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Bitten: The Rivalry

Rose City & Moon Forest


a part of Bitten: The Rivalry, by desire99600.


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Rose City & Moon Forest is a part of Bitten: The Rivalry.

26 Characters Here

Julien Blanche Le'Rouge [12] Me? I like women. Women and chocolate.
Aurora Mortenson [11] "A piece of advice? Don't challenge me. You will lose."
Erik Mystara [10] "Can we worry about being hunted and possibly killed later? Cause I really want to go get some orange chicken."
Morgan Mystara [10] "It's like Salem all over again."
Emmanuel Cross [9] "The pack is only as strong as it's weakest member." [ Adopted character. Not my writing. ]
Jezebel Rowan Endira [9] " Well, you see, Belladonna is dangerous in large quantities but..."
Isabella Ebony MĆ³rrigan [8] "I need a lullaby, a kiss goodnight. Oh, I need this."
Fox [6] Come, lover, riddle me this...
Gabriel James Lestat [6] "They threatened my little sister, now they'll all pay for it. "
Samantha Violet Lestat [6] "You all are insane. There's no such things as vampires or werewolves. I'm dreaming right? That's whats goin on right??"

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8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora Mortenson Character Portrait: Erik Mystara Character Portrait: Morgan Mystara Character Portrait: Samantha Violet Lestat Character Portrait: Gabriel James Lestat Character Portrait: Julien Blanche Le'Rouge Character Portrait: Isabella Ebony MĆ³rrigan Character Portrait: Jezebel Rowan Endira
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Instantly, the dark haired twin glared at Belle, narrowing her eyes and growling. She took a few hostile steps forward, challenging her.

"We just came to drop that pitiful creature off," the warlock said nastily, pointing towards the soaked girl wrapped in a blanket.

Belle's eyes flickered down, sensing movement. Her eyes fell upon a small, black cat, rubbing against the leg of the dark haired, fair skinned 'white' witch. A small smile danced at the corner of Belle's lips at the sight, she'd always particularly liked cats. The smooth, elegant way they moved and their soft, perfect fur reminded her of everything she liked best.

"Blessed be," the white witch said, bowing her head. The gesture was very formal and made Belle feel a little uncomfortable about her own cold, standoffish attitude.

" I am Jezebel Rowan Endira, the last white witch of Rose City, Moon Forest and the surrounding area. I require assistance or, to be more precise," she paused, " I need somewhere to stay safe."

Belle nodded slowly, taking in the information. Her instant reaction was to question internally what she'd been told. She could smell the white magic on her but how was she know if this Jezebel, as she called herself, was telling the truth? But something about this girl's pretty, polite manner of speech, frightened expression and need for protection made Belle slightly more trusting of the words she said.

She turned to the dark haired twins. " These two found me and brought me here or I'd still be in a cave I don't even know where."

Belle's eyes swept over the twins that Jezebel was indicating. The male didn't look particularly threatening, there was something very reassuring about the way he was looking at poor, shivering Jezebel. Like he genuinely cared for a girl he'd only just met and wanted to help her. It was endearing and even made Belle soften a little. However, the same couldn't be said for his sister. In the simplest terms, she seemed like a bitch. Belle had no reason, nor the inclination, to trust her. She seemed hostile and bitter. And besides, she was a warlock. That alone gave Belle reason not to trust her.

"Well, now that we've dropped off this little girl, I think we'll leave," the cold, bitter warlock said. She sounded angry. Belle really hoped that Zane had done as he was told and fetched Aurora...

"Why are you being such a bitch?" the dark haired male asked his sister. Her smile instantly dropped and Belle resisted the urge to smirk.

He then turned his attention back to Belle, offering her a smile. "I'm sorry for her. My name's Erik and that's Morgan. Like Jezebel said, we found her in the woods and this was the closest place we could bring her."

Belle nodded, still toying with the idea of trusting Jezebel. She did recognise the names vaguely. Carefully, she ran them through her mind, combing it for any information. Of course, the Mystara twins. Erik and Morgan. Part of the Salem Witch Trials.

The girl, who she now knew was called Morgan sighed loudly. "If you don't know us by Erik and Morgan, you most likely know us as Jinx and Hex. Some of your nice vampire friends named us that." Belle had a feeling that was some kind of veiled dig at vampires.

"I'm sure she knows us by Erik and Morgan," Erik said. He glanced back at Belle, "Sorry. We'll get out of your hair now." He then looked at Jezabel and smiled, "Be safe, Sweetheart. You can keep the jacket to remember me."

He really did seem strangely sweet, for a warlock.

"Let's go," he said to his sister, turning to leave.

Morgan quickly threw a snarky remark towards Erik. "I doubt that couple you left in your bed are still there. Ugh. It's disgusting how you continue to have intercourse with anything that comes your wa-"

There was a bang as she hit the wall, landing on the floor. "Just shut up!" Erik shouted, loosing his temper.

Frankly, Belle didn't blame him. If she'd been her sister Belle would've ripped her to shreds long ago.

Morgan pulled herself to her feet, a smile creeping into the corner of her lip as she waved her hand. "We haven't had a good sibling fight since last month."

Erik hit the wall, growling as he stood up. "Why do you always have to be such a bitch!"

Belle growled under her breath. A pair of fighting warlocks in their front room was the last thing this coven needed tonight. In seconds she was just inches from Morgan, glaring at her.

"I think it was time you were both leaving," Belle said coldly. She threw her glance towards Erik. "I'll see Jezebel receives the appropriate treatment from Aurora..."

Belle walked calmly away from Morgan to stand beside Jezebel. She heard Zane, who she'd sent to fetch Aurora, knocking on her door. It opened and Zane delivered Belle's message.

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#, as written by Tilt
Julien gave Aurora a hurt look. "Yes sexy!" he answered, blowing smoke out of the window. "Fox said so. And faeries don't lie." He gave her a cocky smirk. Aurora sighed, she had been doing that a lot lately, and crossed the room to flop down on his bed.

"Honestly Julien, do you not trust me?" She asked with a smirk. "There's a reason this coven has kept me around for two hundred years you know." Julien snorted.

"Yeah, when you kick enough ass, people make you the boss..." he muttered. Aurora continued as if she hadn't heard him.

"I know whats good for us. Believe me. You know I can't stand Emmanuel and his pups. If I didn't think this was one-hundred percent needed, I wouldn't do it." She fell back suddenly on his bed and threw her arms over her face. "It's been a long night. The last thing I need is my motives questioned. Once Fox gets back, we'll peel out. When we get there, Emmanuel--"

"Bastard," Julien threw in.

"--You--" Aurora continued. Julien smirked.


