deunan and her fans struck the pose nearly at the same time.

A few seconds pass, and the crowd broke into applause, with Deunan bowing and thanking them. "Thank you! Thank you everyone! Merci! Danke! Arigato~!"

As she bowed and bowed, she stepped closer and closer to Cubey, getting ready to catch him in case he fell. She looked up at him with a big grin. "Forever is a long time! Don't be so sure yet~", she excitedly said, before tilting her head to the side, winking, and giving a thumbs up. Looking around, she spotted Lekan and Quin amongst the crowd, most people, she found them to be an unusual, if cute, duo.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sentinel Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Megahertz Character Portrait: Deunan Knight Character Portrait: Lekan Voldaris
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0.00 INK

Cubey gave a high pitch squeak as the intergalactically famous pop star just announced she also thought Ranger Blue was cool, and happened to also be the chaps favorite of the Rainbow Rangers; which became an even higher squeak when he noticed the audience seemed to be dancing and singing along to, wriggling his stumpy legs in the air as he smiled and waved at the crowd, blushing enough that from a distance i could be mistaken for a nasty rash. When Deunan then proceeded to perform her trademark pose, Cubey once again put full effort into mimicking her again, though ended up as one of the out of sync bunch, for some reason trying his best to move his feet in the correct position despite not needing to due to floating in mid air, panting heavily from the energetic and joyous dancing.

After a few small moments of quiet, the crowd burst into applause and cheering, obviously enamored and impressed by Deunan's performance, and rightly, so. She wasn't a pop superstar for no reason after-all. Cubey clapped and cheered as well, putting his 'finger's between his lips in an attempt to give a belting whistle, but failing in all to do with the process except getting saliva on his hands. Cubey merely wiped his hand on the back of his shorts before continuing his clapping, realizing Deunan and wandered over to him. The gravity manipulating oddball immediately blushed and smiled shyly at Deunan's words, giving another giggle as she gave him a wink and thumbs up, lowering himself back onto the ground. He gave her a big old grin back, with two thumbs up, nervously replying; "That is true, forever is a long time!It's best day ever of when I got to talk to you, Deunan!", before suddenly turning embarrassed and hiding his face squealing; "I'm not blushing!". He stumbled about a little, trying to turn around to hide his embarrassment of what he just said, until he noticed the squid person in the crowd again, along with the scary looking insect lady, staring at them for a few moments as he lowered his hands, his eyes narrowing as if he was thinking of something.

He suddenly spun back round to Deunan, deciding to tell her what he had eavesdropped on earlier, deciding it was probably a good idea to warn her new buddy. Cubey whispered carefully to her as if he was scared that the squid man and the insect woman would hear him; "I saw those two earlier, the squid thing and the scary insect lady. They were with some other guys which had two robots, a pirate, a lizard guy and some pretty girl with glowing hair thingies and were talking about a gun for the pirate guy. Does that mean their bad guys? Because sometimes good guy's use guns but the pirate one seemed he could be a meanie. Are they all meanies?"
The man-child beastman scratched his head in consideration for a few moments, glaring at empty space for an answer before blurting with sudden realization; "Oh but don't worry Deunan, I'll keep you safe! Because were buddies now, so I won't let them hurt my buddies and i'm the 'Super Duper' Cubey!Which means I am a hero, because i been practicing really, really really really really hard in fighting stuff with the cutouts in my room even though the man on the TV says I shouldn't copy the moves at home, and I can change gravity stuff too. I'm gonna go beat up that scary bad guy too that was on TV, GEHENNA!"
He then proceeded to prove his point by doing a karate chop viciously at an imaginary opponent, followed with a high kick that caused him to loose balance and topple over onto his back, and clumsily standing back up.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sentinel Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Megahertz Character Portrait: Deunan Knight
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0.00 INK

"Hear what?" Sentinel responded to Megahertz jokingly. How long had it been since Megahertz had last eaten? Nothing today, and nothing that he remembered yesterday since meeting her. It was probably a good idea to hold off meeting Deunan until later. Looking over to where the crowd was still gathered around her, he saw the Beastman talking to her and glancing furtively in his and Megahertz's direction before proceeding to do some combat moves that resulted in him falling. A strange creature.

"Let's head over to shops. I'm sure we can find something interesting there." Walking along with Megahertz, he gazed around once again at the vista afforded by the park's position in the ship. It had lost some of it's wonder. Quite a bit of it, in fact. Sentinel felt constrained by the vessel, limited to the confines of its halls. There was always Dagojouiise...

Shuddering, he stumbled as several memories came to him unbidden. Of all the genius things implemented into his body, a memory-wiper was not one of them. Strange for a military facility that would want to ensure no secrets of any kind got out. Rotating his shoulders, Sentinel began to spin up his telekinetic module. He had rarely used the piece, and certainly never for something like this, but it would be something interesting to attempt.

Looking over to Megahertz, he grabbed her hand and stated, "Keep calm." With that brief warning, he began to make a series of waves beneath him. After a second, they started to rise up in the air at a leisurely pace. Reaching a height level with the area of shops, it was possible to see most of the ship. Some of the admiration he had lost came back. "Quite amazing, isn't it?" he whispered ambiguously.

Upon having floated for a few seconds, he began to levitate them towards the balustrade adjoining the boulevard of stores. Setting them down at the edge, he stood there recovering his energy. That had taken quite a bit of power from his systems, but not a terrible amount. It was quite fun actually. "So what kind of music do you like Alphard?" Sentinel asked.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Deunan Knight Character Portrait: Lekan Voldaris
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0.00 INK

Despite the fact that the concert had officially ended, the Interstellar Rose still provided her loving fans with an encore. Lekan didn't recognise the song, and he didn't know much about the language it was being sung in save for the fact that it was some uncommon human dialect. Still, it sounded pleasing to the ear-equivalent. The odd-looking Beastman seemed to be enjoying the show immensely, and Lekan was surprised to see it part company with the ground and start hovering in mid-air, albeit more clumsily than the Ondari and his companion. He returned the Beastman's cheerful wave with a slightly nervous one of his own, still unsure as to how much of a threat this stranger would be to him.

When Quin stated that he looked troubled, Lekan felt inclined to agree. "I know. Warrior's heart aside, I don't see how I'd be much good in a straight fight, especially since I have no weapons or armour of my own." He was about to say more, but he found that Deunan had taken notice of the pair of them. Considering that the pair in question were an Ondari and a Genesior, they probably did stand out from the crowd a little bit. Since she'd seen them already, Lekan decided to move in closer to the stage.

"Really happy to be here, Miss Knight," he told her. "Th-thank you for the concert." Being in a crowd like this, and having caught the attention of a galactic celebrity, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous. He wasn't looking at Quin, but he guessed that she was probably as nonplussed as ever right now. Lekan noticed the odd Beastman saying something to Deunan, and he could've sworn blind that he heard "squid" in there somewhere before the creature demonstrated its... well, fighting ability, for lack of a better word. It was strange how childlike he sounded, too.

"Excuse me, but was there something you wanted to say to me?" Lekan asked the Beastman. He knew that this person had been whispering something about him, even if he couldn't quite hear what it was all about. Still, the Ondari wasn't too fond of people talking about him behind his metaphorical back.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: Ridley Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Mosa Belkan
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0.00 INK

Mosa's expression became more and more surprised, even horrified, as Gelon became more frustated. He replayed Gelon's words, 'SHE wanted it! Cause SHE asked me!' over and over in his head, and his mind drifted to the gutter. "..Those words sound REALLY horrible when you take it out of context.", he whispered, his jaw still hanging open.

However, it was too late. Ophelia was freed. Before anyone could say yes or no to Gelon's question, Vlad, Ridley, and Mosa all turned to look at the thawed Ophelia.

Ridley took the time to glance at Gelon, shrugged, and let out a deadpan, "Whoops." He really hated Gelon's guts, it seems.

Vlad shook her head and folded her arms as she stared at Ophelia. "No. It' apology. Sort of."

Mosa looked at Gelon, his massive crocodillian snout bearing a comically exaggerated scowl. "Yes! You must apologize!!", he said vehemently, while pointing at the poor one-armed mercenary. Mosa then turned to Ophelia with a sorry look on his face, and clasped his hands before bowing slightly, his massive upper body making him look like a big blue boulder about to roll over.

"Mosa so sorry for what he did! It was sick, perverted, and mean!"

The amused Vlad and Ridley turned to look at Gelon, to inspect his reaction.


Deunan listened closely to Cubey as he told her of his...suspicions, all the while with a big smile on her face. He then watched as Cubey demonstrated his clumsy high kick, and giggled heartily as he fell. "Hihiihih! You're going to need some practice.....but you have potential for sure!", Deunan said as she gave out a thumbs up and a wink. There was something in Cubey's innocence that spoke out to her, something which she found irresistably adorable. Still, she was a little worried when Cubey mentioned his desire to fight GEHENNA. She was never one to judge a book by its cover....or even the first chapter...., but still, fighting something so out of this world such as GEHENNA would preferrably not be done alone. Him mentioning of his ability to 'change gravity stuff' intrigued her as well, making a mental note to ask him about this later, as she saw Lekan and Quin approach.

Quin considered Lekan's words for two seconds. Before nodding in agreement. "Yes. You suck at straight up combat.", she stated bluntly and clearly, without any hint of maliciousness.

Deunan laughed joyfully at Lekan's formal greeting, while giving a playfully dismissive wave. "Ahahahhahaha! Oh please, just call me Deunan! Formalities make me feel itchy. And what should I call both of you?", she asked with an attentive look.

Quin blinked, and replied, "Bob. Bob Howzer."

"...." Deunan looked between Cubey, Quin, Lekan, then finally Quin. She was not convinced that was her real name.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Deunan Knight Character Portrait: Lekan Voldaris
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0.00 INK

As Deunan advised him on more training, Cubey merely gave a cocky grin and replied cheekily; "Maybe I could use a litte, but I only fell over because I didn't drink all my juice today and i'm tired from dancing and because I haven't had playtime or nap-time today. But wait you see, i'm as strong as Ranger Red!", though his sudden confidence was knocked asunder when he realized the squid guy he was talking about earlier had just went up to his new friend, gushing over her performance as Cubey did before. He was worried, maybe the possible bad guy wanted to hurt his buddy, but then maybe he was just a fan like him, who also though she was super mega awesome cool and really very good at singing. He wasn't sure about the bug lady who said squid guy was bad at fighting that relieved Cubey a little. He was never sure if he could beat some that was good at fighting.

As Lekan questioned what Cubey was whispering about, the naive beastman jumped in shock, managing to be blindsided by the squid creature, obviously shaken that he managed to hear something from the conversation earlier. He then let his eyes stare guiltily at the ceiling, tapping his hands together as he managed to stammer out suspiciously; "N-n-n-not at A-a-a-a-all!I was j-j-j-j-just t-t-t-t-talking about the R-r-r-r-r-r-r-rainbow R-r-r-r-r-r-rangers. I'm not lying." , doing terribly at hiding the truth as he then proceeded to whistle out of tune, edging a little closer to Deunan in nervousness.
He then stared at the other much like Deunan did when the insect lady announced her name was apparently Bob Howzer, which prompted Cubey to automatically say; "That's just silly! Your a girl! Bob's a boy name! Tee hee hee! Your so silly, 'bob'!", a she nudged her in the ribs giggling before taking a step back and clearing his throat.
"I am the 'Super Duper' Cubey! I'm buddies with Deunan and I'm super good at fighting and doing gravity stuff and watching cartoons and drinking juice and eating sweets and stuff!", he announce proudly, doing his best to imitate one of the Rainbow Rangers poses, before adding; "Oh, and umm if you need help fighting we could training together Mr. squid man, but we'd need to find a a cardboard cutout and I can't train with you if your a bad guy.", then nodding sagely, as if he just imparted some ancient wisdom to the stranger.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Deunan Knight Character Portrait: Lekan Voldaris
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0.00 INK

Lekan looked quite obviously unimpressed at the Beastman's attempt at lying. If nothing else, it did bring him to the conclusion that this person couldn't even act threatening even if they tried, which came as a slight relief. Talking with Deunan was nice; her voice seemed to make him feel more at ease, especially when she politely dismissed the formalities with a wave of her hand. When she asked for their names, however, Quin just had to go and spoil the moment.

"She meant what are our names, Quin," he retorted, giving her a poke in the side with one of his arms. "My name's Lekan, and my friend here is called Quin." The Beastman introduced itself as Cubey. A very... fitting name, given the shape of its head. They already knew of Deunan, of course. Who didn't?

Lekan listened to Cubey, wincing at the fact that he'd overheard Quin stating that the Ondari did indeed suck at fighting. Actually training to fight, though. That sounded like a reasonable idea, even if it was just to learn how to better defend himself in unarmed combat. There was, however, a slight flaw in Cubey's plan.

"I don't think GEHENNA would be as easy to take down as cardboard cutouts," said Lekan. "They've got facilities rigged up for training, so we could always do some sparring. What do you think, Quin?" He felt that the Genesior, being a veteran of the war, would make an excellent teacher.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sentinel Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: Ridley Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia
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0.00 INK

Deunan giggled more and more at Cubey, finding him to be cuter and cuter by the second.

Quin did not budge as Cubey poked at him. Like Deunan though, she quickly became more and more charmed by his antics. Quin turned to Lekan, and whispered, "You have just been out-cuted."

Quin glanced to the ceiling to think over Lekan's suggestion.

Deunan gave a thumbs up and nodded at Lekan. "That sounds like a FABULOUS idea!", she excitedly stated with a bubbly tone. "Four of us training together...I'm sure we can compliment each other's strengths and weaknessees!"

Quin kept quiet for a bit more, before nodding once. "Okay." She looked at each of them with an analytic eye. An inexperienced squid, a cubic Giraffe, a galactic popstar, and a space bug marine. Not exactly her top pick for an eldritch-abomination hunting squad. Still, there may be more than meets the eye with them..especially the cubic giraffe. If what he said about gravity manipulation was true...then he might just be one of their best fighters.

"So! when should we do this?", Deunan asked eagerly, placing both hands on her hips.


Megahertz glanced at the "Broken Dreams" store. She couldn't help but smile a bit, as she knew some people back at Dark S1de who would be at home with this shop.

Megahertz blushed and lowered her head a bit at Sentinel's statement. She froze, unsure of what to do, or how to show her gratefulness. Yes, gratefulness. She stared at him, eye to visor, for a long while. She considered it strange that such a genuinely chivalrous statement could be found from a killer robot, of all thi-..people. But was it really that strange?

"Good afternoon! May I take your orders?", a chirpy voice suddenly broke Megahertz out of her silence.

"A-ah! Right...uhhh..", Megahertz looked down at the menu on the table, thinking for a bit. "I'll take the Alfredo Crepe please. Yes!" Megahertz turned to look at Sentinel, wondering if he would even need, want, or could, eat.

Suddenly, from the corner of her eyes, Megahertz could see a....strange, bleeding man walking alongside the walls. She hovered closer to Sentinel, whispering, in an anxious manner, "Hey....Sentinel...look."

They could see Gelon Deskovitch limping, mumbling, bleeding everywhere. The crowds stay away from him and the bloodied wall.


Mosa looked up at Gelon as he got up, and looked genuinely worried. "Oh..uh. Okay then. Bai!"

Vlad also glanced at him until he left, feeling a tiny bit of concern...until she heard him backtalk the three with her sensitive cat ears, and her glance turned into a glare at the closing door.

Vlad then turned towards the sushi conveyor belt, picked one, and started eating voraciously. Ridley nearby also grabbed an orange plate with delicious-looking sushi on it, and began shoving it into the red core in his abdomen.

Mosa wolfed down sushi after sushi in seconds, his enormous hands surprisingly having a tight and steady grip on the pencil-thin chopsticks. As he munched, he noticed Ophelia refusing to eat. He hesitated at first, but after hearing her stomach growl, Mosa's hesitation disappeared completely. He grabbed an enormous box and placed it in front of Ophelia. He opened it, revealing a steaming eel fillet over some rice with tempting sweet sauce dripped over it.

"Eaaaaaaaat. Don't worry, Mosa pay for everything! Healthy women are full women!" Mosa said while looking at her with an enormous, encouraging grin. Thanks to all that teeth and those firey orange eyes, it looked more threatening than encouraging, really, which was not helped with thuggish, heavy voice.

The setting changes from F.S.S. Realta Nua to Stratevaria Galaxy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Deunan Knight Character Portrait: Lekan Voldaris
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0.00 INK

Though disappointed at the rejection of cardboard cutouts, Cubey was pretty satisfied with Lekhan's suggestion of using the training area aboard the ship giving his clapping of approval, as well as attempting to multitask with his mind on remembering what the two new possible friends names were that they just announced.

Turning to Lekan, the cubic giraffe replied confidently; "GEHENNA might be super tough, but i'm called 'Super Duper' for a reason!Mostly because I came up with it though, so it could be my hero name. Anyways, us training together in a fancy training place sounds fun!", nodding in approval with a goofy grin and the image of him lifting weights thrice his size in his mind.
As Deunan made her own comment Cubey tried to give his own thumbs up but found it difficult with his hoof-like fingers, to which he decided to give up, and merely add; "Yeah, we could say when one of us is super strong, or has cool powers, or is super fast or super cute or super awesome and other compliments and stuff!"
He seemed all the more excited when Quin agreed as well, giving a little happy giggle.

The mutated beastman then remembered he still had yet to have his autograph from the pop sensation to which he took the juice box out of his pocket, and offering it to Deunan Knight and shyly asking; "Ummmm, is it okay if you sign my juice box? I mean if you want to, we can do that after training if you want."
He began fidgeting as he waited for an answer, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

The setting changes from Stratevaria Galaxy to F.S.S. Realta Nua

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Deunan Knight Character Portrait: Lekan Voldaris
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0.00 INK

The suggestion of sparring in the training arena seemed to go down pretty well with the others. "We could all go down right now if you wanted. Quin and I aren't busy," he said. Seeing that nobody looked like they were planning on objecting, he made his way toward the training area that had been set up for would-be combatants like themselves to hone their skills, for lack of a better word. The Ondari had heard Quin's whispered remark all too clearly, and he wished he hadn't. It might have been a tinge of jealousy on his part, but he couldn't help but wonder if the comment had been made out of maliciousness, to deliberately aggravate him. Strangely, it also seemed to imply that the Genesior thought he was cute to begin with.

When the group reached the training area, Lekan was content to follow the others. He had never even been anywhere near a place like this in his life before, although he was probably going to be seeing quite a bit of this place in the near future. "So... who shall be sparring against who?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: Ridley Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Mosa Belkan Character Portrait: Alisa Vladimirovna Catria
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0.00 INK

Ridley asked Ophelia, with plenty of annoyance in his tone, "Oh, you mean Grabby Gelon?"

Mosa growled a little at the mention of Gelon's name, gritting his enormous teeth. "Grabby Gelon touched Mosa's tattoo. Mosa not appreciate that. You not touch someone's tattoo without their permission. Very invasive of personal space. Like touching someone's child or privates. Not nice. ", Mosa spoke in a low, rumbling voice while shooking his head. Somehow, despite his thuggish appearance and brute-ish voice, he sounded more menacing when he wasn't yelling.

When Ophelia revealed her name though, Mosa brightened up again almost immediately, and very jarringly. "Ophelia! It is beautiful name.", he grinned and nodded once more.

The three continued eating with Ophelia in a calm manner. With Mosa between them, Ridley and Vlad felt a lot safer. Vlad couldn't help but worry about Mosa's safety, even if she would not admit it.

Ridley did a double take on Ophelia as she delivered her direct statement. Once again, he was silenced. Vlad looked into her food, and mumbled, "So they stitched it shut.", matter of factly, keeping a neutral tone to the whole ordeal.

"Hehehehe. That did not stop you, eh? Good." Mosa nodded. Mosa was not one to dwell in the past. Being a beastman, there are two things most important to him: honor and strength. He saw both Ophelia's bluntness, the hatred in her eyes, and especially her willingness to thank and cooperate with him as a sign of true strength. Everyone has their own weakness to their pasts. Some chose to bitch and moan, but others chose to use the hatred to empower themselves. And need to draw strength from anywhere and everywhere. Even the darkest of your emotions.

Mosa called for the bill as he made sure everyone was done eating, before turning to Ophelia. "Mosa don't suppose you have place to stay? Mosa has room in lower class cabins. Mosa came with three other people, but...they got off this morning." Mosa grinned again. "You can stay with Mosa if you want."

Ridley and Vlad looked at Mosa in disbelief. Even so, Vlad knew that there was nothing she could do to stop the stubborn oaf. Ridley also knew that if he ratted Ophelia and, especially, Mosa out to Drakov, Vlad would scream for his blood. And right now, Gelon is enough trouble for him.


Deunan smiled warmly at Cubey. And instead of answering with words, she pulled out her pen and signed her name on the cardboard box. 'Deunan knight', in stylish, italic letters. She made sure to add a heart at the end of the 't'. She then gave Cubey a cute smile, and gestured Cubey to follow Lekan and Quin as they made their way to the training center.

They arrive in the training center, where they were surrounded by training equipment. Sandbags, treadmills, and even a boxing ring in the middle. Deunan placed both her hands on her cheeks and looked on the ring with a googly smile. "Beautiful....", she whispered in awe.

Quin kept quiet for a while, looking around as Lekan aasked his question.

Suddenly, she stopped her gaze at Lekan again, and pointed at Cubey. "You two. Fight."

Deunan punched the air in excitement. "OH MY! This should be cuuuuute!!!!", before sticking two of her raised hand's fingers to create the 'victory' gesture.

The setting changes from F.S.S. Realta Nua to Dagojouiise


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Sentinel Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Megahertz
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0.00 INK

Wind whipped around the figure on the rise, trench coat flying forward as it was caught by the breeze. Sand stung his head, pelted through his hair. Smiling grimly, Jeremy Graves puffed around the Gurkha Black Dragon cigar stuck between his teeth. Acrid smoke spread out, a hazy cloud obscuring his face. Breathing in the carcinogenic fumes, he sighed with pleasure as his senses were infused with the expensive fumes. He had paid quite dearly for the cigar; only 1,000 had ever been made, making it quite expensive over a galactic scale. Graves had ten of them.

Securing the cap onto his head, Graves turned to the motley band assembled below him on the south side of the dune. A mixture of his own personal mafia members and raiders recruited from the native tribes of Dagojouiise, it was a small army. Milling about were a hundred people, weapons being checked and rechecked, fights breaking out before being quickly suppressed by senior mafia members. Discipline was important in any organization, even if that organization included common desert raiders. Grimacing at the use of such low people he turned back to his target.

A spaceport was set in the middle of the desert, bustling with traffic as passengers boarded and disembarked ships, exchanging goods and ideas. Such an active place, yet it was not his prize. It was the massive vessel floating above the complex. Massive in size, the star ship was as large as a small city, overshadowing the spaceport in its magnificence. Truly a wondrous sight to behold; an even more wondrous place to plunder, for this was the F.S.S. Realta Nua, owned by Boris Drakov.

Graves thought back to his time with Drakov in the Federation military, rivals in everything. In Graves, that rivalry turned to contempt as Boris was favored by his superiors. Matters were only made worse when he was forced to flee the military after being charged with war crimes. That was how he got into the mafia business. And luckily for him, Boris had become leader of galactic super-company. All the better to pay him back. For years, Graves had been conducting raids against shipments of Drakov Industries, obtaining vast amounts of wealth in a short time. For years Graves had hidden in the shadows, avoiding Drakov for fear of being caught. Today was different.

The Realta Nua was Drakov's crown jewel, but it was going to be Graves's prize. Signalling the men behind him, Graves hopped onto one of the land-speeders as it passed by him. Approaching the spaceport at high speeds, the raiders plunged through the building, scattering civilians, killing those unfortunate enough to be caught in the path of the vehicles. Stopping at the tube to the Realta Nua, Graves stepped off and walked into the booth conducting passengers between the ship and the surface. Smiling at the cowering attendant, he dialed the speaker system, patching into the ship.

"Greetings passengers of the Realta Nua! This is your new captain, Jeremy Graves, speaking. I am sorry to tell you this, but we will be experiencing a short interruption in activities as business is conducted. Thank you for your cooperation," he announced, broadcasting over the entire system. Switching the microphone to a personal line to Boris, he said, "Your buddy is back! Nice ship you left for me. Really to kind." Dropping the piece, he pulled out his machine gun and blew apart the console with one shot. Motioning to his force, they assembled in the lift, heading up to the ship.

The setting changes from Dagojouiise to F.S.S. Realta Nua

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Deunan Knight Character Portrait: Lekan Voldaris
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0.00 INK

Lekan hadn't really expected Quin to be so sudden in allowing the first bout of sparring to begin, although in hindsight he probably should have. "W-wait, you mean right now? Shouldn't we be doing some sort of warm-up exercises first?" He wasn't an expert on these matters, sure, but he did get the idea that one generally did a few stretches before a workout, at least. Deunan's remark didn't help much either, he thought to himself as he sighed and moved towards the ring. Might as well get this over with.

Just then, a message was broadcast over the ship's PA system, and it wasn't from the usual announcer. Nobody tried hi-jacking an Exodus-class ship unless they were either very prepared or very stupid, and Lekan doubted that it was the latter at work here. "Looks like we might have to postpone our training session for now," he said to Cubey, preparing for the worst. There wasn't much point in trying to run here; where would he even run to asides from the unforgiving desert landscape outside?

After some hesitation, Lekan drifted back over to Quin. If there was any place on this ship that he was going to be safe, he thought, it would be by her side.

The setting changes from F.S.S. Realta Nua to Stratevaria Galaxy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Deunan Knight Character Portrait: Lekan Voldaris
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0.00 INK

Cubey nodded to Lekan's suggestion to head over to the training area, he was about to follow the determined mollusk and Quin, but not before he was met with the wonderful sight of Deunan signing his juice box, doing a little victory dance as he chanted; "I got an autograph! I got an autograph!"
After he ended his little ritual on a fist pump, and placing the small carton once again in his pocket, he noticed Deunan's gesture to follow, which he quickly jogged over to the trio, wandering off with them to the facility.

As they arrived at the said training facility, Cubey gave resounding "Oooooooooooooooooo!" as he looked around at the impressive array of training equipment, including sandbags, treadmills and tons of weights, not to mention the boxing ring they had there. Or wrestling ring. Cubey wasn't entirely sure which it was, but he was completely sure he was extremely impressed with the place. Weird that there wasn't any cardboard cutouts of bad guys though. With Lekan's question, Cubey too looked around the room, though mostly due to being confused that Quin was doing so, until he heard the insectoid woman's words, seeming more like an order than a decision, of him fighting Lekan, to which Cubey simple exclaimed; "Okay then! But if I win, Lekan has to buy me some sweets!", before blushing shyly at Deunan's comment, swaying side to side with his tail wagging slightly, seeming oblivious to Lekan's nervousness as he skipped over to the ring and giving Deunan a hoof back, due to the difficulty of making a victory sign.

Just as he attempted to clamber up the side of the ring, managing to end up wrestling the ropes, he heard the suspicious announcement over the ship's intercom of the 'new captain', pausing to listen to the message, completely being the gullible one he was, fully believing he was the captain. So much so, he seemed puzzled at his new friends words saying to postpone the sparring session, replying; "Eh? Huh? Why? The new captain said some activities are stopped because business, but training is kinda like business because we need to get stronger so we can beat up bad guys. Well I don't know about the rest of you but it's super ultra serious business for me."
Cubey scratched at his head in confusion, tangled in the ring's ropes, seeming oddly comfortable tied up in the small arena's perimeter. That was until he spotted the vending machine.
"I wanna chocolate bar!" he squealed as he pointed at the snack dispenser, wriggling about in the ropes, desperate to get a snack suddenly a she realized how hungry he was.

The setting changes from Stratevaria Galaxy to F.S.S. Realta Nua

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Sentinel Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: Ridley Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey
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0.00 INK

Explosions roar and fires rage in the space port as Graves began his assault. The barely-paid amateur guards were quickly taken down alongside civillians and by the mafia's firepower. Smoke rose under the blazing desert sun as Graves made his announcement.

Graves' forces entered the ship under his command, maniacal bandits of various races, shapes, and sizes cackling and firing away with reckless abandon. Some of the adventurers chose to flee, panicking, screaming, and shouting as they did, preferring to live another day. Others opted to be heroes, fighting back the bandits, though they were severely outnumbered, overpowered, and murdererd. Glasses shatter and fires spread as kinetic bullets fly through the air and beam blasts burn through the park. The artificial sky flickered from the collateral destruction of several holo generators. Graves' bandits tore through the market place, looting, ransacking, pillaging, and plundering their way, while the red alert blared through the entire ship.


Boris sat in his personal cabin, clasping his hands and smirking. He listened to Graves' menacing introduction.....and chuckled. It was about time these adventurers in his ship prove themselves, he figured. He knew that placing the Realta Nua in such an unstable planet such as Dagojouiise would normally be suicide....but this ship was going to Megido, after all. Danger is the catalyst of progress, as he always thought. Graves was not someone he would underestimate....and if his optimism was right...neither were the adventurers on board.


Mosa's grin disappeared as he listened to the announcement, tilting his head slightly to the left. Responding to Ophelia without looking, he nodded calmly. "Da." Most of the people around them, being restaurant workers and businessmen, and definitely not adventurers, became quite panicked, immediately running out....and then back inside as the bandits storm the restaurant, preparing to pillage and plunder.

Ridley and Vlad immediately got off their stools, and both nodded as well at Ophelia.

"SHOWTIME!", Mosa roared out, before grabbing his stool and clubbing bandits at once with it. The stool may be (relatively) small, but Mosa was enormous, and just one, well-timed swing was enough to take down five bandits, with the splinters of the poor stool scattering everywhere. Bullets bounced off his skin, and beams were shrugged off by the viciously grinning Mosa. "Ophelia, comrade, what do you say we go pummeling bandits?!", he yelled boisterously as he punched a beastman bandit's head off with a vicious crushing noise. He then turned around, and pulled back his fist "TOGETHER!", before delivering a wide haymaker to destroy three more bandits. Mosa then ducked a sword-swinging bandit's slash, before grabbing his waist with his long, oversized arms, and slamming him forward in a vicious piledriver.

Ridley generated his ice shield, and planted it to the ground, using it to tank all of the bandit's attacks while moving slowly towards them, dragging his mace at the same time. When the goons surround him, he lifted his mace, and swung it in a wide arc, taking them all at once.

Vlad constantly moved, dodging, leaping, crouching, and flipping to avoid the bandits. She drew her sword, and became preoccupied with decapitating quite a few thugs.


Megahertz watched as Gelon curled up like a baby, cringing when the needle was plunged into his skin. She became anxious as the medics seemed to take forever to arrive, looking around and fidgeting.....until Graves' announcement was spread throughout the entire ship. She looked at Sentinel in horror, and as she glanced to the side, she could see bandits pouring into the boulevard.

"Shiiiiiiitt!!!!", she screeched out, before looking back at the very much in pain Gelon. Sighing, she reached and tried carrying Gelon. "Hngh!" Though she had a bit of a difficulty, she eventually managed to put him over her shoulder. "Sentinel, we gotta get out of here!", Megahertz pressed, unwilling to wait for medics which may not even arrive.


Deunan looked up as she and Quin heard the announcement, becoming quite worried. Bandits? Here? She thought they were joking too....until they heard the gunfire, raging fires, and explosions in the distance. Quin barely moved...or the whole thing, before simply saying, "New plan.", and hovering towards the exit. The eyes on her arm cannons lit up, and the maws wiggle as they open, dripping green, slimy lubricant with a low, rumbling growl. She looked back at her group, and then forward, as if telling them to follow her.

Deunan was taken aback by Quin's simple statement. Was she implying they go out there right now and fight the bandits? That's crazy! As Quin wandered towards the door, she said in annoyance,"Hey, wait now!"...before finally realizing Cubey was tangled in some ropes behind them. With a nervous smile on her face, she leaped over the ropes and pulled at him. "Now now Cu- HNGH - bey!". These ropes were way too damn stretchy, she thought. Eventually, though, she successfully pulled him out of the ropes. Lifting up the wriggling Beastman, she looked at the snack dispenser as well, her jaw dropping and her eyes turning googly from hunger. "Me tooooo....", she whispered.

Suddenly, they heard another explosion close by.

"UWAAAH!!!", Deunan almost dropped Cubey from surprise, and then ran towards the waiting Quin and Lekan. "That'll have to wait Cubey!!"

Quin paused until Deunan and Cubey were right in front of them, and then she turned to Lekan.

"You lead.", she blurted out. Simple and to the point, and yet vague at the same time. She stared at Lekan directly eye to eye though, showing that she was not joking.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Sentinel Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Ridley Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia
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0.00 INK

Sentinel stood there calmly as the announcement came on over the PA system. Something is definitely not right, he thought. Looking over to the boarding area, he zoomed his sight sensors, clearly making out what was happening down there. Just as his vision finished focusing on the area, raiders began to pour out of the tube. Dozens of them. Running rampant, they began destroying everything, shooting those that got in their way. But it wasn't them that interested Sentinel. It was the man behind them. Jeremy Graves.

Hands settled slowly over his particle cannons, drawing the weapons away from his legs. Charging one, he pointed it straight at Graves, a dead-eye shot that would kill or incapacitate anything without a good amount of armor. It seemed Graves was looking at Sentinel, a smile flickering over his face before the man disappeared, consumed by shadows. Cursing, Sentinel shot, such a brief delay that it almost didn't matter. But it was too late, Graves had escaped.

Turning back to Gelon and Megahertz, he calmed himself down. Now was not the time to get revenge. Nodding as they spoke, he regarded Gelon. Upon being asked for a gun, Sentinel shook his head, responding, "I work with better with two guns. Do not worry though, you'll be fine." Striding off, he led the small group to the upper quarters, shooting any bandit that got in his way, which happened to be none. It seemed they hadn't gotten to this area yet. For now, he had to get Gelon to his residence.

Jeremy saw a flicker of movement off to his side and turned his gaze towards a distant terrace, a subtle feeling drawing his eyes to that point. Faintly, he made out a robotic shape, one he knew quite well. Smiling, he muttered, "It seems we meet again Sentinel." Cloaking with his latent magic abilities, he dodged off to the side immediately, barely avoiding a particle beam that lanced through the position he had just occupied.

Dusting himself off, he stood up and looked around at those near him, the ten most trusted members of his mafia serving as bodyguards during this endeavor. "While the rest do what they can to cause havoc, I want you to go and secure some hostages of seemingly important status. Bring them to the engine room. Kill them if anyone tries to free them, otherwise do nothing but wait. I have some business to take care of with an old friend."

Nodding, the elite group began loping off into the corridors of the ship, hunting for people to take hostage. Graves knew they would do their job. The rest of the force was simply to buy him time. Expendable. Stepping into a nearby lift, he entered the code for the bridge, heading for Drakov's offices. If Boris was anywhere on this ship, it was there. Looking out over the vista as he ascended, he saw fires raging around the ship, buildings ransacked and important pieces of equipment destroyed. Bodies lay sprawled all over the ship, most belonging to the unlucky "heroes" who got in the way of the thugs.

Such was not the case everywhere. Thirty thugs surrounded a sushi bar, being held off by three individuals: two Beastmen and an ice elemental. Graves chuckled as Mosa slammed a stool into five of the bandits. Simpletons, the Dagojouiisian raiders. Most of his mafia were engaging less obviously dangerous foes.

A ding alerted him to the door opening, and Graves turned to face the bridge, still cloaked by his magic. Sweat beaded on his forehead at the effort. Raising his machine gun and twisting his mouth, he whispered, "Daddy's home," before proceeding to fill the space before him with kinetic and energy projectiles. It was a fine day for a massacre.

The setting changes from F.S.S. Realta Nua to Stratevaria Galaxy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Deunan Knight Character Portrait: Lekan Voldaris
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0.00 INK

As Cubey wriggled in the tangle of arena ropes, he noticed out of the corner of his eye hat Quin had began leaving the place, towards the sounds of gunfire and explosions to which Cubey pushed out of his one-track mind as he still squirmed, his arm still outstretched towards the vending machine that was not even close by. He would think better with food in his stomach. Especially the sugary kind, by his reasoning. He was so focused, it took him a few moments to realize that Deunan was helping him to get free from the boxing ring's ropes, and lifted him as he still wriggled, seeming puzzled at how much hungrier she seemed when she stared at the vending machine.
"Ummmmm it's okay Deunan i'm not super hungry. I don't want one anyway. lets go now. There's scary sounds outside.", he chattered, seeming to suddenly change his mind from being quite unnerved and frightened at the commotion going on around the ship, wondering if the new captain knew what was happening.

Cubey then suddenly jolt as his pop star friend jumped at the sound of a nearby explosion, which also gave Cubey a nasty shock himself, nodding in agreement at Deunan's suggestion of leaving the chocolate bar for later. As he was carried over, he hugged Deunan for comfort, seeming to be terrified of his surroundings, with raging fires, looted buildings, wrecked facilities and plenty of fresh corpses and blood splattering, leaving Cubey to only whimper miserably, as Quin announced to Lekan that he should lead, managing to stammer out; "Whats going on? Why are they dead? Who's hurting people? Why is everything scary now?"

The setting changes from Stratevaria Galaxy to F.S.S. Realta Nua

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Mosa Belkan Character Portrait: Deunan Knight Character Portrait: Lekan Voldaris
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0.00 INK

Lekan looked exasperated at Cubey's failure to understand what was going on. "There isn't a new captain. If there was, there might have been a prior announcement about it," he said to the Beastman. "Somebody's boarding this ship." He could see Quin already preparing for combat, her arm cannons looking like hungry, salivating creatures as she ordered the small group to follow her to the entrance of the training area. Cubey had somehow got himself stuck in the ropes of the wrestling ring, and Deunan was trying to free him. Lekan simply followed Quin and waited for them to catch up.

The sounds of fighting were getting much louder now, to the point that it sounded something like a warzone to the Ondari. Quin, unsurprisingly, remained unfazed by the noise. When the team was finally assembled, if you could call it that, Quin didn't hesitate to tell Lekan that he was to lead them. Naturally, he was about protest or ask why it had to be him, but then it clicked. She wanted to know how he would handle the situation, didn't she? Well, now wasn't the time to disappoint her.

"Deunan, Cubey, we need to keep quiet and behind cover. If we don't, we'll be spotted and overwhelmed out here. Understood?" Not bothering to listen to their reply, he surveyed the area. The park was crawling with raiders, and there were a few bodies of adventurers who had tried to put up some sort of resistance. Damn fools, the lot of them. He spotted Mosa quite some distance away, and by all accounts he seemed to be putting up a good fight. The giant chef was fighting alongside some of the more powerful-looking adventurers, although the enemy had far greater numbers. Lekan tried to form a plan together. It might not have been much, but it was the best they had right now.

"Perhaps if we could get to the lower decks, we might be able to hide out and take down small groups of raiders if they come looking," he said. "But first... we need a distraction. One moment, please." Bringing the ends of his main arms in front of him, Lekan activated his nano-fabricators. What looked like a collection of wires and small, metallic organs started to form in what could be called his hands. Next, a sleek carapace was formed, along with two large eyes and an antenna on one side. Lastly, a weapon of some sort was added to the underside. The moment the combat drone was completed, it activated and hovered at Lekan's side, its small gatling laser primed and ready. The Ondari repeated this process two more times, so very glad that he had the good fortune to have come across a good supply of scrap metal earlier.

Whispering a few commands to the trio of drones, he watched as they departed, keeping low to the ground until they got close enough to the group attacking Mosa and his comrades. Despite their limited intelligence and somewhat cutesy appearance, they operated with surprising efficiency, firing into the backs of the mob to cause confusion among their ranks. Giving a nod of satisfaction, Lekan decided that now was the time to break cover and make a run for the lower decks, gesturing at his group to follow him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Sentinel Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia
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0.00 INK

Megahertz watched the sight of the burning and shriveling Beastmen with a bit of a shiver as she received flashbacks from just a day before. She quickly shook her head and banished the thought, following Gelon to his door. "Well, that's just great!", she distressedly remarked when Gelon mentioned the door panel being too damaged to use. She looked at the vent as well, but before she could agree or disagree, Sentinel came up with his own solution. She took a step back and winced as Sentinel demolished the door with one hit, watching as the splinters fall around them. "You're a life saver!", she excitedly yelled out with a grin, before looking at Gelon.

"C'mon!", she told the one-armed mercenary, and ran inside.


"Da!", Mosa nodded at Ophelia's words, smiling. "Mosa can't help but be curious." Responding to Ophelia's analysis, he chuckled. "Gu ha ha ha! Bandits aren't usually smartest tools in the shed, yes?" Mosa turned to look at the entryway to the engine room again. "Hmmm. Mosa gonna do stupid thing and take a look. You free to do what you want!", Mosa said with a carefree tone. Ophelia had more than proven to be capable of taking care of herself. Cracking his knuckles, he charged towards the engine room as the doors were closing. He very nearly made it......but he wasn't fast enough, and the door closed in front of him.

Bullets continue to bounce all over Mosa's body. The snarling Beastman turned around, and grabbed a larger, crab-like beastman behind him, before slamming him to the massive blast door. Over, and over, and over again, as he tried to smash his way through the door. When the crab-like beastman shattered into pieces from repeated abuse, Mosa clasped both his hands, leaned slightly to the right, and shoulder tackled the door, with no visible desire to stop.

"HEEEEERE'S MOSA!", he roared gleefully, reveling in the high tension.


The bolt shadow stunned the Knightguard at the right moment, giving the swift gangster enough time to draw his knife and skewer the synthetic, the blade coming out the other side of the tarnished armor. Graves could see the light literally going out in its eyes, as its entire body fell limp and became useless.

At the end of the corpse-riddled bridge was the room to Drakov's private quarters. Strangely enough, he did not bother to lock it. Perhaps he thought his knightguards would be good enough. Or rather.....he had one more trick up his sleeve.

In his room, Boris clasped his hands....and waited with his eyes closed. When he heard his last Knightguard sizzling, he opened his eyes a peek and glanced to his side, where his trusted con-woman and second in command Beatrice Schwartz was. He smirked and nodded, whispering smoothly;

"He's coming. Entertain our friend for a bit, won't you my dear?"


"Yessir!", Deunan saluted with one hand at Lekan's orders. He sounded so professional, she had utmost confidence in him. Drawing her beam charger, Deunan set it to low power before crouching behind some crates. She kept an eye out on her surroundings. Just remember what Halcyon taught you, she thought. Head down, breath steady, eyes focused.

Quin watched Lekan calmly, nodding with approval at how calm he was handling the whole situation. She paid attention as Lekan crafted the drones. What a convenient tool! She flexed her cannons' maws eagerly as Lekan gave his gesture.

"Hey, what the-?!"

The bandits' attention were diverted to the drones. Lekan and co. could see Mosa trying to tear down a blast door to the engine room. Quite...eagerly, at that. The bandits tried their best to shoot down the drones, but their aim was awful and frantic. Quin hovered behind the group, leaning forward slightly to give herself more speed. Without directly looking, her shoulder eyes occassionally fired one, two, three yellow beams at the bandit thugs who spotted them, guarding the colorful group as they slip by the mayhem.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Sentinel Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia
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0.00 INK

Stepping aside so the others could step in, Sentinel glanced around the area. It didn't seem like there were any more bandits in the immediate vicinity. Most of the fighting seemed to be dying down. The bandits may have had the element of surprise but they were vastly outnumbered on the ship. Which meant they must have had some other purpose in boarding the vessel.

Meeting back up with Megahertz and Gelon, he noticed that the residence was much like their own. Probably for money-saving purposes and organization as personalizing each 'house' would have been much more expensive and time consuming. Listening to Gelon as he talked, Sentinel unhooked his cannons once again and leaned against the door. "I shall stay and protect you from whatever is left. Do not worry about that." Looking over at Megahertz, he awaited her response.

