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Erik Kristiansen.

"Only bad thing about LA is the lack of snow. I'm really gonna miss winter."

0 · 431 views · located in California

a character in “Beverly Hills High School”, as played by bfb_monster



Character Sheet

Full name: "Pretty standard name. I think my great grandfather was called Kristian or something." Erik Kristiansen
Nickname: "Well, my name is rather short and it rolls easy on the tongue, so I don't really have any nicknames. None that I know of at least." None really.
Birth date: "Best day of the year if you ask me" 7th of November.
Sexuality:"I've never really felt experimental" Straight.
Relationship Status:"My girlfriend broke up with me right before I moved here, and I haven't had any relationship during the past years, just the occasional hookups single.

Physical appearance

Age: "What a glorious age to be alive or something poetic like that" 17
How old does he appear:"Well, during last Movember I grew a pretty nice beard, looked about 25 then" between 18-25 (depends on when he last shaved)
Weight: "I think I have an ideal weight, maybe?" 88kg(194lbs)
Height: "I pretty much love my height" 195cm(6,4feet)
Body build: "Skiing has given me a pretty nice body, plus I've been doing boxing since I was 12, so I have a pretty nice body if I do say so myself. Though I would call my build a more wiry than bodybuilder-ish." Fit with a wiry build.
Shape of face: "I can't say I understand why that matters" Heart
Eye color: [Heh, my friends claim I have camouflage colored eyes" greenbrown-ish
Glasses or contacts: "Never needed them" None.
Skin tone:"Well, naturally I'm a bit pale. But a month in California has scorched my skin quite nicely." a little on the pale side, but California has given him a nice tan.
Distinguishing marks: "I've always been lucky, planning on getting a tattoo later on though." None as per now.
Hair color: "Might be a dirty-blond color? I honestly don't know" light brown.
Hairstyle:"I recently let my hair grow, and I couldn't be more happy with it" Varies allot, at the moment it's long hair pulled back with allot of help from hair products, giving him a sort of sleek look. During the summer he has also been growing a beard, so he looks much older than he really is.
Physical disabilities: "I had a pretty extreme growth spurt, if it hadn't been for an accident I would probably have been just fine, but I dislocated my knee and ever since then I've had a problem with it." He has a bad knee. It doesn't take much twisting for it to dislocate.
Style:" What can I say? I've always strived for that lumber-jack look. Haha just kidding, I just really like plaid shirts" Erik has no sense of style and usually wears a plaid shirt and jeans. Unless it's some kind of event which he can wear a suit to. Erik loves suits.
Favorite outfit: "I really love suits. Right hand to some sort of god; I look fantastic in them" lSuit and tie.
Jewelry or accessories: "I'm not really a religious man, but I have always liked the ideas in Norse mythology" A silver Thor's-hammer(Basically a silver mjolnir) necklace.
Overall attractiveness: "Never thought of myself as an especially handsome guy, but I've noticed some chicks looking at me at the beach so maybe got something going for me." 8/10


Good personality traits:
-Relatively intelligent
-Good at card games
-Great storyteller
-Strong willed.
Bad personality traits:
-A little bit pessimistic
-Lazy when it comes to school-work.
-Got nothing against cheating.
-Great liar
-Kind of a passive-aggressive guy
-Does not know when to back of


Personality: "Well, I like to believe that I am a nice man and to be honest, most of the time I am. Unfortunately I've never had a problem with either lying nor cheating. People seem to find it annoying. You know, if they find out about it."
Erik is a genuinely nice guy, but over the years he has developed a bad habit of lying as it's been easier in his life to lie than to tell the truth. To be honest Erik has become a great liar over time, if he wanted he could probably hit it big as an actor. He is usually in a good mood and because he tries his best to never show that he is angry, he has developed into an passive aggressive anger-state. A love for gambling has been growing on Erik since he became a teenager, naturally his talent at lying transferred over to gambling and it didn't take him long until he learned a few ways of cheating. Erik also has a huge love for books and skiing. Growing up in Norway with a "outdoor" family, he have developed a huge love for hiking, camping, and especially for hunting. Basically, he likes being outside in general.

When Erik turned 12 he started boxing mostly because he felt like he needed to do something else than skiing, and it quickly turned out he was quite good at it. He had that killer instinct that you need to be anything more than an amateur, and the stamina and endurance he had from cross country skiing really helped. Over the years he grew fond of the sport, and though he doesn't admit it boxing also changed his personality a bit, not that he isn't a calm guy, but if the situation requires it he can kick some serious ass, and he isn't been known to hold back.
Greatest joys in life: color=brown]"Well, I like being outside"[/color]
Reading, skiing, hiking, hunting, camping and poker.
Greatest fears: "Ants are creepy!!, okay?"
Desserts, ants, a scenario like the guy 127 hours i based on happening to himself.
Hunting some big American game, like crocodile or something. Trying to master the English language.
Life philosophy: "Heh, me know Latin, me schoolar... Not really, read it in a book"
Nemo me impugn lacessist. (No one attacks me without consequences)

Favorites .
Favorite color: "Always loved how they mix together. And don't start talking about how black isn't a color, I swear to the gods I'll fuck you up" Red and black.
Least favorite color: "I know its sort of weird, but I find blue disgusting. Blue.
Music: "I just think that the old rock songs actually has some meaning, and besides, the guitar is awesome"old Rock n' Roll and dubstep.
Food:"Should probably say Smalahove or some disgusting Norwegian crap like that? Sorry darling, but I really like Indian food" Curry-risotto.
Literature:"Fantasy is intriguing, but the best thing to read in a tent or by a camp fire is with no doubt a good old fashioned tale of some sort of expedition. Best book I've read so far is Roald Amundsen's journal" Fantasy and Polar-expeditions.
Form of entertainment: "Again, I enjoy being outdoor Gambling, skiing, reading, hiking and hunting.
Most prized possession: "I don't think you guys have a word for it, but its essentially a 15 inch machete-ish thing" A hand-made "Samekniv" (It's a type of knife invented by the Norwegian natives. Very much like a smaller machete)

