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Nina Xalvadora

"The loudest one in the room is the weakest one in the room." -Frank Lucas

0 · 962 views · located in Blackford Manor (Ground Floor)

a character in “Blackford Manor”, as played by misssweetness821




Full Name
Angelina Ariadne Xalvadora

You may call me Nina or Dora, but please never call me Angelina


Kitchen Hand



If I should have to describe myself I suppose that the first trait that every one notices is my height, or lack thereof the be exact. I stand a mere four feet, eleven inches tall. In an effort to aid in this flaw I never wear anything shorter than a two inch heel when in the prescene of others, but even with I am still left a few inches shorter than most.
After noting my incredible height I often receive compliments on my crystal blue eyes. On multiple occasions they have been compared to doll's eyes, and though I smile when it is noted the thought makes my skin crawl.
My skin is quite fair, my father always said that I take after my mother in that aspect, and though I try to keep to the shade as much as possible I get terrible sunburns every summer. My father used to compare it to the silkiness and tint of milk.

Describe myself? What a difficult question to answer.
I suppose I would say that I am a quiet girl, kind, with both innocence and torment in my life. I am strong, I've had to be based on the events of my past. With the death of my father I have become a loner, it's better that way. Death seems to follow me, though I've done nothing to invite it's cruel part into my life. I'd rather not bring my curse upon others.
I find a comforting solitude in my books and in the kitchen when I have had free time, but I try to keep busy with paying jobs when I can.
I have never taken a pipe or a bottle to my lips, and remain as pure as the day that I was born.
I loved my father dearly, every day I mourn his passing. He was the only light in my life, and since his death everything seems heavier. The world seems darker, the air thicker. At first I thought that I may have contracted consumption from him, but in time it proved only to be my heartbreak weighing me down.
My work has given me nimble hands and a taste for baking. My gift comes in the form of bread and shortbread cookies.
I've been without guidance for the last year, unsure of where to go, who to trust, or what to do with my life. Though I have worked as a servant the entirety of my life, I've always felt that my life was meant for something more. A childish dream I suppose, every girl wants to be a princess.
For now I remain the timid girl before you, lost in a world that has taken everything I hold dear from my arms, and wandering a path unknown to me.

β†  I love fresh dairy, it brings me back to working on the Claire farm as a child.
β†  I enjoy baking croissants and madelines, both delicious treats that I learned to make quite young.
β†  When I am not baking I enjoy reading and taking walks. When I was a child I used to take my books into the grand garden and get lost in both the flowers and the pages.
β†  I am not a fan of dolls, there is something about their porcelain faces and lifeless eyes that causes me distress. I wouldn't say that I am afraid of them, but being around a large collection of them would cause me intense distress.
β†  The smell of blood makes my stomach turn. Unfortunately I have had to endure the stench for quite some time.
β†  I have nightmares often, usually about the fates of the Claire's. It makes my nights torturous at times. If I could go without sleep, I would never lay me head down again.
β†  Death seems to follow me everywhere I go, everyone that I care about has died a violent death. I try my hardest not to touch anyone or make eye contact either. Most of the time I keep my hands covered in white gloves to prevent contact with others.
β†  Growing up on the French Countryside I have a bit of an accent and I will slip between English and French on occasion.
β†  Some days I am pale as a ghost, and I bruise quite easily at times. It has been this way since I was a child. (Unknown Iron Deficiency)
β†  My father always used to call me his "Petite Lapin", which translates into Little Bunny because I wiggle my nose when deep in thought and it makes me look rodent like. I much prefer being compared to a bunny than a rat or mouse however.
β†  Due to my petite frame and small stature I can move easily without being seen or heard.
β†  Though I am small, I am and always have been a very hard worker. Especially in the kitchen.
β†  Physically I am not incredibly strong, and due to my stature I have difficulty carrying things.
β†  My life was strongly intertwined with my father's until his death, with his passing I find myself lost. He gave me the direction that I needed, and I do not do well on my own.
β†  With my innocence comes naivete when it comes to the intentions of others, especially men. I fear the only reason I have survived the last year has been my isolation from the rest of the world.
β†  Though I always feel incredible shame immediately following the thought, I feel a sense of power with the death that surrounds me. I am a harbinger of death, a messenger. I can do nothing to stop it, but act as a warning and a witness.
β†  I don't think that I will ever love a man the way I loved my father. I admit that my feelings toward him may resemble an Electra Complex.
β†  I am entirely pure. The only man that has ever kissed me was my father, and his affection extended only to my cheeks or forehead. Though I do understand the process, having read about it in various novels.
β†  I fear allowing another into my life and watching him or her die a violent death, such as every one else I have loved.
β†  Though he has been gone for quite some time, Master Claire still haunts my dreams. I see him, blood soaked and chasing me with his arms stretched out in front of him, grabbing at my dress and pulling me to the ground.
β†  Puppets terrify me, though I am not entirely sure why. It could be the unnatural grins or the lifeless eyes that seem to always follow their victims...