As the last mafia gangster entered the engine room and closed the door, a band emanated from the portal. Turning around, all the members drew their weapons and pointed them at the door. If something was going to come through, it wouldn't come through healthily. Motioning four members towards the group of hostages, the leader yelled over the din, "Take them to the back of the engine room. If you hear fighting start up and no all-clear from us, you know what to do."

Nodding, the small group once again herded the prisoners down the passageways, ending up in a place close enough to hear whatever happened at the doorway yet hidden from that area. Gunfire sounded from outside the doorway shortly after the pounding, screams of pain mingled with the buzzing of energy blasts. Stepping forward, the leader placed his ear to the door as the dying began to cut out. It seemed that whatever raiders attempted an attack were alive no longer. About to move back, the man was blasted backwards as the door almost caved in, a crocodile shaped imprint on the door's thick metal. Groggily standing, the men took out his own weapons and took cover behind a piece of machinery.

"That door won't stand another hit. Whatever is coming through, it's big. As soon as it falls, let fly with everything you have!" he shouted. Complying, the other 5 gangsters took up their own positions, aiming various weapons at the portal to the outside. They weren't willing to go down easy.

Graves stepped over the dead body of the Knightguard, extricating the power knife from the metal. Deactivating the power field, he wiped away the synthetic fluid from the blade before sheathing it. Taking up his gun and hefting it over his shoulder, Graves made his way through the dead bodies. One man was still alive, breathing shallowly as blood bubbled from a tear in his leg. Crouching down next to the man, Graves removed his hat. Fear filled the crewman's eyes, slowly dimming as the loss of blood began to take its toll on his mind. As the last spark of life was extinguished, Graves said a short prayer over the man. He was not one to disrespect the dead.

Replacing his hat on his head, he proceeded to move towards Drakov's personal room just as Beatrice stepped out. Standing just as tall as Graves, he examined the Beast-woman. Or rather, what used to be a Beast-woman, he thought as he saw the tell-tale glowing eyes and antennas of an Ishkavi corpse-walker. As she began speaking sparks flew from the gun next to his face. Burning him slightly, he laughed heartily and tossed away the now useless weapon. Bowing to the woman, he declared, "It is a pleasure to meet you, servant of Boris. A most interesting surprise you provided me."

Watching as the two plasma blades extended from the gauntlets on her hand, he thought over the wiseness of the course he had taken. Almost instantly, he decided it had been worth it. It had been a long time since he participated in combat. The travails of the God-father were great indeed. Drawing a pistol from his hip holster, he threw the weapon out to the side, useless if his opponent could simply cause it to shut down. Transferring the knife to his left hand, he reached back into his coat and drew out another power weapon. Making a small whipping motion, the small rod extended into a two foot baton, a less powerful but longer-ranged weapon that would allow him to more effectively block the plasma blades.

Taking up a battle stance, he smiled at the Ishkavi, "No need for us to fight, I simply wish to talk with my old friend. I promise you that no harm will come to him from me. The same can't be said for you, however."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Mosa Belkan Character Portrait: Deunan Knight Character Portrait: Lekan Voldaris
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0.00 INK

Cubey kept in mind of Lekan's earlier comment, now realizing the so called 'new captain' was the bad guy, his fear slowly shifting to anger as he grumbled aloud; "We should go beat up the new captain guy. If he's out for the count these minions would be running away.", as he stared puzzled at Quin's calmness to the whole situation, obviously puzzled on how she could keep her cool in such a chaotic environment, but was too nervous to ask.
After a few moments of staring, Cubey then heard his mollusk friend's order to take cover, complying so as he followed Deunan behind some crates, doing a quick but somewhat clumsy roll to them, and realizing how calm Lekan was as well, wondering if this is the way that warriors were supposed to act.
"I am 'Super Duper', I am 'Super Duper', I am 'Super Duper'.", he whispered to himself over and over, trying to steady his fear and anger at the villains swarming the ship.

Although he was about to protest to Lekan's plan of hiding, planing to retort that the beloved Rainbow Rangers never hide, unless horribly injured, he kept his mouth shut as he remembered he was also ordered to keep quiet, covering his mouth with his 'hands'. He was however enthralled at Lekan's process in constructing the drones, being wide-eyed and completely absorbed into watching the little robots and Lekan whispering his own private orders to them, no doubt. He was also cheerful as they fired in a surprise attack at the goon's surrounding at big alligator beastman and a strange looking horned and tailed woman with a colossal arm, giving a noisy cheer with a fist pump, before covering his mouth again. He quickly followed after the group staring in awe at the alligator man smashing his way through one of the blast doors, before turning his attention to Quin firing three shots at the bandit's as she hovered in mid air, to which Cubey began shouting to Quin; "Your really good at shooting stuff! And Lekan, your good at making drone things too! Your both so cool!", seeming to have forgotten being told to keep quiet, and for some reason decided to use his gravity powers to float alongside Lekan, looking as if he furiously was swimming in mid air, and giving the squid creature a bright grin.
"I can help too! Just tell me what to do Mr. boss man!", he giggled as he did his best to imitate a thumbs up with his hooved hands.

He also noticed Deunan's beam weapon, and floated back over to her to simply ask; "What kind of weapon is that Deunan? Hey wait, you can fight people to? Wow, your so super awesome!", as he chuckled again before bumping into a rubbish disposal chute, and scratching at his bumped head.
"Owwwww!", he cried out, being much more noisier than needed, as he continued running behind the group in a sulky fashion.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Deunan Knight Character Portrait: Lekan Voldaris
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0.00 INK

While he did not consider himself to be an inherently brave individual, Lekan was indeed feeling a lot more confident despite the invasion on the ship. Quin's presence gave him the peace of mind needed to refrain from panicking, and the confidence both Deunan and Cubey had in his ability as a leader did wonders for his self-esteem. He was prepared to lead them, although not directly towards the enemy. Mosa and that new friend of his were doing a good enough job of that without needing any additional help. The colossal Beastman was breaking through a blast door to what Lekan guessed might have been somewhere near the engine room, given that it was towards the aft end of the ship.

Lekan quickly looked around for an access point to the lower decks. The drones, having finished their attack on the mob, broke off and returned to their creator. The corridors of the lower decks were a better option than staying out in the open, and there was probably a service tunnel or two that led to the engine room so they could probably attack from another angle and help Mosa out if he needed it. Taking a corridor that leaded to the aft section, Lekan rounded a corner to see something he didn't expect to see.

A small group of raiders lay dead, probably having made their way down during the chaos. The surprising part, however, was who had vanquished them. Up ahead was a group of scruffy-looking Ondari with several Wardens, Ondari-built combat synthetics. Although Wardens were humanoid in shape, they stood somewhat taller than a human, and their design veered towards looking almost organic in nature, similar to an insectoid in some ways. The group turned to face these newcomers, expecting a fight, but one of the Ondari pushed past them.

"Didn't expect to see you two down 'ere," he said. Lekan and Quin would have been able to recognise the voice as that of the same Ondari they encountered in the repair bay. Without a torch being shone in their faces, they were able to get a good look at him this time. He appeared to be somewhat smaller than Lekan and had orange skin with a dark mottled pattern. "Who're those other two? Friends of yours?"

"I suppose you could say that, yes," replied Lekan. "What about you, though? What happened here?" The other Ondari quickly looked around before speaking. "With all that din we figured we'd probably end up jumping ship a lot earlier than we planned, so me and the lads set about securing an escape route. This lot got the jump on us. Killed Uran, the bastards." He gestured towards the corpse of another Ondari being carefully picked up by one of the Wardens, seemingly unwilling to leave the dead behind. "Listen, drones or no drones, you'd probably be better off with a weapon. You can take Uran's bracers. He... won't be needing 'em anymore." Lekan nodded understandingly and put them on his main arms. One had a built-in laser and the other had a personal energy shield, although the latter had been damaged in the fight. Some quick field repairs later and it was working again. "I think the rest of them might be in the engine room in the aft section," Lekan told the Ondari. "We could use your help."

"Normally I'd be saying no, but seeing how we already lost an Ondari I ain't about to see another get sent to an early grave." He gave a few gestures to his group, and they began marching aftwards, Wardens in front, with the flesh-and-blood Ondari bringing up the rear. "Time for a little payback..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: Ridley Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Megahertz
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Mosa raised his head as he heard hostages being gunned down, and he growled. He saw this as a sign of cowardice. Typical of bandits, he thought. Then, he heard a loud, rumbling noise. Before he could react, he saw Ophelia moving quick as a flash, a chunk of the blast door behind her. He was then knocked down by the flying blast door, causing him to let out a grunt. He looked up at Ophelia with wide eyes as the orange flames of the explosion bursted towards them. Everything was shaking. They could hear the corpses being incinerated nearby. Mosa squinted from the intense light, but did not keep her eyes off Ophelia. Mosa held on to the ground tightly as Ophelia was knocked towards him. Even with the blast door, the enormous Mosa could feel the fire as well, his blue skin charred and sizzling from the heat. He leaned slightly forward to help Ophelia hold the door while grunting more, as the fires reached its climax.

Finally, it was over. Everything went black again. The smell of burnt flesh filled the air. Outside, they could hear the alarms blare. Mosa huffed and puffed, slouching on the ground while still looking at Ophelia. He was grateful to her. Even with his own impressive durability and hardiness, he would not have been able to survive that explosion without without her. At least not without some life crippling injuries.

"", Mosa asked with concern as he continued to recover. He winced as he stood up. "Ow..." His previously smooth skin have been battered, bruised, and burnt. He shook his head and coughed as the unbearable smell of burnt meat and ash fillled the air. "Yelch. Reminds Mosa of uncle's terrible cooking...Ouch...."


"Fortify! Yes!!", Vlad shouted in agreement with Gelon. Before they could do anything else, though, they hear a loud crash.....and thick rubble fell towards Gelon. Ridley turned and instinctively tackled the one-armed mercenary out of the way and to the wall, as wood and metal fell on him. "GAH!" He wriggled and wormed, and struggled to free himself from the wreck.

Vlad looked up and hissed. Megahertz stepped back, her tentacles coiling around her hair tightly. "Cazadore...!", she whispered, terrified.

Above, a loud roar. Bright green eyes, scarlet mane. Two enormous, lion-like Greater Beasts loom over the hole in the ceiling. Their long canines like greatswords, their jet black claws like daggers.


Cazadores. These Greater Beasts would not just follow anyone. One of the King Amongst Flames descended into the house. Just one of them was large enough to fit the entire fist floor. A heavy thud followed. With a loud, ferocious roar, the first Cazadofe spun in place, using its long tail as a powerful whip, knocking Sentinel, Vlad, Gelon, and Ridley through the walls - and out of the house.

"Gah!!!!", Vlad shouted out as she broke through the wall and skidded across the streets outside. She struggled to recover her vision as she stood up. She could see the second Cazadore on the roof, as it turned to its side, crouched, and blasted a fireball towards her. Luckily, she rolled out of the way just as it demolished the part of the street she was laying on.

Ridley rolled like a ragdoll out of the house. Dust and ash fell on top of him. This was going to be a pain in the ass.

Megahertz, who was still in the house, looked around desperately. "Shitshitshit! Gotta find a hiding spot!", she whispered in panic, as the first Cazadore hunted for her.

Suddenly, they hear the alarm blaring throughout the entire ship. A low, rumbling noise could be heard throughout the ship.

"...Could this day get any worse?", Ridley whispered, deadpan.


Quin remained expressionless as Cubey complemented her, while Deunan giggled and blushed. "Aww, shucks! It's a beam charger and-" She stared at Cubey, baffled when he suddenly cried out. She just gave him a patient smile, still finding his hyperactiveness too endearing to scold.

Deunan gasped when she saw the bodies of the bandits at the end of the corridorr, and then covered her mouth with one hand when she saw the group of Ondari and the Wardens. "Wow!!" She looked on in wonder, thinking they were quite cool. Quin stared on without a comment.

"Hi hi I'm Deunan!", she smiled at the orange Ondari and waved cheerfully.

Quin turned around immediately and followed the Wardens and Ondari, inspecting their formation with mild enthusiasm. Deunan accompanied the wardens on the front. She looked around seriously and carefully. It seemed like the fighting's finally starting to die down.

Of course, things couldn't be over so easily. An ominous noise was heard, followed by the loud blaring of the alarm.

"I don't like the sound of that...", Deunan whispered with concern.

Out of nowhere, they heard a loud, girly shriek. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!"

From the park, they could see a red headed human running away....from a Cazadore ten times his size. It was amazing that he wasn't eaten yet, Quin thought.

"BROTHER?!!",Deunan suddenly shouted and impulsively ran, breaking formation from the group.

Ozma heard and looked at Deunan as he ran. "DEUNAN!!", he shouted in embarassment. "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!!!!!!!!!!!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Deunan Knight Character Portrait: Lekan Voldaris
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As Cubey continued to plod after the group, and giving the drones a quick wave as they returned to Lekan's side, he found themselves being lead into a corridor which lead to a a group of synthetic warriors known as Wardens and an orange Ondari, the same species as Lekan, and the bodies of a number of defeated raiders, to which Cubey whistled in obviously impressed fashion, exclaiming; "Oooooh, orange squidy has lots of bug friends!!Hello orange squidy and his bug friends!", seeming surprisingly unphased by the bodies around them, despite the smell of death easily nauseating him due to his acute sense of smell.
"And i'm the 'Super Duper' Cubey!" he introduced himself after when Deunan did.

The child-brained beastman was met with surprise at it seemed this new stranger had met Lekan and Quin before, though instead of commenting he decided to opt out of talking for once, as it seemed the conversation between the two squids was important. The cheer in Cubey's face pretty much poured out when he heard the strangers friend was murdered during an attack by the raiders, tearing up as he saw one the Wardens carrying the dead Ondari in his arms, giving the orange Ondari and the recently mention Warden a sympathetic look as Lekan took the bracers. Cubey was beginning to like this ship less and less, as well as hate whoever this new captain was more and more. Cubey really didn't understand how Quin could keep so calm, he had after all flung through at least four diffrent emotions when he boarded. Maybe she was a robot.
When he heard his words, Cubey nodded along to Lekan's comment, adding on; "Don't worry Mr. Squidy, were gonna make the dumb stupid evil smelly bad guys wish they were dead!", his voice taking a darker tone than usual as he followed along after the group, angry tears in his eyes.

As he began wandering at the rear of the group, Cubey suddenly had the mental struggle in deciding to hand his signed juice box to the Ondari. It might make him feel better on one hand, but on the other hand Cubey really hated sharing. Extremely hated it. To an almost ridiculous extent one might say. Before he could mull it over for any much longer however, there was an ominous sound coming from down the corridor ahead, along with blaring alarms that made Cubey's ears hurt, whimpering in agreement to Deunan's comment. He jumped a bit when heard a high pitched scream, followed by a young man being chased by a colossal Cazdore, which the very sight of it also caused Cubey to scream the same way. His fear turned into utter surprise as it was revealed the man was in fact Deunan's brother of all people, which left the cubic giraffe blinking in disbelief, before snapping out of the trance when he realized both the newcomer and Deunan were in trouble.

"Time to be 'Super Duper'!", he announced as he began levitating in the air once again, furiously 'swimming' over to above the beast, readying himself to change his gravity at a moments notice, cockily shouting; "Ha! Bad Kitty! Cubey's gonna beat you up for being a big old meanie!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sentinel Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: Ridley Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia
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Mosa scoffed and shook his head at Ophelia's question. "Ha! Puny explosion no match for Manly Mosa!", he boasted, before beating his chest once with his right fist. Mosa coughed and sniffled, nodding at Ophelia's statement. "Da!....Da..." He followed her out. When he noticed her stopping, he slowed down his walk, and then halted as he stood next to her, surveying the area as well. Mosa glanced at Ophelia when he overheard her talking to herself. He directed his gaze forward again as he heard a girly shriek coming from not too far away, and stayed quiet to think for a moment.

Eventually, he asked her with a confident smile, "Well, what DO you want to do?"


Megahertz looked at Gelon, wide-eyed. "W-WHAT-" Before she could even complete her words, she was tackled by Gelon through the wall, and on to the bed in Vlad's room. She howled in pain from the impact, and they could hear the rubble falling behind them....and attracting the first Cazadore's attention.

"Ow..ow..Gelon, p-please get off...", Megahertz whispered politely with Gelon's on top of her. Vlad's room was filled with various skulls, bones, weapons, and other mementos from her bounty hunting life.

They could hear the Cazadore growling, as it slowly crawled towards Vlad's room, its eyes focused on the Gelon-shaped hole on the wall. As it was about to leap, Ridley suddenly smashed through the wall from the outside, and held up his shield to hold back the Cazadore's fangs. The strong beast pushed him forward and forced ridley's feet to drag along the floor. "HNGH!"

The Cazadore's eyes narrowed as it thrashed its head left and right, trying to throw Ridley out of the way, and his shield out of its mouth. However, Ridley rapidly generated ice around his legs to glue his feet to the ground, resisting the incredibly strong Cazadore as best as he can. "Gelon! You - something-" Ridley grunted as cracks appear on the ice around his feet. "-FAST!", he shouted


The second Cazadore stood tall and proud, proper for the king amongst flames, as it glared at Sentinel. Responding to his whisper, the second Cazadore lets out a mighty roar, as orange embers were generated from its mane, an its jet-black claws turning orange from the intense heat it controlled.

The second Cazadore leaped off the roof and tackled Sentinel, its absolutely enormous body dwarfing the iron knight. Even as lightning assaults its body, it did not budge, forcing Sentinel towards the ground, and across the street. Cracks and burn marks appear on the gray streets, and rubble scatter behind them alongside the embers. As they skid across the street, the Cazadore stepped back from Sentinel, staggering from his electricity. But it did not step back too far. Not giving Sentinel too much time to recover, it glared at him with those burning green eyes, and quickly 'chomped' into the air, creating a clanking noise as its fangs batter each other - and caused a spark which, in turn, created a chain reaction of explosions to the embers around them. A hundred miniaturized explosions - one for each embers- occur around the lion and the synthetic, making it practically impossible to dodge. Even the lion seemed to be harmed by this attack, as it roared out in pain an swished its tail, accidentally smashing a lamp post in half behind it.


Boris had not moved an inch from the moment Graves entered the room, still clasping his hands in front of his smirking face. He took a few moments to consider Beatrice's question.

"No, let him be. He has made me quite.....curious.", Boris said in an amused tone. "Perhaps you can help me with a cup of tea, instead."


Cubey's voice almost immediately attracted the attention of the Cazadore, distracting it as it tried to swipe at Ozma, causing it to miss - and allowing Deunan to tackle her brother out of the way. An enormous gash was left on the ground. Deunan and Ozma rolled across the ground, both of them grunting, Ozma whimpering.

The Cazadore roared at Cubey, smoke hissing out of its nostrills. Cracking its whip-like tail as a taunt, it took a deep breath, and blasted a loud, big, burning fireball towards the cubic giraffe, with a sound not unlike cannon fire. It then looked to the side, noticing the group of Ondari, Wardens, and Quin. Gripping its claws to the ground, it turned slightly to its left, showing the large group one of its right thigh-mounted demon masks. The mask's eyes glowed and its lower jaw extended, as it fired one, two, three! smaller fireballs in rapid succession.

Deunan lifted the whimpering Ozma up, and with a determined gaze, dragged him behind a wall. "Stay here!", she ordered him. She then turned towards the Cazadore currently preoccupied with Cubey, Quin, the Ondari, and the Wardens. With a flick of the wrist, she activated her beam charger's whip mode, and rushed towards the scene......

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Mosa Belkan Character Portrait: Deunan Knight Character Portrait: Lekan Voldaris
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Ophelia sneered as Mosa asked what she wanted to do. She knew he had heard say she didn't know. But he asked anyway. Instead of looking towards him, she looked over to where the scream was coming from. Plumes of fire and debris erupted in the distance. Something BIG was attacking a group. Quietly to herself, she assessed her own wounds and Mosa's. They both had sustained some nasty burn wounds from the engine explosion. Ophelia knew hers would regenerate but wasn't sure about Mosa. She was still surprised she concerned herself with him, or that Mosa wanted to stick around her. It was odd.

Finally she looked up at him. "Well whatever is attacking that group is destroying our ride." She said in a deadpan tone as she started jogging towards the brawl. It wasn't too far, it was happening on the lower streets, so the duo had a good view. Finally, she saw the massive, hulking Cazadore. It's teeth were larger than her claws and had to large face masks on its hind thighs. And it was always on fire. 'How in hell did it get here?' She thought to herself. She then looked to who was defending. It was the group she noticed earlier. The squid, the insectoid lady, the pink-haired woman, and the geometric creature. Along with them were more squids with robots (something I'd never thought I'd ever have to write) aggressing the creature. "Care explaining?" she said to Mosa with a hint of enthusiasm in her voice.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Deunan Knight Character Portrait: Lekan Voldaris Character Portrait: Ozma Knight
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The orange Ondari glanced at Deunan and Cubey as they both introduced themselves, prompting Lekan to do the same. "My name's Lekan, and the Genesior here is Quin," he said, pointing an arm to his companion. "And you would be...?"

"Tep. Just call me Tep," replied the other Ondari. "Anything but Mr. Squidy." Tep almost seemed to grimace at being called that as he fell into formation with his comrades. The Warden carrying Uran's corpse hung back with the other Ondari, presumably not wanting it to be further damaged in another fight. The march towards the engine room was interrupted when a piercing, girlish scream cut through the air. The whole group made a mad dash for the source of the noise, and found a human being chased by a mighty Cazadore, surprisingly managing to keep ahead of the beastie. What further surprised the Ondari was Deunan's reaction, proving that the human was actually male.

When Deunan rushed in to go save her brother, Tep shouted out orders to his group. The Wardens formed a firing line with their plasma rifles, while Lekan, Tep and the other Ondari took cover behind them to provide additional fire support. The corpse-bearer was also present, although it had left Uran's body away from the fight. It didn't take long for the Cazadore to notice them, but instead of charging right at the ragtag squad, it turned to one side. A terrifying demonic mask leered at the Wardens and Ondari, firing a broadside of fireballs in their direction.

"Scatter!" Tep yelled. The group didn't need to be told twice, the fireballs impacting their energy shields, which thankfully absorbed most of the damage and prevented any serious injury. Taking cover wherever they could find it, they continued firing upon the creature in an effort to bring it down, or at least weaken it.

Lekan had been cut off from most of the group, save for one Warden who was right next to him. This one didn't have a plasma rifle like the others, instead carrying a smaller pistol-sized version and a sword that was currently sheathed. Evidently someone who preferred close combat yet knew better than to rush out and face that Cazadore. Lekan looked round and found that two of his drones had survived the attack and were currently hovering around the beast's head like angry bees, attempting to shoot out its eyes. Heartened by the little things' efforts, Lekan aimed his weapon bracer and contributed to the attack.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Sentinel Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: Ridley Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey
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Megahertz nodded at Gelon's request. "One second!", before pulling out her datapad and furiously stroking across the screen. "c'mon, c'monc'monnnn! Load damn youuu...", Megahertz impatiently chattered while watching the loading screen.

As Gelon activated the sprinkler system, cold water poured from the ceiling towards the Cazadore. At first, it didn't seem to help, the creature continuing to press forward. However, with a grunt and a push, Ridley lets out a tiny pulse which transformed the falling water into icicles. A thousand tiny icy spikes fall on top of the fire lion, annoying it greatly and causing it to flinch, giving Ridley just the right moment to counterattack with a quick, hard, swing of the mace. A loud thud and a sudden crack was heard, and the Cazadore howled in pain as it staggered back.

"HA-HA! Thanks for that, Deskovitch!", Ridley roared out confidently, for the first time showing genuinely positive emotions towards his team leader. He preemptively raised his large shield as the Cazadore countered with a swipe from one of its mighty paws, which forced him back a couple of meters upon impact, but failed to knock him down or injure him. The walking glacier stared at the king amongst flames, eye to eye. The Cazadore growled and tried to swipe at him again with its right claw, but this time, Ridley rolled to the left, tumbled for a bit, then threw his mace towards the lion's face like a boomerang, which shattered into pieces and caused it to roar in pain as the ice shards were embedded in its eyes. Ridley circled the creature, shield raised, right hand generating a new ice mace.

Megahertz suddenly turned to Gelon. "GOT IT! You gotta break its fangs!! That way, it'll just be a big fat cat!", she shouted with a determined look on her face. Inside this house, she could only hear the vicious electrical sparks and mighty explosions outside, as she hoped that her iron knight would survive fighting the other Cazadore. She took a brief moment to glance towards the wall and smiled when she heard the lion's pained roar, confident in her friend's victory.

Suddenly, however, she heard the loud rumbling noise and felt part of the shockwave as it blew pass the house, causing her to trip and fall to the ground. "Ahh!" Her previously confident face turned into one of worry. Her friend will be okay...right?


The Cazadore crawled towards Sentinel standing shakily with his reactor exposed. Slowly, proudly. It seemed confident in its victory, with its head up high and its gait steady and straightforward. Looking at Sentinel from top to bottom, its attention was caught when Sentinel touched his exposed core. A second passed. And the lion realized just too late....that it was doomed.

Widening its eyes and roaring in terror, Sentinel's destructive shockwave was accompanied by a mighty roar of its own. The Cazadore tried to flee, but it was futile. The explosion disintegrated it, stripping it to its bones, and then turning those bones into dust under a blinding light. The last part to disintegrate was its face, with which it gazed to the artificial sky during its final moments. The disintegrated remnants of the Cazadore was thrown against the walls, where it shattered into even tinier fragments.

As the rumbling shockwave ended, only a piece of one of the Cazadore's saber teeth were left, plopping to the ground and bouncing twice in a rather undignified manner.


Mosa lets out a simple grunt of acknowledgement at Ophelia's statement as he scratched his back. Mosa smirked at the sight of the Cazadore. Looks like a strong and worthy foe, he thought. He then grinned as he noticed Lekan, Quin, a rubik giraffe, that pop star whose name Mosa always forgot, and a group of other Lekans and their synthetic butlers. "Heh.", Mosa chuckled. Seems like they were having a good fight, and he was especially impressed by Lekan's decision to fight. Perhaps his victory against Quin was not beginner's luck. Perhaps he was not as much of a coward as he seemed. Perhaps he felt he had an advantage with his friends around. Or perhaps he fell on his head. Either way, Mosa found himself...rather intrigued.

Mosa folded his arms when Ophelia asked her question. "Stratevaria is a weird place. Mosa just rolls with it most of the time.", Mosa nodded to himself. Normally he would stop there, but he noticed Ophelia's enthusiasm. With a smile, he pointed towards Lekan. "Da blue one is a comrade. His name Lekan Voldaris." He next pointed at Quin. "Da green one also comrade, formerly enemies. Her name Quin Veta." Mosa folded his arms again. "The others..Mosa not familiar. But they are fighting a good fight, and Mosa intend to join." Mosa paused, and gave his thuggish grin again, as he looked at Ophelia eye to eye. "Do you?"


Byatis arrived at the sight of quite a huge mess indeed. The pungent odor of smoke and blood fill the air. Walls riddled with bullet holes and burn marks. Bodies laying about, a considerable number mutilated. Almost immediately, he would be able to see the Ondari and the Wardens' fighting against one of the enormous Cazadores, which roared mightily despite being overpowered and overwhelmed.

Just then, Byatis heard a deafening roar right behind him. It was so loud and accompanied by a mighty gust of wind, that he can feel his tentacles fluttering in front of his face. Two more massive lions leap from the ship walls above him - and landed with frightening grace. One of the cats' mighty long tail nearly brushed Byatis' face, as both of them rushed to assist their disadvantaged comrade.

Quite the clusterfuck indeed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Deunan Knight Character Portrait: Lekan Voldaris Character Portrait: Ozma Knight
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Keeton finally had docked onto the ship, obviously a battle had taken place while he was out. That didn't matter now all that mattered was getting a tall glass of whiskey and washing it down with some jagermeister. It had been a very long day.

On his way to a bar, assuming it would be open, Keeton stumbles into what remains of the mafia. To say the least he was out-manned and out-gunned so he runs for his life. Not realizing what the mafia members were actually doing, running from the giant fire breathing lions. Keeton gets there just in time to see two more of the creatures leap from the roof and into the plaza. He keeps running knowing that with the Roger, in the state it was in, would have no chance in defeating those things.

Keeton spies a band of wardens and an Ondari fending off a Cazadore. His initial reaction is to keep running, and find sentinel. However that quickly changes when out of the corner of his eye, Keeton spots Deunan fighting the beast. In that moment Keeton takes a 90 degree turn and heads straight towards the monster. He flips on his cutlass releasing the streams of electricity running through the blade, and charges to join the group.

The setting changes from F.S.S. Realta Nua to Stratevaria Galaxy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Deunan Knight Character Portrait: Lekan Voldaris
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Cubey screamed less than heroically when the Cazadore spat a colossal fireball at him, quickly forcing his gravity to normal as he tumbled down to the beast, continuing his fearful cries as the beast launched smaller fireballs at his newly found friends. In fact, Cubey became so frightened he shut his eyes completely as he changed his gravity to slam into the gigantic feline beast like a truck, shouting out; "Super heavy smash attack thingy!", seeming to be pretty much stuck with slamming into the beast repeatedly foot first, fluctuating the gravity constantly, which gave plenty of time to see Lekan, Quin, Deunan, Tep, the Ondari, The Wardens and even the pirate guy from before at the park that Cubey spied on, seeing they had become scattered due to the great creatures retaliation, but they bravely still kept on fighting back.

"Don't worry guys, I think i'm wearing him down!" Cubey shouted out as he continued to slam against the lion-like monster's back in hopes of comforting his allies, before tumbling off to the side clumsily into a uncomfortable landing atop some debris. Cubey stared at his surroundings for a few moments, until a light-bulb dimly glowed inside his head as he had some vague resemblance of an idea, as he made some of the debris orbit around him.
"Im gonna throw stuff at him!" Cubey announced smugly, revealing his next master plan.

The setting changes from Stratevaria Galaxy to F.S.S. Realta Nua

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: Ridley Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Clockwork
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Megahertz stared at Gelon for a few seconds, dumbfounded by his question. Meanwhile, in the background, they can hear Ridley and the Cazadore continuing their endurance contest; Ridley's unbreakable defense versus the Cazadore's unrelenting offense. Rubbles pour and the entire house shook.

"You're crazy......", Megahertz whispered.

And then she smirked. "But I LIKE crazy!", and she proceeded to stroke away at her datapad again, searching for relevant

With a swing of his mace, Ridley successfully broke one of the Cazadore's fangs, causing it to flinch considerably and hiss in pain. Ridley kept his focus, twirling his mace like a baton while refusing to lower his guard.

When Gelon helped her up after she fell, Megahertz nodded vigorously. "I-I'm fine!". She just hoped that Sentinel was, as well... Megahertz then showed Gelon her datapad, which displayed the Napishtim Database's image of the Cazadore with circles under neck guard. "That's its sweet spot. But you have to be careful. Greater Beasts have a nigh-unbreakable will, and will not bow down to you unless you have an even stronger will!", Megahertz said to Gelon, nodding with a determined look on her face.


"Thank you, Beatrice", Boris said to his second-in-command politely. He then watched the camera feed with Sentinel on it, raising an eyebrow when he self-destructed. "Fascinating.....", he remarked, and chuckled sinisterly as Beatrice laughed maniacally. That kind of must have came from one of the Dagojouiise war factories, Boris thought. Such a powerful relic of the Galactic War would undoubtedly be useful for the future of Drakov Industries. "Do try to be careful, Beatrice. It's a jungle down there~", Boris affably stated as he placed his tea cup on the table, continuing to eye the screens with great interest.


Deunan's beam charger coiled around the Cazadore's front right leg, as the Ondari, the Wardens, Lekan, and Quin proceeded throw all they have against the fire lion. She struggled and gritted her teeth, determined to keep the beast in place. Just then, her nose caught the awful stench of alcohol as a shadow flew over her head. She glanced up - and saw K2 with his electric cutlass. Before she could think more though, she heard the Cazadore roar violently and pull its coiled leg, causing the beam-whip wielding Deunan to be thrown into the air.

"AHHH!", Deunan yelled out as she cartwheeled unwillingly through the air, widening her eyes as she barely missed the beam and plasma weaponry flying about trying to take down the king amongst flames.

Suddenly, a purple shape flew through the air, and caught the interstellar rose in a bridal carry. "I got you, princess!", the purple shape shouted chirpily, before landing on the ground with a loud metallic clank. Deunan looked up, and saw her savior - a purple synthetic with a gleaming yellow visor. "Uh...t-thanks, but don't call me princess!", Deunan replied, a bit embarassed by their position.

A loud, gruesome smash was heard as Cubey slammed onto the Cazadore's head with surprising and overwhelming strength. "GRAOR!", the Cazadore yelped, taken off guard by Cubey's unexpected power. Deunan, Clockwork, and Quin all look as Cubey continued to pummel and stun lock the great beast, every slam from the giraffe knocking the lion back. Once. Twice. Thrice.

In Clockwork's grasp, Deunan pumped her fist and smirked. "Go, CUBEY!". She proceeded to jump off and, inspired by Cubey, the interstellar rose once more activated her beam charger - this time in its sword form -, and ran forward. "Thousand-Rose-PETALS!", she yelled out as she delivered a thousand rapid slashes, each slash projecting a pink energy beam.

Quin darted around the air like an agile hornet, dodging the Cazadore's fireballs, countering with her own green plasma shots. When she noticed Cubey providing them with an opening, she suddenly stopped mid-air, spread her arms, and rotated in pace rapidly. "Disco never dies.", Quin stated in her usual emotionless voice, before shooting out plasma beams from all of the eyes on her body while quickening her rotation, making her look like a disco ball of death.

"Calling our attacks, eh? Khe khe. I could do that!", said Clockwork as he activated all his thrusters and flew forward, twirling his spear. Once he was close enough, Clockwork's red dots flash, and his yellow visor opened like a beak. He leaped up, held the spear back... "MY DRILL IS THE DRILL THAT WILL PIERCE ALL H-" Before Clockwork could finish his mantra, he was struck hard and swift by the tail of the pained Cazadore, having lost one of its eye to one of K2's slashes. Clockwork screeched as he flailed about in the air and was knocked out of sight.

The Cazadore roared defiantly once more, though this time even more desperate than ever. Pieces of its golden armor were blown apart by Quin's heavy fire. Its fur and flesh were scorched by Lekan, the Ondari, and the Warden's beam weaponry. Its face was crused and broken by Cubey's foot. Its left eye blinded by K2's electric cutlass, and its body scarred by Deunan's slashes. Its defeat is imminent. One of them just has to make the killing blow now!

(OOC: Guys, I'll be away for the next two or three days. There's still 2 Cazadores left, feel free to take control/take care of them, hehe.)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Deunan Knight Character Portrait: Lekan Voldaris
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The first Cazadore has been greatly weakened, but two more showed up as some sort of backup force. For a moment, the situation looked pretty grim, but the person Lekan recognised as Mosa's new friend decided to intervene and tackle one of the newer opponents on their own. The others focused their efforts on finishing off the first Cazadore, pulling off visually spectacular fighting moves that largely seemed a bit too elaborate for Lekan's tastes. Still, he enjoyed Quin's display from the relative safety of hiding behind some debris.

"Time we show this lot how the Ondari get things done," Tep said. "Concentrate fire on the last one!" Safe in the knowledge that the assorted adventurers would be able to finish off the already gravely wounded Cazadore, the Ondari and their Wardens began firing at their new target. The Warden next to Lekan stood up to its full height and drew its sword, pointing it towards the mighty beast as if issuing a challenge. The blade began to glow with pale blue flame as the Warden advanced, taking a few shots at the Cazadore with its plasma pistol before holstering the weapon and breaking into a sprint. Dodging fireballs with surprising agility, the Warden closed the distance between it and the creature, leaping onto its front leg and trying to climb further up on to its body, hacking away at the leg with its spellblade whenever possible.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Clockwork Character Portrait: Deunan Knight
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0.00 INK

Now is Keeton's chance, he was going to catch the girl of his dreams in his arms. She would be so happy they would start dating, and then she would turn to a life of piracy. Keeton could imagine crushing the skulls of his enemies under his boot, with the lovely pink haired girl. But that was ruined the moment Clockwork flew in and saved her. He glared at the purple protector for a moment, and then with all the rage built up from the rescue lashed out with his blade onto the creatures eye. Keeton was too embarrassed, everyone had probably seen him try and catch the woman. His face blushed with anger as he took swing after swing at the beast. Keeton realized the Cazadore could be manageable for the wardens to control now so he rushed over to another fight.

Keeton sees Ophelia staring down the Cazadore, a spectacle to say the least. Rugged metal spikes loom over the beast waiting to impale the creature entirely, all she needs is a distraction. "HEY! Lion prick!" Keeton shouts successfully getting the attention of the Cazadore. "FUCK YOU MATE!" He screams pulling out his jolly roger and rapidly firing bolts towards the beasts direction. Hopefully the demon looking thing acts fast because the Cazadore is really pissed off, Keeton thinks to himself. The lion charges towards the pirate with a mouth now completely filled with a red hot fireball aiming right towards him. "Fuck this is gonna hurt..." he says quietly as he continues to stand his ground, and shoot laser bolts into the gigantic beast.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Clockwork Character Portrait: Mosa Belkan
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0.00 INK

Ophelia was just about to impale the beast until she heard shouting coming from her left. A raggedly dressed pirate was yelling at the Cazadore to get it's attention. Was he crazy?! She watched as the mangled-face Cazadore charged at Keeton, ready to attack. Ophelia was tempted to not intervene, just to see what would happen but, at the last moment she brings her metal blades down into the Cazadore. One impaled through it's back, one jabbed into it's hind leg, and the last on coming down on the already mangled skull. That blade ran through and stopped the Cazadore mere inches from K2. It let out a horrific dying screech as it wriggled and writhed on the ground. The blades had pinned it to the street. The intense heat of the Cazadore was slowly melting the blades, but it was too late, the damage was done. It glared at Keeton just before it's eyes roll back into it's skull.

Ophelia watched momentarily at the dying Cazadore, then at Keeton. Then at the other Cazadore still fighting with the Wardens. She glanced back knowing Mosa couldn't be too far behind. Quietly, Ophelia eased herself down to sit on a bench that amazingly was still intact. She winced with every movement, the burns from before were healing, but at a slow pace. 'I could use a bath...' she thought to herself.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Clockwork Character Portrait: Deunan Knight
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0.00 INK

As Cubey came back to his feet, with debris floating around himself, he saw Deunan leaping out of the purple robot he saw earlier, suddenly crying out the name of her attack as she slashed at the Cazadore with some kind of pink energy sword, causing to Cubey to return the cheering; "Gooooooooo Deunan! Your as cool and string as ranger pink! Maybe even better!", adding whoops and arm flailing into the mix, as he also watched Quin suddenly spin around firing beams at the colossal beast, like a deadly light show and called out; "Goooooooo Quin! Disco Infernooooo!Show that meanie kitty who's boss!"
He also cheered along to Clockworks attack, until he froze in place as the droid was batted aside by the partial blinded monster's tail, his eye having been sliced into by one of the pirate's attacks, leaving the mutant beastman speechless. He was all the more without words as he saw how injured the monster was, seeming to struggle to even attempt to fight back, which Cubey wasn't entirely sure was a good thing or not. He eyed up their singed fur and flesh, there cut eye, the damage to it's face, the scars from Deunan's attack, and it's armor blown apart to pieces.

It came as a nasty shock however, when Cubey turned his head to see two more of the great feline kings arrive, his face turning pale as he saw them both, freezing in place, though noticed that the Ondari and the Wardens had shifted focus on one of the newer Cazadores, with one Warden in particular managing to sprint over to to their new foe and slash wildly at their front leg as it clambered up it, leaving Cubey to exhale in amazement and scream out; "WOW! Your super tough too Mr. Bug Robot thing!Go get him!", seeming to have forgotten his mixed feelings of the greatly injured Cazadore that came before this one, applauding cheerfully before giving Lekan and Tep a little wave.

His own attention was diverted as he turned to the sweary taunts of K2 at the first Cazadore, suddenly opening fire at the beast, surprisingly holding his ground as it charged towards him about to launch a fireball from it's mouth!
"Quick pirate guy! Run! The meanie kitty is gonna eat you! Don't stand their, that's bad!", Cubey called out desperately, until he jumped back with a yelp as suddenly some sharp metal blades suddenly slammed down into the monstrous animal's body, piercing through it's skull, back, and leg, stopping it just a few steps away from the pirate, as Cubey threw up in the corner, dropping the debris from loss of concentration and managed to glimpse the strange pale and tailed lady from earlier sitting down calmly, oblivious to her causing the Cazadore's death.

He cried a little as he saw the huge creature was dead, and wandered over to Lekan's group of Ondari and Wardens nervously and filled with nausea, managing to mumble; "One of them is dead now. Ummmm, should I go fight this one that you and Tep and your buddies are fighting? I'm not feeling too great but I can still fight because I'm the 'Super Duper' Cubey. I think.", scratching his head in worry as he chattered with his recently found friend, seeming to be loosing focus on the battle around him as he talked away nervously.

The setting changes from F.S.S. Realta Nua to Stratevaria Galaxy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Clockwork Character Portrait: Deunan Knight
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0.00 INK

Something dropped from the ceiling vent above the last Cazadore. With all the fighters converging on it however, it was likely unnecessary that Ciril intervene at this point. All the same, he knew to get to the bottom of this, the threat had to be neutrailized, as he twisted in mid air and fired lasers directed at the Cazadore's eyes, catching the tip of its horn and swinging down to the floor, rolling and firing again at the beat's paw pads. The Ondari swished by him, dodging flames, and he could see Clockwork holding Deunan. Twisting around he could see K2 and... a creature with obvious heavy bio modification- Ophelia... also a strange giraffe like creature. What a mess. He scanned around again, looking for the source of the commotion, the one that caused this attack in the first place....

The setting changes from Stratevaria Galaxy to F.S.S. Realta Nua

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Deunan Knight Character Portrait: Lekan Voldaris
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0.00 INK

With the battle clearly in their favour, the Ondari and their Wardens swiftly regrouped, forming a firing line once more to provide a heavy rain of fire support for the Warden on the Cazadore. The sword-wielding synthetic had climbed up past its shoulder at this point and was repeatedly slashing into its back, causing the massive creature to roar out in pain as the hail of plasma bolts and laser beams continued to hit it.

In all the noise and the carnage, Lekan was surprised when Cubey appeared right next to him. While he had certainly heard the odd-looking Beastman's shouts of encouragement in the heat of battle, Cubey certainly didn't look like he was enjoying himself so much now. As someone who felt so out of place on the battlefield, Lekan couldn't help but sympathise.

"Are you mental?!" Tep interjected. "Either we take these things down or they'll tear us apart!" The orange Ondari had a point, but Lekan found himself agreeing more with Cubey now that the initial confidence had faded away for the both of them. "...Not all of us are fighters, Tep. The Wardens seem to have this covered, so I doubt the two of us would be pivotal in subduing the beast. Come on, Cubey. We don't have to fight if we don't need to." Lekan paused only to glance up at Quin flying around before putting a bit of distance between himself and the conflict. Would she think any less of him for choosing not to fight?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Clockwork
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0.00 INK

Keeton continued to fire at the charging beast, it seems as if the demon thing was just going to let him die for helping her out. "Quick pirate guy! Run!" A voice of a child can be heard screaming at Keeton, but he insisted in staying his ground. The Cazadore now only a few feet from either consuming or cooking him, suddenly stopped moving. The giant metal blade shot down piercing the monster's head. The embers died directly in front of Keeton's shocked face.

