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Daniel Noire

" If i told you, you wouldnt believe me"

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a character in “Battling your monsters”, as played by KazutoK


Character Skeleton:

Name: Daniel Noire

Age: 17

Appearance: He is short for his age appearing 15 years old at most, he has short spiky black hair and tan skin, he is muscular but slim.

Species: He comes from a long forgotten line of werewolves

Personality: He is calm cool and collected, or at least he was before the changed, as he discovered he was a werewolf his emotions began to go crazy specially his anger which caused him to become more reclusive afraid he might snap at someone he loved. He is in more control but now and then he might loose control and transform. He has a kind personality and will help and do anything for people he believes deserve kindness, he likes to do what's right and detest those who like to cause chaos for the sake of chaos.

Abilities: He has advance healing able to shake off injuries that would kill a normal human, he has the ability to transform into two forms human/wolf form in which he gets enhanced strength and speed as well as sense but retains his intelligence limiting his power, however the other form the wolf form greatly enhances every aspect of him but he becomes feral and only lives for the hunt.

Skills: He is great at parkour, he also has learn and master his human/wolf form to the point to needing little changes to his body to use the full strength of it, he is also an expert in the occult as he searches for a way to rid himself of his power.

History: His grandfather was the last of his family to show the mark of the wolf he thought he had rid of it, but he was wrong the blood was dormant looking for the more suitable host to reappear. As his father didn't know nothing about the werewolf blood that coursed through his veins he wasn't aware of the changes Daniel was going through. He finally showed the mark at age 16 when his first transformation happen, he was so startled he ran through the woods and ended up two states away from home. He came back home but was afraid it might happen again so he decided to investigate about, to let off steam and stress he would transform at night, this helped learning how to control his power better, this however attracted the attention of a nearby pack, after they promise to show him how to control himself he would become the beta of the pack, now he runs with them at night patrolling the city and their territory.

Likes: He likes to read, he also like to be free and run, He loves to eat a lot as well, Doing right however is what he loves the most

Dislikes: He hates pointless violence, he hates his curse, he hates how much of a monster he could turn out to be.

Anything else : He had not experience "it" it being the strongest emotion a werewolf can feel love so unconditional that the wolf become tame a pup to this person, normally it happens between soul mates but i can happen between an abusive partner or the person who happens with could not even like the wolf.

FC: Andrew Garfield

So begins...

Daniel Noire's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crystal Mia Bloom Character Portrait: Raven Hawthorn Character Portrait: Shax Character Portrait: Daniel Noire Character Portrait: Shawldor the cursed Character Portrait: Sol Gris Lobo
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#, as written by KazutoK
Starter post:

Tonight you look at the sky and see the moon something beacons you to run outisde and not look back, the big three are on the move towards the neutral ground of the usa colorado they will be there for a short meeting or so they say but they arent going alone, they are bringing their guards to protect themselves this mean the people in colorado are going to suffer as vampires werewolves and witches come to its peaceful towns.

Alright your either coming to colorado or are already here please be specific while setting up your character for your story you may begin.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crystal Mia Bloom Character Portrait: Raven Hawthorn Character Portrait: Shax Character Portrait: Daniel Noire Character Portrait: Shawldor the cursed Character Portrait: Sol Gris Lobo
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Crystal was suddenly becconed outside for a reason she did not know, but instinct took over, it was a full moon, she knew of a meeting she had to go to, she took off towards the other mystical beasts, running faster than any mortal could.

(normally my posts are longer but I am exhasted)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daniel Noire
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#, as written by KazutoK
His pack was running through the night, he couldn't understand but something was wrong with Cameron today, he catch up to him and looked at him his thoughts asking what was happening. Cameron just said to follow, but something about this didn't sit right with Daniel he was a bit nervous. His fur stood on end as they ran through the woods to the spot Cameron had told them. He couldn't bear to just follow but he wasn't the alpha he was the beta and you didn't question your alpha, he sighted and looked back at the younger member of his pack Henry, whom was shaking he felt bad for the kid and moved back his step slowing so he could run along side him, Clara moved next to him as well both of them comforted the kid. As they arrived they noticed something was wrong there was at least 40 more packs around them, it was normal to run into packs from time to time it often end with a fight breaking out as they protected what they called their territory as they didn't hunt humans, Cameron believe himself some sort of protector. He watched the packs so many diverse nothing like his they were ancient some of them and some were young you could tell by the way they presented themselves. They all gathered around one wolf, he was different his fur was silver old, but he didn't seem weak instead in his presence you felt like kneeling and you wanted to just give your life for him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crystal Mia Bloom Character Portrait: Daniel Noire
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Crystal knew she was half way there, being slower on foot, she lunged and shed her human skin, hearing the god awful ripping sound as her skin went inside out, and replaced itself with pure black fur. As she landed on the ground, on all fours, she took off, feeling the wind rip through her fur, she really loved the feeling of the wind, closing her eyes as she sailed through the air, unaware of the wolf she was about to hit.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crystal Mia Bloom Character Portrait: Raven Hawthorn Character Portrait: Shax Character Portrait: Daniel Noire Character Portrait: Shawldor the cursed
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#, as written by KazutoK
He had hear the other packs approach but the shock of seeing so many distracted him it clouded his senses suddenly he was slammed by something hard, he was thrown out of formation and hit a tree snapping it in half, he caught himself and shook of the impact, was this an attack could they fight off all this packs, he growl and jump back to there the wolf had hit him and stopped his legs became stuck on the ground he stood on he looked at the wolf he could tell it was a female, his head twisted to the side curious normall his anger would of made him jump and attack , but this wolf was different, his trance was broken when his pack mates jump ahead and growled at her, he snorted and walked ahead telling them to stand down.

