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Jason Carter

"Dude, I wasn't being serious. Seriously."

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a character in “Birthstone Spirits: The Great Escape”, as played by rikura



Name: Jason Carter

Age: 18

Stone: Peridot

Birthday: August 17

Hometown: Nashville, Tennessee

Height: 6 feet

Weight: 154 pounds

Eyes: A light gunmetal blue with brown flakes - they always seem to have a spark in them whether it's curiosity, excitement, anger, or something else, so if you look at his eyes, it's usually pretty easy to read his emotions.

Hair: Short and brown with a semi-messy style

Personality: Open, Independent, Easily annoyed, Impulsive, Competitive, Intelligent, Curious, A little playful or childish, Not very serious

Has a habit of putting his hand on someone's shoulder or head, especially if they are shorter than him.
Can't handle spicy food.
He usually either speaks before he thinks, or thinks way too much.
Easily flustered or embarrassed.

Equipment: Has a silver scorpion ring with a peridot inlayed on its back. Carries two long knives that could double as short swords.

((ring looks like this but with a peridot instead of a ruby)

So begins...

Jason Carter's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xabier Sanchez Character Portrait: Jason Carter Character Portrait: Lux Adair
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Already treating her horse to a drink of water, the brunette smiled as she allowed herself to take a drink of the cool pond water. Glancing towards Jason, Lux smiled brightly. "The heat I could deal without, but otherwise I'm not doing too bad," She commented before allowing her thoughts to wander. The heat had definitely gotten to her, but she wasn't going to complain. It was typical weather for this area, in this month. Right?

Noticing the newcomer, Lux shrugged her shoulders. The new one must have been dropped off here when they all stepped through the portal to Aires. It was plausible, due to what happened with that Dorian. Humming again, Lux shuffled over to sit down next Jason. She felt more comfortable sitting closer to him than any of the other Warriors at this moment. Perhaps she could try talking to Autumn sometime? The Tarot Card readings had really peaked her interest.

But that was for when they had time to relax.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Haru Karokav Character Portrait: Xabier Sanchez Character Portrait: Jason Carter Character Portrait: Lux Adair
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#, as written by rikura
Jason smiled wider after actually getting a few replies, laying back on the grass with hands behind his head and crossing one ankle over the other. "Great!"
He sighed to himself, "A cool breeze would be great right about now..." Sure, he was used to the crazy weather in Tennessee, where it could be a sunshiny 76 degrees one day and a cloudy 46 the next, but here it was blazing hot with a Sun directly overhead that seemed to zap whatever energy you stored up.

He sat up again, determinedly thinking "I won't lose to an inanimate, celestial body like the Sun!" He blinked, blushing a bit. "Yeah... glad I didn't say that out loud."

Jason heard someone say, "Hi," and turned his head to see a stranger there just as Tallyho asked, "Who are you?" That, he would like to know himself. The guy was with Haru, another addition to their group, apparently. He grinned a bit. "The more the merrier, they always say... sometimes..." He shrugged before noticing a humming Lux sitting next to him.

He smiled, turning a little red when he remembered her talking to him last night and how he kind of blew her off because his head had been so fuzzy. And yet, she was sitting next to him, humming away.
"Hey, ah, it's Lux, right?" Yeah, embarrassed with a blank mind while talking to a girl? Great combo. (not).


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyle Keaton Character Portrait: Tallyho Abel Character Portrait: Haru Karokav Character Portrait: Xabier Sanchez Character Portrait: Jason Carter Character Portrait: Lux Adair
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Once feeling more steady on his feet, Kyle released himself from the horse that he could feel was just as hot and tired as himself, perhaps more since the horse was bigger, heavier, and hairier than he was. Jason and a brunette girl that he couldn't remember the name of took their horses to the pond for water. Most of the others also milled around the watering hole. Water is life. No wonder they all want to hang out there. According to Haru , Kyle was supposed to have some power over that water. Whatever. He still didn't know if he believed it, but this was definitely not New York. It scared him a little that this type of thing was even possible.

Anyway, he stretched a little to loosen up his screaming muscles, and took a light grip on his horse's reins. The horse snorted in his ear. Kyle gave the horse a glare to express his opinion on the matter, but he had a strange feeling the beast was laughing at him. The blond boy frowned at that, though he did change expression when he saw a newcomer return with Haru. That's why the cat-guardian ran off. Kyle gave the newcomer a smile and waved, but he didn't speak, and wouldn't until both he and his horse had something to drink.

Kyle was gentle with the horse, still in keeping with what Tallyho said, as he went around the pond. He left the horse next to Jason's horse, since one other thing he knew about horses is that they liked to be in a group. He tried not to interfere with the newcomer and other conversations as he took care of his own needs, which included filling his ball cap with water. Filling the cap had more than one purpose, he could gather more at a time and when he put the cap back on he'd automatically feel cooler. In hot summers, splashing his face and head or wrists always made him feel better. The disadvantage of using his cap was that he could taste his own sweat, which was disgusting. One thing he needed to get when they got to their destination was a canteen. Canteen, Knapsack, food... He already started a mental shopping list.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Grayson Character Portrait: Harper Calloway Fields Character Portrait: Tallyho Abel Character Portrait: Autumn Jones Character Portrait: Xabier Sanchez Character Portrait: Jason Carter
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#, as written by Linnea
Autumn groaned, falling onto her back. “Thanks. Well, let’s hope one those breezes comes soon.” If anyone was doing anything in the lake, she certainly wasn’t looking. Not with a completely naked Harper in there. Normally, she wasn’t opposed to seeing hot guys with their pants off. Him being a teammate, however, made it a little weird. He was unappealing the moment he acted the way he did in The Core. She chuckled at Skylar’s comment.