I was born in Alsace, France twenty four years ago to Cossette L'Heareux and Mateo Xalvadora on Arpil 9th. My parents courtship was short, but full of love. They were smitten with each other the moment they met.
My father had immigrated to France after being exiled from his family in Spain, though the reasons why were never disclosed to me. He found work as a stable hand on the Manor L'Heureux and soon fell madly in love with wealthy bankers daughter. He used to tell me stories as a girl about watching her ride, how beautiful she was as the wind swept though her fair hair. She would often sneak away from the manor to be with my father, and soon she found herself with child. With Me. Her parents were outraged, but believed that all life is precious. My mother was forbidden from seeing my father again, even as she was giving birth to me
He told me once I was old enough to hear it that my mother had died giving birth to me. When he heard her screams coming from the manor he knew that it was time the closest he was allowed to be was the window below to comfort her. He wished he could have been closer, and would have forced his way into the room had he known that her screams would be the last sounds that he would hear from her lips.

My grandfather attempted to drown me that moment, blaming me and my father for her untimely death. Luckily the midwife took pity on me and snatched me away from him. My grandfather wept over my mother's body as the midwife stole me away and delivered me, and the terrible news of my mother's passing, to my father. That night my father packed his things and took me away, knowing that there was no life at the manor for him anymore. With him he took the only object he had that connected him to Cossette, his love for her in me.

My father travelled to Saint-Γ‰milion with only a small satchel of clothing and me tucked into his arms. He begged on the streets for a few weeks, unable to find work with a newborn to care for. Every coin he received he spent to feed me.
One eventful morning Lady Claire was having tea with some of the other Ladies of the town when she happened upon my father and I. She used to tell me that in the moment her eyes fell upon us she was captivated by the blueness of my eyes. She approached my father and asked him how such a young man, my father being only seventeen at the time, had come to posses such a beautiful doll. Standing he handed me to her and told her our story while she admired how quiet and clean I was. Her heart bled for my father, and she offered him work on her dairy farm. That day we rode in a carriage for the first time as Lady Claire took us back to her property.
She presented my father with a small cottage on the edge of the farmland. There was no more room in the main house for servants to live, but with some care the cottage would be a sufficient home for us. The walk from the cottage to the main house was long, but father would make it every morning with me in tow. Lady Claire allowed one of her handmaidens to care for me as a baby with her two small boys, Edward and Anthony. I remember my father dropping me off to play while he worked, but the boys were a little older than I and used to pull my hair. I spent the majority of the time in Lady Claire's study, reading as many books as I could reach until my father returned to walk home with me.

This went on for years as Lady Claire and my father grew closer. I was unsure of where Lord Claire lived, for I hadn't seen him but a few times in the entirety of our stay. Edward and Anthony used to tell me that their father was an adventurer, but Lady Claire has some different ideas of what the was doing out on his travels.
When I reached the ripe age of twelve and started to develop as a young lady my father insisted that I request work from Lady Claire. This was partially to help my father with the burden of my care, but also due to his mistrust of her sons intentions with me. Edward and Anthony were kind enough, but my father was always very protective of me.

Lady Claire allowed me to work in the kitchen assisting her cook, the poor fellow had grown unable to perform the tasks that required nimble hands, he took to me immediately. Benjamin was his name, and he would tell me stories of his days as a sailor as I peeled potatoes and churned butter for him. He first sparked my love for baking pastries, for his favourite treat were croissants with fresh turned butter. I admit, I too became fond of the flaky pastry.
After two short years Benjamin passed of a fatal heart attack and I took his place in the kitchen. I mourned for him, but I could still feel his presence around, especially when I would bake croissants. My father and I continued to walk to and from the Manor together every day. Though it was a hard life, we loved it. That is until things changed just two days before my seventeenth birthday.

Father and I walked from the cottage to the manor as we do everyday. As we approached he noticed first that the entire property seemed oddly quiet. We were two of the first to arrive always, my mornings always early to prepare breakfast for the Main house and his to let the cows out to pasture, but the usual vibration of life seemed to have left the Manor. He mentioned nothing to me, but we both felt it. Today he accompanied me to the kitchen, claiming to need a second cup of coffee to start his day, but we both knew better. We both sensed an emptiness as we entered through the back. He told me to stay in the kitchen, but I followed anyway and regret doing so to this day. The image my eyes fell upon still leaves me with night terrors, I wake with the sweats and occasion catch myself weeping. It is too terrible to speak of aloud, but there was not a single life left in the house. My father took me from the house to notify the police of the tragedy.
It was found that Lord Claire had returned home and slaughtered everyone in the Manor in a psychotic rage before ending his own life as well. That evening we packed up the only home that I had ever known, collected our savings, and left for London.

