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Alena Rosalie Featherstone

"Come on, DANCE WITH ME! I'm a young girl. I have needs. And they involve dancefloors, and not going home until 3 in the morning."

0 · 999 views · located in Belmont, California

a character in “Belmont High”, as played by YoureStillAnInnocent


"In my mind, the sun shines all the time..."



Full Name: Alena Rosalie Featherstone
Nicknames: Normally people just call her Alena. Or A, if they really want to.
Age: 15
Grade: Sophomore
Birthdate: 13 December 1996
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Appearance: Alena is a petite and slim young girl, who stands about 5ft tall and weight around 87lbs. She has long, vibrant red hair that she wears down at the majority of times, and a small, young and innocent-looking face. Her skin is naturally quite pale, but she does wear a small amount of fake tan, and she loves to wear makeup. The clothes she usually wears are things that are comfortable yet fashionable, because she likes to look good but also feel good inside.

Snow ~ Alena is a huge fan of snow, and Christmas. She just loves how it sparkles when the sun shines on a cold winter's day, and how it makes everything prettier.
Singing ~ Alena can often be found singing to herself around school, mostly when nobody else can hear her.
Fashion design ~ Alena's life long goal is to be a famous fashion designer, and designing clothes, shoes and accessories is what she spends the majority of time doing.
Boys ~ As any teenage girl is, Alena is completely boy crazy.
Parties ~ Alena loves having a good time, and will always be up for a party.
Dancing ~ Alena really enjoys dancing. It's something energetic, keeps her fit, and is just fun.
Spiders ~ Alena is absolutely terrified of spiders.
Arguments ~ Whether she's involved in one, or just watching it happen, Alena hates people arguing.
Rap music ~ To Alena, rap is just noise. She can't enjoy listening to it.
Insects ~ Especially those that fly.
Blood ~ The sight of blood makes Alena feel ill, so she hates when she or someone she's around gets cut.
Fears and Dreams: Alena's biggest fear is failing all of her exams and not being able to become a fashion designer. This is because since she was a little girl, she has adored clothes and designing things that other people would some day wear, and not being able to follow her childhood dream is devastating for her. This brings me onto her ultimate dream: Designing clothes for a leading brand. She wants to be rich and famous, but another part of her dream for the future is to settle down, get married and start a family of her own, due to the fact she is very caring and maternal.

Personality: Alena is a girl who just loves to be around other people. This is mainly because she thrives on attention from others, and on their positive energy. She's very happy-go-lucky, finds it easy to make friends, and likes to make people feel good about themselves when she's in a good mood. She's not normally sad, and she can be a tad reckless, but her intentions are mostly pure and good. In her mind, she's still a young girl, so she can often come across as slightly immature when she's extremely hyper, but when she's not, her brain age is the same as that of her actual age.
However, Alena has her bad days every once in a while, when she can become shallow and bitchy. This is usually just because when she gets really low, the only way she can think of to channel that energy is to get snappy at others even when they're simply trying to help her. She tries to explain this to people before it happens, as she is frightened of losing those close to her over her mood swings, but they normally understand...something she's very grateful for.

History: Alena was born precisely five months and eight days after her mother's 21st birthday, a fact that she remembers clearly. Growing up surrounded by both her parents, both of her brothers (one of them older, the other one younger), and her childhood best friend and her family who lived with them, she grew up as a happy and well-rounded young girl who thrived on adventure, love and getting into trouble every now and then. When she was a young child, she would draw on the clothes in her bedroom using felt tip pens, and although she would get into trouble with her mother for it, it was the thing that inspired her into fashion design from such a young age. Whenever she would have to go shopping for new clothes with her, she would be in awe of all the pretty fabrics and the pretty colours and patterns in each shop she went into, extremely excited by all the choice and variation.
When Alena started going to school, she discovered a new trait she possessed: charisma. She found it easy to charm people, both teachers and students, and made herself a lot of friends with no trouble. This was something that made her proud of herself, as she loved having people be kind to her and want to be seen with her, and still does. However, this was also the time that her mood swings started to show through, and she would sometimes shout and stay away from the other children.
Alena grew up into your average teenager; getting involved with the coolest kids she could find, going to the best parties, and doing wild and crazy things just for the fun of it. She managed to still keep on top of her grades, though, and is constantly working hard to achieve her dreams.




