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Four children were kidnapped and taken to an alternate reality known as Binding...

1,118 readers have visited Binding since Lovely β™  created it.



Every century four unlucky children are kidnapped from earth and taken to an alternate reality known as Binding. This world is different from Earth in every possible way, the biggest differentiating factor is its lack of common laws to keep the people safe. Anything goes here, every day is a round of survival of the fittest. The four children are taken to a facility where they are trained in varying fighting styles, once they are deemed strong enough, each of them is paired with an instructor; this is someone originally born in Binding that already knows a great deal about the struggle to come. You see, once the four groups are formed they have no choice but to participate in the Sanctuary. This is a dangerous event that consist of three main trials. The first is the Trial of Tears, in this round participants are sent to a great void space where their deepest fears take on physical forms. In order to pass they have no choice but to overcome their nightmares. The second is the Trial of Desperation, during this test everyone must make it through a jungle-like maze where the others partner is purposely injured, it's up to the other to safely guide them out of the maze without being killed by another participant first. The last, and most trying of all, is the Trial of Prosperity. This is ultimately a race to the finish line, the goal is a shrine at the very top of a snow-capped mountain. There lies the Star, this is supposedly a gem that allows the winners to leave Binding and return to Earth. There can only be one winning team, the losers--should they survive--will be doomed to stay on Binding forever.


These are the game rules, if you do not obey you will die...

All teams must be in two man cells unless rule two comes into play.

If the other member in your team dies, then you must join with another team forming a three man cell. If they do not join with another team then rule 3 comes into play.

If you can't find another team to join then you will be eliminated by one of the game officials during one of the elimination rounds.

Each team has a signature tattoo. Before you go into the first trial you will collude with your teammate to pick out a tattoo. From there an official will come around and put it on you. This is so other teams know which one you are from.

There will be an elimination round after each trial excluding the last. They are only called elimination rounds because teams try to kill each other off. Killing is not necessary in these rounds, it is just common for the teams to try and rid of other teams. See rule 6 for further information.

Each elimination round is a race to get to what is called the 'finish line'. Here is where you rest before you move on to the next trial.

If you wish to leave the games, then you must call out: "Unbind me." If you speak these words an official will come and kill you off. Most players do not know this however. See rule 8 for further information.

If your teammate calls out, "Unbind me.", then you will also be killed off along with your teammate.

Each team is joined by an invisible wire that only allows them to go as far as 3ft. away from each other. If you try to cut it or do anything else to take it off, an official will come and kill you and your partner.


Team 1:
Male Instructor 1, Taken by Lovely a.k.a myself
Female Mentee 1, Taken by bananaramma

Team 2:
Female Instructor 2, Reserved by Fight The Tears
Male Mentee 2, Reserved by RoxUrSox

Team 3:
Male Instructor 3, Taken by Spectrum
Female Mentee 3, Reserved by Pimpette

Team 4:
Female Instructor 4, Reserved by MirrorMirror1498
Male Mentee 4, Taken by badboyej


Code: Select all
        [right][color=#YOUR TEAM COLOR][size=200]NAME HERE[/color][/size]
                    [img]DIRECT IMAGE URL HERE. ANIME ONLY[/img][/right]

                    [size=150][color=#YOUR TEAM COLOR][b]Nickname[/b][/color][/size]
                    [size=90]Put your nickname here.[/size]

                    [size=150][color=#YOUR TEAM COLOR][b]Age[/b][/color][/size]
                    [size=90]Put your age here.[/size]

                    [size=150][color=#YOUR TEAM COLOR][b]Role[/b][/color][/size]
                    [size=90]Which team are you on and who do you play in it?[/size]

                    [size=150][color=#YOUR TEAM COLOR][b]Personality[/b][/color][/size]
                    [size=90]As detailed as possible.[/size]

                    [size=150][color=#YOUR TEAM COLOR][b]Weapons[/b][/color][/size]
                    [size=90]History of your character.[/size]

                    [size=150][color=#YOUR TEAM COLOR][b]Weaknesses[/b][/color][/size]
                    [size=90]What are your character's weak spots?[/size]

