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Ace Vasquez

"so how would you like it on the rocks or not"

0 · 1,128 views · located in Black Lotus Cafe

a character in “Black Lotus Cafe”, originally authored by Polarisbear12, as played by RolePlayGateway


Appearance :
standing at 6'2 Ace has a beautiful body which will sometimes earn her unwanted attention though she always deals with it. her eyes glow an oranges color and will sometimes be seen wearing glasses.
Name: Ace Vasquez
Nicknames: Alice, A, Ace of Spades, Chess Queen.
Age: unknown but appears to be in her early 20’s
Gender: Female
Species: Demon
Accents: a bit of Brazilian accent
Occupation: acts as a bartender at the café and as a DJ in her spare time at an exclusive club.
Relationship status: Single


Personality: Ace is smart and most often amuses herself by watching humans. She doesn’t really care much for people. Carefree and calm sometimes she has such a killer aura when she gets mad(which raely happens) that sometimes people actually see themselves die. Ace is quite apathetic and it is unusual for her to show interest in others affairs. And being the way she is she likes to mess with people sometimes just to scare them. Ace is a rather quiet person who tends to keep to herself but can be quite the listener just don’t expect much of an answer as she rarely talks.
Likes: sweets, alcohol, dance/ club music, dancing, the colour black, humans she finds amusing, chess.
Dislikes: rude and annoying people, cold water, drunks, greedy people, fire, men who try to flirt with her.
Hobbies: bartending, making her own music, trying new recipes for drinks and desserts, playing any kind of intrument and playing cards.
Talents: is a talented musician, known for making awesome club music and her awesome drinks, is a skilled pastry chef and dancer, is known for her great card skills.
Fears: drowning in cold water, really cold weather
Ways of coping: she tries to stay as far away from large quantities of water as much as she can and makes sure when she takes a shower that the water is warm and not to take baths.
Crush: will be added as rp progresses


History: very little is known about her other than the fact that she has been bartending at Black Lotus Café for a long time.
Other: she has a lot of scars on her body the most noticeable one being on her back in the shape of a ragged ‘S’. She has her ears pierced 3 times as well as her trademark earing a queen chess piece. Ace will also throw out the "trash" or those who don't abide by the café's rules or make a disturbance.

So begins...

Ace Vasquez's Story

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Character Portrait: Ace Vasquez Character Portrait: Devan Matthews
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Devan smiled and thanked the beautiful waitress for retrieving his order before she had left. There, he began to focus on eating his soup. It was a strange flavor, one he was not too used to. In all honesty, Miso Soup was the only name of any Japanese dish he knew about, which is why he ordered it. He knew they ate tuna and other stuff, but knew not the name, nor cared much for fish in the first place. Thusly, he was surprised he did not necessarily hate the dish before him.


Devan's head rose from his dish and to the sound that had entered his ears. He hated such a sound, because it was skin-on-skin contact which made the sound. This was confirmed when he saw a disgusting-looking biker that had locked lips with the unwilling waitress who had just served Devan himself.

He had probably made the biggest mistake in his life, that biker.

Devan stood up, much in contrast to the rest of the patrons of the cafe when the biker called everyone out. There would probably be a chance he would have feared the biker if he had known the tail was real, and that he was a demon, but he did not. To Matthews, that biker was scum of the Earth, but just a human being too. It was always these guys that angered him more than anything else could.

"I will." he answered the biker, calmly. "If you don't leave right this moment, at least. You've hit a woman and demanded something of her that you are not allowed to. You may leave this place without any further trouble" he offered, though he knew and wanted the man to resist. "Or I may show you the door myself. Either way, please don't insult that woman again, nor should I see you touch her."

(Guess you got control of the biker :3)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ace Vasquez Character Portrait: Devan Matthews
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he stared at the kid who just offered to die by his hands and burst out laughing "you really think you take me one you little bastard in your dreams" but he noticed the determined look in his eyes that said he was serious and he too became serious. "so you wanna fight kid then so be it be prepared to die right here and now" he sneered running at Devan.
(biker is all yours now just know that well human vs.Demon will be difficult but just know that this guy is an extremely weak demon so Devan should be on par with him somewhat)


she stared in shock that the human boy actually defended her a smile twitched at the corners of her lips but she knew what the outcome would be if the demon decided to go all out and transformed completely. but before she could put a stop to it the demon ran at Devan ready to kill him, so Ace did the only thing she knew she could do without hurting the humans pride; she cast a simple but effective spell on Devan that would enhance his abilities enough to be on par with the demon 'I just hope its enough to much and I might kill the boy' Ace watched on with a solemn look on her face.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ace Vasquez Character Portrait: Devan Matthews
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Devan watched as the biker, foolishly, attempted to attack him. Something was a bit off, however, as it felt like Devan took a new breath in, even though he was exhaling (side effect of Ace's magic, I'll pretend). This did not upset him or even distract him, so he returned his focus to the advancing biker.

