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Ian Butler

"Nerds are cool."

0 · 480 views · located in California

a character in “Beverly Hills High School”, as played by almostinsane


"Being a nerd really pays off sometimes."- Ken Jennings

Full name Image
"It's nothing special."
Ian Butler

"I don't really have any."

Preferred Name
"Just Ian, please."

"I'm from nowhere special


Birth date
"I get double the presents on Christmas day..."
December 21, 1998

"I'm almost 17" Image

How old does he/she appear
I am mature for my age
Late Teens/Early Twenties

"I like girls..."

Zodiac Sign
"That's just superstition."

Sexual Orientation
"I like girls..."

Relationship History
"Nonexistent, I'm afraid."
Shockingly, Ian has little experience when it comes to romance. He has always been low on the social totem pole and while he certainly hopes that this year will be different, he hasn't allowed himself to get his hopes too high.


Skin Tone
"I'm not super pale."
White. Slightly Pale.

"I'm a little tall..."

"The P.E. teacher say's I'm scrawny."
119 Pounds

Body Shape
"I'm not familiar with the terms you gave me."
ImageIan is tall and a bit lanky, but overall, he is in good shape for someone who isn't on a sports team. He does have some muscle, but the only sport you could really see him competing in is Track. He's never going to stand out as a physically strong or fit guy. He isn't a jock, after all.

Body Type (Ectomorph, Mesomorph or Endomorph)
"I'm not that awkward anymore...

Image"I like it. I think it makes me look more attractive. In a nerdy sort of way, of course. None of the Royals are going to look my way, of course.
Black; currently Ian has it in semi-long, curly style.

Shape of Face

"I don't like contacts."
Blue with glasses

Distinguishing Marks
"It's not noticeable, is it?"
A small mole on his left cheek

Physical Disabilities

Tattoos and Piercings
"That's not my style..."

Fashion Sense
"I'm a bit formal for my age... I'm just more comfortable that way."
Ian usually dresses in smart, semi-formal clothing. It is not unusual to see him wearing a tie beneath a turtleneck sweater even in California weather. He will wear a t-shirt at times, but he absolutely refuses to wear shorts outside of swim trunks. He simply feels more comfortable with layers of clothing and it certainly gives him an aura of respectability in place of the piles of money his peers have access to.

Overall Attractiveness
"I'm okay-looking, I guess?"
While Ian lacks the superstar beauty of the Royals, he certainly cleans up nicely, particularly if he takes extra care of his appearance. With curly black hair and soulful blue eyes, he is good-looking in the nerdy sort of way. He will usually be called "cute" rather than "hot" or "gorgeous", however.

Good Personality Traits Image
✔Smart ✔Sarcastic ✔Nerdy ✔Romantic ✔Kind ✔Patient
✔Excitable ✔Passionate ✔Nonjudgmental ✔Resilient ✔Quirky

Bad Personality Traits
✘Nervous ✘Nerdy ✘Cynical ✘Sarcastic ✘Shy ✘Stubborn
✘Low Self-Esteem ✘Quirky ✘Scatterbrained

In some ways (okay a lot of ways), Ian fits the stereotype of a nerdy high school student. He gets a bit nervous around girls he likes, he does well in class, he almost always carries his laptop around with him, and he is not exactly a fan of exercise, though he manages to stay in good shape. Ian loves anime, video games, fantasy, sci-fi, and other "nerdy" genres, but he is not above engaging in social activity with his peers. He honestly would attend a teenage party and spend at least an hour beforehand preparing for it and hoping/praying he doesn't embarrass himself. Yet, he is not shy when it comes to subjects that he is familiar with and one can draw him out of his shell by getting him started on something that he is very passionate about.Image

Politically, Ian is libertarian and very passionate on that viewpoint. He believes that the government should be as small and possible and that the economy is best left to the free market. He is very much for private charity, but against most taxation. He also believes that the Federal Reserve was behind Kennedy's death because he intended to have the Treasury issue monetary notes backed by precious metals, cutting them off. He is also suspicious about government activity and having his computer files and internet history being recorded by the government, so he makes sure to secure his laptop as much as possible and use independent search engines and operating systems when surfing the web. Comic Cons are also, in his own words, "serious business" and works on his costume diligently.

At school, Ian mostly hangs out with other nerds. Most jocks annoy him, mostly because of how they treat him, some of them starting from elementary school. Still, he does his best to judge people individually and there are a few jocks that he thinks are good or at least okay people. School can be hell for him, depending on the social climate, but he looks forward to the future, hoping to get a degree in something computer related or economics. In his spare time, Ian has also learned how to hack computers, mostly those with lax security, but he has never abused it.

Ian is very good with computers and is very knowledgeable at economics. He truly has a bright future in quite a few STEM fields. He can make a lot of nerdy/geeky topics seem cool if only he keeps himself from self-conscious. Overall, he's an interesting guy and can be quite cool in nerdy way.

Ian has been conditioned to feel out of his league when it comes to the other cliques. Really, he would be happier if he could only get over his feelings of nervousness and inferiority, but that is better said than done.

Mental or Behavioral Disabilities Image
"It can be annoying."
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Life Philosophy
"You can't please all the people all time."

Short Term Goals
Survive another year of high, perhaps being a bit more social and actually have more fun without completely humiliating himself.

Long Term Goals
To get into a good college.

"I've always been good with numbers..."
To become a well-known economist.

