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Black Hydra Academy for the Talented

Black Hydra Academy for the Talented


Black Hydra Academy, was the original name of this school. Many years back, there was an attack on UVER, that nearly took out the whole land. Because of that the SIC, the Secret Intelligence Central, build this school to become The Protectors of UVER

1,278 readers have visited Black Hydra Academy for the Talented since PonDeMusic created it.


Welcome to Black Hydra Academy

Now, I'll introduce you to you guide to day. This is the headmaster's daughter, don't piss her off. Well, I'll be off. Oh, where am I going? I have to go somewhere, that's not here got it? Now, Avaron. I'll leave them to you.

Yeah, yeah. I got them. This is Black Hydra Academy, I'll show you around. Don't follow, and that earns you a kick in the groin. Let's start off with some history. As you heard this academy is my descendent's, they story goes a few years, back , but let's skip some. I'll give you a brief explication of the school. It was build over a cemetery, so don't be freaked out when you see them roaming the halls. In the year 2000, UVER was attached, and on a huge scale, 75% of the country was gone, and most of the people died, yeah. Sad isn't it? Anyway, the people who were left, that small 25% was most of the SIC and a few Mygs. The SIC is the Secret Intelligence Center, Mygs are magical beings, that's pronounced My-ig-as. Let's continue, the school was build to prevent that from ever happening again, at first it was named Black Hydra Academy, it accepted Mygs and Nominds, pronounced Nim-ods, non-magical beings. Soon, they relised, that Nominds, weren't understanding anything. Soon, all Nominds were kicked out of the school, leaving only Mygs. So, the name changed to Black Hydra Academy for the Talented, and since then student had to fill out a forum to get accepted into this school.


Year 1:

Class A:

Class B:

Class C:

Class D:

Class E:

Year 2:

Class A:

Class B:
- Jeph Issac Deprecor

Class C:

Class D:

Class E:

Year 3:

Class A:
- Avaron Allia Crelitic

Class B:

Class C:

Class D:

Class E:

Year 4:

Class A:

Class B:

Class C:

Class D:

Class E:

Year 5:

Class A:

Class B:

Class C:

Class D:

Class E:

Year 6:

Class A:

Class B:

Class C:

Class D:

Class E:

Year 7:

Class A:

Class B:

Class C:

Class D:

Class E:


Yeah, it's pretty big, but sometimes people get lost here and end up dieing here, become ghost. Yep, sad. So you wanna, sigh up, eh? Well, just fill out this forum. They teach from twelve year olds to eighteen year olds. As a twleve, you'd be a Year 7 and at eighteen you'd be Year 1. Classes are measured in this way. The older you are the harder the classes get, as in each grade level there are four different classes, ranging from hardest to easiest. Class A, the hardest and Class E, the easiest.

Code: Select all
[u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u]

[b]Given Name: (First Name)
Middle Name: (Optional)
Last Name:

Nicknames: (Optional)


Breed:(See OOC for List)
Magical Abillites: (See OCC for List, No More Then Two, Unless You Have A Reason)


[b]Eye Color(s):
Hair Color(s):

General Appearance: (No Photos, only the Avatar. Anime or Real Doesn't Matter)

Dressing Style:


Family History:

Personal History:

Magical History:

Background: (Same as the Real World, Chinese, English, ect.)




Nomind Talents:[/b]

[u][b]Minor Details[/b][/u]


Toggle Rules

1. Read Everything. I mean, everything damn thing. Really, it's NOT a lot, just a bit of history.

2. Post often, I’m new, but I can annoy the hell out of people

3. Type full sentences, proper spelling and grammar. Pucutaion, it has to be, dont' over write. That's stupid.

4. Posts must be AT LEAST a paragraph. Five or Six Lines (typo before) By my standards at least, don't type to little and don't type to much, no essays.

5. Keep it funky, have fun with everyone. Your character can be an ass, but YOU shouldn’t be an ass…. Treat others, the way you wish to be treated. If you treat people like trash, I will treat you like trash.