"OI! You scared me half to death!" Keeton screams at Ophelia. He turns around to see just who was telling him to move. He sees a green giraffe type beast man that looks like a child. When Cubey meets eyes with him, the pirate salutes the little mutation and screams "Thanks for the warning mate!" What is someone as young as him doing on the Nua, he thinks to himself. No matter, there is still one Cazadore left. Keeton rushes to fight the last monster with his fellow adventurers by his side. He blasts away at the beast with his hand cannon and slices it with his cutlass, dodging and prodding around the monster as more mercenaries and heroes show up to finally get rid off the Cazadore threat

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: Ridley Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate
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0.00 INK

One by one, the lions fall. The remaining adventurers aboard the Realta Nua put up a most impressive fight. Boris eyed each and every one of them. Yes. These were the people he needed: these were the survivors that Graves have provided him. Boris honestly felt thankful, and made a mental note to return the favor later. Ophelia the Lunatic, Wicked King Mosa, Black Bolt Beatrice, Frozen Vanguard Ridley, Graves the Gangster, the Ondari and the Wardens, Veteran Quin Veta, that pirate wretch, 'Super Duper' Cubey, the enigmatic snek, and....'Clockwork'. Only today's survivors will be worthy to fight in Battlefield Stratevaria.


Only one Cazadore remained, and it had been fighting Mosa. The blue gator shoved, punched, and tackled the fire lion with all his might, quickly wearing down the creature. "HAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHA!!!", Mosa roared and laughed with bloodthirsty glee. Jumping on top of the greater beast's head, his long, enormous hands gripped onto its prominent fangs, and pulled, snapping each fang in half violently. In a fit of rage, the beast entered into overdrive, and covered its entire body in flames, forcing Mosa to leap off its head with flaming pants.

"AAAGGGHFFFFF!", Mosa yelled out in frustation as he fell to the ground, and rolled around in a rather indignified manner, as he tried to put the fire out.

Meanwhile, Ophelia, Cubey, and Lekan could watch as, under the broken artificial sunset, the Ondari, the Warden, Deunan, Quin, and K2 finished off the last remaining Cazadore. It lets out one last, agonized scream - not even a roar, a scream, - before bursting into flames and disintegrating into ash.

Ash fell on the broken interior of the Realta Nua. the blaring alarm felt like ambient noise by now, the bodies of fellow adventurers and civillians strewn about around the adventurers. Brave adventurers, innocent, terrified civillians. Only fighting for their lives, they became a casualty in this terror. As Mosa's battle-lust died down, his expression became visibly horrified. With smoke still rising from his pants,he looked around, taking in the sight of every dead man, woman, and children around him. Flashbacks about the Galactic War proceeded to assault him over and over again, and he became completely still, with that horrified expression frozen into his face.

Quin closed her cannons, and did not look at anybody else. Not the dead, not the living. She gazed to the ceiling, above everyone else, making sure nobody would be able to see her face.

Deunan looked at everyone with a smile on her face, pumping a fist in the air. "We did it!........ Guys!!....Guys?" She was confident, impulsive...until she caught sight of the dead. Her shoulders sag and her smile faded. They had won, what cost? She slowly glanced at Cubey at the corner, feeling a great worry for the man child. She then looked around, at the Cazadores. Her eyes dimmed with sadness, as she saw the expression on each of the great lions. Hatred. Agony. Despair. The Cazadores may have been the "Bad guys", but...was killing them so brutally really necessary?, Deunan pondered.

Deunan decided to think of such matters for another day. For now, she walked towards Lekan, Ophelia, and Cubey. She looked at each of them with a warm and genuine smile. She could almost feel the doubtness, anger, and grief in them. But this was why she chose to be a singer. She hoped to bring a little bit of joy, no matter how difficult, into people's lives. After a brief moment, she spoke up. "Hey, guys...."

A brief pause.

Then she tilted her head, winked, and gave a thumbs up. "Good job."

Ozma looked over at her sister and the three aliens while huddling in a corner behind an alley. He never understood why her sister cared so much about these dirty aliens. Despite being siblings, they were complete opposites. Deunan radiated love from all her being, while Ozma spew hate from every one of his holes. He could not help but feel jealous...but at the same time, he could not help but love her. And that was why, as much as he hated his father, he will not let any harm fall on his sister.

Darkstar's voice resurfaced in Byatis' head. "Byatis. Your contract has been updated. The client and the terms has changed, but the target remains the same." Darkstar proceeded to mark Anguirre Knight's location - he entered the ship a few minutes ago. He was injured along the way, and is currently riding the elevator up towards the bridge. If Byatis retains the element of surprise, he should be able to kill the protector with one well-placed sneak attack.


As Ciril scanned the ship, he found a peculiar activity in the upper class district. The last half an hour of fighting was focused so much on the park..and yet, a sizeable number of people had remained there - a gangster, a Drakov officer, an ishkavi woman, a one-armed mercenary, an ice elemental, and a fallen Cazadore. They were in a bit of a standoff. It seemed rather...suspicious.


Megahertz breathed a sigh of relief as 'Clark Kent' entered the house. As anticlimactic as it was, and as much as she felt bad for Gelon for missing the chance to prove himself (again), at least it was all over. Ridley rested on one knee and planted his shield on the ground, still on guard as 'Clark Kent' entered. He stared up at him cautiously and suspiciously, but decided to hold his tongue for now.

Before they could answer Graves' polite request though, Beatrice came in to kick at Graves, causing Megahertz to jolt back in surprise, and Ridley to tilt his head. "H-Hey-!!",Megahertz began to protest, but before she could say much, she saw Beatrice move a little too close for her comfort. She blushed a bit and at the same time stuttered, feeling very, very awkward despite slightly appreciating the comment. "I.. d-don't b-b-b-bend that way."

Ridley shrugged. "We've no idea where he was! Maybe he blew up.", he nonchalantly said.

Megahertz turned to Ridley and snapped at him,"Don't jump to conclusions!!"

They proceeded to watch as Beatrice approached Gelon. Ridley visibly flinched when Beatrice kneed the one armed mercenary in the grotch, while Megahertz looked on with a very worried expression. "Gelon!!", she shouted.

Ridley rolled his single eye. It seemed like he would just have to live with the ice puns. He eyed the credits Beatrice pulled out, becoming quite enticed. Had he actually known where Sentinel was...

"Look! We don't know where he was!! We were focused on that Cazadore, we barely got to do anything! Right??", Megahertz panickedly spoke, glancing at Ridley and Gelon to gain their support. She then backed away further from Beatrice when she eyed her up and down. A chill ran up her spine, and her hands tremble as she place them on the wall.

Ridley nodded, shrugging a bit. "Look, 'catbug, I'm just here for the money. I'd tell you where the robot went if I knew, but I don't, so I won't."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Clockwork
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0.00 INK

As Cubey sniffled alongside Lekan and Tep, he noticed yet another rather strange newcomer join the battle, which he recognized as the scale beastman he also saw in the park earlier, wondering if everyone he saw in the park was going to turn up, before being more focused in being impressed with his combat skills as he assaulted the Cazadore in mid air, where his thoughts changed to thinking about how powerful all these people were, including his new friends. He suddenly felt extremely insignificant.

Before he could think much about comparing his talents to the others around him, he was dragged back into focus of Lekan and Tep, the later seeming rather annoyed at Lekan as his friend told him he didn't have to fight, telling Cubey to follow along, who complied by holding one of the Ondari's, tentacles and stumbled along after him, sucking on his hoof as he tried to think of what to say, though only managing to shyly wave at the pirate from earlier in thanks of his gratitude. He then proceed to take the signed juice box out of his pocket and clutch it like a teddy bear.

He scuttled behind Lekan fearfully as he saw the alligator beastman he had seen fighting some of the raiders before was now combating the last Cazadore by himself who burst into flames, grabbing at his antennae as if to cover them, miserably muttering under his breath as the fighting continued; "Can't stop smelling it. The blood. It stinks. It smells so bad. So very bad. Please make it go away. I don't want to smell it anymore."
He then began to whimper after giving a fearful yelp as the Cazadore that was caught in the onslaught by K2, Quin, Deunan, Tep, The Ondari, and The Wardens, gave a blood curdling scream of defeat as he became a raging inferno that vanished as the once terrifying monstrous beast crumpled into ash. Cubey shut his eyes before he could fully see what happened to the beast, a she began chanting to himself. "It's okay Cubey. Those giant kitties were just the bad guys. It wasn't you fault or your friends fault. They started it first. They were big meanies. They just lost is all. Not your fault. Not your fault. Not your fault.But it stinks it still stinks, blood stinks so bad."

His eye began tearing up once again, seeing the other stand around as miserably as he was, looking at them all sorrowfully until he heard Deunan's voice, to which he turned to face her and did his best to put on a brave smile, though his eyes gave away his feelings easily and replied; "Thanks Deunan. Ummm we beat the bad guys. We did good right? We did the right thing didn't we? Because were the good guys right?", as he shuffled over to her nervously, letting go of Lekan's tentacle, seeming worried about the answer, and doing his best to keep his eyes away from the sight of any of the corpses, whether they were the Cazadore, the mercenaries, civilians, or the raiders as well as avoiding the eyes of Ozma, Deunan's brother, as he seemed furious with him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Clockwork
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0.00 INK

Ophelia glanced at mosa taking on a Cazadore himself just like she had. The edge of her mouth curled up ever so slightly watching Mosa flail around with flaming pants. But soured again when she heard Keeton yelling back at her about scaring him. She couldn't care less. Suddenly, she heard this soft, gentle voice coming from the pink-haired woman. The voice cut into her thoughts like a blade as she looked at Deunan. Slowly, Ophelia stood up, taking in the sight of all the carnage. Was she supposed to feel any sort of sorrow? Because she couldn't feel a thing. Regret? Sorrow? Nothing. Ophelia quietly walked past Cubey, Lekan and Deunan. Though she did feel a short instance of an emotion when she glanced at Cubey. Sympathy? Maybe. Cubey definitely couldn't have been a normal beastman and the only conclusion she could arrive at was experimentation. Just like her. But she kept her thoughts to herself. Her footsteps towards Mosa were muffled by the still blaring alarm, watching silently as Mosa brushed the flames off his pants.


Byatis nodded. 'On it' he thought back. The bridge elevator! He was already at the elevator hub so that was a stroke of luck. Byatis looked up and saw the one operational elevator heading upwards. That must be it! Acting quickly, Byatis activated his camouflage and leaped onto the outside of the towering elevator shaft, climbing as fast as he could to catch up with the elevator. His fast movements came at a cost. Every time his shoulder moved, he wretched in pain as the gunshot from K2 hadn't healed just yet. And every movement would reopen the wound. But this was a pretty important contract, at least thats what Byatis thought. Darkstar had never had to communicate this much with him on any assignment..

After a few moments, Byatis was above the elevator and tackled through an air vent. His massive size was only barely able to squeeze in through the vents. But lucky a big ship had big things. Like air vents. Byatis opened the grate and quietly slithered his tail into a striking position. At any moment, Anguirre Knight would walk through the elevator doors and meet his doom.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Clockwork Character Portrait: Mosa Belkan
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0.00 INK

When the final Cazadore had died, the Warden held its spellblade aloft victoriously before rejoining its comrades, safe in the knowledge that the immediate safety of the Ondari and the other Wardens was assured. Not all of them had survived, sadly, but at least the vertebrates that were previously attacking them and the ship had either been routed or destroyed. Revenge had been exacted, and so they settled for that. Tep and his companions formed up and headed back down to the lower decks, making sure nobody tried following them to wherever it was they were headed within the ship.

Lekan looked out across the battlefield in mute horror. While the bodies of the Cazadores had disintegrated into large piles of ash, the same couldn't be said for the bodies of not just adventurers, but also innocent civilians that were strewn about the place. The smell of death hung in the air, and had this been outdoors there certainly would have been carrion birds arriving by now. Thankfully those he knew were still among the living, but it was probably going to take a good deal of time and manpower to get the ship repaired and cleaned before it could get underway again.

He watched as Deunan made her way over to him and Cubey, both appreciating her kind gesture and amazed that she had managed to keep her composure like this. The Interstellar Rose was a celebrity, and as such presumably used to coping with stress, but how often had she been in this kind of situation? Well... probably more than he had, since the girl had her own energy sword and clearly knew how to use it.

After a while, Lekan looked up again at where Quin was, wondering how she was doing in the aftermath of the battle. Unsurprisingly, she wasn't doing very much, but... she was looking upwards? Having so many eyes on her she probably didn't need to move her head to look at something like humans or Beastmen did, so why do it? Out of a mix of curiosity, worry, and being creeped out by Cubey muttering to himself, the Ondari quickly and quietly drifted upwards towards Quin, choosing to stay a respectful distance from her just in case. "Quin? A-Are you okay?" he asked, unable to keep the nervousness out of his voice.

The setting changes from F.S.S. Realta Nua to Stratevaria Galaxy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Clockwork Character Portrait: Mosa Belkan
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0.00 INK

The setting changes from Stratevaria Galaxy to F.S.S. Realta Nua

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Clockwork Character Portrait: Mosa Belkan
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0.00 INK

Keeton was dead silent as he removed the crimson stained Davy Jone from the corpse of the dead beast. The body went up in flames and began burning to a pile of ash. Keeton now drenched in all 3 creatures blood, could do nothing but stand watching the flames for a moment. He turned his head to see the field of bodies strewn about, the blood of the innocent pouring from their lifeless bodies. The adventurers that were left had been victorious, but at what price... He spotted Clockwork near the wreckage of the first beast and went to go help him up. As he walked through the remains of mercenaries, heroes, and civilians alike, something inside Keeton changed. He looked over to Lekan's group, the squid who he had wanted to kill only hours ago, he now looked at with sympathy.

Keeton makes his way over to Clockwork, and pulls him out from a pile of warden corpses. "Its been a tough day man, I need a drink." He says giving his friend a smile, tears forming in his eye.

The ruffian never had a family, never had friends. He was a bigot, and a loudmouth. A murderer, and a thief. He knew nothing of love and compassion, and had no morals. But the day the robot had pulled the pirate out of the dumpster, that had all changed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: Ridley Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate
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0.00 INK

Deunan looked down at Cubey, eye to eye. Her green gaze compassionate and sympathetic. They say that the eyes were the windows to the soul, and Deunan was an especially talented person when it came to looking into souls. After gazing into Cubey's eyes for a while longer, Deunan knelt down, and embraced the Beastman. She glanced at Ophelia as she walked by, but she decided to stay quiet. Something about her intrigued Deunan, and she couldn't help but want to know more about her, possibly even help her, but..for now, she will stay back, and give her some privacy.


The elevator dings as it opened.

The long, pink haired Anguirre Knight entered the elevator. His stride dignified and proud, but not arrogant. He has yet to detect the invisible Byatis. He turned around and pressed several buttons to direct the elevator towards Drakov's offices. A grimace was on his battle-hardened face.

The elevator ascends. Anguirre narrowed his eyes, and vaguely whispered to himself.

" better have a good explanation."

This was it. His prime target. Time to finish the contract.


After being knocked out by a Cazadore, Clockwork received more strange flashbacks. That family again. Black and white. Screaming. Ticking of clocks. A fire. And....a crate. What was all this...

Before he could think about it more, he was pulled out from a pile of warden wreckages by none other than his captain Keeton. If Clockwork had a face, he would be smiling right now. K2 returned to him. K2 returned for him! Clockwork could not recall the last time someone did that. A warm and fuzzy feeling entered his systems. Clockwork looked at the tears in K2's eyes, and was...silenced. Such tender, joyful tears.

Before things get too sappy, Clockwork lets out a nervous laugh. "Khe khe khe!...Yeah. A drink." The purple synthetic stood up, and puts his arm around K2's shoulder while simultaneously giving a thumbs up. "For our gallant captain!......I'll pay the tab."


Mosa was still sitting and looking around, when he noticed Ophelia approach. He was thankful for that, as he needed something to take his mind off of the flashbacks. Smiling tiredly at her, he folded his arms, and leaned back slightly. His long, bulky tail wag left and right like an enthusiastic dog...only slower, heavier. "So....!", Mosa spoke up.

"....You still wanna be roommates?"


Quin continued to remain quiet before answering. As usual. Only this time, she paused for much longer. Half a minute. A minute. A minute and a half. It would seem like she did not hear Lekan's question.

However, eventually, without emotion in her voice, and still refusing to show her face, Quin muttered simply.



Megahertz and Ridley shielded their eye(s) as Graves casted his spell and teleported away. Megahertz coughed a bit, and Ridley shook his head. Megahertz jolted a bit from the sight of Beatrice's changed expression, and Ridley himself became worried about Gelon's safety. A worry that turned out justified, as Beatrice began her crazed rant.

Megahertz bugged out her eyes and stood back, hiding behind a pillar. Ridley placed his face in his right palm. "Oh my God Deskovitch, you have a knack for pissing everyone off.", Ridley snarked.

Megahertz then winced as the tentacles were ripped from Beatrice's head. True, it would grow back, but for a young and physically inactive Ishkavi as herself, it was still...unpleasant to look at. Ridley once more shot Gelon a sympathetic look. It seemed like everyone was upstaging him today....

Megahertz gulped when Beatrice mentioned putting her number in her communicator. She wondered if she should delete it as soon as possible. Ridley's eye widened as he caught the credits from Beatrice. He then turned to her as if she was a heavenly savior tentacled cat of generosity. "...........Sweet.", Ridley whispered in wonder, his hands trembling and holding the credits.

Megahertz and Ridley then turned to the vents, but neither of them were able to spot Ciril hiding there. "...Huh...?", Megahertz looked on in confusion. Ridley tilted his head, but gripped on his shield just in case, ready to use it anytime. And then, Beatrice reminded him. Vlad. Ridley looked back, then around. "Wait..where the hell did she go....", Ridley mumbled. He then turned to Gelon. "Hey, Deskovitch...did you saw Vlad?"

Megahertz immediately kneeled besides the one-armed mercenary. "UH more importantly...will you be alright?", she asked, worried.


Overlooking the park. Hidden behind one of the artificial sky projectors. His holographic camouflage flickered for a brief second. Scanning everyone below. The synthetic assassin Darkstar has come to take part of the updated Knight contract. He had full confidence that Byatis was more than capable of taking down Anguirre Knight himself. But a new client came to override Ozma's terms. Flexing his long, spiky fingers, Darkstar sent a signal below...a discreet, silent signal.

As the survivors of Jeremy Graves' raid catch their breath, one of Graves' downed bandits suddenly rise behind Deunan Knight. his body was covered in bullet hounds, his throat was slit, and his left arm was crushed. He was definitely dead. However, his right hand still held a gun. Deunan, who was hugging Cubey, took notice of the zombified bandit too late....

She shoved the Beastman away and stood up. But before anyone else could react, she was shot in the head. Once. Twice. Kinetic bullets went through her forehead. The blood sprayed towards Cubey nearby. Ozma, in his corner, looked on, horrified, as he stood up to scream.

The zombified bandit, with only the whites of his eyes exposed, stuttered and staggered. Azure cracks appear on his bullet-riddled chest for a second, before he exploded and disintegrated into ash.

Deunan fell on her back with a loud, echoing thud. Her eyes wide and full of terror, a pool of blood emerging on the ground below her head. Deunan Knight was dead.

Perching on the sky projector, Darkstar gazed on. Hidden behind his holographic camouflage, one of his robotic mind control spiders crawled up on his back, and then across his right arm. Holding his right arm up, Darkstar gazed at the spider, before bowing his head. "requiescat in pace.", Darkstar whispered, inaudible to everyone else. Quick and painless, as she deserved.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Clockwork
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0.00 INK

Cubey seemed oblivious to Ophelia and Lekan having wandered away from him and Deunan, as he stared at her green eyes, seeming frozen in place, awaiting some sort of answer, wishing for something to validate the actions this group had in fighting and ultimately slaying the Cazadore, leaving stare unbroken until there was at least some kind of response. Then suddenly, she hugged him. Cubey hugged back, clinging onto her, juice box still in hand, bursting into tears a she openly sobbed, gasping for air between each somber wail, his grip tightening to his friend. He didn't care who was looking, and cared even less that he couldn't find words to tell Deunan why he was crying. He simply continued to cry. Then he was suddenly shoved away.

He stared in confusion at the pop idol, utterly stunned with surprise as she stood up. Had he angered her or made her upset somehow? His confusion melted away into sheer horror as he realized a corpse of one of the bandit's had began open firing through Deunan's head, blood spraying at Cubey's feet, her brother screaming at the sudden attack. Cubey could do nothing but watch, dumbfounded at the sudden loss of his friend, before slowly shuffling towards her, as if each step was of agonizing pain, seeming to be trapped still in disbelief of what just happened. His eye's moved to the one who shot, considering on attacking the man, but he already had exploded into ash, and turned his attention to Deunan, her eye's wide with fear and laying on the floor, blood pouring from the wounds that killed her.

Cubey collapsed to his knees besides her, staring in wide-eyed silence, still clutching the juice box she had signed for him. He then suddenly began trying to shake her, as if trying to wake her from a deep sleep, despite the obvious evidence contrary. "Wake up. Get up. Deunan? Please Move. Say something. Good guys can't die. This isn't real.", he kept chanting repeatedly, as if a broken record stuck on the same section, seeming unable to stop himself, as if he was in a dream, or more likely, a nightmare. His chanting carried on, picking up in pace, turning more frantic and hectic, until eventually he started screaming in sorrow, burying his face into his dead friend, seeming to be stop himself, struggling to take breaths between the pained wailing, ending up choking up in between some of them.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart
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0.00 INK

Gelon stopped as he heard screaming and saw a green looking thing?, not that girl "D...D...Deunan!" He yelled and run over to the green thing and Deunan and sit on his knees by them as he held the little beastman who was obvious broken by the loss "shhhh little guy, shhhh stay calm" he said as he rock the beastman with one arm he checked for any pulse on Deunan "what is your name. Little one?" He asked ignoring the rest around them. As he check for a pulse he hoped she could be helped...this was not fair a girl like her shouldn't die like this, no this was wrong she had to live right "Deunan we need you don't leave us" gelon whispered softly

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia
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0.00 INK

Ophelia gazed at Mosa. "Roommates... I suppose so, I have no where else to go. Thank you Mosa. Really." She paused for a moment. "Thank you for showing me this world isn't as bitter as I was led to believe-" Just as she was about to finish her sentence, the sound of a kinetic bullet pierced the air of silence. Her ears perked up, alert as she whipped around to see where it came from. She could immediately see Deunan falling to her knees and onto the ground, as a bandit ...turned to ash? All quickly followed by the wail of the cubical beastman. Ophelia didn't rush over to try and help. She already knew Deunan was a goner. She could feel no sort of anguish or other emotion over Deunan's death, but this time Ophelia knew why she didn't. Then she saw that man again, Gelon, run out of nowhere to Deunan and Ophelia's gazed soured again. She turned to Mosa. "Let's go."


Byatis spotted Anguirre in the elevator. Perfect. He was alone. Now was his chance. Byatis lowered his invisible tail. The mandibles hung above Anguirre's head. Hungry. With a swift movement, Byatis brought it down and clamped hard on Anguirre's skull. The snapping of his skull was the only thing audible in the elevator. Blood gushing all over the floor, practically painting the grey steel, red. Byatis stayed in the vent. He began to wonder what the contract change was... who else did Ozma want dead? He didn't mull it over too much because now his contract was finished! He could do what he wanted again! 'Mission accomplished you soulless, godless synthetic!' Byatis thought happily to Darkstar, as he made his way back down the vents.


The alarms were blaring at an alarming rate inside the Drakov Industries building, which also doubled as the Realta Nua's control centre. Employees and civilians were rushed in there to take shelter from the attack. It was crowded to the point people were huddling like penguins during the winter season. Unfortunately, this was not how one courier thought her day was gonna go. She was transferred to the Realta Nua only days ago, and this all happens. She was on a job where she had to send a package to none other than Drakov himself. Which was daunting in itself, but she was sure that either her boss or Drakov would have her head if it didn't make it to it's destination.

So when things finally calmed down a bit, and civilians were being escorted back outside, the Illeryian courier, Riley, ducked out into the elevator, clutching the small package in her arms closely. Her metal hand hovered over the buttons. What to press.... she felt for the top-most button. That had to be Drakov's office. As she stood in the elevator, she stood completely oblivious to the mess of blood she was standing in, and the body of Anguirre Knight in the back. Though she did notice a peculiar stench that was getting stronger as time passed. Until finally she lifted her foot to move, she felt the stickiness and immediate drew the conclusion. "OH MY GOD! Oh god! What the f-" Riley promptly freaked out as the doors opened to Drakov's floor. "Uh! Anyone here?? I-I have a package for Mr. D-D-Drakov! And I think there's a dead guy in the elevator! It wasn't me!" She quickly stepped out of the elevator and onto shattered glass. Geez, was this place trashed too? She wondered if Drakov was even still here.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Deunan Knight Character Portrait: Lekan Voldaris
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0.00 INK

He was used to Quin giving a thoughtful pause before speaking, but it had never been for this long before. When the Genesior finally replied Lekan heaved a sigh of relief, realising that he had been holding his breath during that time. He wasn't sure what to make of her answer, though; despite saying she was fine, Lekan had his doubts. Had the battle left an impact on even the Genesior veteran?

Just then, he noticed the corpse of a raider slowly get up. Hadn't that one already died?! He could only watch in horror as it neatly shot Deunan twice in the head before crumbling into nothing but ash. The Interstellar Rose would bloom no more. If he'd ordered them all to just hide at the start then she might have still been alive. The one time he tried to be brave in front of people and this is how it turned out.

It wasn't safe out here. Nowhere was safe. This place was too open. Much too open. Frantically looking around, Lekan's eye fell upon the nearest sky-projector. It might not have been much, but to Lekan's fear-addled mind any shelter was better than none. Gripping one of Quin's arms, he darted behind the projector. He wasn't about to let his friend die too. Cowering, Lekan wrapped several of his tentacles around Quin, although whether he was using her as a shield against the outside or vice versa was unclear.

"We need to get out of here," Lekan whimpered. "Can we please get out of here? I want to get out of here..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: Ridley Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia
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0.00 INK

Megahertz sighed and gave Gelon a sympathetic look. For some reason, she couldn't help but have a soft spot for the often-upstaged , one-armed mercenary.

Ridley and Megahertz flinched when Gelon suddenly shouted. Ridley then watched as Gelon jumped out of the window, remarking, "Never a dull moment."

Megahertz and Ridley stared at the vent suspiciously, looking rather surprised when Ciril exposed himself. The two of them listened calmly and civilly, Ridley not even bothering to raise his shield. Megahertz shook her head. "To be honest, I barely have any idea what's even going on right now....", she whispered. This has been a very confusing last few days for her. Very, very confusing. Ridley shrugged. "I'm just a muscle. I kick dogs and bash skulls. Frankly, this galaxy is way too complicated for me sometimes."

Soon after, Megahertz and Ridley saw K2 and Clockwork pass by. Clockwork waved at the duo and Ciril. "Hey, hey! Ciril, even with those shades, you look stressed. You should come with us, bruh!", Clockwork said, trying out a new lingo. Megahertz was about to snap at K2, her face was already contorted and her eyes bugged....and then she realized... Sentinel hadn't returned yet.

"W-wait. SENTINEL!!?!?!?!", Megahertz suddenly shouted, running off into the distance. "Sentinel?! Where are you??", she began to panic, as she dug into the rubble and siffed through the ashes.

Ridley sat down on some rubble while polishing his shield, giving an apathetic glance at K2. There's been enough fighting today, and he wasn't all too eager to make the pirate cry again.

Gelon found Vlad amidst some rubble, her armor cracked, the black-mail suit torn on several areas, exposing her tanned skin. The left ear of her cat like helmet was snapped off, and the right side of her visor was cracked, showing her eye. She groaned as she saw Gelon approaching. Her head hurts so much....


Mosa's smile and eye widened considerably as Ophelia gave him a very genuine thanks. For a second, he almost looked adorable instead of thuggish, especially with his lips curled and his fangs hidden behind them. When the gunshot echoed through the destroyed park, Mosa's smile faded, and his powerful neck turned towards the source of the commotion. He could see several people gathering around a spot. Including Gelon. Mosa frowned, shooking his head at yet another senseless waste of human life.

"Da.", Mosa simply said, and lead Ophelia to the lower class cabins.

The cabin next to Lekan and Quin's was Mosa and the Seafood Crew's. The Seafood Crew took off this morning to Dagojouiise, so Ophelia received quite the wide cabin. Mosa closed the door behind her as they entered the living room. "Uh, sorry bout the mess.", Mosa embarassedly said.

Crushed soda cans, cigars, and crumpled papers decorate the floor, along with dirty laundry. Several adult magazines could also be seen scattered around the floor. This was definitely a men's room.

To their left and right are the private rooms with one bunk bed each. "Mosa take left room, you can have G Bros' and Colt's.", Mosa said as he grabbed one of his spare tiger striped pants from the ground and puts it in the drawer.


There was no mistaking it. No matter how hard they deny, no matter how loud they scream, Deunan was dead.

Ozma rushed over and screamed out in anguish at the sight of his dead sister. "Deunan?! DEUNAN! NOOOO!!!" He buried his face in his hands and sobbed hysterically. What had he done. His anguish was so much, that he did not even notice Cubey and Gelon nearby.


Quin did not even move when she heard the gunshot.She did not move as she was dragged away by Lekan. She did not turn, she did not see. She did not want to do either of those things. She had seen enough. All those eyes, all of them sharp enough to notice every enemy on every corner of the battlefield. But in battle, you do not only notice your enemies. You also notice your allies, and your innocents....and their deaths.

She finally moved when Lekan wrapped his tentacles around her again, turning her head so she can look at him in the eyes. Her hands feel cold, yet her gaze feels warm, or at least, warmer than before. "Everything will be alright.", Quin stated in her bell-like voice. Pleasant. Calming. Beautiful. She slowly raised her right arm cannon, as if about to touch Lekan's forehead. But obviously, that could not happen.

Or could it?

With a hiss and a pop, the green carapace that composed Quin's arm cannons broke apart, revealing, under it....quite a petite, soft, and feminine hand. Looking at it, you would not be able to tell it belonged to a warrior. It looked more like it belonged to a pianist, with their long, delicate fingers. Quin slowly reached forward with those hands, and gently placed her palm on Lekan's forehead. She did not say anything. She did not need to say anything. She closed all of her eyes, and took a deep breath.

"Everything will be alright.", she softly whispered.


"Most excellent, you abominable, heathen puppy.", Darkstar's dry voice boomed in Byatis' head. "I will contact you later when I have another contract. But for now, take a well-deserved break." Darkstar very rarely praised his charges. And even when he did, he'd do it somewhat indirectly.


Beatrice's communicator flashed cyan, and a hologram of Boris was projected in front of her. Boris seemed to have just came out of the bathroom, with a purple towel covering his thighs and unmentionables, and a comb in his right hand. He seemed completely unphased about his..current appearance.

Boris turned around, showing his scar-riddled back as he combed his hair. He chuckled at Beatrice's comment. "Gelon had an interesting website.", Boris said half-jokingly. Boris' hologram then walked around, while continuing to listen to Beatrice's status update. "Ah. So VENOM sorted my last-minute contract already? Splendid, splendid.", he nodded, satisfied.

Boris' hologram folded his arms. "Ozma's outlived his usefulness. He won't last long without his sister and father. The redheaded wretch will either off himself, or the other adventurers on board will." Boris' tone was indifferent, uncaring.

Boris' hologram sighed, then sat down on an invisible sofa. "Now to take care of the PR nightmare Graves had undoubtedly left me. However will I do this~", Boris playfully pondered. Perhaps he should stop by the beach moon of Nekrim after this. Give everyone on board....everyone living, anyways, a free vacation. Everyone loves beaches, right?

The setting changes from F.S.S. Realta Nua to Stratevaria Galaxy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ozma Knight
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0.00 INK

As Cubey continued to wail miserably at the demise of the interstellar rose, completely unaware of his surroundings with tears blinding his eyes. He then suddenly felt an arm around, trying to rock him gently in an attempt to calm him, managing to clear his eye's and return to his sense long enough to see the one attempting to comfort him was a brown haired human with a bionic arm, asking his name and checking Deunan's pulse, seeming to be in denial of the the bullet wounds in Deunan's head.
"I-I-I'm Cubey! An-an-an-and this i-i-i-i-is Deunan. She was one of the most wonderful and brilliant and kind and sweet people in the world. But she's- but she's- but she's-." He managed to babbled at the stranger before breaking down into another fit of sobbing.
Cubey then notice Ozma also sobbing in anguish next to Deunan, realizing no matter how much pain and misery he was feeling, it was infinitely worse for Deunan's own brother. He broke from Gelon gently as he crawled over to Ozma putting his own arm around the red haired human, offering the juice box that Deunan had signed for him, managing to blubber; "T-h-h-his was signed by Deunan, wh-wh-wh-wh-when she had a concert here.", as he stared at him tearfully, with no idea how the man would react, but began sobbing again all the same.

The setting changes from Stratevaria Galaxy to F.S.S. Realta Nua

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Alisa Vladimirovna Catria Character Portrait: Deunan Knight Character Portrait: Ozma Knight
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0.00 INK

Gelon nodded as Cubey told how Deunan was "yes I know that Cubey cause she was my friend as well" Gelon said. As cubey got free and sit by Ozma and broke down in crying again, Gelon looked at Deunan and closed her eyes then pet Cubey's head "keep your friend safe I need to help mine now" Gelon said and lit a cigarette as he walked to Vlad and check her pulse "please be alive kitty cat I don't want a sad or raged gator on my head" Gelon sad as he kept checking to a pulse while removing rubble

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Ridley Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia
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0.00 INK

Ozma was surprised when Cubey approached him. He thought for sure that the very obviously alien cubic giraffe would condemn him for his extremist political views, which was rather infamous. He then looked at the juice box with a heart broken expression. It was her signature alright, complete with that heart-shape at the end of her name. Deunan did not deserve to die. Ozma himself should have. Deunan was a saint, and Ozma was a scum. Cubey's innocence touched Ozma greatly. So much, that he briefly forgot about his own xenophobic views, and broke down hysterically, placing his head on Cubey's shoulders. He couldn't say anything, he was too overwhelmed with emotions. Horror, anguish, sorrow, regret, self-hatred. Too much emotions.


Mosa was both surprised and relieved that Ophelia barely noticed the 'mess', as he put it. Mosa stared at Ophelia slumped over the couch, waiting patiently. Only a minute or so later did he realize she had fallen asleep. His lips curling to a cat-like smile, Mosa tip toed to the G. Bros' former room, and came back with a tiger-striped fur blanket. Mosa took care to be as quiet as possible, which he did with somewhat surprising competency considering his size and usual demeanor, as he approached Ophelia. He placed the blanket on her back, watching the green spikes make bumps underneath the blanket. Mosa himself took off his green vest, and retreated into his room. "Mosa fry you delicious eggs tomorrow morning.", the blue giant whispered happily, as he quietly closed the door behind him.


Gelon could feel a pulse on Vlad's arm. She was alive, just wounded and exhausted. Her armor was damaged, but it was nothing that could not be fixed.

As Byatis arrived on the scene, he could see Megahertz frantically moving about looking for Sentinel. Clockwork gave Ciril a dismissive wave. "All work and no play makes Ciril a dull snek!", he stated in his usual, carefree way. He then turned around when he noticed the adorable (or, according to K2, disgusting) Byatis appear. "Yooooo Byatis my man! Where you've been? You missed out on the lion fight!"

From atop a massive pile of rubble, Megahertz shouted at Byatis. "HEY, you!! D-did you see Sentinel anywhere?!", her voice shaky and anxious.

Ridley was getting annoyed with Megahertz's shrieking. He stood up and said lazily, "I'll keep an eye out.", before leaving. He had a feeling K2 (and by extension, quite possibly his 'buddies') would not appreciate him lingering around. Ridley stuck his massive shield on his back, and walked away, shoulders slumped and head down.

The lazy and careless mercenary did not keep an eye on where he was going. Without a warning, he heard a loud thud as his large frame bumped into a smaller, pink haired girl. "Yow! Watch it!", Ridley said in an annoyed, bad tempered tone. He shook his head and looked down, noticing that he had ran into an illeryian girl with thick blue glasses....thick blue glasses which fell off her face when he bumped into her.

Ridley jolted back in surprise, then froze in place, his attention focused on her diamond-shaped gray pupils. Somehow, a faint red blush appeared on his mostly featureless face. In Ridley's mind, the sight of a glassless Riley was covered in sparkles and pink clouds. It was like a scene straight out of a cliched shoujo manga. "A-Ah...uhhhhhh...", Ridley stammered.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: Ridley Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate
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0.00 INK

Keeton put his available arm around ciril and welcomed him to the freak show. "It's nice to see you buddy!" Keeton says smiling at all 3 of his friends. "Especially after what has gone down today. Hey man I'm really sorry about the shoulder, I don't know what came over me." He apologizes to Byatis looking a bit down about the whole situation. "But hey, we are here now, and we are going to party!" Keeton howls obnoxiously at the top of his lungs.

"Excuse me everyone is this fucking thing on..." The speakers aboard the ship boom with the loud tapping of the mic. "This is Mrs. Schwartz speaking on Mr. Darkov's behalf. All alive and able survivors aboard the F.S.S Realta Nua will be treated to a vacation on the moon of Nekrim! So get those bikini bodies ready gals! oh, and i guess guys should buy some swim shorts. This reward will be paid all expense by none other then Boris himself in appreciation for dealing with not only the Mafia raids, but also the Cazadore threat." The voice says trying to sound as enthusiastic as possible. "Oh, one more thing anyone who finds the husk of a highly advanced robot and/or the one responsible for the invasion of the ship will be rewarded handsomely, happy hunting!" The intercom is turned off. Keeton and his allies make it to their unit. "Well if that's not a reason to be happy, I don't know what is!" The pirate says popping the cork of a champagne bottle. He pours a drink for each of his comrades, and raises his glass. "I'd like to make a toast! A toast to girl's in bikinis!"


"A vacation, you are too kind Boris." Beatrice says still talking to the hologram of Boris' back, as he shaves in his silken purple robe. "However there is still the matter of the package, but that can be an issue for later. Have a nice day Boris. tell that fox of a wife, I say hello!"

Beatrice turns her attention to the microphone for the intercom system to make her announcement to the crew, a vacation would be nice, after all this mayhem. After she is done she uses her communicator again but this time using a one way message. "Vlad, Ridley, and..." She scoffs "Gelon. You are instructed to meet me at 1130 in a private area of the ship. I have just updated your I.D. cards with restricted access, use them in the elevators to get to the room. I will brief you on the mission when all 4 of us are present. Sorry no vacation for you, cry about it later. You've got work to do!" She says flipping back on the security feed, and starts to spy on the adventurers aboard the ship.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Beatrice Schwartz Character Portrait: Ozma Knight
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0.00 INK

Not long after Cubey wandered over to the brother of the recently deceased, the cyborg human told him to keep his friends safe as he lit a cigarette and left, to which Cubey gave a a few stiff nods, as if giving a silent promise to himself. He then realized he had no idea who on earth that human was, but was thankful for whatever comfort he attempted to give him, as he in turn was attempting to do with Ozma, hopefully.
The red haired and black clad young man seemed stunned that Cubey even approached him, but he didn't mind, he only knew he had to comfort this man as he stared with a torn soul at the autographed juice box. Cubey could only stare at him sympathetically with shared misery, a complete lost for words or gestures of comfort despite his aim otherwise. It was tricky to understand how to console adult when you had the mind of a child. He froze up as recently met relative of Deunan placed his head on his shoulder a she cried, putting his arms around him gently as he rubbed his back, doing his best to push back tears and sob once again in sync, though still ended up whimpering.

Suddenly a very unexpected and immensely surprising announcement blared through the ship's intercom, as some woman calling herself Mrs Schwartz had announced that all surviving able bodied passengers were to be treated with an all expenses paid holiday to the moon of Nekrim, apparently being paid for by someone called Boris, probably the captain or owner of the F.S.S. Realtua Nua , in thanks for defending the place, seeming completely unaware or uncaring of the deceased aboard the ship, leaving Cubey completely stunned in shock. He was left even more puzzled with the added inclusion of a reward for apprehending the one responsible, or the body of some advanced robot, leaving an even more bitter taste in Cubey's mouth, sticking his tongue out at the speakers which the woman's voice blared from.

The mutated beastman the turned his attention back Ozma, and then stared at then interstellar rose's corpse one more time before asking softly; "Ummmm what should me do now?", staring at the Deunan's brother with a look of that he was completely at a loss on what to do next, his eye's darting around the room as if looking for some kind of direction.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ozma Knight
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0.00 INK

Graves quickly snapped out of his bout of hysterical laughter, standing up and dusting himself off. Glancing over at Sentinel's husk of a body, he sighed. There was work cut out for him when it came to repairing the destroyed synthetic. It was a wonder that the mainframe was even operational. Wouldn't do much without power but Sentinel could possibly be restarted. Reaching up to his mouth, Graves cursed as he realized that his cigar was missing. Feeling around in the pockets of his coat Graves only found the pack that he carried around with him. The one he was smoking at the beginning of the fight must have been lost somewhere along the way. Grumbling, he pulled another cigar out and lit it, puffing on it contentedly for a few moments before stepping outside the room.

"I'll be off for a bit. Make yourselves at home here, try and keep everything on the down-low. If you can, fix my gun. Make sure all Drakov-made parts are changed or removed, don't want that Ishkavi ruining my gun again. And if anyone attacks and is about to overrun you, melt the rest of Sentinel, the synthetic husk there."

"Roger boss, we'll get to it," replied one of the officers. Nodding, Graves began walking off through the different passageways, activating his cloak as he stepped out of sight of the other mobsters. I wonder if it's still there, he thought, glancing down at his data pad. Activating the piece of technology, he ran through Sentinel's coding, passing over all of the Warden and Dagojouiisan protocols. Finding a gray spot he stopped walking. Tapping on the piece, he began to work through the encryption of the section, a slow process. Continuing to walk slowly, he worked his way through the firewalls slowly. There was something familiar about them, almost as if...

'Welcome back, Mr. Graves' appeared on the screen. Dropping the data pad in shock he stared at the line of text. Whatever was in the gray section that he had unlocked knew him. Hands trembling as he picked up the data pad, he typed in, 'What are you?'

'Don't you remember, Mr. Graves? You made us. We are Crosis,' came the reply. Graves leaned against one of the walls and slid down to the floor. Crosis. Memories returned unbidden of his time on Dagojouiise. A time so long ago. The time when he was prisoner in one of the greatest war factories to ever exist. The time he met Sentinel. Crosis, the name Sentinel's mainframe had taken for itself after Graves had modified it. Beeping came from his data pad, red lines of code running across the screen. Tapping away, he attempted to contain whatever was destroying his equipment unsuccessfully. As quickly as it had started it stopped, replaced by one line of text: 'We are yours to command, Mr. Graves. Lead us.' The plural self references confused Graves. A glitch maybe. More importantly, Sentinel's mainframe now served him for whatever reason.

'What happened to the copy on Bea-' he managed to type in before the response came.

'Destroyed except for a fragment of us. Would you like us to destroy the systems in the Ishkavi's databases?'

'Not yet. Soon though,' Graves replied. Putting the data pad back in his jacket, he shut off the piece. He didn't want to know what would happen if the device was left on, Crosis in full control.

Stepping out into the artificial light of the Realta Nua, he saw that he was somewhere at the bottom of the ship. Near him were two people next to a body. Deunan Knight's body. Intrigued, he made his way over near the pair. Beatrice's voice came on over the intercom, announcing their stop at a resort to rest up before continuing. Nekrim? He didn't know of any other planets that would serve near enough to warrant the detour. Shaking the thought away, he looked back at the two figures next to Deunan's body. One was a creature of some sorts, a mutated Beastman possibly? The other he recognized after a bit of examining. The resemblance was there. He was Ozma Knight, Deunan's sister. Both people seemed in shock, grief written across their faces. Smiling softly, Graves stepped up near them as Cubey asked Ozma a question, still cloaked.

