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Fergus Caedon

"What is truth?"

0 · 487 views · located in California

a character in “Beverly Hills High School”, as played by almostinsane


“People hate the truth for the sake of whatever it is that they love more than the truth. They love truth when it shines warmly on them, and hate it when it rebukes them.”- St. Augustine of Hippo

Full name Image
"I am glad Grandma was the one who named me. She loved the Old Tongue."
Fergus Guy Caedon

"You earn many names in your short life."
Gus, Guy, "Mystic", "New Age Freak", "Religious Nutjob,"

Birth date
Is your birth date significant? Sometimes I think it is. Sometimes I think it is meaningless."
March 21, 1998

Zodiac Sign

[i]"I know the soul is most important, not this crude matter, but I do have a preference."


Sexually Active?
"It depends..."

Relationships History Image
Fergus has been in a few romantic relationships over the course of his short life and it is only natural that he consummated one of them. He has only been in a serious relationship with a longtime friend, a girl named Kim whom he lost his virginity to. Unfortunately, circumstances conspired against them as her family moved away from New York a year before his own. Their relationship died from the distance between them and it is still a sore spot for Fergus.

Relationship Status
"Is there such a thing as a soulmate? Am I meant to have one? Or shall I be celibate? Regardless, I do not regret past entanglements."

"I don't know if I regret it or not."


How old does he/she appear:
"We are all slaves to our preconceptions and illusory senses. How do you know I am not 50? How do you know you're not 10?"
Late Teens to Early Twenties

121 lbs


Body build:

"A healthy body leads to a closer union between flesh and soul. Or the soul and the Universe. I haven't decided yet."
Overall, Fergus is quite fit, particularly for an age group that is beginning to be defined by body issues such as anorexia and obesity. He has a slim but flexible body grown fit from his interest in martial arts as a spiritual meditation. He is muscular, but not bulky. Think of a surfer's body.

Eye color

Glasses or contacts

Skin tone:

ImageDistinguishing marks

A Japanese Dragon Tattoo on his right shoulder

Hair color

Currently, semi-long and curly

Physical disabilities

"I suppose I do have a style, don't I? I guess Iprefer to dress in what many would call a "hipster" or "retro" style. I love eastern outfits such as those found in India, China, Japan, or Indochina. Also, I'm attached to Celtic clothing. It's in my blood."
Hipster/Cultural Look

Favorite outfit
"There is this one outfit I wear most often..."
Buddhist Monk Robes

Jewelry or accessories
"It depends on what path interests me at the moment.."
Spiritual or religious items.

Overall attractiveness
"Is that really important? I am considered good-looking. The way others perceive me due to my clothing style and personality varies, of course."


Good personality traits
✔Brave ✔Honest ✔Spiritual ✔Non-Judgmental ✔Patient ✔Kind ✔Loyal ✔Creative ✔Calm ✔Philosophical ✔Independent ✔Humorous ✔Different Languages and Cultures
Bad personality traits
✘Inattentive ✘Academically Unmotivated ✘Headstrong ✘Oblivious ✘Slightly Forgetful ✘Stubborn
Fergus is a very unusual teenager, to put it mildly. He doesn't really care too much about partying, popularity, or what college he is going to go to. Rather, he is concerned with what he sees as more important: Who is he and why is he here? He does not pretend to be someone who knows the answer to these questions, but he doesn't hide the fact that he's trying to find out. Because of this, he has grown familiar with a number of religions and spiritual/philosophical traditions and, though he hasn't rejected any one of them, he is still searching for the answers to his questions. Though he isn't sure of the truth about the human soul and nature, he would tell you he does believe in God and that he believes that all living things are connected to each other. Isolation, he thinks, is an impossibility.

Despite this philosophy, Fergus isn't one for having a huge group of friends. Rather, there are only a few people at school that he would call a friend and trusts enough to share his own fears and insecurities, though he is quite open about who he is whenever he is with any type of person. He loves companionship, but he also loves solitude and being off on his own so he can think, meditate, pray, or just wander wander around in no particular direction. Fergus is one that is disappointed with the current materialistic culture surrounding him. It is shallow, fake, and utterly useless in his opinion. Material things and physical life on earth fades, in his opinion. What is important and immortal is the spirit. That isn't to say that he dislikes or detests useful possessions and technology, but he dislikes the idolatry that seems to surround it in present times. He sometimes wishes he lived in a different age, where the world was bigger and nature wilder and freer. He wishes he could have learned at the feet of great teachers like the Buddha, Jesus, Gandhi, Plato,, Krishna, Lao Tzu, and others.

