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Before It's Too Late

Before It's Too Late


Every family has their problems, but when the whole world is watching and judging them too, things can get more complicated.

4,603 readers have visited Before It's Too Late since Sophiex created it.


Every family has their problems, but when the whole world is watching and judging them too, things can get more complicated.

The Wells Family are used to being in the spotlight. Richard Wells was one of the most legendary baseball players to ever play for the MLB and he made headlines twenty-five years ago when he got his young assistant pregnant with Enamie Wells.. Any publicity is good publicity in this case, because the unplanned pregnancy increased his celebrity status. He spent the next few years as a bachelor, dating some of the most gorgeous and well known women in the world before settling down with Julie Holmes, one of the highest paid actresses in the business who had been widowed two years prior. She already had a child of her own Catarina Holmes, and she and Richard had one together after marrying, Erin Wells.

Before the accident, rumors had been swirling that Catalina had hooked up with Jake Farrow, who happened to be her stepsister, Enamie's, longtime boyfriend. They were true, but a simple hookup would have been the least of their worries. Enamie recently found out that she's pregnant with his child and struggles with the idea of leaving the father of her child. Their parents showed them how unpredictable life can be, so despite it all, the family must try to make their new situation work, before it's too late.
  • My number one rule for this roleplay is that you be active. I understand that we all have hectic lives outside of this website and that is perfectly fine and expected! All that I ask is that you post at least three times a week and if there is something that will prevent you from doing so, just post in the OOC so everyone knows that you will be gone. All it takes is for one person to disappear for the entire roleplay to die out, so please don't just leave for long times without explanation.
  • Reserves are good for four days, but you can compete for roles. When posting to reserve a character, please include what color you want to use for your character and what name you go by OOC, to help us get to know each other better.
  • Quality is preferred over quantity, but please try to post at least three hundred words per post. Any lesser amount makes it hard for people to respond.
  • This will be a mature roleplay but please adhere to all rules initiated by RPG.
  • I will consider changing face claims upon request.
  • I am totally open to more boyfriend/girlfriend or outside friend characters being added. Just ask!
  • This roleplay is based of off BurningBridges' and StarStruck's ideas. They allowed me to remake it since they did not have time to GM one themselves, so credit goes to them for the main ideas c:!

Holmes #1 | Age 26 | Female | FC: Lydnsy Fonseca | BurningBridges
Slept with Boy #1

Wells #1 | Age 25 | Female | FC: Elizabeth Olson | SaxyLady15
Dating Boy #1 and is pregnant with his child

Wells #2 | Age 14 | Female | FC: Peyton List | Sophiex

Boy #1 | Age 25 | Male | FC: Chace Crawford | StarStruck
Dating Wells #1, Slept with Holmes #1

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[color=#character color]Nickname(s):[/color]

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[center][color=#character color]Positive Traits:[/color]

[color=#character color]Negative Traits:[/color]

[color=#character color]Personality:[/color][/center][/font]

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Wells Character Portrait: Enamie Wells Character Portrait: Jake Farrow Character Portrait: Catarina Holmes
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#, as written by Sophiex

Friday, September 24th, 2014 || 5:00 PM || Beverly Hills, California

It had been ten days since her parents had passed away, but the days only seemed to become more painful for Erin. Their funeral service had occurred a week ago and it was the first time she had seen her two sisters together in months. Today was the day that the custody papers had officially been signed off and Enamie and Catarina would soon be moving into the home that for most of Erin's life, she only lived in with her parents. Although the house had felt extremely empty in her parents' absence, the idea of her sisters and Enamie's boyfriend moving in did little to settle her uneasiness. She knew Catarina better than Enamie, but not by much. Ennie had spent most of her life with her mother and her father really rarely spoke of her to Erin. Catarina had lived in the home for a few years throughout Erin's childhood but by the time she was old enough to notice things, she had moved into a boarding school and was too busy with her own life to develop a real relationship with Erin. Erin had never wished for a closer relationship with her sisters, though. She was content with her idea of being an only child.

The nanny that Erin had grown up with had left an hour ago, for the last time, since her sisters were expected to arrive at any minute. Now that her sisters were moving in, she would be held under their care. Normally, Erin wouldn't have minded being left alone for just an hour. In fact, she frequently begged her parents to let her stay home alone, but now their large home felt even larger and the emptiness felt heavier. She was almost scared to leave the couch that she had been curled up on for most of the day, and although the movie she had been watching ended minutes ago, she continued to mindlessly skim through the endless amount of television channels they had.

When nothing remarkable captured her attention, she settled on Modern Family but turned her attention to her phone. Since the death of her parents, Erin had received numerous texts from her friends expressing their condolences and asking her if she needed anything, but she had responded to very few of them. She didn't think that any of them understood what she was feeling or even cared to know. They just wanted information and Erin had learned from her parents that even people closest to you might be selling stories to media outlets, so it was important to keep some things private. The thought of the media made Erin wince. She was usually very collected in front of cameras. It was something that was fairly necessary for a child born to such famous parents, but the few times that she had left the house over the past few weeks didn't drag along the normal level of paparazzi. There were hundreds of them who wanted to get the first pictures and comments of her and her family since the passing. They would should offensive comments and questions about whether her father was an alcoholic and a drug addict, and bizarre rumors that Erin wouldn't have wanted to hear on a normal day, nonetheless on one following such a traumatic event.

She didn't want to face the public because that meant that she would have to face and accept the reality that her parents were really gone for good. Instead, Erin had spent as much time as possible at home, particularly in her bed or in the den watching television, where she didn't have to speak or deal with anyone. It was easier that way, but definitely out of character for the normally bubbly girl.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Wells Character Portrait: Enamie Wells Character Portrait: Jake Farrow Character Portrait: Catarina Holmes
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Although she did intend to move in to her mother's home, Catarina had left most of her belongings at her own apartment. It was located only thirty minutes away in Santa Monica and even if she was going to call her deceased mother and father's Beverly Hills mansion home for at least a month or so, she wasn't going to sell her own apartment. Even if she wasn't going to be living in it, she loved the beachfront apartment and truthfully, she could afford to pay the bills at the home even if she wasn't living there.

Catarina was met with a hoard of paparazzi outside of her building, as she had nearly every day for the past two weeks. She was prepared for it though, and had thrown a hooded sweatshirt on over her simple outfit of a black v-neck and jeans, before leaving her apartment. Even with sunglasses and the hood pulled up over her head, it did little to shield her from the blinding camera flashes and intrusive questions that the people shouted at her. When she managed to reach her car, she sped away from the chaotic scene as quickly as she could and was oddly relieved to deal with the traffic that she was stuck in, over the reporters.