"They say I've always known what I friends and enemies will tell you it's true..."

So begins...

Alena Rosalie Featherstone's Story

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Character Portrait: Alena Rosalie Featherstone
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As she quickly and quietly walked through the school gates and towards the front doors of the building, Alena smiled to herself. Another day, another step closer to fulfilling her wildest dreams. And she was excited.
Waving at everyone she passed, she quickly ran through the doors into school and to her locker, eager to get out all her things, see everyone else, and get to class and work. It sounded wierd when she thought about it, but...all the hard work was worth the rewards you get if you do it. Even if she would rather be out partying. She would have enough party time when she became famous, anyway.
Still holding onto that thought, she collected her things from her locker, tossed her bag over her shoulder, and walked off in search of someone to talk to before school began.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christina Jacobs Character Portrait: Danny Roberts Character Portrait: Joshua Mercer Character Portrait: Bobby Mercer Character Portrait: Alena Rosalie Featherstone Character Portrait: Kris Mainer
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Alena walked outside of the school doors into the grounds, chewing the inside of her cheek and looking around. She was getting increasingly more nervous as time went on. She was taking AP classes, which meant she was with the Juniors...what if they all hated her? What if they just thought she was wierd?
She looked around, hoping to see a familiar face, and bit her lip when she saw a small group of people huddled together and talking. She recognised a few of them: Josh and Bobby Mercer, and Christina Jacobs, all of whom she was sure were in her classes this year. And all of whom looked way too cool and popular to know she even existed. Along with some kids from even higher years, who definately wouldn't know she existed.
Alena had been really popular when she was in classes with other Sophmores...she was probably the Queen Bee of their whole year. But now, in classes with older kids that she didn't even know, she felt pretty intimidated. And pretty insignificant. She had no idea whether to even think about going over to talk to them or not...
Giving another look around, her eyes widened slightly as she saw someone else: Russell Jones. Now, if there was one person Alena definately didn't want to get on the bad side of, it was him. She was terrified of having a bad reputation, and if she even so much as said something she shouldn't in his presence, she'd probably know about it.
Slowly getting more and more terrified, Alena gulped and stayed put by the entrance, fully aware she looked sad and stupid standing by herself, but not ready to make the jump to talk to some older kids.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christina Jacobs Character Portrait: Danny Roberts Character Portrait: Joshua Mercer Character Portrait: Bobby Mercer Character Portrait: Alena Rosalie Featherstone Character Portrait: Kris Mainer
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Bobby & Josh Mercer

Bobby and Josh both laughed."Well are summer was great thank you very much!" Josh said. Bobby stood up to his full height and looked down at Christina."Well lovely, how was your summer?" He chuckled and turned to Kris. "Don't worry about that CH thing man, she just mad cause hers isnt as unique as yours!" Bobby turned to her and stuck his tongue out. Bobby put his arm around Danny."And how's my favorite senor doing?" Josh got up and turned the music off in the Impala. He sat back down by Christina and spotted Alena He turned back and made a nod to Bobby. Bobby called Alena."Hey Sophmore! Come here!" Josh gave him a blank look."Are you trying to make me go insane Bobby?" Bobby giggled."WHy would you say that? You already are!".

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christina Jacobs Character Portrait: Danny Roberts Character Portrait: Joshua Mercer Character Portrait: Bobby Mercer Character Portrait: Alena Rosalie Featherstone Character Portrait: Kris Mainer
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Alena continued to look around, biting her lip, then blinked when she saw and heard Bobby, her eyes widening slightly. Did they want to speak to her? Make fun of her? She had no idea.
Quickly composing herself and keeping tight hold of her bag, she made her way over to the group, feeling the blush rise in her cheeks. She didn't know whether to be extatic, or terrified...and right now, she was a mixture of both.
"Um...h-hi..." She stuttered quietly, giving everyone the brightest smile she could manage, and tucking a loose strand of her red hair that had fallen into her eyes behind her ear, and then looked at Bobby. "...D-did you need something? I...I just c-called my name back there, and I thought you might...need something..." She trailed off, trying to keep up her smile.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christina Jacobs Character Portrait: Danny Roberts Character Portrait: Joshua Mercer Character Portrait: Bobby Mercer Character Portrait: Alena Rosalie Featherstone Character Portrait: Kris Mainer
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Bobby & Josh Mercer
Bobby laughed."No not at all, I just heard you had classes with us this year" He gestured to Josh and Christina. Josh let out a loud laugh. He quickly made a straight face. Bobby wasn't trying to make fun of her, but he was sure thats how it sounded. Josh put his hands together and spoke."So Alena how was your summer? Filled with sunshine and rainbows, right?" Bobby tried to keep a straight face, he almsot bursted with laughter. Here came the jackass side of Josh. Josh smield and tilted his head.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christina Jacobs Character Portrait: Danny Roberts Character Portrait: Joshua Mercer Character Portrait: Bobby Mercer Character Portrait: Alena Rosalie Featherstone Character Portrait: Kris Mainer
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Kris Mainer

