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Elise Fleane

"Well that escalated quickly."

0 · 409 views · located in Bakerville High

a character in “Black Out”, as played by Ibbledibble


School File
Face Claim: Jennifer Lawrence
Name: Elise Fleane [El-ees] [Flee-nn]
Age: 17
~The outdoors
~Loud people
~Nosy People
We have noticed that Ms. Fleane seems to be aggravated by young men and woman who think highly of themselves. When confronted about this she smiles and responds that “all people have something good in them.” She is highly bothered by loud and nosy people. Other dislikes include snakes, smoke, and animal abuse. We also note that she does not approve of the many electric powered teachers we have at the school.
~Falling in love
~Never falling in love
~Needles/sharp objects
Ms. Fleane has a certain caution regarding needles and other sharp objects. She appears to hate pain which is a likely reason for her phobia of injections. When inquiring her family members we found that she is a romanticist at heart and enjoys reading novels and watching movies that include love in them. However when her own social life comes into hand she is single and her family states that she is likely to stay that way. Our own "observations" show that she is uncertain of her romantic life.
A good way to describe Ms. Fleane is as an upbeat high schooler. She enjoys being in the company of her many friends and is mildly popular among her fellow young adults. She is very excited about nature and tries to be outside as much as possible. Hating to be cooped up, one can often find her wandering the halls during lunch break or "stretching her legs" on the opposite side of where she is designated to be. Like the usual teenager she is a gossiper but upon further inspection she has many secrets that few can extract. It is known that she has enemies. We note that she is irritated easily and can become snappy. Overall she is open, welcoming anyone she can. Lastly she is very protective of her younger brother.
History: This is where our information is clouded. She is likely to be a normal minor with a divorced mother and a step brother from a previous marriage but other than that we have no other record of her outside life. On campus she is a young woman with an A-B average and a large group of friends. Once she had a boyfriend but the relationship quickly ended last month and it is slightly awkward between the two. More must be gathered on Ms. Fleane.
Crush: There is no current relationship status on Ms. Fleane.
Room: Room 105 appears to be her favorite room

So begins...

Elise Fleane's Story


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Character Portrait: Elise Fleane Character Portrait: Calliber Fleane
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Calliber Fleane
I peered into the classroom that I had left just a moment a go to “use the bathroom.” My stuff was abandoned on an empty desk and the classroom was shrouded in darkness. The only light source was the screen at the front of the class playing some stupid video. Yup, I thought, today was the right day to skip. I checked the doorknob to see if was locked. It was. I gave a smirk; this was way too easy. Cracking my knuckles I turned around and started towards the opposite side of campus where my friends and I had designated as the meeting spot. As I walked a hallway light flickered. I blinked looking up at it. I had thought that all of the technology and stuff in this school had been new, but I guess I could’ve been wrong.
I shrugged my shoulders, although there was no one around to see, and continued walking. The lights went out a second time when I was turning a corner. My heart gave a thump when they didn’t immediately come back down but I clenched my fisted and drew a deep breath. The lights never came back on.
As I waited standing there my heart was racing. My breathing became shallow and short until I was sure I was hyperventilating. I leaned against the wall while I let my legs suddenly became weak. It felt as if they couldn’t support my weight anymore. I slowly slid down the wall, my only support, until I was curled into a small ball. If someone found me like this it would be an utter embarrassment, but I couldn’t force myself to move. Just like the school, my body was in lock down.
Elise Fleane
In the class room I stared at the bot teacher. Sometimes I wished they would all just shut down. The whole school shutting down would be great. With only a minor amount of electricity, I’m sure all the birds that used to flock to our house would be back. I smiled at the thought. Instead of taking notes I scribbled a quick doodle of a bird on my tablet. I never used the notes anyway. I probably had the power to get all As but A, B was good enough, wasn’t it? I know I should’ve been more careful with school work, with a career coming up, but really? There wasn’t anything that had to do with nature anymore, so what did I care? Wow, I now thought glumly, my future is going to suck. By now I had drifted off into my own little world until the teacher stopped talking. He just stood there for a second until the lights, that I hadn’t noticed had even gone out, came back on. A couple of giggles when around the room. He resumed his realistic low monotone before the power turned off again and he was shut down. We all sat patiently some giggling, waiting for him to continue. He didn’t.
The laughter stopped, slowly fading away as we all realized the power wasn’t going to come back on. Or maybe ALL of us weren’t waiting. Maybe I was the only live one here and the rest of the students were robots like the teacher and- I cut off the thought abruptly with a roll of my eyes. My imagination was running wild again. I was sure, even though I couldn’t see any of them, that they were all there. Just to make sure I stuttered a “Hello?” out. A few murmured replies swept around the room. We were all deathly afraid since we had had technology pretty much all our lives. “Oh god,” I whispered “Oh god.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elise Fleane Character Portrait: Allen Carraway
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Tap, tap, tap tap, tappity tap... The sounds of fingers typing on a keyboard intermingled with the robotic teacher's monotone lecture. Added with the whispers in the back of the room as off-track students took advantage of class as a social time and the occasional beeps from where someone forgot to turn off their sound before browsing the web in lieu of listening to the lecture made the typical soundtrack of Allen's school day. His fingers were a blur over the keyboard, typing out his notes with practiced ease that all the children in this school had. There were no spiral notebooks, no mechanical pencils with shoddy erasers that squeaked when they touched paper- everyone in his class had a tablet or laptop open before them. Which was, he mused, for the best. Why use something as old fashioned as pens and paper? That's what his grandparents had used in school, thanks.