6. Right now. I have everything down, if you wish to add something to the story line, PM ME!

7. Don't hog the spot light. Don't make relationships, to hard core. Keep it PG-13. If your thirteen or under, you are NOT allowed a relationship. Girls think guys have cooties and vise versa.

8. I’m all for creative freedom, if you have something to contribute to the RP above the typical posting, such as a plot line idea or something send it my way. Also, if you have a character in mind that doesn’t necessairly fit what I have detailed in the intro…PM me. We can talk

X. Put this password at the top of your profile: “Cut A Head, Get Two In Return!” So I know you read everything.

9. You’ve made it to the end…now for the love of everything that is holy…POST OR SUBMIT A CHARACTER, DAMMIT!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors

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Avaron stepped through the grand oak doors of the academy. Her eyes scanning the area, it was empty. She check her watch as, she slowly walked down the halls. It was only six-thirty a.m. She thought for a moment. Her father would be here, and maybe her mother also. She let her feet do the walking, zoning out for a second. She closed her eyes, to make the place a surprise.

Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump Thump

That's what her shoes sounded against the marble flooring of the school, her school. Her feet carried her everywhere around the school and her brain had no control over it, but every so often, it would try to force open Avaron's eyes, but she kept them closed, and let her feet continue on it's journey. Her feet stopped, and Avaron's eyes shot open, in front of her was a large oak door, but not the entertainer door, the door to the music room.

Easily, she threw open the doors and made her way toward the piano. Her fingers gently gracing the keys of the piano. She body ached to play it, and she gave into it. She sat down of the piano and placed her fingers on the white keys.

Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap

Her eyes shot toward the window, it was now raining. She checked her watch, it was seven thirty. She had spent an hour wandering the school, but still classes didn't start until eight thirty, she had another hour. She took a deep breath and started to play, it was her favorite Nomind song, Finally by a girl named Fergie. She poured her emotions into the piano, softly she started singing. It wasn't something she liked or disliked, she was told to learn to sing, play piano and violin and dance, and she learned all of them. Singing, was just a force of habit. The song echoed though the halls, not because of the loudness, but because the walls were built from echonia. A type of building material, that echoed musical instruments, that's why it was in the music room.

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Jeph snored softly, his laptop open in front of him, its speakers quietly humming in the same rhythm as his breathing. He twitched slightly, being in such a deep state that almost nothing could wake him, save a loud explosion or other such occurance. He twitched again, curling into a ball on the seat he slept on, muttering quietly about something happening in his dream. He did this quite often, sleeping in the chair the way he was. Though most people would find it uncomfortable, he found it to be quite soothing and relaxing; he didn't understand how anyone could sleep otherwise. Shaking slightly, he began exiting the stages of sleep, slowly waking and looking around. "All right, time to get started on the day. What time is it- Why am I awake? What woke me up at six thirty in the damned morning?!" He said in an irritated tone, his eyes blurry as he glanced around the room. The computer on the ground began emitting a squealing noise, prompting Jeph to close the offending object. "Damn machine, picking up on that stupid field I have." He muttered, sitting up in the chair and looking for his things. He rose from the chair and made a bee-line for a pile of clothing set on a desk, intending to change from the clothes he slept in to cleaner ones, though admittedly similar in appearence. Once he was clad in fresh clothes, he retrieved his goggles, his wallet, and his belt. Putting all of these on, he glanced at a mirror that sat on the same desk, checking his appearence. "Alright, I look about the same. Fantastic." He chuckled slightly, before looking at a nearby electrical outlet. "Let's see what kind of trouble I can get myself in to at six in the morning." He said aloud, again, before jumping into the outlet.