Kris got this slightly confused look on his face when Christina said something about her name starting with a CH and his with a K. Then he smiled a little when Bobby stepped in and said that Christina was just mad because her name wasn't as unique as his. "Oh, that makes so much since." Kris said with a laugh looking at Christina. Then he turned and watched Bobby called over an un-natural red headed girl that was apparently a Sophomore, but he didn't say anything to her as she came over, just had on a small smile.

Danny Roberts

Danny smiled a little at what Christina said. "Aww. It's okay." She said then laughed a little at what Bobby had said to Kris. Danny looked up at Bobby with a 'why are you touching me' look on her face that was tweaked a little with a small smile. "I'm doing good." She said then watched as Bobby called over a Sophomore that had red hair. She smiled at her when she came over. "Hi, I like your hair." Danny said with a small wave to the girl with red hair. Danny frowned at Josh though. It sounded like he was trying to make fun of her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christina Jacobs Character Portrait: Danny Roberts Character Portrait: Joshua Mercer Character Portrait: Bobby Mercer Character Portrait: Alena Rosalie Featherstone Character Portrait: Kris Mainer
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Alena's smile immediately faded as she heard Josh and Bobby. Who was she kidding? Of course they'd called her over to make fun of her. After all, she was only a Sophmore. Albeit, a pretty popular one, but a Sophmore nonetheless.
But she'd already walked over, and she wasn't going to let anyone bring her down. So she smiled warmly at Bobby and opened her mouth to speak.
"Yeah, I do. Which I think's pretty cool. Had to leave all of my friends behind, but...there you go..." She said, then gave Josh the same smile. "And, actually, yes. I did an internship for a fashion magazine in Milan over the summer,, was it hot out there. It actually gave me a little bit of a tan." She said, her usual, bright smile returning as she began to inspect her arms, then looked back at him. "And I actually saw three rainbows while I was there. I mean, what are the chances?"
She then looked at Danny and gave her yet again, the same, bright and sweet smile. "Thankyou, I like your hair,'re really pretty."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christina Jacobs Character Portrait: Danny Roberts Character Portrait: Joshua Mercer Character Portrait: Bobby Mercer Character Portrait: Alena Rosalie Featherstone Character Portrait: Kris Mainer
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Bobby & Josh Mercer

Bobby laughed aloud. Josh had raised an eyebrow at Bobby. Bobby cuffed a hand on the side of his mouth and whispered."Josh, I think you just got owned". Josh gave him a confused look."At least I know how to whisper dumbass". Bobby looked at him with a crazy face. Then turned to Danny."I'm good at whispering right?" Josh laughed and looked at Alena."Milan? Wow, nice! But only three rainbows? I'm sure there were a few you must of missed sunshine." Josh leaned back. Bobby walked over to Alena."Yes Josh, I'm sure she missed a few, but I think it's about time we get are schedules right?" Bobby raised an eyebrow. He didn't want Josh picking on the girl, she seemed fragile enough already.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christina Jacobs Character Portrait: Danny Roberts Character Portrait: Joshua Mercer Character Portrait: Bobby Mercer Character Portrait: Alena Rosalie Featherstone Character Portrait: Kris Mainer
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Shae Saunders