The first thing that Allen noticed when the lights flickered unsteadily into darkness was not the lack of light. No, it was the sound of their teacher's vocal programming disappearing from the usual orchestra of classroom noise. His typing faltered as some of the other students giggled, but he didn't let it worry him as the lights returned and the robot began to continue with the lesson. There were blackouts every once in a while- not very often, but they were unavoidable. It could have been faulty wiring or maybe a downed power line, maybe even a overload of power in the mainframe. Whatever it was, it was over now, he decided, eyes falling back onto his computer screen.

Which was when, of course, the lights went out again. However, this time, they stayed out, blanketing the school in darkness. His laptop, charged as it was, cast an eerie glow over his face, painting him like a beacon of light in the darkness as he waited. And waited. And then waited some more, but the power stubbornly refused to come back on. There were screams now- not from his classroom, but from the halls as students stuck outside panicked like small children. Well, there probably were some small children out there, but that was no excuse. No, inside his classroom, it was the nervous whispers of friends finding one another, grabbing onto familiar forms int he darkness to stave off the fear of the dark, but mostly of the electricity failing them. What could they do without electricity? Nothing.

But Allen had no one to grab onto, no friends to whisper anxiously to. Instead, he closed his laptop with a snap, eyes slowly adjusting from the sudden change of light from the glow of his computer screen to the darkness surrounding him. He could make out forms at first- the teacher paused mid-lecture, metal body frozen like an ancient statue. Then there were the shadowed forms of his classmates at their desks, some beginning to move around nervously in their seats, unsure as to what to do. He waited for another moment, but, as panic began to increase (he could hear someone beside him, a girl whose name he'd never bothered to learn, whispering to herself "Oh God, oh God...") the realization dawned on him that this wasn't a typical blackout. This was like a nightmare and everything was about ready to go to Hell.

He got to his feet, slipping his laptop into his schoolbag and hefting it over his shoulder. Time to exit stage right, he thought wryly, walking towards the door amidst the whispers, the growing hysteria. The best thing he could do right now, he rationalized, was to get the Hell out of this school. Surely they'd all be allowed to go home, given the circumstances, and he didn't really want to be stuck with a bunch of children and teenagers when they were freaking out. He had some sense of self-preservation, after all.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elise Fleane Character Portrait: Calliber Fleane Character Portrait: Allen Carraway Character Portrait: Danny Johnson Character Portrait: Nicole Johnson
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0.00 INK

Elise Fleane
Someone was getting up beside me. Who sat there again? A girl? No, the figure that was walking away was male. I could just barley make out the shapes of my fellow students but my eyes were adjusting. The boy (Alex? Austin?) was leaving the classroom. Quickly I scooped up her tablet and followed. It was a good idea to leave the classroom. I needed to find my brother and get out of the school. The only problem was the darkness that my eyes couldn't quite fully adjust to. This would make it difficult to find Cal.