Though we had been saving for some time the mere collection that we had between the two of us barely covered the rent in a single bedroom apartment above the local butcher's shop. I detested the smell of meat and blood, but there was no other place we could afford. My father spent what we had left over on a cot for me to sleep on, and a curtain to split the bedroom. He claimed that it was purely to give me privacy, but it prevented me from seeing the tears he shed every night he rested his head on the cold floor. I fear that he loved Lady Claire as he had loved my mother, and blamed himself for her death as well.
It took some time but he found work in the butcher shop below, and I at the bakery just down the way. Between the two of us we made enough to live a comfortable life, and furnish our little home. My father purchased a bed for me, taking the rickety cot that I had been sleeping on. He also saved up so that I could buy new dresses every now and again. He always put me before himself.
No matter what happened, I always knew that he would be there for me. As our history has told thus far however, all good things with us come to a bloody end.

It was a year ago now, I brought home a loaf of stale bread that could no longer be sold from the bakery and my father returned with scraps from the butcher. Ms.Bluth ran a dairy farm and adored my croissants. She would give me fresh butter and milk in exchange for two baskets a week for her sons. Father and I were enjoying our meal, reminiscing about the good times at the Claire manor as we ate fresh butter on our stale bread. During a fit of laughter my father began coughing uncontrollably, and when he pulled back his handkerchief is was soaked in blood.
Apparently this had been going on for some time, but he had hidden it from me.
Soon he was unable to work any longer and I started working at both the Bakery and the Tailors as a seamstress. With both jobs I was able to care for my dying father, though I was barely able to eat and provide the medicine he needed to ensure his passing was peaceful. It was only a month after our night of laughter that he passed in my arms, I provided morphine for him so his death was blissful as opposed to torturous as some of those who fall victim to consumption leave this world. It was the least I could do for him after his years of devoted care and love.

Though I was able to keep us afloat during the last month of his life, I was unable to afford a proper burial. Due to his decaying condition he was tossed into a mass grave with others like him. I regret every day that I couldn't take him back to France, that I couldn't lay him next to mother or Lady Claire.
Losing him was surreal, in one moment everything I had ever known was gone. I fell into a depression for some time and found myself unable to work at the Bakery any longer. I kept to myself in the small apartment we had once shared, only leaving once a week to visit the Tailor and retrieve those items that needed mending or hemming and drop off those that I had finished. Occasionally Ms. Bluth would call for me, she and her sons missed my croissants, but her butter only brought painful memories of the families that I had lost.

It was a month ago that I received the letter, pinned to my door in the night. At first I threw the invitation into the rubbish bin, however it pricked at my mind. Though I hesitated to leave the home I shared with my beloved father behind, it was time to start anew once again, this time on my own. I packed the few things that I had to remember my father and the dresses he saved so much to buy me and I used the last of my savings to purchase a train ticket to Hob's Bay.

Zooey Deschanel

Chloe De Luca

So begins...

Nina Xalvadora's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Reed Character Portrait: Samuel Perkins Character Portrait: Clementine Harper Character Portrait: Nina Xalvadora Character Portrait: Asher Jones Character Portrait: Jule Montgomery
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It is your second day at Blackford Manor, and your first day of work. As you arrived yesterday there were a few other maids and manservants to greet you, and they have informed you that the master will be absent for some time. Theodorus Cherrywood is expected to arrive later in the day. As you rub the sleep from your eyes, you may take a look out the window and notice that the water has risen during the night, sealing you off from the outside world for many hours. Those of you with keen sense of sight (and rooms at the back of the house) might also notice something that looks an awful lot like the roof of a house sticking up from the water, some miles away in the opposite direction of Hob's Bay. Hopefully nobody lives there.

As you come out of your room you will find a note with your expected assignments. This is what it says:

Dear Sir or Madam,

It delights our Esteemed Master that you have decided to accept his proposal. We trust you will enjoy your stay at Blackford Manor, and as long as you carry out the assignments as expected, you will be most welcome. You have arrived during a busy time. Our Master hopes to have a party at the end of the week to rekindle some of his lost friendships during his time away from England. As such, we are expecting eight (8) guests on Friday. It will be your job to make sure they pass their time here wanting nothing, having everything, with the exception of entertainment, which will be provided by our Master. On that note, here are your jobs for the day;

  • Maids and manservants. You will be expected to clean the house, with particular focus on the guest rooms on the first floor. The kitchen hands will be expected to help, with particular focus on the kitchen.
  • Cooks and stocktakers. The kitchen and cellar are in dire need of inventory checks. Make a note of what we have in stock, and prepare your orders for the party.
  • Gardeners. You should do what you do best with the garden. The master has also requested floral decorations inside the house, which you may provide.

Note that these orders are on top of what would be expected of you on a daily basis. I expect to find everything in order once I arrive this evening.

Kind Regards,
Theodorus Cherrywood
Head Butler

And so your new life at Blackford Manor begins, as your characters drift from deep sleep to a slow awakening. The sunlight streams in through your respective windows, promising a grey but rain free day...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Perkins Character Portrait: Clementine Harper Character Portrait: Nina Xalvadora Character Portrait: Asher Jones Character Portrait: Jule Montgomery Character Portrait: Dorothy Evelyn Bennett
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The first night in the manor had been a long one. Though she was dreadfully tired, sleep eluded her as she lay upon the the wool blanket that had been tucked neatly into the sleigh bed in her chambers. The mattress was softer than the one at he old apartment above the butcher, but it lacked the warmth of personal history that her old home possessed. Glancing around the room she noticed that, though not quite as upscale as the rest of the manor, even the servants quarters were furnished nicely. In addition to her bed there was a vanity, a set of shelves, and a matching dresser in the room as well.
Upon her arrival last night she began unpacking her bags, though she told herself it was to make this place feel more like home she knew the real reason was to keep her from turning tail and running back out the door. There was no history here, no trace of her father in it's walls. Gazing around the room brought no memories of laughter or joy, only an unpleasant emptiness.