She let out a soft sigh, her stomach still rumbling. As Jason walked over, she gave a feeble wave. The heat was really getting to her. “Kind hot and sweaty.” She replied. Closing her eyes, she fanned herself with her hand. It really wasn’t helping any. She snapped her eyes open, however, the moment she heard the new voice. She rolled over onto her stomach, allowing herself to see the newcomer. Now that was someone she wouldn’t mind seeing in the nude. It would certainly be more welcome than Harper’s antics. It was then that she noticed the bread in Tallyho's hands. Good for her. At least she had something to eat. As much as she wanted to, Autumn wouldn't ask to have a piece.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Carter Character Portrait: Lux Adair
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Glancing towards Jason, Lux gave off a smile and a small chuckle. "Yes, it's Lux... Jason, right?" She inquired. Tilting her head just a bit, the brunette glanced over her temporary companion a bit more. Pursing her lips for a moment, Lux let out another hum as she adjusted her stance to a more comfortable position.

"So. How are you?" The brunette questioned, not taking notice that Jason was embarrassed. Or, rather she did but gave no intimation that she had taken notice. A girl does have to keep some thoughts to herself after all.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Grayson Character Portrait: Harper Calloway Fields Character Portrait: Tallyho Abel Character Portrait: Autumn Jones Character Portrait: Haru Karokav Character Portrait: Xabier Sanchez
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He took a deep breath. The closest blonde girl asked who he was. He got the weird impression that she was usually more blunt.
"My name's Xabier." He phrased it slowly in the voice his used with patients. It wouldn't help if he spoke as fast as he would with friends. Xabier didn't know if he could count on them understanding anything he said anyway.
He usually wouldn't disclose any information to strangers,however it seemed like he'd have to bond with this particular group of people.

Encouraged by their initial reactions he continued on speaking.
"Please excuse my English, I haven't been in America- erm.. this place for very long."
The sun was beating down on his head in a familiar sensation. Though the weather was mild for the majority of the year back home, the summers were hot. Hotter than this strange place.
He had the sudden urge to strip down like that guy swimming in the lake. However he decided that it'd probably leave the wrong impression.

He wondered briefly who each of them were and who had what power. When Haru told him he had dark shadow clone powers he thought he had misheard. The power to read minds sounded cool but his power just served to confuse him. What could he do with shadows? The healing power sounded the most useful... If it was real that is. This could still be some extremely elaborate plan for all he knew.

A few people smiled and waved,others looked almost bored. He smiled with his whole face at them. It was a smile he had developed over the years. One that wrinkled by the eyes. His Abuela loved when he used that smile. She said that he always looked like he was on the verge of laughter. He used that smile when he was nervous. Right in that moment Xabier was definitely nervous.
Had they accepted him as part of their group already? He truly hoped so.
"Yo-.. I hope you accept me from now on." He asked out to the surrounding people. He knew that his English phrasing left something to be desired. His "I's" were occasionally transforming into "Yo's". He saw a guy and a girl sitting together by the horses. He nodded at them and then quickly smiled at the other blonde girl lying on the grass.

Xabier noticed that a few of them had bandages on. Some had scratches. Did the gato man Haru give them those cuts? Noticing the height of some of the guys, he doubted it. Xabier couldn't help but feel like he should help them sort out their wounds properly. It is the doctor's curse to care about injured people even if he didn't personally know them yet.
"I could.. help? With those wounds,if you'd like?" He asked the girl who had inquired who he was. It won't hurt to be friendly. She was eating some sort of bread. He briefly remembered the homemade shortbread in his jacket pocket as he shrugged it off. It was too hot to wear his jacket here.
He found her expression unreadable. Maybe it was the culture barrier but he felt like he had just embarrassed himself.
EstĂșpido Xabier! What was he thinking? She probably thought he was looking down on her.
He just smiled around at everyone and prayed that he didn't make a terrible first impression.
Deep in his heart he knew that these people would be his new family until he could get home.
It didn't stop his chest aching for home.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Grayson Character Portrait: Kyle Keaton Character Portrait: Aria Delaine Character Portrait: Harper Calloway Fields Character Portrait: Tallyho Abel Character Portrait: Autumn Jones
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“You. When we get on the road, you ride near me.”

Falke wasn’t certain that Haru was speaking to him, but it certainly felt like it. The weight and direction the words seemed to be coming from and where directed at, and the fact that in the group no one else seemed to have such a physical ailment (except for some having the possibility of being certifiably insane, but he wasn’t going to go there right now) like his own blindness; so it was safe to assume that the statement was for him. He didn’t see the nod in his direction, that would have told him that it was in fact for him – but to be safe anyway, he briefly twitched his head in short nod in return in answer.
The walk to the stable was less of a danger relatively than the multiple trips made up and down the stairs, Falke reasoned. He personally deemed it a success to become accustomed to attaching to the certain sounds of the group member’s footsteps – whether plodding and staggering because of a team-wide general feeling of having a lack of sleep, or dainty and light against the dirt path lucky to be a more lively morning person. It was make his chances of getting lost less, mostly, or so he hoped anyway. Getting lost in an alien world wasn’t an idea or plan he’d call a well-loved and/or remembered vacation. Frankly, getting lost was at the top of his list of not wanting to ever happen to him, again, right underneath being kidnapped for destiny’s sake.

Now the horse on the other hand, well
 Dear Lord, good grief. He stared almost hopelessly at the reins handed, and the horse anxiously tugging on the other end. Falke remembered vaguely the times his mother had a riding lesson with one of his aunts and had taken him along with to get him out of the house and experience new things as safely as she could arranged. They’d halter the ornery pony that ran amok around the place, saddle it up, put him on his back, tie him down unto the saddle without enough rope to make it uncomfortably tight, and then lead the pony with himself tied securely on – his mother would take him on a trail ride before or after her actual riding lesson. That being the extent of his knowledge of horses, and the doubt that someone was going to tie him on so to speak. Bloody hell.

Falke managed to get on by himself without help once he’d found the stirrup to put one foot in, and bounce on his other leg to get enough thrust to hop the rest of the way, well, almost most of the way up into the saddle. It took a few more minutes to find the other stirrup, gently swinging his leg until his toe was able to catch the inside of the loop. His horse stood remarkably well considering the others stopping and starting and getting anxious by their inexperienced riders, and he would have been surprised of his own beast’s behavior if not given that he held the reins tight and steady while he’d been finding that illusive stirrup on the other side. He was aware of the snugness of the saddle from the cantle to the pommel that left a little more to be desired, but at least it was enough for him to tell where he ought to sit and stay when on the move of which he was still silently grateful for. Once secure, he released the grip he held on the reins flicking them forward to ask the horse to move forward, the horse obliging walked forward calmly. “Let’s go then,” Without having to take the need to stop, Falke reluctantly urged his horse into a steady jog to follow the cat-man's own horse. Making the time - not really - go by by clenching the pommel with his rein-free hand tightly to keep his ever-flattering balance, clenching his teeth together to keep from biting his own tongue off later on, and had his eyes blearily floating about clearly uncomfortable but wordlessly dealing with it.