So instead I pretty much stalked the boy who sat next to me. Finally I had the courage to call out. "Alex?" As soon as it left my mouth I knew it was wrong. I flushed and tried again "I mean, uh, Allen?" That sounded about right so I continued . "Do you happen to know which hallway we're in?" As I said it I ran into an object. A curse flew out of my mouth and my butt hit the cold floor. My tablet clattered somewhere next to me.

My hand felt around for it until finally I placed my fingers on its cool surface. There didn't seem to be any serious damage. I found a sigh of relief escaping my lips. Getting up I listened. Only silence greeted my ears. "Hello?" I tried. I dearly hoped the boy hadn't left me alone.

Caliber Fleane

A scream snapped me out of my almost hysteria and suddenly a warm, small hand was on my back. A female voice spoke to me in a calming tone and for a second I felt myself relaxing. What the hell was I doing? I smacked the hand away, gently but with enough force so that they wouldn't bother to touch me again, and stood. The voice had inquired my name and class but I didn't bother answering. I didn't want the whole freaking school to know I was afraid of the dark. Instead I said, " I'm fine, I don't need help. I was just taking a breather." My own voice was sharp and it cut through the darkness quickly reaching it's target. I was glad it was dark. That way they didn't know who I was or what I looked like. Then again I didn't know that about them either.

Suddenly a crash came from further down one of the hallways. After a lot of cursing an easily recognizable voice called out. My sisters voice. Oh crap. I hoped the boy and girl would stay quiet. Shut up, I willed, shut up shut up shut up!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elise Fleane Character Portrait: Allen Carraway Character Portrait: Samantha James
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0.00 INK

Allen was fine with not acknowledging the straggler he'd inadvertently picked up while exiting the classroom, carefully making his way down the darkened halls. Really, he'd just hoped that if he ignored her for long enough then she'd leave and he could be off on his merry way. That hope was, however, dashed, at her clumsy attempt to remember his name. Well, at least she knew it on the second guess- he had no idea what her name was even if they sat next to each other in class.

"Yes, it's Allen. And I've no id-" His response was cut off when she ran into...something? He couldn't quite make it out in the darkness, but whatever it was had obviously caused her to fall over and drop whatever she was carrying, a swear finding its way out.

"Still here," He said, prompted by her nervous 'Hello?'. That's when the screaming began. It was like an explosion of noise had hit the hallways and, even worse, it wasn't the entire school shrieking like banshees, oh, no. It was a select few people in the halls. There was someone shouting angrily, another shrieking for help.

"Oh, Lord," He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. But what else was he supposed to do? "Look, I'm going to check on whoever's asking for help. You can come or you can do whatever." With that small explanation to his classroom neighbor, he started to make his way towards the sound of the girl asking for help. Even in the dark, it wasn't very hard, her shouts drawing him towards her like a moth towards a flame.

"Calm down just a minute," He ordered with slight exasperation, raising his voice so she could hear him over the sound of her own voice. His eyes were adjusting now and he could see her- younger than he was, hopping like a madwoman on one leg as she guided herself against the wall. "I can't help if you're shouting and flailing around like that."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elise Fleane Character Portrait: Calliber Fleane Character Portrait: Cara Reese Character Portrait: Allen Carraway Character Portrait: Danny Johnson Character Portrait: Nicole Johnson
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0.00 INK

Calliber Fleane
Of course the kids weren’t quiet. The girl started screaming at me while the boy whimpered getting louder and louder and clinging to his… sister? I didn’t particularly care. I knew they were just trying to help but I didn’t want help. I rolled my eyes at the boy who was crying for dear life. Pretty immature. Ok so I was afraid of the dark too, but at least I wasn’t screaming. A small but welcoming light shone over us. I got up and looked over at the kids. They looked pretty young. I wondered what they were doing in the high school.
I looked over at the source of the light. There was a girl who looked about Elise’s age using her phone for light. Good idea I thought and produced my own phone from my jean pocket. The two kids were over there introducing themselves. I walked over to the small crowd holding my own light to help guide me over. “Hey,” I said. I tried to sound casual as if I hadn’t been deathly afraid just moments ago. The lights of the phones helped.
At the border of the two lights the darkness started again but I noticed three other shapes. One was my sister examining the object she had earlier bumped into. She didn’t seem to notice me. I hesitated. This was pretty serious so I wasn’t so sure about playing our little “game” of hide and go seek. Then she turned her head. “Cal?” She called. Great.
Elise Fleane.
I was relieved that Allen hadn’t left me behind. I could hear screams in pretty much all directions. It was scary to think about the darkness. The school sounded much like a horror film. At least someone has his head straight, I thought as Allen went to investigate a girl crying for help. I, meanwhile, examined the object I had run into. A light from some distance away helped me to determine that it was one of the robotic janitors. It was frozen as if someone had just pressed the pause button.
A little commotion to my right made me look to my right. There was a group of three, no four, people standing with their phones out. A familiar figure caught my eye. “Cal?” Yes it was Cal. Now we could get out of here. I started to walk to him until I met his icy glare. He didn’t want to go anywhere near me. “Hey Cal, we can get out of her now.” My voice softened. It was then that I realized there was a girl with two children practically hanging onto her. “Oh, uh, hey?” I said.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elise Fleane Character Portrait: Calliber Fleane Character Portrait: Cara Reese Character Portrait: Allen Carraway Character Portrait: Danny Johnson Character Portrait: Samantha James
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Grrbot

