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Emmanuel Cross

"The pack is only as strong as it's weakest member." [ Adopted character. Not my writing. ]

0 · 504 views · located in Rose City & Moon Forest

a character in “Bitten: The Rivalry”, as played by desire99600


Full Name:Emmanuel K. Cross
Nickname:EMan,he gets it from his first name and first letter in it
Gender: Male
Role:Taylor Laughtner
He has a small tattoo of a wolf's kelt on his palm and he keeps it hidden alot for he doesn't really care as it can show briefly for a short amount of time and when he is a wolf,it cannot be seen as his colt is very dark and hard to see.He has a muscular body build that he he thinks happens often when he goes out to train,run and do anything healthy because really he is a very strong Alpha and doesn't plan on dying for a long time because the others are a bit weaker for him to train and they have a regular life span so really he couldn't actually help them no matter what he did,try'd to do or could help.

Personality:( Editing) [ Here I want to see a deep understanding of your character. I want to feel like I know your character and you can easily take thier role. It's important to know your character so that they're not always doing things out of personality. Make them imperfect. No one can do everything. ]
Species:WereWolf,he gets a power that makes him roar in human form and he can run faster than all the others in his pack which can come from his ancestors power of them being all alphas and he he's kinda gained a legacy power that no other wolf than him can achieve.
Likes/Dislikes:(Editing) [ What does your character like or not like? Again, you may separate these if you'd like. ]

*He hates to be obtained by other people as he hopes for his life that he doesn't die too early and he lives a long life no matter what or who gets in his way because he knows he's immortal unlike the others.
*He fears to never find a loved one too soon because he could have another alpha as a female to live forever like him but he doesn't and can't find one yet.

History:In the years of the not too early 1800's he was just a normal guy who was starting to go to college and he always loved to ride horses everywhere he went until that night on March the 18th..He was at a late night bar and he started to feel something strange about that night and when he met a girl named Selene,they went out to the woods,but that night the full moon appeared and he killed her by accident as the change was very painful he almost died,he was the size of a 4x larger wolf which was larger than a truck.He killed in fact three humans that night when he went through his first change on that night,and the hunt began.People in the town began to realize selene was gone and the last one seen with her was Emmanuel,and he fled once they came towards his cave as he went to New York city in the year of 1900's.Their he was introduced to diffrent things in life as he could never obtain the wolf side,and he ended up killing more people until his friend found out his secret,and he had no choice but to throw him into the river from a light tower.

After those days of being a newborn he found out that he was a chosen Alpha and he was to lead a pack out from the arisen city of rose.After years of finding alike wolves they all hunted together and they had their own cave and house to live in until he finally discovered that he could change whenever they wanted to.After they soon got to know each other like a family Emmanuel knew something was coming.He found out that a Vampire coven were hiding somewhere in Rose and they attempted to figure out,resulting in Emmanuel getting his first cut from a Cacciatori on his left side and he never saw them for a while-until now.
Theme Song(s): City Pour Me

Other:He also has a sister names kamilia . He also has something that he had handed down from his father to him and it was an ancient sword that could kill anything including vampires too,as he began to use for other reason's until it was stolen from him,and he vowed to get it back as it could be used for any other purpose such as killing the whole vampire race and he won't let that happen,because he wants to really protect the humans and he knows he could but not alone and thats what the pack he made is for.

So begins...

Emmanuel Cross's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora Mortenson Character Portrait: Caprice Mornelli Character Portrait: Archer Thompson Character Portrait: Emmanuel Cross Character Portrait: Julien Blanche Le'Rouge Character Portrait: Lyric
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The moon, for which the great expanse of forest surrounding Rose city had been given its name, shined brightly in the sky, bathing the world with a bright silver glow. The night was a cool one. Not a cloud drifted across the velvety black sky, and the air was cool and crisp. Perfect for a dash through the woods. A quick run was what Aurora Mortenson needed to clear her head. A moment away. Then she could get back to the stressful duties of being a leader.

She sprinted at a speed impossible for any human, dodging in and out of trees with grace, leaping easily over brush, and fallen trees. Nothing was an obstacle for her.

Yet she stopped, something other than the cool night air brought goosebumps to her skin, raising the hairs on the back of her neck. The smell of blood. Aurora closed her eyes and took in the scent, trying to prove herself wrong. No. This can't be her. It just can't. Slowly, she opened her eyes, and moved towards the source of the sharp, coppery smell, rounding a tree to find a body laying there on the ground, motionless.

It was a gruesome sight. The woman before her had been a beautiful one, with flowing auburn hair splashed across the ground, mingling with the blood that was still pouring from a deep wound just under her ribs. On the ground next to the woman, lay a knife. Immediatly, Aurora grabbed for it, but the woman's hand shot out and caught her wrist. "Aurora." She whispered in a hoarse voice, clogged with blood, and she couldn't take it anymore. The indifferent look dropped from her face and she fell to her knees beside the woman, grasping her hand tightly.

"Charlise!" She choked, using her free hand to smooth the woman's hair. "Charlise, please. Where... Where were you? What happened?" She looked at her friend in a panic. This dying woman was the last remaining tie she had to her human life. She'd known her for over two-hundred years. Had taken her in when her coven was destroyed, only for her to go missing a few months ago. The loss had nearly killed Aurora, but she'd had to work through it. For her coven.

"Aurora. I don't-" She heaved a shaky breath and Aurora saw that the gash under the woman's ribs had punctured her lungs. "I don't have much... Much time." Shakily, Charlise lifted her free hand to Aurora's cheek and Aurora used her own to clasp it there and close her eyes tightly. "The werewolves. Make peace with them."