With the much-needed pit-stop of shorts for the group, Falke was grateful to be able to get down out of the saddle (not without a struggle to do so, of course) to stretch sore muscles and screaming joints, and let his right hand that had been his means of balance resume to have feeling again. However, it didn't help with the now lack of a breeze from the movement of riding to his heat-flushed skin that had been somewhat cooling, nor stopped the hunger from a lack of food since breakfast yesterday and the couple sips of the beer from lunch or well dinner the night before, from growing in the absence of his mild-ish sea sickness (or technically horse-sickness) from travel. And how the others seemed to be acting given the break, he'd honestly would've had less of the nonsense from certain members of the group and just resume travel to get wherever they were supposedly going sooner. Perhaps that was his father in him talking? Who knew. Fei..

It was no sooner that he'd managed to tie his horse up on the fence, and kept it from yanking his arm off to eat grass, Haru returned bringing one of the missing members of their so called team (that had apparently just appeared here, he could only guess having the same teleportation issues as Dorian). Xabier, or Haveey as he would likely attempt to pronounce it if he even tried to do so without listening to the other pronounce their name correctly first, seemed by his accent and the way his words were pronounced to be from Spain - making Falke, not the only European stuck in this 'adventure'. Woo? While others greeted the newcomer, Haru made another plain statement that they ought to get a move on again. Great, he'd just gotten off his horse too...

Falke untied his horse with some effort and time to undo the knots, before slipping its reins over it's head and making his way shakily back into the saddle again. Ready to go, more or less, again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyle Keaton Character Portrait: Tallyho Abel Character Portrait: Haru Karokav Character Portrait: Xabier Sanchez Character Portrait: Gwenneth Yuan Character Portrait: Jason Carter
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Kyle paced himself for drinking hatsful of nasty sweat-flavored water, and would have appreciated just a single piece of the bread a couple of the girls were nibbling on, just to get the taste out of his mouth. Even though they skipped breakfast that morning and he didn't get much dinner the day before, Kyle surprisingly wasn't very hungry. He shouldn't be surprised really, because when he was hot, anything cold and/or liquid was a higher priority. He might change his mind about that later. For now he was fine. His aching thirst was satisfied and the horse still busied itself by the pond, so he let it be.

Since his necessary survival was done, Kyle allowed himself to be social and actually talked to the newcomer. "I'm Kyle. It's nice to meet you." Unfortunately, he didn't get a lot of time to be social, since Haru came by and said they should get going. The shorter boy sighed, but added in good humor, "No rest for the weary, eh? Still it is a good point." He adjusted his cap and glanced at the horses to gauge the situation. Three drinking at the pond, Haru was holding one, and nine more stood against the fence. Okay, so Xabier would have one.

Returning his attention to the young man in question, he gave a smile and said, "If you need help with anything, feel free to ask me, unless it has to do with horses. I recommend asking Jason..." Kyle pointed out the southern boy, in case he hadn't been properly introduced yet. "...or Tallyho for that." He knew the Airian girl had already been introduced.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Grayson Character Portrait: Kyle Keaton Character Portrait: Aria Delaine Character Portrait: Tallyho Abel Character Portrait: Haru Karokav Character Portrait: Falke der Herrscher
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Everyone was being pretty friendly to him. It was disarming at first but made him feel comfortable.
A quiet guy who looked like he had European roots caught his attention briefly.
Xabier wondered where exactly he was from. Since he hadn't heard him say a word he guessed that he was either Nordic or German. He secretly hoped he was from Norway as he could say a few phrases in Norwegian. Three to be exact.
"Hello" "Thank You" "Let go of me or I'll call the police."
He learnt the last one for a laugh, but it came in use whenever creepy old Norwegian tourists tried to "flirt" with him on the street.
He laughed at the memory of seeing the look on their faces when they realised he could understand them. He could only speak a few phrases,but they didn't know that. They had scurried away like mice confronted with a cat once he mentioned the police.
Xabier smiled to himself,but then remembering the person who taught him the Norwegian,his smile faded and he looked down at the grass. Not now, Xabier, don't think about that now.
Back in the present,he gave the quiet guy a nod and a friendly smile. He could think about sad things once he was alone.

Gato man said that they were leaving now and everyone started to get ready to go.
Xabier looked over to see their method of transport. Horses.
Oh dear lord, how was he meant to ride a horse. The last time he was riding anything similar was when he was twelve years old with an old donkey. One of the horses snorted and brayed his head to the side slightly. Well this was going to be interesting...
A dark haired girl nodded as she passed him to get to the horses. He tilted his head to watch her pass briefly before turning his attention to the guy approaching him.

The guy came over and introduced himself as Kyle. He was shorter than Xabier by a little and had an noticeable aura of someone who has had plenty of fun in life. Xabier found himself immediately liking him. If he was in Spain he'd be called pequeño.
He introduced himself back carefully. Americans usually butchered his name so he usually said it slowly or when he was in the hospital he was just called Dr. SĂĄnchez.
"If you need help with anything, feel free to ask me, unless it has to do with horses. I recommend asking Jason.. or Tallyho for that." He had pointed out Jason as the tall guy sitting beside the dark haired girl. Tallyho,he recognised,was the discreetly strong blonde girl he had first talked to.

"Gracias." He replied,"if you need any help... medically-" he looked around at everyone and then back at Kyle. "Feel free to ask. I'm not bad at sorting out wounds." It was a slight understatement,but he didn't want them to think he was full of himself.
Another girl smiled over and said her name was Skylar. She was petite in features and sort of reminded him of his sister, Amaia, in height.
Xabier nodded at her with a fleeting smile. Being reminded of his family just made him long for Bilbao even more.