β€œSleep is out of the question," she sighed crossing the room to the sparsely decorated shelves. A trinket box and a few knick-knacks sat on the top shelf, tokens of her father’s affection in the years when he was still alive, and a few leather bound books that she cherishes took their place on a shelf of their own.
While searching for the Manor upon her arrival in Hob’s Bay she stumbled upon a library. Though the librarian could not help her search, she had recommended a novel that Nina happily borrowed. Thoughts of a blooming friendship between her and the older woman put a smile on her face, books had been her sanctuary for the last year without him. She retrieved this book from the top of the pile and sat in the windowsill, it’s pages would help her pass the time until morning came.

Streak of dawn passed through the thin part in the thick curtains revealing the particles dancing in the air. Nina placed a ribbon halfway through the book and sighed, thoughts of heroic knights made her heart flutter and cheeks turn a magnificent shade of pink. Outside the water seemed to have risen an amazing amount since her arrival, the manor seemed to be an island surrounded by a sea that parted just for her arrival.
How odd, she thought, I guess I won’t be returning this book anytime soon, I hope she understands...”
As she placed the book back on it’s shelf she noticed a letter that had been placed on her nightstand. She was sure that it was not there the night before, but it must have been. No one had entered the room while she was reading, β€œI must have missed it..." she mumbled as she opened it, taking in the tasks for the day.
The thought of being around so many new people both excited and terrified her as she thumbed through the small selection of dresses she brought with her. After settling on a pale yellow dress with a sweet heart neckline that fell just past her knees she retrieved her white apron from the dresser and tied it around her waist. Though she was sure that there were aprons for her in the kitchen to choose from, she had a special attachment to this one. Though it was made of white cotton, she had embellished the edges with lace and sewn the outline of a white rabbit on the corner. Her father’s nickname for her had always been his little bunny due to the way she wiggled her nose back and forth when she was deep in thought or reading a particularly exciting chapter in one of her romance novels.
Finally she pulled on her black boots and laced them up. They rose to above her ankle and the two inch heel gave her just enough lift that she wouldn’t stand out too much with the others. Finally she pulled her hair up in a bun, though she attempted to keep it neat she had trouble with her curls at times. Sticking a few pins into the bun to hold down the flyaway strands and tying a pastel blue ribbon around the curly mess completed her preparation for the day. She considered slipping on her white gloves, she had worn them almost every day since her father’s passing, but chose to risk the passing touch of the others. Her job in the kitchen wouldn’t require hand coverings. At this point they would just be a crutch for her social anxiety. She did bring a book with her however, The Language of Flowers , to bury her head in should it become to much for her. It was time to start her new life, it was time to meet her new family.

When she entered the kitchen she was amazed to see just how many servants Mr.Blackford had employed on his staff. In her days at Claire manor as a child there was only two maids, the cook, and her father who did all of the work. Claire manor was half the size of this estate however, so the staffing choice made sense. With her life of isolation for the past year even just three or four people would seem like a crowd though.
Nina kept her head down as she entered the kitchen, her hands clutching her book tight enough to pull her the skin white across her knuckles. She wanted to turn and run, but remembering the rising water she knew there would be no escape. Instead she took a deep breath and raised her head to view the group that had converged in the room, no doubt in search of breakfast before their work day began. Though she had no appetite she had no choice but to remain in the kitchen, this was where she belonged.

Glancing around she wondered what she should begin doing. The cook, she assumed based on the apron he wore, was chatting with another girl who was preparing something in a small pot and a second girl was looking through the cabinets and drawers.
They must be the other kitchen hands, they look busy... I should be doing something as well... Glancing around she searched for a task to start. It seemed that most everyone was waiting patiently for something to eat.
Nina placed her book down onto the butcher block table and grabbed a basket that sat in the corner of the kitchen next to a door she was assuming served as a pantry. Stepping into the small room her assumption was verified only by the sparse supplies lining the shelves.
I suppose that makes sense, one of the tasks does require an order be placed fro supplies... I just didn’t think it was going to be this bad. she thought as she removed the lid from a dusty barrel. Though the barrel could have held hundred of apples, only seven lay at the bottom of the barrel. She almost fell in as she leaned over to reach them, her ability to balance on the edge with her feet off the ground saved her from taking an embarrassing tumble on her first day. Returning to the kitchen with the basket of apples she felt a lump form in her throat. Now that she had found food, she couldn’t just stand there with the basket and hope that the others would come...