That startled her into opening her eyes. "What?" She asked breathlessly, but it was too late. Her friend was gone. Aurora let out a groan of agony and leaned over Charlise's cold body, clutching her lifeless hand to her chest. It was all she could do not to cry. "I'm sorry I couldn't be here." She choked and dropped her friends hand after quite a while of sitting there like that, refusing to believe that she was really gone.

Gently, she placed Charlise's hands in a cross against her chest and closed the woman's eyes before reaching across her and grabbing the blade that had killed her. It was still coated with her blood, but the sheen of silver was unmistakable. No werewolf could have killed her. So who did? Aurora looked at her friend in confusion. Why were her dying words about the werewolves?

Knees shaking for the first time in almost two centuries, Aurora stood unsteadily and took a step backwards. Something crunched under her foot and she reached down to grab the small item. It was a figurine. Wooden and tiny. Aurora's eyebrows knit tightly in confusion as she inspected it. As she did so, something caught her eye. A glimmer in the trees. Aurora tucked the figurine away and gripped the knife handle tightly, smelling the air. Of course. The smell of Charlise's blood had masked another scent in the air.

They had a watcher. Her killer had stayed to gawk. Aurora's icy eyes filled with hatred and vengeance as she threw herself at the bushes, knife raised high.

Aurora Mortenson emerged from her bathroom in a cloud of steam. With a sigh, she ran a thick black brush through golden blond hair and sat on her bed, checking the clock. Two in the morning. Not a bad time for a vampire to be just getting ready for bed. Not bad at all, in fact, most of her coven was probably still wide awake. She'd just gotten back from a midnight investigation into the murders and disappearences that had been happening lately . Her findings had shocked her and she'd needed a good bath to think. Now, sitting on her bed, she placed the brush down and picked up the small figurine sitting on her bedside table.

The figure was one of a woman, pulling a bow back, ready to shoot. She closed her fingers around it, squeezing harder and harder until there was a brief second of pain and then the thing snapped in two. Just like that. A month ago, her closest friend had gone missing, vanishing out of no where.

Tonight, Aurora had found the huntress figurine laying beside her mangled body. She had had to use all her willpower to force herself to inspect the wounds and after careful examination, found exactly what she'd feared. None of the marks were werewolf claw marks or bites.

Meaning someone else had done this. Someone who'd left the figurine. Aurora glared at the broken thing in her hand, demanding it to provide her tired mind with a logical answer. Sadly, it did not answer her and she sighed, setting it aside and standing to change into her white nightgown.

As soon as she stood, Aurora was forced to sit again. A blinding white light seared through her eyes, burning her, and making her scream. As a vampire , one of her greatest fears was blindness, but just as she'd thought she'd never see again, the light dimmed and the pain subsided.

Aurora found herself panting hard and she slapped a hand down on her bed to reassure herself that she was okay. Her hand struck paper. She looked down to see that she'd smacked a yellowed letter that had certainly not been there a moment ago. What the hell had just happened? Confused, Aurora lifted the letter delicately and read through it.

She dropped it, letting it float gently to the floor at her feet. For the first time in a hundred years, her hands shook with shock as she quickly threw on her lace nightgown and grabbed the letter. Without even stopping for slippers or a robe, Aurora marched straight down the hall, white lace billowing behind her as she moved purposefully.

She knew what she had to do. She wasn't going to like it, and neither was her coven, but it had to be done. According to the letter, it was the only logical solution. After what she'd seen in the woods earlier, she knew she was making the right choice. Reaching Julien's room, she gave the door a rough knock. "Julien! Get your lazy ass out here! There's something we need to talk about." She paused. "Bring Fox too, I'm sure she's in there."

Aurora would call a coven meeting, but she knew doing it in this state would do more harm than good. Her coven had never so much as seen a flicker of distress on her face. If they saw her now, eyes wild and desperate, expression grim, tear stains streaking her cheeks, they would surely panic. Besides, this was a matter for the leader and the second alone. She'd made her decision. The others would either live with it or have to find a new coven. That's how things usually worked around the mansion anyway. The only reason she wanted Fox there, was to deliver a message. The faerie had the ability to teleport, and since she wasn't technically bound to her coven, Aurora couldn't exactly order her around, so she let the girl stay with the small condition of a few minor favors here and there.

Growing impatient, she knocked again. "Julien." She hissed into the door, wincing at the way her voice cracked. "It's urgent."


Caprice Mornelli sat in her office, a stack of files in her lap. Her clock read two in the morning, and as she worked, she held a cup of coffee in one hand, heels propped up on her desk almost carelessly. Large brown eyes scanned line after line of tiny 8 pt font, not even tired despite the late hour. She was used to late nights. Not only was Caprice a workaholic, but there was also no better time to catch a vampire or slay a werewolf than two or three in the morning.

Or apparently read files.

A disturbance at her door made Caprice look up, one eyebrow hooked upwards as if to say: "Can't you see I'm busy?"
At her door stood her messenger. He wasn't good for much, but he knew how to protect himself at least. Sad really, what became of her fellow Cacciatori members who really had no skill. "What is it Albert?" She asked rather impatiently.

"Its Jace, Miss Mornelli." The man said sheepishly.

"And? What about him? Because short if him being dead, there is absolutely no reason for you to bother me while I'm working." She said annoyed. As if to prove a point, Caprice stood, towering over the man.

"Uhm.. Actually.. He is dead. Killed by a vampire just now."