                    [size=150][color=#YOUR TEAM COLOR][b]Skills[/b][/color][/size]
                    [size=90]What is your character good at?[/size]

                    [size=150][color=#YOUR TEAM COLOR][b]Fears[/b][/color][/size]
                    [size=90]Your fears.[/size]

                    [size=150][url=LINK TO SONG]TITLE OF THEME SONG HERE[/url][/size]
                    [size=90]Lyrics here[/size]

~I am the GM of this RP, Pimpette is my co-pilot, obey us or DIE :D
~All post must be at least 300 words, other than that, the sky is the limit for posting
~Romance is highly encouraged, but we don't wanna see anything explicit *shudders*
~Violence is allowed, as much as you want, just don't use it senselessly
~Cursing is also allowed, but be tasteful with it unless your character purposely has a sailor's mouth
~Respect your fellow RPers, we're gonna be one happy family...or else something terrible will happen to you ^^
~No OOC fighting, save the drama for ya mama
~No godmodding, you aren't Rambo
~Don't kill off another person's character unless you have their consent first
~Post at least once a day, if you can't it's understandable
~If you need to leave or won't be active for a while let me and Pimpette know first!
~Rule breakers have their characters killed off in some humiliating way :)
~Reservations last for 24 hours, after that the spot's reopened
~If you read all of the rules post your favorite anime character in your character sheet or your reservation!

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


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Team 1

Today was the day Calcifer was to be paired up with his new mentee. It was his first one ever and to be honest he wasn't excited or anything. He was just...there. Many people like to run from him seeing he doesn't have the same view on emotions as everyone else. Matter-of-fact he doesn't see a difference between hatred and love no matter how evident it is. Sighing he stood up out of his bed that all of the instructors were allowed to have seeing they have been here for much longer. He even had his own room. Mentees on the other hand had to share a room with almost twenty other people of the same gender. Least to say he was pleased, if you can call it that, that he wasn't a subordinate anymore. It was like having his own apartment perfect for him to have his alone time for when he wasn't training or anything. Calcifer took a quick shower then was out the door. They were to get mini profiles on their subordinates and their names. The building itself and everything in it looked like back on earth, but once you step out there is absolutely nothing. It is pitch black and you can't even see an inch in front of you.

Cal was sure they did it this way so no one can runaway; forcing people to compete in the games they hold. Winning the games was the only way to get off of this planet and back to earth. However when it comes time for the trials, they will teleport you to where you shall compete. If you get through a trial you then have to go through the elimination round. After that you will reach a small building for you to rest before the next trial. Cal knew they were going to be hard, why else would they make them train from such young ages? Stepping out of his room he grabbed his folder from an official and looked it over. "Eclipse huh?" He questioned reading over her profile. From there he headed to a large white room where all of the instructors were supposed to find and meet their mentess. Leaning against the wall he knew any moment they were going to open the doors on the other side of the room and all of the mentees will come out.

It was set up much like a prison in some ways in how they force the students to come out of the doors. He still had to come up with a tattoo and get his weapons and also his teammate's weapons as well. Calcifer also had to go over some extremely important rules. He has to remember he has a partner that doesn't know everything like he does. Just as he was thinking of things he had to tell Eclipse he completely spaced out and looked up at the ceiling as if someone was up there. He completely ignored the bell ringing alerting all of the instructors their partners were coming out of the opposite doors. People started to flood the room and he acted as if he was the only one there. Calcifer pulled himself out of his thoughts when someone bumped into him. Looking around quickly he realized the students had already entered the room. Sighing he started to walk through the crowd looking for Eclipse.