"I am sorry for your loss. It is horrible losing a sister, Ozma. I myself know the feeling of loss. Deunan was an amazing person, willful, kind, cheerful, altruistic. Rare is it to find ones such as her and painful is the passing. If I had the power I would bring her back to you both. Tell me, what happened?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: Ridley Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate
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0.00 INK

Clockwork looked on proudly at K2 and Byatis. It was oddly heartwarming, how they've made up already, despite all the profanities, insults, and physical abuse they threw at each other barely two hours ago. The cyborg pirate and the eldritch rogue..a perfectly odd and oddly perfect couple, if there was one.

Clockwork gazed up at the speakers as Beatrice spoke. A paid vacation? To Nekrim? Clockwork would never miss this for anything! Not the sights of all the bodacious space babes in swimsuits. His circuits were already buzzing just thinking about it. And then Drakov's name came up. And Clockwork suddenly froze, receiving more of those strange imagery. Why did these images of a human family kept coming up? Clockwork was snapped out of his trance by the cork of K2's champagne bottle bouncing off his yellow visor, causing him to flinch and stand straight. He looked as K2 poured his drink for himself, Byatis, and Ciril. Too embarassed to admit he blacked out for a second there, Clockwork lets out a simple chuckle, and raised his glass. "To bare midriffs and delicious thighs!"

Megahertz stared at Byatis for a good few seconds as he suggested a direction. She gave a good, long, look at the alleyway, with a worried expression on her face. She thought about chasing him down....but was unsure if it was the right thing to do. Maybe Sentinel would be alright. Maybe he just had something to take care of. Something private. Megahertz continued trying to rationalize this, even though deep inside, her gut tells her something wasn't right, she simply nodded and whispered. "I'll..wait till tomorrow morning at the house...I really hope he's okay...."

When she realized how worried she looked to the people nearby, she pouted and turned away. "I-it's not like I was worried or anything! Idiot's probably getting an oil change...or something."


Quin didn't move an inch when Beatrice spoke through the PA system. As always, it did not seem like she had any particularly negative or positive opinion about the event, from the looks on her face. Quin didn't bother to reply to Lekan's suggestion, figuring out that action spoke louder than words (especially in her case), so she hovered in front of him as they head to their rooms.

When Lekan gave his question out of nowhere, Quin stopped dead in her tracks. Her two red compound eyes looked as if they widened, then turned to glance at Lekan. Quin gave it about 2 seconds of thought. "Terrible.", she bluntly put, before continuing on her way, though noticeably going at a much faster pace.


A few seconds pass. When Vlad opened her eyes with a groan, she was greeted with the sight of Gelon's middle aged face. She grunted and stirred, getting up herself, albeit staggering a bit. Just in time too, for Beatrice's announcement. Holding the sight of her head, Vlad sighed. "Hey Gelon.....", greeting Gelon unenthusiastically.

"I'm fine....fine.", Vlad said forcefully, standing up while flexing her shoulders. She glanced at him for a few seconds with a cold expression. "..Thanks.", she simply, but erneastly, said. No matter his reasons, Gelon waited for her, and she was rather thankful for that.

"...But we should get moving.", Vlad immediately followed up, never one for sappy moments. Her tail curled around Gelon's organic arm, and she pulled him, while walking towards the Drakov offices, eager to get this over with so she could finally get some sleep.

"Let's go find Ridley and get to Beatrice....", Vlad said, looking around for the ice man. She would be more upset about the lack of beach vacation, if Drakov did not pay her so well. Besides, there was one thing she had over the bad-tempered Ridley and grabby Gelon: her professionalism.


Ridley was so stunned by Riley's eyes that Beatrice's announcement went in one ear and out the other. He always had a thing for exotic looking eyes, particularly since the one he has is...quite boring in comparison to most. The awkward silence persisted, until Riley broke the ice.

"W-Well, I.... the b-bar is..I- over...uhhhhh...", Ridley kept stammering like an imbecile. In his head, he was cursing himself for appearing so undignified, especially in front of a stunning stranger. Finally, after 5 more seconds, Ridley took a deep breath and chilled out. Standing tall and firm, the ice elemental pointed to his left, to where K2 and his crew went to. "Down this way. You should smell the booze. And hear the obnoxiousness. And see the stupidity."

Ridley kept quiet for a bit more, his single eye darting left and right across his cross-shaped visor nervously. "Be careful.", he said, concerned.

"Maybe I should help you get over there.", Ridley meekly suggested.

He then slapped himself in the forehead, creating quite a loud and audible clunk. "W-wait, no, people will get the wrong idea.", he mumbled.

"Or...maybe you wouldn't mind?!!" Ridley shouted. Then he paused, before finishing his rambling with an embarassed, "............I don't know.", while dejectedly slumping his shoulders.


Ozma remained still as Cubey gave his question. A question he was asking himself. He was sure that the VENOM assassins had killed his father, or he would be out here by now, doing his hero thing. Like a good man. Which Ozma was not, he realized, as the guilt overwhelmed him once again.


I don't know...", was all Ozma could weakly say. Like Cubey, he was completely at lost. His father was killed, his sister was murdered. And he knew he was responsible for at least one of those deaths. Not that it was something he would admit out loud.

Just then, he saw an ominous, shadowy cloaked figure approaching the two. A chill ran down the red headed youth's spine as he looked up at the darkness surrounding Graves. This was not a person Ozma would want to mess with, he figured...but exactly what was he? He sounded human enough, yet something about him

the more Graves listed off Deunan's virtues, the lower his head was bowed, as he was indirectly reminded of how worthless he was in comparison. Ozma shook his head at Graves' asking. His answer? The same one to Cubey's question. "I......d-don't know...." He kept quiet as he glanced to the pile of ash nearby, where the zombified bandit once were.

"I don't know, I don't know, I don't know....", Ozma muttered while shivering.

That pile of reeked of death, magic, and death magic. Upon closer inspection, robotic, cerulean-colored remnants of what seemed like insectoid legs could be found.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ozma Knight
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0.00 INK

Cubey merely stood along side Ozma silently, clutching his antennae as his senses had returned to him, struggling to put his feelings into words, which was made all the more difficult due to the smell of corpses around, where his interests were mixed along with stopping himself from throwing up, but was thankful the clean up crew was beginning to sort things out already. He shuddered once again at the smell of death, wondering if his heroes, the Rainbow Rangers had ever felt this way with their defeated enemies, though then again, they never really seemed to kill anyone really, and if they did they were neatly destroyed via utterly exploding out of existence. The thought reminded him of the strange raider corpse that shot his friend, causing him to sniffle and tear up again.

His thoughts were dashed however, as a stranger seemed to have appeared out of nowhere, reeking of cigar smoke, that didn't help with Cubey's antennae, trying his best to press them against his head after leaping back in fright of the surprise arrival. His fear grew as he saw Ozma was also uncomfortable in the man's presence, realizing he could not truely see the owner of the voice that conversed with them. His reaction dimmed as he suddenly listed Deunan's qualities giving, Ozma his condolences sympathetically, and asking what happened to Ozma's sister. The beastman turned his head at his fellow griever, to see him explain the cause, but he simply answered that he had no idea, leaving Cubey with a wash of guilt come over him as he realized what had happened. He turned to the stranger nervously before explaining quietly in a shaky voice; "She got shot in the head. Nothing we could do. One of the bad guys, we thought he was dead. Well, he was dead, but he came back alive and shot her. And, ummm, and......... she saved me. I think. She pushed me out of the way. Then the guy, turned into dust. And now she's......" , he finished somberly, his voice trailing off as he took a gulp out of nothing in an attempt to push down his feelings, pointing at the pile of ash that Ozma was staring at.
He then stared at the stranger with watery eye's and said; "Ummmm thank you for your kind words mister. Oh Deunan.....", as he began sniffling again, seeming just about ready to burst into sobbing once more, stroking the juice box in his hand.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ozma Knight
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0.00 INK

Graves listened to the two recount their short tale and short it was. Not much of a tale at all. He looked down at Deunan's corpse amd examined it. The wound was small enough in the back of her skull but much of her forehead was blown out quite gruesomely. He had seen enough executions to know the result. Such a dishonorable end was not something that he desired for anyone. Compassion tugged at his heart as her blank eyes stared up at him. Dead, so very dead, yet they seemed to accuse him. The thought hit him quite suddenly. Looking up and around, he actually saw the destruction that his attack had caused. Three enormous corpses, the Cazadores, lay sprawled on the ground. Fires burned in some places, many already extinguished by the hastily assembled fire crew of the survivors.

A field of bodies, bountiful harvest for that thing called Death. So small compared to the vast crater-ravaged battlefields of the Great War, where thousands upon thousands fought and died over cities not much larger than this, millions over a single planet. Friends buried alongside rivals and enemies. Total war. Yet it did not compare with this. These people did not need to die. His attack could have been limited to fewer men, a more discreet operation. Chaos could have been accomplished with less blood shed. Am I developing a conscience? Graves thought to himself. Shaking his head sadly, he dropped the magical shadows, revealing his form to Cubey and Ozma.

Crouching so that he was level with them, he slowly reached out and placed a hand on Deunan's forehead. "Whatever merciful gods are listening, take this woman into your fold. Take her for her virtues and her mistakes, for her friends and enemies. Take her in peace, in death," Graves intoned, running his hand down her face as the last word faded, closing her eyes. The accusatory gaze was gone. He did not have to look at it anymore.

Looking at Cubey and Ozma with saddened eyes, he sifted through the pile of ash which was once a raider or mobster. Tiny spindles of cerulean metal poked through the powder, almost imperceptible. Picking one up, he looked at it closely before tucking it into his coat. Reaching a hand out, he laid it softly on Cubey's shoulder. "She is resting now. Nothing can hurt her anymore and I'm sure she will wait for you to meet her one day," he spoke softly. Glancing down at the juice box in Cubey's hand, he noticed the handwriting scrawled across spelling Deunan's name. "Keep that as a memory of her. Never forget her for once you do she never lived. That is the worst fate to suffer. A second death. As I said, there is nothing I can do for her though I wish I could. But there is something I can help you with. Would you like to enact justice against those responsible for her death, those evil people that would remove kind souls from this galaxy?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Alisa Vladimirovna Catria Character Portrait: Lekan Voldaris
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0.00 INK

Vlad grunted at Gelon's reaction, and instantly lets go of his arm, the tail uncoiling and slithering away like a snake. Vlad did not even look at Gelon as he gave his question. "Why are you always touching people? We have better things to do. Weren't you even listening to Beatrice?!" Vlad asked in a highly ticked off, yet genuinely curious manner, as she glanced at him with a fiery look in her eyes. She was not just trying to insult him, she was really trying to get an answer, good or bad.


As they reach their quarters, Quin stopped in front of the door, and glared at Lekan. Or maybe it was a stare? Somehow, all those eyes felt more like a glare, though. A really, really, annoyed glare. Quin paused for about 5 seconds, for dramatic effect, before flatly remarking, "Denied."

She then entered the cabin, but before Lekan could get a chance to get inside as well, the insectoid veteran slammed the door in his face. And then activated all the security locks. And then Lekan could hear the hissing of plasma, as Quin welded the door shut.

"Your request is denied, hentai squid.", Quin said in a final tone.


Ozma looked up at Graves as he revealed his form. A human, just like him. Thank goodness, Ozma thought. Ozma cried on the inside more and more as Graves gave his consoling speech to Cubey. It was all his fault, Ozma chanted in his head. But he did not have the courage to admit it, both to the others and, especially, himself. When Graves gave his offer, Ozma's eyes lit up. Yes! This may be his chance for repentance, the red headed youth thought. He turned to Graves, and asked, "Y-you can help us??"

'Us'. That word struck Ozma. They say that grief brought people together. Ozma glanced at Cubey. Despite his xenophobia and Cubey's status as a beastman, both of them loved Deunan greatly, both of them mourned her together. And Ozma hoped, both of them would not let this murderer go so easily.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ozma Knight
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0.00 INK

Cubey stood silently, as the smoke smelling stranger and Ozma also kept quiet for a few moments, staring blankly at the source of the musky smell as well as the red haired acquaintance of his. He stared around at all the unfortunate victims of the act, as well as the ones that caused it, wondering who all of these people were before. Did they have friends who missed them too? Did those friends know? Cubey decided against thinking about it much longer as he turned round to see that the stranger they could not see had revealed himself to be suited, broad shouldered human wearing a fedora or a trilby, Cubey could never tell the difference, as knelt down and closed Deunan's eye's, giving her a prayer of sorts, to which Cubey put his hands together and prayed along with, closing his eyes. As he remembered from what the staff at the facility and the shows he watched on TV, it was only right to follow along with others traditions in serious moments.

Due to having his eyes closed still he missed the suited human picking up the strange metal remains that were in the raider's ashes, to which Cubey barely even had a hint towards it, other than slight whiff of metal, though was greatly overshadowed by the fact the entire ship was made from metal. He did however, realize there was a comforting hand on his shoulder, opening his eyes to see Graves softly comforting him with reassuring words, to which Cubey nodded somberly, listening as he told him to keep the juice box with him, the only thing he had to remember her by. He then said something curious. He seemed to offer them revenge.

"I will keep this with me tall times, I promise!" Cubey said with certainty about his earlier comment, though he was much less certain on to take his offer or not on vengeance. Ozma seemed just as caught off guard as Cubey was, but seeming more grateful for the chance. Cubey had sickly feeling in his stomach, as if his belly was ill from the question, to which he realized he was scared to answer. He remembered the rainbow Rangers saying revenge was always bad, but he couldn't just let the one who caused Deunan's death to skip away free. He was probably laughing at them now. Planing on hurting someone else's friends. Cubey gritted his teeth. The very thought made him furious to the core, his hooved hands gripping into the nearest thing he could muster as a fist, as his sudden gravity increase made the floor beneath him buckle from stress.
"How do we hurt the bad man?" Cubey asked, sounding much more spiteful than his usual cheerful self, his eyes focusing on the suited man who gave them the offer, standing almost as if he was demanding a reply.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ozma Knight
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0.00 INK

Graves smiled inwardly as Ozma and Cubey began to consider his offer. Oh yes, part of it was sincerely offering to help find Deunan's killer; she really had been a nice person and he was sad to see her go. But the greater part of him saw this as an opportunity to strike back at Drakov and secure his own safety in a way. Those that had been in the house where the Cazadore still lay sleeping could not be relied upon at the moment. They seemed to know Sentinel, the Ishkavi girl at least. She certainly appeared nicer than Beatrice.

These two, however, could be made into allies. Chinks carved into their emotional armor would allow Graves to worm his way through, convert them in time. Ozma certainly seemed eager about being given the chance to exact revenge against whoever had killed Deunan. His grief could be directed into hate towards others. Hate that Graves could use to his own ends. Cubey was another matter entirely. He adored Deunan by all appearances yet seemed slightly more reluctant. As long as they didn't turn against him.

As both responded to his offer he considered his response for a few seconds. If not worded correctly than he could lose two potential allies. "I can help you yes," Graves responded. Looking down as he heard a small crunching sounds he saw the floor beneath Cubey buckling. Gravitational manipulation? Most likely but something to dwell on later. "And as to how we hurt the 'bad man' depends entirely on who or what killed Deunan. For all we know, the bandit could have done that himself, implanted some form of resurrection device. I find that unlikely. No, whoever killed Deunan has power, authority. They wanted her dead for a specific reason though what that reason is, I don't know. If she is dead, we must also assume that you, Ozma, and the rest of the Knight family are in danger."

Extracting the small cerulean leg from his coat, he showed the two the small piece. "This was in the ash of the bandit. Though uncertain I suspect it is part of some small robotic device that was implanted in the bandit, with or without his knowledge. Without further evidence, we must assume that this caused his resurrection and destruction. If either of you know someone that could analyze this, that would be most helpful. If not, I'll find someone. And to actually answer your question, we shall have to either kill or imprison the perpetrator. The latter would be less suspicious and more appeasing to all the others that grieve for Deunan. If it becomes impossible to capture the murdered, then we must destroy whomever it is to ensure they do not cause any more grief. Considering the high profile nature of this assassination, it was most likely carried out by VENOM, a galactic assassins' organization." Taking out two small encrypted transmitters, he handed one to each person. "You can use these to contact me should you decide anything. But for now I must leave you. There are those that would wish this stopped, especially if they know I am helping you. Fare well." With that closing remark, he recast his magical invisibility, stalking off towards the house in which the Cazadore slept. Options awaited him. Most especially a young Dark S1de informant that he had recognized. Information is power and Graves needed more.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Ridley Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey
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0.00 INK

Vlad stopped in her tracks and glared at Gelon, her eyes seething with rage and disbelief. The bounty hunter shook her head, then stormed off. "You are UNBELIEVEABLE.", she frustatedly shouted. "You weren't listening. Maybe you need bigger ears. Or better yet, better brains. She told us that we AREN'T getting a vacation nimrod!"

Vlad widened the distance between the two, disgusted by Gelon's utter lack of attention. "She told us that we have work to do. Stop worrying about me, and focus on the job! Eyes on the horizon, not the boobs!" Vlad was genuinely frustated. On one hand, she appreciated Gelon's attention. On the other, she hated how this attention deviated him from his job. Vlad lets out a long, long sigh, staying at least 5 feet in front of Gelon.


Ozma could not bear to look at either of them in the eyes. He glanced a bit and shivered when Cubey's gravitational powers caused the floor beneath them to shook, reminding him that Cubey was not just a silly looking giraffe. He glanced at Cubey ever so slightly, taken aback by his newly hateful tone. He seemed so happy before.......Deunan must have meant so much to him, Ozma thought as his level of guilt shot off the roof.

Ozma grunted when Graves mentioned that he was in danger. Right now, the guilt and shame was more terrifying and the possibility of death. Of course, he knew that his father was most likely dead. He paid for the assassination, after all...just not Deunan's. He specifically told them not to target his sister, so why....

Ozma kept silent, though, not wishing to make Graves suspicious, to let anyone know of his involvement. He grabbed the transmitter Graves handed to him, and looked at it silently. A weak "Th-thank you, sir..." was all Ozma could say as Graves departed. A few seconds pass. Ozma could not help but give a curious glance to Cubey. A curious and guilty glance.

In the wrecked and battered house, on top of a pile of gray rubble, Megahertz sat and sighed. Hugging her knees, the informant could not shake the feeling of worry for her friend. She was so deep in thought, she could not notice at all that an ominous shadow approached him. The Cazadore behind her purred in its sleep, dominated and defeated. It was oddly peaceful....


Ridley's eye widened as Riley accepted his offer. "Y-you would??....Seriously?", he was taken aback, both surprised and happy. Ridley looked at Riley's eyes again. Gray and clear. He decided not to remark about her blindness. Especially when she was so upbeat. Last thing he would want to do is make a pretty girl sad. He did not like it when people made ice puns towards him, and he figured, if he was Riley, then he wouldn't like people talking about his blindness either.

"Y...yeah...", Ridley stated, calmer now thanks to Riley's welcoming tone. He nervously laughed as Riley nudged him, his other arm scratching the back of his head. "Haha...haha!....Hahaha, well, I was finished with my job, actually. I'd gladly s-show you the way. Fighting the Cazadores was intense, I could ue a drink too."

Ridley quietly led Riley to the mini bar, when he was greeted with the sight of K2 and his bros again. Looking at the window, Ridley staggered back. He immediately shouted back. "S-SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!...I'm just her escort."

An awkward pause ensued. Clockwork bursted out laughing. Such a human like laughter, coming from a faceless person, was rather...odd. "KHE! KHEKHEKHEKHEKHE!"

An agitated Ridley shook his fist. "WAIT! No! That came out wrong! T-that's not what I meant!" Panicking, Ridley immediately glanced to Riley. "LET'S JUST GET IN. A-and be careful." He was quite wary of K2 and his bros. Especially Ciril. He was the calmest of this group of weirdos, and thus, quite likely - the smartest and most dangerous. He stared at him suspiciously as he and Riley walked in.

Suddenly, however, an orange armored hand grabbed hold of Ridley's shoulder. The ice elemental, who was so focused on Riley, nearly jumped from surprise. He looked back, and spotted Vlad, with Gelon behind her. She had a very irritated expression on her face. Ridley glanced between her and Gelon. It didn't take him long to figure out that Gelon somehow pissed her off. Again.

"...Did he tried to touch you again?" Ridley sheepishly asked.

"Yes. But that is irrelevant. We have a job to do.", Vlad replied coldly. She glanced at the minibar, seeing K2, Clockwork, Byatis, Ciril, and Riley. She had a very thuggish look to her. It was the eyes. They look like they were perpetually on fire. And angry.

"...We did?" Ridley obliviously asked Vlad.

Vlad let out another long sigh. "You people NEVER listen. Disgraceful!" A highly irritated Vlad pulled Ridley away, dragging him towards the elevators.

"W-Wait! I was trying to- UH...", Ridley flailed and looked at Riley as he was dragged away. "Y-you have a good evening!", Ridley shouted awkwardly, as he disappeared into the distance.


Beatrice heard a knock on the door. A rapid, loud, and highly annoyed knock. "You called us.", a cold voice can be heard outside. Vlad's voice. They're finally here.

The setting changes from F.S.S. Realta Nua to Stratevaria Galaxy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ozma Knight
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0.00 INK

Cubey listened to the suited stranger as he spoke to him, confirming to Ozma that he could help but admitted he did not know who caused the tragic event, as Cubey gradually tried his best to calm himself down. It did not last long where his previous fury swapped with worry as Ozma and Deunan's family was now in danger, or at least to Graves' reckoning, who the mutated beast-man was entirely convinced from his kind words from earlier being a smart and kind stranger, even if he did look like a bad guy, which strangely Ozma only grunted at, though he still definitely and understandably looked miserable, seeming to avoid the other two's gaze. Poor thing.

The kind strange then took some odd metallic scrap from his pocket, declaring it having been implanted in the bandit and possibly what caused him to rise back from the dead to kill Deunan, asking them if they knew someone who could take a look at the curious piece of technology. He also mentioned capture was more likely the best choice, which Cubey understood, since the police peoples would be upset if they killed him, and that the one who caused this was most likely part of an assassins organisation called Venom. Good, he knew who to beat up if he ever met them now. He had a clear enemy apart from GEHENNA.

The man then bid them both farewell, but not before handing them two small devices that were used to communicate with him, with Cubey staring at the invention he was holding scratching his head as their newly found ally disappeared once more, with Ozma thanking him. His new friend then gave him odd glance, which looked as if he felt, well, as if knew something. Cubey decided against asking what.
"Ummmm know a friend that can help us. There was a squidy man who was good at making things, and another one too. But I think we should look for Lekan. But I think we should rest and ummmm, do something about ummm Deunan.", the cubic, mutated, giraffe man chatted nervously, now fully aware he had ended up partnered with this man he barely knew. He also added with a weak smile; "That man seemed nice."

The setting changes from Stratevaria Galaxy to F.S.S. Realta Nua

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Ridley Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Megahertz Character Portrait: Beatrice Schwartz
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0.00 INK

Ridley stopped trying to listen to Gelon halfway through his speech, for he always had troubles following run-on sentences. Also, he just wanted to go home. The elevator door closed in front of the two men and behind the two women. Ridley folded his arms, leaned against the wall, and stared at the ceiling. Elevator music played in the background. Ridley whistled to the tune as they descend, not saying anything to the one-armed mercenary. As the elevator reached their destination and the door opened, Ridley lazily walked away, waving goodbye at Gelon without looking. "I'll see you in the morning. Or not, I guess.", Ridley apathetically said.


Vlad shrugged and gave a vague, noncommittal nod. "I like the sound of that.", her voice being more interested than her body language. She glanced at Beatrice's datapad ever so slightly, but never really paying attention. She was a soldier her whole life, she had discipline and honor, and was not the type to question her superiors' orders or motives. She was just here for the money, and could not care less what she had to destroy, or who she had to kill.

Coitus ensued.


Ozma listened as Cubey listed more of his alien friends. He shivered at the thought, for he was allergic to calimari. But he did not say anything, as his attention was focused on the corpse of his sister. A long pause ensued, as he thought over their options.

Ozma looked away, for he could not look at his sister anymore, else he'd die from the guilt. "I...I'll call the morgue. Don't..don't want to dirty her body anymore.", his voice still wavering.

"You should...g-get some rest. You have a place to stay...right?", Ozma asked nervously, surprising himself with the concern in his tone.


Megahertz nearly jumped as Graves revealed himself. "UWAH!!", she shrieked....and then glanced back, terrified that she had woken up the beast behind her. She let out a quick sigh of relief when she realized that she hadn't.

Looking up at him, she scratched the back of her head. "Goodness, where the hell did you came from?", she asked, mildly annoyed, mostly surprised.

She then listened as Graves talked, covering her mouth when he mentioned Deunan Knight being dead. Such a famous felt rather unreal too, it seemed barely a few hours ago when she, Sentinel, Quin, and Lekan were watching her performance.

Megahertz then looked closely at the robotic leg in Graves' hand. She pulled out a pair of black gloves from her pockets, and put them on, flexing her fingers as she gently grabbed the leg and examined it. She gasped slightly and narrowed her eyes. "A necron mind control spider....", she whispered, indicating her knowledge.

Before she would say more though, she chose to listen to Graves. She then looked up as the gangster gave his second inquiry. She gulped and became immediately suspicious when Graves mentioned Sentinel. "What...what do you know about Sentinel?" She eyed him closely, scanning his expressions in particular. Could he have something to do with his disappearance?

Placing her hands on her knees, she looked at him eye to eye. "...If..if you want me to help you....then I need you to be honest with me." She then looked towards the floor, pulling off her left glove, and using that left hand to put her hair behind her ears. "I may be a thief...but I believe in fairness and loyalty. Things Drakov Industries is sorely lacking in.", Megahertz whispered more, disdain in her voice.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ozma Knight
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0.00 INK

As he saw Ozma shivered, Cubey decided to sit down for a bit, understanding it might take him a while to make a decision on such a traumatic event and to answer his recent question, but trusting whatever judgement he made. He was Deunan's brother. Cubey may have had the mind of a child, but he knew when he should behave properly, his carers taught him that much. As his new friend announced his decision, Cubey nodded wholeheartedly, fully supporting the decision despite not entirely understanding what a morgue was. The important part of them carefully looking after the dead was what he cared about, which would of lead him to the same decision, no doubt. He just hoped there was still space for his poor unfortunate friend.

Ozma then recommended he should get some rest, which Cubey also fully supported the idea of as he tried his best at stifling a yawn. It had been a terrible, exhausting, horrible day, that even the perkiest and most energetic of people would have been worn down. Sleep was definitely sounding immensely tempting at the moment, where he could close his eyes and pretend today never existed for a whole night. Well, that's if there wasn't any nightmares happening at least. Locating Lekan or Tep could wait for tomorrow, surely. After all, that suited guy stinking of smoke would understand, wouldn't he?
He then realized from Ozma's question, he wasn't sure where he could for some slumber. Before he mostly slept in the vast corridors of the F.S.S. Realta Nua, or in any storage units he could break into, but he decided now wasn't the best time to go sleep where there could be corpses. Besides, sleeping around without a real bed was starting to get uncomfortable, not to mention he was starting to feel lonely being by himself when he searched for a place to sleep.
"Yeah, sleep sounds good. Ummm I haven't really got a place to go sleep, but I can always find a bench or something, or a box or a storage thingy. Well one that is too near ummm, you know.", Cubey replied softly, wondering if he should ask this man he recently met to stay at his place or simply do as he just said. He stood around awkwardly, not entirely sure which to pick, between waking up to find himself alone or being a trouble to the nice red haired man.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Ridley Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey
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0.00 INK

Ridley listened as Gelon gave his advice. A weak "Hah....", was all that Ridley said. He considered visiting Riley again for a while. But in the end, he shook his head, shrugged, and walked off. "Nah. Don't want to come across as a creeper.", he whispered to himself.


Megahertz turned to see Gelon come in, and was reminded that she was in his and the Drakov mercenaries' house all this time. "Oh! Gelon...hi!", she greeted him with a polite nod.

She then turned back to Graves, and listened as he gave his explanation. She stared at him for a few seconds to consider his answer. 'Friends'. Suspicious. Sentinel told her that he had allies...but never friends. She looked up at him sharply, keeping a poker face as she nodded. She decided to keep her suspicion to herself...for now.

Megahertz grabbed the communicator Graves' handed to her, then looked at the doorway as he left. She looked between the communicator in her left hand and the necron mind control spider in her right. Looks like she got a new job already. A necron mind control spider...not just something you could snag from a Black Market, that's for sure.


Ozma's expression shifted into one of over the top horror as Cubey listed all of the.....unsightly, uncomfortable, and unclean.....places that he could stay in. He was like a stray kitten...or giraffe....and even Ozma's xenophobic heart melted at this poor manchild.

"Absolutely not!", Ozma shouted and shook his head as he stood up. "Y-you need a warm bed! Not a....a..." He shivered in disgust. "..A box!"

Ozma turned around. "Come with me!", barking with a slightly demanding tone, and he strutted towards the upper class cabins.

The upper class cabins......a few hours ago, this place was the peak of luxury. Now, it was a collection of ruined houses and broken streets. Ozma sighed. He considered sueing Drakov, but decided to put that thought away for now, and head over to his house.

Thankfully for him, his house was mostly unscathed during the attacks, aside from the hole on the roof, and some glass shards on the ground. Ozma glanced at Cubey, whispering, "Careful...", as he walked around the glass shards.

Ozma pulled out his key, and opened the door. Cubey was greeted with the sight of a cozy, brown-colored living room, with a fireplace in the distance. Very comfortable, very homely, just like the rest of the upper class houses. From the inside, you would never tell there was a hole on the roof...or carnage in the streets.


Clockwork stood up suddenly as K2 delivered his pick up line to Riley. "Did someone say 'dance?!'" Clockwork turned to Ciril, considering his question. "Hmmm~" He then stroke his purple sharp chin, having somehow extracted it out of the table when nobody was looking.

"Yes, yes you can, Ciril. You can make me DANCE." The purple synthetic grabbed the snek's cybernetic arms, pulling him close for a dance. Energetic, irish violin music played behind them. Just Clockwork's thing! Simple, romantic, and energetic. Clockwork began stepping around with remarkable precision and timing despite his man-heels. He held Ciril's hands as they stepped back once, twice, thrice, and then forward, once, twice, thrice!

"Yes! One, two, three! you're a natural!", Clockwork excitedly remarked, not giving the snek a chance to protest.

The other patrons of the bar stared at the snek and the synthetic dancing together. To say it was an odd sight would understatement.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ozma Knight
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0.00 INK

After he had finished talking aloud his options for sleeping locations, Ozma seemed to look at him as if he had just bitten off a rabbits head, exclaiming with absolute disagreement of the idea of the odd beastman sleeping anywhere but a good bed, leaving Cubey taken aback somewhat at the very strong reply, and the fact his new friend seemed grossed out by boxes for some reason. In fact, Ozma practically ordered Cubey to follow him a she began strutting off, the cubic giraffe man-child marching behind thinking he would be ordered some more, feeling the military-esque movements felt appropriate to the mood.

After some time of walking, they arrived at what used to be under all the rubble, torn up streets, and collapsed buildings, was the upper class cabins area. It was amazing sight in the completely opposite way of how it was probably intended, looking more like some devastated long lost ruins than a resort area. Cubey oohed and ahhhhed all the same, obviously impressed with the sheer destruction and the still remaining exquisite houses for the top brass to stay for their holidays, dinner parties and business meetings.

Then when following Ozma to his home, Cubey peered in puzzlement at the hole in the roof, wondering why Ozma wanted a sunroof on his house, seriously following the red haired human's advice and side stepped around the glass carefully, pretending to be a super ninja spy on a dangerously thin ledge, trying not to wall to the jagged rocks below. He even provided his own sound effects. As Cubey set his eyes on the inside, his face light up with a wide grin of delight as he skipped into the comfortable looking, friendly seeming inviting living room, nosely investigating his surroundings, bouncing on chairs, crawling under tables and pushing food into the fire place.
"This place is awesome Ozma! How did you get all this cool stuff? Is this your house? It's very fancy! These chairs are super comfy. Is that a fireplace? I never saw a real one before! Is this were you wanted me to go?", Cubey babbled excitedly to his friend, suddenly becoming immensely hyper, despite his great fatigue and traumatic day.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Clockwork
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0.00 INK

Megahertz looked down as Gelon correctly deduced where the mind control spider came from. The news was still..unreal. Megahertz couldn't say she knew Deunan well personally, but the, murder... of such a high-profile celebrity was still shocking. Megahertz then watched Gelon and furrowed her brows as he talked some more. She glanced to the side and whispered to herself, "...I suppose it's time I dust off the spellbooks, then."

As she was in the middle of pondering and analyzing, she failed to see the nine-foot-long eldritch rogue crawling towards her, and jumped up in surprise. "EEK!" She stared at Byatis with wide eyes, taking a deep breath once she realized it was 'just' him. "W-what is this, give-Megahertz-a-jumpscare-day?!", she complained.

Megahertz leaned back on the rubble, and repeatedly looked between the mind control spider's leg and Byatis. The more she looked at him, the...less threatening..he seemed. At least, from the way he was rolling his back like that. "Uhm...anyways, I was....doing nothing in particular.", she said with a neutral tone. Only then did she realized something, as she then looked between Gelon and Byatis.

Suddenly standing up, she slid the spider leg into her pocket. "O-oh my!" Turning to Gelon, she rubbed the back of her head embarassedly. "I...totally forgot that this was your team's house Gelon! Sorry, sorry!" She then looked at Byatis, asking hopefully, "Uhhh...our house IS still standing. Right...?"


Clockwork cackled at Ciril's quip, greatly approving of the stoic snek going along with his absurdity. Together, they continued dancing along the beat, hopping up and down energetically, their movements becoming more and more intense as the music became more and more lively.

"Who knows? Maybe you can actually help me find out!"

At first, it seemed like he was joking, but there was something in the matter-of-fact way he was saying that line which showed that he was being completely serious.

In the middle of the dance, Clockwork turned to K2, joking out loud so that he could be heard through the loud music, "Wow Cap'n, you were so charming, you almost made ME swoon!" He was so genuine in his delivery, that it almost seemed sarcastic.


Ozma could only hold out a hand as Cubey skipped, and before he knew it, the cubic giraffe was already bouncing around hyperactively, without even a hint of sadness.His jaw dropped at this sight, both impressed....and kind of scared. He could not keep up as Cubey asked his many questions, shouting,

"CUBEY! Wait!"
"Don't touch that-"
"...Never mind"

He couldn't help but smile a bit though, at just how adorable Cubey was.

As a door to the right of Cubey opened, a shy, mechanized voice could be heard. "Master Ozma, dinner will be rea-"

Cubey suddenly bumped into the owner of the voice in the middle of his hyperactiveness. If he looked up, he would see a synthetic woman with eerie-looking red eyes, solid plastic blonde 'hair', and a smooth, porcelaine-like skin. She was built to look like a robotic maid, with wheels for legs. The synthetic woman was placing her hands in front of her waist apron, and budged slightly on impact with Cubey.

Ozma stood up straight. "A-ah...Woman.."

That Woman looked between Ozma and Cubey.

Ozma looked away and whispered, "He's a guest." Ozma was relieved it was just That Woman, and not one of his Black Dragon associates, that came upon his newfound alien guest. Being a simple synthetic servant, she would not be able to judge him.

The setting changes from F.S.S. Realta Nua to Stratevaria Galaxy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ozma Knight Character Portrait: That Woman
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0.00 INK

As Cubey frolicked around the place, Ozma's words seeming muffled to his ignorant ears, seeming oblivious to the man's surprise of his behavior as he gallivanted around this new location. He was enjoying himself for sure, his own imagination of sprinting through a fantastical wonderland melding with reality, so much in fact, he completely was utterly dumbfounded when he bumped into and bounced off something, or someone, that felt very cold indeed, noticing it didn't really move when he bumped into them.

He looked up to see the unnerving red eyes and solid plastic lump of what could be described as hair of That Woman, noticing from her very peculiar lack of fragrance, that she must also by a robot. He had certainly met a lot of them today. Cubey stared at her for a few moments at her extremely smooth porcelain skin, and her wheels, as well as her maid outfit before coming to the conclusion from when Ozma stood up of a fact he was not expecting as he started giggling to himself. Or at least it was a fact in his mind. Quickly after Ozma announced that Cubey was a visitor, the mutated beastman immediately teased; "I didn't know you had a girl friend Ozma! She's very pretty, but I think she might be a robot since there's no lots of people smell on her. Why do robots smell diffrent? Hehehehehehee Ozma's got a girlfriend! They probably kissed!", as he started giggling again, covering his sneer as best as he could with his hooves giving Ozma a cheeky look.

Cubey then, after a few more moments of giggling and smirking, he diverted his attention to That Woman, curious on who this robot lady was. He decided to get right to the point.
"Excuse miss robot maid person, whats your name? My name 'Super Duper' Cubey! But most people call me Cubey. I'm gonna beat UP GEHENNA one day!", he announced cheerfully, before asking her a tiraide of questions; "Are you a maid? You look like a maid. Is it because your dressed up like a maid? You are Ozma's girlfriend right?", seeming fascinated at the new stranger much like a puppy would or salesman believing to find his next customer.

The setting changes from Stratevaria Galaxy to F.S.S. Realta Nua

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Megahertz Character Portrait: Ozma Knight Character Portrait: That Woman
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0.00 INK

Megahertz watched carefully as Gelon left, and then turned to Byatis, more relaxed now that the one-armed mercenary was out of the house. She folded her arms and furrowed her brows as Byatis....disturbingly cheerfully....performed his surgery. She gulped as sweat trickled down her left temple. No matter how adorable Byatis may be, he was still an eldritch abomination. Or maybe it is the other way around....

It took Megahertz about ten seconds to formulate a response, looking carefully at Byatis, his happy tail, his everlasting grin...and the bloodied brain-bearing claws. "U-uhm....good...job.....?", Megahertz nervously stated, giving a hesitant thumbs up. She wasn't afraid of the sight of blood or guts or anything, but that didn't mean she enjoyed seeing it in such a copious amount.

Megahertz grabbed a toolbox that was just laying about on the ground, dumped its contents, then gestured Byatis to drop the brain inside. "Carefully....", she whispered. She proceeded to close the toolbox shut, lock it, and put it under her left arm, before climbing on Byatis' back.

"Ahem. I believe you were offering me a ride.", Megahertz said with a smirk.


Ozma became worried as Cubey stayed quiet when looking up at That Woman. He hated awkward silence. Of course, he hated what came next more. A furious red blush decorated Ozma's face thanks to Cubey's teasing. "Y-YOU LITTLE!", Ozma impotently shouted, drowned by Cubey's giggling. That Woman lowered her head and blushed as well, the red tint looking particularly strong on her porcelainne face. "Girlfriend...", she whispered in a cute voice.

"Don't encourage him! You're just here to deliver my mail!", Ozma said exasperatedly.

"..And cook my dinner."
".....And wash my clothes."
".......And....nevermind.", Ozma was silenced by his embarassment.

That Woman closed her eyes, bowing. "I am sorry if I had offended." Her eyes then met with Cubey, and she watched him introduce himself. She had a certain look in her eyes...looking at them, you would know she was paying attention to you a hundred percent.

Skipping over the part where she tells him her name, That Woman bowed politely, and commented, "'Super Duper' Cubey sounds very.......super.", her voice so soft, it almost sounded fragile.

That Woman's eyes did not avert from Cubey as he bombarded her with questions. In the background, Ozma shook his fists. "H-hey! Don't bother her...."

Giving a sweet smile, That Woman shook her head. "It is no bother. I am indeed a maid, an EV-4000 series servant gynoid, to be precise. I am not Master Ozma's girlfriend, but it is a pleasure to meet you." She did not sound robotic, aside from the slightly synthesized quality of her voice. There was something slightly off in her tone, but that may be natural for a synthetic.

Still keeping her sweet smile, That Woman turned to look at Cubey. "It is now my turn to ask the questions. How would you like your steak?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ozma Knight Character Portrait: That Woman
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0.00 INK

As Cubey still sniggering at the antics between Ozma and That Woman, finding the whole situation hilarious, along with the common child's opinion on romantic relationships being silly, he slowly realized that the android servant was staring at him through his whole introduction. She seemed to be listening carefully to Cubey's words, which Cubey enjoyed immensely, as he was always a fan of getting full attention, it made him feel fuzzy inside. He seemed somewhat embarrassed as she bowed to him, admitting his title sounded, well, super. He rubbed the back of his head awkwardly when that happened.

After he spouted out his questions she didn't seem too fussed in answering all of them as Cubey sat down on the carpet, despite having seemed to annoyed Ozma. She confirmed she was in fact a maid and a gynoid, though denied she was Ozma's girlfriend, though something about her tone made Cubey doubt that, unless it was just something from the sounds that robots made, but was pretty much fully satisfied with each answer nodding cheerfully to each one to show that he was a good listener.

Seeming enamored of That Woman's smile, the mutated beastman was take aback a teeny bit when he then a question in turn that made his stomach grumble, causing his to chuckle along with the rumbles.
"I like my steak really, really, really, really, really, really, really well done pretty please! Guess that means it's dinner time? Yay food! Thank you ultra, super, very much robot maid lady! Can I have some juice too? and dessert after? Man i'm super duper hungry as well as strong!", the curious giraffe being babbled on, obviously delighted to hear that he was being fed, hopefully for free too. He wasn't exactly swimming in cash, due to never really needing to use his very meager pocket money he got back in the facility he was kept in. He really was lucky to have them so kind back home. He was starting to miss hid home a little, as well as the people that worked there too he supposed, but he decided to avoid thinking about it like he did of a certain recent highly terrible and traumatic event. Instead he asked Ozma; "What are you getting? Is it the same as me? It's okay to have the same stuff sometimes."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Clockwork Character Portrait: Riley O'Toole Character Portrait: Ozma Knight
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0.00 INK

That Woman gave a sweet chuckle, coyly tilting her head to the side slightly at Cubey's enthusiasm. "Very well, please sit down at the dinner table. I will get you everything you wish.", she said with a sweet tone.

Ozma and Cubey sat down at a lavish and long dinner table together. The brown, smooth wood had a nice smell to it. Bright candles overhead gave the entire room a pleasant, yellow glow. Ozma looked at Cubey, and smirked at his question. "Sometimes, huh....", he replied vaguely and calmly.

They proceed to have a delicious dinner together. A large tenderloin stick for dinner, some ice cream for dinner, and orange juice for dessert. Ozma ate like a proper gentleman, while That Woman watched over the two completely quietly, like a statue.

After dinner, Ozma directed Cubey to a room uptairs. As the door opened, and even though there was no light inside, an overall warm, pink color greeted them, standing out even in the dark. They could see an assortment, practically an army, of plushies decorating the bed and the floor. Posters of the Rainbow Rangers and the Sailor Sentries decorate the bright pink wall. Clearly, a girl's room.

Ozma glanced to the side and sighed. " can stay in Deunan's room. For now. T..try not to make a mess."

Not able to stay inside for any longer, the red-haired youth turned around, and walked back into his own room, leaving Cubey to tuck in for the night.


Clockwork nodded understandingly, and chuckled when Ciril refered to him as a 'unique being'. "Unique? Me? Naaah, I'm pretty boring compared to, say, the Captain, a cthulhu-like killer puppy, or a jolly blue giant.", Clockwork said in a self-deprecative way as he stepped back.

Clockwork sighed and looked on proudly at K2, folding his arms and nodding at the sight. He then turned around, and waved. "Well, I'll be off. There's some stuff I want to get looked at in the med bay. Ciau!"

Clockwork walked away with light, metallic footsteps, disappearing in the distance.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ozma Knight Character Portrait: That Woman
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0.00 INK

"Yes ma'am!" Cubey exclaimed a she saluted at the android maid, before giggling as he skipped over to the dinning table, stopping rub his face against it as he murmured; "Oooooh smooth!" he then gape din awe at how luxurious the whole place looked, distracted enough by the opulent surroundings that he missed Ozma's comment, babbling aloud; "Wow, your like super posh or rich Ozma!", a she took a seat, seeming to be having some difficulty as he tried to clamber onto it, but merely gave up and used his gravity powers to jump up to it with ease.