He zipped along at the speed he had grown accustomed to, with no thoughts or desires or any human things at all. He loved how he was able to suddenly form after going through the wires as he did, surprising any unsuspecting people at the receiving end of his travels. On this particular trip, however, he found himself in the end of a seemingly empty room, in a department he hardly knew. He picked up a chair and moved it over towards where he entered the room, listening intently. What he was listening to, however, was Avaron's piano playing. It wasn't often that he stopped to listen to something as he jumped 'around the grid', but when he did, there was an intensely specific reason behind it. The reason this time was, that as she was the Headmaster's daughter, she was supposed to be very self-assured and snobbish. However, he knew that one way to see the true nature of someone was to observe them when they believed themselves to be alone.

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Avaron kept playing, her head staring at the keys, a smirk grew on her face.

"I know, your there." She guessed.

She didn't really know, with her luck, somebody probably was.

"Your Jeph Deprecor." She guessed again. "Looking for a performance?"

She picked her head up and looked at the boy, sitting in a chair by a plug. He was watching her and listening to her play. Her fingers slammed on the keys, making a horrible noise, she listened as it did.

"I'd love to preform for you." She said, sarcasm dripping from every word.

She got up and walked toward a cabinet, opened it and started picking through some sheet music. When she found what she needed, a smirk appeared again, since the other had disappeared. She slowly walked back to the piano and placed the sheet music on the stand. She sat herself down and started to play. It was a jazz song. Suddenly, the windows burst open and cold breeze started throughout the room, followed by the rain flooding from the outside. It was now cold and Avaron was soaked in rain, making her shiver. It made her cold, only slightly. She did this all the time, not at seven thirty in the morning, but she did this whenever she could. It was a habit, pretty much. Whenever someone was caught watching her playing, she would play a piece, and with the help of the elements, it became a storm inside this room every time, echonia, was actually very durable. The rain quickly turned turned to ice pelts, shooting everything in sight. She kept playing.


It had finally arrived, lighting. Her finally, the finishing statement.


It struck just above the boys foot, almost hitting him. Avaron would never kill someone, her father would dis-own her.


The song was finished. First, the lighting left, followed by the ice shards, turning back into rain droplets and the cold breeze gone. A warm breeze, like the ones in the summer in time, blew threw the room, closing the windows, and then it became visible, a small fire-ball. The left over ice and water, melted and evaporated. Avaron turned toward the boy, Jeph as he was named. She waited for an reaction from him.

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Jeph jumped when the lightning struck near his foot, but nothing else phased him. He was never partial to intense weather, preferring to stay indoors when even mild storms came near. He waited it out, however, and observed her performance. "I take it the lightning was intentional, as was the ice and such? No matter, such a beautiful piece must come with a little accompaniment, I suppose." He stated calmly, a slight smirk forming on his features. "On another note entirely; how exactly did you know my name? I don't even know yours, but I do know enough to know that you're the Headmaster's daughter. Is he using you as an informant or some such thing like that?" He added, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning back into the chair, smirking in earnest now. He knew that he was pushing his luck, but his father and mother had financial backing in the school, so he felt entitled to a little mischief now and then. Shaking his head slightly, he rose, picking the chair up and replacing it in the location he had originally taken it from. "In any case, I did enjoy your performance; the attitude, not so much. What was the name of the song you were playing when I showed up, hm? That one seemed to have more emotional attachment to you than the one you deigned to play for me." He continued, the wiseass smirk never leaving his features as he moved towards the wall to lean against it.

Jeph was never one to back down from a challenge, and it seemed that even getting past her shell was going to be one that he was almost unprepared for. Almost; he still had a few tricks up his sleeve. One of these tricks was to be vague and aloof; by doing so, the target's attention was drawn towards him, and once they were in, he sunk his claws in and probed around, trying to find a way to interact with them as to where it allowed a bond to form. Something told him, however, that the approach in question would not prove successful with Avaron. He felt as though she had a defense for almost any approach he had in his arsenal.

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Avaron rolled her eyes.

"Obviously, everything was intentional. The piece was jazz, the elements I used, didn't really fit with it and niether did the way I used them. They were a warning toward you, Jeph."She said, she thought it was the most obvious thing in the world.

She didn't allow anyone to see her play, sing or dance and if someone was caught. They had a three strikes. First was the warning. Second, was the threat and third, was the threat being carried out. Really, the second and third worked together, but that really didn't matter to her.