The demon did not exit his human guise while he threw a wild punch at Devan. Devan, able to see the punch easily, moved to the side, but was then caught in the chin by a really quick follow-up, causing him to stumble backwards a bit.

That punch hurt.... a lot.

Judging by his appearance, this Biker shouldn't have been so quick nor strong, but the blow hurt Devan much more than he anticipated. With that fact in mind, Devan returned a kick that seemed to go faster than normal - though it would be hard to tell because they were already very quick in the first place - to the Biker's dome, which was evaded.


After a few minutes, the fight ended. Devan had been hit in the gut and hurt more than he was predicting, but in the end, the Biker was on the floor, unconscious.

Devan dropped to his knee and coughed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ace Vasquez Character Portrait: Devan Matthews
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Ace breathed a sigh of relief glad that her magic worked and quickly erased it by gently placing her hand on Devans shoulder "are you alright sir, thank you for doing that but you should rest up here" taking him firmly by the arm Ace sat him at the bar while Ace concocted an herbal tea that should relieve him of his pain.

"here you go this should help" passing the tea to Devan, not only will it reduce the pain but also to relieve is body of any side her magic may have had.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ace Vasquez Character Portrait: Devan Matthews Character Portrait: Laetia Alebion
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Laetia snapped out of her little phase, eyes looking around at the bar she was in. She had almost forgotten where she was, too far within her day-dreaming to care. Hand lifted to sip at the tea that was still warm enough for her to enjoy. Eyes then darted over to the bar where a male and the barmaid whom had given her the tea were at. She could not hear what they said, but by the looks on their facing it was pleasant. That is until a biker demon decided to make entrance. The appearance of the crew was unsettling to her. She took in a deep breath and watched as all but the large one left. It was then that the voices got louder; the biker demon barking at the woman to pay some sort of fee. This slightly confused her as it was probably him that owed the woman. Head canted and suddenly the male forced a kiss upon the girl. Eyes opened wide as she saw this. She looked around at all the patrons, whom had done nothing at this point.

She was unsure of what to do. That was until the male who was also at the bar decided to bark back at the demon biker. Laetia did not like what was going on and thus stayed in her position. Eyes looked around for the best exit if needed. The biker demon decided to stand and attack the male, whom liked human. This too confused her, to see a human ask to be attacked by a demon. However, despite the fight between the two the human made it out one top. Well, as on top as he could considering.

Wings stretched a bit, flapping a couple times to help her off the chair she was on. Feet landed gently upon the ground, walking her way over to the situation. Eyes looked at the unconscious demon biker, then to Devan, and on to Ace. She went over to poke the demon biker to see if he would move, which he thankfully did not. Feet carried her over to Devan and Ace, her voice emitting softly. " Are you well?" she asked simplistically. She looked between both of them for an answer.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ace Vasquez Character Portrait: Devan Matthews Character Portrait: Laetia Alebion
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Devan accepted the tea he was give by Ace and begun sipping on it.

He could tell that at the very least, he would have bruises on his gut and maybe a black left eye. Whomever that biker had been, he must be a good fighter to have caused Devan that much trouble, and Matthews himself even wondered if the biker was underestimating him, or if he was underestimating the biker. Guess he is still an amateur in that regard.

Devan looked up to see another woman (whom shared the common trait of being beautiful that this bar seemed to have). "I am." Devan answered, smiling through a bit of pain. It probably did not look as nice with the black eye, but maybe it would suffice. "Thank you for your concern, and I'm sorry about the commotion, but I don't appreciate people who don't appreciate other people." Devan paused for a moment before opening his eyes in realization of something.

"Oh," he began, sticking a hand out. "I am Devan, pleased to meet you."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ace Vasquez Character Portrait: Devan Matthews Character Portrait: Laetia Alebion
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Laetia smiled back to Devan, her cheeks flushing a light pink while doing so. Wings flapped to quickly allow her to jump away from the male when he stuck his hand out. Eyes looked down at the hand then to his face, her very own smiling again. Arm reached up and took his hand in return. She , however, did not shake it. She simply just held it and responded. " I am glad you are well. There is no need for apologies. You did a great thing for Miss Ace." She smiled again, glancing to Ace, then back to Devan. " I am Laetia. Pleased to meet you."