Rush hour meant that the normally half an hour trip took almost twice as long, but again, Cat didn't mind. She indulged in the last bits of silence and solitude that she would be getting for a while. She had dated a couple of guys over the past few years but none of the relationships went far enough to lead to them moving in together, so she had grown used to living alone. Now, she would be residing with her step-sister, Enamie, and half-sister, Erin, plus Enamie's boyfriend, Jake. Catarina wished that all that Jake was was Enamie's boyfriend, but he wasn't. A few months ago, she had slept with him at one of the many parties her parents threw, and although she doubted that Enamie knew, she still felt like it would be uncomfortable to see her and Jake again in a setting that wasn't as somber as last week's funeral, and nonetheless to have to live with them.

It was a quarter past five when Catarina entered the gated community that she would now be living in. She had lived in the home years back after her mother had married Richard, but had no emotional ties to it. Even among its fellow mansions, it was easy to pick out, and Catarina soon pulled through its gates and into the long driveway. She parked her Range Rover in front of the garage and pulled out the two bags of luggage that she had decided to bring, before approaching the door. She and Enamie were now technically the joint owners of the home, along with the massive wealth their parents had left behind, and most importantly, their teenage daughter, Erin. It took her a few minutes to find the key to the home that one of the lawyers had given her days before, but when she did, she swiftly opened the door and lugged her bags in behind her.

Besides the low murmur of a television playing rooms away, the house seemed eerily silent. She quietly shut the door and left her bags in the foyer before making her way into the home. "Erin? I'm here," Catarina announced as she peered into each room before spotting the young blonde on the couch in the family room. "When I was your age, if I had the house to myself for even an hour I would be throwing a party," she said with a smile once Erin had turned to look at her. Although Catarina doubted that she would be in the mood to party, she felt like it was necessary to make some type of comment to lighten the mood. "I guess I beat Enamie here, huh?" she eventually said, realizing that the earlier silence was justified since it seemed like Erin had been the only one in the home at the time.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Wells Character Portrait: Enamie Wells Character Portrait: Catarina Holmes
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#, as written by Sophiex

Although Erin heard the front door open, she didn't stir from her position on the couch and the intruder was soon identified as Catarina who wasted no time in seeking Erin out. She made a joke about how she would have taken advantage of having an empty house when she was Erin's age, and what normally would have brought at least a smile out of her didn't this time. She simply glanced over at Cat to acknowledge that she had heard the comment before returning her attention to the television. While part of her was glad to have company in the empty house, she wasn't sure if she wanted to make small talk with Cat. What was there to say? They had both lost their mother, and she and Enamie their father, and although Erin had been told numerous times that at some point she was going to need to start moving on with her life, she wasn't ready yet. The initial change of losing her parents was hard enough, but now to have to live with two half-sisters who she had never been very close with was going to be something new to adapt to as well.

"Yeah, she's not here," Erin confirmed when her sister noticed that Enamie had not arrived yet. Although Erin had never connected with Enamie much, she actually sort of liked the girl. She had only met her for the first time when she was seven or eight years old and although even after that, her father didn't speak or her too much, when he did, it was all positive things. She was supposedly very smart and whenever she came to family events, she was always very nice to Erin, but she wasn't sure about having her boyfriend move in as well. She doubted that her parents would have approved of it but then again, there was nothing that the couple could do about it now.

"What are we going to have for dinner?" She had abruptly stood up from the couch and walked towards Catarina. Erin had refused the breakfast and dinner that the nanny had offered her before leaving, and she was now more than hungry for a hot meal. Although she wanted to go out to a restaurant, she still disliked the idea of being swarmed upon by paparazzi and wasn't sure if Catarina would feel that way as well.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Wells Character Portrait: Enamie Wells Character Portrait: Jake Farrow Character Portrait: Catarina Holmes
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Enamie woke up this morning feeling depressed. Her biological mother has been deceased for some time, but now to lose her biological father, stung. She had no parents now, and was basically alone, as she was pretty much an only child. She sat up in her bed, and felt the sheets for her boyfriend, but sighed as he wasn't there. Enamie remembered she'd made him sleep on the couch last night for whatever reason. She didn't remember why, and knew her hormones had all the blame. Sometimes, she thought it too obvious that she was pregnant. Or at least she thought so.

Since Enamie had to move in to her father's old home, to help raise a step-sister of hers, she cringed at the thought of not being alone. What was her name? Emily? Erin? Something like that. Then, her mind popped out a more important matter. How was she going to hide her pregnancy with two other females in the house? Not wanting to think about that, she shook her head, she quickly brushed out her medium-length brown hair, then threw on some jeans, and a casual white shirt that hung past her hips, and had black stitching along the chest. Throwing on some black heels, she smiled as she surveyed herself in the mirror, and curled up her hair, putting on some darkish eyeshadow, and lipstick.

"Jake? Jake, honey?" Enamie called her love, smiling, and giggling as she saw a few blankets on the couch, and crossed her arms. "Jake? Baby, I'm leaving for the house. You can tag along later if you want, alrighty?" She shook his arm a little, before kissing his head softly. "I love you so much, baby." She muttered followed by, "Shoot!" She looked at the clock, it reading 4:30. She frowned then, and made a beeline for the door, only grabbing her purse. Enamie knew there was no way she would permanently be living in the man's house, whom she hated the most. Even if it was to take care of her 'step-sister'. But with her having Jake, she could easily leave him at the apartment, and he could come hang out with her at the mansion if needed, or he could bring her something.

Honestly, Enamie never honestly knew of her father that much. Her mother had told her that he was a famous baseball player, but she never received anything from him on birthdays or holidays. Then, when he had his other kids, she felt even more rejected. She knew they were always in the spotlight all day, and she wished it was that easy for her. Nothing had ever been, now that she thought about it. At her work, even though she's been there for a few years, she's still treated as the underdog, and there are people that have just come in. Jake has even left her alone at parties, and she'd catch him downing alcohol, and it was important to her that they not drink. Last time they drank, it leaded to the problem she has today.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Enamie Wells Character Portrait: Jake Farrow
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Jake had spent the previous night out at a bar with his friends. When he had gotten home at four in the morning and woke Enamie up with his obnoxious conversation, she refused to allow him in bed and he ended up crashing on the couch. Although a night like that would usually result in him sleeping until mid-afternoon the next day, Jake had woken up surprisingly early that morning to go to work. He had a meeting with his boss and explained that he needed to take his two-week vacation break suddenly, due to the passing of Emmie's father and stepmother. It really wasn't necessary, since Enamie hadn't even wanted to sell the apartment and permenantly move into her father's mansion, but Jake milked the story enough to get the time off from work. Even if his girlfriend wasn't excited for the change, he was. He obviously felt bad about her father passing away but he knew that they had never been close and if her father dying meant that Emmie would quickly inherit a good sized portion of his massive wealth, the pros seemed to outweigh the cons.