He wondered briefly how Haru had the foresight to bring a horse for him and then shrugged it off.
As he made his first attempt at mounting the magnificent creature, he was vaguely aware that he was about to make a giant fool out of himself in front of these new acquaintances.
"Aye Papi" he muttered as he foot slipped slightly and he nearly fell off.
Before he could make even more of a fool out of himself he pulled himself upright on the horse's back. Yes! He had did it! He fought the urge to put his fist in the air in triumph.
Xabier grinned to himself like a child.
In his happiness his leg must have brushed the horse's side because it suddenly started to move.
Caught off guard he clung to the reins like a lifesaver. This will be a very long ride.

*pequeño= small one (term of endearment used between friends)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyle Keaton Character Portrait: Harper Calloway Fields Character Portrait: Haru Karokav Character Portrait: Falke der Herrscher Character Portrait: Xabier Sanchez Character Portrait: Jason Carter
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0.00 INK

#, as written by rikura
"Ah, um, great.." was Jason's quick and oh-so-intelligent reply.

'I guess?'

He let himself lay back on the grass placing his hands behind his head. He didn't want to look directly at the girl he was speaking to while he was in a flustered state, and starting rambling without thinking much. "I, uh, actually think I might like this place. It might sound strange, but be'n in a place where no one knows me and where everything's unfamiliar, and I don't mean a place like New York, feels kind'a relax'n to me." He gave a sort of nervous laugh as he continued to ramble, pace of speech increasing, "At the same time, though, it's sort of annoying...Not knowing anything and have'n to rely on Haru, not that I have any real problem with it or anything. I just don't like the whole relying on people thing, ya know? Never have. I-"

And then Haru interrupted with a, "Hey guys, we might want to get going..." and the interruption was like a slap in the face, saying, 'What the hell are you talking about? Shut up, already, or do you want to embarrass yourself more?'

"Um, never mind..." He sat up too quickly, making him acutely aware of the slight aching in the back of his head that hadn't completely disappeared yet from last night, 'Must've gotten hit harder than I thought...' and stood up a little off balance (or a little too jittery, really).

Patting his horse's side before taking the reigns in his hand and tugging on them an giving a click with his tongue, causing the horse to slowly turn away from the water and towards where the others were tied. With the contact he'd made with the horse, his nervousness died down some, and he turned his head towards Lux, "Ah, want any help?" meaning with the horse. He made sure to nod and comply with whatever her answer was before swinging up onto his own horse and stretching before taking up the reigns again.

"Alright," he said as he flicked the reigns, "let's get up and go, darl'n," and the horse started forward after the others.


As Haru flung open his jacket in reply to Kyle's statements, Jason was taken aback. Seriously? A grin split his face as he unconsciously rested his arm on Kyle's shoulder, much like he'd done back at the inn. He was just about to say something he thought was clever, when Haru said, "...aside from killing the cyclopean king part."
"Ah, hey-"

"Anyways, let's get out of here." and before Jason could say anything else, Haru was walking away, telling them all to "stay close" and such. This, of course, gave Jason no choice but to follow, which he did, stuffing his hands into his pockets as they went.

"So fellas. What would you like to get first?"

Jason looked around at all of the other guys, feeling a little clueless. "Uh," then looked around at the marketplace, a little confused, but a kidish jittery feeling starting to surface for him. "What's that?" He pointed to some random stand, "And that?" another random stand, "And, uh, what are those leaf things?" Maybe they were for tea or something, but he doubted it. He starting asking what this and that were, more to himself than anyone else, but still with a childish excitement. New place? New things? Inns? Horses? A legit market? Awesomely medieval much? Yes. In his mind, things were awesomely medieval.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyle Keaton Character Portrait: Harper Calloway Fields Character Portrait: Haru Karokav Character Portrait: Falke der Herrscher Character Portrait: Xabier Sanchez Character Portrait: Jason Carter
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The blond boy took a step back when Haru suddenly threw open his coat. "I just... Whoa!" Now he just had a million more questions. The first of which was where he got all that in the first place. If that really was all money pouches like the ones they had right now, Kyle had never seen so much in his entire life. Haru had more? Where did he keep it? In no way was the boy thinking of becoming a thief, but it was beyond his comprehension to actually HAVE to sew extra pockets into clothes to carry money. Isn't that what the bank was for? Thoroughly distracted, he didn't realize Jason was leaning on his shoulder again. If he did realize it, Kyle would be annoyed.

Soon enough, Haru closed up his coat and hurried out the door into the street, and the shorter boy jumped to catch up to him. The redhead didn't get too far ahead though, and Kyle was there to hear him tell them to stay close. No answer seemed necessary, but the boy nodded anyway and followed to a booth selling rucksacks. Once each boy had one, Haru asked what they wanted to get first. Kyle didn't have an answer to that question. He knew what he needed but not where to start.

Jason looked to have the same problem, but instead of clamming up, he started pointing to all the booths and hopping around like a kid in a candy store. Kyle chuckled at the picture and calmed down enough to reach for the goofy southern boy's hand.
"Why don't we go this way and see what's here?" he pointed down a path to their right. "unless someone has a better idea..." he paused and glanced anxiously over to Haru and the other boys. Right now the guardian appeared to be in a good mood, and he didn't put any restrictions on this trip, except to make sure they get everything they need. As he spoke, Kyle didn't think about the scabbed over cuts on his knuckles that he was so careful about when they stopped by the water.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Grayson Character Portrait: Kyle Keaton Character Portrait: Aria Delaine Character Portrait: Harper Calloway Fields Character Portrait: Tallyho Abel Character Portrait: Autumn Jones
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Falke shifted his grip on the rucksack slung over his shoulder, to relieve the slight irritated tension the cord had been slightly cutting into his muscle and bone uncomfortably. His eyes floated blearily about, taking note of the confining crowd swirling about him and not keen on the situation one bit. He wasn't quite able to shake off the feeling that he really didn't belong here, stuck out like a sore thumb, and someone could quite possibly notice something. He just wanted to get this shopping over with, some dinner and resting in the inn afterward away from unwanted eyes and some quiet time (he could hope) sounded absolutely wonderful...