Lilith different part of the mountains:

Lilith watched as the wizard meditated, she approached her smile was sinister she seem to have plans for him, the other witches and warlocks arrived the forest was soon full of horrible laughs and ugly deform witches, "welcome to the gathering my children we are here because the other parasites wish to make a treaty or so they say, lies all lies but we cannot finish the parasites today as one of them is strong tonight, so we will use that to get rid of the blood sucking ones " she laugh and the witches cheered, she turn to the sixth witch council her generals for the attack plan.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crystal Mia Bloom Character Portrait: Daniel Noire
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When she made impact, it sent her flying backwards, landing on her back, quickly she righted herself and stood much taller than the average wolf, her two pack members stood behind her, as she heard the growling, she quickly stood in a defensive stance, her pack members stood, growling. Once they were ordered to stand down, she turned to face the wolf she had impacted, her members had calmed down afterwards and laid down. "I do apologize for that, I normally am not this klutzy" she stated as she sat down, leaving her tail standing up.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crystal Mia Bloom Character Portrait: Daniel Noire
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#, as written by KazutoK
" no blood no fault, but do be careful some of the other wolves here, wont be as understanding, " he said as he stretched and his bones crack he broken a rib or two but now they were already healing, he looked at her pack and his paws dug into the dirt, but before he could say anything elde wolf who was in the middle of all the packs spoke, he told them about the supposed treaty and how he thought it could be a trap and today we would move to strike, the elder packs agree saying they grown tired of sharing the territories , younger packs grew excited due to their lack of control over their feelings, daniel sighted fighting wasnt his favorite, thing to do and despite his bones and instincts telling him to do it, he muster enough strenght to calmly walk away from the packs, as they began to rough house in preparation for the fight tonight, once he was a little separate from the packs he sit down and began focusing, his bones and skin crunched as they morph becoming smaller there was alot of pain but he kept quiet his form now more human than wolf.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crystal Mia Bloom Character Portrait: Daniel Noire
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Not wanting to fight Crystal nodded to her pack mates and walked over to the wolf she had hit, "So, road block, what's your name?" she asked, smirking at her joke. "I do apologize for the ribs, I am a bit hard headed" she added with a giggle as she sat down, a few feet from him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crystal Mia Bloom Character Portrait: Daniel Noire
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#, as written by KazutoK
" road block work, but names is daniel" he said with a smile as he watched her and her pack mates, he touched his side and laugh" dont worry about it, is not the worse that has happen, im surprise i still got bones to break " he said as he laid his head back onto the tree" but about you wrecking ball you, got a name, and your pack you arent from here arent you?" He asked a bit curious there was packs from all over the world were gathering here, " did you got summon as well" he said a bit bitterly worse part of being a werewolf was the lack of controll over yourself your alpha made your choices, and the elde alpha did his it was almost like you were a puppet.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crystal Mia Bloom Character Portrait: Daniel Noire
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"That's a nice name" she said and laid down, relaxing a little, her ears swiveled back in-case she needed to get up. "Well wrecking ball is cute" she smirked. "But I go by Crystal, and actually we are from here, just outside those woods though" she added, curling her tail around her leg, when she suddenly got an itch, using her back leg to get it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crystal Mia Bloom Character Portrait: Daniel Noire
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#, as written by KazutoK
" thank you it was my great grandfather's name" he said with a smile and the laugh "i like crystal better makes you sound delicate while still being though " he flashed a smile at her" thats odd we been patrolling this lands for a while never crossed your scent you must be really good a hiding them " he said with a smile as the moon was above the he could see her perfectly under the moon light " you prefer staying wolf over human " he said as he noticed how relax she was like this was her natural state, he couldnt help but feel anxious and mad whenever he went wolf, seeing it as more like a curse than anything else. His eyes shifted as the howling began it, the howls were battle cries, he shook his head and smile " seems some of them have been waiting a long time for this huh? "