He had returned back to their apartment by nine that morning, and although Emmie was still asleep, he didn't risk it by trying to return to their bed. She had been pretty moody lately and after actually doing something wrong the night before, he wasn't going to push it. Instead, he returned back to the couch and ended up sleeping for another few hours. He had woken up a few minutes before Emmie came in, seeming to be in a surprisingly good mood. She shook his arm and said something about leaving for the house and how he could tag along later. Her words took a second to sink in but when they did, he quickly hopped off of the couch and grabbed his wallet and keys. He was still dressed from going to work earlier, so he didn't need to get ready much as he jogged out the door after Emmie.

"Hey! I'll come with you now," he said, slipping into the car. He was unsure if Enamie had wanted to go alone to the home at first but he was pretty excited to see the house that her father owned. It would be the first taste of the good life that he expected to be able to indulge in shortly. "You nervous? How are your sisters taking all of this?"

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Wells Character Portrait: Enamie Wells Character Portrait: Jake Farrow Character Portrait: Catarina Holmes
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Enamie kinda jumped as he bounced up, chasing after her, then hopping in the car. While she sat in the driver's seat, she made extra sure she sucked in her stomach only slightly, just so she seemed a little skinnier. "You nervous? How are your sisters taking all of this?" Jake seemed to ask a little too eagerly. "Um, you of all people should know I've never exactly kept contact with them. If they wanna talk, I'm sure they could find me." She huffed, and sighed. "Not nervous at all." She answered his first question, then focused directly on the road.

About an hour later, she pulled through the mansion gates, at exactly 5:30. Enamie sighed, shutting off the engine to the car. Looking around briefly after she got out of the car, she took a deep breath, then entered the mansion with a key she'd received when she was notified of her custody over her step-sister. After entering, she felt chill bumps buzz through her spine.

"I assume you're Catarina, and you're... wait don't tell me." Enamie smiled, looking at the girls who seemed in an awkward conversation. "Erin, right?" Enamie gave a subtle wave. "I'm Enamie, in case you don't know, and this is Jake. My boyfriend, and I'm the only living here. Not him." She smiled, trying to lighten the dull mood that seemed to be set.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Wells Character Portrait: Enamie Wells Character Portrait: Jake Farrow Character Portrait: Catarina Holmes
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Cat considered taking a seat next to Erin, but before she could, her sister stood up and approached her, asking what they would be having for dinner. It was something that she hadn't even thought about but was the first real reminder that she was now actually responsible for Erin's well being. When she had signed her part of the custody documents a few days earlier, it had not actually set in that she was going to essentially have to be a mother to her. She was beginning to question what she had gotten herself into. Catarina was definitely one of the last people who would be seen as having a maternal instinct, so she hoped that Enamie would have experience with that type of stuff.

As she contemplated a response that wouldn't make her sound incompetent, she heard someone enter the house and they were soon greeted by Enamie and Jake. Her ego was probably a bit inflated due to her celebrity status, but it caught Cat off guard when Enamie didn't seem confident in her and Erin's identities. She "assumed" that she was Catarina and took a moment to remember Erin's name. It didn't settle well with Cat, who felt like if anything, they should be the one's forgetting her name. She was the forgotten child, the one that no one even cared about until Richard and Julie had died. She wasn't going to start a problem over it though, especially when the evening had only just begun.

At first, she didn't acknowledge Jake, mostly because she felt like things were a bit awkward with him being there. It was the first time she had seen him since the party where they had slept together, and after that night, she had never expected to see him again. Now that he was here in front of her, and with his actual girl friend who was her sister, standing there too, it made her feel anxious. However, she couldn't help but to provoke the situation a bit. It was just in her nature. "There's lots of space here," she began with a smile. "We have space for one more, I'm sure," she said, looking Jake up and down before returning her gaze to Enamie.

For a moment, she had forgotten about Erin and her earlier question about dinner. "We were just trying to figure out what we want to do for dinner. Do you guys have any ideas?" she then asked.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Wells Character Portrait: Enamie Wells Character Portrait: Jake Farrow Character Portrait: Catarina Holmes
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Jake had assumed that Enamie might have said a few words to her sisters at the funeral, but judging by her response to how she didn't keep in touch with them, it was obvious that she hadn't spoken to them. He felt like that was strange. They were sisters, regardless of just being step and half sisters, but then again, Jake knew that Enamie hadn't grown up with either of them and had only officially met her father when she was already a teenager on her own.

The rest of the ride was fairly uneventful. He made a point to keep the subject of her family out of the small conversations they had and before long, they had pulled into an exclusive Beverly Hills community and in front of a large estate. The simple sight of the outside of the home was enough to bring a smile to his face and as he followed Enamie inside, his delight grew even further. The house was huge and beautiful. Every inch of it seemed to be elegantly designed to a T and it all looked so fragile and expensive, like the kind of home you would see in a magazine but would never imagine that someone actually lived in. It certainly blew away the apartment that he and Enamie shared.

He didn't have much time to admire the home because Enamie was quickly making her way inside and they soon encountered her sisters. They greeted each other and Jake offered a small wave to the two girls herself. "Nice to meet you." Of course, this wasn't the first time he was meeting Catarina, but he did his best to make it seem that way. He had drifted away from Enamie at the only event she had brought him to related to her father, and he ended up having a quick hookup with Catarina before returning to Enamie only a few minutes later. It was something that weighed heavy on his chest and even more so now, with both of the girls together. It seemed even more strange when Catarina insisted that he move into the home as well, and while he did feel uneasy, he also wasn't going to pass up the chance to live in such a nice home. "You cool with that?" he asked, turning to look at Enamie. He felt like he was putting her on the spot, if she didn't want him to live there, but then again, why wouldn't she want him to? He thought that he could only help her with the stress associated with the change and living together again would make things easier.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Wells Character Portrait: Enamie Wells Character Portrait: Jake Farrow Character Portrait: Catarina Holmes
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Enamie seemed to blank out for a minute. Dinner? She hadn't even thought about that. Suddenly, she felt her big sister trait kick in. She didn't exactly have siblings of her own, but when she was younger she'd babysit kids down the street, all the time. "I.. I can make something.." She muttered, walking to where she thought the kitchen might be. Finding as it was there, she found a huge pantry, stocked with everything. "Um... I could make some pizza, if you guys want?" She smiled at one of the things her mother taught her. How to make some freakin' good homemade pizza. Sometimes, she thought that might be the only reason Jake is attracted to her at times.

"Or if you don't want pizza by me, I can always send Jake out." She teased, winking at him flirtatiously, but snapping out of her flirty attitude, a habit too easily made. She then remembered Jake asked her something. "What did you ask me? Oh!" She mentally questioned herself. "Um.. I don't care honestly. At least I won't sleep alone." She shrugged, and smirked at her loving boyfriend.