"--His beta--"


"And I will do some talking." Julien thought it best to keep quiet on this one. "I'll explain everything then." Julien put out the little nub that was left of his cigarette. He seriously thought about pouting enough to make Aurora tell him, but she seemed more likely than ever to take a snap at someone, so he resisted. He sighed and looked up at Aurora, his smirk melting into a rare serious expression.

"I don't like being kept in the dark, Aurora. If you want me to be your second, you have to trust me sometimes. But you're my leader. I trust you with my life." He met her gaze silently for a few moments, letting her know that he was serious. Suddenly, a bang from the floor below interrupted the moment. Julien rolled his eyes. "Hold that thought," he told her. He let his eyes slip closed and let himself slip out from his body and down through the floor so that he could see into the living room. He didn't bother making his shadow form invisible, all of the vampires in the house were used to the sight of his shadowy outline flitting through the house.

The scene in the living room was not what he was expecting. Three strangers were crowded into the house, Isabella faced off against him. Julien growled and flew back into his body. He jumped off of the window sill, throwing the stub of a cigarette out of the window, just as Zane thumped on their door. "We need to get downstairs," he told Aurora, rushing out of the door. He brushed past Zane and flew down the stairs, feeling Aurora's presence just behind him the whole way. He stopped just as he reached the scene, his eyes flashing dangerously.

"What. The. Hell?" he snarled. "Who the hell broke the door??"


Emmanuel took the paper from Fox and read it quickly. Fox could practically taste his anger. She smiled. He was quite handsome when he was angry. "This can't be real," he said with a shake of his head. "If there's one thing Aurora's good at, it's deciet. She's a lying, heartless bitch." Fox laughed.

"Quite possibly. But she is not that smart. I remember the last two centuries as well as any other. No magic of Aurora Mortenson's doing can make it smell like that."

Emmanuel eyed her wearily. Fox smiled back.

"Should I trust her?" he asked. Fox considered the possibilities, tilting her head. A fight between the two was something she had never seen before. She wanted very much for the two groups to come together so that she could see what would happen. She had been curious for more than a few years about who would win in a fight between Aurora and Emmanuel. She wanted very much to say yes, he should trust her, but the lie caught in her throat before she could even think to form it. She didn't let the frustration show on her face. Instead, her smile grew wider.

"No, Emmanuel Cross, you should not trust her. But, I think you should trust me." It wasn't really a lie... Fox was of the opinion that everyone should trust her. It didn't make it a good idea. "The letter is not a trick or a lie, that is a truth. Aurora Mortenson comes to you for protection. That is a powerful position to have over your enemy..." She let that dangle in the air, appealing to Emmanuel's vanity. She was sure he would love to have them at his mercy. "Let the vampires come. If it makes you feel better, I will protect you should any of them threaten to harm your face."

10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erik Mystara Character Portrait: Nathalia Alexandera Ramos Character Portrait: Jonathan Clay Character Portrait: Morgan Mystara Character Portrait: Emmanuel Cross Character Portrait: Samantha Violet Lestat Character Portrait: Gabriel James Lestat Character Portrait: Julien Blanche Le'Rouge Character Portrait: Isabella Ebony MĆ³rrigan Character Portrait: Jezebel Rowan Endira
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Aurora ignored Julien's side comments while she talked. It wasn't uncommon for him to act like a child. He did it often. When he was done, she lowered her arms from her eyes and sat up on her elbows to look at him. "I don't like being kept in the dark, Aurora. If you want me to be your second, you have to trust me sometimes. But you're my leader. I trust you with my life." He said with a rare, serious expression.

"Good." She hissed. "Because you're going to have to."

There was a loud crash from below and Aurora sat up straight, startled. "Hold that thought," Julien said and closed his eyes. She knew he was going to check on whatever had happened downstairs. I swear, if someone breaks something, I'm breaking heads. She thought while she waited for him to return. "We need to get downstairs," he said plainly when he finally did return.

She raised an eyebrow, watching him stalk from the room, the current crisis suddenly forgotten. With a roll of her eyes she groaned. Will I ever get a break in this house? She thought bitterly before jumping up and chasing after Julien down the stairs. "What. The. Hell?" She heard Julien snarl, just a few steps ahead of her. "Who the hell broke the door?" So they had broken something.

Aurora disappeared, reappearing beside Julien, taking in the scene. Belle was there, but that was the only face she recognized in the room. The other three were unfamiliar. One had long dark hair and was dripping wet, shivering slightly. From her, Aurora smelled white magic and her eyebrow shot up. Witch? Hadn't the nearest witch Clan been destroyed or something or other? She looked at the other two. Their scents carried dark magic, and she didn't need her hyperactive sense of smell to see that they were obviously twins. Warlock twins? Even more interesting. Witches and Warlocks hated each other. Why were they traveling together? Finally, she smelled human and glanced to the side. Off in the corner a little ways stood Gabriel Lestat and a tired looking blonde girl she didn't know, but from her scent, she could tell it was his twin. Well this was an interesting group.

Her eyes then moved to the doors. Just as Julien had said, the double doors of their home had been blown off their hinges, but what was more was that there was also a smashed, glass coffee table, and a broken vase. Aurora's eyebrows raised to the three strangers and the Lestat twins. "What the hell is going on in here?" She gestured to the vase, the coffee table, and the doors. "Somebody better start talking. Now."

She then glanced at Belle. "Belle." She said, gesturing for her to leave with a flick of the wrist. "Thank you, I've got things covered in here. Go check on Sadie for me?"


Emmanuel watched Fox weigh her options. A smile spread on the faerie's face. "No, Emmanuel Cross, you should not trust her. But, I think you should trust me." He could tell she was twisting her words. She'd been around long enough for him to catch on to faerie word play. However, he did trust her. Most of the time anyway. "The letter is not a trick or a lie, that is a truth. Aurora Mortenson comes to you for protection. That is a powerful position to have over your enemy..."

She let that last part hang in the air and he sighed, giving her an impressed glance. She was extremely convincing. Even when he could see right through her manipulation, he still wanted to agree with her. She was right afterall. Aurora comming to him for protection meant that he had the upperhand. He smiled slightly and stood so he could look her in the eye. "Let the vampires come. If it makes you feel better, I will protect you should any of them threaten to harm your face."

Emmanuel smiled. "I can handle myself Fox, but thanks." He said placing a small kiss on her cheek before nudging the sleeping Lyric awake gently. Outside, it was still storming, and he doubted that any of his pack was probably asleep so why not deliver the news now?

He ushered the sleepy Lyric from his room and lead her down the hall to the living room where he found Nat and Johnathon already sitting. With a sigh, he sat in the chair next to the fireplace and let out a loud howl, sure enough to signify to any of his wolves within pack bonderies, that there was a pack meeting going on. Tiredly, he yawned and rubbed his eyes as he waited for them to all arrive.