I felt the young boy hold me. He was frightened. "Shh its gonna be okay." I said, giving the boy a reassuring hug. I guess the boy hated the dark... A lot. “Hi...I’m Nicole Johnson form class 21, and this is my brother Danny Johnson...from class 20...are there any other kids you’ve found?” the other young girl said. I shook my head. "I was on my way back to class when the lights came off... I didn't see anybody else..." I said. I watched as another boy produced light from his phone... He was closer to my age but still younger. “Hey.” The boy said. "Hello..." I said to him. “Cal?” a voice said. I turned and shoned some light on a girl. She looked about my age. “Hey Cal, we can get out of her now.” The girl asked. I watched as she saw the 2 children now. “Oh, uh, hey?” the girl said. "Escape would be nearly impossible... All of the exits are locked from the outside without the power... Were kind of stuck... I think we'll have to stay the night... We'll have to try and plan... I suggest we go see if there are any food supplies in the cafeteria and some people set up rooms for people to stay in." I say.


"Calm down just a minute," a voice said, interrupting my calls for help. I felt relieved and continued hopping to where I heard footsteps. "My name is Samantha... I injured my foot when I tripped... It hurts badly." I call out into the darkness. Samantha could now make out a figure in the darkness. "I can't help if you're shouting and flailing around like that." A low voice said. It was a boy. "Oh I'm sorry... Its just the blackout... I didn't know if anyone would find me." I said, hopping over to the boy. I needed some crutches... I couldn't just hop around until my leg got better.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elise Fleane Character Portrait: Cara Reese Character Portrait: Danny Johnson Character Portrait: Nicole Johnson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Otencia

"Shh its gonna be okay." the girl said and my sobbing turned into hiccups....i still didint let go, this person....was holding me...unlike my sister who just pushed me off....this person knows that im scared...she was talking to another girl, and i opened my eyes to peek at the girl, she had blondish hair and green eyes...i then returned to pressing my face into the Cara's side, shaking.


"I was on my way back to class when the lights came off... I didn't see anybody else..." I nodded,a dn then another girl walked up. i just stand and listen to them till this girl Cara sais "Escape would be nearly impossible... All of the exits are locked from the outside without the power... Were kind of stuck... I think we'll have to stay the night... We'll have to try and plan... I suggest we go see if there are any food supplies in the cafeteria and some people set up rooms for people to stay in."

I nodded, "our hole world is focused on power if you hadnt noticed....we obviously cant just walk through heavy metal doors...i think we should do what Cara suggested.

I know I may only be 11 but this girl..she obviously wasnt very smart....or at least thats my first impressions...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elise Fleane Character Portrait: Calliber Fleane Character Portrait: Cara Reese Character Portrait: Thomas Charton Character Portrait: Danny Johnson Character Portrait: Nicole Johnson
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0.00 INK