As their meal arrived the odd beastman almost immediately exclaimed; "Wow this looks super yummy! Food for me, food for me, and my belly! Thank you robot maid lady!", thanking That Woman for the delicious food and drink front of him, before happily and messily chowing down on his steak, acting the complete opposite of Ozma's more refined and gentlemanly behavior, gnawing and gnashing at the steak he held on his fork, only cutting pieces smaller than the large chunks he had when he thought he literally was going bite off more than he could chew, slurping up his orange juice between mouthfuls of steak. Thankfully he didn't attempt to talk with his mouth full, as he was too hungry and too cheerful about getting such cuisine to think straight. Not that he did much of it anyways. He did feel a bit unnerved about That Woman watching him the whole time with her red eyes, but reasoned that people probably felt the same when he stared at them eating, pushing the thought to the back of his mind.
When he had finished the main course, Cubey practically squealed when he saw the ice cream, quickly wolfing it down, as if he was trying to make is disappear as quickly as when it arrived at the table, his joy of the sweet dessert heard audibly with each chomp he took on his spoon, though seeming to get a fair amount for on his face than in his mouth.

After the meals, and cleaning up his face, Cubey turned to both of the occupants of the house and graciously said; "Thank you both for giving me free food, it's super kind of you both, you really are nice people, especially since I got ice cream. It was yummy like the steak and juice! Think I might got brain-freeze though.", he finished rubbing his temples with a look of concern over his face. With headache in toll, he followed along after Ozma as he beckoned him to follow him, tottering upstairs behind the red haired human, until they reached a room that was just glowing with pink, inviting the pair inside, welcoming them almost. The mutated giraffe being could see there was tons and tons of plushies lounging around the room's floor and bed, and posters of his favorite show, Rainbow Rangers, along with another pretty cool TV program called Sailor Sentries adorning the walls, leaving Cubey so gasp in sheer excitement and joy, despite it being fairly girly for his own tastes.
Before he could loose control and just immediately play around with everything however, Ozma looked away for a moment, telling Cubey he could stay in the room as long as he didn't make a mess. He also said it was Deunan's.
The man-child's smile suddenly began withering away as Ozma left, to which even Cubey knew he couldn't remain in the room any longer, in fear of the sheer misery would take over. He stood by himself in the middle of the room for a few moments staring at all it's contents sadly for a while, before staring at the bed. He didn't really want to make a mess either. In fact, he seemed to have made the decision not to even move anything. The problem was there was quite a few plushies on the bed.
Cubey whimpered to himself as he lay down on the floor gently, before curling up and closing his eyes. He then sobbed silently, no noise coming out of his frowning agape mouth. He crying until until sleep finally came.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey
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0.00 INK


The night went down as the repairs of the Realta Nua immediately commenced. Drakov Industries' greater AIs, drones, and manual workers alike worked together to restore the anti-GEHENNA flagship. Under competent leadership and organization, the repairs went smoothly. When the next day came, 80% of the ship was already repaired - including the critically endangered main engine. Bodies were still strewn about, and many of the secondary collateral damages - including the artificial sky projectors and the many holes around the interior of the ship have yet to be taken care of, but given one or two more days, the Realta Nua would be good as new.

When 8 AM came, a loud marching could be heard everywhere in the Realta Nua. The hallway outside the lower class cabin, the neighborood outside the upper class cabin, the main areas; everywhere. Soldiers in dark blue armor and stark white uniform walk together, their double-barreled rifles on their shoulders, their featureless helmets gazing forward with blindingly bright blue visors. The Federation Spacetroopers, no doubt here because of yesterday's incident. Dagojouiise may be a neutral planet, but the Realta Nua was still a Federation ship, with Federation passengers. The dead kind.

Alongside the Human Spacetroopers were synthetic supersoldiers; using dark blue parts instead of a uniform, and insectoid seekers; dark blue and stark white stripes painted on their chitinous natural armor. They fly just below the flickering artificial sky, their eyes shining like searchlights as they scan the area for suspicious activity.

Boris watched out the window from the bridge, his hologram flickering once or twice. He was not very pleased at this sight. He would rather not have the Federation barging into his business. Even when it involved saving the galaxy. especially when it involved saving the galaxy. Nevertheless, as powerful as his company was, defying the Napishtim Federation itself would be suicide. He looked down at a Federation paperwork on his table which he still needed to fill out personally. He wondered momentarily if he should let them know it was his old 'friend' Graves who spearheaded the assault. Quickly though, he smiled and shook his head. He wasn't able to determine what Graves really wanted last time, and he wanted to test out Beatrice's competency, which was why he did not interfere with her rather spirited hounding. Perhaps, soon, it would be time for him to sit down and chat with his rival. Just like old times....


Mosa woke up early in the morning, yawning as he opened the door to the main room of his and Ophelia's cabin. After giving her a brief peek, Mosa smiled and tip toed away, again, surprisingly sneaky for someone that build and weight. He went towards the kitchen, and checked his refrigerator. He let out a sigh of relief, before taking out a pair of eggs. Hitting them against one another, Mosa poured the contents onto a sizzling hot frying pan, which he began to shake with his right hand, while his left pushed the button on a nearby radio, turning it on and letting it play an upbeat, slow tempo country music. Mosa shook his hips,
nodded his head, and wiggled his butt to the song. He set it at a lower volume, so that it wouldn't annoy Ophelia if she wasn't up already.


Clockwork did not return to the Megahertz safehouse last night. Throughout the night, his head had been tormented by voices. Many, mysterious, unintelligible voices. From their tone, he could tell they were scorning, shouting, and insulting him. But why, or who, he could not tell. Ever since that faceplant in the desert, he had been unstable. He limped through a dark alley, clutching his head and grunting from pain. He could not stand this. Why won't it stop, he wondered frustatedly. After a wrong step, Clockwork tripped on his own two feet, and fell on the side of his face, causing a loud thud in the
darkness. A crack formed on his yellow visor, as he fell unconcious.


Megahertz had slept for only a few hours once she returned to her safehouse. Throughout midnight till dawn, she was preparing herself for a dark ritual. The windows around her were curtained. Taking a deep breath, Megahertz knelt and prayed in front of a bloodied pentagram. On each points of the pentagram were lit candles, and on the center, a golden bowl bearing a human heart, strands of jet black hair, and two halves of the Cazadore's brain. Looking at the hair in the bowl, Megahertz sighed. Her left hand reached out to stroke her now shortened hair - barely reaching her shoulders, her tentacles now lay in front of her chest, no longer coiled to her hair. She was not very happy, but sacrifices were necessary for power. And power was necessary, if she had any intention of surviving the trip to Megido. She could not rely on Sentinel forever.Closing her eyes once again, Megahertz began her chant:

"Father of Inferno, Mother of Moon.
Give me power, grant me boon.
To destroy my enemies, to blind them with light.
Make me a Witch of the Silent Night!"

A gust of wind blew at her back, strong enough that she was pushed slightly forward. Megahertz shivered from a sudden cold. All the lights around her - the candles, the fireplace, the lamps, were extinguished by an unseen force. Megahertz gasped, and her eyes shot open. Pentagrams flash on her deep blue pupils, and her body tremble as an enormous power entered her. A brief silence ensued. Very brief, as a wide smile soon appeared on her lips.

There are forces in this universe - ancient, dark forces - unrelated to GEHENNA, Megido, or the abominations from that world. Some call them gods. Others call them demons. It did not matter. Whoever they were, they have given Megahertz power, and that was all she cared about. She turned towards the golden bowl. The strands of her hair and the human heart had disappeared, all that remained was the two halves of the Cazadore's brains.

Perfect, she thought. Megahertz stood up and stroke her chin.

"Let's try this one." Megahertz stood straight, kept her legs together, and pointed forward with her right arm. bright blue runes began appearing on the surface of her skin. Her hands shook, and a blue orb resonating with power emerged on her finger tips.
A bright blue beam blasted out from the orb and towards the Cazadore's brain halves. The brains briefly floated in the air as dark energy surrounded them - and then plummeted towards the ground, disappearing into two whirlpools of darkness, one for each half.

Staring intently, Megahertz flicked her finger, and shouted another mantra.

"Hunter of man,
Destroyer of land.
Rise from your graves,
And become my slaves!"

The sound of rumbling thunder followed. And from each whirlpools, dark creatures emerge. Primordial, oozing darkness dripping from their bodies. From the first whirlpool, a tiger-striped hunter of man; cat-like, covered in spikes. A vicious grin decorating his face. From the second whirlpool, a pitch-black destroyer of land; dog-like with a raging snarl and sickle-like fangs. The two hell creatures rise from the darkness, and walk towards their new master. These two foul beasts were the size of wolves, and both bear glowing, pupilless red eyes. They look up at Megahertz, who looked back at them awkwardly.

"......W-whoa. I...wonder what I should call you guys...?", Megahertz slowly, hesitantly asked.

The two creatures did not respond, they just kept staring at her; the hunter with his grin, the destroyer with his snarl.

(Hey everyone, just to let you know, I tag alert everyone, even characters not in this post, to alert the authors. Chapter 3 has began. Go, post, fly.)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Megahertz
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0.00 INK

Mosa turned his head (while continuing to wiggle his butt) to look at Ophelia as he heard her come to the door. He flashed his fanged grin and greeted her loudly, "Ah! Morning, morning! Food's almost ready!" He whimsically lifted the frying pan, poured its contents onto a plate, and placed the pan on an unheated stove top.

Mosa had cooked two sunny side up eggs to utter perfection. The golden yellow center were the size of ping pong balls, strong, squishy, and yummy. The white of the eggs were clean and white, with a glossiness to their surface. Under the warm lighting of the cabin's orange lamps, one could stare all day...

A pleasant ding was heard as, near the stove, four large toasts popped out, brown and crispy. Mosa pulled out those toasts, and placed them on another large plate, aligning them so that they would look like a deck of cards. Mosa then opened his freezer to take out a plastic wrap filled with bacons. Glancing at Ophelia, Mosa asked, as he prepared to turned the heat of the stove up again. "So! How was sleep?"


Megahertz almost jumped when she saw Byatis coming practically out of nowhere besides her. Thankfully, she was a bit more savvy after a whole day full of jumpscares yesterday. She looked at him with wide eyes when he began to spoke...but soon enough, subtly sighed with relief when he finished his sentence. She decided to reply to his jest with her own playful grin, and said, with her hands on her hips, in a bombastic tone, "WELL, I was hoping to surprise you! Preferrably in the middle of a heated and desperate battle! Out of nowhere, the helpless damsel-in-distress suddenly whipped out her awesome magical powers and saved the day! MWAHAHHAHAHAHHA!", Megahertz cackled with stretched-out arms, causing the hellhound and the deathcat to stare at her, with the hellhound tilting his head.

The deathcat then turned to see Keeton, as he heard the pouring sound of the coffee machine. Megahertz glanced at K2, silenced by his surprisingly calm tone. So much so, that, she could only stare at him a few seconds after he asked his question. " that you mention it...both of the robots aren't back yet, are they....", she wondered out loud with genuine concern.

The hellhound barked at nobody in particular, then began to chase his tail in a circle.


Vlad decided to sleep in, even as Beatrice woke up and got dressed. She only gave a quick, lazy peek towards her superior, and once she left, the beast woman buried her face in the pillow, eager to continue sleeping on such a soft bed.


Quin immediately replied at Lekan's suggestion; "No. It will be fine. I...I need to tell you something." Something must be wrong. There was hesitance in her usually sure voice, for sure.

She stayed quiet for a while. Perhaps too long for 'a while'. But like every other time, Quin slowly began to speak.

"You gave me a strange look when I mentioned marrying GEHENNA."

A brief pause.

"Your tentacles caress me in the most gentle manner."

A pause.

"Your eyes shine like a puppy dog everytime they were directed towards mine."

A longer pause.

" wondered how I look in a bikini."

A very long pause.

"I don't want to keep any secrets from you. Do you really want to find out?", asked Quin in a respectful manner. She seemed almost eager to show him her body.


At Ozma's house, Ozma was already awake, sitting on the dinner table with his hands on his cheeks, and bags under his eyes. Guilt and shame troubled him during the day, and nightmares plagued him through the day. On the kitchen nearby, That Woman was doing her duty, brewing tea. The fresh smell traveled through the air well.

Ozma glanced to the stairs which lead to the upper bedroom. He wondered if Cubey slept any better than him....

Characters Present

Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ozma Knight Character Portrait: That Woman
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0.00 INK

As morning came, Cubey struggled to open his eyes as his lids judder apart, his vision straining with the darkness of the room. Giving a groan of exhaustion and lack of motivation, he continued to lie on the floor, unwilling to move. With a great grunt of effort, and a miserable, tired look upon his face, he unsteadily rolled onto his front and propped himself up, peering round Deunan's room a few times miserably, though gave a sigh or relief when he realized nothing had been moved, just as how he expected Ozma to want it be. As he sat up he pondered his next action for a short while yawning from how little rest he actually got from his night of crying himself to sleep. He decided along with his grumbling stomach his best course of action at the moment was to get breakfast.

After clumsily clambering back to his feet and shuffling his way out of the room, rubbing his sleepy eyes, as he stumbled down the hall. He eventually made his way to the stairs, carefully stepping down each one slowly, as if quick step would send him hurtling down them. He meekly surveyed his surroundings after the long painstaking process of making it downstairs had been accomplished, managing to glimpse Ozma and That Woman in the kitchen.

He hastily made his way over to them, announcing loudly; "Morning you too! Did you sleep good? I didn't. But the room's very tidy so that's very good. Ummmm Ozma, thank you very very very very much for letting me sleep there."
Cubey then quietened down for a moment staring at the floor awkwardly. After a few moments of silence he turned to that woman and asked softly; "Ummmm whats for breakfast? It's okay if you don't want to make any." as his stomach grumbled.
He then used his gravitational powers clumsily and shakily accidentally slamming himself against the table where he suddenly began to start snoring, intending to put himself in a chair instead of face first into a plate.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Megahertz
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0.00 INK

Mosa nodded satisfiedly at Ophelia's short, to-the-point comment. "Comfortable is good! Mosa remembered the beds from time when Mosa was Militaire member. Even the commander beds were awful.", Mosa said, shooking his head as he remembered. The Beastman Empire's dedication to strength and honor could be over the top at times, not even willing to give their soldiers proper beds to prevent them from 'going soft'.

Mosa tossed the bacon into the frying pan. The hissing noise from the impact of the meat and the cooking oil was music to his ears. "Regular breakfast menu! Toast, sunny-side-up, and bacons.", Mosa replied to Ophelia's question, as he waited for the meat to cook. He then turned to her, with a wide grin on his huge face, and asked, rhetorically, "You ever had bacon? You want bacon, yes? Yes, of course you do. Bacon is best. Best is bacon."

After all the cooking was done, Mosa sat down with Ophelia for breakfast. Toast, sunny side up eggs, and bacons....a very western breakfast. While chewing on his toast, Mosa whipped out a newspaper, seemingly out of nowhere, and read it while munching.


Megahertz turned towards her two new thralls as Byatis asked his question. She folded her arms and scoffed, "HAH! Well, you guys kept running away. A girl's gotta have company, right?", she seemed quite proud of these two, looking at Byatis with a smirk. "Adorable, aren't they? You better keep up, or you'll be out-cuted~", she teased back.

The Deathcat sat on his hind legs and looked around, while the Hellhound continued chasing his tail in circles.

Megahertz, still looking at Byatis, hesitantly asked, "Hey, uh..Byatis. What are you going to do once we reach Nekrim....?", looking a bit concerned. "You don't exactly look....uhh..beachy, you know."


Gelon found the Knights' Home easily enough, it was one of the many upper class houses in the upper class residential district, looking just like his team's house.


Ozma looked up at Cubey as he announced his arrival quite loudly. He winced a little, thanks to a stunning headache caused by a lack of sleep. Cubey's charm won him over easily though, as he gave the tiniest of smile at his thanks. "'t a problem at all.", he replied, weakly and softly.

That Woman's head turned to Cubey, although the rest of her body was still washing the dishes, which made for a rather strange, uncanny movement, as if she was a doll doing stop motion. She widened her eyes at Cubey's question, and replied in her polite, synthetic voice, "A-Ah, but of course I don't mind. I am here to-"

She was interrupted mid-sentence when Cubey fell loudly on the table. Ozma jolted up in surprise, while That Woman blinked twice with wide eyes. Ozma stood up, and walked slowly towards him. "I'll get him...", he said, weakly, as he gently grabbed Cubey by his shoulders, and sat him down on a chair just behind him.

That Woman nodded. "I will get the breakfast.", and bowed, before opening the fridge to grab a carton of milk and a box of cereals.


A moment of silence.

"Very well.", a calm reply.

Lekan could hear a faint buzzing.

"Please stand clear."

A second later, the welded door was blasted apart in a single hit, the chunks flying past Lekan and hitting the wall on the other side. The smoke was heavy and thick, but Lekan could see a silhouette in the midst of it. Tall, graceful, wide-shouldered....

.....And....very different.

In front of Lekan...was it really Quin? She looked very much like Quin. She had the same beautiful face, the same perfectly sculpted, perfectly symmetrical features.

The question, however, was if the one in front of him was a she at all.

Tall, graceful, wide-shouldered. Annoyingly handsome, Disturbingly beautiful, definitely male. His green, slender, and gorgeous body stood proud and calm. Even though slender, his body was well-built, with muscles to show for his time in the military. His hands were soft and his fingers long, like a pianist.

Looking at Lekan eye to eye, Quin let the moment sink in. He was only wearing a bright red speedo, exposing his soft and pale thighs, which connect to an insectoid pair of legs, identical to the ones in 'his' female, armored form, with some sort of chitinous kneepad as transition between the flesh of the thigh and the shell of the calves and feet. 'He' seemed considerably taller than before, with wider shoulders as well.

Finally, he spoke up.

"I was born a man."

A pause.

"I have the ability to turn into a woman for breeding purposes."

Another pause.

"I thought I should let you know before x-rated events happen between us."

All the explanations were delivered in complete deadpan and seriousness.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Riley O'Toole Character Portrait: Ozma Knight
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0.00 INK

As Cubey was placed in his chair he began muttering in his sleep, of mostly nonsensical gibberish, though there was a few mentions of Rainbow Rangers. It was not as deep of a sleep as it first appeared however, as after a few mere moments, he woke up with a squeal, having been startled at the sudden sounds of gunshots outside. Recovering form his mini figurative heart-attack, Cubey quickly checked on how That Woman and Ozma were, realizing that although the android maid was present next to the fridge, the red haired host of the house had seemed to have gone from the kitchen.

"Ummmm sorry. Guess i'm a bit sleepy. Weird dream though. Ranger Pink was a carrot. The rest weren't just her.Maybe I should apologize to turning her into a carrot. Though it didn't really happen.", he apologized confusingly during a yawn, before asking That Woman sheepishly; "Ummmm, where did Ozma go? Did I miss breakfast?"
He didn't wait long for an answer as he suddenly heard all kinds of shouting coming from outside, letting his curiosity lead him to the source as he speed walked through the house, until he eventually left it, standing next to Ozma who also went to investigate the commotion, but not before being pushed aside by the pirate he saw yesterday, barging into Ozma's home much to Cubey's confusion.

His confusion only grew as he saw that a whole bunch of soldiers were surrounding the cyborg called Gelon he had met before, who seemed to be taking out some cheque book, the federation troops obviously unhappy with whatever he did to warrant giving them a check. There was also a Snek in sunglasses aiming a wrist-blaster at Gelon as well. There was also a pink haired blind lady too, seeming just as surprised as the beastman was. Having no understanding of the situation, Cubey stood around dumbfounded for a few moments. Then, acting entirely in panic he rushed in front of Gelon crying out; "Don't shoot my friend please! He's nice really honest! I'm sure didn't do nothing or anything! Don't be meanies!" holding his arms out wide as if it would somehow shield Ozma's house, Ozma himself, and Gelon from doing so. Standing steadfast, wishing to protect his friend he then had a look of sudden realization when he exclaimed; "Oh wait, the pirate guy went in Ozma's house! Ahhhhhhhhh! He might steal his stuff! And the robot maid lady's in there too!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Riley O'Toole Character Portrait: Ozma Knight
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0.00 INK

Gelon smiled and pat Cubey's head "no cubey that didn't happen i fixed Keeton's weapon but it i forgot to put the safety on so it set the new parts in correct order to be working" Gelon said and kneel down by him "they just can't appreciate the fact that i shoot 2 speakers instead of the gun blowing up, now did you have a good night rest last night?" Gelon said just ignoring the rest Cubey was on his mind now

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Riley O'Toole Character Portrait: Ozma Knight
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0.00 INK

Riley stood there, listening at all the yelling and bickering between the two parties. Something about a gun misfire. But now she heard K2's voice. Somehow, she wasn't surprised. Then a younger sounding voice started speaking for Gelon in his protection. What a weird morning. She looked over to Ciril addressing her to stand back and giggled a bit. "Hey man, this guy bumped into me before. If he was any dangerous I think I would've left that encounter with wounds to my flesh rather than wounds to me self-esteem." Her response was sincere with a bit of a jab. "I just think ya'll need to calm down a bit. Not like he opened fire on any people." She shrugged and continued to listen as the young voice complained about K2 entering the house. "Oh." Was all she could say.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: Ridley Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia
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0.00 INK

Mosa looked up as Ophelia stood up, and blinked. His voice turned into a whisper as his lips curled into a concerned frown. "Do you even have anywhere to go?" Despite asking that, Mosa did not expect much of an answer, as his large tail reached into the refrigerator, opened it a peek, and pulled out a small lunch box. "Take these, at least. Mosa made them himself." Mosa showed his toothy grin once more, as he offered the lunch box to Ophelia. It was small and light, and most likely were meant for Mosa's original cabin mates.


Megahertz was left speechless by Byatis'......moves. Her jaw hung and her eyes blinked, while her two thralls looked at him jealously, with the hellhound growling, sensing competition. Megahertz, however, placed her hand on the dog's head to steady him. She then chuckled at Byatis' comment. "HAH! C'mon now, Byatis. That's......too easy.", she shook her head, couldn't help but finding the terrible joke funny.

Megahertz then turned around, and pulled the spider leg from inside her pocket, appraising it with her keen eyes. With her back turned, she said to Byatis, "Aaaanyways...I've got this job I have to take care of. Don't let me keep you. Danny and Manny will watch my back~"

The hellhound and the deathcat looked at each other in disbelief, then at Byatis.

"Yes, that's you two. Now get to work.", Megahertz finished, before sitting down on a sofa to further analyze the spider leg.

Danny the hellhound, despite his grumpy look, loyally stood up and kept an eye on Byatis. Manny the deathcat, on the other hand, decided to lay down and take a nap, being the lazy cat that he was reborn to be.


Quin became even calmer when Lekan reacted positively to the beach. Taking a long time to think of an answer to Lekan's question, he decided to walk over and help the space squid untangle his tentacles. "I don't wear shoes...or play bondage...", Quin mumbled as he fiddled with the tentacles. "...But I was a military man. I may be able to assist."

He concentrated on Lekan's tentacles. It took a bit of effort and thinking on his part, but if there was one thing Quin was good at, it was thinking. Giving him an annoyingly gorgeus stare, Quin held up his liberated tentacles, and looked him in the eye.

"My mother wanted grandchildren. Unfortunately, my male genitalia was rendered infertile from a grenade explosion. It was painful."

A pause. Quin still holding Lekan's tentacles.

"And not many people would like to mate with a transgender bug. Not even my own, especially when I am already middle-aged."

Another pause. Quin let go of Lekan's tentacles.

"So, logically, I decided that an immortal being of eldritch origins was my best bet. Unbound by mortal disgusts, unchained by gender limitations."

Quin seemed to be putting a lot of faith and preconceptions in this, despite his lack of knowledge about GEHENNA. Perhaps he was not so smart after all. Or perhaps, he merely have a different method of thinking. Or perhaps he was smart, he was just nonsensical. Or illogical. Either way, this must be why Genesiors were often seen as eccentric, even to non-human races.


"Aye.", Ridley's reply was heard through Beatrice's secure communicator.

The private elevator descended towards the second deck of the Realta Nua. As the glass door opened, Ridley was already waiting for them, a carton of orange juice in his right hand, the straw connecting to the bottom of his cross-shaped visor.

Vlad folded her arms and turned to Beatrice, asking in a professional, calm, tone, "So. Where do we start?"


"Oh goodie!", the Federation soldiers were delighted as Gelon pulled out the checkbook and paid the fine. Less trouble for them, they suppose, and if the checkbook was a fraud, they could sue him for even more credits. They then turned around and took off, returning to their duties.

Ozma looked in horror as he saw K2. "You!!" He winced and fidgeted. Ozma was the black sheep of his family for many reasons. Aside from his controversial political beliefs, he was also a frequent target of kidnappings and extortions. His lack of combat prowess just made him an even juicier target for space pirates.

"W-w-what do you want...", Ozma asked K2, still distraught over yesterday's events. He was not very enthusiastic to meet one of his former kidnappers. "H-HEY you!! Wait, the floor..was..just..cleaned...this......morning", he could only wimpily stammer as he watched Gelon and K2 barge into the house. He sighed, defeated, not wanting to have any trouble with the two, well-armed men.

That Woman stared at Cubey speechlessly, sympathy on her face. It was obvious to her that, like Ozma, Cubey was traumatized from yesterday's events. She then turned to look, alarmed when K2 and Gelon went inside. Her eyes glow red cautiously, though she did not take direct action. Yet.

Ozma flinched when Cubey said that word. 'friend'? ....Him? The racist, patricidal, red headed bastard child? He never thought in a million years that anyone could even consider calling him that, and a touched expression hung in his face, causing him to momentarily forget about the dangerous pirate and the intimidating mercenary invading his house

He then glanced over to Riley and Ciril, still outside. UGh, more gross al- err, more aliens, he thought. Maybe he should not be so quick to judge. After all, Cubey looked kind of scary at first, with his square head. Scarier than these two. In fact, one could argue the pink haired one was quite pretty, in a girl next door kind of way, and the blue one with the snake tail on his head rather handsome, in a charming gentleman kind of way. Maybe, for once, if he tried to be nice, then more people would call him their friend?

"...Hey. You two.", he asked them, looking away, seemingly quite uncomfortable talking. "..You gonna barge into my house too?" There was a strange tone to his voice, as if he actually-kinda-sorta-totally-not-really-you-guys wanted them to do so.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Riley O'Toole Character Portrait: Ozma Knight
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0.00 INK

Ciril lowered his arm and the metal coils resumed resting position around his legs after the strange little beastman threw himself in front of Gelon, and he heard the remarks from both Gelon and Riley. He was used to being made out as the villiian in his line of work and though the situation could be rather frustrating and insulting, he remained objective. "If you can't keep control of your weapons, you shouldn't be allowed to have any." he commented evenly, thinking it poor taste of Gelon to trash-talk everyone and boost his ego by talking to a beastman child in such a way. He nodded to the Federation soldiers, "Good day gentlemen." he stepped forward, approaching the group and the doorway, hands clasped behind his back. As he passed Gelon to stand in front of the door he made one final comment, "I would be more careful and more respectful to those you meet, Mr. Deskovitch...." Ciril's face was deadpan as ever, sunglasses hiding his cold glossy eyes, "Some people can make it so that you'll never be hired for your mercenary skills ever again." he tilted his head slightly and turned to the apartment. "Mr. Knight, I am sorry for the multiple intrusions, but may I come in? I am working with K2, but I'm here on neutral terms... if anything, I want to prevent more misfortune.... hence why I came here and was so concerned about gunfire. " He took off one pair of sunglasses, "I'm sorry for your recent loss." he said solemnly.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart
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0.00 INK

Ophelia quietly took the lunch box and looked up at Mosa. "I think you know the answer to that." Her massiv mutated claw held the lunchbox such that you could barely see it. Once the troopers were out of sight from Mosa's cabin, Ophelia made her way to the door, looking at Mosa for one last time. "We'll see what happens, I suppose. Thank you." With that she quickly opened the door strode out onto the streets.

Now that she was 'settled', she could do some investigative work on her own. Revenge wasn't going to settle itself. Ophelia kept to the alleyways.


Byatis watched Megahertz for a moment, then shrugged. "Well okay! You seems oddly calm for someone who lost a new friend! But thats none of my business! See ya later!" WIth that Byatis quite literally rolled out the door.

Moments after he left the house, he spotted Fed troops marching down the streets. "Hut two three four! You all march like girls! Ahah, I'm hilarious." When Byatis had nothing to do, he wasn't sure how to pass time.


Riley could feel the sting in Ciril's words to Gelon. "Ooooh burn" she said under her breath. Suddenly she heard a voice asking Ciril and herself in probably the strangest way to come in. His words said no but his tone said please do. Riley considered it a moment until she finally recognized that voice. It was Ozma Knight! The well known human supremacist. Why the hell was he being so...passive? She was confused to say the least. But any opportunity to annoy a racist was probably worth it. "Well if you INSIST." With that she followed Ciril inside.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Riley O'Toole Character Portrait: Ozma Knight
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0.00 INK

As he heard Gelon's explanation, Cubey lowered his arms and sighed with relief, exclaiming thankfully; "Ah I see, so you broke someones toys. That was naughty Gelon, but it's good your giving them money to buy new ones and fixing the gun for pirate man, though I don't know if he's bad or not. Sorry for breaking your toys human and not human armor people!", seeming to apologize to the federation troops, seeming to somehow managed to never meet any of there type before. He also turned to quickly thank the pink haired lady with high pitched; "Thank you for defending my buddy too!", trying his best not to be nervous about the disgruntled snek gentleman.

The soldiers seemed satisfied with Gelon's cheque leaving as soon as quickly as they arrived, letting Cubey feel much more relaxed now they were gone, waving good bye at them goofily.
He then turned round, initially to speak to Gelon, but saw Ozma hovering in the door way seeming to be stressed at the pirates sudden entrance into his home, very understandably, but also having been caught off guard by something, which Cubey simply had no idea what this was, but guessed the pirate was the cause once again. He could also smell the pirate was still in the house, much to his worry. He did hope the robot lady was okay and the pirate did turn out to be Gelon's buddy.

The beastman however changed his mind to him simply being shy around lots of new people, as he nervously asked the snek that seemed to have cybernetics and the pink haired lady if they wanted to go in too, to which Cubey grinned at the pair of them. As the snek threatened Gelon however, Cubey was about to blow a raspberry at the man's back until he showed his sympathy and kindness with Ozma, to which he ended up stopping himself, accidentally biting his tongue, wincing with a muffled; "Ah!"
Keeping quite for a few seconds in puzzlement of the pink haired lady's sudden change in attitude to Gelon, he turned to the human cyborg to greet him properly.
"Hiya Gelon! How was your morning apart from rifle strangers popping up angry you broke their toys? I didn't get much sleep. Did you? How was breakfast? I haven't eaten mine yet. It's nice seeing you again. Lets go inside and check if the pirates a baddie!", he babbled excitedly, taking his acquaintances hand as he walked over to the rest at the door way.
"Hello strangers! I'm Cubey! Whats your names? Are you burgulars?" Cubey asked enthusiastically, curious at the newest strangers.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Riley O'Toole Character Portrait: Ozma Knight
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0.00 INK

Gelon snicker and follow Cubey while answered his questions "my morning is okay and that is not good cubey maybe a nap later will do us both some good cause I had a pretty hard time to fall asleep in the cargo room, and I didn't have any breakfast yet cause I first wanted to find you and make sure you are okay but I can see Ozma has taken you in and I don't know if Keeton is a bad guy, all I know is that he is a honest pirate but a pirate none the less" gelon said and watch Ciril and Riley but didn't want to ruin the mood and just went with the threat this time and let cubey do the talking and snicker at the question of burglars

The setting changes from F.S.S. Realta Nua to Stratevaria Galaxy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Megahertz Character Portrait: Ozma Knight
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0.00 INK

The setting changes from Stratevaria Galaxy to F.S.S. Realta Nua

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Megahertz Character Portrait: Ozma Knight
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0.00 INK

Waking up slowly, Graves shifted uncomfortably as metal dug into his back, his body having fallen off the sleeping mat he had procured for the small group of mobsters he had left. Soreness ran through his back from where Beatrice had stepped on him, further accentuated by the yet painful intrusions of the metal surroundings. Around him several of the survivors were shifting. Such a strange happening. Of the hundred that had accompanied him aboard and the six Cazadores, only five other mobsters remained on the ship. He had been decimated. But then, that was part of his plan, wasn't it? Get on, make some commotion, and then hitch a ride to this Megido place and find GEHENNA. Shouldn't have been too much of a problem. Maybe the looting and random killing and everything else slipped from his control but it got him on...

With that thought he remembered Deunan. Her youthful face painted with her own blood, a gaping hole from where the projectile had sliced through her unprotected head. Dead because of him. If not for his actions then the young woman would yet be alive, able to continue her future, one that had appeared to be bright. Swinging his fist up, he smashed his own face, bones crackling from the impact. Gasping as he hit the ground, Graves's fingers reached tentatively towards the impact point. Feeling no shifting and the crunching sounds of broken bones absent, Graves sighed. "No remorse."

Ordering the remaining mobsters he stood and stretched before walking through the tunnels. Taking out his communicator, he contacted Cubey and Ozma, "If you two accept my offer of help, meet me at the place know what I'm talking about. Meet me there in an hour." Shutting that channel, he swtiched to the one with Megahertz, "So, my Ishkavi friend, any news?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey
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0.00 INK

Ozma looked at Ciril weakly for a few seconds, surprised he even took the time to ask him for permission, when most everyone else just barged in. He glanced back at K2 and Gelon looking around in the house, and sighed when Ciril reminded him of his 'loss'. Without saying anything, he stepped aside, allowing both him and Riley to come inside, all the while having a mopey expression on his face.

It was quite a nice home, to say the least. It smelled of fresh baked loafs, and, like all the other upper class homes, have a comforting and disarming atmosphere, with the fireplace, the fluffy sofas, etc. That Woman stared quietly as more people went into the house, clasping her hands together in front of her apron, watching them all with a cautious eye.

Ozma went inside and leaned at the wall, resisting to smile as Cubey asked the new strangers his questions. He wasn't very happy in how condescending Gelon was acting, but was too weak willed to act or even say anything. Gelon's reputation was good enough that Boris hired him personally, after all.

"........Would you like a drink?", Ozma finally, timidly asked the new strangers. They were guests, and a Knight treats his guests like a gentleman.

Just then, his communicator beeped. Surprised, Ozma reached out for it and took a peek, having set all incoming voice calls to be translated into text. It was Graves. Of course. He was silenced, and he glanced at Cubey, concerned at how he would be taking all this. An hour, huh? He'd have some time. What he didn't have was any desire to return to that wretched spot, but....what must be done will be done.


Mosa gave his huge grin and nodded at her, watching her as he went out the door. After she left, Mosa nodded to nobody in particular. He then stood up and stretched his arms. "Now, what's Mosa gonna do....", he mumbled. He then shrugged and looked at his datapad, flicking the touch screen until he saw a text version of Beatrice's announcement. Ah, they're almost here, apparently. Mosa stood up and walked towards his wardrobe, opening it. In there, he saw many, many colorful swimming trunks. An orange one with a white floral pattern, a pink one with squishy peach sea stars, a dark green one with a camo paint on them....Mosa was an avid collector of swimming trunks. He didn't need them whenever he was amongst his fellow Beastmen, but his massive......little Mosa....would be far too distracting when amongst the Federation-kin.

Besides, some of these swimming trunks were basically art, Mosa thought, as he picked one with delicate, hand-painted dark blue tiger-like stripes on a bright orange surface. For some reason, he always ended up going with these ones...


Megahertz frowned at Byatis' statement, not saying anything until he left. "....You can't catch a fish while floundering on your heels.", she whispered to herself. She then looked on at the cerulean spider leg, and continued to analyze it, cross referencing it with various information on her datapad. So much data to go through..


Quin closed her eyes, and raised her chin, speaking in a calm manner, a hint of pride in her gesture. "We Genesiors were designed to not only fight well, but also for the longest of times."

Pause. Quin hovered besides Lekan as they walked.

"As a side effect, we degenerate at a vastly slower rate compared to most other...'natural' races."

Another pause. Quin turned to look at Lekan.

"I am youthful, but old. Old, but not expired."


Time passed as Megahertz analyzed the spider leg. How frustating! It was full of inscriptions and deleted history. Whoever used this did not want to be discovered. But by that same token, it lended credence to Graves' suspicion that it was most likely VENOM who committed this attack. It was either VENOM or the Federation government. And it seemed highly unlikely that the Federation government would terminate a source of a large amount of income...and one of the galaxy's most famous personalities.

Megahertz's communicator rang with a cheerful, bubbly ringtone, and she picked it up, seeing Graves' name on the screen.

"Yo.", she greeted him as she accepted his call. She was his friend now, was she? How cute, she figured, still suspicious of Graves, but cooperative.

She gave a big, long, sigh as she leaned back on her sofa.

"Well. This thing has a bitch of a firewall.", she replied, deadpan. She then smirked before Graves could respond. "But that's exactly why you hired me, right~?"

Megahertz proceeded to explain.

"It's as I suspected. A necron mind control spider. Highly expensive, highly illegal, highly suspicious. I haven't manage to decode the identity of its owner...if that's even possible...., but I could tell you, whoever it was did their homework. I'm going to need a bit more time."

A necron mind control spider. Once conceived as a war-ending weapon by the Federation's most unscrupulous scientists, With the ability to control the body of dead soldiers and direct them against their own comrades, it was hard not to see why. More victories for less casualties (on the Federation side, at least). However, the Federation's higher ups, as well as the neutral colonies, saw it as an immoral and dishonorable object, even by the Federation's pragmatic standards, as the object actually, partiaily, and very painfully resurrected the mind of the deceased. Not enough to actually bring them back to life, but enough to cause them an unimaginable, revolting amount of pain.

This weapon was banned about 2 months after its use, and all copies were officially destroyed. Whoever used this had connections with either Guardian Labs and/or the Napishtim Army.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ridley Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Megahertz Character Portrait: Beatrice Schwartz
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0.00 INK

Keeton looks around the room a bit, before people start to pile into the house. Keeton feels his heart skip a beat when he sees Riley enter the room. He blushes lightly and proceeds to fidget nervously with various things around the house. "Nice place you got here red," Keeton says looking at Ozma. The pirate looks towards the servant bot, "Hey, I need some pretty advanced tech do you got something I can take apart?" The small green creature started to speak, questioning the actions of Keeton. "Hey little guy, I am K2 don't worry I am not here to steal Ozma's stuff, I promise. In fact me and red are pretty close, maybe not friends, but close none the less." He replies to cubey, while looking at Ozma. Keeton gradually makes his way towards Riley still pretending to examine stuff aaround the expansive 'house'. "Long time no see," Keeton says still pretending to look at things around the house. "I hope I didn't scare you away last night. It's good to see you." Keeton says smiling towards the Illeyrian.

Keeton finds Gelon finally, and angrily shouts at the mercenary. "Listen! I have a lot of bounties on my head, and this is the reason! He holds up the 'broken calibrator'. I wasn't even there when the old man stole it, nor have I even seen what it does but please, we need to fix it. I will help you take down Darkov, if you help me first!"


The three arrive in the decimated remains of what use to be the task forces apartment. "sweep the area, the last time we saw the mobster was here. Look for anything that could help our cause." Beatrice's communicator flashes under the recon suit, she pulls up her sleeve a bit. An anonymous message to Megahertz. Can't trace the call, but she knew exactly where to find the Ishkavi. "You two stay here I need to talk to someone." With that, Beatrice cloaks herself once more and heads towards the unit that held Megahertz.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Ozma Knight
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0.00 INK

Ciril actually removed the lower pair of sunglasses as they entered the cozy home. "No thank you" he said politely to Ozma as he was offered a drink. He prepared to let things settle slightly then continue with his objective..... but K2 was yelling... again.
He approached K2 and Gelon, prepared to referee this if needed. "Easy K2, ....maybe I can help." he turned a bit serious and looked at Gelon. "Is that your plan, to eliminate Drakov? ..... I'd advise against that too. Merely for the sake of everyone on this ship- that happens to belong to him. ... that being said, to catch him more politically would not be out of the question." he looked between them both... concerned. There was no way they would do that or do this with any of the tact required. "Some explaination first, if you please?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Ozma Knight
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0.00 INK

Gelon turned to K2 with a smile "sure I can help" he said and watch the calibrator "that is gonna take sometime to fix but anything to undermine Drakov" Gelon said with a grin but then Ciril interrupted but he did have a point "yeah you're right, to hurt Drakov we need to hit it political first getting rid of it's funding" Gelon said agreeing with Ciril then he watch the nervous Ozma "Ozma is something wrong?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Riley O'Toole Character Portrait: Ozma Knight
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0.00 INK

"Ahah no no, Ozma invited non-humans into his house. Makes me wonder if this is even Ozma Knight." She replied to Cubey's question in a tone that was passive aggressive about Ozma. Riley hadn't heard about the news about Deunan's demise so she had no idea why Ozma wasn't his usually 'only humans rule' attitude.

Riley giggled to herself a bit when she heard K2 approaching. The sound on him shifting stuff was fairly obvious. She was flattered at his attempt to be nonchalant but couldn't help but laugh to herself since she can't see him do it. "Long time no see? I can certainly say I haven't seen you before, haha. Nah you don't scare me in the slightest-" She started to say when K2 suddenly started yelling at Gelon. Instinctively she just stopped talking to listen to the conversation. They want to take Drakov down? That seemed like a daunting task. Riley had her own reservations about Drakov but she would never imagine doing anything against such an economic superpower. These three had other plans.

She just stood there, listening in on their conversation, wondering if she should just leave.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Ridley Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Beatrice Schwartz
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0.00 INK

Ozma frowned, looking away, not in the mood to entertain Riley's taunts, as well as feeling particularly intimidated by K2's mere presence. What a great way to start the day, Ozma thought, being cornered in his own house. Therefore, he just stuck to the wall, folding his arms and wallowing in self pity. It was pathetic, to say the least. His heart skipped a beat when Gelon addressed him, causing him to stand up straight and stare at the ceiling. "UH...n-no, sir! Nothing wrong." It was hard to determine whether he was more intimidated by Gelon or K2. One was a famous mercenary with a terrifying track record, the other a vicious pirate who traumatized him long ago.

That Woman's normally meek, wiltful eyes turned cold and emotionless, as the pirate and the mercenary discussed their conspiracy to take down front of a Drakov gynoid. She couldn't help but feel insulted. It wasn't like she was hiding her status anyways, with the Drakov insignia clearly printed on her headdress. Riley could feel the heat extruding from the vents on her body, as the synthetic maid stood right next to her. With a low, almost whispering tone, That Woman replied to K2's inqury, "We have spare parts of the deceased Madam Knight's beam charger in the basement. She won't be needing it anymore." Cold, concise. Secretly, That Woman had been recording K2 and Gelon's conversation, transmitting it in real time to the Drakov HQ.


Ridley and Vlad nodded at Beatrice's orders, and they started scanning the area. Vlad felt rather humiliated after yesterday's ordeals, and was determined to make up for her defeat. Leaping from rubble to rubble, she moved with great determination and ambition, seeking for anything suspicious.

Ridley, meanwhile, lazily walked around, discreetly complaining under his breath, "I'm a warrior not a janitor."