"I'm the Headmaster's daughter. I know everyones' names. I'm surprised you don't know mine. There's been a lot of drama about me around the school." She started. "My father isn't using me as a informant, I go to school here. I'm the Headmaster's daughter, as I said before. I know everyone's name."

Avaron got up and slowly walked toward the boy, her steps soundless, and soft, going from heel to toe. When she stood in front of him, and held out her hand.

"Avaron Crelitc." She introduced. " And that song before was a Nomind song. Finally, by a girl name Fergie. Why?"

She waited for a reaction from Jeph, if he did anything she didn't like. She would screwer him, even if his parents had financial backing on the school. She would lie, something she was a master of.

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Jeph raised his hands, denying her a handshake or any formality of the sort. "Well well well, someone's a little crabby. I dont follow drama, nor do I really try to learn everyone's name. I only asked about the piece because it seemed to hold some significance for you. Now, since I'm obviously unwelcome here, I'll be off." He replied, pushing himself away from the wall and, seemingly unintentionally, into her 'personal space'. He quickly stepped away, and sidled towards the power outlet. "You have aggression issues, you know that, right? I hope I'm not delivering breaking news or anything, though. I'd hate to be the one to deliver that little tidbit in the daily paper." He chuckled, his smirk becoming more and more smartassey. Giving a mock salute, he stepped into the power outlet, and streamed through.

He made a few quick turns, and popped out at the other end of the room, nearer to the piano than he had been, and further away from Avaron than he was personally. Settling onto the piano bench, he crossed one leg over the other, and held his hands behind his head. 'The only thing you can do is run, Jeph. She has more power in the politics of the school than you, stronger powers than you, and she can probably break this bench over your head if she wished to do so.' His internal voice of caution warned. Smirking slightly more than before, he knew one thing that he would never do is admit that the voice of reason was more correct about his situation than he was. "Oh, and Avaron, the lightning was a bit over-the-top; I would have gotten a bit more of a threat out of you telling me not to do whatever it was I did again. As far as I'm concerned, lightning is like bringing a cannon to a water-gun fight; sure, it seems like a good idea at the time, but no one is going to take it seriously enough to be threatened." He shouted, once more prepping himself to dive for the power outlet he had recently vacated.

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A smirk graced her face, he had denied her handshake. Her eyes had watched him, as he had entered the plug. Electrical Transportation, very useful in more then one way, but not, when she was around. She controlled the elements, including electricity, which was in a sub-category with Lighting.

"I've got aggression issues, I know that much about me." She said, sarcastically.

Her back still turned to his new seat, her piano bench. Jeph was right, the lighting was a bit over the top, but she would find a better move later. That was the there and then, she had to think quick and that' s what she came up with. This boy was more interesting then she thought. He wasn't scared of her, not like most people in the school. She, even though she would never admit it, like that. He wasn't a scared little boy like all the other boys, he was different. She whipped her body around and looked at Jeph. He was now on his way to the nearest plug. Her eyes narrowed at the plug, it sparked a few times, and then smoked. She whipped away the smoke with a cold breeze of wind.

"Your powers are Electrical Transportation and Technopathy. I'm guessing." She said.

The first was obvious, but the second, wasn't obvious. He hadn't done anything, that proved he was a technopath. Being the headmaster's daughter had it's perks. She glanced at her watch, eight thirty, her eyes widened.

"SHIT!" She exclaimed.

She looked back at Jeph, "You do relies that we are late for class?"

She promised her father she wouldn't be as bad as the last few years, but a few lates were okay. Those lates had already been used, sadly. Now, she would be grounded if she was late.

"Well, bye. Nice to meet you, we should meet again, maybe a battle next time." She rushed, the words flew from her mouth before she could process them.

She sprinted from the room, toward her classroom. In the back of her mind, she wondered weather she would meet with Jeph again. She liked him.