She swallowed hard and walked over to a man with dark hair who was gazing out of the window over the sink. Standing next to him she dumped the apples into the sink and began rinsing the dust from their red skins. She spoke in her soft, melodic voice for the first time since she stepped into the kitchen, though she couldn’t bring herself to raise her eyes to his.
β€œAre you hungry," she asked, holding a freshly washed apple out to him, β€œThere isn’t much to eat right now, but I found these in the pantry.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Perkins Character Portrait: Clementine Harper Character Portrait: Nina Xalvadora Character Portrait: Asher Jones Character Portrait: Jule Montgomery Character Portrait: Dorothy Evelyn Bennett
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ImageSam’s dark gaze flickered from the low hanging clouds to the large garden, then past that, the glassy marsh land that surrounded the estate. He had glanced at the garden the day before, when the odd man from town gave him a lift to the manor, and had noted the work that needed to be done. He had missed the back though, where he was now certain he could see headstones in the distance. A family grave site? He pursed his lips slightly. Eight daysβ€”the gravel drive, the chapel, the garden, and now the graveyardβ€”was a short time to get everything ready.

Hearing voices, he looked over at the stove. A young woman was standing here, the little suffragette that Sam had briefly met the day before but whose name escaped him, and the cook lost in their own conversation.

He turned back to the sink and rubbed his tired eyes, vowing to try and actually sleep tonight. He would have laughed at the thought, if it wasn’t so problematic for him. Samuel Perkins, sleeping through the night? How absurd. He hadn’t had a decent night’s sleep in over ten years. And something told him he wasn’t about to start.

Movement out of the corner of his eye made Sam turn and watch as a girl descended the steps, dressed in a cream colored dress and an apron. Her eyes swept across the kitchen, and Sam felt he should at least attempt a β€˜good morning’ to her, but she quickly busied herself with rummaging through the cupboards, and Sam lost his nerve. A little slip of a girl, pressed against the opposite wall, also caught his eye. To her, he nodded and gave a half heartened smiled. He was quickly discovering that the new servants seemed to be as uncertain about the new job as he was...most of them anyway.

The tumble of apples into the basin sink made Sam jump slightly and he turned to see the French girl holding offering one to him. He took it gratefully.

"That's quite all right," he replied, adding, "Thank you." He paused for a moment, seeming to consider, before taking a bite. Realizing he forgot to introduce himself, he offered his free hand. "Samuel Perkins, the new gardener of Blackford Manor," he introduced, deciding he quite liked the sound of his new title. It was much better than 'Samuel Perkins, ex convict and former drunkard'

The setting changes from Blackford Manor (First Floor) to Real world


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Perkins Character Portrait: Clementine Harper Character Portrait: Nina Xalvadora Character Portrait: Asher Jones Character Portrait: Jule Montgomery Character Portrait: Dorothy Evelyn Bennett
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#, as written by Miyer

Jules looked up quickly at the sound of the man's voice, a guilty look flashing across her features. It took her a second to realise that the man, who she quickly identified as the cook, wasn't angry at all. Relaxing, Jule's reached out and took the man's hand and offered him a warm smile.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr Jones, My name is Juliet Monthomery, but please call me Jule.", Jule spared a quick glance back at her poor excuse for a porriage, grimacing before turning back to face Asher. It appeared she couldn't cook as well as she hoped... "I must apologise for using your stove without permission, I was just rather hungry... Though I'm not sure this is edible.", she gave a small chuckle while holding up a wooden spoon of lumpy, gray porriage.

While waiting for Asher's response, Jule's looked around the kitchen and noticed it had begun to fill up. 3 women and a man had entered the kitchen while she was cooking and were doing their own thing. One women was standing against the wall while another had begun to look through the cupboards like she herself had done earlier. The other man in the room seemed to have started a conversation with the last women present. Turning back to Asher, she smiled patiently as she waitsd for his response.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Clementine Harper Character Portrait: Nina Xalvadora Character Portrait: Asher Jones Character Portrait: Jule Montgomery
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#, as written by bjzuels


"Ahh, Juliet. What a beautiful name for a very lovely lady," Asher said as he took her hand and placed a kiss on it. Studying the woman over a bit, he smiled and then looked to the stove. "So, Jules, will you be working here in the kitchen or is there another area of the manor that you have been assigned to?" Asher had taken the wooden spoon in the pot on the stove and looked at the grey concoction a bit more, bringing it to his nose to sniff and then, after wrinkling his nose, he replaced the spoon and looks at Jules, "I don't mean to offend you, my lady, but I believe this..ahh...oatmeal is it? Yes, well, I believe it may be best fit for some of the livestock in the area."

Asher took a quick look around the kitchen and found some food available for cooking. Coming back to Jules he says to her, "Why don't you have a seat at the table over there and I will produce something to fill your hollow stomach in a moment." Turning to the others now assemble in the kitchen, Asher announces, "The name is Asher Jones. I am the head cook of this manor. By the looks of it you have all come in search of breakfast. Rather than having you rummage through the place and make a mess for me, please have a seat at the table by Lady Juliet. I will put together some food for you to help get your day started off right.