The setting changes from F.S.S. Realta Nua to Stratevaria Galaxy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Riley O'Toole
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0.00 INK

As Gelon replied to his chatter and followed along, Cubey plastered a big old grin on his face.
"Glad to hear it was nice for you Gelon! Oohhhh nap time would be good, and sorry that you didn't sleep good either. But we better have breakfast first, you should always eat before going beddy byes because then you wont be as hungry when you wake up!. And yup Ozmas been super nice to me, and that robot maid lady too!", he replied in turn cheerfully before looking nervous from his comment about Keeton.

As he awaited an answer from Ciril and Riley, watching as Ozma let them pass and offer to get them drinks, with the android maid watching on silently, he saw that Ozma quickly checked a communication device of sorts. But no any communicator, the one that Graves had one each to the pair of them, which Cubey was surprised he hadn't heard go off. As he patted his pockets however, he realized this was due to leaving it up stairs, leaving him completely unaware of what the message was. Must of tumbled out of his pocket without realizing. He looked over at Ozma who glanced back in turn, wondering if he should ask him now or later. He decided later since there was other guests too, wouldn't be fine to spoil their visit. Whatever it was though, Ozma sure looked grim.

The odd beastman then stared in puzzlement at the pink haired lady, seeming unable to comprehend her passive aggresiveness as the snek gentleman turned down Ozma's offer for a drink.
"What do you mean? Ozma let me stay the night yesterday! He was super nice and there was dinner and everything.", Cubey asked puzzled, before noticing Keeton fidgeting and inspecting objects around the house, adding to his confusion, complementing Ozma's home. At first nervous at the chance of him seeing which items he wanted to steal, Cubey relaxed as he announced he was definitely not going to do so and was apparently a friend of Ozma's despite his expression saying otherwise. Maybe that's just how he says hello to him.
"Well that's good to hear! I never met a nice pirate before. Or any pirate really. Actually I don't meet a lot of people, because I never left the facility which the nice lab people looked after me. Hallo!"
Keeton also seemed to know the pink haired lady, which he called Riley, as they greeted each-other, and seem interested in any free tech lying around having asked That Woman for parts. He suddenly then began bellowing at Gelon, asking for his help to fix some doodad that Cubey had no idea of what it was and apparently defeat some man Cubey vaguely had an idea of, which Gelon seemed all for it. The cyborg snek also seemed to know Keeton, calling him K2, and declaring they needed more thought since Drakov was actually the owner of the ship.
"Ummmmm why do you guys want to hurt the captain? He's the boss of the ship right? Isn't he taking us to GEHENNA? I don't get it, is he a bad man? And whats the thingamajig your holding? Is this superhero thingy? Because i'm the 'Super Duper' Cubey! Hey why does Keeton also have the name called K2 as well?", Cubey babbled repeatedly, not reading the situation in the slightest.
What he did notice was That Woman staring at the to which he patted her cold metallic hand and reassuringly said; "Dont worry robot lady i'm sure there not bad guys because they are Gelon's friends and Gelon isn't a meanie. Well I don't think so.", before quickly skipping over to Ozma and whispering as quietly as he could; "When should we go see the smokey man with the hat? He called you right?"

The setting changes from Stratevaria Galaxy to F.S.S. Realta Nua

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Riley O'Toole Character Portrait: Ozma Knight
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0.00 INK

Gelon snicker at the hipper active Cubey and pat his head then watch that woman "no we won't take part from duenan's beam saber it's to be left in the condition it's" gelon said slightly mad that that woman even dared to bring such a thing up and with respect for the knights possessions. Gelon turned to Ozma and saw he was nervous and Cubey whisper something, properly something that was typical something for him "K2 and Ciril excuse me for a moment" Gelon says to K2 and Ciril then walk over to Ozma and put his hands on Ozma's shoulder "you can be honest with me okay? I won't get mad, just trust me. You and Cubey are constantly on my mind in worry" gelon said and pat his shoulder with his normal hand "we both have a reputation, me as a famous mercenary and you as a xenophob and wanting the human race to be supreme, but look around you. I don't see that Ozma Knight in front of me and you might see me as a cold, calculating mercenary but I do have a heart and conscience. So if you ever need my help, no matter what just say so okay?" Gelon said to calm Ozma down and reassure him that Gelon just wanted to help him and Cubey to be safe and get through this hard time

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Megahertz Character Portrait: Beatrice Schwartz
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0.00 INK

Beatrice arrived at the home of The pirate, Protector, Gang Leader, Monster and War Machine. Four of which were on Drakov radar as potential threats, this made tracking and obtaining information about them very easy. However the Eldritch being, has no file whatsoever. However Beatrice was able to figure out that it's name is Byatis. There is also the file containing Keeton ??? (literally no one knows his full name). Not only is he one of the top 10 in the bounties, that little fucker somehow has absolutely no file before approximately two years ago. Boris must've seen something in him if he has allowed him to live this long.

Beatrice takes out a card and slides it through a scanner located near the door. It opens, revealing Megahertz fiddling around with an evil looking device. Beatrice uncloaks, and takes her mask off stuffing it into her suit. "Good morning Mrs. Dracynea, I expect you are having a good day." Beatrice spots the two shadow creatures, lounging in the other side of the room. "Dabbling in the arcane I see." She says smirking at the girl. "Lets make this quick, I need that little communicator of yours. I will give it back, but it is crucial that I obtain it for the time being." She says giving a cheerful face towards the Ishkavi.

Beatrice becomes distracted mid conversation with Megahertz, and presses a button on her communicator. Her visor, covering the left eye, begins to display something not easily seen to those not using the visor. "A revolution, huh." She says completely ignoring Megahertz at this point. "K2, Gelon, and Ozma in the same house, that sounds like an opportunity. Call the federation soldiers, tell them that K2 the pirate is in that house, and have security on standby. If things get rough have the bot kill them as fast as possible, except the small one. Protect the creature, we don't kill kids." Her visor stops displaying the video. "Sorry about that what were you saying?"


"We can talk about that later, right now we have to get this fixed. We need many advanced weapon parts, we could probably find most of the components on Nekrim, but some will need to be salvaged. If it helps you trust me more, I can tell you guys where I-" Keeton had an unusual hunch, a frightening one if it proved to be true. He turned his head slightly to see the 'Woman' staring directly at the group. His suspicions seemed to be correct, no doubt, it was Drakov merchandise. "Red, maybe you want to tell us that you have a functional Drakov synthetic in your house before we start plotting to overthrow them."

Keeton hears the pounding of feet coming towards the building. He takes his cutlass out from its sheath and puts it on the table. "I'm turning myself in, whoever called the order is hoping for a shootout. They want to take us all out at once." He throws the mechanism in his hand to Gelon, and starts to head for the door.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Riley O'Toole Character Portrait: Ozma Knight
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0.00 INK

Ciril blinked rapidly as he saw K2 lay down his arms. "I trust you have a plan, K2. Otherwise, might I suggest an alternative." he said quickly, almost impulsively as K2 walked to what he saw as certain doom. His eyes flicked to that woman, then back to K2. Gelon was no concern of his, and now he was likely on the record as having said anti-Drakov things. This was a tight spot they were in. He looked at Ozma, "Back door?" Then at the rest of the occupants, Riley and Cubey, "Please take cover there will likely be some resistance." he said, polite as ever. "K2, I can buy some time and negotiation, I'm sure of it."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart
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0.00 INK

Ozma shrunk further and further as Cubey showed genuine concern and kindness towards him. Perhaps Drakov was wrong after all. They may not be human, but they all talk, walk, laugh, and cry like him. What was that word? The most inspiring word Ozma had ever heard. "Humanity"? Perhaps, in this day and age, it was time for a new word. Something more...universal.

That Woman stared blankly, not even giving a glance to Cubey. 'Not meanies'? Perhaps. But she was not in the position to decide for herself. She was a machine, a tool. The ability to think for herself was a burden she would rather not bear, as it made her job more difficult than it had to be.

Ozma looked up from his reflection to see Gelon suddenly in front of him. He widened his eyes and instinctively stood up straight. He listened quietly, and became rather touched when Gelon mentioned him being in his thoughts. For most of his life, only two people ever cared about him: His sister and Boris. His father barely acknowledged him, and his unpleasant personality was not very inviting...a fact that even he realized (and secretly resented). Yet Gelon here was genuinely being friendly to him. Ozma looked down, cleared his throat, and paused for a few seconds. It was time he confess to somebody, and he would rather not do it to Cubey. Thus, Ozma whispered, "S-Sir Gelon, sir....I...need to tell you something sister's death...."

Before he could continue though, a loud banging was heard at the door. Ozma couldn't even catch K2's advise, before loud and aggressive voices were heard by the door.


They could hear the sound of dozens of guns being cocked.

Ozma stared at K2, terrified, whispering rhetorically, "W-what are you doing?!" That Woman, meanwhile, simply stared with her bright red eyes.

Ozma glanced at Ciril, whispering, "T-this house only has one door...." He then lowered his head and sheepishly whispered, "...Sorry." He however, complied and nodded at Ciril's suggestion, looking at Cubey and Gelon while moving back against the walls of the living room, beckoning them to come along.

The door was quickly kicked open, causing it to crack violently and hang loosely by one of its hinges. Soldiers in dark blue armors wielding double-barreled rifles pour into the house. A dozen. Two dozens. Their bright blue visors so bright as to almost blind all those who directly look at them. Their Captain was distinguished by an extra orange-colored pauldron on the right side of his body, and he aimed his rifle at K2.

"So, you're K2-the-space-the-not-so-infamous-space-pirate.", he asked in a mildly affable, mostly deadpan tone. He stood up straight, and planted the rifle stock-first on the ground, with his hands clasped on top of the barrel. An intimidation technique. By appearing nonchalant, the Captain made sure K2 knew he was not afraid of the space pirate. "Name's Captain Harrison. Charmed. Now, are we going to do this the easy way, or the hard way?"

Ozma glanced between Gelon and Ciril, suspecting that one of them was going to do something. Hopefully nothing stupid....


Megahertz stood up in surprise and instinctively hid the spider leg by placing her hands behind her back as Beatrice came in. She looked up in panic at the significantly taller woman, whispering under her breath, "Oh nooo, not you...." Needless to say, she was rather terrified.

The hell hound Danny growled and entered into a predatory, crouching gait as Beatrice barged inside. Manny the deathcat simply sat still and stared with his chesire cat-like grin.

Megahertz looked between her two thralls and Beatrice. She wasn't surprised when Beatrice demanded the communicator, gritting her teeth as her eyes travel down to her chest area, where the Drakov insignia was printed. She opened her mouth, which ended up hanging as she watch Beatrice get distracted. 'A revolution'? 'K2'? Looks like this little war between Drakov and Graves was going to be unavoidable....

She was rather surprised when Beatrice mentioned an unwillingness to kill children though. So surprised, that she stuttered as Beatrice talked to her again. "A-ah, no, I...can't-"

Before she could finish her sentence, the door was kicked open, and Graves entered the fray with his cavalry. A loud "WAH?!" was all that Megahertz could say when Beatrice was tased. She looked down, watching her spasm on the floor, all the while thinking to herself, that things escalate very, very quickly around here....


"28.", Quin responded, short and sweet and-..did her voice just returned to the feminine and youthful one? Yes, yes it did. So did her body, having shrunk a few inches down and gaining more feminine features. If Lekan paid attention, he could also see that her face actually became more feminine in this stage, being rounder and with wider eyes. It was more noticeable now that he saw her transforming back. Quin then glanced to see Federation Soldiers running towards the Upper Class Houses. Quite a few of them, in fact, and her curiosity was piqued.

"........That is a lot of soldiers.", Quin muttered.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Megahertz
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0.00 INK

Riley frowned when Cubey mentioned a lab. She briefly recalled her time in the Cerioan labs. It was definitely not friendly like Cubey described his own experience. Her thoughts were so distracting that she didn't notice the situation getting more tense and Ciril addressing that they should leave. Those thoughts however completely disappeared as the Fed soldiers knocking down the door, snapped her back into reality. "Ahh!" She let out a quick screech as she heard several men cocking their guns in their direction. She instinctively rose her arms. "I didn't do anything!" She blurted out. Things escalated so quickly, she could just teleport and leave the group again. She promised herself she wouldn't. Riley just kept quiet, hoping that complying would keep everyone safe.


Ophelia wandered for a while. Not quite sure what to do. She knew for a while that the Federation soldiers probably wouldn't go after her. She just couldn't feel like she deserved Mosa and his hospitality. She wandered a bit in the residential area, walking over the left over rubble from the night before. Her ears flicked as she caught the sound of men rushing towards a house. She kept her distance, but moved in to watch from an alleyway. Several armed men, rushed into a more regal looking house. Thanks to her hearing, Ophelia was able to listen in from where she was. A Drakov employee? Interesting. Then the sound of a taser. Ophelia couldn't help but barely grin. Just barely. She stayed where she was to eavesdrop, being interested even though she had little context. 'Down with Drakov' was all she needed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Riley O'Toole Character Portrait: Ozma Knight
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0.00 INK

Gelon listens to Ozma but was disturbed by the fed demanding to be let in and K2 throwing the broken device "Keeton don't!" Gelon said but it was too late the fed kicked the door down and rushed in "Ozma I can make us a second door now everyone to the back!" Gelon said and watch the fed troops, he knew the feds weren't here cause they figured out they bumped in to K2 Earlier, no drakov was behind this so gelon was also on their list together with Ciril "ciril better prepare yourself cause these troops aren't here by coincidence" gelon said aching to grab Keeton and just ramming through the wall "ciril what do you advice? Brawl to get keeton back or bail, I do favor saving Keeton"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Riley O'Toole Character Portrait: Ozma Knight
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0.00 INK

"I am aware that they were led directly here, Mr. Deskovitch." Ciril replied quickly but evenly. No back door. It was too late as he heard Gelon continue to speak, and watching the federation troops burst into the room. His instinct was negotiation , he didn't want a firefight as potentially a lot of the others would be hurt. He looked at the pirate, surprised he would give himself up so quickly, that was surprisingly selfless.
He raised his hands but activated his coils into defensive mode, arcing one around and in front of K2, creating a sort of metal sheild over vitals, and also a barrier between him and the Feds. "Good day, Captain Harrison!" he raised his voice slightly to command attention. "Ciril Ekhart, Special Intelligence Agent, you will find the man in question is in my supervision. Both the Federation and the Protector's Alliance are aware of him, I will be handling this." he said, hoping this would work. It was true, they were aware, but it wasn't the federation that assigned Ciril to K2 and Clockwork. He was aware too, of recent messages and K2's increasing bounty on his head. And why was he sticking his neck out for this rash young pirate? He was not a person of high authority with amazing secrets of the galaxy.... well it was too late now. He had acted impulsively and thrown his lot in with K2.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Riley O'Toole Character Portrait: Ozma Knight
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0.00 INK

Awaiting Ozma's reply, the red haired human didn't have much chance to reply to Cubey as Gelon approached the pair, telling them how he cares about the pair of them, and patting Ozma and the shoulder telling him, well something. Cubey didn't really understand what he meant, except it was something about them having reputations. What he did understand however, was that he promised to help them both, if they needed it.
"We can help you too Gelon! Because i'm super good at helping! Just ask anyone! Apart from people that don't know me!", Cubey pitched in, trying his best to get involved as he beamed a grin at the two humans. His grin diminished somewhat when he noticed Keeton's expression towards That Woman, seeming upset about her being made by Drakov, where the gears rolled in Cubey's head.
"Ah I get it! Drakov is a company and a person! Or did he just make it? I'm confused again now! Hey wait, it's not red's fault, you all burst in without explaining anything and stuff!", his last comment directed at Keeton in annoyance of blaming his friend.

Suddenly, there was the sound of marching coming towards the front door of Ozma's home and loudly declaring they federation soldiers. Cubey was extremely nervous, thinking the federation soldiers were back to hurt Gelon, or maybe they were just means and wanted to break Ozma's stuff. He certainly wasn't happy that they would find out why soon with the sound of their rifles being put at the ready. What he didn't expect was the space pirate to announce he was going to surrender, he definitely wasn't alone in thinking that. Before he could comment Ciril told him to head for cover and asked Ozma if there was a back exit, as well as suggesting to negotiate with the troops. As Cubey decided to hide behind a sofa, he hoped that they could be talked out of it. A lot less laser shot's and plasma bolts indoors would always be a nice option to have.
As Ozma admitted there was no back exit, Cubey was even more panicked, clambering over to Ozma a she beckoned to him, though not for comfort, but to guard him, for some reason expecting them to harm him first and whispering to the house's host; "Don't worry, I'll stop them meanies from hurting you!".

Suddenly, the federation troops burst through the door, with their leader, who had an air of arrogance and authority and announced himself as Captain Harrison, asking Keeton almost immediately after they all stormed into the room if he wanted to go the easy way or the hard way. A question that always confused Cubey, since both options were nearly always bad ones, and therefore, not easy to make. He quickly snapped his head over to see Riley fearfully deny having done any wrong, which the mutated beastman couldn't help but feeling sorry for, the poor woman being dragged into the whole situation, in a classic case of the wrong place at the wrong time. His pity was switched with befuddlement form Gelon's hasty words, declaring he could make another door. Silly Gelon, this was no time to build one! That would take too long! What could he possibly do to make a door in time? He did seem adamant however, a trait that Cubey admired, despite himself not knowing the words adamant and admired.
He then remembered what Ciril mentioned before the troops arrived, that they were lead here. Something that worried Cubey immensely, and thinking with his childish mind what could of possibly caused this, but alas to no avail.
His futile attempts of deciphering the grand mystery were switched to thoughts of awe as he saw the sunglasses wearing cybernetic snek protect Keeton with some sort of metal shield and a barrier in front of himself, fearlessly proclaiming that he was a secret agent, and that the pirate was under his protection. The only thing Cubey could think of however, that he couldn't help blabbing was this;
"He's a super spy! A super secret spy! That's awesome! He's a spy! Did you guys here? Huh? Did you Ozma? He's a super spy! It's soo cool! He's so cool! I never met a spy before!"
He continued to chant this irritating fact over and over as he hoped up and down in giddiness before adding as an after thought; "Oh wait, maybe those guys I met back in that Guardian Lab place ages ago were spies. Hmmmm I don't remember.", and continuing the chanting.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Megahertz
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0.00 INK

Keeton only looked towards the door, not responding to Ciril asking for a plan, or Gelon rudely mentioning his name again. The pirate knew what lie ahead. The max prison for him, they will find him to be one of the worst criminals in history for doing next to nothing. Then throw him in a cell, until he was bludgeoned to death by one of the actual worst criminals in history. Keeton felt genuine fear, not like in Nebulon, where the mech had almost sliced him completely in half. This fear was inescapable. maybe it would be different, if it was just Gelon, Ciril, and him. As he looked back to the group there stood a boy he had done terrible things to tortured and spit on, a child blabbering on about something crazy and fantastic, and the prettiest girl with the most beautiful pink hair. The ruffian sighed. Keeton knew he couldn't put them in danger, but he also could not let hopes be brought down.

"You lot are a hell of a team, especially you short stuff!" Keeton says, expertly wiping away his miserable stare to a headstrong and determined grin. "I do have a plan Ciril, it is to ensure the safety of each individual here." Counting comes from the other side of the door as a battering ram hits the entrance way on the number 1. "Listen to me Gelon, you must keep fighting. I will find a way to escape I promise you that. In the mean time repair the Roger, and whatever you do don't let them get their hands on it. Unfortunately for you blokes, Captain Sully made sure to lock that machine up tight, so only I will be able to use it." The words 'Captain Sully' pierced the room, and all who were competent enough to comprehend the name, knew exactly who Captain Sullivan was.

The door is kicked open, and many federation troops file into the room. Their leader stands confidently mocking the young prodigy with his words. "The easy way, or the hard way." The federation knew Keeton, the ruffian had some close calls with them before. They all stood rifles ready to neutralize both Keeton and his companions. Ciril made an attempt to bargain his way out of the conflict with a deal, a dumb idea, but thoughtful. Keeton was flattered. He pushed aside the wing like projections shielding him and walked with hands behind his head towards the soldier in charge. "Well Captain Harrison it looks like it's your lucky day, cause we will for once be doing this the easy way." Keeton says still grinning dumbly at the commander. "Oi! Ciril, tell Clockwork I said sorry, and for the love of christ gelon, MY NAME IS K2!" Keeton shouts towards the group while being shoved out the entrance, until the door finally closes leaving only silence in the now more empty room.


This was a fucked situation from the start, and now it got only worst. We were only a few hours away from the fucking moon, Keeton had given up, And that shit bag Graves keeps ruining Beatrice's day. She got back to the apartment where Ridley and Vlad were still searching for salvageable equipment. Her recon suit had been shot to shit, her eye badly bruised, and a small hole pouring crimson blood was visible near her right lung. Her eyes, once beaming with green neon energy, now were dimmed, and her gauntlets placed upon either arm were horribly damaged. "Abandon mission..." was all she could muster, before fading out of conciseness, and falling to the floor.

10 minutes before

Beatrice struggles to find her footing, unexpectedly she had been forced to the ground by ways of muscle constriction, also known as a taser. She pulled the needles from her body and quickly snapped the chords fueling them. "Yes, let us talk." Beatrice says turning towards the squadron backed by the very mobster himself. Beatrice does as he says and takes off both gauntlets, throwing them to the floor. Beatrice needed only a few minutes in order to wipe out the entirety of the 'resistance'. "Shall we talk about, the actions of a one Jeremy Graves and how his 'escapade' led to the assassination of two important dignitaries aboard my ship, or should we discuss the extremely dangerous and hostile program, that is so far advanced that it infiltrated private Drakov servers without so much as a threat to the software itself. Please explain to me why I am here having multiple primitive idiots pointing their 'boom sticks' in my direction, on my fucking ship!" That's all the time she needed to kill. In the next moment the laser cannon aims at a federation soldier, and blasts a giant hole smoldering through his torso. Beatrice quickly lands a savage punch on the left jaw of Jeremy, knocking him to the ground and zips to cover. An all out gun fight now ensues, while federation soldiers try to pulverize the older Ishkavi with concussive rounds, grenades, and laser clips. Beatrice has no choice it is life or death at this point, and the latter is not an option. She pulls up the leg of her recon suit and takes the small pistol holstered there, and a pair of ear plugs next to it. She places the ear protection into her own ears, and aims towards the soldiers. She pulls the trigger. A sound escapes from the gun, so low, you can almost not hear it. In the next instant whatever was standing in the pathway of the gun, including cover, is shattered and blown apart. Carnage sweeping over the soldiers watching the visceral sight of their companions being literally blown into bits, all of the soldiers seem to flee. Beatrice breathes heavily, making her way to the exit. However she is ambushed by Orion, and feels a sharp pain come from her right side. She looks down to find a knife piercing through her breast she looks up, and shows the man her evil and sadistic expression, Beatrice licks her lips with her vile cat like tongue before pulling the trigger on the man blowing his head clean off. Parts of brain matter fall from the sky and blood stains both the inside and outside of the apartment. Beatrice hobbles over to her gauntlets, and proceeds to put them back on her wrists. "You will have your war." she says spitting on the unconscious Graves, as she limps her way back to her squad.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Ridley Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart
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0.00 INK

Ozma was briefly distracted from the dire situation by Cubey's babbling. It was almost impressive how fickle the beastman's mood can be. He was rather surprised by Ciril defending K2. Those two did not look like they would fit in a fruit bowl together....but his head almost launched from his head as he saw K2 hand himself over to the Federation. His jaw hung and he blinked twice.

Harrison stared at Ciril. It seemed like he was honestly considering his proposition...until K2 decided to go and turn himself in. Harrison couldn't help but be amused, if slightly disappointed for the lack of struggle. He stared at K2 eye to eye...or he would be, if not for the blinding blue visor on his helmet. "Well. That was anticlimactic, wasn't it?", he scoffed. Harrison personally handcuffed K2, and pushed him out of the door, gesturing his soldiers to escort him away. Before leaving, he looked over the entire group - the one-armed mercenary, the red-haired bastard, the green and blocky manchild, the double-shaded spy, the quiet illeryian, and That Woman. He bowed his head, and muttered a polite "Goodbye.", before leaving with his men.

Ozma looked down and sighed. He was not so sure he should tell Gelon the truth anymore...

As Harrison and his men dragged K2 away, the pirates' words echo in his mind. 'Captain Sully'. The Captain glanced at the young pirate, and lets out a curious "Hmmmmmmm.", before pulling out a pen and idly flipping it, keeping his itchy trigger finger hands busy as they escort the pirate to his prison.


Megahertz watched the lightning fast bloodbath Beatrice unleashed upon Graves' cavalry, horrified. She may be a thief and a whistleblower, but these people....Beatrice, Graves...they were real killers. She was seriously considering jumping ship at Nekrim and leaving before something worse happened around - or to - her. She looked over the corpses briefly, but focused on Graves - mostly because she was not in the mood to stomach the sight of mutilated corpses, partially because she was morbidly curious on the state he was in.

Danny reappeared by her side, his eyes narrowed and his face distorted into a snarl. Megahertz glanced at him curiously, and somewhat annoyedly. What now? Did he just not like Beatrice's scent very much...or was there something even more horrifying nearby?


Ridley and Vlad searched the area far away from Beatrice and Graves' encounter. The two did not notice their boss approaching, with Ridley kneeling over a rubble, his icy claws pulling up a man's severed arm from underneath, and Vlad standing with her foot on a skull, and her hands on her hips. Her tail flicked around impatiently, and she grumbled to herself, "...Nothing here at all."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Riley O'Toole Character Portrait: Ozma Knight Character Portrait: That Woman
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0.00 INK

Gelon couldn't believe what just happened, that dumb pirate just surrender like that while he was needed to see if gelon fixed his thing correctly "dammit Keeton how could you do something like that" gelon grumbled under his breath aas he turned to Ozma "well Ozma you wanted to tell me something about your sister's death? I know it can be hard but I will help you okay?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Riley O'Toole Character Portrait: Ozma Knight Character Portrait: That Woman
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0.00 INK

Ozma glanced at Gelon. But only for a few seconds, as his embarassment was too much, and he turned to the ground. He nodded, wishing that Cubey did not have to be here...or the ileryian stranger and the snek spy, for that matter. But whatever. If they were going to damn him for what he is about to say, then...let them do it. He deserved it.

"I....hired VENOM to k-kill my father. For some reasons....."

Ozma took a deep, deep breath.

"...I...they killed my sister too. VENOM murdered Deunan Knight."

He buried his face in his hands, and stammered,

"I-I TOLD them not to go after her!..B-b-but I think S-someone else had their eyes on her death...And I...I can't ...I can't help but feel guilty."

He began sobbing again, and fell to his knees, breaking down in shame and guilt. Ozma then lowered himself further, planting his head on the ground, and his hands besides him, as if prostrating himself and begging the others for mercy. And he whispers in the tiniest and meekest of voice,


(Normally I wouldn't do this so quickly, but hey, gotta keep things efficient yes?)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Riley O'Toole Character Portrait: Ozma Knight Character Portrait: That Woman
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0.00 INK


Gelon got on his knees and lift Ozma up and hold him close "I can forgive you" gelon said and pat his back "sometimes things don't go as we planned and for that we have too pay" gelon said and pat his back with his robotic arm "I got an arm back but at the price for some of my memories, sometimes I get tiny hints of them but they are too small to make me remember more" gelon said and slowly stood up with him "your price was even heavier then mine Ozma but you can fix it by following I your fathers footsteps you honor your father and sister" gelon said to cheer him a bit up and give him a path to follow "it won't be easy with your reputation but I'm sure you can do it and I will help you, that I promise"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Megahertz
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0.00 INK

Rily stood there silently as stuff just happened around her. K2 gave himself up to the soldiers but before she could protest, he was gone. She slumpd, dejected that she couldn't do anything to help. Just as Riley was about to just teleport and leave, her ears twitched as Ozma dropped a BOMBSHELL of info. "You WHAT?!" She exclaimed, looking in Ozma's general direction. And the man, Gelon, just...brushed it off? Unbelieveable. "Are you serious?! You are just going to tell 'oh thats ok'?! He ordered the ASSASSINATION of his own father! For 'reasons'?! Oh no no no, that doesn't just get a 'its ok champ we all make mistakes'!" Riley clenched her metal fists so tightly you could hear the scraping of metal. "Some of us would KILL to have a family and you hire someone to KILL yours?! What the hell?" She knew this was absolutely none of her business but this was just way too drastic. She couldn't even sympathize with the guy even though she could hear his sobs. "And now I'm just finding out DEUNAN is dead because of this?! MONSTER!"

Riley stopped yelling. She kept her teeth clenched, practically seething. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. She looked just about ready to punch Ozma in the jaw.


Ophelia listened to the scuffle from her vantage point and saw the Ishkavi woman dash out of the premise fairly wounded. Ophelia smirked ever so slightly, looking at the trail of blood she left behind. She slowly walked towards the now quiet home, her cold blank expression plastered on her face. A moment passed as the fight was over and Ophelia stood quietly in the damaged doorway, looking down at Graves, then to Megahertz and her hellbeasts. She quietly prepared herself if they would attack her. Ophelia was never the one to make allies but, she hated Drakov, and from what she heard of this man from Beatrice's diatribes, so did he. It was a start. After another moment of silence, Ophelia quietly held out her hand to Graves to help him up. "She sounds like quite a bitch." Ophelia said in a cold tone.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Riley O'Toole Character Portrait: Ozma Knight
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0.00 INK

The snek watched the young pirate surrender and be marched out of the room. Ciril's coils hung in the air for a moment, hesitating, trying to control his emotions. He almost spoke but training held him back. Once Keeton was out of sight, the coils snapped back in place. He adjusted his glasses, already thoughts on overdrive on how to remedy this situation- and then emotional hell broke loose. He watched Ozma crumble to the ground, the cyborg mercenary state the most generic placating and yet self important words of comfort, which then caused the Ilyerian girl to give them both a tongue lashing. And he fully expected the mutant beastman to start up with repetitive wailing with a sprinkling of 'meanies', at any moment. He paused slightly to take in this outburst, and then turned to his datapad, already searching to call in some...favors... hoping to rescue K2. Ciril had friends in high and low places, surely one of them could help. He also needed to find Clockwork as soon as possible to update him. He looked up again at Riley finished her chastizing of Ozma and Gelon. ... Perhaps she could even be of help, especially with those teleporting devices.

The setting changes from F.S.S. Realta Nua to Stratevaria Galaxy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Riley O'Toole
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Along with the others, Cubey was astounded that K2 would rather turn himself in than go with with Ciril's negotiations, and telling Gelon to find away of repairing the peculiar doodad making the odd cubic mutant typically miserable and stunned in response to the the whole scene, though curious on who he meant by short stuff. Cubey looked on with a frown as the space pirate pushed aside Ciril's wing shaped cybernetics and careful turned himself in to the federation troops, giving the commander a a big old goofy grin. The mutated beastman somberly waved goodbye at the man he barely knew, as the very same person told Ciril to contact someone called Clockwork, as well as chiding Gelon for not calling him K2. As they took him away, Cubey scratched at his arm, unable to muster any idea on how to help the selfless stranger that just saved them from most likely a very costly fight. As well as Ozma's house being torn apart. He merely gave a sad sigh as Harrison scoffed at the space pirate, looking around the others in case if they had any suggestions as the commander bid them farewell, blowing a raspberry at him after the door was shut and miserably mumbled; "Poor K2, he seemed nice.", giving Ozma a grimace a she sighed as well, though not knowing the true reason behind it.

His attention shifted to Gelon however a she asked the home owner on what he wanted to tell him earlier, staring at his friend in curiosity and slight worry, hoping whatever it was he was going to say, it wasn't about the smokey man in the suit. Even Cubey was pretty sure that man didn't want people spreading information. What came out of Ozma's mouth however was something he would never have and a smidgen of a guess for, staring wide eyed and frozen in shock and disbelief. He merely could only watch on as Ozma continued to talk before breaking down into tears, and more disbelief came as Gelon readily accepted his apology and forgave him, with some confusing talk about following his relatives and his robotic arm, or at least it was to Cubey. He snapped out of his trance when Riley started her furious bellowing at them, to which Cubey stared at her with grim look of agreement on his face, before staring at the sunglasses wearing snek and the robotic maid for what they had to say, though it seemed the snek was more interested in his data pad. Suddenly, Cubey was filled with utter confused frustration and rage deciding to avoid saying anything, and threw a cushion at Ozma, changing it's gravity to turn much more like a brick than a pillow on impact, before rushing past Gelon and Ozma to get to Deunan's old room. He needed to get the transmitter. He needed to contact the smokey man in the suit.

The setting changes from Stratevaria Galaxy to F.S.S. Realta Nua

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Riley O'Toole Character Portrait: Ozma Knight
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Gelon pat Ozma's back and quickly swat the pillow away then slowly let Ozma go and turn to Riley "will you SHUT UP!" he yelled furious at her "I KNOW WHAT IT'S TO LOSE FAMILY CAUSE I LOST 23 FUCKING YEARS OF MY MEMORIES! I might have had a wife and a child! Which I don't remember! I might not have seen my child for 7 years! You know how that is!? Not knowing if you had a child to care for!" Gelon said in rage and also sadness "I have no idea cause of my own doing cause I was a wreck when I escaped from the beastman! I didn't want it for some reason! I lost that much memories damnit!" Gelon said as he clenched his fists "I just don't remember!" Gelon said sobbing a bit in grief of not knowing his own past

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Riley O'Toole Character Portrait: Ozma Knight
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0.00 INK

Riley scoffed angrily. "BUT HE HIRED SOMEONE. I'M PRETTY SURE HE DID THAT SHIT ON PURPOSE! Whether Deunan was killed or not! It's patricide! That is NOT something that can be brushed off! Ugh!" Riley groaned trying to calm herself down. To no avail. "It's disgusting." She spoke between her teeth, taking notice of Cubey's actions as he ran away sobbing. "Fuck this. I'm out of here." Riley wanted to punch both of their faces in so badly. But she knew that would make her no better than they are. The type to not cherish what a life truly is. She gave them one last glare through her goggles before storming out of Ozma's house.

She quietly walked out onto the sidewalk and stopped just in front of the steps. Looking back at the house, she considered something. 'I wonder if I should could the Feds to get Ozma' was the thought that crossed her mind. She stood there quietly thinking about it. So far it looked like a yes.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Clockwork Character Portrait: Mosa Belkan
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0.00 INK

Ozma looked into Gelon's gaze with wide eyes, disbelieving what he heard. It was almost disturbing to be so easily forgiven, but right now, his fragile mind demanded he feed on the sympathy given...and he did. He buried his head in Gelon's shoulders, mumbling what seemed to be a thanks in the midst of his inelegant blubbering. Of course, he didn't expect the others to accept the situation as well as Gelon. Riley's words pierced him like a poisoned dagger to the heart. He knew that she simply did not like him anyways, but he also knew everything she said was true, causing him to hide his face further in Gelon's shoulder. Suddenly, he heard Cubey's pillow missile dashing through the air, and he didn't even try to avoid it (not that he could if he wanted to), causing him even more surprise when Gelon defended him.

He stepped back and watched with an utterly devastated expression as Cubey ran off. The first person to call him a friend in years...and even he could not stomach what he had done. Ozma hung his head in shame, and remained still. He winced when Gelon began shouting sadly and angrily, glancing at the mercenary with worried eyes. He was about to say something, but Riley's angry reply silenced him back in shame. She was right. He kind of wished that Cubey's pillow had hit him in the face. At the very least, it would have been a tiny bit cathartic to them. He couldn't help but glance at Ciril apathy curiously. Though perhaps hs professional ways meant he was just less reactive than everyone else.


Clockwork woke up from his back alley collapse, shooking his head to get the buzzing noise out of his steel brain. "ughhhh..what time is it...", he wondered. Then he looked down. Almost 10.00. "Ah, the perks of having a clock in your chest." Clockwork limped out of the alley, stretching and straightening himself out, and making his way....aimlessly, really. He just wanted to walk away, and get those strange images out of his head.

Suddenly, he saw a topless insectoid lady and a floating squid pass by, heading to the lifts. He jerked back and his visor swung open in surprise. He had not seen such a petite, yet magnificent woman in ages! He wondered if she would go out with him for a cup of tea. His hip thrusters activated, driving him towards the two.

Quin stared at Lekan obliviously. "...What? There's nothing on them.", Alluding both to the lack of nipples on her chest and the lack of her...endowment, to put it bluntly. She seemed quite displeased when making this point, her stare more intense than usual towards Lekan.

As the elevator doors were closing, a purple synthetic slipped in at the last second, skidding to a halt and bumping on to the bulletproof glass tube-shaped walls of the elevator. "Oofph!" He then turned around, shaking his head, and looked between Lekan and Quin. "Greetings, lady and gent-"

His eyes stopped at Quin. So petite. So innocent. So chaste. So topless. Clockwork went down on his knees, and grabbed hold of Quin's hands. He held them gently and lifted them up, gazing at her with his six set of red eyes (and two more behind his yellow visor).

"My lady, I will never take my eyes off you again.........unnnnless I'm about to run into a wall."


As Riley stopped in the middle of the streets, she can sense something approaching. Something...large? Yet oddly silent. Or rather, squeaky.

Before hitting the beaches, Mosa decided to take a ride around the ship. On a pink tricycle. It squeaks cutesily, complimenting the hot pink color scheme. The wheels are tinier than even the oddly proportioned Mosa's head, and the entire bike was barely the size of one of his leg. And yet, he somehow made it all work. All the while wearing a pair of shades and an orange shirt with white flowers printed on them, along with a garland of chrysantheum around his neck, its fragrant smell refreshing in this sterile, odorless spaceship.

Mosa saw Riley by herself at the edge of the street, and became concerned by the girl's silence. He stopped the tricycle near her, and looked between her and the Knight house. "Are you alright???", Mosa asked in his naturally loud, deep, bellowing voice.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Mosa Belkan Character Portrait: Riley O'Toole
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0.00 INK

As Cubey stroppily slammed the door behind him when he finally stormed into Deunan's room, he could still hear the furious arguing downstairs, though extremely muffled. It was still definitely heated and vicious however, that much was obvious, even to Cubey. He quickly noticed the encrypted transmitter on the floor next to a few stuffed animals, which he hastily snatched almost immediately, before realizing he had no idea how to work the device, causing his to give a moody growl at the innocent transmitter. After a few stressful moments of shouting hello at the device,as well as pressing any button he could find, a voice suddenly emitted for it, leaving Cubey quite surprised at it announced; "You have one missed message."
It then proceeded to replay the message from Graves about meeting near where they first met the man, where Deunan had died the day before, leaving Cubey soften up a little.

He took deep breaths and counted as high as he could, which wasn't that much to be frank, before seeing the clock on the wall showing clearly he was going to be late very soon, making him stressed once again, as he gave a panicked yelp before shoving the transmitter in his pocket, and shoving open the door. He had to tell the smokey man what Ozma just confessed, and meeting him face to face, was probably the best bet of getting that across than fiddling around with the transmitter for hours on end. Besides, he was just asked to head there anyways, probably meaning he had a lead on something, at least that was what Cubey guessed. Unless if he just wanted to hang out. That would be okay too. Unless if he turned out to be a bad guy as well. Then there was only Gelon which he wasn't sure if he was a bad guy or not since he wanted to be friends with Ozma who he was now convinced was a bad guy, and Quin and Lekan, but he didn't really know them either. Or Tep either, who seemed nice as well nonetheless. In fact the more he thought about it, he didn't really know anyone aboard the ship, which for some reason, made him panic even more for a second. He then realized that his antennae was picking up the fact that Riley and Ciril had left the building, their smell now having turned a lot weaker, guessing they both got sick of Ozma and Gelon, giving a nasty sneer to himself.

The cubic mutant then quickly leapt down the stairs, only to slip and topple onto his back, exclaiming grumpily; "Your fault Ozma! No Laughing!", trying his best not to fly in a rage against Ozma for his unjust blaming for his lack of athletic grace. He got back to his feet and loudly and quickly proclaimed; "I'm off to meet the smokey man now, bye robot maid lady, bye Gelon!", before rushing off out of the door moodily, not bothering to bid goodbye to Ozma as quickly began sprinting as fast as his stubby little legs would allow.

He rudely pushed passed Ciril in the hallway, as well as run past Riley and Mosa stopping and glancing back to only quickly comment; "That tricycle looks silly!" stroppily, giving his only real indication of recognizing them. Cubey continued on his run towards his destination; the last place he saw Deunan alive.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Clockwork Character Portrait: Mosa Belkan
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0.00 INK

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Clockwork Character Portrait: Mosa Belkan
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0.00 INK

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Clockwork Character Portrait: Mosa Belkan
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0.00 INK

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Clockwork Character Portrait: Mosa Belkan
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0.00 INK

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Clockwork Character Portrait: Mosa Belkan
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0.00 INK

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Clockwork Character Portrait: Mosa Belkan
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0.00 INK

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Clockwork Character Portrait: Mosa Belkan
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0.00 INK

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Clockwork Character Portrait: Mosa Belkan
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0.00 INK

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Clockwork Character Portrait: Mosa Belkan
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0.00 INK

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Clockwork Character Portrait: Mosa Belkan
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0.00 INK

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Clockwork Character Portrait: Mosa Belkan
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0.00 INK

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Clockwork Character Portrait: Mosa Belkan
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0.00 INK

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Clockwork Character Portrait: Mosa Belkan
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0.00 INK

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Clockwork Character Portrait: Mosa Belkan
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0.00 INK

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ciril Ekhart Character Portrait: Clockwork Character Portrait: Mosa Belkan
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0.00 INK

Clockwork, still holding Quin's hands, turned to Lekan as he waved his...tentacle. "Yes sir!", he stood up and pointed at the squid. "You look like you could do wonders with those arms of yours. I say we spend the night together with Fraulein Cannon over here....if you know what I mean."

"Fraulein...Cannon....", Quin muttered, tilting her head, seeming both mildly amused and flattered by that comment.

Before the elevator can descend, Clockwork spot Ciril in the distance, seemingly looking for him. "Ah~!" He pressed a button, and the cylindrical elevator door hissed as it opened. Clockwork then waved at Ciril. "Ciril my friend! Care to join us?"


Ozma hung his head and hesitantly nodded at Ciril's words, not feeling up to argue with anyone right now. Just then, he heard loud, angry footsteps to his left descending down the stairs. Must be Cubey. He then heard a crash, and instinctively turned his head to see Cubey having slipped and fall on his back. Yep, Cubey. Cubey's words caused him to stagger and whimper, shutting his lips.


Mosa waited for Riley to answer. He waved a hand in front of her face. "Ellloooo? Mosa to lady, is lady home?"

He then saw Cubey skipping past him, and heard his comment about Mosa's tricycle, causing him to scowl, and shook his fist and bellow. "THIS TRICYCLE HAS BEEN PASSED DOWN THE BELKAN LINE FOR GENERATIONS!"


Ozma pondered whether or not he should visit Graves. With the choice of location and Cubey's seems to be a truckload of no. He gave Gelon a sympathetic glance as he sighed, and hung his head again immediately as he spoke. He kept quiet as Gelon gave his offer, but it did not take him long. It seems like Gelon was the only one who would give him a chance to redeem himself - and he would gladly take it.

Shaking his hand, Ozma nodded, though still unable to look him in the eye. "I'll do anything you ask."

The setting changes from F.S.S. Realta Nua to Stratevaria Galaxy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Megahertz Character Portrait: Ozma Knight
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0.00 INK

(Super-stubby squishy post of failure...)

Graves considered Ophelia's words. He had no way of gauging her power thus far, something which would be crucial if he decided to accept her help. As if that was a question, he thought. Chiming sounded from his data pad once again, notifying him to an alert from Crotis for whatever reason. Glancing down, Graves saw that the designated meeting time with Ozma and Cubey approached. Sighing at the thought of the counter, he pulled out the communicator, activating it as he did so.