And with that, Albert scampered out of the room barely missing the vase that was pitched at his head when she'd registered what he'd said . "WHAT?!" She shrieked at the top of her lungs, the photo on her desk rattling violently. Jace was dead? How? He was one of her top men. She shook her head. Damn vampires, if you wanted something done right you had to do it yourself.

Sitting, Caprice managed to calm herself again and think logically. Papers forgotten, she grabbed for the phone. The secretary's voice came, asking her who she wanted. "Archer please." she said an waited a minute. Since most agents were at the office either for last minute paperwork or a late night hunt, it only too Jace's brother a second to answer. "Archer, yes, its Caprice. I'm so sorry to be the one to tell you, but Jace has been killed by a vampire. I would like you in my office right now please." Her voice was pleasant and sympathetic as she spoke, a completely misleading. She set down the phone and dropped her head into her hands with a groan. Her men were the equivalent of assassins. Silent, and dangerous, able to kill and cover up their tracks. She rarely lost anyone on the job. Jace's death was shocking.

"Uhm... Is- Uh, is this a bad time?" Albert's voice came again from her doorway.

"Was the vase not a good enough indication that I would like you to stop bothering me Albert or would you like a stapler too? I won't miss this time." She hissed into her hands and dropped one to pick up the stapler. Looking up, she popped it open and raised one eyebrow. "This better be good."

Albert shifted nervously and contemplated telling her. Caprice rolled her eyes and raised the stapler. It had the desired effect and got him to get on with it. "Jace's partner just returned. We know who killed him."

"Good boy. Bring him here." She said with a smile, waiting as Albert brought in Jace's partner, who shifted. "Well... Get on with it." She hissed clicking the stapler.

"It was a bloodsucker for sure. We were out hunting and found this one... She was familiar. You remember that old coven we'd burned a while back, a few cities off? She had been their leader. Apparently she got away." He paused, whether for dramatic affect or to irritate her, she didn't know. "So that's who killed him?" She rolled her eyes, hating when people danced around the point. "No ma'am. He killed that bitch, but as he was retreating another one showed up. I was well gone by then, but I turned back to see what was taking so long. When I'd arrived she was crouched over his body, holding his Artemis lucky figurine. Then she just took off. I'm lucky to be alive."

Caprice groaned. "That's great, but you do realize if it had been you and not Jace I would have a much better fighter left? From the way it sounds, all you did was run off." She rolled his eyes. "Your mistake of not killing that other vampire a while back got you into this mess to begin with. Now who killed him? I might forgive you if you give me a name."

He looked shocked, but stepped forward to the files on her desk. He shifted through the vampire ones before he came to two blond girls. Here he hesitated and Caprice leaned on the edge of her seat. One was the vampire coven leader herself and the other was one of the normal coven members. After close consideration, he selected the picture of Aurora. "This one." He stated plainly before turning and leaving. Caprice smiled and lifted the picture. If little miss Aurora had killed one of her men, then she knew about the Cacciatori. It was about time she was brought in for a little good torture and questioning.

With a grin, she leaned back in her chair and awaited Archer's arrival.


Thunder rolled outside and Emmanuel slept peacefully, dreaming of things like fields and rabbits. Huge rabbits. The wolf side of him couldn't help but dream of the soft little snacks every time he closed his eyes. They were delicious, succulent little appetizers. This time though, his dreams were interrupted by a soft noise in his head.

Are you asleep?

A voice that wasn't his intruded on his dream and Emmanuel blinked his eyes open slowly, groaning. The room was dark and he blinked twice to let his eyes adjust. Before him, was the window and his nightstand, since he was a side sleeper. With one glance at the window, he knew who was behind him. There was a wild storm raging outside. Quickly, he glanced at the clock on his nightstand. 2:05 a.m.

With a tired sigh, Emmanuel rolled over and propped himself up on his elbow to see his visitor. Just as he'd suspected. The connection in his head could have been any one of the pack members. They could communicate telepathically. But with the storm outside, it could only be one person. Standing in the doorway, illuminated by yellow hall light stood the small form of his closest friend. Lyric.

She was half faerie and half werewolf, her fey half making her immortal like himself, he'd met her ages ago and they'd been together ever since. Not romantically, but in a close friendship. He smiled at her softly and held out his hand to grab hers and pull her to the bed. "Well I was asleep." He said, answering her question. "But that's okay. Come on Mutt." He teased and patted the spot next to him with a smile.

He knew she was afraid of storms and every time there was one, he let her sleep with him. Not sexually, just for comfort. Once she was laying down next to him, he wrapped his arms around her and sighed. She was naturally cold, being more fey than werewolf, and he was naturally warm, being completely werewolf.

Emmanuel looked down at her with a smile. "Better?" He asked into the darkness, feeling completely at ease as he silently wondered if everyone else was awake yet. Werewolves rarely slept through storms.

Little did he know life for him and his pack was about to be flipped on it's ass in the manor of an hour.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora Mortenson Character Portrait: Fox Character Portrait: Emmanuel Cross Character Portrait: Julien Blanche Le'Rouge Character Portrait: Lyric
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Aurora let out a small sigh of relief when Julien stepped up to handle the vampire for her. She was in no mood to deal out trivial punishments for minor things. When she told him they were moving in with the werewolves, he played it off like he didn't care with a simple "Yea? Just a vacation or an extended stay?" but in reality, she could see the signs. He was outraged.

Then Fox took the letter and disappeared, and Aurora felt a small weight, no matter how tiny, lift from her shoulders. Getting Fox to relay the message to Emmanuel wasn't actually that hard, thankfully. Arguing with, and threatening the faerie was something that hadn't been on her top ten things to do that night.