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Jeph grinned, and stopped, watching the plug as it smoked and sputtered. 'Interesting; so she knows more about men than I do about her. Well, this is gonna be a challenge.' Jeph thought, glancing at his watch as she rushed away. "Welp, time to get to class, I suppose. Either that, or go back to bed." He said aloud to no one in particular, before turning on his heel and walking leisurely for the exit. He had heard her speaking as she left, but he didn't have time to respond, which was quite alright with him. He grinned as he left the room, whistling a little Nomind song, something called Electric Worry. He was late to classes quite often, but as his natural persuasiveness allowed, he was often excused. That, combined with his parents' investments in the institution, allowed him to get away with quite a bit. He did get in trouble occasionally, and it was not at all uncommon to see him hanging around the office, though not worried in that 'oh god he's gonna kill me' way that most of the other students were. In his case, he found that the main office was a place where a majority of his creative work got done.

Passing by a teacher trying to fill his quota for tardy students, Jeph gave out a sharp wolf-whistle. "Oi! Over here!" He called out, as the teacher turned, livid upon recognition of Jeph. "You are tardy for the last time, Deprecor! I will see you out of this school, or I will cease working here!" The teacher called back, storming towards him. "Ah, got your bags packed, I assume?" He replied, sidling towards an outlet. Raising one foot tenatively, he placed it on the outlet, trying to phase into the grid.

Nothing happened.

The realization that he was basically S.O.L. at this point struck him like a sack of hammers. "Uh, can't we talk this out, sir? I always did enjoy our little chats, you know." Jeph reasoned, hoping that some miracle would happen to turn the tide in his favor. By random chance, it did. The teacher tripped over his own feet, opening a narrow window of escape for Jeph. A window that he forced open further to accomodate himself. Sprinting towards the I.T. department, where his next class happened to be, Jeph let out a sigh of relief. "I am a lucky little man sometimes." He laughed after he said this, skidding around a corner as he made for the first period of his day.

The setting changes from World: Unikwa Country: UVER to Classrooms


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Avaron rushed down the halls, quickly turning corners and running down the halls, until she reached her class. She slammed the door open, attracting the attention of the entire class. Her teacher frowned at her.

"Miss. Crelitic, you are late to class." He spoke.

"No, duh." She replied.

"Miss. Crelitic, I will not allow you're sass in my classroom." He said.

Avaron rolled her eyes, "Well, technically. It's not your classroom, it's the schools."

His face turned beat red and the class giggled, "Miss, Crelitic, down to the I. T department, right now. I need you too pick up some photo copies I have made their."

"Why don't you go get them?" She asked.

She really didn't want to start walking again, she had just ran half-way across the school.

"Miss. Crelitic, go pick up the papers!" He shouted.

Black flames made their way towards Avaron, immediately. A small wave of water came seeping out of the floor onto the flames, putting them out.

"Fine, fine. I'll go get them." She muttered, making her way out of the classroom and back into the hallway. She quickly walked toward the I. T department, finding the computer lab, and quickly grabbing the papers. She made her way out of the computer lab. She spotted Jeph, walking the halls. Obviously, his class was in the I. T department.

"What a place to meet again?" She said, looking at the boy.

Her luck seemed to be kicking in.

The setting changes from Classrooms to World: Unikwa Country: UVER

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Jeph smirked, and stopped in his tracks, crossing his arms over his chest. "You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were stalking me or something." He replied, his expression showing the amusement he felt. In truth, he felt like things were going a bit too well for him; first, he got to hear a musical performance without having to pay someone, then the run-in with the patroller allowed him an escape, and now he met with Avaron on terms more towards his favor. He felt comfortable around technology, which was not unusual when one considers his ability. "Fortunately for the both of us, I do know better. What I don't know, however, is why we've been running into eachother all day. You wouldn't happen to have an answer for that, would you?" He continued, raisinig one eyebrow and shifting his weight from one foot to the other.