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crystal Mia Bloom Character Portrait: Shax Character Portrait: Daniel Noire
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Shax looked to the east to see what looked to be large wolves. "what the hell?" he said before his instincts kicked in and his entire body became engulfed in flames. his breathing rate raised as the flames roasted everything around him within a foot. he hurled a basketball sized ball of flame at them as a warning shot. he advanced drawing a black double edged sword in his right hand and a fireball in his left

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crystal Mia Bloom Character Portrait: Shax Character Portrait: Daniel Noire
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Crystal smiled, "I was named Crystal because that was the first thing I put in my mouth as a pup" she giggled "Yes it's much better" she started as a fireball was shot at them, causing her to jump. She snarled, "What the hell?" she growled as she was almost hit by the flame.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crystal Mia Bloom Character Portrait: Shax Character Portrait: Daniel Noire
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#, as written by KazutoK
He dodge the flame and jump up in the air and before he landed he was in his wolf form, he looked around for a culprit, and then he saw it a dark figure hiding in the shadows, he growled and stepped infront of crystal " you know thats an act of war " he howl unsure whether this creature would understand, he spoke again in barks and growls " whats your intentions make them known now before i have the packs know we been attack" he said trying to avoid a bigger conflict, he stood shoulder to shoulder with crystal " this thing you smell it right it isnt human, or anything like it what could it be " he ask her a little worry as he never encounter anything besides werewolves and humans.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crystal Mia Bloom Character Portrait: Shax Character Portrait: Daniel Noire
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Shax ran on demon instinct, big wolves. Where wolves? if so than the sword wouldn't do much good. he thought as he walked. He sheathed the sword an pulled out a silenced PK9 with silver shot and continued foward.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crystal Mia Bloom Character Portrait: Shax Character Portrait: Daniel Noire
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Crystal sniffed the air and joined Daniel's side, "I smell silver" she snarled. "We don't need to fight" she spoke to Shax and ran behind a tree where she had a change of clothes, shifting back to her human form, she slipped on the dress and emerged. "Sir, we mean you no harm" she said with a smile as she joined Daniel's side, rubbing behind his ear.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crystal Mia Bloom Character Portrait: Shax Character Portrait: Daniel Noire Character Portrait: Shawldor the cursed
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Shax stood with the gun pointed at the pair and fired. the bullet stood in midair halfway between them. Shawldor appeared out of nowhere with his hand erect holding the bullet in the air. "now old friend, no need to treat these people like this, you treat them with kindness. then if they try otherwise..." his glowing pure white eyes bore holes at the pair "...then you kill them." he dropped the bullet. (I got to go but ill be back on tomorrow). Shax holdstered the gun then bowed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crystal Mia Bloom Character Portrait: Shax Character Portrait: Daniel Noire Character Portrait: Shawldor the cursed
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#, as written by KazutoK
Daniel squirm and lay down his instincts taking over him he was about her height now he whimper a little enjoying her touch, he watched the bullet and growl getting in front of crystal he pick her up and began running back towards the camp " what the hell was that " He said as he ran through the forest no as fast as he wanted to as he didn't want crystal to fall, he stopped near the camp where all the other werewolves were at put crystal down he circle around her nervous his ears bend back and his tail down " you saw that right, you saw him stop that bullet and the other one inside him, it was like a nightmare" he said a bit frantic.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crystal Mia Bloom Character Portrait: Daniel Noire Character Portrait: Shawldor the cursed
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(ok im back) Shawldor changed forms into a shadowhound (basically the alien from alien vs preditor) and followed the people. he stop about 100 yds from the camp and changed back to his normal form, "Now i should have time for a sophisticated chat with these beings." he says as he walks into a clearing with his hands up and hood down, his eyes still glowing a bright white.D

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crystal Mia Bloom Character Portrait: Daniel Noire Character Portrait: Shawldor the cursed
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Crystal was quiet as she was carried, stroking Daniel's fur, calming him down, when she was placed down, she quickly and painfully morphed into her wolf form, her skin shredding as it folded back to reveal her black fur, she laid down as he circled, "Well that would have been our death, or serious injury" she said with a sigh and began licking her paw.

She was suddenly aware of the approaching creature, causing her to stand up, her ears flattened against her head, head low, teeth barred, hackles up, a long, fierce growl escaping. "What do you want?" she snarled.