One she was gone, Julien mumbled something under his breath. "God, the sooner she picks a new favorite..." But he was stopped up short as he looked at her suddenly. She gave him a confused look as he stepped close to her and lifted her hair to his nose. "We need to talk," he grabbed her wrist, then muttered something to Trix before dragging her into his room and closing the door behind them.

"God Julien, yes, I showered, I know I smell good." She said, yanking her wrist out of his. "But now's really not the time to-"

But he cut her off. "Charlise... Charlise," he said. Obviously having trouble grasping what he was thinking. "God, Aurora, why do you smell like that? Like blood?" So that had been why he'd smelled her hair. Under her shampoo, he'd caught Charlise's scent.

She groaned and leaned back against the door, giving up the fight against trying to hide it. "She's dead Julien." She shook her head and looked at the floor, the ceiling, the bed behind him, anything but his face. "I.. I found her tonight. Dying. In the woods." She shook her head, unable to make complete sentences as she raised her grief-stricken blue eyes to meet his. "I could have been there- If I'd run a little bit faster... I could have stopped it."

"Please don't argue with me on this werewolves thing." She sighed. There it was again. That word. Please. She'd used it twice in one night already. Anyone who knew her, knew she didn't ask for things, she ordered them. "I know what I'm doing, it's for our safety."


she said loudly. The statement was less heartbroken and more accusatory. She took a deep breath, blew it out of her nose, and then sat up straight in the bed. "Oh," she said, registering the scents in the room. She yanked back the covers to reveal the little brown-haired half-fey. "Is that you, madra?" Madra was the Gaelic word for dog. Fox could never help but call Lyric that. Fox squealed and gave the girl a hug. She then climbed bodily over her to get to Emmanuel. "Wake up, Lover. she said very quickly and all at once, bouncing energetically on the bed.

Something flopped onto Emmanuel's bed, making it bounce. "Twice now, I find my lover's bed full. Is there no one in this world who cares about me?"

Emmanuel groaned loudly and rolled over. He was just about to fall back asleep. "Fox." He hissed into the dark at her. "Don't be so dramatic, you know there's nothing romantic between me and Lyric." Rolling his eyes, he carefully turned on his side, away from Lyric and towards Fox, moving silently as not to wake her.

"I have a message from Aurora Mortensen. Do you love the half breed more than me?"

Emmanuel glanced at Lyric. "At the moment? Yes." He said with a roll of his eyes. "She'd sleeping and most of all... quiet." He whispered and sighed, sitting up, rubbing his eyes. "Alright, what's Aurora's message for me?" He asked, watching her intently.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora Mortenson Character Portrait: Fox Character Portrait: Emmanuel Cross Character Portrait: Julien Blanche Le'Rouge
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Aurora watched him pace, eyes following him back and forth. She knew how much the coven had been hoping that maybe Charlise could come back alive, and she'd just destroyed that. With a sigh, she looked away, watching the wall as if it held the answers to all her problems.

Suddenly his hands were on her shoulders and she looked up at him feeling vulnerable for the first time since she'd been a vampire. "Don't say that, okay? Don't think that." He said and she let out a long sigh, trying to compose herself again. This wasn't her. She never acted like this.

In the next moment her stepped away from her and she was thankful for a second to pull herself together. He reached for his cigarettes on his dresser and she allowed herself to slide back into her leader role, expression passive, eyes holding nothing but what she wanted others to see. It was something she'd had a lot of practice doing over the course of 200 years. Learning to hide her emotions.

Julien lifted himself up to sit on his window sill and she watched the smoke from his cigarette spiral out the window. He knew how she felt about smoking in the house. "Aurora... ugh," He groaned, taking a drag. "Let's pretend, just for argument's sake, that werewolves aren't the most disgusting creatures on the planet. Do you really think they're just going to welcome us with open arms? Just a few weeks ago their delta took a snap at that idiot who tried to feed in Trix's club..." She watched him shudder. "That letter had better have something huge in it if you expect it to win over that bastard," he said, referring to Emmanuel. "At the very least, let's wait for Fox to give us the all clear before we just go barging onto their land, all right? I'm too sexy to be at the bottom of a dog pile."

Aurora raised a single eyebrow. "Sexy?" She said, giving him an appraising look. "All I see is stubborn and lazy." She sighed and pulled herself off the door, crossing to his bed to sit on it, legs hanging off, facing him. "Honestly Julien, do you not trust me?" She asked with a smirk. "There's a reason this coven has kept me around for two hundred years you know. I know whats good for us. Believe me. You know I can't stand Emmanuel and his pups. If I didn't think this was one-hundred percent needed, I wouldn't do it." She sighed and flopped back onto his bed, throwing her arm over her eyes dramatically. "It's been a long night. The last thing I need is my motives questioned. Once Fox gets back, we'll peel out. When we get there, Emmanuel, you, his beta, and I will do some talking. I'll explain everything then."


Emmanuel watched Fox shake off her glamour and sighed. "What a bore. You should like me better. I knew that the beds of beautiful males are not for sleeping." She then pulled out a letter and read it over with a quick glance. "Aurora Mortenson is moving in with you. She and her vampires will be here tomorrow because of this." She gave him letter. "What's that human saying? The enemy of my enemy is my friend?"

He took the letter from her and read it over. His eyes widened for a split second before looking up at her. "This can't be real." He shook his head. "If there's one thing Aurora's good at, it's deciet. She's a lying, heartless bitch." He shook his head slightly, bringing the letter to his nose. But it smelled like old magic. The kind of magic you can't fake. If this was a hoax, it was an elaborate one.