In truth, he didn't much mind running into Avaron, as the other options (running into a patrolling teacher, or worse, the Headmaster) were not altogether appealing to him. 'At least,' He thought, trying to quickly rationalize why he was interested that she was in this hallway. 'She probably isn't going to rat me out to her dad. That much I think I can be thankful for.'

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"You think I planned us meeting into each other all day?" She asked him.

Avaron, was a few moments from freezing Jeph's feet to the floor and leaving him. He was just so full of himself wasn't he.

"That's not physically possible, you do realise that? Even if I wanted to, not saying that I do. I wouldn't be able to do anything like that." She argued.

A sigh escaped her mouth. She was starting to think that she liked this guy, but that thought pushed to the back of her head. She normally didn't act like this.

"Anyway, since were both here. Why don't we battle?" She asked. "Of course, unless your scared. This is your territory."

Avaron was board and didn't want to back to class. Battles weren't against the school rules, so they wouldn't get into trouble for battling. They didn't even need a supervisor, they could just randomly start battling it out. Before he could react, Avaron sent a wave of ice spikes at him. She wondered how he was going to fight, she didn't really know anything about Techopathy, she wanted to see what he could do. the wave of spikes made their way to him.

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Jeph watched in shock as the spike came hurtling towards him, their trajectory aimed towards his current position. Diving out of the way, he quickly flexed his fingers, trying to prep himself for the inevitable. "Well, good to see you just assumed I wanted to fight. Very well, time to go about this properly." He replied, before standing, cracking his neck and knuckles, and clearing his throat. His smirk changed from one of amusement, to a grin worthy of the most insane member of an asylum. Adopting a defensive stance, he pointed his finger towards an overheard sprinkler, calling it into action. Water gushed down, soaking the hallway as well as it's occupants. "Hope those papers weren't vitally important, Avaron. It would be a shame for the long trip you took to this hallway to be completely wasted like that." He shouted over the din of the sprinklers, his grin gaining a steadily more evil quality to it. He was not one to fight often, but the ones he did get in were oft full of trickery and other such machinations.

Drenched to the bone already, he stared at Avaron with an expectant expression, waiting for her next move. In truth, he hoped to get away from this battle without much of a conflict, but he was fairly certain that Avaron wouldn't allow that. Crossing his arms, he glanced around, trying to plot out how exactly he would attempt to make it out of this little predicament. 'Well, the grid is obviously not an option with this one. Maybe, just maybe, I could trick her into going into one of the rooms that has lockdown. Nah, she's too clever for that. Great, Jeph, just great. How do you even get into these situations?' The voices of reason and of his personality debated in his mind, as Jeph gradually became more and more aware of what he was doing. "Shit shit shit shit shiiiiiiit. This is bad, ohhhhhh this is bad." He muttered under his breath, glancing nervously towards the end of the hallway.

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The water started to pelt Avaron, a smirk graced her face.

"Little tricks is it Jeph. Is that how you fight? Maybe you're not even made to fight." She said.

She wasn't completely happy about the papers, but whatever. She wanted a fight, so she picked one. She snapped her fingers twice. The shower of cold water, now became a shower of hard ice. There were still small puddles of water scattered around the floor. She pointed to every single one of them, and snapped at them. Turning them to ice. She turned back to Jeph.

'If he can control techology, well. That's what I'm guessing right now, this is his territory. No, he must think that I'm too smart to get any deeper into this mess. Well, he's right. How can I defeat him, but not hurt him at the same time. Well, let's think. Wait, no. No time to think. Oh, god. How am I going to play this out. I should have never picked a fight without a plan. God, dammit!' Her thoughts started to mess with her powers, but she didn't even notice. As she was too caught up in her mind.

Roots started to shoo upward from the ground randomly, the ice turned to water, spread and then turned to ice again. Then she snapped back into reality.

"Oh god. It happen again. Not again, not now!" She shouted.

Her powers weren't stable, when she got into thought. She usually made plans before hand, but she had just jumped on the fight. She didn't plan anything, god. This was going to kill her. Her parents always said to take the Gift Control lessons after school, but she had always denied doing those things. She went back into deep thought. She had her hands behind her back, tucked into her pockets, where they could give no commands.