While she waited for the others to answer her, she mentally pondered if Jake would ever ask for her hand in marriage. Especially with a baby on the way now, she.. felt the urge to just sweep them up and run away, getting married.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Wells Character Portrait: Enamie Wells Character Portrait: Jake Farrow
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#, as written by Sophiex

It was strange to Erin how quickly everything was moving. Within fifteen minutes or so, Catarina, Enamie and Jake had all arrived and the start of a new chapter in life was beginning. Although she was hungry and pizza sounded good, she wasn't sure if she wanted anyone cooking in the kitchen. The nanny had cooked for her in there almost every day over the past two weeks but she had cooked in there for the past ten years. Besides her, it was only her mother or father who would use the space and now to have someone else doing it felt like a replacement to Erin. She didn't object though, feeling like she was outnumbered three to one, and silently followed the group into the kitchen.

However, after taking a seat on one of the stools in front of the kitchen's island, she heard Cat invite Jake to live with them and frowned. When it came down to it, she barely knew Enamie any better than Jake, so it wasn't like he was any more of a stranger to her than she, but the idea of a boyfriend moving into the house bothered her. Her father would lecture her for what seemed like hours when she simply wanted to invite boys over to watch a move or go swimming, so she doubted that he would want Enamie's boyfriend living here. Sure, she didn't take into consideration that Enamie was eleven years her senior and that she and Jake had been dating for multiple years, but it still seemed wrong in her fourteen-year-old mind.

"My dad wouldn't want you sleeping with a boy at our house," she stated. She made a point to emphasize on it being her dad, because even if he was also Enamie's biological father, it didn't seem like she knew him at all. It was the first thing that she had said to Enamie at all today, so it may not have been the politest start, but Erin wasn't thinking about manners.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Wells Character Portrait: Enamie Wells Character Portrait: Jake Farrow Character Portrait: Catarina Holmes
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"Pizza sounds good," Catarina chimed in with a smile after Enamie suggested it. She had no preference on it being homemade or delivered in, so she waited to see if Jake or Erin would have an opinion on it. If it was going to be homemade though, she was glad that Enamie seemed confident in making it because Cat would be of little help when it came to cooking.

Once they relocated to the kitchen, Catarina took a moment to do some exploring. She had lived in her mother's home years back and visited occasionally, so she knew where everything was, but it was different now that she was actually going to be living here permanently, at least for a while. Although she would always think of it as being her mother's house, it was a strange realization that it was now technically her and Enamie's house. As she shifted through the refrigerator and cupboards, it was obvious that someone must have went shopping lately. Since her mother had been gone for two weeks, it made sense that one of the women who had been caring for Erin had probably restocked everything before leaving.

She selected a can of Diet Coke for herself and cracked it open as she returned to the conversation the others were having. She caught the end of what Enamie was saying, about not "sleeping alone" and then a seemingly harsh response from Erin about how Richard wouldn't have approved of Jake moving in. For the few minutes that they had been in the house, Erin had been fairly quiet and passive, so the comment seemed abrupt and almost ill-willed. Although her mother always spoke fondly of the young girl, Catarina had always gotten the sense that she was a bit of a brat. It was hard to imagine that anyone born with a silver spoon in their mouth would turn out any other way. Catarina had probably been like that to some extent when she was younger too, but she had also been working on movie sets and living away at school since she was younger than Erin, so she felt like she had learned a sense of independence and work ethic, unlike her.

Cat was unsure of how Enamie would respond to their sister's remark. She already seemed to be the one out of the two of them who had more of the maternal instincts, so she guessed that she might respond more understandingly than Catarina would. Even though she knew that Erin was probably grieving more than she and Enamie, it still seemed necessary to put the girl in her place. "Your dad wouldn't have wanted you to be sleeping with a boy here but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't care about his twenty-something-year-old daughter doing it, kiddo," she responded, trying to keep her voice light as she studied Erin's expression for a moment before looking back to Jake and Enamie. "Do you feel like cooking or should I call an order in?"

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Wells Character Portrait: Enamie Wells Character Portrait: Jake Farrow Character Portrait: Catarina Holmes
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0.00 INK


The sound of having Enamie's homemade pizza for dinner was enough to make Jake's stomach growl. On top of her being beautiful, intelligent and kind, she was also an amazing cook and her pizza held a place at the top of the list of his favorite dishes that she made. "You know I'm down to have your pizza any day," he said with a chuckle as he followed the girls into the kitchen. It was no less extravagant than the rest of the house, with sparkling granite counter tops and more appliances than seemed necessary. Jake had always wondered if celebrities even actually cooked in the expensive kitchens they had, or if all of it was just for show and they had hired help cooking for them.

When Enamie said she didn't mind if he stayed at the home with them because it meant she wouldn't have to sleep alone, he returned her smirk. Oh, how true that would be. He was glad that Catarina had suggested the idea of him staying there because now that he thought of it, it definitely would have been difficult if Enamie was living here and he at their apartment. Even if they did spend their free hours together, he didn't want to have to return to an empty apartment every night. Her younger sister didn't seem to agree with the idea though, and boldly informed Enamie that their father wouldn't have approved of it. However, Catarina was quick to step in and correct Erin that Richard wouldn't have minded considering that he and Enamie were both adults. Although he wanted to chime in and reassure the teenager that he wouldn't bother her, he didn't want to step on any toes so he gave Enamie a curious glance before following Catarina's lead and helping himself to a water bottle.

When Catarina questioned whether Enamie was going to cook or if they should order in from a pizzeria, he grinned. "Trust me, you've gotta try her pizza," he stated. He hoped that they could sidestep Erin's upset and if anything was good enough to do that, it would be Enamie's cooking. It always put him into a better mood, at least.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Wells Character Portrait: Enamie Wells Character Portrait: Jake Farrow Character Portrait: Catarina Holmes Character Portrait: William Bare
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Enamie seemed unusually calm, and sighed as the sudden commotion started up rather quickly. "Whoa, whoa, whoa." She held up her hands, and looked at Erin with smirk. "If the girl doesn't want Jake here, then, I'm sure we can work something else out. " Enamie bit her lip. She wanted to please her younger step-sister, and admired Catarina for somewhat standing up for her. "Thank you Catarina, but, I mean, if she's uncomfortable with Jake, then he can stay at the apartment. It'll be a change for us, but I don't want the girl under anymore more discomfort than she already is. I think losing both of her parents is enough for her to worry about. Besides, we'll be fine. Won't we Jake?" Enamie grinned at Jake, and pecked his cheek, before turning towards the girls again.

"Everyone's down for pizza then? Well," Enamie made a quick glance at the clock on the stove, and nodded. "Supper shall be served in about an hour." She remarked smiling. Enamie thought about Jake's comment on her cooking which made her smile a little brighter. "Thank you, Jake, but I'm no five-star chef." She spoke as she rummaged through out some of the counter's storage.