Once his pack had shown, Emmanuel sighed and lifted the letter in his hand. "There is a threat to the pack. Like one we've never seen before." He stated bluntly. "A human threat. Something we cannot handle alone." He glanced at each of them in turn. "The vampires are moving in with us."

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Erik and Morgan

Morgan ignored the blonde bloodsucker, even as she glared at her from several inches away. The warlock smirked coldly as she walked over by Jezebel.
She cracked her neck and stared at Erik, who now stood in front of her.

"I don't think this is the right place to do this Morgan." He said, narrowing his eyes at her. Her smiled widened, almost to an impossible length.
"Since when did you start thinking?" And with several waves of her hands, Erik was thrown from wall to wall, and then onto a glass coffee table.
Morgan strutted over to him, her shoes clacking against the manor's floor. She grabbed her brother by the back of the neck and stared into his eyes as he groaned.
"This is why I'm older."

He raised his eyebrow, and a scowl formed on his face as a fireball formed in his hand. "You're older by three minutes!"
And he threw the ball of flames at his sister's chest. She flew back several feet, landing on her feet and glaring at her brother.
She then looked at her chest and saw several small flames still there from the impact. Her eyes widened and watered in fear and anger.
Morgan patted her chest, putting the flames out and let out a scream in her brother's direction. "You asshole! You know how I feel about fire!"

Erik ended up flying into the bottom of the steps, moaning as he tried to get up. "Who the hell broke the door?" The male warlock heard from behind him.
He turned around and saw a blonde male, with an angry expression on his face. "It was her." Erik said, pointing at his sister.

Morgan rolled her eyes, but then she saw Aurora appear behind the blonde man. Shit.
Erik, however, smiled. "Aurora! I haven't seen you since you tried to kill me! Remember? I just showed up in your bed, in your room. I was mostly naked! When was that? I think it was 1990. Or maybe it was 1995. But remember?! We used to show up all the time." He grunted as he got up, but still retained a smile. "It's Erik! Or Hex. I can't remember what you called me."

Morgan sighed and rolled her eyes at Erik. He was an idiot, but he was still the only family she had left. She slightly felt bad for fighting with him. She let emotions take control of her.
That was the last time that would happen. Morgan plastered on a fake smile and took a few steps towards the stairs. "Hello Aurora. Is this your new second in command?" But after looking at him for a minute, Morgan cracked a real smile. "Erik, isn't this the baby we almost stole?" She said, pointing at the blonde man. Erik's eyes widened and he smiled. "It is! You were so cute! Nothing's changed really. You just have more muscle now. A lot more."

Morgan lifted an eyebrow at her brother, but then looked back at the blonde man. "We would have given you back after a week. I swear. What's your name again? Jacob? No, that's not it. Oh Julien! That's it."


After finishing her icecream, Viper heard Emmanuel's call. There was a pack meeting.
Viper quickly got ready, throwing on a t-shirt and some jeans and left her room.
She quickly found Emmanuel and listened to what he had to say.

"There is a threat to the pack. Like one we've never seen before." He stated bluntly. "A human threat. Something we cannot handle alone." He glanced at each of them in turn. "The vampires are moving in with us."

Viper's eyes almost bulged out of her head. What? She stood up. "What are you talking about Emmanuel? Are you serious about this?"
He hadn't even discussed this with her. This was a big deal and she should have been consulted before he made a final decision. "I'm sorry, but that sounds like a flawed plan."

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Character Portrait: Aurora Mortenson Character Portrait: Erik Mystara Character Portrait: Morgan Mystara Character Portrait: Emmanuel Cross Character Portrait: Julien Blanche Le'Rouge
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A flicker of recognition flashed across Aurora's face. "Aurora! I haven't seen you since you tried to kill me! Remember? I just showed up in your bed, in your room. I was mostly naked! When was that? I think it was 1990. Or maybe it was 1995. But remember?! We used to show up all the time." She watched the male warlock stand. "It's Erik! Or Hex. I can't remember what you called me."

Aurora nodded slightly, a smirk coming to her lips. "I hardly recognized you with clothes on Erik." She then watched as his sister- What was her name again? Mary.. Morgan.. Morgan! -Took a step towards them.

Down by her sides, her hands closed into fists. The twins were nothing but trouble. They were somewhat like Fox, though more destructive as they bounced back and forth between both sides, playing them. The one thing Aurora and Emmanuel had in common was that they'd stopped trusting the Mystara twins a long time ago. "Hello Aurora. Is this your new second in command?" Aurora reflexively placed a hand on Julien's shoulder, squeezing ever so slightly. "Erik, isn't this the baby we almost stole?" Aurora hissed under her breath. If there was one thing the twins knew how to do it was push her buttons, though on the outside, she appeared not to give a care, on the inside her short temper was about to explode. "It is! You were so cute! Nothing's changed really. You just have more muscle now. A lot more. We would have given you back after a week. I swear. What's your name again? Jacob? No, that's not it. Oh Julien! That's it."

"Yes." Aurora said simply. "His name's Julien and he's my new second in command." She glanced between the twins. "And I think you've caused enough damage. I'll give you ten seconds to give me a really good reason why I should let you stand another minute on my property before I kick your asses."

Her blue eyes were ice cold as she glared down at the two. It was a look she reserved mainly for werewolves and other troublemakers. A look that could make even the strongest of men run away sobbing.

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#, as written by Tilt

Julien's eye twitched. He'd heard of these two. His intel had apparently been lacking because his latest reports of them had them placed to the south. Way south. Aurora's hand clamped down on his shoulder and she looked livid.

"Yea," he said after her flatly, "Julien. Nice to see you again. Any chance you could, I don't know, lay off our house? You know, for old time's sake." He crossed the room to Belle's side, looking her up and down carefully. She didn't seem to be hurt, so Julien didn't really have a reason to be too furious. Once he got closer, he noticed the other woman, pale with stark black hair. Her scent was pleasant, clean and fresh like a forest. Still, he wasn't enjoying all of the strangers in his house. The human twins in the corner almost looked as if they thought they were invisible.

"Are those yours or something," Julien said nodding to the humans. "And what's this one?" he added, indicating the woman. He didn't have the best manners when it came to other species. The only reason he treated Fox or Trix with any semblance of respect was because they had proved themselves powerful enough to kick his ass.



Fox held angelically still while Emmanuel kissed her cheek. "I can handle myself Fox, but thanks," he said and gathered the halfling, heading out of the room.

"This is great!" she giggled and transported herself back to the vampire's mansion. She managed to appear right at Aurora's side. She didn't even bat an eye at the sea of destruction around her. "Emmanuel Cross expects you in the morning," she chirped happily. "Don't let Julien walk in front. I will be displeased if his face is injured." That done, she popped out of existence again, back to the werewolves' house. She watched with delighted attention as Emmanuel made his announcement.