Home Town
Beverly Hills

Ian was born into a middle-class household. His mom is actually a nurse while his dad is a doctor. Ian was born an only child and, combined with some of his natural awkwardness, he never made too many friends in school save one or two at a time. He's known most of the people who went through the same public school system, and with some of them, he was good friends, though a couple of the friends he managed to make slowly started drifting away during middle school because of people's natural tendencies to form cliques. It was in middle school that Ian began to display a higher than average intelligence. He answered most questions the teacher asked him correctly and started taking advanced classes. Of course, some of the more popular kids labeled him a "nerd" or "geek", placing him squarely with the unpopular kids.

It was about this time that Ian noticed the abuse of power around him. The richer kids seemed to always get away with things that the rest of the students could not. At first, Ian believed this was because of their wealth, but then, he realized it was the connections the wealth spawned. He read Marx, but, looking at Communism, decided it was human nature for systems to be corrupted, positions of authority most of all. It is around this time, he started paying attention to politics, Ron Paul in particular. Throughout middle school, Ian became acquainted with anime and Japanese/Chinese culture, which interested him greatly. Along with these interests, he dove into Star Wars, and other nerdy obsessions, cementing his status as a nerd. Throughout high school, he stuck with the friends he had, but, at times, he has longed to goto parties and other "popular student" events.

"It's an experience."
Working at a Yogurt Shop

Childhood Idol/Hero
"Well, maybe not "childhood"..."
Ron Paul

Dream Job


Public school until Seventh Grade; Private schools until now; he has attended Beverly Hills High School since Freshmen Year.

Social Class
Middle Middle Class

"Just my dad, mom, and me. Why?"


"Home Sweet home..."


What was sophomore year like for you?Image
"About normal. I mean, I went to school, hung out with friends, and worked a few hours every weekend when I turned 15 and got my permit. I didn't get invited to many parties, but I wouldn't say it was miserable or anything. It was just... normal."

How do you feel about returning back to B.H.H.S?
"Well, BHHS gives me a lot of opportunities. The classes are excellent and the name alone is enough to impress any college. The extracurriculars are fun and all and really, it's like attending a private college if you know what I mean. I hope to be social this year, but there are still people whom I consider friends if I feel like fading in the background, but need some company."

Have you started looking into colleges/universities?
"A few. I probably will start preparing for college this year. I mean, it's only two years away!"

"Well, it's kind of hard to tell sometimes. I mean, I do well in school and everything, but it's not my whole life. I love anime, politics, video games, and other things so I might be more of a nerd than a geek. Or is it more of a geek than a nerd? I can never get those words straight!"

How do you feel about your group/clique?
"We may be the bottom of the barrel, but some of us will really take off after high school and probably have little Royals as our children. There is always interesting conversation and, really, we're not total losers!"

Average Grades
"Well, that such a surprise!

Study Habits
"I try to get everything out of the way as quick as I can. There's no point in letting it pile up! Of course, I might throw myself totally into a project and not be done until the night before it's due!"

"I might rejoin the debate club and maybe join a few new ones..."

Period 1: -United States History || Period 2: - || Period 3: - || Period 4: - || Period 5: - || Period 6: -PE || Period 7: -English 6 || Period 8: -Lunch || Period 9: -Environmental Science


Time Zone

How Often Do You Post?
About two or three times a week on average.

So begins...

Ian Butler's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fergus Caedon Character Portrait: Ian Butler
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To say that Ian was nervous would be on par with saying that Peter Dinklage was a good actor or that Saudi Arabia had some oil. Ian was utterly terrified and excited about the "Seven Deadly Sins" party Tristan Elliot was hosting. This could be the event where he could turn his social life around and actually have fun this year or he could embarrass himself completely and exile himself to the anonymity that his clique offered him. He hoped that he wasn't the only nerd or geek accepting the invitation to the party. It would be nice to have a group to fall back on if things went wrong and in a party consisting of Seniors and Royals, that was a distinct possibility.

"No," the nerd thought with a shake of his head, "I have to try. Even if I make a fool of myself, it's still better than just giving up."

With that thought, he turned his attention to his wardrobe. He knew the theme of the party, but he didn't particularly feel much affinity for any of the deadly sins. Sloth was out. If he was slothful, he'd content himself to another quiet night at home. He didn't want to go with lust or envy as he didn't want to play into the stereotypes of the lustful or envious nerd. After a week of consideration, however, he finally settled on pride.

He put on a classic purple outfit modeled on an iconic character's wardrobe from a movie made long before he was born. It was a confident, nerdy homage for a party where most of his peers would be wearing outfits worth more than he made in a year. There was no way he would be able to wear something fashionable so he didn't try to. His swimsuit and towel were already in his car. Now, he just needed to find a way to kill time until the party

"Ian, be sure to get home by midnight!" his mom shouted as he almost ran out the door. He nodded.

"I will, Mom! Don't worry!"

As he drove towards the nicer part of town, the one that screamed "MONEY", he hoped he didn't arrive too early. He had spent all day building up his confidence. It wouldn't do for the night to start off on the wrong foot. He made a right turn. He had some money on him and there were a few things he'd like to get while he had the time.


It was with much less thought that Fergus Caedon set out for the party. It was only because he had liked the school's facebook page that he had heard about it at all. He hadn't put much thought behind his outfit, only scanning the theme of the party to make sure he complied with his host's wishes. While he would have liked to wear his buddhist monk's robes, he thought that it would be impolite to ignore the host's wishes. Instead, he chose a purple and red outfit with a golden mask to symbolize the vices he felt the most contempt for: Pride, Greed, and Wrath.

He looked forward to meeting new people. Really, the Seven Deadly Sins theme was excellent. It gave you a lot to think about and helped everyone take a step closer to spiritual fulfillment. He couldn't wait to get there.

Still, it was a few hours until then so he decided to explore the neighborhood. He had only moved into town recently. He might as well take in the sights.

"I have all the time in the world, praise Jesus-Buddha-Krishna."