Soon, Enamie managed to round up a large silver bowl, dumping some flour and other things necessary for the dough. Before she could realize it, she was pounding away at the dough, and stretching out into a perfect circle. She wrestled up some sauce, spreading it out neatly, and placing cheese all over in a hefty amount, and the pepperonis in the perfect distances away from one another. She popped it into the oven, the warming smell of pizza quickly filling the grand kitchen.

"Who's hungry?" Enamie asked, as she searched the kitchen for some plates.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Wells Character Portrait: Enamie Wells Character Portrait: Jake Farrow Character Portrait: Catarina Holmes
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Jake wasn't surprised when Enamie succumbed to Erin's demands that he not live in the house. She was too nice to want to fight, and even though Jake wasn't keen on the idea of travelling an hour's way there and back to the apartment each time he wanted to see Enamie, he didn't comment on it. If anything, he would bring it up to her later on when they were in private. He didn't want to give Erin more of a reason to dislike him. Plus, although Enamie didn't know he had any past relationship with Catarina, he was sort of paranoid that pushing the subject would make her skeptical of why he wanted to stay there so badly.

As Enamie began to cook, Jake took a seat at the kitchen table. She was busy cooking and he was hungry enough where he didn't want to even distract her for a moment with conversation, so he focused his attention to some emails on his phone for a few minutes. When the silence began to feel heavier, he glanced over at Erin and offered her a friendly smile. "So, do you go to school and stuff? What grade are you in?" Although he knew the conversation probably seemed forced and awkward, it would hopefully be less painful than the silence. He agreed with what Enamie had said earlier, that maybe she was just overwhelmed with the stress of losing two parents, and him moving in was just one more thing to add to her already full plate. He guessed that her anger was only directed at him because she had no where else to channel it, and he hoped that if he showed her he wasn't an ass, she would chill out.

A few minutes later, Enamie spoke up and he then realized how good the kitchen had begun to smell. It was a scent that was definitely familiar to him, and he grinned as he spotted her pulling the pan out of the oven and searching for plates. "Smells good," he commented as he took a plate and slid one of the steaming slices onto it. Before returning to the table, he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her gently before pulling away. "Things are going well so far, yeah?" he asked. They had gotten through the first hour or so and at least for Jake, things didn't seem to be too rough. However, he knew that he wasn't the one who had just lost a parent and was now responsible for a kid.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Wells Character Portrait: Enamie Wells Character Portrait: Jake Farrow
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#, as written by Sophiex

Erin was going to snap back at Catarina that she wouldn't have known what her father would have wanted since she wasn't his child, but before she could, Enamie agreed that Jake wouldn't stay at the home so Erin felt like she had won the battle. She smiled slightly at the success and once Enamie started cooking, Erin returned to the den. She watched television for a little while before becoming bored once again and returning to the kitchen.

She took a seat across from Jake at the table but like him, kept her attention focused on her cell phone until he looked over at her and randomly asked her about school. It seemed to be the typical go-to conversation starters for adults who had nothing in common with a child or teenager, and after being dragged to countless numbers of social events with her parents over the years, Erin was used to it. Still, she didn't want to talk to Jake, and definitely not about school, but with him looking right at her, she couldn't just ignore him. "Obviously I go to school... I'm in the eighth grade," she responded in a slightly annoyed tone. Even if she did feel like he was just doing it to relieve the silence, she supposed that it was nice of him to make an effort, even if it was a trivial one. He didn't seem that bad and at least appearance wise, she knew that her parents probably would have approved of him.

Thankfully, before the conversation could go on any further, Enamie announced that the food was ready. She watched her sister search for plates, but didn't offer any assistance in locating them. It didn't matter much though, because she soon found them. Rather than take one from the stack Enamie had taken out, Erin went into the cabinet and took a fresh one out for herself. She didn't need a stranger to serve her in her own house. The pizza smelled amazing, but Erin didn't thank Enamie for cooking it as she helped herself to a slice. This wasn't even a passive aggressive dig at her, though. Erin was simply used to being served without having to thank anyone for it, because growing up, it was her nanny's job to cook for her and wasn't a favor like Enamie's cooking was tonight. "I don't like pepperoni," she stated, looking down at the slice on her plate and then back at Enamie, expecting her sister to fix it for her.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Wells Character Portrait: Enamie Wells Character Portrait: Jake Farrow Character Portrait: Catarina Holmes
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Although Catarina didn't necessarily agree with the idea of letting Erin getting her way, the situation wasn't important enough to cause a fight about and it didn't affect Cat anyway, so she simply nodded when Enamie said she and Jake would be fine. "Okay, I'll be down in a little," she said once Enamie announced that the pizza would be ready in an hour. Erin had already exited the kitchen and Catarina wasn't going to sit around and third wheel with Enamie and Jake. It would have been awkward enough had she not seen him naked, but knowing what had happened a few months back just made it even worse.

Her bags were still waiting for her by the front door so she quickly found those and brought them upstairs. Her old bedroom had been converted into a guest room years ago when she moved out, but Cat didn't mind. She preferred the modern look over the overly pink scheme that it had once been anyway, and even though there were probably at least five or six other unoccupied rooms in the house, she liked the location of hers. It was situated at the back of the house where it overlooked the patio and backyard, and there was only one room next to hers, so even if they had guests over, it was usually quiet. As she approached the bedroom, she could see the master bedroom that her mother and Richard shared. The door was closed and although part of Catarina was curious to see what state it was left in, it felt eerie just going near the room. It was crazy to think that two weeks ago, the couple slept in that room for the last time, and had Richard not been drunk they would have returned to it later that night. Part of her wanted to blame Richard for her mother's death because it really was his fault, but she had grown to like him and knew that her mother had probably recognized he was drunk when she got in the car. It was probably just as much her fault as it was his.

Her room didn't bring back many nostalgic memories but she took a few minutes to unpack the clothes she did bring today and fill the dresser and closet with them. She was in no rush to get back downstairs so after organizing her wardrobe, she collapsed onto her bed for a few minutes. It still hadn't fully sunk in that this was her life now. At least for the next four years, she would have to spend at least some of her time taking care of Erin. Even though she wasn't a little kid, she was still going to be a lot of work. Part of her wanted to just tell Enamie that she was on her own with this. If that meant she had to forfeit her part of the inheritance, so be it. She had her own money from acting and losing a couple million dollars might be worth it if it meant she was free of playing mommy to a bratty sister who she already seemed not to be connecting with.