“So fellas. What would you like to get first?”

Falke was disgusted. Primarily from listening to the kid in a candy store after Haru's question – bouncing and waving his arms about like a fool, like he was some fruit-crazed explorer – and another boy of the group saying let’s go this way and explore the shops that a’way. But his rapidly fading normally stoic nature that left his emotions begin to be seen plain as day in a twitch of his lips or at the crease of his eyes because of lack of sleep and hunger, and the headache and minor sunburn across his fair cheeks from a minor case of heat stroke he suspected from the ride here; could both have been affecting his current mood in turn. All the same, however, he was just plain really, really done. “Unless someone has a better idea..." As a matter of fact, he did – he had priorities. First and foremost was getting home, but that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon because destiny and a ket-man was busy kidnapping him you know; so secondly, he was worried about surviving in this alien world until he could get home – whether it be killing that cyclo-whatever monster king or being able to return to the inn without something blowing up in his face like the recent and not so fond memory of the tavern the night before, surviving was a definite priority.

“Clozes,” The growling brass of his heavily accented voice surprised Falke with its roughness and rather lack of attempt to sound out more proper English sounds to the word he spoke, causing him to momentarily pause – licking his bottom lick idly, in an attempt to hide the faintly annoyed tick at the corner of his mouth. Yes, it was a given that he would certainly mess up because it wasn't his first or natural language: he was already going out of his comfort zone – despite his normally reserved, quiet self that value observing and listening much more than talking – speaking up and talking to them; but in turn he was tired, hungry, etc – and he just really didn’t care to be proper right now, just bloody give him a break. “Trrried foot, somezing forr vater, awnd hygiene
 Ten beck to ze inn?” He finished his list short, sweet, and to the point. He really didn’t care to be lollygagging more than what was necessary, clearly. He had directed the question at the end to Haru, more so as a means of gauging that his list was complete enough for their current needs (minus some of them, not himself thank you, wanting to have an “adventure” by exploring) by his approval or disapproval; and honestly the faster that they got moving to grab things by Haru’s leading them through this maddeningly busy marketplace, the faster they got back to the inn surviving out of harm’s way relatively.

*Dried food, something for water, and hygiene... Then back to the inn?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aria Delaine Character Portrait: Tallyho Abel Character Portrait: Autumn Jones Character Portrait: Haru Karokav Character Portrait: Jason Carter Character Portrait: Lux Adair
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0.00 INK

Listening to Jason fumble about his words, Lux let out a soft laugh. Taking back to her horse once more at Haru's prompt, the brunette fell silent once more. As the group moved on to the next town, Lux kept on humming. Dismounting, following the others, and finally following Tallyho around the market place, Lux still kept on humming. It was as if she was trying to distract herself, from something on her mind.

Straightening her back, her nutmeg optics darted around. Scrutinizing each and every detail of the stalls up in the marketplace, each face in the sea of people, the young Adair found herself more at ease some. Her gaze flickered back to Tallyho, noticing the peculiar stance she was taking. Titling her head and pursing her lips, Lux mused over the possible answers as to why the blonde was doing such a thing. The way she was hiding herself, using the scarf as some feeble dissimulation in the crowd. Despite the curiosity growing inside her, Lux threw out the thought of asking Tallyho why.

"Yeah... we have something similar. It's called 'toothpaste'." She answered, blinking for a few moments. "So, where should we go next?" The inquiry was spoken as she counted out four of the coin handed to her by Haru. Shuffling forward, Lux placed the required amount of currency in Tallyho's hand. A mere smile flickered on her face for a moment, just a moment. Then it was gone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyle Keaton Character Portrait: Dorian Roberts Character Portrait: Harper Calloway Fields Character Portrait: Ryou Zerinn Character Portrait: Haru Karokav Character Portrait: Falke der Herrscher
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0.00 INK

"Clothes, food, water, hygiene
 I'd say that's a good plan if I've ever heard one." Despite the cacophony of the market as people wandered, bartered, and (on the odd occasion) stole, the words of agreement cut through the noise, easily heard to the group of young men clustered closely together. It wasn't a harsh voice, nor particularly loud, but its tone commanded attention like a natural orator taking the stage. None of this would have been particularly odd- people, unfortunately, do tend to make a habit of eavesdropping and adding their own unwelcome and unnecessary two cents to conversations, and those gifted with speaking skills were not so rare as to raise an eyebrow- if not for the fact that the speaker has suddenly appeared within the ranks of male month warriors and one guardian without any warning. Not that the speaker seemed to mind surprising those he'd so rudely interrupted. If anything, the broad grin pasted across his face would indicate that he was very pleased to get the jump on them.

At a first glance at the man, the first word that would come to mind is "loud". Well, in terms of color scheme, that is. His long, shaggy hair was the color of gold with twinkling, mischievous eyes to match, contrasting rather dramatically with his tanned skin. He had he beginnings of a beard, more from an unwillingness to shave or a simple lack of caring rather than a fashion statement, stubble decidedly absent on the thin, pale scar that carried on from the top of his left temple and down to the left of his chin. If the scar didn't clue the casual passerby into the fact that he might, in fact, be something of a threat, his build and choice of clothing just might do the trick. He was tall with a muscular build that could only come from constant training and heavy lifting, and he wore what would be recognizable to even the Earthlings as a forest green martial arts gi with a small staff attached at the hip. However, despite his warrior-like looks, the look of amusement plastered on his face alongside a beaming grin made him seem much more mischievous than threatening.

"Of course, you are forgetting something incredibly important," He continued on, words almost rushed like a person trying to get to the punchline of a hilarious joke. "Not to worry, though. I've got just what you need.." With a tug, the man pulled someone else into the group, someone who was actually recognizable. Well, a little bit. They hadn't known him for that long, after all, and he'd been covered in blood the last time they'd seen. It was, in fact, Dorian Roberts, once missing and now found March month warrior. He looked more than a little worse for wear, dark circles under his eyes, bruises littering his body like a mosaic painting, and a cut on the bridge of his nose from just two or so days prior. He didn't look pleased(he never did) but maybe a bit relief showed on his rather scary face, and he was already dressed like a native in dark clothes, apparently his colors of choice, and with a nicely constructed leather bag bulging with purchases.