Habits & Hobbies
Hobbies: "I feel like I'm repeating myself here" Skiing, hiking, hunting, card-games.
Do you play a musical instrument?"I started watching survivor man, and after that I got sort of addicted to the harmonica. Now I can play it quite well actually" Harmonica, kind of good at it actually.
Do you play sports? "Well, do you guys consider skiing a sport? because I'm one of the best in Norway. I guess boxing counts as a sport as well. Does the school have anything for that?" He's not that into team sports, but he is looking for some boxing gym or something he can join.
How would you spend a rainy day?:"There isn't a single thing that's more cosy that being dry, or wet, inside a tent while its raining outside." Outside. Preferably in a tent.
Spending habits:"I see something that I like, and the next thing I know I have it in my hand" Impulsive buyer.
Smokes?:"That would fuck up my lungs and thus ending my sports career" No.
Drinks?: "So, I love whisky and I enjoy being drunk from time to time, unfortunately the company that provides the exchange school-thingy doesn't tolerate it. So if I get caught I'm out. Same thing with fighting though I doubt I'll be able to stay out of it." At parties, but if he gets caught doing it he will be sent back to Norway.
Other drugs?: "Same as with the smoking, would fuck up my career in sportsNope.


Drives and motivations: "I can't really say I got anything that drives me Doesn't really have any.
Immediate goals: "its quite simple really"Graduate.
Long term goals:"I've always wanted to be the first person to do something, like being the youngest person to reach the south/north pole"Perform his own polar expedition.
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: "Not really anything else I can do" Exercise and practice.


Hometown:"A small town in northern Norway" Finnsnes
What was your childhood like?:"My family is a really outdoorsy one, so I've had a great childhood" Mostly happy. Spent a great deal of it in the wild.
Pets:"Sadly, Fenris had to stay in Norway" Has a shepherd dog back home named Fenris.
First memory:Its actually a really funny story. There was this big birthday-party or something, and they had candles placed on paper napkins. So me and my friend started to blow on the napkins until one of them caught fire. We stayed silent so the kindergarten-people didn't notice before the table started burning. Really fun memory. Nothing beats almost burning a kindergarten down." Almost burning down his kindergarten.
Childhood Hero or Idol:"My dad is awesome."Dad
Dream job:"They are my two idols at the moment. If I could have my own TV show that would just be soooo freekin awesome" Something in the lines of what Les Stroud or Lars Monsen does.
Education:Just the normal Norwegian public school.
Finances:"My dad works offshore on a oil platform, so we were never poor"While Erik's family never was the richest ones, they did have everything they needed.


Currently living with: The Siyansky family."Well, I can't say anything else than that they are completely crazy, but in a good way. Ive been with them for about a month now, and they gave me two cars! TWO CARS! and not like cheap fucking priuses... A fucking Aston Martin. And as if that wasn't enough, they gave me a freekin bently as well!. Not that I am complaining, but I'm starting to worry that some fucker is gonna come around to collect my soul soon."
Occupation:[i]"Only been here for a month, but I'm looking at the possibility to maybe be a tour guide in the national park."
Finances:"Well, I get a certain amount of money from the Norwegian government each month, plus some money from my parents if I need it, but to be honest I suspect that if I asked one of the Siyansky's for money I would never have to worry about that ever again." He is provided with a scholarship from the Norwegian government, but tries to find a part time job in LA.
Transportation:"Well.. they gave me a car.". One of the cars he got from the Siyansky family.



Family member name:David Kristiansen
Relation between:Father
Relationship With:Great

Family member name:Nina Kristiansen
Relation between:Mother
Relationship With:Great

Family member name:Odin Kristiansen
Relation between:Older brother
Relationship With:bad, he doesn't speak with the rest of the family.

Family member name:Anita Kristiansen
Relation between:younger sister
Relationship With:Great

Family member name:Rigmor kristiansen
Relation between:Grandmother
Relationship With:Fantastic

School Life

How did you spend your summer?:"Did allot of hiking and other fun stuff back home. Me and my old man actually went to Africa and climbed Kilimanjaro" Hiking around in the mountains with his friends and walking to the summit of Kilimanjaro with his father.
What grade are you in?: Senior.
What clique are you in?"I never believed that this class-system existed in real life" Jock, though he could be mistaken for a drifter as he hasn't really gotten that used to the social ladder yet.
Where are you on the social ladder?: "Never been one to strive for social greatness" close enough to the top that's he is happy.
Are you happy with your place on the social ladder?:"Hell yeah I am." Jupp.
If you could be apart of any other clique what clique would it be? Why?:"Maybe a rebel? I like how they just don't give a shit" Rebels.
Do you plan on joining a club or sport this year?:"The outingclub of course. I could probably teach them a thing or ten. Also been thinking about tryouts for football team."The outingclub and maybe the Football team.
Best subject:"I have a good memory"History
Worst subject:"Unfortunately I'm not exactly gifted with numbers " Math
Schedule:"I have lunch at 1:30PM!!!???"

1: Spanish.
2: Advanced Culinary Arts
3: English.
4: American Government and economics.
6: TV production.
7: Probability/statics
8: Physical Education
9: Lunch.

Anything else you want to add: As most Norwegians do, he swears like a sailor, and he talks with a slight accent, not as extreme as most Norwegian actors (think Axel Hennie) but maybe a bit like Kristofer Hivju.
Faceclaim: Garret Hedlund
Character dialogue: color=brown

So begins...

Erik Kristiansen.'s Story