She knew she couldn't back out this early on though, so after a few moments of rest, she returned downstairs, just in time for the pizza to come out of the oven. "Ooooh, looks good," she said as she made her way towards the hot food. She took a piece for herself and then sat down at the table, pretending not to notice Erin's second complaint of the night. Enamie had done a good job at dealing with it the first time so she would let her figure it out again. She seemed to have more patience than Cat did, anyway.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Wells Character Portrait: Enamie Wells Character Portrait: Jake Farrow Character Portrait: Catarina Holmes Character Portrait: William Bare
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Erin was going to be one tough cookie, Enamie could feel it. She's complained twice since they arrived, within hours. Enamie rested her arms on the counter, propping herself up, and looked at Erin in a curious way. "Erin, honey, if you don't like the pepperoni, then you can just peel it off." Enamie suggested calmly, as she got herself a piece after everyone else. Everyone seemed satisfied except for Erin. No surprise though, she was raised on Nannies. Enamie just let out a small sigh, thoughts rushing through her head. She sat next to Jake, and stared at her pizza for a minute or so, before shaking her head and taking a bite of her delicious creation. "Mmm.." She thought. "Mom always did make the greatest pizza." She smiled as she thought of her biological mother, and soon finished her pizza.

"Anyone want seconds?" Enamie offered, pointing to the almost half pizza sitting on top of the stove, to keep it warm, and the cheese ridiculously gooey. Enamie set her plate in the sink, and started running some hot water, before turning to the the others. "When you are done, if you could ever so kindly put your plates in the left side of the sink. " Enamie smiled.

It surprised her how natural this all seemed. Being a mother. It gave her a little relief that maybe she would be alright with the baby she was hiding. Maybe everything would be alright. It just bothered her that she had no one to talk to about this sort of thing. There was Catarina, but something just seemed... odd about her. She couldn't see the resemblance of her father in her, or was she her father's child? No, she had a different mother. Enamie's head hurt with the difference of parents everyone seemed to have. At least they got to know her father. Enamie only met him once, and it seemed as if he didn't want her.

There was something a little odd though. Why was Jake so.. clingy? He's never this attached to Enamie, as he always tries to steer clear of her at work, those few times he might bring her lunch every 100 years or so. Enamie pondered on this as she soaped up a scrubbie and began to wash her plate. Maybe Catarina somehow affected her and Jake's relationship? Should she feel threatened by the half-sister she never knew? Enamie shrugged and quickly forgot the thought as the water nearly burned her, it had gotten steaming.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Wells Character Portrait: Enamie Wells Character Portrait: Jake Farrow Character Portrait: Catarina Holmes
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It took a few minutes for Catarina to finish her slice of pizza but the single slice filled her up enough for her to deny Enamie's offer of seconds. "No thanks," she responded before leaving her plate in the sink. It felt strange to Cat that they were all just eating and sitting around as if they knew each other. There was a minimal introduction earlier but they hadn't discussed anything, really. It wasn't like she was making an effort to talk because she wasn't sure what to stay. She and Enamie were really starting new lives right now and Catarina wasn't sure where they were supposed to start.

Was there going to be some schedule where each of them were supposed to help out with Erin? Catarina supposed that the younger girl had to be involved in a few extracurricular activities and she was nearly positive that she was driven to school everyday and wouldn't even consider taking a school bus, so someone was going to have to drive her to those. Although Catarina had excused herself from a movie she had been scheduled to film starting last week, she wasn't going to end her career over her mother dying. At some point she wanted to return to making movies, doing interviews and going to events, and she was sure that Enamie worked some type of job as well, so what were they going to do about that? Plus, Catarina didn't want to live in her mother's home for the next four years and if Jake was going to be living at his apartment, she doubted that Enamie would want to be away from him for four years as well. Although she personally thought it would make sense to sell the huge house and move Erin in with one of them, she was unsure of how long they would have to wait to do that without upsetting her too much.

It was complicated enough for Catarina to just want to avoid the subjects for as long as possible. If anything, she felt like Enamie would be the one who would be able to sacrifice her time to deal with the custody problems. She had probably just worked some common person job and it would be less extreme for her to take time off or quit all together, than it would be for Catarina to continue to turn down A-list movie roles. The topic reminded her of a movie premiere after party scheduled for tomorrow that she had been invited to weeks ago. After her mothers' death, she had missed many parties due to grieving and because she just didn't want to face her first public appearance yet, but she felt like she had to move on at some point, and tomorrow's party seemed like a good start.

As she headed towards the door to exit the kitchen, she turned back for a moment and looked at Enamie. "I have a party tomorrow night so I'll probably leave around eight. Will you be around to stay with Erin?"

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Wells Character Portrait: Enamie Wells Character Portrait: Jake Farrow Character Portrait: Catarina Holmes Character Portrait: William Bare
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#, as written by Sophiex

For a moment, Erin was honestly confused when Enamie instructed her to just take the pepperoni off herself if she didn't like them. In the past, the people who prepared her food knew all of her likes and dislikes, so she rarely had a problem, but if she was dissatisfied with the food, they would surely fix it for her. Something as easy as taking pepperoni off of her own pizza seemed like an extensive task for her and she gave Enamie an annoyed glance before turning away in a huff. She didn't like all of this change. Her parents dying had changed everything, even things as unimportant as her dinner routine, and she didn't like this.

As she hovered over the table, she contemplated just peeling the pepperoni off as Enamie had suggestedm and although it was the logical thing to do, she wasn't going to give in that easy. No, Erin wanted things her way or no way, so she set the plate down on the counter and left the kitchen without a word. She was definitely hungry, and although she wasn't a fan of pepperoni, she couldn't deny that the pizza made the kitchen smell amazing. If she hadn't been in such a defiant mood, she probably would have put her dislike for the topping aside and ate it anyway.

That would have been too easy though, so she went to her room without eating and texted one of the few people she had left who she was close with: Will Bare. He was a friend of the family, with his parents being very close with hers, and growing up, he had been like an older brother to Erin. Even after Catarina, who he was close with, had moved out and went on with her life, he would still stop by for dinner or family parties, when he was home from school. His parents had been very good to Erin, especially over the past two weeks, and now that she was feeling almost more alone than she had before her sisters arrived, she felt like he was the only person to turn to.

To: Will Bare
Can u plzzz bring me ice cream :)???? I don't like my sisters.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Wells Character Portrait: Enamie Wells Character Portrait: Jake Farrow Character Portrait: Catarina Holmes
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Everyone seemed occupied enough with eating that conversation didn't seem necessary, but Jake felt like there was some sort of tension in the room. He was probably just imagining it, being paranoid enough with the idea of him cheating on Enamie getting out. Catarina didn't look like she felt guilty so part of Jake felt like he shouldn't either. It was a one night thing, right? He made an effort to avoid eye contact with Enamie's step sister but even just glancing at her brought back memories of that night.

It had been a beautiful night in late June, and Enamie's father had extended a last minute invitation to her to come to a party that followed a movie release that her stepmother, Julie, was starring in. The party was being hosted at some large estate that the director of the film owned, and although everyone at the party was probably famous in some way or another, there were enough people there that Jake and Enamie didn't stick out. Besides, she was the daughter of two of the biggest celebrities out there, so relation wise, they probably fit in there better than some of the other guests. Even with a strong invitation, they were still somewhat out of place among the hoards of movie stars, since Enamie had a strained relationship with her father and Jake learned that night, that she didn't even personally know her own stepsister and stepmother.