"I've brought my little lost sheep, back to his flock," The man cooed, beaming at Dorian with a look that clearly stated it was something of an inside joke between the two. Dorian's responding look (see: grimace) stated, in reply, that he was already sick of whatever joke that was but was trying to be a good sport about it.

"You're lucky I was in the neighborhood when I got your note, Haru. How do you do anything without me?" The man said, now turning his gaze fully on Haru before making a quick move towards him. It was so sudden that it could very well have been the beginning of a brutal attack on the one acting Guardian, but ended up in a big bear hug instead.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyle Keaton Character Portrait: Dorian Roberts Character Portrait: Ryou Zerinn Character Portrait: Haru Karokav Character Portrait: Falke der Herrscher Character Portrait: Jason Carter
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0.00 INK

A deeper and rougher voice than any of the others he's heard so far startled Kyle. His smile faded and he gripped tighter to Jason, but he wasn't sure if he felt a need to protect Jason or have Jason protect him. Startled was too mild a word. It scared him, and neither did the strange accent help. He could only understand half the words, if that. When he realized that it was the other blond boy, he let go. Kyle hadn't even known the boy could speak.

Before he could fully recover his composure, they had another surprise. A scruffy man with a scar on his face apparently understood what the quiet blond was saying and decided to put in his own two cents. Kyle didn't say anything to the stranger, but he did pay attention when the man pulled Dorian forward and grinned widely. Kyle appeared completely immune to the intimidating glare. "Dude! You made it!" Pushing and weaving through anyone in his way, he hurried over to again slap Dorian on the back. Afterwards he paused to look him over. "What the hell happened out there?" Kyle again spoke without thinking, but this time he didn't catch himself either.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyle Keaton Character Portrait: Dorian Roberts Character Portrait: Harper Calloway Fields Character Portrait: Haru Karokav Character Portrait: Falke der Herrscher Character Portrait: Xabier Sanchez
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0.00 INK

For a good long moment, Harper considered just staying in that little pond while everyone else left. It seemed perfect. A little water here, always sunny, food everywhere, and his chair...he could make it work, he was sure. It would be easy compared to Boston.

Yet he knew that the others wouldn't let him. They all had to 'stick together' and all that bullshit. Still, he waited till the absolute last moment before getting out of the water. Stragglers would have seen him in all his naked glory as he grabbed his discarded clothes, flipflopping over to his horse where he pulled out his jacket bundle to finally don his speedo/underwear.

In no particular hurry, since it was difficult to miss such a large group of people traveling on horseback, Harper redressed, clambered back onto the horse, situated himself, and trotted after the group. He stayed in the back, feeling refreshed from the water, and made vocal potshots at whatever he managed to hear, way in the back. There was one guy he didn't recognize...but considering he looked to be around their age and his face emoted relative confusion, Harper figured he wasn't a native. Or, he was a native, and was just confused at the number of people on horseback. Still...with that getup....Haru had mentioned they were missing a couple warriors. This was probably one of them. Harper felt like a right Sherlock Holmes after that deduction, and grinned stupidly to himself as they neared another town.

"What's this place called again?" Harper asked as they arrived at an inn, dropping down from his horse, "Marlboro? Like the cigarettes?" He hauled his chair and clothes up to their designated room, a lot nicer than their old one, and dumped it by another random bed in the middle. He ran down the stairs, stomach grumbling lightly, a warning to find food within the next hour.

He was still lingering in the back of the group of boys with Haru, although this was more due to him looking around. This place was a lot busier than the other town they were in. You could almost call this place a city...although it really didn't compare much to NYC. Or even Boston.

What gathered his interest back to the group was a demand to pick out a bag. They all looked the same to him, just leather, vintagey, American Eagle looking stuff that vegetarian girls in crop tops and high waisted white shorts and headbands around their bangs would wear. Harper just pointed to one randomly, and was tossed it as Haru paid.

He only vaguely listened to the guys discussing what to get next as he examined the bag. Nothing really. There was one pocket inside it, and it closed via drawstring, but other than that it was very simple. With a shrug he slung it around his shoulder, smiling at the different accents within the group. The quiet blond one finally talked and Harper's grin tugged wider. He sounded extremely German.

Before they could really go anywhere, what looked like a pirate suddenly joined the group. That...or a ninja. No, a pirate. Pirate ninja. There.

Next to him was a face he recognized: that one guy...

And then the pirate ninja bear-hugged Haru. And then Kyle hugged that one guy. Bromances. Bromances everywhere.

Harper snorted at the sight. "Is this another guardian person?" he asked loudly, before turning to that one guy, "Is this your guardian person?" Finally, he said to the group overall in an even louder voice, "Let's go look at knives or something. Or food."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyle Keaton Character Portrait: Dorian Roberts Character Portrait: Harper Calloway Fields Character Portrait: Ryou Zerinn Character Portrait: Haru Karokav Character Portrait: Falke der Herrscher
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0.00 INK

#, as written by rikura
Jason stopped jumping around as one of the other boys grabbed his hand to keep him from continuing to point at everything, and kindly realized he should probably be a little calmer and more alert and serious... yeah. Calm and alert he could do, but he didn't see the more serious happening that easily. As he saw and heard Kyle, the guy who'd grabbed his hand, say, "Why don't we go this way and see what's here? unless someone has a better idea..."

Jason sort of glanced around at the others, and almost jumped as simultaneously his hand was gripped almost painfully hard and a low growling voice came into existence. He blinked at the larger blond, not really remembering his name, and noting that, A) this was the first time he'd heard the guy speak, B) he had an awesome accent, and C) he didn't seem too happy at the moment.

"Ah, um, yeah. Sounds good, partner..." Though he wasn't particularly sure the guy cared how Jason thought his suggestion sounded. No harm in agreeing... And Jason was thankful as he felt the tension on his hand from Kyle's grip disappear. He almost sighed, about to ask why the dude was so on edge, when a new voice and figure stepped in with a, "Clothes, food, water, hygiene
 I'd say that's a good plan if I've ever heard one."
Jason's eyes snapped towards the new figure. When had he appeared? Well... so much for being alert. For someone who walked in completely unnoticed, he sure had one of those mellower voices that drew people's attention. Weird combo, but Jason found himself grinning in return to the new guy's grin. For some reason, he liked the look of this guy, despite whatever else may occur.