Jonathan glanced up as Emmanuel came into the room, a strange-smelling piece of paper clutched in his fist. He didn't speak as the alpha went to the window, called the rest of the pack and settled down to wait. Once the group was assembled, Emmanuel sighed.

"There is a threat to the pack. Like one we've never seen before. A human threat. Something we cannot handle alone." Emmanuel's gaze settled on him for a moment and then flitted away. "The vampires are moving in with us."

Viper, of course, exploded immediately. It seemed that she had not been consulted on this. Jonathan seethed. As the wolf who had taken responsibility for keeping up with his pack's safety for practically his entire life, he agreed with Viper. This was a flawed plan.

"Bullshit, Emmanuel!" he snapped. "The territory has never been safer! Who told you about this threat?"

There was a quiet "ahem" from right behind him, where Fox had appeared sprawled out and balanced on the top part of the couch. "I did," she said.

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Character Portrait: Nathalia Alexandera Ramos Character Portrait: Jonathan Clay Character Portrait: Viper Cross Character Portrait: Fox Character Portrait: Emmanuel Cross
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When Emmanuel entered the room,Nathalia watched as he sat down. When she saw the letter in his hand,she started to become her nosey self. But,she had to contain herself,she already was the younest,she didn't need to act like it through. "There is a threat to the pack. Like one we've never seen before. A human threat. Something we cannot handle alone." Nathalia raised an eyebrow and looked at her cousin. This is a joke. Right? She bit her lip to help from laughing,I mean humans who can kill them. Yea,right but then again Emmanuel didn't really joke about that stuff,that sound more like a joke or sarcastic remark Nat would say. "The vampires are moving in with us." She stiffled a laugh and heard as her cousin and Viper obected,and they had all the right to. This wasn't a joke anymore,that pissed her off. She was fine with sharing with people but sharing her home with those bloodsucking demons were out of the question.

"What are you talking about Emmanuel? Are you serious about this? I'm sorry, but that sounds like a flawed plan." Nathalia looked at her brother how walked in and stood behind her chair. They both looked at their cousin who probab;y was pissed he was suppost to keep them safe and saying that there was a threat that they couldn't handle was like saying there was a threat he couldn't handle. Bullshit, Emmanuel! The territory has never been safer! Who told you about this threat?" She of course saw Fox appear out of no where like always,she ever like the fairy personally but had no real reason,she was too flirty for her taste. They're right,Are you insane?! I mean,Emmanuel I love and trust with my life but,come on. Humans tiny little humans can not know how to kill us. How do you know that this isn't a trap,you wouldn't just be putting my life in danger but more importantly everyone's lives in danger and for why because Fox told you?! Come on now,she could be behind this plan with the demons so that they can get in our home and kill us all just because of this stupid letter. She looked at him and raised an eyebrow again,she did that a lot. She looked at her brother who had hi hand on her shoulder. "And just how are we suppost to know that it is a trap,guys I don't feel like saring my personal space with the cold hearted bloodsuckers either but when did Emmanuel ever do something to put us in danger? Nathalia rolled her eyes and exhaled. Oh,God come on think about it Nick,what--how could humans possibly kill us?" She looked back at their leader,not about to have another sibling arguement over something they didn't know for sure.

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Angeline dropped down, her wings hurt after all that flying, but she didn't let them fold in on themselves into her back right away, it would be to painful to do right at this moment, sense she was just outside the tree line of her sisters home. The sister that thinks your dead. a small voice reminded her. Angel sighed and ran her fingers through her messy blonde hair.

It's been nearly one hundred years, she should be running up to her sister and hugging her..but what if her sister didn't want to see her? what if she thought her a freak because of the huge white feathered wings that had grown out of her back?? What if she had forgotten her? yes..that's the thing that haunts Angel the most, what if she walks up, and tries to talk to her, but her sister no longer remembers her. That would be Angel's own hell. The kind of hell that no person in their right mind would want to be in.

Angel closed her eyes for a moment, as slowly, very slowly and painfully the wings closed in on themselves, and grew back into her back. Angeline doubled over for a moment, trying to catch her breath as the pain dulled back down to a numb feeling. She was used to that pain. Angel sighed and she looked down at herself. She wasn't wearing anything weird, it was a basic traveling outfit which was a long sleeved fluffy white/tan shirt, dark blue jeans, a tan hot, sun glasses her, the necklace her mother had given her. white and tan converse, a small messenger bag that was slung over her shoulder and, her leader ship bracelet that only she and her second in command had.

The bracelet was in the form of a silver snake warping it's self around her wrist, she never took it off. It was all she had left of her coven. Angle shook her head and slowly made her way out of the tree line and towards the house, she could see at least seven people out there, her sister included. Slowly she crossed the field and stopped at the porch steps. None of them seemed to have noticed her yet.

Slowly she climbed up the few porch steps, and stepped through the broken doors. She made her way around the people, that were now staring at her and right up to Aurora. her sister was at least four inches taller then Angel, but it didn't seem to bother her at all as she stared right at her, her face completely emotionless and she waited for her sister to do, or say something. Everything was silent, everyone just stared, and Angel was sure she would have been shaking by now if her years of leadership hadn't taught her how to act cool on the outside, even through she's freaking out on the inside.


Cassandra let out a loud growl as another loud bang came from downstairs, Cassie had been waiting for an hour for them to shut up and go to bed, it was bloody three in the morning after all. She let out a another growl as voice drifted up the stairs and through her door. "Who the hell broke the door?" Cassie shook her head, that was her brother for sure. Sighing she threw the sheets off of herself and climbed out of bed, heading for her bedroom door.

One the way past she happened to catch herself in the full body mirror, she had on A red tank top and a pair of short short pajama's that were slightly clingy, but she didn't mind, if her brother wasn't going to shut up, she'd annoy him by wearing something one of the girls he'd have in his bed would wear.

Cassie stomped out of her room, her hair already a mess no matter how many time she ran her finger through it, and took the stairs two at a time before leaning on the railing and glareing at everyone by the now broken door, they were all arguing. "Shut the fuck up!!" She screamed, as they all turned and stared. Cassie's eye twitched and she walked the rest of the way down the stairs and towards her brother. "If I don't get any sleep because you cant be quiet, every night you bring a girl home, I'll sing 'I'm a barbie girl' in you head till you sing it aloud." she growled poking him in the chest before stepping around him.

"Aurora, since when do you stay up till 3 Am?" Cassie mumbled lightly shaking her head till she turned towards the two twins who seemed to be Warlock's. "Bloody hell!" she cried out pointing towards the door. "Do you two know how much money that thing costed?! I had that damn door hand made in fucking Paris!" she threw her arms up in a over dramatic kind of way and ran another hand through her hair before turning back towards her brother and stating in a now bored tone "Your paying for a new one, and this time I want it from Italy." She nodded her head like she just won some kind of big battle, walked over to the couch, and threw herself down onto it.

