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Character Creation Guide

The Character Creation Guide made by Mttwshea (with some differences and edits)

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a character in “Beast Hunter Chronicles: Riddles”, originally authored by ZacharyTC, as played by RolePlayGateway


Character Creation

Although it's perfectly fine to use pictures in this roleplay, save it for your character's thumbnail. In this section I'll be talking about what kinds of characters you can create; and important information such as Races and Classes. Although really your character can do just about anything, this will at least give you some idea as to what your characters are BEST at.

Your character's race and class are listed in the synopsis section of your character application. For example, for now let's say you're making a character who is a Human Paladin. If your character is a woman in this case, you'd type Female Human Paladin into the synopsis section. Make sense so far? Now mind you, these are simply guidelines to give you something to work with, it doesn't mean that the racial description applies to your character as well. So, let's talk about the races themselves, shall we?


Humans - The most tenacious and adaptable of the races, humans excel at nothing in particular; except for their ability to adapt and their inquisitive desire to explore the unknown. They share a deep bond with the elves from years of common strife and having gone through almost everything together. Elves and humans tend to welcome one another with open arms. On the other hand, humans are reluctant to trust the Felynx, since the feline people can be mischievous and have a rather dark history about them. And the humans downright fear the Lycans due to their barbaric nature and intimidating appearance. Humans differ from one another when it comes to appearance.

Elves - Graceful and beautiful, elves are the children of the Mother Tree and worship her like a goddess. It's not uncommon for an elf to be a master of archery and magic, for it is in their blood. They share a common distrust toward the Felynx with the Humans, as elves do find the cat-like people troublesome and have a bitter history with them that resulted from a long unresolved war. Though a cease-fire is in place between the elves and the felynx, they still look at one another with disdain. However unlike the humans; the elves share a mutual respect with their neighbors, the Lycans. Elves are recognized by their long, pointed ears and are generally fair or pale skinned.

Felynx - A feline race often recognized by their ears and their tails, the felynx are an agile people, flexible and generally carefree in their nature. They make excellent hunters and excel at stalking their prey like silent predators awaiting to strike, and they are experts in the use of poison. They tend to test their boundaries when dealing with the Humans and the Elves, even if unintentionally. Generally, they're more bitter to the elves than they are to the humans. They are vicious in their encounters with the Lycans, as the two peoples will actively hunt one another and are constantly at war with them.

Lycans - Brute savages that make their home alongside their wolf brethren, they are a battle hardened race whose trust is rarely earned, but rarely lost once it has been earned. Often times, lycans tend to look down upon the humans, as they feel the humans are naive, quick to judge, and at times rather difficult. As before mentioned, the Lycans share a mutual respect and trust with the elves, as they share the same landscapes with one another and recognize one another as brothers. The same, however cannot be said of the felynx, as the two peoples have been enemies since before man started keeping track of time. They're tall and usually brawny with grayish skin, and men tend to have lots of facial hair.


Classes in this world are simply what your character is best at, whether it'd be melee combat, magic or archery. In this world, classes fall into one of four categories; Fighter, Magician, Healer, and Scout. Fighters specialize in close range combat, Magicians are masters of magic, Healers are substantial in maintaining one's health and morale, and Scouts are masters of archery and sneak attacks. Though they share a common interest in hunting monsters, their methods are different.


Paladin - Masters of defense, these righteous warriors of truth and justice charge into battle with the holy light on their side. Though they can use any weapon like all fighters, they're at their best when wielding a shield. They can use minor healing magic and can boost the morale of their allies, ideal leaders.

Warrior - Warriors are just that... Warriors. Though they're not the masters of defense Paladins are, nor are they the greatest brawlers like Berserkers are, Warriors are the perfect balance between the two. Warriors are proficient in all weapons, and masters of any.

Berserker - Those who fight like bloodthirsty animals, Berserkers are powerful fighters whose best weapon is their rage. Their rage is best put to use through duel wielding weapons, though using anything else does make their reckless methods of fighting any lest intimidating.


Sorcerer - A master of elemental magic, Sorcerers are the embodiment of magic at its finest. Though limited to only the robes on their back and the few weapons they can wield, no iron is capable of stopping a Sorcerer's well casted lightning bolt.

Sage - These wise magicians are not only masters of their magic, they're also masters of swordplay. They can turn even a twig into a fiery sword of justice and can bless any weapon with skill and magic. They are often referred to as Magic Swordsman, though they are far more than that.

Summoner - The Summoner is a peculiar magician with the unique ability to call upon ethereal creatures for aid. Forever with an otherworldly companion at their side, Summoners are never alone in their journey and even when they are, they're able magicians on their own.


Cleric - A divine warrior of the Holy Spirit, Clerics are master healers through the use of divine magic. From healing your wounds to remedying your poison, there is not ailment nor pain that cannot be lifted by this righteous servant of all that is good. And with the use of heavy armor and a mighty weapon, they are excellent fighters as well.

Exorcist - The very bane of all demons, Exorcists are powerful warriors with powerful evil exterminating magic on their side. They can heal others just like Clerics, but their magic is more in tune with driving off the wicked spirits of yore. Demons and undead do not stand a chance against them.

Monk - An ancient tradition of unarmed fighting passed down from generation to generation, a Monk's only weapons are their fists and spiritual guidance. With the goal of one day reaching total enlightenment, Monks are fierce pilgrims on a sacred journey.


Ranger - Rangers are the masters of archery and hunting. They are proficient at tracking down their prey and scouting ahead to see what's beyond the horizon with their excellent eyesight. One with nature, there is nothing that can escape the eyes of a well trained Ranger.

Assassin - Crafty warriors and masters of poison, Assassins prefer to sneak up on their targets and permanently silencing them rather than engage them in battle. Not that their capable of combat, they just prefer to conserve their energy for the next target.

Rogue - Either a swashbuckling jack-of-all-trades or a dirty thief waiting to snatch your gold, Rogues are cunning in the fact they can pick locks faster than any Assassin or Ranger, and can use a wide range of weaponry just like most Warriors. Kind-hearted Rogues are known to rob from the rich to feed the poor.

Your character's personality can be anything you want them to be; but be as detailed as you can be. Are they kind to the point they'd risk their life for a complete stranger, or are they nasty con artists who'd blatantly rob that same stranger? Know that this is subject to change over time through character development, it happens all the time.

Other than your essentials such as matches, a lantern, a backpack and whatever else you need on a monster hunting adventure, there are a few things you need to know.

Fighters can wear any armor they please and can use any weapon they please. However, great weapons like Greatswords cannot be used in duel wielding.

Magicians are only limited to a staff and any one handed weapon with the exception of the Sage. And they cannot wear any armor at all.

Healers can only use blunt weapons with the exception of the Exorcist who can use any weapon. Only the Cleric can wear heavy armor. Monks can turn spears into makeshift Bo Staffs by taking the spearpoint off the shaft during combat.

Scouts are limited to light armor and a one handed weapon, though they can duel wield. They can either have a bow or a crossbow.

Your character's history can be anything you want it to be. Did your character come from a prestigious family, did they come from a poor background? Are they a wanted criminal or a well known hero? Remember, anything is possible in this world.

So begins...

Character Creation Guide's Story