He wished that he could claim that he had had no idea who Catarina was when he bumped into her at the bar station, but you would have to be living under a rock to not know who Catarina Holmes was. She had been on Maxim's Hottest Women list multiple times, had starred in various movies, was the daughter of Julie Holmes, and he knew she was related to Enamie. Basically, she was a star, and even if she didn't know that he was dating her sister, he knew, and he was in the wrong when he started flirting with her. The flirting led to a sudden heated moment and twenty minutes later, he found himself hurrying to redress in one of the bedroom's of the home when he got a text from Enamie asking why he was taking so long to refill their drinks. He undoubtedly felt guilty for the rest of the night and considered telling Enamie, but she had gotten a bit tipsy that night at the party and was in such and good mood that when they got home, she was more flirtatious than usual too. After a wild night with her, he felt like it was unnecessary to say anything to her. He loved her and had made a stupid mistake. It was a one time thing, and he doubted that he would ever see Catarina again, so why ruin his relationship with Enamie over something that he thought was just a mistake.

The past seemed to be coming back to haunt him now, but Catarina hadn't made any comments about the night, so he hoped that maybe she had been so drunk that night that she forgot she had slept with him. However, he remembered her as being pretty sober but even if she did remember, he didn't think that she would want to tell her own sister that she had slept with her boyfriend. She would look like just as much of the bad guy, he assumed. After reassuring himself that that night didn't matter now, he tried to focus back on Enamie and what was going on in the present.

He had finished two slices of pizza in the time that it took the girls to finish one, and he soon noticed that Erin had disappeared, leaving a slice on the table. Enamie was washing dishes and Catarina began to leave, only to turn back around mid-exit to ask Enamie something. He was still hungry, having a seemingly endless appetite, so once the girls stopped talking, he looked over at Enamie and picked up Erin's uneaten slice. "Do you think she'll care if I eat this?" he asked.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Wells Character Portrait: Enamie Wells Character Portrait: Jake Farrow Character Portrait: Catarina Holmes
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Enamie felt alright, until Catarina turned around and asked Enamie if, basically, she could babysit Erin. Enamie stood there for a second, contemplating. She had a secret doctor's appointment tomorrow, right after her work. "Um.. She might have to be alone for like two hours before I get off of work at the hospital. " She loved how Catarina just assumes Enamie has all the time in the world, since she's not a 'celebrity'. Enamie mentally laughed. She was already feeling bad vibes off of her.

"Maybe Jake can watch her for 2 hours." She turned to Jake, and frowned as he asked if he could have the pizza. "Jake, there's another piece on the stove. Get that." Enamie then thought about the schedule for tomorrow.

If Enamie gets off work at 5:30, gets out of the doctor's at 7, then she should be home by.. 9? Enamie then smirked as she turned the sink off, and dried the dishes, and left them in a nice little stack on the counter, sighing at Erin's piece. She picked up the plate, and peeled off the pepperoni, and put them on Jake's slice. "Here, extra protein. Maybe you'll actually be full for once." She chuckled, as Jake often had a habit of stealing her food if she didn't finish the meal they were eating. Enamie then wrapped the pizza in a clear wrap, wrote Erin's name on it with a sharpie, and stuck it in the fridge. "Umm.. I might not be home by 8. Just depends on traffic and things." Enamie shrugged, as if she'd lied all her life.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Wells Character Portrait: Enamie Wells Character Portrait: Jake Farrow Character Portrait: Catarina Holmes Character Portrait: William Bare
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Catarina was beginning to get annoyed with Enamie. She knew that her step-sister worked some medical related job, but did she expect to just keep working and leave her to care for Erin for the next four years? Even if Erin was fourteen, there was still a lot of energy that would go into caring for her, and if Enamie was going to be working all day, who was supposed to make her breakfast and pick her up after school? Catarina had really been banking on Enamie taking over that role and although she understood that she was going to have to take on some sort of responsibility, she didn't like the idea of having this much. She felt like Enamie was meant to be a normal person and it seemed to make sense that she would give up her career over Cat, especially since they had each inherited enough money from Richard and Julie's passing to last them a few lifetimes.

"Yeah, I'm going to be working tomorrow too, and since it's not a school day, I'm sure she'll be fine here with Jake for the day," Catarina responded quickly. She knew she was being a little bit passive aggressive, especially since she really didn't have any work to do tomorrow, but if Enamie wasn't going to take time off to get settled into their new life, neither was she. She knew she wasn't trying to be a bitch and Enamie most likely really did have to work, but it didn't matter to Catarina, who was very defensive. She interpreted it as Enamie thinking that her job was more important than Catarina's, and she wasn't going to stand for that. If it took leaving Erin home alone on a Saturday with Jake for her to get that point across, so be it.

She didn't want to deal with the subject any longer, so without waiting for Enamie's response, she continued out of the kitchen and upstairs to her bedroom. It was still fairly early in the night and now that Cat had no desire to socialize with her sisters, she wanted to get out and do something to lift her spirits. She decided on going out to a local club and changed into a mini dress and a pair of black heels, before brushing her brown hair out and texting William Bare. He had been one of her closest childhood friends, since his parents were very close with her mother and stepfather, and recently they had been hooking up. It wasn't a real boyfriend/girlfriend relationship and was more of just fun, drunk hookups, but Catarina liked it better that way.

To: Will Bare
Pick me up and let's get drunk somewhere ;)

Once she was satisfied with her appearance, she grabbed her clutch and before going downstairs, she knocked on Erin's door. "Erin, I'm going out for a few hours. Do you need anything before I leave?" she asked, trying out the "big sister" role. She didn't intend on telling Enamie that she was leaving. It wasn't like she owed the girl an explanation for her whereabouts and as long as Erin was taken care of, she didn't think it mattered.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Enamie Wells Character Portrait: Jake Farrow Character Portrait: Catarina Holmes
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Jake nodded when Enamie suggested that he could stay with Erin for the time between Catarina leaving and Enamie coming home. He could do that. Erin wasn't a toddler that he would have to chase around and judging by her reaction to his presence earlier, he guessed that she would probably just stay in her room or do something on her own.

Jake gave Enamie a smile of gratitude when she handed him a separate slice of pizza, topped with extra pepperoni, and he returned to the now empty table to eat it. Although he was comfortable with staying with Erin, Catarina's response about her being gone at work all too, and that he could stay with Erin for the entire day didn't seem as enjoyable. What was he supposed to do for an entire day with her? It definitely would have been easier if one of the girls stayed home but he wasn't surprised that Enamie had decided to return to work. She was great at her job and really enjoyed helping other people, so to Jake, it seemed more like a passion of hers than actual work. Especially since Erin was old and wouldn't need someone watching her twenty-four/seven, it made sense for Enamie to keep working if she liked it, even if she didn't need the money.