"Noo, don't get house insurance Cassie, we are vampires, we don't need it.." she mimicked her brother in a annoying voice under her breath before throwing an arm over her eyes and trying to doze off.


Gabe and Sam stood, backed up in a corner, Gabe stood in front of his sister in a almost protective manner watching everything unfold. Sam was leaning aginst the wall, half asleep and not really paying attention, while Gabe stood there watching everything that happened very closely. There seemed to be two other twins, the pretty blonde that had opened the door, and then a angry blonde haired man ran down stairs, followed by Aurora, and another angry woman complaining about how loud they all were being.

Sam sighed and pushed again't her brother back again, tired of being backing against wall and not being about to see anything because her brother was wayy to tall. "If you don't move I'll kick you.." her muffled voice sounded out and she threateningly moved her leg around. He rolled his eyes and mumbled back "You kick like a girl." .... WHACK "Yeah..that'll do it.." he ground out clutching he knee as a look of pain crossed his face.

Sam grinned and rocked back and forth on her feet, happy to have more room then what she had before. "You whine like a girl.." she chuckled before shutting her eyes again, and trying to doze off into a sleep she'll probably never get, ever.

(Sorry the twins post is so small..but it's 7Am and I needz my sleep :DD)

10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora Mortenson Character Portrait: Erik Mystara Character Portrait: Morgan Mystara Character Portrait: Sadie Michelle Hampton Character Portrait: Fox Character Portrait: Samantha Violet Lestat Character Portrait: Gabriel James Lestat Character Portrait: Julien Blanche Le'Rouge Character Portrait: Isabella Ebony MĆ³rrigan Character Portrait: Jezebel Rowan Endira
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Belle growled angrily as the irritating warlock girl completely ignored Belle and sauntered across the room to Jezebel. She then glared at Erik.

"I don't think this is the right place to do this Morgan,ā€ Erik told his sister.

ā€œSince when did you start thinking?" she shot back. The warlock girl waved her hands a couple of times, throwing him wall to wall. Belle cringed every time he hit one, leaving little marks in their beautiful wallpaper. He then hit the glass coffee table. It shattered instantly. Belle resisted the urge to rip the both of them apart. She loved that coffee table. And Cassie was going to go mad when she saw the door.

Morgan then grabbed her brother by the back of his neck, glaring at him. "This is why I'm older."

You're older by three minutes!" he shouted, a scowl forming on his face and a fireball forming in his hand. He threw it at Morgan, throwing her back. She patted her chest frantically, eyes wide with fear and anger.

She screamed. "You asshole! You know how I feel about fire!" With a flick of her hand, Erik flew back, hitting the bottom step.

"What. The. Hell? Who the hell broke the door??" Julienā€™s snarling voice indicated his arrival. Belle glanced round behind her, spotting him at the very edge of the scene, flanked closely by Aurora. Julian looked angry, really angry.

ā€œIt was her,ā€ Erik immediately pointed at Morgan.

"What the hell is going on in here?" Aurora said. "Somebody better start talking. Now." She then glanced at Belle, gesturing with a flick of her wrist. "Belle. Thank you, I've got things covered in here. Go check on Sadie for me?"

Belle wrinkled her nose in disgust before nodding begrudgingly. It was a well-known fact that Belle hated werewolves. They were foul creatures. But she particularly hated the whining little half-breed Aurora insisted they keep, saying sheā€™d be ā€˜usefulā€™. Frankly, Belle saw nothing useful about the little freak of nature, she was just another irritation Belle didnā€™t need. She hated having to go near her, and treated her particularly badly whenever she was forced to. Besides, she wouldā€™ve liked to stay and watch these two get their asses kicked by Aurora. But Belle didnā€™t think tonight was a good night to challenge Aurora.

Belle turned to walk away but stopped at the very edge of the room as Erik began to speak. Maybe sheā€™d listen for just one more minute, this sounded interesting.

Upon spotting Aurora, Erik smiled. "Aurora! I haven't seen you since you tried to kill me! Remember? I just showed up in your bed, in your room. I was mostly naked! When was that? I think it was 1990. Or maybe it was 1995. But, remember?! We used to show up all the time. It's Erik! Or Hex. I can't remember what you called me,ā€ he said, standing up.

ā€œMaybe it was assholeā€¦ā€ Belle muttered under her breath, glancing at the coffee table. Although initially appearing sweet, Belle was starting to loose respect and patience fast with the male warlock.
Aurora smirked, nodding slightly in response to Erik. "I hardly recognized you with clothes on Erik."

Morgan took a few steps forward. "Hello Aurora. Is this your new second in command Erik, isn't this the baby we almost stole?" she said, pointing at Julian. ā€œIt is! You were so cute! Nothing's changed really. You just have more muscle now. A lot more." She lifted an eyebrow. "We would have given you back after a week. I swear. What's your name again? Jacob? No, that's not it. Oh Julien! That's it."

"Yes. His name's Julien and he's my new second in command. And I think you've caused enough damage. I'll give you ten seconds to give me a really good reason why I should let you stand another minute on my property before I kick your asses,ā€ Aurora threatened, giving them both an icy stare.

"Yea," Julien said after her flatly. "Julien. Nice to see you again. Any chance you could, I don't know, lay off our house? You know, for old time's sake."

Julien crossed the room to Belleā€™s side. He scrutinised her carefully, up and down.

ā€œIā€™m fine,ā€ Belle said quietly to Julien. ā€œJust make sure you get the number of their insurance company before you throw them back into whichever hole they crawled out ofā€¦ I liked that coffee table.ā€

With that she turned and sauntered off. The sooner she dealt with the stupid half-breed, the sooner she could return to the better smelling part of the manor. Behind her, she heard Julien making some comment about the blonde humanā€™s Belle had put in the corner to deal with later.

Belle froze, halfway down the corridor as she caught the tingly scent of a faerie appearing.

"Emmanuel Cross expects you in the morning," Belle heard Fox chirp gleefully. "Don't let Julien walk in front. I will be displeased if his face is injured."

There was a pop and Fox was gone again. Belle stalked down the corridor and stamped down the steps to the basement, slamming the door behind her. Great. That filthy, useless man they called their pack leader, Emmanuel, had agreed to this stupid plan. Of course he had. He saw his opportunity and took it. Her coven would be in their house, on their land, in their territory. They easily had the upper hand. And if they chose to attack, the vampires would definitely sustain the highest losses.

As Belle approached the third door in the basement she heard banging and shouting from behind it. The voice of the complaining hybrid was moaning about food. Belle peered through the barred window at the creature sitting dejectedly on her bed. Her long, blonde hair fell round her face and an arm was folded round her stomach, clearly she was hungry.