To his surprise, the guy pulled a very familiar face into the fray. Um, he thought the guy's name was, uh, Dorian? Well, anyways, he was the other warrior dude who'd somehow managed to kill the cyclo-thing they'd met in Central Park. Jason was further surprised at Kyle's overly positive response to Dorian's appearance, and his grin changed into something of a friendly smirk.
Then he noticed what shape Dorian seemed to be in, and his smirk disappeared into a curious, "dude, what happened?" and then a, "wait, do I even want to know?" expressions. He then proceeded to shake his head at his own conflicting thoughts or curiosity and doubt and settled for giving the companion a mild wave and smile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyle Keaton Character Portrait: Dorian Roberts Character Portrait: Harper Calloway Fields Character Portrait: Ryou Zerinn Character Portrait: Haru Karokav Character Portrait: Falke der Herrscher
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0.00 INK

Xabier was so confused that he decided to say quiet.
After a long and gruelling journey on his horse (maybe it was just him who found it difficult.), Haru showed them the room they'd be staying in.
They would all be sleeping in the same room! Boys and girls together! Xabier was conflicted with how he felt about that. He didn't mind sharing a room so much,he did it all the time with his friends. But he had a troublesome habit of wandering about his bedroom naked. It was too hot for pyjamas. As much as he trusted himself not to pounce on someone in the middle of the night he couldn't be too sure about any of the others. He'd only met them hours ago. He worried quietly about it as he ran his fingers through his hair. They were large but slender like a boy rather than a man.
Well I AM a teenage guy after all,he thought as he joined the boys group. They split up with the boys going with Haru and the girls with Tallyho. The marketplace bustled noisily and he hid his new sack of money in his coat. As much as his street-smarts were lacking he had the common sense to also hide his stupid brooch. Still it glinted conspicuously in the evening sun. A girl ran past him in a scurry. Flyaway strands of white blonde hair and then she was gone forever
He wanted to ask if the two friendly guys in his group,(Kyle and Jason was it?),saw any tea around here and if there was a possibility of getting some medical supplies while they were at it, but something felt weird. Like a scrap of metal was lodged in his chest. What was wrong?
The quiet blonde guy who looked European ,was actually German. Xabier couldn't help but feel delighted with the fact that the blonde guy was also foreign to the others. Finally someone who understood his struggle with the English language. The only disappointing thing was that he was wrong with his guess of Norwegian... He tried to smile at him but the pain hit him abruptly again. What was that? Did he somehow dislodge something while riding that puta horse? He listed of a few symptoms in his head. Pleurisy? A pneumothorax in the lung? High cholesterol maybe? He hoped to god he hadn't had blood clots in his lungs. He really didn't need this right now in the middle of an open marketplace. He calmed down immensely when he realised that he was just have a small panic fit instead a full blown heart attack. He had let himself remember for a moment and it completely consumed him. Xabier wouldn't allow himself to be alone with his memories again. They hurt too much.

They were deciding on what to buy when two newcomers came. There was a loud and confident looking guy who bounded across and tackled Haru into a hug. Gato-man has friends? It seemed like the guys knew one of them from before. All at once it seemed like a big set up. They had lured him in to a false sense of security and now they could easily overpower him.
Xabier glanced at the dark haired guy who looked about his age but seemed much older. He looked like what his ama would call "Gizon arriskutsua". Or peligroso in spanish.
"Without meaning to sound blunt,who are you?" His voice came out firmer then the shaky little boy cowering inside. The boy who avoided confrontation unless necessary.

Gizon arriskutsua/peligroso = dangerous


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Grayson Character Portrait: Kyle Keaton Character Portrait: Aria Delaine Character Portrait: Dorian Roberts Character Portrait: Harper Calloway Fields Character Portrait: Tallyho Abel
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0.00 INK

Tallyho hummed at Skylar’s question. Something that can still be eaten past its expiration would have been nice. Items with milk and fruit probably wouldn’t have been good ideas.

“Bread. Bread and nuts. Maybe small dried fruits?” She readjusted the sack’s strap on her shoulder. Unfortunately all of that food sounded incredibly boring. Tallyho might have been small, but she preferred real food, like meat.

Lux asked where they should go next, and Tallyho told her that they would get food. After all, most of them seemed to want it.

“It is primarily found on the other side of the market, though,” she said, “along with the clothes.”

And so that’s where she led them—a straight cut through the center of the market where a small clearing area was set up for public entertainment. Tallyho froze when she heard the familiar pluck of an instrument that to earthlings might have likened to a sitar. She groaned slightly, and soon the harmonious tones of women and the tinks of bells joined into to create a lively song laden with foreign, melodic lyrics. The February warrior made sure that her hair was tucked back farther into her scarf, and then she turned to the others.
“Alright. So a bunch of women might come prancing towards you, beckoning for you to watch the performance and offer tips. Don’t do it. In fact, don’t make eye contact. Just stay close to me, and stay on the outskirts of the performance area.”

Without offering any more of an explanation, Tallyho bounded off. Cautious of where she was stepping.

The song grew louder and the girls could begin to make out the stage area where dozens of women danced and sang in long flowing skirts, bandeaus, and dresses that were jagged from weathering. Bells were firmly tied to their ankles, and floral crowns adorned their heads. Though they looked poor, they were still swelling with joy as they sang, and they even held and air of grace. Their curls bounced as they sung, and made yellow shimmers in the sunlight.

Men accompanied them, though they did not dance. They wore white cotton blouses and harem pants stained with reds and purples. They plucked away at their instruments, some playing lutes or “sitars”, and others pounding away at animal skin drums. Leis laced of the same flowers the women wore adorned their necks, but they were hard to see for they all wore their hair long and their heads were bowed low in musical passion, golden curls making curtains around their necks and faces.