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0.00 INK

Raphael Carthage

Finding himself in an unfamiliar place was not uncommon for Raphael, in fact it was quite common. He would often find himself waking up in an unfamiliar room, usually next to someone he had met the night before, not surprising to himself. But today, today was different. Like most days he didn't have much recollection of what had happened the night before but today he didn't find himself on a bed next to anyone. No, today he found himself in a room completely black with no light, complete darkness. Raphael knew he wasn't alone in this darkness though, he could hear the whispers and sounds of others just as confused as he was. Not wishing to stay in that room any longer Raphael stood up in an attempt to find an exit. At the exact time he stood up bright lights shone throughout the entire room, emitting from the ground, walls, and ceiling. The lights blinded all those who were in the room. Raphael then put on sunglasses to better adjust himself to the light. He then noticed a number of exits on one side the room, he then walked towards those exits. In front of the exits Raphael noticed that they were locked, with no opening visible. "Well... If you want a door to open, no better way to do so then by knocking on the door." He then knocked on an exit three times. With no response Raphael turned back towards the room and saw that most of the people were now standing awaiting for the exits to open. Raphael called out to them saying, "Guess no ones home, huh?" At that moment a bell began to ring an all the exits then began to suddenly opened. Not wishing to stay inside that room any longer Raphael walked through the exit into the next room.

The new room was significantly bigger than the room before, with a ceiling higher then Raphael could see. Looking around the room he noted few individuals who had an assortment of weapons, some with grim looks, some excited, and some who seemed to not care. Not understanding where he was Raphael thought that he must have been caught by some people whom he had won money off. One of the occupational hazards of a professional gambler... that and being killed. Raphael didn't know where he was exactly but he did know that he did not wish to be there. Unwilling to stay in such a place but unable to see any form of exit Raphael looked and walked around the room to see where he was. The room had multiple doors which revealed rooms which were exactly the same which he was just in, not much else was on that floor. Unable to see any possible way of an exit or how to go to a higher floor Raphael started to think of what to do.

He noticed that there were several people with weapons who were laughing while watching Raphael. Not a person who finds a situation such as this as amusing he walked towards the group who was laughing at him. There was five of them, all male, all with disgusting faces. Raphael looking at them said, "What the hell are you laughing about, huh? You find what I'm trying to do amusing? Would it amuse you to have my fist down your throat?" The group of guys just started to laugh even more hysterically then they had before. Grinning Raphael started to put on and fiddle with his gloves. Looking at the group of guys Raphael then said, "I guess it will amuse you... Hopefully you still feel that way afterwards." Raphael the struck one of the guys in the face, sparks of electricity seemed to dance around that man until he fell to the ground unconscious. Shocked the four other guys looked at Raphael, now begining to unsheathe their weapons. Before they could unsheathe their weapons Raphael stuck two of them with his palm in the heart, electricity sparking once again the two he had hit fell to the ground. One guy then began to attack Raphael with a sword, dodging the blade Raphael then struck the blade itself sending electricity through the blade up the assailants arms. Falling to the ground the man now unconscious and seizing. The final guy then pulled out a gun and was about to pull the trigger until Raphael aimed his hand at him, causing an arc of lighting to burst forth and strike the man with the gun.

Looking down at the bodies of those who were one laughing at him, Raphael said, "...No... I didn't think you would find it amusing. Names Raphael Carthage and I am a royal. When you laugh at me you laugh at my blood and family... never do that ever again. Oh and yes, these Shock gloves are quite dangerous... I should know, I invented this version." Now turning off his Shock Gloves Raphael stood amongst the people who were watching him. "What?... Never seen a guy knock out five guys consecutively with his bare fists before?"

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Character Portrait: Tezuka Walker
0 sightings Tezuka Walker played by CNAGamer
"Why the hell do you need my help to win?"
Character Portrait: Primrose (Poison) Sorrenson
0 sightings Primrose (Poison) Sorrenson played by phooka
"This isn't a babysitting service, either you win or you die, whether by the enemy's hand or mine."

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View All » Add Character » 12 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Calcifer
Character Portrait: Lance Blakewood
Character Portrait: Eclipse
Character Portrait: Luna Mercer
Character Portrait: Amaryllis Caste
Character Portrait: Raphael Carthage


Character Portrait: Raphael Carthage
Raphael Carthage

"This is a game... Don't take it personally."

Character Portrait: Amaryllis Caste
Amaryllis Caste

"There's no way in hell I'm dying here!"

Character Portrait: Luna Mercer
Luna Mercer

I only have one rule: Don't piss me off.