Fergus does have a fondness for the town he now lives in, the school he attends, and the people around him. Even the most unpleasant students, whom he believes are trapped by their own disposition, are good at heart in his opinion. He will do whatever he can for a friend in a pinch as well as help a complete stranger without hope of reward besides advancing spiritually. His relationship with his parents, however, is strained at best. One of the questions he has in life is how he could reconcile with them or even if that is possible or desirable. In class, he is laid-back and doesn't care too much about his grades. In his opinion, schools cheapen education with the grading system. What is important is what he learns, though he'd put priority on certain things rather than, say math or physics. He has resolved to enjoy his high school years while can before setting off on a journey after he graduates or drops out, depending on the situation.

ImageGreatest joys in life
"That feeling you get when you feel union with yourself and the Divine/Universe.... It's heavenly.
  • Meditation/Prayer/Chants
  • Reading enlightening texts
  • Just getting lost in the universe, a person, a party, or anything

Greatest fears
"I think my greatest fear is Nothing. That there is no spirit, no brotherhood, no afterlife or release. Just a random universe doomed to die with no real meaning."

"I just want to follow where the Universe leads me."
Enlightenment and true meaning is his priority. He does not know much about what he plans on doing after high school."[/i]

Life philosophy:
"Evil is literally Nothing."


Favorite color

Every color has meaning...
Red, Black, Blue
Least favorite color
It's just evil...
Garish Pink

You can hear the words in the music.
Instrumental Music

Food s
I love spicy food and there's nothing spicier than this.

"Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."
Bhagavad Gita

Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame. Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot sweep it away. If one were to give all the wealth of one’s house for love, it would be utterly scorned.
Song of Solomon

Form of entertainment
Music, Reading, Meditating, Making Love, Drinking, Partying

Most prized possession

His grandmother's cross
Do you play a musical instrument?
My first real love was the sitar, but I love the guitar too.
Sitar and Guitar

Do you play sports?
"I love the union of body and soul...
Martial Arts

How would you spend a rainy day?

"I would expand myself..."
Reading, Meditation, Chanting, Prayer... And a few video games now and then

Spending habits

I do not need too much.
Fergus does not spend too much money, though he appreciates a good book or a pipe of marijuana.

Not tobacco...


Other drugs?
"Surprisingly, I'm not a stereotypical drug addict."

Immediate goals
"Graduating high school, I guess."

Long term goals
"Travel the world, find the Truth..."

How the character plans to accomplish these goalsImage
Continue pursuing his interests, perhaps go on to college to study foreign languages.

Ironically enough, Fergus was bought up in a rich family. He was adopted because his mother wanted another child, but did not want to go through the pain of childbirth. His adopted father is someone who made it rich off Wall-Street while his adopted mother was born into old money, meaning Fergus' family wouldn't need to worry about money for at least 5 generations, though this doesn't stop his father from being obsessed with reaching new heights in the business world while his mother buys and spends money on whatever caught her fancy. His older brother, Ethan, is a perfect model of their father and expected to take on the family business. Growing up, Fergus was expected to do something similar, but despite being in want of nothing and being more fortunate than most people his age, Stephen felt that something was missing. There was an emptiness inside that he couldn't place or fill with new toys and games or high society friends.

His grandmother on his father's side was the one person who made the most profound impact on Fergus' life. She lived humbly, but was happier than either his father or his mother. She was the one who took Stephen to church and it was with her that he felt the emptiness within him recede, only for it to threaten to swallow him whole when she died. He found comfort in the funeral and church, but there were still other religions and other spiritual paths that he found out about when he was older and he realized that he didn't really know which was true. Still, he was sure there was Something and he took to reading, studying, meditation/prayer, and exploring nature, hoping to get a clear vision of the spiritual world that lay just beyond this physical one. He still went to church, but also went to other religions as well. He read naturalistic and metaphysical philosophies. All the while, his parents, particularly his father, just saw him as dreaming and wasting his time as he talked about the spiritual messages in Naruto of all things.

At school, Fergus fell in with a few other teenagers that he either enjoyed hanging around or shared his outlook on life. He also, in his spare time, learned many different languages and his teachers tell him he should really go into a career involving them and apply himself more. However, Stephen only gives more than a token effort to learn when it's something that truly interests him. He does not mind being one of the quirky ones at school, one of those people that stand out from the rest. He doesn't mind being called "hippie" "religious nutjob" or "pothead". They are just words and he knows what they are. He doesn't mind going to parties, but won't try drugs thanks to what he's seen of his mother when she abused medications and other over-the-counter substances and the fact that he knows that his father does cocaine. Drug use, in his opinion, creates more emptiness, not less.

At first, Fergus was rather annoyed with his parents since they decided to move from New York to California despite knowing that he has a somewhat hard time finding people he really opens up to. However, Fergus has since decided to accept it as Fate, the Universe, or God opening up a new path for him he wouldn't otherwise have traveled.

