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Winnie Abel

"Did you expect a wimp with glasses and a hand full of tissues?"

0 · 1,221 views · located in California

a character in “Beverly Hills High School”, as played by StarlightKeeper


Dialogue Color #04B45F Thought Color #0B614B

.:Full Name:.
Winifred Elora Abel


.:Preferred Name:.



.:Date of Birth:.
September 16, 1999


.:Zodiac Sign:.

.:Sexual Orientation:.

.:Relationship History:.
1 Boyfriend~A Few One Night Stands

.:Current Relationship Status:.


.:Skin Tone:.
Honey Gold



.:Body Shape:.
Winnie is very slim when it comes to her body shape.

.:Body Type:.

Winnie has shoulder length dark brown hair with lighter brown highlights.

.:Shape of Face:.

Dark Brown~Prescribed Contacts

.:Distinguishing Marks:.
Winnie has a birthmark on her inner left thigh as well as a scar on her back from falling off a tree.

.:Physical Disabilities:.

.:Tattoos and Piercings:.
Winnie has her ears pierced as well as has a tattoo of an owl on her left shoulder blade.

.:Fashion Sense:.
Winnie is relatively modest and has no real sense of style. She can easily blend into a crowd, but she does tend to like denim, jackets, and vests.

Overall Attractiveness
Most people would consider her an eight, but she considers herself a seven.



Winnie has never been that quiet nerdy girl in the back of the classroom. Sure, she's a a nerd, but she is far from quiet and withdrawn. There are times when she borderlines on being a bitch, but still remains cheerful and bubbly. She isn't afraid to speak her mind and sometimes you have to wonder if she's thinking through what she's saying. She has immense confidence in her abilities to the point that she will overestimate herself.

Unlike most in her clique, she is not very organized. She tends to lean towards the procrastinator end of the spectrum, but she always pulls through. She is extremely intelligent and has an excellent memory, but she also tends to have far fetched expectations of the world. She is also very impatient with those she doesn't know well.

Recently, she has been questioning her status and whether or not she really wants to be a nerd. In fact, she is questioning her original goals of being an anthropologist. She is too afraid of disappointing her father though, so she keeps up the charade.

Schoolwork: It is kind of a given that Winnie would be good at schoolwork considering she's a straight A student. Match, science, English, and Social Studies just come easily to her.
Boxing: Despite what most believe, Winnie is actually physically fit. She has been boxing since a young age and has a decent amount of upper body strength.
Debate: Winnie is skilled at coming up with arguments, weighing pros and cons, and destroying her enemy.
Writing: It is a skill she has always possessed, but she has recently tried honing it a bit more.

Socializing: Winnie isn't very good at talking to people, especially considering the fact that she is a very private person. As a result, she only has a few close friends.
Lying: Winnie is a terrible liar, so she will often dance around the truth.
Procrastination: Winnie has a bad habit of procrastinating on things she doesn't really care about.
Anything Musical: Winnie is about as musical as a dying cow.

.:Mental or Behavioral Disabilities:.

.:Life Philosophy:.
"Speak your mind. It's best for everyone."

.:Short Term Goals:.
This year, Winnie wants to have some fun and let loose. She wants to maybe get a boyfriend or girlfriend, get A's in all of her classes, and win a National Boxing title. She also wants to lead the Academic Decathlon and Debate teams to victory. Secretly, she wants to come clean to her father that she doesn't want to college and wants to focus on becoming an author.

.:Long Term Goals:.
Everyone thinks that Winnie wants to graduate from an Ivy League school, become an anthropologist and end up teaching at a University. In actuality, she wants to avoid college altogether and focus on becoming an author.

If you ask her, she'll say anthropologist. If she's being honest, an author.

San Francisco

"I grew up with my father. He was single, a well-respected lawyer, juggling my sister and I. Even when he was busy, he always made time for us. Always. I appreciate that. I really do. Because of him, we grew up loved without the restrictions most kids had."

.:Childhood Idol/Hero:.
JK Rowling

.:Dream Job:.
"I always knew I wanted to write when I was older. It was only recently I realized that I don't want to do much else."