Shae let out a sigh and kept her head down as she passed by the large group of students mingling in the parking lot. She knew Josh was among them, and that was all the more reason for her to try and act completely indifferent as she passed on her way. Her eyes stayed glued to the ground until she was a safe distance away. Knowing that she didn't really have anyone to talk to, she just headed up the school steps, deciding she'd go get her schedule from the office. After all, she didn't want to just stand around all alone outside. As she made her way through the hallways, her gaze flitting around a bit, she spotted Russel hanging with usual crowd, all clumped together while they laughed about who knows what, not seeming to realize they were blocking off the majority of the hallway. Shae tried to maneuver around the large crowd without getting caught in between, and just as it seemed she was about to get by without causing much fuss, one of the football players backed into her by mistake, and she fell back against the lockers before landing on the floor. She quickly scrambled back to her feet and brushed off her knees while beginning to stutter some kind of apology. Her cheeks burned a sort of red color, and when she saw a few girls in the crowd look at her before whispering among themselves, she wanted to just run right away.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christina Jacobs Character Portrait: Danny Roberts Character Portrait: Joshua Mercer Character Portrait: Bobby Mercer Character Portrait: Alena Rosalie Featherstone Character Portrait: Kris Mainer
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Christina Jacobs

"Don't worry about that CH thing man, she just mad cause hers isnt as unique as yours!" She rolled her eyes and stuck her tonage out at Bobby. "Yes, that's exactly what it is. I'm jealous. I'm jealous of a guy who's nickname sounds just like mine....But, seriously i'm jealous of your hair." She smirked and looked at Bobby. "My summer was amazing thank you for finaly asking." She looked as she could see Alena. It wasn't long before Bobby called her over to their group. She smirked. She wasn't stupid, he liked her and he could tell it wasn't in the friend way like them. She watched as she stuttered and bit on her lip to stop frm chuckling. They weren't that popular, did she really think they could ruin her? She looked to her side and heard Josh start to laugh. She covered her mouth and fake coughed. ."So Alena how was your summer? Filled with sunshine and rainbows, right? She hit Josh hard with her elbow and wispered in his ear. "You're such an asshole."[/i] Looking at the smll red head she smirked looking at the girl. She had a long way to go before she was as sassy as Chrisina herself but, she was fun. "And I actually saw three rainbows while I was there. I mean, what are the chances?" She chuckled and grabbed her Zelda bag.

."Josh, I think you just got owned". Oh here they go with the back and forth bull. ."At least I know how to whisper dumbass". She rolled her eyes hearing Josh talk to Alena. It took her a year to get used to his smart remarks and that was like a lifetime time ago. This girl didn't seem like a smartass like her, Josh, or the others. "Think of it this way Joshua. Rather be a dumbass than a jackass any day." She stood up and looked at the others. "Unless you guys don't want to have classes for the next year...I think that is a good idea, Bobby." She opened the door and held it. "Ladies frist. So, Alena, Danny, and not to forget Tia and Tamera of course. After you."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christina Jacobs Character Portrait: Danny Roberts Character Portrait: Joshua Mercer Character Portrait: Bobby Mercer Character Portrait: Alena Rosalie Featherstone Character Portrait: Kris Mainer
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Alena smiled sweetly at Josh.
"Actually...I don't think I missed any. Because, like I was really hot there. It hardly ever rained. can't have a rainbow without a little rain..." She said cheerfully, giving a small glance up to the sky. "But hey, I might have. You never know." She said, then looked back at Bobby and Christina. "Yeah, schedules. Sounds great." She said quickly, some of her earlier excitement coming back already. This was it. Another academic year that brought her closer to her career. And she was going to love every second of it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christina Jacobs Character Portrait: Danny Roberts Character Portrait: Joshua Mercer Character Portrait: Bobby Mercer Character Portrait: Alena Rosalie Featherstone Character Portrait: Kris Mainer
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Danny Roberts

Danny smiled at the girl. "Aww, thank you. I'm Danny, by the way." She said then watched the twins. She smiled and shook her head a little at Bobby. "Your an okay whisperer, but maybe you need a little practice." Danny said with a smile. When she heard Bobby and Christina say something about schedules. "Yeah, let's go." She said then let out a little laugh at what Christina had said. When she got in the school, she saw Russel's group then saw Shae get bumped into and fall. Her smile droped from her face as she made her way over to Shae. "Hey, are you okay?" She said as she helped Shae up and glared at the group of cheerleaders and football players.