"The Big Apple."
New York, New York

What was your childhood like?
"Stifling and materialistic. My mother only cared about the latest fashions or gossip while my father was either working or snorting cocaine... The only bright spot was my grandmother. She was a modest women and a kind one. I miss her..."

"My dog, Ravi."

First memory
I remember being lonely and crying before being picked up by my grandma. I was three, I think..."

Childhood Hero or Idol
The Buddha

Dream job
"A writer, I guess...

Private Schools

"I will never be in want unless I choose to."
Family net Worth: $35 Million

Currently living with
My parents, such as they are...

Didn't I answer this already?

Clerk at a Book Store




Thomas Caedon | Father | Famous Lawyer | Estranged, he sees his son as a disappointment and vice versa.

Emily Caedon | Mother | Socialite | Distant, but friendly. She means well.

School Life Image

How did you spend your summer?
Moving, my parents felt California would be a good change of pace.... I agree with them.

What grade are you in?

What clique are you in?
Transfer Student

Where are you on the social ladder?
"I'm outside it... For however long it lasts."

Are you happy with your place on the social ladder?

If you could be apart of any other clique what clique would it be? Why?
"I don't know... Everyone is so interesting and filled with life.

Do you plan on joining a club or sport this year?
"I don't know... Maybe I will start my own... I will keep my options open."

Best subject

Worst subject

Average Grades
It depends
In classes he's genuinely interested in, he gets A's or high B's, but in classes he is not interested in, he barely scrapes by with a C.

Study Habits
He gets bored by certain subjects very easily, but in others, he will read ahead and ask a lot of questions.

Period 1: -United States History || Period 2: - || Period 3: - || Period 4: - || Period 5: - || Period 6: -PE || Period 7: -English 6 || Period 8: -Lunch || Period 9: -Environmental Science


Time Zone

How Often Do You Post?
About two or three times a week on average.

So begins...

Fergus Caedon's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fergus Caedon Character Portrait: Ian Butler
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To say that Ian was nervous would be on par with saying that Peter Dinklage was a good actor or that Saudi Arabia had some oil. Ian was utterly terrified and excited about the "Seven Deadly Sins" party Tristan Elliot was hosting. This could be the event where he could turn his social life around and actually have fun this year or he could embarrass himself completely and exile himself to the anonymity that his clique offered him. He hoped that he wasn't the only nerd or geek accepting the invitation to the party. It would be nice to have a group to fall back on if things went wrong and in a party consisting of Seniors and Royals, that was a distinct possibility.

"No," the nerd thought with a shake of his head, "I have to try. Even if I make a fool of myself, it's still better than just giving up."

With that thought, he turned his attention to his wardrobe. He knew the theme of the party, but he didn't particularly feel much affinity for any of the deadly sins. Sloth was out. If he was slothful, he'd content himself to another quiet night at home. He didn't want to go with lust or envy as he didn't want to play into the stereotypes of the lustful or envious nerd. After a week of consideration, however, he finally settled on pride.

He put on a classic purple outfit modeled on an iconic character's wardrobe from a movie made long before he was born. It was a confident, nerdy homage for a party where most of his peers would be wearing outfits worth more than he made in a year. There was no way he would be able to wear something fashionable so he didn't try to. His swimsuit and towel were already in his car. Now, he just needed to find a way to kill time until the party

"Ian, be sure to get home by midnight!" his mom shouted as he almost ran out the door. He nodded.

"I will, Mom! Don't worry!"

As he drove towards the nicer part of town, the one that screamed "MONEY", he hoped he didn't arrive too early. He had spent all day building up his confidence. It wouldn't do for the night to start off on the wrong foot. He made a right turn. He had some money on him and there were a few things he'd like to get while he had the time.


It was with much less thought that Fergus Caedon set out for the party. It was only because he had liked the school's facebook page that he had heard about it at all. He hadn't put much thought behind his outfit, only scanning the theme of the party to make sure he complied with his host's wishes. While he would have liked to wear his buddhist monk's robes, he thought that it would be impolite to ignore the host's wishes. Instead, he chose a purple and red outfit with a golden mask to symbolize the vices he felt the most contempt for: Pride, Greed, and Wrath.

He looked forward to meeting new people. Really, the Seven Deadly Sins theme was excellent. It gave you a lot to think about and helped everyone take a step closer to spiritual fulfillment. He couldn't wait to get there.

Still, it was a few hours until then so he decided to explore the neighborhood. He had only moved into town recently. He might as well take in the sights.

"I have all the time in the world, praise Jesus-Buddha-Krishna."