Winnie has always grown up with pets, usually cats and dogs. Although, she has had at least two parakeets and one gerbil.

Whitehall Elementary School||San Francisco, CA||Public School||{K-5}
Quillton Preparatory Academy||Beverly Hills, CA||Private School||{6-8}

.:Social Class:.
Upper Middle Class

Winnie's household consists of her, her father, her father's boyfriend, and her younger sister.

Currently, Winnie has two dogs and three cats. The dogs are Muffin and Blue. The cats are Welsh, German, and Irish.

Winnie is not currently employed because her father wants her to focus on her schoolwork.

Winnie lives in a fairly nice house in Beverly Hills though it is a bit more modest than some of her fellow peers. Her family also owns a beach house in the Caribbean as well as an apartment in New York City.

Her grandparents also own a ranch in Texas and they visit them there every other summer.

She drives herself around in her KIA Soul.

Hal Abel||Father||44||Alive||Lawyer
Winnie and her father have a very close relationship. He wants her to live a happy life and she looks up to him as a role model. They are extremely open with each other and act like best friends more than father and daughter.

Summerlyn Abel||Sister||13|Alive||Student
Winnie and Summer get along extremely well and take care of each other. Winnie is very protective of her little sister and will not hesitate to destroy those that hurt her.

Renald Abel||Father||Would Be 40||Deceased||Trauma Surgeon
Winnie only knew him for the first eight years of her life, so she doesn't remember much. She still loves him though and some of her memories of him include him teaching her how to ride a bike and him introducing her to boxing.

Andrew Tenner||Father's Boyfriend {Essentially Step Father}||43||Alive||Music Producer
Hal and Andrew have been dating for about four years now, so Winnie is used to him being around. She keeps teasing him about proposing, but so far nothing big has happened since he moved in two years ago.

Winnie is a very active person. Her hobbies include boxing and writing. She enjoys reading as well as casual swimming. She also enjoys jogging and usually does it everyday early in the morning.

.:Musical Instruments:.
Winnie is not musically inclined in any way.

Winnie is not active in any sports at BHHS. Outside of school, she does boxing as well as swims and jogs.

.:Spending Habits:.
Winnie is relatively frugal. She doesn't really like buying things unless she needs them, but she does have a tendency to get distracted in the case of books.

Winnie enjoys a good alcoholic drink every once in awhile, but she prefers to drink in the privacy of her own home and is usually the designated driver when her friends go out.

Winnie does not smoke. The thought of it disgusts her.

Fruit~Books~Reading~Cello Music~Indie Music~Sweets~Sour Candy~UFC Fights

Stupid People~Social Ladders~The Idea of College~Disappointing Those Close to Her~Bigots

.:Favorite Color:.
Sea Green

.:Least Favorite Color:.
Blood Red

.:Favorite Music Genre:.
Classical or Indie Pop

.:Favorite Food:.

.:Form of Entertainment:.
Winnie prefers to read than watch TV or movies.

.:Sophomore Year:.
"Last year, I knew who I was. I knew what I wanted to do with my life and I would've given anything to get there as soon as possible.

How do you feel about returning back to B.H.H.S?
"My entire high school experience has been here. Of course I'm looking forward to seeing my friends and having a good year."

Have you started looking into colleges/universities?
"Yes. Everyone expects me to go to an Ivy League school."

The Nerds

.:Feelings to Clique:.
I love them all, but I feel like I don't belong with them anymore.

Are you happy with your place on the social ladder?
"I don't even see why we have a social ladder.

.:Average Grades:.
A+ Student

.:Study Habits:.
Procrastinator, surprisingly.

.:Rejoining Sports:.

.:Rejoining Clubs:.
Academic Decathlon~Debate Team~Homework Heroes

.:Previous Classes:.
Last year, Winnie took Hebrew 5-6 and Intro to Culinary Arts as well as Beginning Architecture.

All A's

1: United States History 2: Advanced Journalism 3: Hebrew 7-8 4: Trigonometry 5: Advanced Culinary Arts 6: Psychology and Counseling Principles 7:English 8: Lunch 9: Environmental Science

Starlight Keeper
Arizona Standard
3-4 Times a Week

So begins...

Winnie Abel's Story