But the clearest indication of her presence was the smell. Belle shuddered. She pulled a bottle of her favourite perfume, Belle dā€™Opium from Yves Saint Laurent, from her jacket pocket. It was her signature perfume and she always made sure she, as with most of the things she owned, existed in a cloud of it. She loved everything smelling pretty, just like her. She spritzed herself with it, enjoying the sensation of the tiny little droplets coming to rest on her skin. Maybe that would help to repel the smell for a whileā€¦

With that, Belle pushed open the door to the hybridā€™s cell and quickly locked it behind herself to make sure the animal didnā€™t escape. That was the last thing they wanted tonight.

Belle glared down at her, sat on the bed. ā€œWhat do you want, mongrel?ā€ she said viciously.

Belle was nasty to the half-breed at the best of times but after the evening sheā€™d just had, she was feeling particularly cruel.

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Erik and Morgan

Erik grinned goofily whe Aurora said she recognized him, but pouted when he saw her place her hand on Julien's shoulder. Morgan, however, was delighted to see the vampire so protective of her second in command. She wanted to toy with them more, but Erik saw the look in her eyes. He didn't want to cause any more trouble tonight, but he was sure he'd have trouble dragging her out of the manor. "I'll give you ten seconds to give me a really good reason why I should let you stand another minute on my property before I kick your asses."

Erik smiled sheepishly at the coven leader as he got off the flight of stairs. "I don't think we have one. We just came to leave the lovely Jezebel," He gestured to the white witch still by the door, most likely traumatized further by the choatic fight she had just witnessed. "Into your protection. I feel like we should go, Morgan."

Morgan's dark brown eyes never left Julien through the whole coversation. Her signature smug smile seemed darker and more eerie than usual she gazed at him.
"Alright. Let's go." She broke her stare to look at her brother and then at Aurora, waving sweetly. "Bye bye Aurora. It was so nice to see you again." Her tone was sweet, but almost dripping with ill-intent. She winked slowly at Julien and blew him a kiss. "Bye Julien."

Erik had a concerned look in his eyes as he began walking towards the door. He plastered on a smile and waved to the vampires. "Goodbye my beautiful flower of the night! My sweet black butterfly! Hope to see you soon." As he was almost at the door, well, where the doors used to be, he stopped by Jezebel and smiled weakly. "I'm sorry about the way I acted with my sister. I hope you don't think less of me. Goodbye Sweetheart." He planted a soft kiss on her cheek and the went to leave, but a huge gust of wind came in.


Trix appeared in a huge gust of wind, knocking the male Warlock over as she came into the vampires' manor.
Her heels clacked as she ran over to Aurora. There was a slightly panicked look in her eyes, or as close to panicked as Trix could get.
"Aurora!" She sang as she lifted up the Artemis statue and waved it. "Sonya, a cage dancer at Paranormal, lived in Greece for a long time. She told me that a group of humans began hunting the faerie that lived in the forests. She killed one and he dropped a statue that looked a lot like this." She ran her fingers through her blonde hair and a wave of color ran through it, turning it pink.

"Then, Trina, a pixie that DJs every now and then, told me that when she lived in Ireland, she knew a family of vampires that was killed off by a group of humans. Not like the the normal humans that just have pitchforks and torches, humans that were prepared to kill a whole family of vampires. She said that when she went to see if there were any surviving vampires left, and she found a statue of Artemis in the middle of the ashes." Trix breathed heavily, taken aback by the rush of information. It was a lot to process, even for her.

Erik and Morgan

Morgan walked over to Trix. "Can I see that?" She asked and Trix gave her the figurine. Morgan stared at it with rage in her eyes, recognizing everything about it. The last time she saw it, it was a little figurine on a necklace. A necklace worn by the young man that tried to kill her. The young man that she once loved.

Her hand clamped up around the statue, her hand shaking with anger. Her eyes water and Erik rushed over to her. Her legs gave out and Erik caught her before she it the floor.
She began crying and sobbing, her heavy eye makeup becoming smeared. Erik looked up to Aurora with a solemn look in his eyes. "I think we have a reason to stay now."
He held his sister tight, trying to comfort her. It had been so many years since it happened and now all of her pent-up feelings had come back to her like a flood.
She continued to cry and Erik just stayed quiet.

14 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora Mortenson Character Portrait: Erik Mystara Character Portrait: Angeline Julia Mortelle Mortenson Character Portrait: Nathalia Alexandera Ramos Character Portrait: Jonathan Clay Character Portrait: Viper Cross Character Portrait: Morgan Mystara Character Portrait: Trix Character Portrait: Fox Character Portrait: Emmanuel Cross Character Portrait: Samantha Violet Lestat Character Portrait: Gabriel James Lestat

...and 2 others.

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A hundred things happened, on right after the other. "Are those yours or something," Julien said nodding to the humans. "And what's this one?" Aurora sighed.

"The humans are mine, none of the coven is to harm them. And the girl is a witch in need of our protection. I can smell white magic on her." Before she'd even finished talking, Fox had reappeared before her.

"Emmanuel Cross expects you in the morning. Don't let Julien walk in front. I will be displeased if his face is injured." She chirped before teleporting out of the room again. Aurora rolled her eyes. Typical Fox. What was she going to do when both her favorites were under the same roof? Or would it be better for her? Easier access?

She sighed, running her fingers through her hair. She still hadn't slept yet and exhaustion was getting to her. The next thing that happened, Aurora wasn't expecting. She never would. Not in a million years. Through the open doorway, stalked a beautiful blonde woman, maybe a little younger looking than herself, but the similarities between the two were striking. The sister she'd thought was dead. She'd died as a normal human two hundred years ago. So why was she standing here before her? And why did she smell like vampire?

Aurora suddenly felt sick. No! Not her baby sister... It was bad enough she'd been turned into a monster, but given immortality too? Her face whitened and she stumbled backwards, having to lean on a wall for support. Her breathing got shallow. "Angeline. If you could please." She muttered, trying to regain her balance and compose herself.

She stood, expression once more passive as she looked down at her sister with pitying blue eyes. "I'm dealing with a crisis right now. We'll talk in a moment." With that, she placed a hand on her sister's shoulder and nudged her gently to the side. Next, Cassandra came barging down the stairs, shrieking about the furniture before huffing and throwing herself on the couch, mumbling something about house insurance.

She was right. Though they were vampires and didn't really need money to obtain things, merely their persuasion and beauty, Aurora still hated to see anything in her home ruined. All of it, right down to the doorknobs, was imported. Every room was decorated with the flawless perfection only a vampire could obtain. The house was one of the things Aurora would miss when the moved. Though they were both of equal strength, the Werewolves preferred a much smaller house because they didn't always have to use it as they had a pack camp as well. It was still huge, but they'd probably have to share rooms and it wouldn't be as nicely decorated. She'd been there before and everything was decorated in a hunting lodge kind of feel with dead animals and tribe voodoo hanging on almost every wall.