He looked up at Fox. Emmanuel knew she played both sides often, but he'd given up trying to get rid of her a long time ago. She was all he had to go on right now. He ran his fingers through his hair, thinking about the consequences. If he refused Aurora and she was right about these Cacciatori, they were all fucked, but if he agreed and she turned out to be lying?

Who knew? There would be murder. Definitely. Then war. But that didn't necessarily mean they would lose. Aurora moving in with them to "get closer" with them would give them the chance to get to know the weaknesses of the vampires and be on their toes for if something happened. But it was still a huge risk.

He looked at Fox. "Should I trust her?" He asked, not liking the idea of laying his trust in the hands of a faerie. They were notoriously manipulative.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erik Mystara Character Portrait: Nathalia Alexandera Ramos Character Portrait: Jonathan Clay Character Portrait: Morgan Mystara Character Portrait: Emmanuel Cross Character Portrait: Samantha Violet Lestat
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Aurora ignored Julien's side comments while she talked. It wasn't uncommon for him to act like a child. He did it often. When he was done, she lowered her arms from her eyes and sat up on her elbows to look at him. "I don't like being kept in the dark, Aurora. If you want me to be your second, you have to trust me sometimes. But you're my leader. I trust you with my life." He said with a rare, serious expression.

"Good." She hissed. "Because you're going to have to."

There was a loud crash from below and Aurora sat up straight, startled. "Hold that thought," Julien said and closed his eyes. She knew he was going to check on whatever had happened downstairs. I swear, if someone breaks something, I'm breaking heads. She thought while she waited for him to return. "We need to get downstairs," he said plainly when he finally did return.

She raised an eyebrow, watching him stalk from the room, the current crisis suddenly forgotten. With a roll of her eyes she groaned. Will I ever get a break in this house? She thought bitterly before jumping up and chasing after Julien down the stairs. "What. The. Hell?" She heard Julien snarl, just a few steps ahead of her. "Who the hell broke the door?" So they had broken something.

Aurora disappeared, reappearing beside Julien, taking in the scene. Belle was there, but that was the only face she recognized in the room. The other three were unfamiliar. One had long dark hair and was dripping wet, shivering slightly. From her, Aurora smelled white magic and her eyebrow shot up. Witch? Hadn't the nearest witch Clan been destroyed or something or other? She looked at the other two. Their scents carried dark magic, and she didn't need her hyperactive sense of smell to see that they were obviously twins. Warlock twins? Even more interesting. Witches and Warlocks hated each other. Why were they traveling together? Finally, she smelled human and glanced to the side. Off in the corner a little ways stood Gabriel Lestat and a tired looking blonde girl she didn't know, but from her scent, she could tell it was his twin. Well this was an interesting group.

Her eyes then moved to the doors. Just as Julien had said, the double doors of their home had been blown off their hinges, but what was more was that there was also a smashed, glass coffee table, and a broken vase. Aurora's eyebrows raised to the three strangers and the Lestat twins. "What the hell is going on in here?" She gestured to the vase, the coffee table, and the doors. "Somebody better start talking. Now."

She then glanced at Belle. "Belle." She said, gesturing for her to leave with a flick of the wrist. "Thank you, I've got things covered in here. Go check on Sadie for me?"


Emmanuel watched Fox weigh her options. A smile spread on the faerie's face. "No, Emmanuel Cross, you should not trust her. But, I think you should trust me." He could tell she was twisting her words. She'd been around long enough for him to catch on to faerie word play. However, he did trust her. Most of the time anyway. "The letter is not a trick or a lie, that is a truth. Aurora Mortenson comes to you for protection. That is a powerful position to have over your enemy..."

She let that last part hang in the air and he sighed, giving her an impressed glance. She was extremely convincing. Even when he could see right through her manipulation, he still wanted to agree with her. She was right afterall. Aurora comming to him for protection meant that he had the upperhand. He smiled slightly and stood so he could look her in the eye. "Let the vampires come. If it makes you feel better, I will protect you should any of them threaten to harm your face."

Emmanuel smiled. "I can handle myself Fox, but thanks." He said placing a small kiss on her cheek before nudging the sleeping Lyric awake gently. Outside, it was still storming, and he doubted that any of his pack was probably asleep so why not deliver the news now?

He ushered the sleepy Lyric from his room and lead her down the hall to the living room where he found Nat and Johnathon already sitting. With a sigh, he sat in the chair next to the fireplace and let out a loud howl, sure enough to signify to any of his wolves within pack bonderies, that there was a pack meeting going on. Tiredly, he yawned and rubbed his eyes as he waited for them to all arrive.

Once his pack had shown, Emmanuel sighed and lifted the letter in his hand. "There is a threat to the pack. Like one we've never seen before." He stated bluntly. "A human threat. Something we cannot handle alone." He glanced at each of them in turn. "The vampires are moving in with us."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora Mortenson Character Portrait: Erik Mystara Character Portrait: Morgan Mystara Character Portrait: Emmanuel Cross Character Portrait: Julien Blanche Le'Rouge
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A flicker of recognition flashed across Aurora's face. "Aurora! I haven't seen you since you tried to kill me! Remember? I just showed up in your bed, in your room. I was mostly naked! When was that? I think it was 1990. Or maybe it was 1995. But remember?! We used to show up all the time." She watched the male warlock stand. "It's Erik! Or Hex. I can't remember what you called me."