Elise Fleane
I listened intently as the girl of my age explained the situation. The whole school was on lock down. There was no possible escape. Of course I should of known that since our community was based on technology but I was known for my ditziness and my blonde hair which, of course, made me automatically stupid. Still I felt truly dumb when the younger girl spoke, agreeing with whom she called Cara. I felt my face flush. I had never been one to care too much about technology and had never bothered to learn about it, unless it was school related. I glanced at my brother who was also rolling his eyes at my stupidity.
Not wanting to seem totally a fool I thought about the plan Cara, if that was truly her name, was proposing. It was definatly rational but they needed to spread word. “We should round up everyone and get them to a room with a large cappacity. The cafetiria sounds good. Or the autotorium. If we’re gonna stay the night we need supplies and food. And if the gym has some showers we can use those too.” I had never been in the gym since, being placed in a semi advanced class, I had been able to opt out of the choice at the beginning of the school year. Waiting for a reply I studied my surroundings. My eyes, although adjusting, were pretty useless in the black out. However they could make out two figures, one being “the boy beside me” (As I called Allen) and another girl; probably the one calling for help.
Further down the hall way, amongst the shouts, laughter, and screams, I could barley hear a voice. “Is anyone there?” It was slightly stupid in my opinion since the noise was obvious, but I kept that to myself. No use beating other people down in this situation. I wasn’t one to do that anyway, or at least I hope. “We’re over here.” I called in an attempted enouraging voice. But it came out soft and feeble, not at all what I had intended for. Turning back to the growing group I let my mind wander. Was it possible for the people outside the school to turn the power back on? Or were they faring the same black out? Either way, I was sure that it would be nearly impossible to gain entry inside the school. It was probably only to be opened from the inside. I sighed and waved off mythoughts.
Calliber Fleane
I rolled my eyes at my sister. It was kind of embarassing since we were siblings but not many people knew that. I for one shut up when it came to family. Elise, on the other hand, opened her perfectly glossed lips and gossiped all the way to the other side of the universe. I wish she would saty there but she always came back. I couldn’t really be mad at her now with the nawing sensation in my stomach. I was pushing the fear back but that didn’t mean it was gone. It still crept stealthily into my mind and whispered of the darkness ouside of the dim lights of the phones. I shivered slightly and forced my mind back to the conversation at hand.
Elise was talking about some sort of plan that involved rounding up kids. I felt out of place with these teenagers. Of course it probably had to do with the fact that I was rejecting them each for some stupid reason that was unknown even to me, but still I wished for my own group of friends. Even as the group grew comfort did not come. I longed to clutch at these people and hang on just like the little boy hanging onto the girl name Carla or Cara or whatever. Instead I just glared.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elise Fleane Character Portrait: Calliber Fleane Character Portrait: Cara Reese Character Portrait: Allen Carraway Character Portrait: Danny Johnson Character Portrait: Samantha James
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It was admittedly slow going, carting the younger girl around like a human crutch. His normally long stride was basically cut in half as he helped her hobble along, towards the voices. Allen had never been happier that the teenagers at this school were such chatterboxes- they never stopped talking the entire time he was making his way over to the growing group. There was a pair of cellphones as well which beaconed to him like a lighthouse, making the path clear. Even the girl from his class's soft attempt at an enthusiastic, "We’re over here" helped just a little bit.

As they got closer to the group, he could begin to make out people. There was that girl, of course, then another teenage girl, a boy probably a little younger than them, and two children( who were, in all likelihood, the ones who'd started the screaming). He wasn't quite sure what to say- a common problem for the socially awkward teen- as he stopped, still supporting the younger girl.

"She's hurt her foot," He said, more to the girl from his class, the only really familiar face, than to anyone else, nodding towards the girl he was supporting. "Is there some sort of plan?" It was by all means far from a friendly, 'How's everyone?' or even a sensible 'Is everyone all right?', but he didn't have the patience for shenanigans and small talk today. Well, he had even less patience than normal, and that was saying something.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elise Fleane Character Portrait: Calliber Fleane Character Portrait: Cara Reese Character Portrait: Allen Carraway Character Portrait: Danny Johnson Character Portrait: Samantha James
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Otencia
Nicole: i then turned back to the boy on the floor... "are you ready to accept a helping hand this time?" i ask holding my hand out, "i get it...youre trying to act tuff...but doing only going to make things hard and youre goignm to get me...if youre scared be scared....if youre happy be youre brave...dont pretend to be something youre not..."

Danny: i was still hiccuping, but i gently let go of the girl still clutching to her shirt but no longer hugging eyes where open but i was staring at my feet, "thank you..." i whisper quietly. i then notice a group of kids is forming..