With that, Asher starts pulling out eggs, a slab of salted pork, potatoes, and is even lucky enough to find a loaf of bread suitable for human consumption. He turns to his stove, placing some pans on the fire and gets to work preparing the food for cooking.

The setting changes from Real world to Blackford Manor (Ground Floor)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Perkins Character Portrait: Clementine Harper Character Portrait: Nina Xalvadora Character Portrait: Asher Jones Character Portrait: Jule Montgomery
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"Samuel Perkins, the new gardener of Blackford Manor," the young man proudly introduced himself as, taking the apple she offered.
Nina raised her eyes to his, having been taught at a young age by Lady Claire that a young woman should always make eye contact when introducing herself, and wiped the water from her hands before extending one to him.
"Nina Xalvadora, it's a pleasure to meet you Monsieur," she responded with a smile. His eyes were blue like her own, but didn't shine with hope as hers did. He looked tired, but not from a single night. His eyes carried fatigue from a lifetime of restless nights. At the sight of them she felt a pang of heartache for him, but was unsure why.
"The name is Asher Jones. I am the head cook of this manor. By the looks of it you have all come in search of breakfast. Rather than having you rummage through the place and make a mess for me, please have a seat at the table by Lady Juliet. I will put together some food for you to help get your day started off right.
The grizzly fellow that had been at the stove chatting with another young lady had turned his attention to the rest of the group and addressed us in a booming voice. He confirmed her suspicion that he would be the cook of the house and requested that everyone take a seat.

Nina retrieved the remaining six apples from the sink and placed them back into the basket, unsure of what to do with them. She decided to place them on the counter next to him, should he choose not to use them she knew where they would need to be returned.
She returned her attention to Samuel long enough to give him a shy smile before turning to the table to take her place where her book already rested.
Being a kitchen hand she felt that she should be helping him and raised her hand gently, "Monsieur Jones, I have been hired to work in the kitchen with you if you'd like any assistance..." her voice trailed at the end as eyes turned at the sound. Her shoulders rose and her head dropped, it was going to take some time before she felt comfortable around so many people. Her life as a wallflower was over, she was part of something now. A cog in the machine, and for the machine to function properly there would have to be contact between her and the other cogs.
She could only hope that she would be allowed to do some cooking during her employment, though being a kitchen hand only guaranteed that she would be doing much of the cleaning in not just the kitchen, but the entire ground floor. For now, at least until Mr.Cherrywood arrived, she knew who to look to for guidance.

The setting changes from Blackford Manor (Ground Floor) to Real world


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Perkins Character Portrait: Nina Xalvadora Character Portrait: Asher Jones Character Portrait: Jule Montgomery Character Portrait: Bernard Valor
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Miyer

Jule quirked an eyebrow as Asher proceeded to place a kiss on her hand but said nothing, as it was often consider common curtesy though usually only applied with those from highe society. "I, fortunately for everyone here, am not involved in the running of the kitchen Mr Jones, but rather I am a maid.", Jule's answered Ashers question politely.

She then proceeded to go bright red as Asher looked at her food. She was quite ashamed of the resulting mess herself and was grateful when he chose to play it off with humour rather then get angry at her waste of food, even if it was only a small amount.

Jule's watched as Asher looked around the kitchen for food, clearly intending to fulfil his role of cook, a job Jule was happy to relent. Following his instructions, Jule's took a seat and watched as others joined her. First the young French women who had been speaking to the gardener joined, placing what appeared to be apples next to Asher and offering her help in a somewhat shy manner. Briefly catching her eye, Jule offered her a kind smile before returning to her observations.

However, the peace of the kitchen was interupted as a young man entered, making his presence known with a loud exclamation to the cook, whose hand he then shook. He then sat down at the table and pulled out a cigarette and offered one to the Gardner.
Jule's nose wrinkled ever so slightly in disgust, basically unnoticeable, as she had always disliked the smell of cigarette smoke and briefly hoped that the smell of cooking food would mask the aroma. Shaking her head ever so slight, she offered Bernard a gracious smile before extending a hand across the table.

"Good morning Mr Valor, it is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Juliet Montgomery but you can call be Jule."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Perkins Character Portrait: Clementine Harper Character Portrait: Nina Xalvadora Character Portrait: Asher Jones Character Portrait: Jule Montgomery Character Portrait: Dorothy Evelyn Bennett
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0.00 INK

Location: Kitchen
Interacting With: Asher Jones and Nina


Clem continued looking through the cabinets and drawers. She knew she would not be able to remember where everything was from one run through of the kitchen, but it'd be nice to have an idea of where things were. She was about a quarter of the way through the kitchen when another young woman entered. It was becoming quite the party in here, much to her half-hearted amusement and full scale annoyance. One one hand being around all of the other servants would let her get a feel for their personalities and learn where they had been assigned within the house. On the other hand, these people would probably just create a mess for her to clean up later on. She also wasn't much of a people person.