"I'll be at the meeting place shortly you two. Don't be surprised if I bring along some others. Just a heads-up." Tucking away the device, he turned back towards Ophelia and Megahertz. Tipping his hat towards them, he stated, "I need to go to an encounter with some others. If either of you desires to come along, be my guest."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey
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0.00 INK

Cubey ignored the fellow beastman's angry words, continuing to run off in a huff towards the meeting place, hoping he wasn't too late and wishing he had brought a watch with him. As well as fully understanding how to tell time. That stuff is super tricky. He continued on nonetheless,despite his lack of knowledge on accurate time telling. He then began to wonder if the smokey man was a bad guy. He didn't seem like it at first but then neither did Ozma. He did look more like a bad guy though, kinda like a gangster guys or detective bloke in those films the grown ups in the facility wouldn't let him watch.

Before he could ponder on it any longer however, as Graves' voice came suddenly out of the communicator, announcing that he would be at the meeting point soon, which Cubey was happy to hear as he began getting extremely near the place now, or at least he thought so. What he wasn't too keen on hearing is that he might bring some people along with him. He wasn't sure if he wanted to meet new people yet, worrying if they were bad guys and if the entire meeting is a trap. He would have to ask them about it. A little imaginary light bulb lit up for Cubey in that moment to which he decided to bellow at the communicator; "Hey Mr. smokey man, are you and your friends bad guys?", before adding a few repeats of a confused hello until he realized he still hadn't fingerd out how to chat to people on the device. Shoving the communicator back in his pocket, Cubey began sprinting towards his destination again, lightening the gravity to help along a little.

When he finally arrived at the place, he realized how much the ship's staff had repaired the place, and how much they 'cleaned up' as well. It's almost if there was just some nasty accidents about the place rather than the full force attack that there was yesterday, with only a few blood splatters here and there, along with a few areas of small collateral damage. Deunan's body was gone too, causing Cubey to stare at the spot where he last saw here, or at least though she last saw her. It was tricky to tell, since they did a rather good job of tidying up. He wondered where his dearly departed friend went. He stood in silence for a while, awaiting Graves and whoever else he brought with him to arrive.

The setting changes from Stratevaria Galaxy to F.S.S. Realta Nua

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia
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0.00 INK

Riley smiled a bit as Mosa cheered her up a bit, "Yeah, perhaps it will. Oh! We've made it to Nekrim? I must have lost track of time! Ahah, well I guess I COULD use some relaxation on the beach and breath another form of simulated fresh air." Riley could hear the squeaking of Mosa's floatation toys as he moved around and tried not to giggle. "Let's go before the good spots are taken!" Riley could feel two presences coming up behind them, but had no way of knowing who they were unless they spoke, so she simply took a step or two closer to Mosa to get out of their way.


Ophelia stared quietly for a moment as she listened to Graves talk on his communicator in a hushed tone. Simply nodding at Graves' offer she followed behind him and glanced back at Megahertz wondering if she'd join them or not, though you couldn't tell from Ophelia's forever cold gaze.


Byatis noticed K2 looking up at him. He stuck his tongue out back at K2 and had to stifle a giggle when he got tazed. But, Byatis took that as a sign to be careful and activated his natural camouflage. He hopped from rooftop to rooftop until they went up an elevator, to which he sat like a puppy waiting for its owner. Sure enough, time passed and the Federation troops were back with K2 still in tow, and Byatis continued his cloaked pursuit.

After a while Byatis comes upon a small jail building. This was definitely temporary as Byatis already spotted a few ways past the guards. He quietly creeped up to the building and followed K2's scent. He must be a bit up, Byatis thought. Byatis tapped the wall quickly. Nothing was triggered...good. Quietly crawling up the jail wall, Byatis peered in to a window and saw K2 in his cell. Keeping cloaked Byatis giggled in a hushed tone. "Oooo someone's in troooouble."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Mosa Belkan Character Portrait: Riley O'Toole Character Portrait: Ozma Knight
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0.00 INK

"Okay then. BYE!" Mosa waved at the pair, watching them walk into the distance.

After Mosa and Riley were out of earshot, Ozma turned to Gelon, remembering Graves' offer. "....I...I know where. Follow me." Quickening his pace, Ozma headed for Graves' meeting shot.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Megahertz Character Portrait: Ozma Knight
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0.00 INK

As Ophelia and Megahertz responded to his offer of tagging along to the meeting with Cubey and Ozma, Graves thought as to what he would do after he had discussed the matter of Deunan. One thing was certain: he had to prevent Drakov and his subordinates from reaching or at least capturing whatever this GEHENNA thing was. If Drakov could somehow manage to turn the creature or organization to his advantage then the possibility of Drakov becoming the single strongest person in the galaxy was almost certain despite not knowing the capabilities of GEHENNA as it was. Not a comforting prospect in the least.

"Since it seems we will all be travelling together, I'd say we should begin leaving about now," he rasped before hacking violently, spittle flying over the floor as coughs wracked his body. Touching a hand to his lips, blood came away, vermilion stains on his rough skin. A grimace graced his lips as he stood, pain and annoyance coursing through his body in tandem. Gripping the pistol in his hand tightly, the synthetic and metal grip dug into his hand, leaving imprints.

Turning to face the door, he commanded, "Follow me." Without assuring himself that Megahertz and Beatrice were following him, he began to stride towards the meeting place which had been arranged earlier. Retrieving his communicator once again, he activated it and said, "I'll be there in a minute or two. Try and be on time." Storing the device, his eyes ignored the decorations, work crews, and soldiers rushing through the ship in the bustle of unloading and repairing any remaining damages. If his mind served him correctly, they were approaching the area where Deunan was assassinated. Rounding a corner, he spotted Cubey and his viasge immediately lightened as he gazed upon the piteous creature. Pain lay clear on Cubey's face, that much Graves could tell. Slowing his stride and holstering the pistol in his coat, Graves approached Cubey before stopping to speak two words, "Hello Cubey."

The setting changes from F.S.S. Realta Nua to Nekrim


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey
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0.00 INK

Clockwork gave two thumbs up at the sight of Quin's outfit, massively approving. "Ten out of ten! Those curves look amazing on you, girl" He was rather amused at Ciril and Lekan's more formal reactions, though he kept that to himself.

Quin nodded, pleased, at the three men's reactions. "Sandy.", Quin repeated, finding that term amusing for some reason. It seemed like Lekan was not going to make fun of her lack of assets. She then nodded, hovering besides Lekan. She paused for a bit, as she usually does when carefully thinking over her actions and words, then held up her hand in front of Lekan, apparently expecting him to treat her like a lady.

Clock put his right arm around Ciril's shoulder, pulling him close, then gave a thumbs up to Lekan's offer. "You expect me to miss out on the sight of hot green skinned space babes? Never!", he remarked with his usual playful tone. In the back of his mind, he worried about K2, but his cybernetic nanopaste gut told him that he should go for a wait and see approach...for now.

The four proceeded to take in the sight of the beaches. The benefits of advanced technology were great and many, especially in a luxurious place such as this. There was neither ugliness nor plainness here. All the men and women were fit and universally attractive, dressed in equally flattering (and revealing outfits), as they bath in the sun, swim in the waters, and play volleyball. Bodies glistened with sweat and water, hair flowing about in the wind.

They entered the relaxing Beatrice's line of sight, and Clock was instantly drawn by her impressive looks. He leaned and whispered to Ciril. "Ciril! I'm gonna show you how to be a quintessential cybernetic gentleman! Watch and learn~"

He zoomed over to Beatrice, standing over her and blocking out her sun. He gestured with his right arm as if he was flipping his hair....though he had no hair to speak of. He cleared his throat, and blurted out his choice of a pickup line:

"Hey babe!..Is your father an astronaut? Cause your beauty almost sent me jumping to the stars!"

Behind them, Quin suddenly had a mini drum set with her when they weren't looking, with which she performed a flawless rimshot.

The setting changes from Nekrim to F.S.S. Realta Nua

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Megahertz Character Portrait: Ozma Knight
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0.00 INK


Megahertz followed Graves quietly, accompanied by her hellhound and deathcat. She furrowed her brows at Graves' strange coughing, but knew better than to ask him anything bluntly. She decided, instead, to make a mental note of that. The hellhound, ever vigilant, constantly glared at both Graves and Ophelia, snarling aggressively and distrustingly. The deathcat, never caring, rocked his head as he strutted forward, as if headbanging to an inaudible tune.

She followed Graves, and saw Cubey standing there. She felt...strange. Cubey's strange appearance gave her a feeling of uncanny valley, but at the same time, there was..something strange in his eyes. Something sad.....


Ozma looked away in response to Gelon's question. He wasn't very enthusiastic in answering that question, but Gelon seemed to be the most accepting person in the galaxy right now, so he figured it wouldn't hurt.

"...It's...pretty selfish really.", Ozma whispered, voice dripping with guilt and hesitance. "I..I was just....resentful. My father....he always prefered me over Deunan. He did not even make that a secret."

Ozma gazed at the ceiling. "And yet...I..can never bring myself to hate Deunan. She was kind, caring, sweet to everyone. Even me." He sighed and frowned. "I feel like such a spiteful asshole...."

It did not seem like Ozma wanted to discuss this much, though he passed a glance at Gelon, silently wondering what his reaction would be.

Either way, he quickened his pace, and soon, arrived at the meeting spot with the expected Cubey, Graves, and...two other people he did not recognize. Ozma gave the two ladies a brief look, then very quickly turned his gaze, for obvious reasons. He glanced at Gelon again, then to Cubey. He wanted to apologize...but decided it wasn't the right time. He turned instead to Graves, and took a deep breath. "...I'm here. I brought a..friend... along. I hope you don't mind."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Megahertz Character Portrait: Ozma Knight
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0.00 INK

Gelon nodded as Ozma answered his question and accepted it since this might not have been the good time "yes you are right in that" Gelon said and keeps following him, when they arrived cubey was at deunan's last seen location but Clark, megahertz with some kind of beasts and Ophelia were there as well, Ozma must have had a reason not telling him about this meeting and he hopped none of them would make a scene or pick a fight

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Megahertz Character Portrait: Ozma Knight
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0.00 INK

The setting changes from F.S.S. Realta Nua to Stratevaria Galaxy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Megahertz Character Portrait: Ozma Knight
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0.00 INK

As Cubey waited around staring at his surroundings, he pondered if he was walking into a trap, but deciding against it very quickly, not only because he wanted to pretend that wasn't going to happen, and that he couldn't really see the point in making a trap for him and Ozma.
He then swerved round to see Graves greeting him to which he waved back at him a replied; "Hello Mr. smokey suit man. I have big news for you.", before he began staring at the pair behind him. He had no idea who the very human looking lady behind him was, but he vaguely remembered the much lankier and scarier looking lady, probably was back when they were fighting those giant kitty things. He decided it was probably best to ignore them for now.

He shook his head in attempt to refocus on the one who invited him here, taking a deep breath before telling Jeremy; "Ozma hired an assassin person to kill his dad from the same group that killed Deunan, I don't think he hired anyone to hurt her though but I think he said Venom were the big stupid smelly poo poo head she hired.", which was shortly followed by him glaring furiously at the ground for a few moments, seeming to be in a sulk of sorts. It didn't improve his mood when he turned to the voice of Ozma who brought along Gelon with him, apologizing for his lateness, to which he stroppily turned his back to the recently arrived duo.

Crossing his arms for a moment, Cubey did his best to figure out why he and Ozma were called to here, which took only mere seconds before he gave up and asked Graves; "Hey Mr. smokey suit man, why did ya tell us to come here? And what did you want to talk about? Are we joining your club thing? Are those two ladies in your club thing? Is it a trap? Is it something important? Who are those two ladies? Are they your girlfriends?", as he floated around when blabbered his tirade of question at the criminal leader, still trying his best to ignore Ozma, though also a bit wary of the new strangers that arrived, and worried if Gelon thought bad of him for not liking his friend.

The setting changes from Stratevaria Galaxy to F.S.S. Realta Nua

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Megahertz
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0.00 INK

Byatis just watched his his usual smile as K2 was tased and dragged away. He stood there a moment in quiet before blurting out. :....Okay bye!" and he turned off of the wall he clung to, landing with a thud on all fours. Now that they were docked in Nekrim, Byatis figured he could take advantage of the much more sparsely populated Realta Nua. Mainly just to explore. Byatis deactivated his camouflage and sauntered along the roads on all fours. Even when crawling, Byatis's figure was was massive.n

After a short while of walking peacefully, humming 'Its not Unusual' to himself, he heard voices, but one word stuck out in particular. Venom. The organization he worked for! Byatis shifted with a mighty curiosity and crawled up another rooftop, and laid down on his back, just listening to what was being talked about. He had no intention upon acting on it, though. The main voice that stuck out to him was that of a child? It certainly sounded like it, which confused him greatly.


Ophelia remained quiet as they approached Cubey. This was who this man wanted to meet? She had no idea why. It was just a child, or, it sounded like one. Though she did have a vague memory of the beastman they day they fought the Cazadores, and when Deunan died. Only now did it register to Ophelia, that that was where they had ended up just now. She had no sentimental attachment so it took her a moment. Suddenly, she heard two voices calling out in the distance. One of them she recognized instantly. Gelon. Her cold stare twitched as he spoke but she didn't break out into a rage, though you could tell she was mad.

Suddenly Cubey let on a barrage of questions which started to get on Ophelia's nerves, to which she spoke with sharpness in her voice. "Grow up," was all she decided to say. If looks could kill...

The setting changes from F.S.S. Realta Nua to Stratevaria Galaxy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Megahertz Character Portrait: Ozma Knight
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0.00 INK

The sound of two voices drew Graves's attention to the outlying area of the work. Straining against his exhaustion, he could make out the silhouetted forms of Ozma and Gelon. It appeared that Ozma had brought along a friend of his own. Ozma appeared tired himself, a specter of pain and anguish scuttling across his face. Gelon looked significantly more peaceful yet held a grim determination on the outside. What could have possibly put them in such a state? As Ozma addressed him, Graves dryly responded, "I noticed. Give me a bit more warning next time, boy.

It was at that point that Cubey began to embark on his rant, spouting out words in such a quick fashion that each word was nearly indiscernible from any other. Yet there remained enough of a difference for Graves to pick up on the meaning and eventually the words. As the initial point of the tirade ended, Graves's brow furrowed over his eyes, consternation evident on his face. So Ozma had hired the assassin's, had he? The second set of questions were less surprising yet just as important to deal with as Ozma. Sighing, Graves settled on a plan of action.

Adjusting his shoulders in an apparent stretch, Graves slowly slid the power knife down to his palm. Crossing his arms behind his back and folding his fingers upwards to his rest, he hid the hilt from sight. A twinkle appeared in his eyes but not a happy one. Darkly, he looked across all gathered near him. A fine 'army' he had assembled. Soon it would be down one. Possibly.

"I forgot that I had never introduced myself to you officially, Cubey. In that case, you can call me Clark. Onto your questions. Why did I bring you here? Simple enough. I'm a manipulative bastard. If you want to join my 'club, as you call it, you may. And no, they are not my girlfriends," he stated flatly. Hearing Ophelia behind him, Graves stiffened. So, that was how it was going to be.

Sliding the knife back up his coat sleeve, Graves clasped his hands together in front of him. Muttering a small incantation, he breathed into the artificial cup before opening it. Out dropped a small ball of darkness, sticking to the ground. Reaching into his coat, he pulled out the laser pistol which had been given to him by Orion. "I think it's time we had ourselves a little talk." Turning around, he looked pointedly at Ophelia. "I don't know your name. Part of me doesn't care. But if we are going to do this, we're doing it my way. So shut up. And you Ozma, oh-oh, you my boy." Looking down at the pistol in his hand, Graves closed his eyes, muttered, and then opened his eyes again. At his feet the pool of shadow began to grow, extending tendrils in all directions. A chill filled the air, breathe crystallizing as it left a body. "I don't appreciate actions such as you have done and I am inclined to believe Cubey in this matter. I can't afford mistakes and as such must make sure nothing can cause them. I'm sorry." With those two final words, Graves withdrew the las pistol, pointing it at Ozma's forehead, an approximation of where Deunan's wound had been. Gloved hands closed down upon the trigger and the bolt of energy spat forth, burrowing through the boy's skull. Ozma was dead.

(To settle anyone's concerns, I am not auto-hitting. Discussed this with Knight)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Megahertz Character Portrait: Ozma Knight
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0.00 INK

Gelon was already tense from Ophelia so any hostile actions would make him flinch defensively for Ozma and that so just happened when he saw Clark raise the gun 'fucking hell never a dull moment' gelon thought and punched Clarks hand and pistol with his kinetic hand making graves's hand go 90 degrees to the left missing the shot and miss everyone and let the shot land in a rebuild electronics store "OZMA RUN!" Gelon yell as he took a defensive pose "no more blood Clark if that is your real name, Ozma is important, I know he is cause he is a thorn in the side off off Beatrice and Boris" Gelon said having his kinetic shield up and Ophelia's metal use would not affect his arm since he replaced all the metal with plastic, the only things metal in there were the module's curcitboard components so he was safe, at least he thought so, cause if everyone turned against him he was out manned and maybe out gunned

The setting changes from Stratevaria Galaxy to F.S.S. Realta Nua

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Megahertz Character Portrait: Ozma Knight
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Ozma froze, staring with wide eyed terror as he heard the thunderous sound of gunfire, so close. And yet, he couldn't move a muscle. Suddenly, Gelon intercepted Graves' blast, causing it to flew right over Ozma's head, burning a strand of his hair. He was too much in shock. Surprised and terrified at Graves' action...and yet, euphoric at Gelon's action. Finally, someone who was willing to defend him-

His brief moment of joy was killed not a second later. A quiet clang, a loud squelch. Graves' energy bullet, fitting its light-based nature, bounced off the shiny metallic door of the electronic store, and penetrated Ozma's skull from behind, drilling through his brain and exiting through his forehead, spraying brain matter and pink bloody mist around Gelon, his defender, and his one true friend.

Ozma twitched and spasmed for a brief few seconds, his eyes bulging and blood pouring from his fatal wound. Then, he fell dead, a pool of blood forming below him.

Megahertz stared, horrified and staggering. "W-W-WHAT?!?!" She no longer had any idea what to even do. Her faith in Graves was diminishing, but it wasn't like she had any faith in Boris. Who should she even side with right now?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Megahertz
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Ophelia narrowed her eyes after Graves promptly told her to shut up. Humans were such terrible creatures. Always taking whatever power of authority they had and projecting it to demean others. Behind his back she appraised Graves, looking at his accessories. She found what she was looking for just in case his bravado inflated. Though she kept her cold glare as she watched the sudden event unfold. As Graves shot and missed thanks to Gelon only to have the bullet ricochet back into the intended target. If Ophelia was capable of laugh she probably would have, but a scoff was all that came out. Between Gelon and Megahertz's yelling, things we're going south very quickly. She wondered how the 'leader' would handle it. However she did notice Gelon's arm looked different. Plastic. Clever boy, she thought, but if he did anything else out of line, she already knew what to do. Ophelia flexed her mutated arm's claws as a warning to the others to not do anything they'd regret.

From a few rooftops away, Byatis remained lying on his back, listening in. With their voices getting louder, it was easier to eavesdrop. He listened as Cubey complimented his and Darkstar's handiwork and snickered to himself until suddenly he heard the weapon go off. Byatis shifted a bit in his position. He could sense Ozma's light go out mainly from the cries and the scent of blood. Normally Byatis wouldn't care too much but, a thought came to mind. He began a thought conversation with Darkstar. "Darkstar, I sure hope our client paid ussss, cuz someone just iced the guy."

The setting changes from F.S.S. Realta Nua to Nekrim


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Quin Veta Character Portrait: Ridley Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey
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Beatrice sighed heavily out of relief. She let go of the grip on the blade as she felt her adrenaline rush fall dramatically, and her pulse slow to a normal beat.

"That is a relief." She says turning away from the protector, and looking at the serenity of the calm beach. "I think most people have forgotten what we are here to do. Whether or not we think differently can wait, we have a force threatening everyone's existence." Beatrice let that information sink in to whoever could hear. "I'm not sorry that I detained your friend, but I believe that I misspoke."

Completely done with talking to the group, Beatrice put her head back in her chair and basked in the warm sunlight as she attempted to doze off. However her sleep was rudely interrupted by the ringing of her communicator. She groaned, pulling herself upright in a sleepy daze. "This better be good..." Beatrice listened for a moment, after a a few minutes the Ishkavi finally responded "Contact the Federation." With that Beatrice ended the call.

The giggle that came from Beatrice's mouth started out innocent and childish, but soon formed into a malicious cackle.

"Communicator, intercom microphone."

"Greetings this is Mrs. Schwartz, I have very grim news for all of you. Ozma Knight is dead, He was murdered moments ago by the same man who caused the assassination of his beloved sister, Deunan, and his Father. The price of the culprit has now tripled. I have heard recent events to disrupt or overthrow the people in charge of this operation, such as myself. All I have to say is that we are not enemies, you few who have endured so much, the survivors, you have been chosen by fate to save everything. The murderers, scoundrels, gang members, and yes the occasional good guy. You are tasked with defeating the ultimate evil GEHENNA, do not forget that. Thank you all for your time."

A text document was sent to all citizens of the Realta Nua

"Communicator, audio message to Gelon Deskovitch."

"I saw what happened, you tried to protect the boy. Very noble Mr. Deskovitch. However you are working for a psychopath. A killer, scarred by war such as yourself. All I ask of you is to pick the right side. You have seen what he is capable of, get back to me Gelon."

One last call, "Communicator, contact Federation holding cell for Nekrim"

"I want the boy."

The setting changes from Nekrim to F.S.S. Realta Nua

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Ridley Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia
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Ophelia snickered quietly to herself as the two humans started to go at it in combat. She figured Grave's could clearly handle himself, so she just watched, even though she'd take great satisfaction at rending Gelon's flesh. Her ears twitched at Megahertz's sudden outburst but felt no reason to react. However this changed when two familiar voices came out of nowhere. It was Ridley and Vlad coming to assist Gelon. No doubt that Beatrice woman sent them. To think she had dinner with them a couple days ago. But after all, they were still Drakov's henchmen. Ophelia's eyes quickly locked on to Vlad, for her, the easiest target out of the three. Without a second thought, Ophelia took a few steps back to get a distance away from Graves and Gelon fighting and quickly pulled Vlad in towards her using the metalkinesis she had over Vlad's armour. She held out her mutated arm, ready to impale Vlad when she got close enough. Ophelia also took note that this beastwoman had a vampiric-like draining ability to watch out for.


Byatis sat up and peeked at the fight that ensued straight after the message. 'Wow that escalated quickly!' he thought to himself. Suddenly, Darkstar's voice echoed in his head, practically startling him. As a reaction, Byatis's camouflage activated. "Oh geez, Darkstar you take so long to reply to me! If I didn't know any better I'd think you were cheating on me~" He thought back to Darkstar teasingly. "They knew that would happen? Well alrighty then." Byatis's face twisted in confusion as Darkstar's next question. He never asked Byatis 'how he was doing'. "Well I'm doing just daaaandy! Few days in on the Realta Nua and everyone's forgot about the huge asshole who wants to destroy the galaxy! Hyeheheh leave it to Stratevarians to think about themselves to the offense." He thought back with his sickly grin back on his face.

The setting changes from F.S.S. Realta Nua to Stratevaria Galaxy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Ridley Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Megahertz
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(Terribly sorry about not posting! I didn't have time this week because of circumstances in my life I wasn't aware of. My posting schedule should be remedied soon.)

Graves stumbled backwards as Gelon slammed into him, throwing his aim off the original target. Crashing into the ground, Graves coughed as blood began to trickle once again from his nose and mouth, old injuries exacerbated by intense activity. Growling, his head turned just in time to watch Ozma's head explode under the bolt of energy, blood splattering across the floor in front of the falling body. Dusting grime from his coat as he stood up, he stared at Gelon as Beatrice's announcement came over the intercom. Rage painted itself on his face at the Ishkavi's words.

"Beatrice, you bitch! Lie and calumnies! I'll rip out your god-damned spine!" he screamed at the ceiling. Whipping his head back forward, he stepped back just in time to avoid Gelon's attack. The pool of shadow followed Graves's step, growing slowly. It was already at a fifteen foot diameter. He spared a quick glance towards Megahertz, a frown aimed in her direction, before returning his attention to Gelon. Seasoned by countless years of combat, he avoided Gelon's attacks adroitly albeit with some effort due to the speed of the man's robotic arm.

Shouting drew his attention towards the area behind him yet he had no way to turn without being struck by Gelon. Rolling backwards, he made a flicking motion towards Gelon, a glob of shadow following his motion and flying towards the man's face in order to blind him momentarily. Once that was accomplished, he would twirl around to see Vlad pulled by Ophelia, leaving him to deal with the charging Ridley. His weapons could not stop the behemoth. Unless...

Extending his left arm towards the ice elemental, the pool of shadow shot forward. Graves began to unleash shots into the stream, pools of energy gathering at the end as the shadow carried the payload towards Ridley. Nearing the shield of the creature, it would split into multiple tendrils, swarming around the shield before burrowing towards Ridley core to detonate there with significant explosive force from the contained energy bolts.

The setting changes from Stratevaria Galaxy to F.S.S. Realta Nua

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Ridley Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Megahertz
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Gelon stopped as graves rolled away in combination from the yelling from his old team, as gelon got back to reality he activated his shield again but not in time to prevent to be blinded "FUCKING HELL! WHO EVER YOU ARE IM GONNA KICK YOUR A...." Gelon said as he relised something, cubey "cubey where are you? I can't see, cubey please come to me" gelon said obviously worried about him and blinded by graves shadow ball

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Ridley Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia
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Vlad's eyes meet with Ophelia within seconds. However, her eyes were not fast enough against Ophelia's mind. She cursed in her head as the 'lunatic' pulled her through the air with her magnetic powers, squirming and struggling to no avail. Keeping a cool head and thinking very quickly, Vlad extended the claws on her feet as she got dangerously close to Ophelia, and used them to latch on to the floors of the ship, the jet black sickles audibly slicing through the metal. The claws holding her to the ground, Vlad's body was thrown forward despite her best resistance, and her eyes missed the tip of Ophelia's claws by a quarter inch, with her visor cracking heavily. Immediately, Vlad's eyes glowed and she activated her vampiric powers; draining Ophelia's energy through a psychic link. Without the control of her arms to guide the draining, though, Her claws dragged across the floor, slowly losing to Ophelia's metal manipulation, and she hissed, willing herself to throw a weak and held-back punch with her armored left arm.

Ridley held up his shield and screeched to a halt as he defended against Graves' shadowmatter. He recoiled as he successfully stone walled the assault, and taunted Graves out loud. "HAH! Like the bite of a FLEA!" However, in his arrogance, he noticed the shapeshifting shadow tendrills too late, as they got around his defenses, and assaulted his exposed core. "What the- ARGHHH!!!" The ensuing photon explosion ruptured Ridley's chest and blew off his left arm,staggering him back a few feet. His shield fell to the ground with a loud, heavy thud. Bright red, glowing blood dripped from his broken chest, and the ice behemoth let out raspy, ragged breaths. His single eye glared at Graves with desperate, furious...fear. Refusing to die a coward, Ridley roared like a cornered beast. No longer burdened by his shield, he charged forward, faster than ever, and lifted his mace over his head. In half a second, he had caught up to Graves, casting an enormous shadow upon him. And with his last strength, he swung down.


A monotone, robotic chuckle. "Cheating on an eldritch assassin sounds like a blueprint to a terrible time."

"Hmm.", Darkstar simply responded to Byatis' next comment. The contrast between Byatis' cheery personality and his eldritch nature always did fascinate him. Sometimes, you become so focused on one aspect that you forget about the other. "I suppose you would make a very good Stratevarian, then."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Ridley Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Megahertz
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Ophelia grunted as Vlad stopped herself just before her mutated claw, and as predicted Ophelia began to feel her stamina drain. Ophelia could wait it out as she noticed Vlad's resistance to the metal manipulation was breaking way. Vlad made a quick attempt at a punch which struck Ophelia in the elbow of her mutated arm. Reflexively she reeled the claw back as her nerves shot pain throughout the arm. "Hnn.." Ophelia grunted before retaliating by grabbing Vlad by the arm. She had to end this quickly or her stamina would eventually run out.

Without words, Ophelia bent Vlad's arm back in a way it shouldn't be able to bend, letting out the satisfying 'CRACK' as it did. "Didn't anyone tell you it's rude to interrupt? You didn't learn the first time," Ophelia quipped in her usual cold tone. She kicked Vlad back to keep distance to slow the vampiric drain. Quietly, Ophelia raised her arm again and Vlad could feel her own armour crunching and warping. Ophelia fully intended to crush Vlad to death in her own armour. There was no remorse on Ophelia's face whatsoever. To her, this was all just a waste of time.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Ridley Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Megahertz
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Graves smiled as the ice elemental raised its shield, attempting to block the attacks which Graves had sent its way. Foolish thing. Hearing Gelon yell out behind him, Graves turned and watched the man stumble about blindly, searching for Cubey without any sense of orientation. Glancing towards the strange mutant sitting there stunned, Graves returned his attention to Ridley in time to see the charge beginning. Eyes popped and Graves's mouth fell open as he stood mesmerized by the stampeding elemental.

Almost as if in a dream, Ridley's mace sluggishly crawled through the air. Each fleck of ice glittering as it broke off caught his eye, small particulates normally too minuscule for a human to notice. With a cold fury the mace began to descend, careening towards the frail body Graves inhabited. The pistol dropped from Graves's right hand, power knife flying upwards in his left. Legs tensing underneath him, Graves pushed forward, springing through the air. The mace passed through the space his head had been as Graves's knife-bearing hand shot towards Ridley's core , flipping in an underhand motion to fling the knife into the ice elemental's beating heart. His free hand clenched, pressing down upon the data pad hidden under his cloak.

The mace collided with his hips and Graves slammed to the ground, knocked instantly unconscious, lower body broken as blood began to pool around him. Whispery breaths floated from his mouth, signalling the near end of a life.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Ridley Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Megahertz
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A low sound reverberates through the fight, and directly collides with Ophelia knocking the creature right off her feet. "Now now boys and girls there will be no fighting aboard my ship." Beatrice walks towards the entirety of the group, her deadly sound cannon armed in one hand, the other holding a small nonthreatening power knife. "Holy shit Ridley you don't look to good. Go ahead and take the day off." She walks over to the bloody mess that is graves and sticks a syringe into his heart. "I can't have you die yet." Beatrice takes a shot towards Gelon does not hit him purposefully. "The creature is fine Gelon, get a hold of yourself." The Ishkavi picks up graves and starts to head towards the med bay.

"No one is going to die unless I say so do you understand?" Beatrice says in a very condescending tone.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Ridley Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Megahertz
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Gelon stumbled back as the shot from Beatrice's sound canon "good to know you are here as well" Gelon said and try to remove the shadow blocking his vision "now can you please guide me to cubey, the green...beastman I guess" he said as he couldn't regain his vision

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Megahertz Character Portrait: Mosa Belkan
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Megahertz held Gelon close, as she stared with wide-eyed horror at the ship falling apart around them. Massive structures, once mighty and impenetrable, now crumbling and folding like styrofoam and paper. The ground beneath them heaved left and right, unstable and falling apart. Cracks appear beneath their feet, and Megahertz shook her head, tearfully staring at Gelon. "I don't wanna die, I don't wanna die, I don't wanna die...!", her voice devolving into whispers. A loud creak, a growl from the grating metal. A mighty shadow was casted upon them. A massive foundation, ten times Gelons' own size and twenty times his weight, was falling upon them, and quickly, it smashed against the bubble shield with the might of a battering ram from the Gods themselves.

Gelon's bubble shield was smashed through the floors of the breaking ship....and soon, the three fell into the waters of the obliterated moon. With the draining oxygen supply and practically the entire moon fighting against them, one wonders if all three will survive the night. Then, at the corner of their eyes, they could see a...massive dome, haphazardly shaped from twisted metal..approaching, at high speed.


Around Byatis and Ophelia, everything fell apart. The bulletproof windows shatter, the artificial sky projectors short circuited by the flooding water. A screaming Federation Trooper was washed away in front of them by the quickly invading water. Lights flicker and die, with only the incessant and annoying alarm continuing to shriek. The metal dome shield protecting Byatis and Ophelia creaked and shrieked, toyed around by both the mayhem around them and Ophelia's own metal manipulating powers. They can feel the vibrations as the steel was stretched and bent out of whack. Then, the ship tilted heavily to its side.

The metal dome containing the two rolled down the cracked floors of the ship, like a chrome hamster wheel for two, they descend, the wind rushing through the holes and blowing at their bodies. Along the way, they flattened many people and barely dodged a few explosions. And then, not too far away, they see another ball - this time a bubble shield made of energy, containing Gelon, Cubey, and Megahertz.

Ophelia's metal dome gained more and more speed as it rolled further and further down the broken floors, and eventually, it rolled into the waters...and smashed into the bubble shield with mighty force. Ophelia's metal dome dented severely, and Gelon's bubble shield flickered for a brief moment, as all the inhabitants of both protective balls inside were shaken. Megahertz was flung out of the bubble shield when it flickered for a brief moment. She shrieked and flailed desperately, and she looked at Gelon with a pleading look as the bubble shield restored......but before anybody could do anything, she fell to the sea...and the mighty waves washed her away.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Sentinel Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Megahertz
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Lying bleeding, darkness filled Graves's eyes, lights flashing intermittently as blood pulsed haphazardly inside his flesh. Unaware of the chaos soon to unfold around him, he could only exhale slightly as Beatrice's hand smashed into his chest, injecting the stimulant into his system. Awareness slowly began to return to his consciousness as the compound worked on his body, repairing the massive damages caused by Ridley's mace in time to quick to be possible normally. Despite the miracle being worked by Beatrice's actions, Graves was still much too weak to comprehend what was to happen next.

As the pieces of the dead world smashed into Nekrim, Graves could do naught but sit dazedly, staring at the ceiling as the Realta Nua was racked by the waves and pieces of debris. Three of Graves underlings came running through the mangled ship, darting around broken bodies and panicking people. Reaching him, the three glanced around, worried themselves.

"Shit, Carek and Hamil are dead, the boss is dying and the entire fucking planet is exploding!? What are we gonna do, Ryze?" yelled the youngest mobster, a sandy-haired human.

"Shut yer gob, git! Graves is still alive and we'se is getting him outta here. Grab his legs, I'll get his arms. Kyra, cover us!" commanded Ryze, a tall Beastman covered with scars, testament to the numerous battles he had gone through. He and Gerald, the human, grabbed Graves and began to haul him towards the bubble shield which had been set up by Gelon while Kyra, an android, kept its armaments trained on the area around her.

They arrived just in time to watch Gelon dive in after Megahertz. Cursing, Ryze set down Graves and jumped into the raging current as well. He may be a murderer by some accounts but he was not one to simply let others die in times like these. Swimming swiftly, he closed on Megahertz and Gelon, reaching the Ishkavi to grab her and Gelon to begin dragging them back. "You fools is gonna die in this water. Don't struggle."

With the crashing of the planet and the appearance of GEHENNA, something sparked inside the Realta Nua, a power which should have been dead by any normal means. Soft whirring started and snaps of electricity darted out before settling down into the core of a destroyed machine. It sensed death approaching but such a fate did not appeal to it. And so the husk of metal began to move. Began to crawl. Blind except for an outside view, the machine started to trace a path towards an area of the ship it determined would fit its needs, a rebirth.

The setting changes from F.S.S. Realta Nua to Nekrim


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Megahertz
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Mosa turned to look and wave at Gelon as he passed by, but before he could see anything, Gelon fired a flare into the sky and said something, though the distance and the raging elements around them prevented him from hearing it clearly. "WHAT?", Mosa yelled back, holding tight onto the piece of debris and Riley.

Megahertz, having been trashed about by the waters, was hyperventilating and barely concious when she was rescued by Ryze and Gelon. She was much more delicate than either of the two, and at this point was just going along, her body and mind exhausted.

Seeing Gelon approach, Mosa nodded. The kid? There was only one kid that Mosa saw on board the Realta Nua (for obvious reasons), and thus, he kept an eye out, his head twisting left and right to hopefully find Cubey's bubble shield. Eventually, he spotted the shield, and with it, the few remaining survivors. "Hold tight.", Mosa whispered to Riley, before pushing his body through the water to join the bubble shield.

Looking about, Mosa spotted Kyra, Gerald, and Graves near the bubble shield. Mosa tilted his head, having a bad feeling about them, but at that moment, they did not have much of a choice. Mosa nodded at them, "Howdy", and waited for Gelon to grant them access into the bubble.

Looking around some more while waiting, Mosa's nose twitched, and he turned his attention onto Byatis and Ophelia sitting on a piece of debris. Mosa glanced at the Graves Trio behind him. "Wait! There's more survivors over there!", he said while pointing at the two. Staring back at them, Mosa waved his enormous arm and bellowed, "HEY YOU GUYS!! OVER HERE!!"

Some of them would be able to see a portion of the ship bursting out of the waters and flying away, thanks to Beatrice, though that escaped Mosa's attention.


"Well. This was a disaster", an old, gravelly voice mused in front of Beatrice.

Flickering on and off, a holographic transmission from Boris, sitting calmly and sipping a cup of tea. Having lost his everpresent, if low key, smile, Boris glanced out of a window nearby. Eyes narrowed, look grim. He could see the very few survivors having gathered around Gelon's bubble shield. The man chuckled.

"See? I told you Deskovitch would be useful eventually."

Boris placed a cup on his saucer, and took a deep breath, turning back to Beatrice. He looked at her seriously, and sighed. "At the very least, it seems like we have our anti-GEHENNA team."

And soon, Boris' smile returned.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Megahertz
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"okay scrap that" gelon said and made an opening in the shield "everybody in and try to make yourself as small as possible, there isn't much room in there" gelon said and let everyone in then watch Ophelia and byatis "you two as well, no one is left behind" he said to them as he expanded the shield to it's max size which gave them a a few more meters of space but still not much "Ophelia can you make an metal dome around the shield that is air tight? We all are gonna need it to survive, whether you like it or not we need each other to survive now" Gelon said to her if he keeps his shield on gave them a less powerful beacon or turn the shield off and have a stronger beacon with a slightly better oxiden generator but still couldn't support them all

(from what I at least get is that the dome they were on has a huge hole in it so that is why I include the oxiden generator if anyone was curious)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Megahertz
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Byatis perked up when he saw the big crocodilian beastman call out to them. "C'mon! They've got a bubble shield!" Ophelia just gave him a look. "Not much of a talker are you? Suit yourself." Byatis didn't know what to think of the deformed Illeryian but she did save his life so he felt the need to at least return the favour somehow. Byatis took a powerful leap onto a piece of debris near the bubble shield and without hesitation, slunk inside curling up. "You got room for one more~?" He joked considering there were three beastmen, and a few others already in here.

Ophelia watched as Byatis leaped to the others. She considered not following them, even if the one calling out to them was Mosa, the only person she grew to trust on this voyage thus far. She let out a grimace before leaping after Byatis. Landing on debris as she made her way to them, they would buckle under her impact, collapsing just after she jumped off them. Finally she jumped into bubble shield.

Crowded would be an understatement. She barely had room to move, even if the shield was fully extended. She turned to Mosa, about to address him in thanks but... but... he was holding someone already. Tightly clinging to him was...HER. The one she'd been looking for all this time. Riley. Ophelia was so stunned that Gelon's speech about working together just went in through one ear and out the other. Her thoughts went racing, until finally Gelon's voice snapped her out of it. Without replying she molded thick hull pieces of the Realta Nua around the bubble shield as tight as she could.

This made the inside of the bubble dark, aside from the glow of energy and Byatis's eerie glowing face. Riley, knowing she was safe still kept clung to Mosa, too rattled to move. She listened as she finally realized more people had joined them. Though, the name of one made her heart sink. Ophelia. No, it couldn't be her, she thought. Metal. Oh fuck, it was her. Mosa could feel Riley trembling as she grabbed him even tighter.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Megahertz
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Gelon walked over to his other part of his arm and attached it again letting the shield disappear as he sit down "is anyone wounded?" He asked as he turned on the beacon and a shoulder mounted flashlight while waited for a response


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Sentinel Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia
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Ryze let Gelon go upon the man's request, loosening his grip to allow Gelon to swim away on his own. With the burden relieved from his body, the small body which Megahertz inhabited presented almost no problem to the Beastman as he swam back towards the opening from which he had descended. Despite the removal of weight, struggling against the current presented its own obstacles, accentuated by the countless pieces of flotsam and debris swirling through the tidal forces. The Realta Nua's being alive was amazing in and of itself.

Kyra waited above the hole for Ryze, leaning down to take Megahertz's battered body from the fellow Beastman. Hoisting Megahertz into her arms, Kyra carried her softly away from the hole, worried at the cold that infused the girl. Ryze clambered up into the domed area, gashes across his body slowly pumping out blood in amounts too small to be fatal or hampering. Shaking some of the water off of his fur, he glanced over at Gerald and Graves, a frown forming on his face.

Gerald, having come with a medical kit, was working tenderly on Graves's body. Beatrice's medicine may have saved Graves from certain death but more medical attention was required before he would be safe from death once more. Kyra lay Megahertz down in a position as comfortable as could be achieved before returning to the rest of the mobsters. Crouching down, they all stared at each other glummly. Out of the fifty or so that had originally come to the ship, it was now down to four members. A tear leaked from Ryze's eye, becoming lost in the damp fur that covered his face. Gerald simply stared blankly, going about his work in a mindless state.

"What are we going to do, Ryze?" muttered Kyra. "This ship is destroyed and there is no form of getting off planet in the foreseeable future."

Ryze began to speak but was interrupted from a gasping by Graves. His eyes fluttered open weakly, a sheen of sweat covering his face. "We'll live, that's what,' he wheezed. Hacking racked his body as he began to sit up. Kyra settled her arm behind his back to support him. Gathering his breath, he said more loudly so that everyone could hear, "So what are we going to do?" Part of the ship blasting out of the water caught Graves's eye, and he spied a small object. At least that was safe.

Sentinel, feeling the part of the ship he was on detach from the rest, stopped, tilting his head. A whirring came from his body, louder than normal and the remaining appendages shifted downwards so that his body was resting on his arms and legs. Scuttling forwards quickly, he began to make his way towards the repair bay.

The setting changes from Nekrim to Stratevaria Galaxy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: Ridley Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia
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0.00 INK

As Ophelia told him to grow up and shot him a look of pure hate, Cubey froze in fright of the woman, eyeing her up and down, remembering her vaguely from the battle against the Cazafores, deciding it was probably best to follow up with her suggestion, since she looked extremely mean.
He froze all the more as he heard Ozma and Gelon gain ground towards the group. Of-course Ozma would be here, he was invited to meet Graves as well.
Cubey decided it was probably best to stand still, and pretend he wasn't there, even if he picked up a really bizarre odor from somewhere, too faint for him to pin point definitely of note.

He was far more concerned of Graves' serious grim expression however, which that even Cubey understood things were going to turn sour soon. He replied to Cubey's questions, calling himself Clark, and calling himself manipulative, as well as revealing Megahertz and Ophelia weren't his girlfriends, and that Cubey had a choice in joining him. 'Clark' then suddenly plonked a some dark glob to the ground and pulled out a pistol, which caused alarm bells to ring in Cubey's head, watching in worry as the suited man gave that frightening woman a harsh talking to, not entirely sure who's side he was on of the exchanged words. 'Clark' then turned his attention to Ozma, obviously not happy with him, and agreeing with along with 'Clark's' until he suddenly apologized and shot at Ozma's head.