If all went according to plan, the group of girls managed to make it past the concert without being disturbed. Tallyho sighed as the flung herself to the nearest clothing stand, her face flushed with relief.

“By something comfortable,” she said, “and let’s move on.”

Still pleased with the group’s reaction to his coat, Haru blinked at Jason’s not so helpful answer. To be honest, he pointed too quickly for Haru to pay enough attention to what he was pointing at. The only thing he could put his finger on were the tooth leaves.
“Oh right, we will get those. I mean, unless you’re okay with rotting teeth.”

Then Kyle suggested that they just wandered around.

“While a leisurely day in the market seems nice, I would really like to know about a few things that you can’t live without so that we can get them as soon as possible.”

Then Falke spoke. Haru raised his eyebrows, trying to decipher what he had said. Honestly, most, if not all of the guardians understood a wide array of languages across Earth and Aires. After all, they had all of the free time to learn them. But Haru hadn’t used German since 1988, and quite frankly he was more than a little rusty, even when hearing the accents in English. Although Falke was trying hard. After taking a moment to get his message straight, Haru wholeheartedly agreed. He had the right idea.

“Okay, dried food, water, clothes, hygiene. Okay, nothing special there. We can do that.”

Then there was the voice. Not a voice, but the voice.

Haru turned to see its owner.

“Ryou,” he hummed. Dorian was then pulled into the picture, beat up just as bad as the cat guardian had expected.

“Well medical supplies should definitely go on the list. Where’d you find your
sheep?” he asked as planted a firm hand on Dorian’s shoulder. Apparently Ryou didn’t feel like answering, because Haru was soon taken into a bro hug, which, he didn’t really want to be in at the moment, and desperately tried to pry himself out of.

Then Harper began to ask his questions.

“Yes, he’s a guardian. Ryou Zerinn guardian of March, aka Dorian. His animal is the monkey and he is the esteemed founder of a training academy located in the mountain range east.”

Haru wasn’t really in the mood to deal with Harper for extended amounts of time so his explanation was rather quick and snappy. The only useful thing Harper contributed to the journey was the suggestion to purchase temporary knives until they made it to the mound. Haru silently took note of it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyle Keaton Character Portrait: Dorian Roberts Character Portrait: Harper Calloway Fields Character Portrait: Ryou Zerinn Character Portrait: Haru Karokav Character Portrait: Falke der Herrscher
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0.00 INK

It took a good deal of reserve and years of keeping his stoic face in check not to make Dorian flinch with the sudden slap on his back. For one, people he didn't know didn't tend to talk to him let alone make physical contact with him. Secondly, he hadn't had the best relationship with strangers as of late and, quite frankly, the last time he'd seen this particular boy had involved flailing arms and broken noses. And, lastly, even if the slap had been intended to be friendly and jovial and was indeed from someone Dorian actually liked, Dorian's back wasn't currently up to anything besides keeping up his ramrod straight posture, the skin hidden beneath his clothes a veritable patchwork of bruises and other wounds minor enough to not have him falling and refusing to get up.

So, really, you could forgive him for stepping slightly away from Kyle with a slight wince, a mere flex of the facial muscles. There was a bit of confusion there too because he had no idea what he'd done to garner such an overly familiar friendly gesture or even the smile that showed up on another boy's face- that one he vaguely recognized as the tourist who'd tried to help that Arian girl. It had been ages since then, or what felt like ages since he didn't exactly have a calendar to consult, and he was sure that it showed if the concerned exclamation from the violent blonde and the matching look of concern from the Southerner meant anything. And he did look awful, he was sure of it, because he could feel it with every stretch, the loss of weight hidden beneath his clothes, his unruly hair and the matching stubble. God, he wanted a shave.

The others in the group- all boys, he realized, with a vague ponderance about what happened to the girls- didn't look even half as bad as he did. There was the boy who'd spoken right before Ryou made his grand entrance, the one who he could only think of as the one who'd shouted at and insulted him in the portal cave thing, and two new faces in the form of a tanned young man with an accent that Dorian could easily identify as Spanish and a red-headed man who he knew instantly as Haru. Why? Because Ryou was deeply invested in the idea that road-trips (i.e. saving Dorian's ass and escorting him to the main group) needed bonding time and he'd heard more than enough about the cat Guardian.

"I can tell you about it later," He finally replied, voice a little raspy as it his throat hurt, but just as stoic as ever. Somehow telling a story of his grand(read: traumatic) adventure by himself was appealing standing in the middle of a busy market. Besides, Ryou was more than happy to guide the conversation away from his little lost lamb. Ugh. Ugh.

"As expected, I found him exactly where he shouldn't have been," Ryou offered Haru quietly with a promise of more once they weren't all standing around being buffeted by people who just wanted to get their shopping done, thanks very much. Then, after letting Haru struggle for a minute because it was just so darn amusing, he released him from the confines of his hug with a pat on the shoulder and turned to the group around him with a beaming expression on his tanned face.

"Like Haru said, I'm Ryou, March guardian and teacher extraordinaire. And, just for a refresher, this is Dorian, your resident March warrior," He introduced with a quick bobbing nod of his head. But their attention was already wandering to things apparently more interesting than guardians and reintroduced comrades. Oh well. He'd dealt with worse before. Kind of. His attention zeroed in on Harper, whose interest had been the first to vanish, with an amused look on his face.

"Charming, we've already got someone vying for the leader spot. Better watch your back, Haru," He said with not even an ounce of sarcasm in his voice, just good humor. "Good idea, though. I think I can help you with any last minute purchases. Follow me, please." With that, he whirled around and began walking through the crowds which either parted obligingly around him or he weaved through them so seamlessly that it gave that illusion. Dorian hurried behind him because Ryou was honestly the first bit of sanity that he'd found on Aires, however sad that may be.

Ryou led the motley crew through the market, ignoring the busier stalls and pointing out smaller, shabbier ones with cheaper and better options within. As it turned out, he and Dorian had already made their rounds and scouted out the little city of stalls, which did come in handy. After the odds and ends- knives for those who wanted a nice temporary medicine, medicine for the hard road ahead, and the likes- were purchased, Ryou seamlessly handed over the leader position to Haru to guide them back to the inn.