As she continued her self guided tour of the kitchen, she listened to the conversations of the others. She noted each of their names and the positions they held if they stated so. She had just closed a drawer when Mr. Jones proceeded to announce that he would make them all breakfast. It was nice to know that the cook could take initiative and seemed confident in his abilities to cook. Nonetheless, Clementine would not be able to partake in any culinary wonders he provided unless they were soups or soft foods. It was almost ironic that a woman unable to eat solid food should be working as a kitchen hand. She eyed the food that Mr. Jones had pulled from around the kitchen and was relieved to see that he had pulled out some eggs and a loaf of bread among other things. A cooked egg and a piece of bread what be fine for her breakfast, even if it was boring by others' standards.

Clementine removed the pencil from behind her ear while simultaneously grabbing the notepad out of her apron pocket. She wrote a note on it for Mr. Jones to read. In the time it had taken her to do so, another young man had burst into he kitchen and introduced himself. She could only hope that he was not a kitchen hand. He was much too loud for her liking. As Bernard took a seat at the table, she noticed the dark haired woman approach Mr. Jones. Clem approached the cook as well and heard that other woman was a kitchen hand and had asked if the cook needed any help. She took her pencil again and added another line before the note she had just wrote down.

She tapped Mr. Jones on the the shoulder once she stood near him. She offered a small smile in place of an 'excuse me' before holding up her small notepad so he could read her message. Mr. Jones, I am a kitchen hand as well. My name is Clementine Harper. I am unable to speak and also unable to eat solid foods. Clementine could feel her cheeks threatening to turn red from embarrassment. It felt awkward having to admit so soon that she was mute and would only be able to consume the eggs and bread. She also was never sure how people would react to her muteness. But it was better that he find this out sooner than later given he was the one making the food as well as her superior. Once Mr. Jones was finished reading the note, Clementine turned so that Nina could read it as well.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Reed Character Portrait: Samuel Perkins Character Portrait: Clementine Harper Character Portrait: Nina Xalvadora Character Portrait: Asher Jones Character Portrait: Jule Montgomery
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0.00 INK

''No no, it's fine pal-o i don't mind, and on the contrary i do live here i'm your very own stocktaker.''The man said and Chloe cocked her head. An American? How Queer? He rose to his feet, and gave a gallant bow. She blinked. 'If you don't mind, i'd like to ask your name.''He asked with an almost child like smile that caused her mouth to twitch.

"Chloe. Monsieur" She said. "Chloe Reed." She said with a curtsy, if her skin wasn't enough, showed she was of the lower class.

''Anyways i should be heading back, i'm kinda feeling the hunger ya know, i wouldn't mind dining with a fine ladie such as yourself.'' He told her and offered his hand. She looked at him with wide chocolate eyes. Why did he do that? We all american's this carefree, did they not care for Class? He called her a Lady? A fine one at that.

Was he ill in the head,unable to see color? Confused and a little curious, she dropped her tiny hand into his and he lead her into the kitchen where she pulled her hand from his the moment she saw the others. She lingered back a bit, as the American made his grand entrance, she hung by the entry. ''Got room for another Mr.Chef!'' He announced before he offered a hand to the each of them. ''The names Bernard Valor! Great to meet cha all!' He said, and she made note to remember his name.

Chloe took this time to examined the rest of them. . One woman with auburn curls, standing besides an older gentlemen to which she assumed was the cook as Bernard went to him first, another was a lithely blonde, who was a simple beauty, was scribbling something on a pad before showing it to the others, while Bernard approached a man with a look that who could only be described as 'English', His eyes were sad, this she could see from here. There was another woman, with brilliant big blue eyes that the tiny blonde was showing her pad to.

Chloe heard the auburn haired woman introduce herself as Juliet Montgomery.

Chloe took a breath and decided to enter the room, make herself known.They were all in the staff, even if they all were fair of skin, perhaps she wasn't entirely lesser then them. She entered the room, with the exact opposite amount of enthusiasm as Bernard and before she could opened her mouth to speak, her nerves got the better of her and she ducked her head down, snapping her mouth shut with a click. The last time she asserted herself did not end well.

"Excusez-moi " She told them quickly with a nod, her eyes on the floor.

She moved to the table, furthest from the group, and sat in a hurry, hoping she didn't make a complete fool of herself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Reed Character Portrait: Samuel Perkins Character Portrait: Clementine Harper Character Portrait: Nina Xalvadora Character Portrait: Asher Jones Character Portrait: Jule Montgomery
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0.00 INK

#, as written by bjzuels


As Jules walked away, Asher went to dispose of her creation in the trash can near the back door. When her turned around to make his way back to the counter where he would work to prepare the food, he is met by a petite woman who was placing apples on the counter. "Monsieur Jones, I have been hired to work in the kitchen with you if you'd like any assistance..." Asher looks the woman over and with a smile nods, "Very good, my dear lady. Are you any good with a knife? You can peel and dice those apples for me and then set yourself to work on that sack of potatoes. I should think dicing them to about the size of your thumb nail should do nicely.