Aurora nodded slightly, a smirk coming to her lips. "I hardly recognized you with clothes on Erik." She then watched as his sister- What was her name again? Mary.. Morgan.. Morgan! -Took a step towards them.

Down by her sides, her hands closed into fists. The twins were nothing but trouble. They were somewhat like Fox, though more destructive as they bounced back and forth between both sides, playing them. The one thing Aurora and Emmanuel had in common was that they'd stopped trusting the Mystara twins a long time ago. "Hello Aurora. Is this your new second in command?" Aurora reflexively placed a hand on Julien's shoulder, squeezing ever so slightly. "Erik, isn't this the baby we almost stole?" Aurora hissed under her breath. If there was one thing the twins knew how to do it was push her buttons, though on the outside, she appeared not to give a care, on the inside her short temper was about to explode. "It is! You were so cute! Nothing's changed really. You just have more muscle now. A lot more. We would have given you back after a week. I swear. What's your name again? Jacob? No, that's not it. Oh Julien! That's it."

"Yes." Aurora said simply. "His name's Julien and he's my new second in command." She glanced between the twins. "And I think you've caused enough damage. I'll give you ten seconds to give me a really good reason why I should let you stand another minute on my property before I kick your asses."

Her blue eyes were ice cold as she glared down at the two. It was a look she reserved mainly for werewolves and other troublemakers. A look that could make even the strongest of men run away sobbing.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nathalia Alexandera Ramos Character Portrait: Jonathan Clay Character Portrait: Viper Cross Character Portrait: Fox Character Portrait: Emmanuel Cross
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When Emmanuel entered the room,Nathalia watched as he sat down. When she saw the letter in his hand,she started to become her nosey self. But,she had to contain herself,she already was the younest,she didn't need to act like it through. "There is a threat to the pack. Like one we've never seen before. A human threat. Something we cannot handle alone." Nathalia raised an eyebrow and looked at her cousin. This is a joke. Right? She bit her lip to help from laughing,I mean humans who can kill them. Yea,right but then again Emmanuel didn't really joke about that stuff,that sound more like a joke or sarcastic remark Nat would say. "The vampires are moving in with us." She stiffled a laugh and heard as her cousin and Viper obected,and they had all the right to. This wasn't a joke anymore,that pissed her off. She was fine with sharing with people but sharing her home with those bloodsucking demons were out of the question.

"What are you talking about Emmanuel? Are you serious about this? I'm sorry, but that sounds like a flawed plan." Nathalia looked at her brother how walked in and stood behind her chair. They both looked at their cousin who probab;y was pissed he was suppost to keep them safe and saying that there was a threat that they couldn't handle was like saying there was a threat he couldn't handle. Bullshit, Emmanuel! The territory has never been safer! Who told you about this threat?" She of course saw Fox appear out of no where like always,she ever like the fairy personally but had no real reason,she was too flirty for her taste. They're right,Are you insane?! I mean,Emmanuel I love and trust with my life but,come on. Humans tiny little humans can not know how to kill us. How do you know that this isn't a trap,you wouldn't just be putting my life in danger but more importantly everyone's lives in danger and for why because Fox told you?! Come on now,she could be behind this plan with the demons so that they can get in our home and kill us all just because of this stupid letter. She looked at him and raised an eyebrow again,she did that a lot. She looked at her brother who had hi hand on her shoulder. "And just how are we suppost to know that it is a trap,guys I don't feel like saring my personal space with the cold hearted bloodsuckers either but when did Emmanuel ever do something to put us in danger? Nathalia rolled her eyes and exhaled. Oh,God come on think about it Nick,what--how could humans possibly kill us?" She looked back at their leader,not about to have another sibling arguement over something they didn't know for sure.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora Mortenson Character Portrait: Erik Mystara Character Portrait: Angeline Julia Mortelle Mortenson Character Portrait: Nathalia Alexandera Ramos Character Portrait: Jonathan Clay Character Portrait: Viper Cross
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A hundred things happened, on right after the other. "Are those yours or something," Julien said nodding to the humans. "And what's this one?" Aurora sighed.

"The humans are mine, none of the coven is to harm them. And the girl is a witch in need of our protection. I can smell white magic on her." Before she'd even finished talking, Fox had reappeared before her.

"Emmanuel Cross expects you in the morning. Don't let Julien walk in front. I will be displeased if his face is injured." She chirped before teleporting out of the room again. Aurora rolled her eyes. Typical Fox. What was she going to do when both her favorites were under the same roof? Or would it be better for her? Easier access?

She sighed, running her fingers through her hair. She still hadn't slept yet and exhaustion was getting to her. The next thing that happened, Aurora wasn't expecting. She never would. Not in a million years. Through the open doorway, stalked a beautiful blonde woman, maybe a little younger looking than herself, but the similarities between the two were striking. The sister she'd thought was dead. She'd died as a normal human two hundred years ago. So why was she standing here before her? And why did she smell like vampire?

Aurora suddenly felt sick. No! Not her baby sister... It was bad enough she'd been turned into a monster, but given immortality too? Her face whitened and she stumbled backwards, having to lean on a wall for support. Her breathing got shallow. "Angeline. If you could please." She muttered, trying to regain her balance and compose herself.

She stood, expression once more passive as she looked down at her sister with pitying blue eyes. "I'm dealing with a crisis right now. We'll talk in a moment." With that, she placed a hand on her sister's shoulder and nudged her gently to the side. Next, Cassandra came barging down the stairs, shrieking about the furniture before huffing and throwing herself on the couch, mumbling something about house insurance.