Gelon immediately punched at Clarks hand clasping the laser pistol, putting up some sort of energy barrier but to no avail, as though the blast merely singed Ozma's hair, barely scraping it, it ricochet back towards him as he stared at Gelon in awe and wonder, bursting through his skull as Cubey turned away and puked at the sight of the blood and brain matters splattering Gelon, horrified on what happened. And it was his fault. 'Clark may had fired the shot, but he was the one who told about what he did to his father. His words sealed Ozma's death. He heard Megahertz shout in horror at the incident, but Cubey payed little attention, he was too busy staring in sheer terror and horror at blank space, obviously shaken and mortified on what just happened, ignoring the announcement over the intercom by Beatrice also. Then Cubey began to scream, running behind and past Gelon as he struck out at 'Clark', seeming more focused on screaming than the fight that was going on, diving behind some nearby bins, seeming oblivious to Megahertz's hellhound's barking, her own exclamations, Vlad and Ridleys arrival, or Ophelia joining in the fight. All Cubey could do was cry, scream, and punch the ground he sprawled himself on, deciding to wallow in misery and fear of what just happened to Ozma, Deunan's brother. He promised both the man who shot him and the one who jumped in to try and save him that he would protect him and didn't even attempt so, as well as causing his death. He thought to himself he might as well been the trigger. Cubey then sat stunned as he heard Gelon call out for him, freezing up as snot and tears rolled down his cubic face, bewildered on why Gelon would want to look for him before reckoning he wanted to hurt him for what he had done. Cubey decided to scuttle off further away from the battle hearing all manner of diffrent horrific noise and cries from those combating, this time diving behind one of the benches, shuddering in fear in hopes Gelon wouldn't find him and hurt him, or worse.

After a few moments passed, Cubey risked a peak after hears some extremely loud noise, and a familiar voice, to which he saw another lady that also had odd tentacles in her hair which seemed to have a odd cannon that fired noise at people. As he ducked back behind cover when he heard Gelon asking for help on searching for him, he realized that the voice was of the same lady that was talking through the speakers on the ship, who must of got sick of all the fighting going on-board. Or at least that's what Cubey thought. He also realized that an ice man he had never met suddenly turned to dust, 'Clark' had been captured by the intercom lady, and that there was some person in orange-ish armor fighting the scary lady from earlier. He decided against revealing himself, letting his lip and himself quiver as he hid behind the bench.

Suddenly a red light filled the entire ship, Realta Nua, alarms blaring constantly, as a rumbling voice that made Cubey shudder in fear with each syllable spoke, declaring it was going to remind them why they all left home, giving them a 'gift' of a world conquered by the owner of the voice. As the ship then cracked in two, throwing Cubey out of his hiding place, seeing the rubble of the dead world raining down on one to be filled with the dead, as he witnessed the countless dying and drowning and being electrocuted, before witnessing the terrible sight of the armored stranger being crushed between the two halves of the ship slamming against each other with a ungodly deafening clang. Cubey then passed out in fear, frothing at the mouth, the last thing he remembered was being grabbed before passing out.

Cubey later awoke as he was left alone in the bubble shield with Gelon shouting at him to keep floating, who began swimming along the raging ocean, as he spotted the sight of the pink haired lady and reptilian beastman from before, doing their best to brave the impossible sea, with Cubey left speechless and naturally, terrified out of his mind, and left screaming his throat raw until he he could only cough. As he was screaming he witnessed some tall scared beastman leap into the sea from the wreckage of the ship, and began dragging Gelon and the tentacle hair human from earlier back to the bubble and turned to see 'Clark' being carried by a sandy haired human and accompanied by a female android. He also witnessed the surprising sight of one of the halves of the ship managing to stay airborne above the sea somehow, halting his screaming-turned-coughing into utter confusion and disbelief.
Before he could knock away said disbelief however, Cubey was suddenly squashed as nearly all of the survivors he had saw, along with the scary lady from earlier, and a bizarre smiling creature that reeked of a bizarre scent that Cubey had smelled earlier. He could only gasp and groan as he was pined to the side of the bubble shield managing to croak; "Is this all the people that are okay? I not feel so good but please tell me there's more! There has to be more people right?" Cubey then began to hyperventilate as he saw metal suddenly case around them, only managing to whimper in fear, utterly clueless on what just happened.
A single quick thought appeared in his mind as he said miserably to himself more than anyone else; "Did Lekan and Quin make it? Or those guys that were hanging out with them and at Ozma's house? What about that robot lady who was there?" He then began to cry again.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Megahertz
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Teyo
As the survivors pondered their fate, a small, but shiny object could be seen in the distant sky growing larger and larger as it flew over the now flooded moon. Aboard were James, Colt and Preston looking through the windows in shock and awe at what had transpired while they were gone.

"We leave home for a bit and look what happens." James said as he looked to his two comrades from the pilot seat. "Y'all see any survivors?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Megahertz
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0.00 INK

"Who gives a shit, they probably died." Colt said in a bored tone. "Might as well move on."

"Don't be such an ass, we should at least look for..." Preston caught a glimpse of something in the water below, shimmering. "I think that's the survivors, take the ship down."

Colt groaned and looked away from the window, not too happy with the current situation. "If we HAVE to, just make it quick."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Megahertz
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0.00 INK

"Oh I do, but I save it." Colt replied.

Preston opened the ship's hatch, ignoring the argument in the background. He squinted to get a better look, the reflection of the water making it a bit painful to stare below. Nevertheless, he made out some familiar shapes, then faces as his sight adjusted. "It's them. Let's grab them and go."

The setting changes from Stratevaria Galaxy to Nekrim


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Megahertz
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0.00 INK

Mosa turned to Gelon, and gave a thankful smile and a vigorous nod as he allowed everyone into the shield. Still slugging Riley on his back, he swam into the shield with no trouble, huddling together with everyone else. The skies were completely dark, as if GEHENNA's influence had tainted the entire moon itself. The beach, warm and sunny just half an hour ago, was now a place of coldness and gloom. Even the enormous Mosa, radiating a considerable amount of body heat, shivered from the cold waters washing over him. Mosa looked up as Byatis landed on a nearby debris, grinning and baring all his massive teeth, silently appreciating the humor even in these dark moments.

Mosa lost his smile, glancing to his back, as Riley trembled. Oblivious to the source of her woes, Mosa patted her gently with his oversized hands, his snout forming a near-perfect upside down-'U' as he frowned. "There, there. Riley safe with us here. Right?". Mosa turned and looked at the others. It was as Gelon said. Like it or not, they were stuck together now.

Just then, he noticed Cubey finally, if barely, speaking, before crying. He pondered briefly whether or not to tell him the truth. But he quickly realized, that child or no, like him, Cubey was a beastman. And if nothing else, a beastman is strong. Durable. Both in body and mind. He would get over it. Lying to him would only make things worse in the long run. Still, Mosa spoke with a low, respectful voice. "Sorry, Cubey...Mo- I...saw Lekan and Quin die. Quin fell into the waters, and Lekan was dogpiled by fruit carts...."

Megahertz stirred on Kyra's arms. Her tentacles' glows were fading. It was unlikely she would survive the night without proper medical attention. Her skin, previously already pale thanks to being a corpse, was now as white as snow.

Inside the metal dome, Mosa's nostrills flared, and his eyes darted left and right, as he heard machinery outside. "Do you guys hear that? Sounds like...Federation engines...."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Megahertz
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0.00 INK

Gelon picked cubey up and calm him down the best he could by rocking him gently then put him on the ground as he calmed down "go find a spot to sit down" he said and went over to Megahertz "he hertz can you talk?, I know you are in bad shape but I can keep you going for a while but you will be weak and in a bit of pain" Gelon said and grab his only intact syringe he had on him "I can give you a small shot of nanobots but the other wounded need it as well" he explained and look to graves and his three man "same counts for your guys boss, I can give him a little" gelon said to them as he hid his own counter saying he has less then 50 minutes until he is too late to take the shot himself


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Megahertz
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0.00 INK

Riley continued to dig her fingers in Mosa, clinging to him, absolutely shaking. Oh god oh god oh god, she's gonna kill me, she thought to herself. Ophelia was the LAST person she'd ever want to trapped in a room with....again. She spoke weakly to Mosa. "We're not safe....I'm not safe..." Riley couldn't finish saying what she meant due being so cold from being drenched in water. She just closed her eyes, as if it made much of a difference.

Ophelia just stared at Riley. She was right there. So close. But, she knew she couldn't do anything about it right now. Surely the others would intervene if she did. Ophelia didn't know what to feel, everything was happening way too fast for her to comprehend and work things out. She just wanted to shut down. Suddenly she spotted Mosa comforting Riley! How could he? Did he know what she's really like? A look of betrayal escaped her expressionless face for a moment, then she looked away.

Byatis laid down on his back and curled his limbs in so the others could have a bit more room. So many people survived an attack from GEHENNA! He was actually a bit impressed, knowing what GEHENNA was capable of. He smiled as he looked around at everyone, just listening in to the various conversation. "Ooohh! I hear engines too! Hahaha! Maybe thats a giant engine coming to crush us all and give us sweet sweet death~" He was joking of course. He the turned over to Gelon and Megahertz. "EWW you want them to share a needle? Gross."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Megahertz
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0.00 INK

Gelon turned to Byatis wanting to punch the......thing's glowing face for making those two remarks "very funny glowface but this isn't the time for jokes like that, and yes they have too and I know how to sterilize it, and you hear engines? Ophelia if you could be so kind to remove the dome then" Gelon told Byatis and ask Ophelia then activated the bubble shield again, if there was a ship they were saved

The setting changes from Nekrim to Stratevaria Galaxy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Megahertz
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0.00 INK

Cubey's heart sank as he heard the fellow's beastman's words, obviously stricken with more grief that he had lost more friends already, wailing in sorrow of the cruel and sudden departure of life form so many.
"Poor Lekan, Poor Quin." Cubey managed to sob, looking over at Mosa with his lip quivering before yet again bursting into a fountain of bitter and miserable tears, wailing in between gasps for air. It certainly wasn't going to stop easily.

He seemed to lessen a little as Gelon suddenly picked him up and rocked him, leaving Cubey more baffled than comforted, staring at the man in puzzlement as he told him to go sit somewhere, a feat easier said than done inside a bubble shield cramped with a number of survivors. Deciding against replying, yet still grateful for the kind gesture, Cubey sniffed a few times and gave a few futile attempts of holding down his sobbing before seeing Gelon offer an injection of something for the tentacle hair lady, who definitely wasn't looking well at all. The odd cubic giraffe man-child din't really understand a word of what Gelon said, but it sounded a bit like he was offering medicine to people, which was always a good thing for the sick and hurt people.

Cubey also noticed the nasty gaze the scary lady was giving the pink haired lady, apparently called Riley, who in turn seemed terrified of her. Maybe it was because she farted. No, couldn't be, Cubey would of been able to smell it easy in this tight a space. His focus shifted once again, this time to Mosa and the strange smiling creature commenting about the sound of engines, with something about needles being said and Gelon being annoyed but asked for the metal casing to be removed.

"I hear engines too! They seem close. Well maybe. But I definitely hear them! Maybe they're survivors too! Maybe pirate person and robot man and robot lady and Tep and other people made it! Maybe that's who's in the ship! They're all okay and were gonna be safe and sound, and we'll blast away from this place, and then we'll blast GEHENNA to piece with our super ultra mega beam cannon we have on the ship, and be heroes and live happily ever after!", Cubey babbled hysterically with a fix of feverish hope and denial of what was contrary and obvious, making himself float around what little space he had in the bubble, seeming to flip about uncontrollably as he talked.

"Yes, yes, quick Ophelia, however you are! Make the metal go bye bye then we'll be okay and see all our friends again and make everything better! All sunshine and smiles and everything!" he chattered excitedly delirious with false hope. His eyes kept flitting back to Byatis however, seeming wary of him, most likely due to his bizarre scent that made Cubey feel dizzy when he tried to sense it too much, as well as the very reasonable wariness of the nearby Jeremy.

The setting changes from Stratevaria Galaxy to Nekrim


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Megahertz
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0.00 INK

For a while, there was no response from Megahertz. She laid there, still as a corpse. And then,

"Wait, WAIT no! Nobody's going to stab me with any needle!", a high-pitched, almost-helium like voice came from Megahertz's head. That was very much hers, only very very squeaky. One thing was, her mouth was not moving at all when she spoke....

Her lips quivered, and then parted, as three wriggling, glowing blue tentacles emerged, balancing themselves on Megahertz's pale face. Following those tentacles was a featureless, oval body, shining an ethereal blue, just like the tentacles. Shaking itself to get rid off spit and brain fluid, it then hopped up, and floated towards Gelon's side. "Before you's me. The...real me....", Megahertz -or rather, Alphard- said, with that high pitched voice, and a tone of embarassment, obvious even with the lack of an emotive face. "I'm...I'm fine. Give the others your nanobots, Gelon...and yourself", she nodded, her voice lowered. "I just need to find another body soon..that one's a bust."

Mosa was puzzled by Riley's words. 'Not safe?' technically speaking they did have a very angry intergalactic asshole picking a fight with them, but for the moment....

....On the other hand, Mosa's nose noticed what his eyes did not. Ophelia. Looking at Riley. With what could only be described as an expression of sheer hatred. Mosa had seen many kinds of hatred. And the one on Ophelia's face was not a very nice kind. Her immediate looking away after glancing at him just confirmed it further. Mosa did not know what to say. And this was not the time to say anything. But Mosa's curiosity had been piqued, and he kept it in mind to investigate further later. Once they were all safe....


As Beatrice began her rant on Boris, the smile on his face faded, leaving behind only a far-reaching stare with his penetrating, icy blue eyes. He remained silent as she reprimanded him. Not that he would have an opportunity for a rebuttal anyways, when she cut him off. Boris scoffed and rested his cheek against his hand in his dark office. 'Kill GEHENNA', hmm? For all her harsh words for Gelon, the two were quite alike.

And that, for Boris, was a very amusing thought.

Outside his spade-shaped window, blinding thunder struck against the pitch black skies of nighttime Osenia. At the corner of his room, a glass cylinder stood upon a wooden table. Dark, vile energies hover inside it, constantly reshaping and unshaping itself in a demonstration of chaos; its center a purple, dark as black, and on its repeatedly changing rims, an electrifying red-violet color. Boris turned to the cylinder...

...And smiled.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Sentinel Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia
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0.00 INK

Listening as the survivors arranged themselves under the dome, Graves smiled weakly, unwilling to let the pain which the hit from Rdiely's mace had caused him show on his face. Despite the injection which Beatrice had strangely given him, blood still leaked slowly from his pelvic area, bones still shattered from the impact. Any form of movement ground the crushed pieces and as such he attempted to stay as still as possible. Upon Gelon's offer, he grinned a bit wider. "I would be much obliged, Gelon. Thank you for the offer." Upon saying that, he leaned back attempting to rest to recuperate his strength in some tiny form.

Ryze, Gerald, and Kyra continued to huddle around Graves, all rather quiet as the enormity of the situation continued to press down upon them. Hearing the sound of engines, Kyra stood and walked over to the edge of the protective dome under which they resided. Placing her hand against the covering, she sighed as well as an android could. "At least there's someone here to get us off of this hell hole."

On the section of the space ship that Beatrice had ejected, Sentinel continued towards a mechanical area, eventually arriving at a destination that suited his needs. Using the frail arms attached to his chest piece, he dragged himself onto a table which would have been used by normal people for repairing items. Grabbing several of the tools resting up there, he rolled off the edge, falling heavily onto the metal floor of the ship.

Dragging his cargo and himself towards pieces of scrap, he arrayed the various tools next to him. Inspecting the metal carefully, he tilted his head before grabbing a plasma torch. Activating the tip, he began the process of repairing his body.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Megahertz
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0.00 INK

Ophelia, without looking at the group, obliged and a metal strip ripped from the roof of the dome so the group could see what ship was flying nearby. She was still unsure how to feel right now.

Byatis just giggled to himself in response to Gelon. But he noticed the geometric beastman, who had been crying almost nonstop, was looking at him. Out of the colourful cast in the dome, Byatis was in fact the largest and probably the creepiest looking, so he couldn't blame him. So Byatis just stared at Cubey back with his unnerving smile. Though he noticed the Ishkavi in the corner of his eye. "HAH! I'm not the only weirdo here! But thanks anyway for just dumping your corpse in this dome! I wonder how much longer before it stinks!"

"Kind of like you already do?" a quiet voice said. Byatis scoffed, looking around at who said that. Finally shifting his gaze to Ophelia. "Oh! She DOES have a sense of humour!" He jested.

The setting changes from Nekrim to Stratevaria Galaxy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Megahertz
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0.00 INK

(OOC: Sorry for late reply, check OOC section for explanation)

The Federation ship lowered itself down to the stranded crew, the wide side hatch began to slowly open. A sturdy metal ramp unfolding from some compartment snaked it's way to the survivors, locking into place with a hiss of stead. From the ramp above stood Colt and Preston, waving the crew onto the ship.

The setting changes from Stratevaria Galaxy to Nekrim


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Megahertz
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0.00 INK

Daniel watch Alphard and smile to her then frown at byatis comment "really glow face? Really?" Gelon asked clearly not amused by his sense of humor. Gelon watched graves and nodded "this is gonna hurt a lot for you since the nanobots are gonna fix you" he said and inject graves with some of the nanobots "megahertz I can't take the shot anymore cause the the timer I have is only programmed for full syringes, so if I do I won't know how long I have" gelon told while a cylinder pops out of his arm "now I know how fragile your kind is so that is where this cylinder is for, it's not roomy but it will keep you safe from harm" he said then notice the light shining in from the removed metal "that is a ship alright we are saved"

(sorry for latness but was planing to post this 9 hours ago but I fell asleep)

The setting changes from Nekrim to Stratevaria Galaxy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Megahertz
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0.00 INK

"Kept you waiting, huh?" Remarked Preston as he waved back at Mosa. "Glad to see friendly faces again."

Colt stood back, letting the crew onto the ship. He hopped onto Mosa's shoulders as he passed by. "Good to see you too, you blue bastard."

As the ramp slowly retracted, Colt made his way to the cockpit, taking a seat next to James. "Let's get the fuck out of here. Take us home.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Megahertz
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0.00 INK

Gelon let megahertz in and walk to the cockpit after colt "no we can't get out of here just yet" he said to James and colt then pointed to the still functional part of the ship that was suppose to bring them to their destination "there might be more survivors in there, how do I know? Well not everyone can fly half a ship back into orbit" he said and detached the cylinder megahertz was in "are you doing alright?" He asked her

The setting changes from Stratevaria Galaxy to Nekrim


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia
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0.00 INK

Keeton zooms through the terrain weaving through scattered pieces of debris. Behind him are 3 different hover cycles, all following the ruffian towards the federation ship.

Keeton takes out a power knife, and a laser pistol. his face is covered by a black bandanna with a skull's mouth imprinted onto it. One of the men prepares an explosive device and plants it on the door, the other three get ready to siege the ship. The door blows open as Keeton and his men take advantage of the shock to quickly infiltrate the cabin and aim down their sights towards the group.

"GUNS DOWN!" The pirate yells. The small green creature Cubey, the man next to him Gelon, and the pink haired Illeyrian Riley. "Well isn't this one big happy reunion." Keeton pulls off the bandana and goggles he was wearing. The group now able to recognize him, defiantly could notice some differences to the kid.

His left arm was missing in its place was a poorly designed mechanical prosthetic. Multiple scars ran across the Pirate's face, and the optimism and wonder that the pirate had once held in his expression had vanished. A tattoo of a dragon crawled up his neck and arched around to his right shoulder blade. However the thing that most stood out was possibly the eyepatch that replaced his mechanical eye. Tainted with a white Jolly Roger.

"I assume everyone I don't see is dead, so lets get to the point shall we. What the fuck just happened?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Megahertz
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0.00 INK

It seems a break from insanity was nigh impossible. Just as Riley had finally began to calm down, sitting on her lonesome, an explosion ruptured the back door of the ship. She jump in her seat, instinctively grabbing the arm of whoever was next to her, in this case it was Ophelia. But with the lack of eyesight, she had no idea it was her. This had caught Ophelia completely off guard. This woman trusted her of all people for protection? After what Riley had done? Did she have a clue? That...wasn't right. Ophelia looked at the intruder with a scowl, ready to absolutely tear him limb from limb. I would've been easy too. Just as she was about to take full control of his poorly made metal arm, he spoke. And she kept quiet, not wanting to move as Riley hugged her arm.

Byatis, obviously getting curious from the explosion and the yelling, walked into the room and stood behind K2. Byatis shoved his head in K2's face from behind and smiled. "K2! My my you've changed in I last saw you! Hahaha, is this a phase?" He cheered as he slowly rested his chin on top of K2's head and hugged him genuinely. "Well anyway, GEHENNA's getting impatient so he slammed a planet at us like a biiiiiitch." He said so matter-of-factly.

The setting changes from Nekrim to Stratevaria Galaxy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Teyo
The blast barely startled James, as his time in the previous war he fought in toughened him. At the sight of the hijackers before him boarding his ship, he quickly reached for his rifle slung across his back and aimed it at Keeton, his visor shielding his vision from the blinding blast.

"It looks like we've been penetrated by a bunch of seamen." James called out with a slight laugh. He knew the difference between a pirate and a sailor, but it was too good to pass up the innuendo. But that quickly was replaced with a more serious tone. "If you think I'm letting a washed-up pirate with a gimpy prosthetic take my ship, then you're sadly mistaken. I've fought AND killed much worse than you. The only way you're getting out of here alive, and that's not even a promise, is if YOU drop YOUR weapons and surrender." He placed his finger on the trigger, but didn't fire. "And the only way you're getting MY ship, is when I'm dead. And I'm sure as fuck I'll still be alive and standing when this is over. The question of the day is WILL YOU?"

The setting changes from Stratevaria Galaxy to Nekrim


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia
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While he sat uneasily from Byatis staring back at him, Cubey metaphorically jumped, being startled at the sudden squeakier voice of the tentacle hair lady, who he just managed to see why she smelled so differently from a human, as she revealed her odd shining, tentacled, featureless true form, which despite her reassurance there was no need to panic, Cubey began to panic nonetheless, with some hyperventilating to fit. The cubic beastman left it at that however, deciding to avoid saying anything to offend the tentacle lady person, in case the replacement body in question, would suddenly decided to be him.
He also noticed that Mosa was curious about Riley and Ophelia's odd gazes at each-other, where the smaller beastman began to wonder if he should that the larger reptilian one for telling the truth about what happened to his acquaintances.

His attention was snatched away however, at hearing the man apparently called Graves, accepted the needle from Gelon, the man who was earlier trying to kill him for killing his own friend. A fact that left Cubey utterly bewildered on why a good guy would help a bad guy, especially since they had so much hate for each other a few moments ago. Then again, anything could of been put on hold for what just happened to them. And that bad guy in question was pretty badly injured, it was clear to even Cubey's eyes, backed up all the more by the concern on his trio of friends that joined in the bubble, one robotic lady voicing her relief of the ships arrival. Even though he feared Graves, Cubey could feel a little concerned if he was going to pull through, especially since he wasn't too fond on the idea of being trapped in a bubble with a corpse. Well, technically two if you counted Megahertz's recently vacated other body.

Cubey was then startled a little at the sudden removal of a strip of metal that was around their odd little metal dome, being able to the ship outside to which he couldn't help but grin at the sight of.
"They are here to help us! Yaaaaayyyy! We're saved! We're all okay! We're gonna all be okay!", the green beastman kept chanting and babbling as he stared round at the others, though tried his best to avoid Byatis' and Graves' gazes. His own eyes focused on the sudden opening of the hatch in the ship above them however, where a white furred, rodent beastman and a human in some armored military gear emerge from it.
He was about to pint them out to Gelon, but he saw he was busy injecting Graves with that needle of his, as well as oddly offering a tube that popped out of his arm for Megahertz to sit around in for a while, who gratefully accepted it. Cubey decided he didn't need to let him know as he saw the ship too, and there was no mistaking that Mosa saw them, obviously pleased to see them, seeming even more ecstatic than Cubey was, and also seeming to recognize them.

Behind the two strangers, another emerged, this time a blocky, cyan coloured, visor faced synthetic, with hissing joint and bright lights from random parts of his body, casually making his way down the ramp, nodding towards Mosa, who nodded back in turn. Looks like they knew each-other as well.
The cyan synthetic then urged the survivors to clamber aboard, which Cubey didn't need much convincing of, as he quickly floated himself over to the ship, before shouting down at the rest; "Come one everyone, all aboard! I bet it's safe on here, the big crocodile man is friends with them so their not bad guys! Probably!", before landing shakily into the ship, watching the rest in relief of them wandering inside of the ship too, having his antennas sniff the place out to check none of the survivors got left behind, where he discovered there was another human aboard the ship, most likely the one piloting it.

As the ramp closed up behind them, Cubey couldn't help but nod in agreement to Preston's words, adding; "Home sounds lovely now.", before hearing Gelon speak up, demanding to explore the still functioning remaining wrecked piece of the ship they arrived in, before reluctantly agreeing with; "He's right, we need to check if there's still people here. We just have to. No one gets left behind.", he murmured at the pilot and co pilot nervously, before seeing Gelon check on Megahertz in the arm tube thing. It kinda made Cubey feel weird having seen her turn into something else entirely. Then the pilot himself got out of his seat, giving Cubey a mini heart attack before he realized the ship was flying by itself. Thank goodness for technology. James then asked what the hell happened on Nekrim, to which Cubey could only look down at his feet solemnly, half not wanting to talk about it, and half not having as much as the others to say thanks to passing out earlier, his eyes with a thousand yard stare and a heavy frown forming on his face as his lip began to quiver again.

Before he could say anything or begin sobbing again, there was sudden explosion at the ships entrance, which left Cubey to scream and run behind some survivors as Megahertz began panicking, peering past the fellow recently rescued folks fearfully to be met with the sight of four pirates storming in, demanding fire arms to be placed down now, before their leader wearing a bandanna and goggles moved them away to reveal he was in fact, Keeton, much to Cubeys and everyone else's surprise. He certainly didn't look the same, with his left arm and mechanical eye now replaced, as well as new tattoo on his neck, leaving Cubey to stare at him wide eyed in utter befuddlement as he too asked what happened. The green beastman couldn't fathom on how on earth Keeton managed to change so quickly after he last saw him. He looked towards Riley for help and heard Meghertz's confusion, but was then distracted by Byatis suddenly running over to him and hugging the fellow and explaining GEHENNA's attack.
James certainly wasn't happy about what had just happened, obviously furious at the pirates for invading his ship, demanding that they should lower their weapons, aiming a rifle of his own at Keeton. Mosa definitely shared his anger, as he took a gatling gun out of the ceiling causing extra utter befuddlement to Cubey at what was going on, continuing to stand dumbfounded at Mosa's speech, deciding against opening his mouth at the moment. He felt touched however that Mosa called them all his friend, well, apart from implying they would be food otherwise. Gelon then told Mosa to calm down, only for him to shout at Keeton himself, leaving Cubey even more puzzled. He was weird sometimes. He also seemed to be worried on what they could use to fix the door.

"Ummmm Gelon, we could got to the ship over there, ummm well part of it anyways. They might not want a door or two. I don't know though. Plus we should got look for people to see if there's anyone still alive and help them. Maybe Tep and that robot lady in Ozma's house are still alive! I don't think so though.", Cubey babbled nervously, his eyes having the habit of keep shifting to Graves and his henchmen, as well as Byatis, and back Keeton and his cronies.
"Please no more killing. Too much killing today. No more now. Killing gone bye bye for today.", the mutant man-child added on weakly, seeming to have little hope in the matter being even listened to as he went back to flicking his eyes about.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia
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Keeton didnt move a muscle when Byatis embraced him, still aiming down the sights right at Jame's head. The real question was how had he not died already. The Illeyrian with the fucked up mutated arm she controlled metal, his gun, bullets, and even his new arm was made of such substance.

Keeton decided he liked some of the people on the ship Riley in particular, so he decided to spare them the gunfight. He whistled to his mates, and all four of the pirates lowered their weapons. He fastened the skull bandana on his head once again, as he listened to James drone on about some bullshit about him being able to kill the four. The only reply that Keeton mustered throughout the entire thing was a muffled chuckle when James mentioned something about killing worst then him.

"I think you should be glad that I lowered my weapons, I'll be damned if you think I am going to surrender them to the likes of you." Keeton said with an unrevealed smirk on his face.

The three men behind Keeton raise their pistols quickly as Mosa pulls out a mini gun. "OI! I said no guns!" Keeton shouts to his men. Carefully each one lowers their weapon with all three of them in proximity of the trigger. Mosa approaches Keeton towering above him. "Listen lizard breath I am not your friend, nor do I want to be your friend. However I would say I have "friends" in the same ship we are all standing in. Three of which just attempted to kill you if it was not for me."

The whole fuck you pirate act was getting old, especially when it came a third time from Gelon. At this point Keeton was thinking about killing all of them, but Cubey, who started to burst out whining that too many had died today. Keeton looked around the room one last time. Faces of the strong, the survivors, and Cubey. Keeton took a deep breath and laid his finger on the trigger he had made his decision.

"Holy shit, you made a huge fucking mess didn't you." Beatrice springs into action with her plasma blades killing all three of the pirates. Keeton turns around just in time to see Beatrice holding her signature hand cannon to his head. He quickly drops both of his weapons. Beatrice rips the bandana from off his face. "My my Keeton, you have changed quite a bit since we last saw each other." Looking into Beatrice's soulless eyes, Keeton spits in her face. "Bitch that is not my na-" Beatrice hits him with the end of her pistol and sends him straight to the floor.

"I don't believe you all have had the honor of meeting me formally, I am Beatrice Schwartz, and you all are what is left to kill GEHENNA. On behalf of Drakov industries I thank you for not dying."

The setting changes from Nekrim to Stratevaria Galaxy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Mosa Belkan Character Portrait: Colt
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#, as written by Teyo
James drowned out Keeton's rabble and and shook his head smiling as he watched Beatrice kill what was supposed to be Keeton's group and sent him to the floor in a flash. Lightly lowering his gun, he looked around at everyone and then at Beatrice. "You're welcome?" He then looked at the hole in his ship and shrugged his shoulders slightly. "So now that's over with, how about we fix my ship and get on with actually killing Gehenna? We've wasted enough time already dealing with Mr. Blackbeard and his dead crew and I'd rather not have Gehenna come back and kill us all in here."

The setting changes from Stratevaria Galaxy to Nekrim


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia Character Portrait: Megahertz
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Mosa didn't move a muscle as K2's friends pointed their weapons at him, though he gave out a deep snarl when K2 flat out refused his offer for peace. Despite this, he didn't do anything, glancing at Cubey's direction instead, and slowly calming down. The manchild softened Mosa back greatly, and he stepped back from K2. Just then, Beatrice arrived and figuratively dropped a bridge on all of K2's friends. Mosa blinked twice at how quickly it occurred. His head followed as Beatrice cannon-whipped K2 and ruined his dramatic entrance. Finding it oddly and darkly funny in a way, Mosa decided to snark a bit. "..Guess you run out of friends now."

Mosa then looked at Beatrice as she introduced herself formally. Mosa placed his hands on his hips, and nodded. "Mosa's name is Mosa! Pleased to meet you. Don't mind the whole on the ship."

Megahertz stared at Gelon inside her tank with concern. Feeling bad, she took a while to formulate a response. "...Ummm...Gelon, I am so sorry, but..I am all....tentacles...right now.", she raised two of her tentacles, each of them less than 0.1 centimeters wide. "I don't know how much good I would do..."

Mosa turned and gave a thumbs up to James, grinning and baring his oversized teeth. "Mosa can't agree more. Megido is a long way." He stared at Beatrice, and tilted his head. "..Maybe you can help out? We need to fix hole blackbeard just made...."

They would have to find a way to shield the ship against Megido's deadly atmosphere, as well. The Realta Nua was installed with state of the art technology for that purpose....but most of it was already underwater.

Mosa spun and walked over to a terminal on the wall, stuffing his oversized gatling gun back to its hidden compartment in the ceiling along the way, before pressing some buttons. "We gonna need extra hands patching everything up and getting ship ready to go too! Who here can and be willing to help?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia
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Ophelia kept on her annoyed sneer as more things just happened all at once. Suddenly that Beatrice woman came out of nowhere. She had a habit of doing that. Ophelia took note. She scoffed under her breath and stood up. "One moment." She said through her teeth and headed towards the hull breach, unflinching, not looking at anyone directly. Riley let go of her arm once she realized who she had clung to. She sat in silence. Only two things in her mind. One, surprised Ophelia hasn't done anything to her yet, and two, disappointed in K2. She remembered him telling her he was a pirate but she still thought he was a nice guy. Not anymore apparently. Upon hearing Beatrice's voice, she tensed up again. Just the sound of her cocky attitude made Riley uneasy, so she kept to herself.

Ophelia, now standing in front of the hull breach held out her untainted arm and the metal around the breach twisted and warped until it was once again, sealed off. It was thinner than the rest of the hull but it would have to do for now. Quietly she walked off on her own somewhere into the ship.

Byatis was cackling at how K2 went down so fast after his swashbuckling entrance. He was practically rolling on the floor. "Ahahhaha! Sucks for him!" Byatis playfully sat up like a dog and listened in on everyone's conversations.

The setting changes from Nekrim to Stratevaria Galaxy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia
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Beatrice scours the ship for something to bind Keeton's hands. She ties the pirate up while he is still unconscious and kicks him in the stomach to wake him up. "Keeton, get up. It seems you have lost track of reality. These men would have killed you for what you were about to do. I don't fucking care what happened in the month that you were in prison. Jesus fucking christ look at your arm! It looks like even the Federation will do anything to get their hands on captain sullivan's treasure."

Keeton is kicked awake by the demon bitch herself Beatrice. Her words as insulting as they were, pretty accurate. Keeton had definatly changed from his visit. His second day there the guards payed off a group of guys to start a fight. It only got better after he was taken into solitary confinement and tortured, eventually they had to amputate the arm because it was rotting from all the drugs they had injected into him. The progression of the dead planet falling was a slow process. The inmates used this to their advantage. By this time Keeton was released from solitary confinement, and formed an alliance with all of the opposing gangs. Keeton was the front man for the revolt, and when it came down to it he killed everyone but his own men.

He starts to gasp for air looking around the room blurry eyed. Keeton locks eyes with Riley, dissapointment is all he can see.

He had only survived on the thoughts of his friends Byatis, Clockwork, megahertz, sentinel, Riley and Ciril. The more time he spent in that hell the less he strived to remember the ones closest to him. Eventually Keeton had given up all hope that he would see any of them again.

A tear ran down his face as he looked at Riley. He felt ashamed, for once in his life Keeton hated who he was and what he now stood for. However the realization changed nothing, his optimism and joy had been replaced with malice and revenge. Keeton was a brand new man, but one thing was still the same, the pink haired Illeyrian still made his heart skip a beat.

"I have a drive that will get us to Medigo I can take half of you on what's left of the NUA, not you." Beatrice says pointing to both Graves and Keeton. "Those brats are your problem James. I'll be back with the components to upgrade this excuse for a vessel, hold tight till then." Beatrice exits the ship as Opehlia seals the hole behind her.

"Byatis, did clockwork did he Uh..." Keeton swallows the lump in his throat trying to hold back his emotions. "Never mind, I think I already know the answer. Its Uh good to see you again."

The setting changes from Stratevaria Galaxy to Nekrim


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia
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After a few tense seconds, Cubey sighed in relief as Keeton whistled for his companions to lower their weapons, seeming relax himself at least a small change in the criminals that were boarding them, but the even more cybernetically enhanced pirate still didn't speak any more friendly to James, as he tied on his head band. Much to to Cubey's disappointment and worry, there was more hostility as the three goons raised there weapons at Mosa and his chaingun, while Keeton had some more harsh words in store, Mosa snarling in turn, but seemed to back off a bit after Cubey's rant.

Before thing could go even further, no doubt with plenty of laser fire involved, Beatrice suddenly leaped aboard and almost instantly slayed the three underlings of Keeton as soon as she appeared with her plasma blades, causing Cubey to scream as she aimed her hand cannon at Keetons head, who after they both had a less than polite exchange of words, was struck to the floor. Beatrice then gave a short introduction to the survivors, as well as announcing they were the ones chosen to take down GEHENNA. Once again with the familiar feeling of being dumbstruck, Cubey looked for Gelon for help, but it seemed he left the room shortly after Beatrice killed the three pirates, which probably also meant Megahertz did too, due to being stuck in a tube on his arm.

He saw James was just as puzzled as he was, but recovered quickly as he asked if anyone could fix the hole in his ship and seemed to be readily on-board with the idea of eliminating GEHENNA, as Mosa mocked Keeton's allies' sudden death to their boss. The colossal reptile beastman joined in the conversation between the Drakov industries representative and the ship's captain, introducing himself loudly and cheerfully to Beatrice, before agreeing on fixing the hole quickly asking if anyone wanted to lend a hand as he returned his gatling gun in it's place, while Byatis laughed at the deceased comrades of Keeton.

Beatrice suddenly then tied Keetons hands before kicking him in the stomach, which made Cubey wince, before throwing some more harsh words at him, where Cubey just realized something didn't add up.
Did she just say that the pirate was in prison for a month? But it hadn't even really been a day since he was taken away by the federation, and somehow he changed into this much meaner and more cybernetic version of himself. Beatrice also said something about treasure and the federation being the ones who hurt him, which made Cubey all the more confused, since the federation were supposed to be good guys right? What had happened to that pirate and where was he? Cubey could only wonder as he saw Keeton stare over at Riley miserably as a single tear fell down his face. His train of thought came to a halt as Beatrice announced she had some kind of drive thingy for James to use on his ship, and that she would fly most of the survivors aboard what was still left an functioning of the Realta Nua, though not without insisting that Graves and Keeton travel in James' ship, and announcing she was going to start on some upgrades for said ship.

A sudden wash of feeling left out suddenly came over Cubey, deciding to give his own voice to the situation.
"I'll help with the fixing! I just don't know anything about repairing ships or large holes in things or repairing anything at all! But I can make things float and stuff!", Cubey cried out suddenly with some amount of cheer, though still looked rather miserably and fearfully at the corpses of Keeton's fallen companions. He then watched as Ophellia walked over to the often mentioned elephant in the room, or hole in the room to be more accurate with confusion as he looked over to Riley, who seemed just as befuddled and uneasy as he was, though it seemed not just at Ophellia. His confusion switched to amazement as Ophelia suddenly crumpled the ships metal to seal of the hole entirely, that Beatrice quickly leaped out of just before it closed.
"Never-mind, the scary lady mixed it!", Cubey shouted out, before clapping and adding; "Good work Ophellia! You have cool powers!"

Cubey's attention to spectacle was diverted when he saw Keeton ask about someone called Clockwork, undoubtedly another victim in the terrible catastrophe brought on by GEHENNA, unless he was one of the survivors aboard Beatrice's ship, if there was any. Cubey really hoped so, and some hope would be nice right now. He tottered over to Rilely for a second with that though still in his mind before asking quietly. "Ummmm Rilely right? Do you have a pen I can borrow? Pretty please?", before looking at his feet nervously and reaching in his pocket for the fruit carton that Deunan signed.

The setting changes from Nekrim to Stratevaria Galaxy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia
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(Sorry guys, I'm going to fast-track some scenes so we can get to the climax, since we've lingered on this scene for far too long. Feel free to add scenes of character development though, we have yet to pass the point of no return.)

Megahertz sighed with relief as she watched Gelon inject himself with the nanobots, just in time, apparently. "Well, I'm glad to hear that.", she said uncertainly, wondering if Gelon would even survive the final battle with that body of his. She pondered for a while, then slowly spoke, "....You..mentioned giving me control over your robot arm. Um. I feel bad about asking this since I couldn't help you just now, but...." She looked around in her tube, noticing the abundance of scrap metal around them. "...Can you, like, help me build a new body?" She never really tried a mechanical body before, but after witnessing GEHENNA's attack, and all the bodies left didn't feel right. Most Ishkavi did not really care for such a thing, but most Ishkavi aren't members of a ragtag bunch of misfits trying to take down an intergalactic warlord. Most Ishkavi stayed at their ivory towers, doing whatever it is they do to keep Nebulon up and running, keeping the lights on in the city that never sleeps.

Mosa quietly watched as Ophelia fixed the hole on the ship, smiling with approval. They would still have to reinforce that wall, especially considering where they were going, but all in good time. When Beatrice came with the Black Drive to help them get to Megido, Mosa proceeded to use it to replace their old hyperdrive. Bolts unscrewed, metal platings detached, engines reassembled. A few hours soon passed, and they were now ready to head to Megido.

Nekrim. Once a paradise for family and friends, now a graveyard for the lost and the damned. The skies were dark, gray, and rainy as the Iron Shadow departed the planet, their engines burning a determined azure. Mosa took a deeo breath in the cockpit, and he punched the button for hyperdrive, allowing the Iron Shadow to blaze the trail through the stars. With the speed of light, they will fight this evil. Some for a better tomorrow. Some to search a purpose in their lives. Some because they simply wanted to. Others, for a simple, basic, yet classical motivation:

To Avenge.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia
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In the blink of an eye, The Iron Shadow, and what's left of the Realta Nua, traveled through the space between spaces, and reached the edge of the Stratevarian rim. Megido was still far away, yet close enough that they could feel something simply....wrong in the air. Whispers in the darkest corners of space, whispers of regrets, losses, defeat. There is darkness in this part of the galaxy. Darkness older than Stratevaria itself, darkness lingering on the borders between worlds.

In the cockpit, Mosa leaned back on his seat, and took a deep breath. He glanced at the ceiling, and pressed the public announcement button.

"Good morning, comrades of the Iron Shadow. This is Mosa speaking, we will be a few hours. If there's anything any of you want to say to each other....say it now. There may not be time later." Even Mosa, usually of high spirits and energy, slowly filled with uncertainty, as they approached Megido more and more. The end is nigh. But whose end - GEHENNA's...or theirs?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Byatis Character Portrait: Jeremy Graves Character Portrait: Gelon Deskovitch Character Portrait: K2 the space the not so infamous space pirate Character Portrait: 'Super Duper' Cubey Character Portrait: Ophelia
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Megahertz looked on, pressing her jellyfish-like body to the glass with excitement. "Wow!! Gelon, that's amazing! You made that yourself?"

Suddenly, they hear a loud, rambling sound, rapidly approaching....

"Wait....did you hear that....?"

A bright light flashed outside the ship, red as blood and bright as sun. Mosa shielded his eyes instinctively at the cockpit, yelling out in pain and shock. "NO!!!!!"

A sudden crash. A lightning-fast crush. A massive, hundred-meter long, techno-organic sword struck the ship, running through Mosa with its first hit and tearing the massive beastman apart in less than a second. The sword sliced through the Iron Shadow mercilessly, exposing its crew to the cold, dead, vacuum of space. Alarms blare. Oxygen supplies break. the Iron Shadow split in half, with both pieces drifting apart from each other. Megahertz's tank broke. She clung on to life, but in just 13 seconds, she choked to death and withered.

The sheer impact of the tyrant sword left most of the crew to black out for a brief moment. When they recovered, those who did not die instantly from oxygen deprivation, could look up...and see the Stratevarian sun, shining dimly far, far away. It seemed so far, now....

.......The stars seem to dim with every second. And then they spun, revealing themselves not to be stars, but in fact swords - hundreds of thousands of purple swords, hovering in the air. Each of them smaller versions of the tyrant sword which ravaged the Iron Shadow. Each of them aimed towards every surviving member of the crew on board.

And then, they could hear it...a soft, contemptous voice. Reverberating inside their minds. GEHENNA's.

"Face your ends with dignity."

The millions of swords above them spun, and descended.

Soon, another star was extinguished in the limitless skies. GEHENNA had won once again.


(Hey guys. I decided, that I'm not going to wait any more. You've been good players, especially for the first and second chapters, and I thank you for that. But in hindsight, I realized that I planned this RP poorly. I would rather end on a much happier note, but I've grown sick of this RP. And I'm almost sure most of you are. If not sick, at least aloof and apathetic. I don't want this to be a burden. Not to you, not to me. So if you don't mind, I'm going to torch this franchise and run.)