Character Portrait: Eclipse

"Oh assure you this is going to hurt"

Character Portrait: Lance Blakewood
Lance Blakewood

"Music, is ev'rythin' brah' "

Character Portrait: Calcifer

"I can't assure you how long you will have my attention..."


Character Portrait: Calcifer

"I can't assure you how long you will have my attention..."

Character Portrait: Raphael Carthage
Raphael Carthage

"This is a game... Don't take it personally."

Character Portrait: Amaryllis Caste
Amaryllis Caste

"There's no way in hell I'm dying here!"

Character Portrait: Luna Mercer
Luna Mercer

I only have one rule: Don't piss me off.

Character Portrait: Lance Blakewood
Lance Blakewood

"Music, is ev'rythin' brah' "

Character Portrait: Eclipse

"Oh assure you this is going to hurt"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Lance Blakewood
Lance Blakewood

"Music, is ev'rythin' brah' "

Character Portrait: Eclipse

"Oh assure you this is going to hurt"

Character Portrait: Amaryllis Caste
Amaryllis Caste

"There's no way in hell I'm dying here!"

Character Portrait: Luna Mercer
Luna Mercer

I only have one rule: Don't piss me off.

Character Portrait: Calcifer

"I can't assure you how long you will have my attention..."

Character Portrait: Raphael Carthage
Raphael Carthage

"This is a game... Don't take it personally."

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Most recent OOC posts in Binding

Re: [OOC] Binding

It's okay I understand everyone has RL to deal with ^^

Re: [OOC] Binding

I'll post tomorrow night at the latest. I'm sooooo busy :/

Re: [OOC] Binding

Really busy day for me today +_+ Should be posting later on tonight :3

Re: [OOC] Binding

Okay.. I'm posting xD
*Puts on shock gloves* >:]

Re: [OOC] Binding

I'm gonna take a long nap, then I'll post!

Re: [OOC] Binding

All of the mentees can walk into the room where they are supposed to meet their instructors. Same for the instructors as well. So really everyone can post, just don't post twice until your partner has posted once.

Re: [OOC] Binding

I don't know if i should post or not... Don't want to be jumping into things... :$

Re: [OOC] Binding

Sweetness xD
Hopefully his partner is aight with him xD

[Edit:Sooo... should I post or wait for my partner to? O.o]

Re: [OOC] Binding

Sweet! I'll go accept him now! Thank you sssssssssoooooooooooo MUCH ^^

Re: [OOC] Binding

ROX 2 the rescue xD
(Will take the spotness x3)

Will have sheet in by the end of today... hopefully earlier

Re: [OOC] Binding

Hmmmm....I'll ask a couple people if they want the spot ^^

Re: [OOC] Binding

Crap. I think Twii ditched? Now I need a partner..

Re: [OOC] Binding

Yeah I posted!!!!!!!!!

Wait what happened to Twili????

Re: [OOC] Binding

I'm here!!!! Lovely thanks for saving my spot for so long, I'm such a procrastinator. My character is in the works now! The hardest part was figuring out what I wanted for her theme song but I think I found a good one :D

Also I think someone dropped a male character? If the spot doesn't get refilled I'll take it since...well I originally wanted to be a guy anyway, teehee ^^;

EDIT: She's up! I submitted her once, but realized I misspelled her name, so I abandoned it and remade her with the correction and somehow...I abandoned that one too! Sooo third times a charmer, she's submitted and awaiting acceptance :D

Re: [OOC] Binding

YAAAAAAYY!! -rolls around on the floor-

Re: [OOC] Binding

Announcement! I shall put up the first post this evening ^^

Re: [OOC] Binding

I accepted your character ^^

Once Pimp gets hers in I will put up the first post. Or when she tells me she is almost finish, I'll put up the first post ^^

Re: [OOC] Binding

That's perfectly fine by me :) My character has finally been submitted!

Re: [OOC] Binding

@Fight, I switched you and Mirror's roles around so you have Female instructor 2 and Mirror has Female Instructor 4. I hope that is okay ^^