She was right. Though they were vampires and didn't really need money to obtain things, merely their persuasion and beauty, Aurora still hated to see anything in her home ruined. All of it, right down to the doorknobs, was imported. Every room was decorated with the flawless perfection only a vampire could obtain. The house was one of the things Aurora would miss when the moved. Though they were both of equal strength, the Werewolves preferred a much smaller house because they didn't always have to use it as they had a pack camp as well. It was still huge, but they'd probably have to share rooms and it wouldn't be as nicely decorated. She'd been there before and everything was decorated in a hunting lodge kind of feel with dead animals and tribe voodoo hanging on almost every wall.

"I don't think we have one. We just came to leave the lovely Jezebel," Aurora was snapped from her thoughts by Erik as he gestured to the white witch. "Into your protection. I feel like we should go, Morgan."

Aurora nodded her agreement and ignored Morgan's goodbye. Quite frankly, the girl was a brat and she was happy they were leaving. She already had the pair of humans, and Fox, to deal with, she didn't have time to babysit everyone. Then Trix barged through the door. Her gust of wind knocked some curtains to the floor and she rolled her eyes and let out an annoyed huff. "Think maybe someone can make an entrance without destroying my home?!" She hissed before listening to what Trix had to say.

She nodded somberly. It was just as she'd thought. The figurine had belonged to the man she'd killed. The one that killed Charlise. She was about to reach for it, when Morgan beat her to it, rage suddenly in her eyes. Was there ever another emotion there? Aparently so, for as Aurora watched, she started sobbing, hysterically. Erick caught her and tucked her into his arms. No matter how much she detested the twins, Aurora's heart couldn't help but flutter a little for she too, knew what it was like to lose someone to these human monsters. "I think we have a reason to stay now." Erik said, eyes on hers, suddenly very serious. It was surprising to see him serious and she nodded with a sigh, running her fingers through her hair.

"Alright." She announced. "Everyone head back to their rooms and get packed. We're moving in with the werewolves as soon as everyone's ready. No arguing with me tonight unless you want to lose a limb." She gave Cassie a pointed look before glancing at the others being the human twins, the warlock twins, the white witch, Angeline, and Trix. "You're all welcome to join us if you'd like. You'll be under our protection from the werewolves should you choose to come." She smiled, thinking of Sadie. "We have something of theirs. They wont hurt you. You're welcome to wait here in the sitting room until we are ready."

And with that, she disappeared for a moment before reappearing again, bags in hand. She'd already been packed since the moment she left her room to go talk to Julien. She sat on the small sofa, looking at the others. "Alright, so I know why the warlock twins are here, and Trix." She looked at the human twins. "Why don't you tell me why you're here. Our agreement was based on secrecy." She looked at her sister. "And why don't you tell me why the hell you're alive, and why you decide to show up now? I know every coven within a twenty city/town radius. You have never been apart of any of them."


"What are you talking about Emmanuel? Are you serious about this?" She could see the hurt in her eyes, that he hadn't consulted with the beta on this. "I'm sorry, but that sounds like a flawed plan." He'd expected that.

"Bullshit, Emmanuel!" Johnathon snapped, actually making him jump. He turned his eyes off Viper to look at him. "The territory has never been safer! Who told you about this threat?" Emmanuel gestured to Fox behind him, just as she admitted that it was her.

"They're right,Are you insane?! I mean,Emmanuel I love and trust with my life but,come on. Humans tiny little humans can not know how to kill us. How do you know that this isn't a trap,you wouldn't just be putting my life in danger but more importantly everyone's lives in danger and for why because Fox told you?! Come on now,she could be behind this plan with the demons so that they can get in our home and kill us all just because of this stupid letter." Nat's came next, then her brother Nick. "And just how are we supposed to know that it is a trap, guys I don't feel like sharing my personal space with the cold hearted bloodsuckers either, but when did Emmanuel ever do something to put us in danger?"

Emmanuel smiled at Nick thankfully. "Look." He said, speaking as alpha. "This is not up for debate. It's going to happen. I just wanted to warn you. I would never do anything to but you guys in danger, you know that. You're my family. And this-" he gestured to the letter "-is made with a magic older than both me and Aurora Mortenson. There's no way she faked this, and if it's real, then there are humans after us. highly trained humans who now our every weakness while we have yet to know theirs. And not to mention that they outnumber us tenfold. We've been wrongly blaming the vampires for the recent disappearances." He shook his head. "Not that they're not disgusting creatures, but we need their help if we're to take down this threat." He let a small smile come to his lips and glanced at Fox. "Plus... They're going to be on our land, in our home, coming to us for protection. We easily have the upper hand should things go wrong, and Aurora would see that. She would never place her coven in a vunerable postition. I've been opposing her for two hundred years. Trust me, I know I'm right when I say that, even if it meant wiping us out, Aurora would never ever make her coven seem weak or incapable. She's too prideful."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora Mortenson Character Portrait: Erik Mystara Character Portrait: Angeline Julia Mortelle Mortenson Character Portrait: Morgan Mystara Character Portrait: Emmanuel Cross Character Portrait: Samantha Violet Lestat
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Angeline allowed her sister to push her to the side while she dealt with her coven. It helped Angel a bit, she got to see what her sister looked like with her own eyes, and not through old drawings or through visions. A twaiting pain caught in Angel's chest as she heard someone say "Then, Trina, a pixie that DJs every now and then, told me that when she lived in Ireland, she knew a family of vampires that was killed off by a group of humans. Not like the the normal humans that just have pitchforks and torches, humans that were prepared to kill a whole family of vampires. She said that when she went to see if there were any surviving vampires left, and she found a statue of Artemis in the middle of the ashes." Angel closed her eyes. That was her coven. Her family. Slowly she walked over to the Warlock that was holding the small figurine and took it from her gently, before looking down.

