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Lukas Trey Weigand

0 · 245 views · located in New York City

a character in “Beyond Human”, as played by Gundalive


General Information

Name: Lukas Trey Weigand
Alter Ego: N/A
Alignment: N/A
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Hair Color: Chestnut brown
Eye Color: Teal
Height: 6’1
Weight: 173 pounds

Of above average height, and around average weight. Chestnut brown hair adorns his head in messy layers, falling just below his collarbone, as well as threatening to cover one of his teal colored eyes. Sufficient exercise and a relatively healthy lifestyle have aided in the start of visible muscular toneation on his body. Lukas has a love for business wear, something gleaned from his father. As such, he tends to wear a variety of waist and overcoats, button-up shirts, ties, and dress shoes for a proper business look, and more casual variants and the occasional loafer for non-formal occasions.


An overall bright person who tries to appear more serious than he is. Is a bit vain, but not particularly selfish. Even with his family's wealth, and accompanying luxuries, he isn’t out of touch with reality, and does not let it influence how he interacts with other people.
He has recently become restless and downhearted, due to chronic insomnia, supposedly caused by frequent night terrors. He (for no reason?) feels as if someone’s after him.
Frequent exercise and therapy have somewhat dulled his anxiety. A bit of a sweet tooth.

Tilts his head to the side when mulling something over.
Frequently looks behind him.
Bites his lower lip when frustrated.

Ending up in a managerial position.

Action movies, and most movies in general
Werther’s original
Being around people
His psychiatrist
Root beer
Various pastries and confectioneries
Nice clothes

Aged Cheese
Filthy or ill fitting clothes
People that complain a lot
People stepping on his shoes
Filthy surroundings

Being stalked/targeted


N/A (What are your superpowers? Please describe here if any.)

Has decent proficiency with small fire arms.
Above average reflexes.
Quite fit compared to most people.
(Are you trained or gifted in certain field? Such as are you trained gunman? A trained fighter? An mechanical engineer? What are you good at?)

Equipment: N/A (Such as utility belts and all that.)

Weapons: Five-seven MK2

He has the same weaknesses as every other normal person out there.
(Please describe what will challenge your character? What is the one or several things that can lead to his/her downfall?)


Lukas comes from a wealthy family, of which he is an only child. His mother is a former nurse, while his father, and role model, is the owner of a thriving international distribution company.
He lived an ordinary, although upper class life, and did the same things most people throughout his life have done, and a little more, such as father-son bonding, although at the shooting range, and buying the necessary clothes at admittedly brand stores, with his mother. He now lives alone in a spacious apartment in a different city, close to a university he attends, where he follows classes related to and concerning Business administration, so as to follow in his father’s footsteps. As of recently, he suffers from chronic insomnia which according to his psychiatrist is caused by night terrors. He also seems to suffer from paranoia, as he has the feeling that he’s being watched. Both have been affecting his performance in school, as well as his overall demeanor.

So begins...

Lukas Trey Weigand's Story


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The setting changes from The Universe to New York City


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Character Portrait: Lukas Trey Weigand
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The sliding door shut closed as Lukas stepped outside, a shiver going down his spine as the outside air was considerably colder compared to the warmth of the psychiatric clinic he had just left. He snuck a cursory glance at his surroundings as he started walking along the street, but saw nothing out of the ordinary. He stuck his hands in the pockets of his overcoat in a futile attempt to warm his cold hands, which had been cold even during his session at the clinic. While not the reason for his visit, it was in fact one of numeral issues which accompanied it. Nay, it were the frequent night terrors that have made of him a chronic insomniac, and a frequent guest at his psychiatrist’s practice, much to his chagrin. “Had it really been three months already?” he mumbled; inaudible lamentations, for the people he passed in his brisk walk.

He was walking towards a coffee house, one he’d always visit on days like these. As he came closer to his destination, he looked behind him before turning a corner into a busy street and crossed it so as to enter a quaint little coffee house. The door opened with the tinkling of a bell, notifying the barista on shift that a customer came in. Recognising the customer as Lukas, a smile spread on the barista's face as he greeted him. “Hey Lukas, came for the usual?” he asked, which Lukas answered with a smile and a nod. “I’ll have to get through the day somehow. Besides, i’ll need the energy to do exercises when i get home.” The Barista gave him an incredulous look which he waved off. “It’s the truth! Look James, if i won’t i’ll get weak. And perhaps i’ll be able to fall asleep today.” “Just make sure you keep eating enough alright? You’ve been losing weight recently.” “Right… since when did you turn into my mom?” “Just looking after my customers is all. Wouldn’t want to miss out on that money you pump into the store!” James laughed as he got to working on Lukas’s “usual”.

A few minutes later, and James joined Lukas at the table he sat at, with his “usual”, a deadeye; or an “Al Pacino” as they would call it in the mid-atlantic, as well as biscotti, and Caramel Macchiato for himself. Taking a sip from his drink, Lukas needn't wait long before the high dose of caffeine started to kick in. They discussed many an inane topic enjoying each others company, until their drinks were drunk, and the platter with biscotti was empty. Lukas took this opportunity to look at his watch, and saw that it was nearing 5 o’clock. “I’d hate to be the one that leaves when it’s still fun, but i still have things to do, James. Could you get me a refill on the go?” Both men moved from the table to the counter, as James made him another dead-eye, while Lukas paid his bill. “So when is next time when you’ll stop by?” James asked as he handed him his refill. “Next Tuesday, if recall correctly.” “Well, visit whenever you want man, you know you’re always welcome.” “will do.” And with that, he left the cafe to catch the nearest cab.

He knew that the closest cab’s were a block away, so he made his way there at a leisurely pace, taking the time to drink his coffee. However, by the time he got there, the spots where the drivers and their cab’s usually took in space and tried to get the people that walked these streets to catch a ride, now did everything but, as there was no taxi in sight. Lukas scratched his head at this sight, as it was quite unusual to see a taxi stand so empty. He was about to call the cab companies number, when he spotted a taxi driving through the street, and making a stop right in front of him. The driver- a portly man with his hair slicked back, rolled down his window and told Lukas he needed a ride. He responded with a “That is certainly true.” While a bold statement from the cab driver, he was right. Not feeling like waiting for another cab to arrive, he stepped in, and gave him the directions to a park which was in walking distance from his apartment. “There is something odd about this guy…” Lukas thought after a while. During the whole ride, the cab persistently tried to hold a conversation for some reason, and was; much to his surprise starting to nod off. The last thing he said before falling asleep was that they had just passed the park they were supposed to stop at.