"I don't think we have one. We just came to leave the lovely Jezebel," Aurora was snapped from her thoughts by Erik as he gestured to the white witch. "Into your protection. I feel like we should go, Morgan."

Aurora nodded her agreement and ignored Morgan's goodbye. Quite frankly, the girl was a brat and she was happy they were leaving. She already had the pair of humans, and Fox, to deal with, she didn't have time to babysit everyone. Then Trix barged through the door. Her gust of wind knocked some curtains to the floor and she rolled her eyes and let out an annoyed huff. "Think maybe someone can make an entrance without destroying my home?!" She hissed before listening to what Trix had to say.

She nodded somberly. It was just as she'd thought. The figurine had belonged to the man she'd killed. The one that killed Charlise. She was about to reach for it, when Morgan beat her to it, rage suddenly in her eyes. Was there ever another emotion there? Aparently so, for as Aurora watched, she started sobbing, hysterically. Erick caught her and tucked her into his arms. No matter how much she detested the twins, Aurora's heart couldn't help but flutter a little for she too, knew what it was like to lose someone to these human monsters. "I think we have a reason to stay now." Erik said, eyes on hers, suddenly very serious. It was surprising to see him serious and she nodded with a sigh, running her fingers through her hair.

"Alright." She announced. "Everyone head back to their rooms and get packed. We're moving in with the werewolves as soon as everyone's ready. No arguing with me tonight unless you want to lose a limb." She gave Cassie a pointed look before glancing at the others being the human twins, the warlock twins, the white witch, Angeline, and Trix. "You're all welcome to join us if you'd like. You'll be under our protection from the werewolves should you choose to come." She smiled, thinking of Sadie. "We have something of theirs. They wont hurt you. You're welcome to wait here in the sitting room until we are ready."

And with that, she disappeared for a moment before reappearing again, bags in hand. She'd already been packed since the moment she left her room to go talk to Julien. She sat on the small sofa, looking at the others. "Alright, so I know why the warlock twins are here, and Trix." She looked at the human twins. "Why don't you tell me why you're here. Our agreement was based on secrecy." She looked at her sister. "And why don't you tell me why the hell you're alive, and why you decide to show up now? I know every coven within a twenty city/town radius. You have never been apart of any of them."


"What are you talking about Emmanuel? Are you serious about this?" She could see the hurt in her eyes, that he hadn't consulted with the beta on this. "I'm sorry, but that sounds like a flawed plan." He'd expected that.

"Bullshit, Emmanuel!" Johnathon snapped, actually making him jump. He turned his eyes off Viper to look at him. "The territory has never been safer! Who told you about this threat?" Emmanuel gestured to Fox behind him, just as she admitted that it was her.

"They're right,Are you insane?! I mean,Emmanuel I love and trust with my life but,come on. Humans tiny little humans can not know how to kill us. How do you know that this isn't a trap,you wouldn't just be putting my life in danger but more importantly everyone's lives in danger and for why because Fox told you?! Come on now,she could be behind this plan with the demons so that they can get in our home and kill us all just because of this stupid letter." Nat's came next, then her brother Nick. "And just how are we supposed to know that it is a trap, guys I don't feel like sharing my personal space with the cold hearted bloodsuckers either, but when did Emmanuel ever do something to put us in danger?"

Emmanuel smiled at Nick thankfully. "Look." He said, speaking as alpha. "This is not up for debate. It's going to happen. I just wanted to warn you. I would never do anything to but you guys in danger, you know that. You're my family. And this-" he gestured to the letter "-is made with a magic older than both me and Aurora Mortenson. There's no way she faked this, and if it's real, then there are humans after us. highly trained humans who now our every weakness while we have yet to know theirs. And not to mention that they outnumber us tenfold. We've been wrongly blaming the vampires for the recent disappearances." He shook his head. "Not that they're not disgusting creatures, but we need their help if we're to take down this threat." He let a small smile come to his lips and glanced at Fox. "Plus... They're going to be on our land, in our home, coming to us for protection. We easily have the upper hand should things go wrong, and Aurora would see that. She would never place her coven in a vunerable postition. I've been opposing her for two hundred years. Trust me, I know I'm right when I say that, even if it meant wiping us out, Aurora would never ever make her coven seem weak or incapable. She's too prideful."

9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora Mortenson Character Portrait: Erik Mystara Character Portrait: Angeline Julia Mortelle Mortenson Character Portrait: Morgan Mystara Character Portrait: Emmanuel Cross Character Portrait: Samantha Violet Lestat Character Portrait: Gabriel James Lestat Character Portrait: Cassandra Astra Le'Rouge Character Portrait: Julien Blanche Le'Rouge
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Angeline allowed her sister to push her to the side while she dealt with her coven. It helped Angel a bit, she got to see what her sister looked like with her own eyes, and not through old drawings or through visions. A twaiting pain caught in Angel's chest as she heard someone say "Then, Trina, a pixie that DJs every now and then, told me that when she lived in Ireland, she knew a family of vampires that was killed off by a group of humans. Not like the the normal humans that just have pitchforks and torches, humans that were prepared to kill a whole family of vampires. She said that when she went to see if there were any surviving vampires left, and she found a statue of Artemis in the middle of the ashes." Angel closed her eyes. That was her coven. Her family. Slowly she walked over to the Warlock that was holding the small figurine and took it from her gently, before looking down.

A flash of anger rose to Angel's usually emotionless face. Her hand closed around the figurine, and for a moment she wanted to crush it to dust, snap it in half, destroy it like they destroyed her coven. Instead, she handed it back to the female warlock and walked back over to her sister, who was now sitting on the couch.
"Why don't you tell me why you're here. Our agreement was based on secrecy." She looked at her sister. "And why don't you tell me why the hell you're alive, and why you decide to show up now? I know every coven within a twenty city/town radius. You have never been apart of any of them." Angel couldn't help but wince, maybe her sister didn't even want her here.

"I was in Ireland. The Coven your friends was talking about..that was mine.." Angel looked down and took in a deep breath. "I came to try you." Angel looked up at her sister and tried to master a light smile, which turned out more of a grimace. She sighed and dropped down beside her sister onto the couch, setting her clenched hands into her lab she simply stared at them. It hurt to think about her coven, and after all these years of not seeing her elder sister, what if she hated her now? what if she hated the revenge consumed girl that used to be her angel of a little sister.

Maybe she would send her way. Angel clenched her teeth.


"Alright." Aurora announced, making Cassie lift her arm and glance at her. "Everyone head back to their rooms and get packed. We're moving in with the werewolves as soon as everyone's ready. No arguing with me tonight unless you want to lose a limb." She gave Cassie a pointed look before glancing at the others. Cassie rolled her eyes and raised her hands in surrender. "Fine but if one of those pups bite me, I'm beating up your second in command." she said referring to her brother before she stood up and headed upstairs.