Kris Mainer

Kris looked up when they said schedule. "What Danny said." He said loudly then jumped up. "Hey, I'm Kris. And what's your name?" He said to Alena as they made there way to inside of the school.

((edited, sorry. my computer was tweakin'))

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christina Jacobs Character Portrait: Danny Roberts Character Portrait: Joshua Mercer Character Portrait: Bobby Mercer Character Portrait: Alena Rosalie Featherstone Character Portrait: Kris Mainer
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Natalie Young

Natalie was walking to school. He car had broken the other day and it wasn't fixed yet. Her cousin had refused to drive her, he wanted to sleep. What an asshole, Natalie thought as she turned to the left and entered Belmont Highs parking lot. Normally it would only take five minutes in car to get there, but she'd been walking for 20 minutes now. A group of teens were hanging out on the parking lot. Natalie tried to avoid looking at them and started heading directly towards the doors of the school. She felt weak and exposed, but who wouldn't. Starting at a new school have never been fun to anyone. Another girl suddenly walked past her and up the stairs. She was walking with stiff legs and her hair hanging down infront of her face. Didn't seem like she was too happy about the situation either. The girl went inside and when Natalie reached the steps, the group sitting on the stairs got up and one of the girls opened the door. "Ladies frist. So, Alena, Danny, and not to forget Tia and Tamera of course. After you." The group got up the moment Natalie was walking up the stairs and it resultet in her walking into the black guy. She grabbed another guys arm to prevent herself from falling and then instantly let go when she got her balance again. "Oh, sorry" she said without looking at any of them. She tried to get pass them so she could avoid any more awkwardness, but they were blocking the door and she was forced to look up at them. "As I said, sorry. Now, could you please let me in?" she asked the guy she just bumped into.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christina Jacobs Character Portrait: Joshua Mercer Character Portrait: Bobby Mercer Character Portrait: Alena Rosalie Featherstone Character Portrait: Kris Mainer Character Portrait: Natalie Ohio Young
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Kris Mainer

"Wow. Hey." Kris said when someone bumped into him and he turned around. It was some girl, so he wasn't going to fight with her. "Oh, it's okay." He added when he heard her say sorry. Then she started to get a little mad. "Gees, girl. Calm down. Go ahead." He told her and stepped to the side so she could get through. She's...something. Kris thought and raised his eyebrow at the girl then crossed his arms. "She seems pissed." Kris said to one of the guys. "Did she seem pissed to you?" He added, asking the red head girl and Christina.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christina Jacobs Character Portrait: Joshua Mercer Character Portrait: Bobby Mercer Character Portrait: Alena Rosalie Featherstone Character Portrait: Kris Mainer Character Portrait: Natalie Ohio Young
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Alena opened her mouth to speak when Kris asked her her name, then blinked as she saw a girl fall into him.
After she watched the girl walk away, she looked back at Kris and nodded slightly.
"...Yeah...she did..." She said quietly, watching her go, and then smiled slightly. "And, my name's Alena, by the way...just, as an answer to your previous question..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christina Jacobs Character Portrait: Joshua Mercer Character Portrait: Bobby Mercer Character Portrait: Alena Rosalie Featherstone Character Portrait: Kris Mainer
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Kris Mainer

"That's what I thought." Kris said, still on his question about weather that chick was pissed or not. Then he remembered his one question. He smiled at Alena and nodded a little. "That's a cute name." He said with a smile. "Hey, does anyone know if there's gonna be any parties this week?" He added this question for the whole group, with the exception of Danny who must have already went inside. "'Cause if there ain't gonna be one, we should have one." Kris added excitedly and loudly.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christina Jacobs Character Portrait: Joshua Mercer Character Portrait: Bobby Mercer Character Portrait: Alena Rosalie Featherstone Character Portrait: Kris Mainer
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Bobby & Josh Mercer

Bobby and Josh crowded Christina."Oh so now where girls huh? If were gonna be girls, we prefer different names" Josh said. Bobby put his hand on Josh's shoulder and looked at Christina."Yeah just call me Shanaynay and call Josh Kylolo" Josh and Bobby busted out laughing. Bobby walked over to Kris and Alena."Hey Alena, sorry about Josh's behavoir earlier, I wasn't trying to make fun of you, but apparently he was." Josh wasn't the type of person to say sorry. Everything Josh said he meant, so they was no reason to. Then Josh came and put his arm on Kris shoulder and leaned on him."How about party at your house?" He said happiliy.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christina Jacobs Character Portrait: Danny Roberts Character Portrait: Joshua Mercer Character Portrait: Bobby Mercer Character Portrait: Alena Rosalie Featherstone Character Portrait: Kris Mainer
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Kris Mainer