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elise Fleane Character Portrait: Calliber Fleane Character Portrait: Cara Reese Character Portrait: Allen Carraway Character Portrait: Samantha James Character Portrait: Nicole Johnson
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0.00 INK

Elise Fleane
I frowned when I saw Allen propping up the girl with his body. My brow furrowed and my lips dipped down in slight pout of concern. Was the girl injured? What if she had a broken leg or, even worse, was disabled? What if she needed a wheel chair? What if everyone else really WERE robots and this girl was short circuiting, or something? Or something, I told myself as I took a few deep breaths. I tended to have panic attacks and I hated myself for it. Usually I could control myself before anyone noticed, but sometimes I would actually start speaking allowed and, in bad cases, start screaming. My frown deepened when I realized my pills were still in my purse which was back in the classroom.

Allen’s voice brought me out of my thoughts when he told me the girl was injured and asked for a plan. I was glad for it since it brought my mind back around to the bigger problem; the Blackout, as I had deemed it in my head. I looked back at Allen, trying to look like I knew what I was doing. “Someone will have to care for her and if the injury is serious she should be taken to the hos- infirmary. I’m sure there are some bandages there.” I had almost said hospital before realizing that, one the injury probably wasn’t worthy of serious medical attention (Unless she had a broken bone) and two, the school was under lock down. Hoping everyone would ignore my slip up I continued with the “plan” that was more of Cara’s plan with me adding words.

“So far I think we’ve agreed to round all the students up. And I guess we have to stay overnight so we’ll need food and rooms. And the showers, if there are any, should still work, even without electricity.” I started to falter and finished with a lame, “So yeah.” I really wasn’t sure of the plan but it would all work out in the end, right?

Calliber Fleane
Now standing up the little girl seemed small and short. She turned to me and offered a hand which I supposed was figurative since I was already on my feet. “Are you ready to accept a helping hand this time?” She asked me. “I get it; your trying to act tough…” At that time my anger engulfed me and my hearing stopped for a moment. Who was she to tell me how I was trying to act? She was not me. She did not know me. She was not an aquatint, much less a friend. I did not need her little hand to help me up, figuratively or not. I much preferred my little shell, I lied to myself.
However she was still a little girl, even though I figured she probably didn’t want my pity. I remembered when I was younger, getting annoyed when an adult spoke to me as if I was a child. Okay, I was but still. Even so I forced a weak smile on my face. It probably turned out as more of a grimace, but whatever. “I’m fine.” I forced myself to speak “Thanks for the offer, though.” I walked casually away, closer to the group, as if nothing had ever happened.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elise Fleane Character Portrait: Calliber Fleane Character Portrait: Cara Reese Character Portrait: Allen Carraway Character Portrait: Danny Johnson Character Portrait: Samantha James
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Otencia

i just shook my head as the boy walked away from me...he may not be ready to accept help...but i can tell hes nice....when he wants to be...i walked over to Danny and wraped him in a hug my chin on his tell you the actuly scared all the time....but...Danny freaks out enough when it comes to everything, so i need to stay strong..for him...

Danny: i was surprised when i felt arm whap around me, but i relaxed knowing it was Nicole....i was surprised she was hugging me...of course she can be nice, but most of the time...she gets mad at me for being so scared of things....i wish i could be more like that im not alwaise scared, so that i can keep a clear mind when is tough situations...where realy this group...i think..i just want to stick by Nicole....and Cara...she was realy nice to me..


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elise Fleane Character Portrait: Allen Carraway Character Portrait: Samantha James
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0.00 INK

"Then what are we waiting for?" Asked Allen, biting back his own irritation. Plans were all well and good, but all he could see were children huddled together in the middle of the hall, half-heartedly coming up with ideas and standing around. So, really, as much as he hated taking a stab at authority(he was only sixty percent sure they'd listen to him since he was so far down on the popularity totem pole; really, he was just lucky that the group was small as it was), they weren't going to get anything done otherwise. The power may have only gone out a short while ago, but they really had no idea when the power would come back. It could be moments(and, if that was the case, Allen was going home early because he was just done with today. Just done) or it could be hours, or... Days. He pushed the idea out of his mind and hoped that it wouldn't come to that.