Cassie made her way into her room, and pulled out a suit case, a back pack and a outfit. for her to wear after she got done packing. Cassie packed almost all of her clothes into the suit case, and then added in some shoes and make up. Afterwards she went over to her back pack and put some of her favorite books in, followed by her ipod, cell phone, and some how she manged to stuff her favorite pillow into the bag. afterwards she changed into a dark purple tank top, and put on the gray rain coat, leaving it open, and the pair of black skinny jeans followed by the boots. Cassie left the purse on her beg put un-rolled the scarf and let it hang loosely around her neck.

"Good enough.." she mumbled grabbing her bags and heading down stairs.


Gabe looked at Aurora and ran and hand through his hair. "Those people you had me spying on, they threatend to kill Sam. We didn't have any other choice." he sighed and looked hopefully at Aurora beofre Sam pushed him a side a pretty much yelled in his face. "What?! Who's gonna kill me?! Gabe I swear to god I'll Killed you. what the hell did you do?!!" She grabbed his shirt and shook his violently while he tried to get her off. "Right..Who would want to kill a nice girl like you." he shot back, sarcasm clear in his voice and he rolled his eyes and gently pushed her away from him.

"Calm down, no one will kill you...Here, go change or something." he handed her a bag and Sam glared for a moment, before stomping up stairs to find a bathroom or something to change in. Yesterday her brother at offered to take her out to dinner, and today he told her someone was planning to kill her, what do you do when someone tells you something like that?!! Do you freak out and run? Or get angry and yell. Well she did a little of both...

Gabe turned to Aurora and rubbed the back of his neck before speaking. "Look, you don't have to protect me, but I need to to keep her safe, she's all I have left and if something happened to my sister.." Gabe shook her head, like the very thought had burned him. he really wouldn't know what to do if someone killed Sam, she really was all he had left, the rest of their family were already dead. If someone killed her, they might as well kill him at the same time.

(Sorry these are so short.. )

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Viper's hands were balled up into fists as she listened to Emmanuel. She hated this decision, she hated that he didn't consult her first, and she hated that it wasn't up for disscussion. But he was the alpha and she had to listen to him. She respected him and she would respect his decisions as alpha. Even if she thought he was wrong. But right now, she didn't want to listen anymore. Viper bit her toungue and walked away from the pack meeting.

She couldn't think straight. Humans that could kill them? She knew that humans have done it before, but she didn't think there was more than a handful of them. It was hard for her to wrap her mind around it, but she eventually would have to accept it. She sat down in a chair and rubbed her temples. 'He could have at least told me.' she thought. 'That would have been nice.'

Viper sat up straight and took a deep sigh. "This will be fun." She said sarcastically. "Shit. Shit. Shit." She repeated the word over and over until she felt somewhat better.
Then, she made a mental list of the vampires she would have to try really hard not to kill. All of them. Specifically Aurora and her asshole of a second-in-command, Julien. Seriously, she hated that guy. He thought he was so suave. A sexy vampire? Really creative.

Morgan and Erik

Erik had moved his sister so that they were both sitting on the couch. They would be going with the vampires to live with the werewolves. Though he hated to admit it, the twins needed some protection. But more than that, Erik wanted to kill some of these humans. Though he wasn't sure of it, he had a feeling their ancestors had something to do with the witch trials. It would make sense. He closed his eyes and thought of his parents. They would finally be avenged.

Morgan had stopped crying, though she rested her head rested against her brother's shoulder. Her eyes were red and she looked like a bit of a mess. Her stomach was swirling with anger and sadness. "Erik?" She whispered. "Yeah?" He responded. "Do you think they killed mom and dad?" Erik took a deep breath and nodded. "I think they may have. If they hate paranormals, the witch trials would have their names written all over it." Morgan moved closer to Erik.

"Why do they hate us, Erik? It's not like we chose to be Warlocks." Morgan sounded like a little girl, a very strange occurance. It seemed as if her bitchy front had melted away, revealing the vulnerable child underneath. Erik shrugged. "You can never be sure why people do what they do. I think it's because they don't understand us." Morgan sighed. Her once-lover's face kept flashing in front of her face. "They keep ruining our lives. First, they took out parents, then they took my love. Will they try to take us away from each other?"

Erik smiled softly at his sister and took her hand in his. "Listen. We'll never be apart. You're my only family left and I don't think I'd make it another day without you. I mean, life would be unbearable without a familiar face everday." Morgan smiled weakly. "I love you Erik. I'm sorry about what I said. I guess I just get made that people like you better. They always have." Erik gave a devilish smile. "Do you want to tell you why?" Morgan raised an eyebrow. "Because I act like a bitch. You always tell me." Erik nodded. "That's right. People would like you better if you started caring about more than youself."

Erik waited for a response, but it didn't come. He looked at Morgan to discover she had fallen asleep. "Cute." He said with a smile and he wrapped one of his arms around her.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elise Cole Character Portrait: Emmanuel Cross
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Elise was walking down the street, she was feeling hungry once more but really did not want to feed again. She was still getting used to the point that she had to drink blood and she really did not like it at all. She hasn't been able to shower for awhile and she hasn't had any clean clothes for a few days now, she was worn out and tired of looking, though she wasn't exactly sure what she was looking for. She just knew she had to keep walking, to keep getting farther away from her old life, though she couldn't help but think of her family, of the baby that was no longer going to be born, that she no longer was a wife. She looked down at the ring on her finger and sighed, she was never going to take it off but she did hope that Micah would be able to move on.

She found herself walking the streets of Rose City, she has never been to this town before so everything was very new to her. As she walking she could sense the different emotions going on around her, she was guessing there was a place where a lot of people hung out around here because the emotions she could feel where pretty out there and they where extreme. As she was thinking this she noticed a club and guessed that was where everyone was.

She could smell the blood and it really didnā€™t help her hunger at all, she noticed a scrawny guy stumble down an alley and Elise quietly followed him and next thing you know she is right next to him holding his neck and she sank her fangs in to the boys neck. He didnā€™t even have time to scream and next thing you know he is crumpled on the ground with no sounds of life. Elise cursed at herself, blood was running down her mouth. She hated this, she felt she had no control over herself, next thing she was doing was running, she ran till she found herself in a forest. She stopped for a second and looked around before she started walking once more and she now felt like she was lost.

Elise then saw a manor she went closer to it ā€œa manor in a forest?ā€ she thought to herself as she got closer to the manor, she could pick up some of the emotions from other people, there seemed to be a few people inside. ā€œMaybe they could tell me how to get out of the forestā€œ she thought to herself as she went to the front door and knocked a couple times before she turned around to look out to the forest once more. She couldn't help but feel there was something different about the forest, something a bit off but she couldn't exactly figure it out.