The setting changes from World: Unikwa Country: UVER to Hallways


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Jeph grimaced, pulling his feet free from the thin sheet of ice that covered them as ice continued to rain down from the sprinkler. His expression changed, becoming more akin to something one wore in a fight, which he was unused to. Pointing again at the offending sprinkler head, he shut it off, glaring at Avaron the entire time. "I'm not made to fight, no. I make others fight for me." He snapped back, placing his feet solidly on the thin, glistening sheet of frozen water. The ice surprisingly held his weight, and an idea popped into his mind. 'This is a horrible, horrible idea, Jeph. This is on par with stopping in on her and starting this whole thing in the first place. Don't even try it, man. It's not worth it.' The voice of reason begged, trying to keep him from going through with his plan. The plan itself was a simple one; even though he did not particularly care for the cold, he had taken ice hockey lessons at the behest of his parents some years ago. As unlikely as it was, he enjoyed the way the ice allowed him to manipulate physics to his advantage, and trick his way into getting a goal. Unsurprisingly, however, he quickly stopped playing once he got the tiniest bit of an injury.

Nodding slightly, he got into his stance, noting that in lieu of protective padding and ice skates, he had jeans and running shoes. Shoving himself forward with one foot, he began sliding towards Avaron, calculating the necessary forces and angles for his plan to work. Dropping into a slide, he snatched at her ankle with one hand, hoping his momentum was enough to knock her down, knowing that in all actuality it probably wasn't. Though it wasn't his best idea, nor was it probably his most well-thought-out one, it was more of a plan than he had eariler. In his opinon, a poorly executed and badly thought-out plan was better than one that took months of planning to save ten seconds of work, or no plan at all. He got through life semi-successfully with this policy, but he never had to use it in a combat-tye situation. Instead, he thought on his feet, trying, mostly with positive results, to talk his way out of fights, or convince others to fight for him.

The setting changes from Hallways to World: Unikwa Country: UVER

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Avaron watched Jeph slid toward her.

'What the heck is he going to-' Her thoughts cut off when her ankle was grabbed by Jeph himself.

She quickly fell forward, smashing onto the ice. Getting herself onto her hands and knee, she watched something red fall and hit the ice. Blood, something she hated. Wiping her nose, revealing more blood, she stood. She faced Jeph, and angry look planted on her face. She quickly snapped, with the ice turned back to water, and then swinging her arms forward, the water made it's way toward Jeph. Avaron snapped with her right hand turned the warm water into ice again. Large spikes of ice that were flying toward Jeph. A smirked graced Avaron's face, she had been doing that a lot to day. She was going to screwer him, unless he moved. The large spikes were closely groups together, and it wasn't hard to escape them.

She quickly moved, her shoes soaking in the excess water. She wanted to see what would happen to him, she still kept her arms in front of her to keep the ice moving, but that wasn't necessary.

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Wandering Eh?


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Hope Your Learning!

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View All » Add Character » 2 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Avaron Allia Crelitc
Character Portrait: Jeph Isaac Deprecor


Character Portrait: Jeph Isaac Deprecor
Jeph Isaac Deprecor

"Look, you're interrupting Heathen-Time; get your business done and get out."

Character Portrait: Avaron Allia Crelitc
Avaron Allia Crelitc

'I'm the Headmaster's Daughter, So Don't Mess With Me'


Character Portrait: Avaron Allia Crelitc
Avaron Allia Crelitc

'I'm the Headmaster's Daughter, So Don't Mess With Me'

Character Portrait: Jeph Isaac Deprecor
Jeph Isaac Deprecor

"Look, you're interrupting Heathen-Time; get your business done and get out."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Avaron Allia Crelitc
Avaron Allia Crelitc

'I'm the Headmaster's Daughter, So Don't Mess With Me'

Character Portrait: Jeph Isaac Deprecor
Jeph Isaac Deprecor

"Look, you're interrupting Heathen-Time; get your business done and get out."

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