"Why don't we go to the auditorium or gym? They're probably big enough. Someone can go tell the classrooms and I can take a look at her foot," He continued. It wasn't a half-bad idea in his own mind. Just enough to prompt other to do something and just enough for him to carefully duck out of the leadership role. He had planned to take a look at the girl's foot anyways, so it was the perfect excuse.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elise Fleane Character Portrait: Calliber Fleane Character Portrait: Allen Carraway
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Elise Fleane
“Then what are we waiting for?” I blinked in mild surprise. Allen’s voice was slightly sharp and clipped, not too angry but not exactly patient either. Still I knew he had reason. I didn’t feel exactly peachy either. I scolded myself for being so depressed. I was supposed to be the one with the cheery attitude; the one that everyone was glad to be with. Not the one who was a downer. I mean, that’s how I gotten to be so popular. I sighed before putting on a smile.

In a cheery voice I said, “ It’ll be perfectly fine. I’d say the auditorium is good. Or the gym, whichever’s bigger. I can help round up the students.” My voice sounded fake to me. I wondered if the others sensed it. “We could all meet up after we do our jobs. I’m Elise Fleane. I suppose we should learn each other’s name.” “My brother over there,” I gestured in the direction he was in just as he interrupted with “STEP-brother.” “Uh, yeah step-brother. He’s Cal.” Once again I trailed off and smiled weakly. “And yeah, you can look at her foot.” My speech was stutter and strange. Not good. Just a few more minutes and I’d get my panic attack pills. I tensed my body and waited for Allen, who had seemed to become the leader, to issue a command.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elise Fleane Character Portrait: Calliber Fleane Character Portrait: Allen Carraway Character Portrait: Samantha James
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"The auditorium's bigger, so that would be the best," Allen trailed off, fighting the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose and stave off the coming stress-induced headache. Here he was making decisions again. Ugh, what he wouldn't give to just not be here, to blend back into the background like a chameleon.

Apparently it was time for introductions now, which was, in retrospect, probably a good thing. If they had to take care of things and be, however reluctantly, the people who got everyone at least in one place, "hey, you" or "them" wasn't going to cut it. That is, of course, until he realized he was talking to. Oh, yes, that headache was most definitely coming. He didn't know Elise, per say, but he knew of her. Lots of friends, disgustingly upbeat... What was there for a person like him, so further down on the totem pole, to like? He hadn't heard of her brother(step-brother, he mentally corrected with some amusement at the insistence) but that was probably by the younger boy's own accord.

"I'm Allen Carraway," he introduced, adjusting his grip on the girl with the hurt foot. Then, realizing that Elise was actually waiting for him to say something continued. "Why doesn't everyone go round up the other classes? I'll take her to the auditorium." He nodded towards the girl using him as a human crutch.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elise Fleane Character Portrait: Calliber Fleane Character Portrait: Allen Carraway
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Elise Fleane
“Why doesn’t everyone go round up the other classes? I’ll take her to the auditorium.” Allen gestured to the girl hanging onto him. Quickly I spoke. “I’ll go get the rest of our class! I forgot my pil- um, purse in there anyway.” It was stupid to keep on trying to hide my anxiety disorder to keep my popularity up but when this blackout was over I was sure we’d all go back to our usual lives. Besides it was my own personal issue. “I can take the hallway that our classroom is in and someone definitely needs to take the elementary and middle school division.” I continued and the said a good bye. “I’ll meet you guys in the auditorium.” I pressed the on button on my tablet and a small light washed over my face. I started off down the long hallway. I wasn’t exactly sure what part of the school I was in, but I had some idea; at least enough to find the classroom from before.

I opened the door and peered in. Kids had their phone, laptops, and tablets out for light. Everyone who was whispering excitedly and nervously looked up. I cleared my throat. “Hey, everyone. There’s a meeting going on in the auditorium. Yeah, everyone’s meeting there.” A few kid’s stood up abruptly then sat down again when no one else got up. I looked around helplessly before straightening up and speaking again, “Look, I don’t particularly care if you go or not. You can just stay here while we raid the cafeteria and eat to our hearts content.” Some people laughed and got up walking towards the door. They filed out slowly as if moving through Jell-O. I crossed the room, grabbed my purse, and dug through it. Taking out a few pills I sat and watched as more and more people moved towards the door. I smiled in satisfaction, swallowed my medication with the water bottle on my desk, and got up to leave and persuade other classrooms to exit the safety of the rooms.