Catarina left the kitchen after asserting that she wasn't going to spend time at home if Enamie wasn't, and in that short amount of time, Jake had already finished his slice. "I can try staying with her..." he offered, although his voice probably expressed doubt in his ability. He didn't want to stress Enamie out any more than she already was and maybe if tomorrow went well, Erin wouldn't make a problem about him staying over at the house in the future. As he remembered how he wasn't supposed to stay over tonight, he glanced at the clock and saw that the evening was going by fairly quickly. "Are you gonna be okay for the night if I head out soon?"

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Wells Character Portrait: Enamie Wells Character Portrait: Catarina Holmes Character Portrait: William Bare
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#, as written by Bandit

Although it was already nearing eight o'clock, Will was just leaving his father's office. He had been putting in a ton of extra work over the past two weeks after he and his older brother were assigned to Richard and Julie Wells' case. Normally, the assignment would have been a fairly boring one. They weren't working on suing anyone so there was little research involved, and instead were just filling out tons of paperwork to get the estate and inheritance in order for the children. However, Will knew Richard and Julie well. Well enough to call them his Aunt and Uncle, even if they legally weren't. He had known the family since his childhood and was devastated when he found out about the accident. Even now that all of the legal stuff was settled, it still felt surreal to know that they were gone.

As he was getting into his car, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and found a text message from Cat waiting for him. It read, "Pick me up and let's get drunk somewhere ;)". Will normally wouldn't have been surprised that she wanted to go out to a bar or club, because they frequently hung out there together, but he also knew that today was supposed to be her first day at her mothers' home. He took her wanting to get out as probably being a bad sign, which again wasn't surprising. Even though he loved Catarina, he knew that she had a strong personality and could sometimes be hard to get along with. Plus, even he thought that she was too independent for the lifestyle change that she agreed to when she signed off on the shared custody documents over Erin.

To: Cat Holmes
Lol okay I'll be there in 15

He had barely finished replying to Catarina when another text message appeared on his phone. This one was from Erin, Catarina's younger half-sister. She claimed that she didn't like her sisters and wanted ice cream. Piecing together the fact that Catarina wanted to leave the home and Erin's expression of her dislike for her sisters, confirmed to Will that something hadn't gone right when the three reunited. He genuinely felt bad for Erin, probably more than he even did Catarina. Erin had always seemed like such a sweet and innocent little girl and had become like a little sister to Will. It was clear that her parents loved her and he could only imagine how detrimental the sudden loss of both of them would be on a girl her age. It seemed most appropriate that she would be placed under the care of her sisters, as it had been requested in her parents' will. Although he didn't know her other sister, Enamie, he assumed that she would prefer their care over that of her next most-eligible guardian, which was her father's mother who lived somewhere in Europe.

Her text didn't help him feel any better about the situation but he tried to remind himself that this was just the first day. He couldn't have expected the three of them to click seamlessly after only knowing each other for a few hours. All three of their lives had just been turned upside down and he was sure that would take some getting used to.

To: Erin Wells
You got it

He made a pit stop at an ice cream shop before reaching his destination of the Wells' home. Although he was used to just walking in, he decided to knock on the door this time, simply because he knew it wouldn't be Richard or Julie on the other side.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Wells Character Portrait: Enamie Wells Character Portrait: Catarina Holmes Character Portrait: William Bare
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#, as written by Sophiex

Erin waited impatiently, even if it was just for a few minutes, for Will's response, but she was satisfied when he returned her text and agreed to bring ice cream. He would have expected no less of him though, since he was always a good guy. Both of her parents loved him and he was the closest thing to a son for them.

She didn't normally go to bed so early, but after seeing Will's text, she got out of bed and changed into pajamas: a simple pair of plaid boxer shorts and a white tank top. Even though she did plan on eating her ice cream when it arrived, she didn't have much more on the agenda for the night and would probably go to sleep soon after. Although she had taken the past two weeks off from school and had an ample amount of free time on her hands, Erin had gotten little sleep since her parents died. She would sleep for two or three hours at a time before having a nightmare or just becoming too restless to stay asleep, and the lack of it was beginning to catch up to her.

As she sat back down on her bed and tucked herself under the covers, waiting for Will to arrive, her eyelids began to feel heavier than before. It was the first time in two weeks that she actually wanted to wait to fall asleep, because she was excited to see Will tonight, but her body seemed to have other plans. She had nearly dozed off when he door creaked open and Catarina appeared, asking if she needed anything before she left. Although Erin was curious about where she was going, she simply shook her head no and probably before Catarina even had time to leave, her eyes were shut again and she was asleep.

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Character Portrait: Enamie Wells


Character Portrait: Enamie Wells
Enamie Wells

| Wells #1 | Enamie Richards | {OOC: Completed Pretty Much} |


Character Portrait: Enamie Wells
Enamie Wells

| Wells #1 | Enamie Richards | {OOC: Completed Pretty Much} |

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Enamie Wells
Enamie Wells

| Wells #1 | Enamie Richards | {OOC: Completed Pretty Much} |

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Re: Before It's Too Late

Don't worry about it! I'm probably not going to post until the next morning since Erin is asleep now, so just a heads up.

Re: Before It's Too Late

Hey, so I am REALLY sorry about being late. It won't happen again as long as my wifi decides to work. :(

Re: Before It's Too Late

I hope everyone is still here :D.

Re: Before It's Too Late

It's okay, the website was down for me yesterday as well.

Re: Before It's Too Late

Hey guys, I'll have a post up for Enamie tomorrow evening. I'm sorry I didn't give a further notice, as I couldn't, because for some reason the website was offline for me.

Re: Before It's Too Late

Sorry for taking longer than expected. The hotel I went to didn't have free wi-fi and I wasn't about to pay $20 a night for it, lol. I just posted now though.

Re: Before It's Too Late

I'm going to post tomorrow evening. I may find the time earlier, some time in the morning possibly, but I'm not 100% sure that I'll wake up early enough before having to leave for a small trip, so definitely within the next 24 hours.

Re: Before It's Too Late

Anyone know someone in "Love And Babies" or can send me a link? For some reason, my characters aren't showing... :'(

Re: Before It's Too Late

Yes to both reservations!

Re: Before It's Too Late

I'm going to make a character for the Kendall Jenner FC. Per your rule request, I will be using A440E6 and you can just call me BB if that's easier.


Re: Before It's Too Late

May I reserve Wells #5? Thank you so much. I'm going to use #9933FF

Re: Before It's Too Late

Of course! This is the first time I have been able to log on in a few days because of problems with the website, so my apologies for the delayed response.

Re: Before It's Too Late

May I reserve Wells #1?

Please, and thank you! :D

Before It's Too Late

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Before It's Too Late"

You may edit this first post as you see fit.