Kris laughed some at what he heard Bobby say. Then he turned his attention to Josh. "'Ight, Kylolo. Party at my place this weekend." Kris sad with a smile and almost started laughing. "Weren't we going to get are schedules or something?" He added, just remembering they were at school and had classes to get to sometime today.

Danny Roberts

Danny gave a small smile to Shae. "It wasn't your bad. It's their bad for taking up the whole hallway." Danny said, with a slightly irritated look on her face as she looked at the group. Thinking of groups, Danny was wondering where everyone else was and looked around, but she shrugged it off and turned back to Shae with a small smile. "So, anyways, hi." Danny said with a smile and a small wave.

((haha yeah, I wanna see that too))

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christina Jacobs Character Portrait: Danny Roberts Character Portrait: Joshua Mercer Character Portrait: Bobby Mercer Character Portrait: Oliver Jacobs Character Portrait: Alena Rosalie Featherstone
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Christina Jacobs

She saw Danny walk away and smiled as a good-bye. looked as her best friends crowded around her. ."Oh so now where girls huh? If were gonna be girls, we prefer different names" She rolled her eyes and pushed them away so shcould breath. ."Yeah just call me Shanaynay and call Josh Kylolo" She exhaled. "Whatever gives me room to breath without smelling bodyspray. She looked as they walked away. When she heard the word party she had to exhale. She hated parties, for no particlar reason she just....did. "'Ight, Kylolo. Party at my place this weekend." She sighed. She looked at the two and raised an eyebrow. "Can't really have a party with you parents there can ya, smart one? Besides have a party? They're it's stuid honestly and who wants to clean all that stuff up aterwards?" She was a bubble burster, she just had to kill the fun with logic. "Now,to the office."

Oliver Jacobs

Walking up thirty minutes before Christina, Oliver got dressed in a white V-neck, dark wash jeans, and his brand new wings Adidas. Not to forget his infamous dog tags that he wore everywhere and I do mean everywhere. Once waking up his siter and driving them to school. He parked the car and couldn't be happier to get away from the awkward silence. After getting out and locking the car he saw Chris walking away from him. Oliver watched as she walked over to her regular spot before heading inside. It wasn't that he wasn't close to her friend, he was just closer to his own aka the people almost most people hated on. Which he couldn't see why, but that was their personal problem. He walked into the buliding and into the office to get his new schedule. Just to see one of his closest girl friends, Rinny with her's. He put it in his back pocket and walked over to her. Putting his arm around her shoulders, he smirked and chuckled. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the Barbie." He teased her a lot. "Hello, Lauren, Darling. May I see your schedule, so I can know what classes to stay away from?" He always started with the British charm before saying something sarcastic. He was joking, of course, if anything those be the classes he would go to. Unlike most people he like Lauren, she was a good person.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christina Jacobs Character Portrait: Joshua Mercer Character Portrait: Bobby Mercer Character Portrait: Alena Rosalie Featherstone Character Portrait: Kris Mainer
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Kris Mainer

Kris stood there a second to think about what Christina had said. He smiled when he found an answer for some of it. "My dad is still on his one of his business trips and won't be back for an other month or two. And my moms going to my grandmas to visit this weekend and won't be back 'til Monday." Kris said with a big smile as he walked up to Christina and held the door for her. "Plus, I don't mind cleaning up as long as its a good party." He added with a smile and small laugh. It was times like this when he wanted to say 'See, I can be smart if I really tried', but would never say it though. See, Kris is actually a smart guy. No, he's not book smart, but he's smart about other stuff. He's not dumb either. He knows people thinks he's dumb, but he doesn't really care what they think. If Kris wasn't such a nice guy, he would probably go tell every rumor; not only rumors about him but ones about other people too; and every person that ever made a rumor and tell them to suck it! But he's too much of a nice guy to say that. "Yes, too the office!" Kris said after Christina and started heading inside.