Laetia did not let go of the male's hand. In fact, she continued holding it and looked all over his face. She was more or less focused upon the black eye that sat so prominent. She frowned momentarily at the idea of having one. " You should put something on that, Devan. It looks like it hurts. " She simply stated. She was not exactly for fighting, but she understood the situation. That did not mean she liked the effects of it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ace Vasquez Character Portrait: Devan Matthews Character Portrait: Laetia Alebion
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she smiled warmly at Laetia's concern but frowned if just a little seeing the young girls wings flutter behind her 'geez doesn't anyone listen anymore' shaking her head a little.

"don't worry dear ill go get something for that" Ace bent down at the waist, her back facing them as she searched through her cupboards until she found a small baggy. standing straight Ace got some ice and poured it into the bag but one fell put and slipped down her cleavage. this made her yelp as she reached down to take the ice cube out, throwing it into the sink.

she then handed the ice bag to Devon "here this should lessen the swelling" folding her arms in front of her Ace leaned against the bar, her breast spilled over the countertop though she didn't seem to notice. "so do you always find the need to rescue a damsel in distress?" her tone teasing.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ace Vasquez Character Portrait: Devan Matthews Character Portrait: Laetia Alebion
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(....I see where this is going. u.u)

Were those mechanical wings she had? Laetia had hopped away from him and gave him a confused look for a few seconds before she actually took his hand. Then, she didn't even shake. Maybe hand-shaking was an American gesture, and they didn't know. Either way, Devan's face turned a bit red when he realized she never quite let go of him. "I'm glad I did not do something wro... "

How do you say that again? ......

"...bad. But there's no need to worry; I'm used to such things." he claimed, not confidently, more like just stating a fact. He didn't like to worry people, especially strangers, but much to his dismay, Ace had decided to go get him some ice. As she retrieved the ice for him, he heard an odd sound emitting from her, evoking a raised eyebrow. He couldn't see what had happened since she was turned away from him. Instead, he just sat there and waited until she was done, which wasn't long after she had begun. She handed him the bag and he took it, placing it on his bruised eye. "Thank you, I..." he moved his eyes upwards, where they should be, and after a very slight but noticable pause. "...I just don't like seeing people hurt other people, that's all."

Hopefully they would think the red on his face was from being punched there.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ace Vasquez Character Portrait: Devan Matthews Character Portrait: Laetia Alebion
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"i see then thank you, though i could have easily taken care of him so next time leave those things to me" Ace did indeed speak the truth, she could have easily taken the weak demon out without so much as moving a finger but that was if she used magic, a simple kick to the head would suffice.

"it is my bar after all its only right if i take care of any unwanted trash" smiling at Devons red face.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ace Vasquez Character Portrait: Devan Matthews Character Portrait: Laetia Alebion
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Of course it was finally that Laetia released Devans hand. Eyes darted between Ace and Devan as they conversed and she aided Him.A smile and she found a chair to sit in, closest to the other two. Legs once again found their way against her chest, her chin falling atop her knees to rest. A chuckled formed after Ace's comment, then a nod. " I do suggest someone other than a hume do the protecting in a place like this." She smiled, then thought a moment, and quickly add, " But not me. Her." She shook her head no when commenting about herself, the nodded to Ace when stating "her". She smiled uncomfortably, thinking about how dead she would be if she attempted to attack that guy. Demon or not, he fighting skills lacked. She was mostly good at hiding and running.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ace Vasquez Character Portrait: Devan Matthews Character Portrait: Laetia Alebion
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Devan raised his eyebrows regarding Ace's comment about defeating the biker. Since he was uninformed about demons and the sort, he was highly doubting she could have landed a single blow on such a thug, but he believed it to be a personality trait of hers - not wanting to look weak - and so thusly avoided voicing this. Instead, he smiled.

"If such things are a common occurance, I would suggest hiring a bouncer." he said, then listening to Laetia speak. "Please forgive me, but umm.... I don't think I heard this correctly." he began, embarrassed at his lack of total understanding for this language. "Did you say 'hume', or did I hear incorrectly?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ace Vasquez Character Portrait: Devan Matthews Character Portrait: Laetia Alebion
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she looked on over to Laetia who indeed didnt look like she would be of much use in a fight "dont worry child im sure your good at something aint no one useless" patting Laetias head softly. Ace then heard his comment and guessed he must have thought she said that out of pride. this made her laugh "what a sterotypical human and no she meant human my dear. dont you see i am the bouncer of this café as well as the bartender. i didnt say that out of pride but out of truth youd be surprised at what us japanese woman can do" a sly smile on her face. Ace then turned around quickly grabbing a glass and filled it with vodka and something sweet smelling. she leaned back against the back counter glass in hand while her other arm was used as a prop for her elbow. "any other questions you would like answered before you embarrass yourself further?" raising one eye brow at Devon.