A flash of anger rose to Angel's usually emotionless face. Her hand closed around the figurine, and for a moment she wanted to crush it to dust, snap it in half, destroy it like they destroyed her coven. Instead, she handed it back to the female warlock and walked back over to her sister, who was now sitting on the couch.
"Why don't you tell me why you're here. Our agreement was based on secrecy." She looked at her sister. "And why don't you tell me why the hell you're alive, and why you decide to show up now? I know every coven within a twenty city/town radius. You have never been apart of any of them." Angel couldn't help but wince, maybe her sister didn't even want her here.

"I was in Ireland. The Coven your friends was talking about..that was mine.." Angel looked down and took in a deep breath. "I came to try you." Angel looked up at her sister and tried to master a light smile, which turned out more of a grimace. She sighed and dropped down beside her sister onto the couch, setting her clenched hands into her lab she simply stared at them. It hurt to think about her coven, and after all these years of not seeing her elder sister, what if she hated her now? what if she hated the revenge consumed girl that used to be her angel of a little sister.

Maybe she would send her way. Angel clenched her teeth.


"Alright." Aurora announced, making Cassie lift her arm and glance at her. "Everyone head back to their rooms and get packed. We're moving in with the werewolves as soon as everyone's ready. No arguing with me tonight unless you want to lose a limb." She gave Cassie a pointed look before glancing at the others. Cassie rolled her eyes and raised her hands in surrender. "Fine but if one of those pups bite me, I'm beating up your second in command." she said referring to her brother before she stood up and headed upstairs.

Cassie made her way into her room, and pulled out a suit case, a back pack and a outfit. for her to wear after she got done packing. Cassie packed almost all of her clothes into the suit case, and then added in some shoes and make up. Afterwards she went over to her back pack and put some of her favorite books in, followed by her ipod, cell phone, and some how she manged to stuff her favorite pillow into the bag. afterwards she changed into a dark purple tank top, and put on the gray rain coat, leaving it open, and the pair of black skinny jeans followed by the boots. Cassie left the purse on her beg put un-rolled the scarf and let it hang loosely around her neck.

"Good enough.." she mumbled grabbing her bags and heading down stairs.


Gabe looked at Aurora and ran and hand through his hair. "Those people you had me spying on, they threatend to kill Sam. We didn't have any other choice." he sighed and looked hopefully at Aurora beofre Sam pushed him a side a pretty much yelled in his face. "What?! Who's gonna kill me?! Gabe I swear to god I'll Killed you. what the hell did you do?!!" She grabbed his shirt and shook his violently while he tried to get her off. "Right..Who would want to kill a nice girl like you." he shot back, sarcasm clear in his voice and he rolled his eyes and gently pushed her away from him.

"Calm down, no one will kill you...Here, go change or something." he handed her a bag and Sam glared for a moment, before stomping up stairs to find a bathroom or something to change in. Yesterday her brother at offered to take her out to dinner, and today he told her someone was planning to kill her, what do you do when someone tells you something like that?!! Do you freak out and run? Or get angry and yell. Well she did a little of both...

Gabe turned to Aurora and rubbed the back of his neck before speaking. "Look, you don't have to protect me, but I need to to keep her safe, she's all I have left and if something happened to my sister.." Gabe shook her head, like the very thought had burned him. he really wouldn't know what to do if someone killed Sam, she really was all he had left, the rest of their family were already dead. If someone killed her, they might as well kill him at the same time.

(Sorry these are so short.. )

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elise Cole Character Portrait: Emmanuel Cross
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Elise was walking down the street, she was feeling hungry once more but really did not want to feed again. She was still getting used to the point that she had to drink blood and she really did not like it at all. She hasn't been able to shower for awhile and she hasn't had any clean clothes for a few days now, she was worn out and tired of looking, though she wasn't exactly sure what she was looking for. She just knew she had to keep walking, to keep getting farther away from her old life, though she couldn't help but think of her family, of the baby that was no longer going to be born, that she no longer was a wife. She looked down at the ring on her finger and sighed, she was never going to take it off but she did hope that Micah would be able to move on.

She found herself walking the streets of Rose City, she has never been to this town before so everything was very new to her. As she walking she could sense the different emotions going on around her, she was guessing there was a place where a lot of people hung out around here because the emotions she could feel where pretty out there and they where extreme. As she was thinking this she noticed a club and guessed that was where everyone was.

She could smell the blood and it really didn’t help her hunger at all, she noticed a scrawny guy stumble down an alley and Elise quietly followed him and next thing you know she is right next to him holding his neck and she sank her fangs in to the boys neck. He didn’t even have time to scream and next thing you know he is crumpled on the ground with no sounds of life. Elise cursed at herself, blood was running down her mouth. She hated this, she felt she had no control over herself, next thing she was doing was running, she ran till she found herself in a forest. She stopped for a second and looked around before she started walking once more and she now felt like she was lost.

Elise then saw a manor she went closer to it “a manor in a forest?” she thought to herself as she got closer to the manor, she could pick up some of the emotions from other people, there seemed to be a few people inside. “Maybe they could tell me how to get out of the forest“ she thought to herself as she went to the front door and knocked a couple times before she turned around to look out to the forest once more. She couldn't help but feel there was something different about the forest, something a bit off but she couldn't exactly figure it out.