Without waiting for a response, Asher makes his way past the table towards the door to the room he saw meat hanging in. ''Got room for another Mr.Chef!' the brash young man who identified himself as the "Stocktaker" asked. Asher pointed to a chair at the table and replied, "Indeed I do, my fine man. Take a seat and in no time we shall have food on a plate before you." Reaching the room, Asher turned on a light and saw a variety of meats and sausages hanging from hooks and packed in barrels. Some were salted and others smoked. Finding a fine chunk of smoke ham, he brought it out and took it to the counter that the petite woman was working on peeling and dicing.

When he reached the counter, he was approached by another young woman. She seemed a bit shy and almost hesitant to come to him. As he placed the meat on the counter, she tapped his shoulder and held out a small pad of paper which had some words written upon it. Asher looked at what the woman was holding out to him. It read: Mr. Jones, I am a kitchen hand as well. My name is Clementine Harper. I am unable to speak and also unable to eat solid foods. Asher handed the notepad back to her and said, "A pleasure to meet you, Clementine. Ahh, lets see. Perhaps you can find where they have placed the dishes, cups and silverware and begin to set the table for our esteemed guests."

Asher looks back to the petite lady to she how she is progressing as he finds a knife for himself to cut the meat with, "So, my name is Asher, I didn't catch yours." He set to work cutting the meat into slabs, glancing back to the woman to listen for her response.

The setting changes from Real world to Blackford Manor (Ground Floor)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Reed Character Portrait: Samuel Perkins Character Portrait: Clementine Harper Character Portrait: Nina Xalvadora Character Portrait: Asher Jones Character Portrait: Jule Montgomery
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0.00 INK


As you were chatting along, the cook preparing dinner and the kitchenhands doing their jobs, three new people entered the room. The eldest of the three introduces herself as Mrs. Gelder, and reminds you all that in the absence of Mr Cherrywood, she will be in charge. She has little else to say to you, opting instead for a small cup of black coffee before she sets about her administration tasks of the day. She tells you that she expects you all to do the same.

The two others say little. In fact, they hardly introduce themselves. The younger woman only smiles faintly, keeping at the edges of the room and vanishing before she calls too much attention to herself. The man looks to the floor and says nothing. He responds to question with a gentle smile and a slight shake of his head, as though unable rather than unwilling to reply.

Before you know it, breakfast is over. It is time to move on to your work, and perhaps allow yourself to explore the house and the still visible grounds before dinner is served. The water is still high, but steadily pulling back, revealing long stretches of white sand, and nothing else...


It was clear Mr. Cherrywood had not had help with his paperwork for some time. The papers were erratic, most of it hastily put together. She couldn't find a proper record of the guests they were expecting at the end of the week. Similarly, though the house was clearly lived in there were few orders of food. Enough to feed two, perhaps, but not the large staff required by the house– not even four, depending on how long Lord Blackford had lived alone with only Cherrywood, Nancy and Christopher for company.

Had they been close to a forest she might have understood. It wasn't unusual for Lords to prefer their meat fresh, but around here there was nothing to hunt. Josephine sighed, rubbing her temples against a headache born from confusion. Hunger cleared her mind, so she refused to take food before the most important work was done. Still, she was beginning to feel awfully alone in the little office by the kitchen, and considered a spot of supervision before she continued her work.

"As you can see, a lot of this stuff is really old," Nancy explained to the other maids over the fast-paced clicking of her heels. "You'll want to be careful when you clean it. Not that the man upstairs gives a toss about the furniture, but Cherrywood can be a real arse about it." She gave an awful, throaty laugh at this, nudging Christopher, who only shrugged as he continued to give the floor a prolonged stare.

"Most important bit's probably the dining room," Nancy continued. "The guests are gonna spend the most time in there, so we should be thorough with it. I'm guessing they won't have much time for the other rooms, but I guess it won't hurt to give it a proper clean for once."

She pushed open the double doors to the dining room, revealing a lavish chaos of furniture. A huge, dark oak table stretched from one side to the other, around which stood a dozen of equally oak chairs with blood red seating. Golden curtains bulged by the gigantic buildings giving a view to the garden of the house. A few counters lined the walls where the servants would be resting drinks and dinner before serving. At the very edge of the room, a huge fireplace would gape like a mouth over whomever sat at the Lord's seat. It was a lot to take in at once– shelves with fine china on display, a gigantic crystal chandelier wobbling over the middle of the table, and all this only at first glance. Nancy paused, letting the maids take in the sight, her expression frozen into a cruel half-smile.

"All right," she said. "Any questions?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Reed Character Portrait: Clementine Harper Character Portrait: Nina Xalvadora Character Portrait: Jule Montgomery Character Portrait: Dorothy Evelyn Bennett
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0.00 INK

Location: Dining Hall to Kitchen
Interacting With: Nancy and Maids


Following breakfast, Clementine joined the maids as Nancy led them to the dining room. Though her primary duty was cleaning the kitchen, it wouldn't hurt to know where the dining room was. She might be requested to come back and help out should her efforts be needed.

The dining hall was quite a sight. It was grande and beautiful, yet a bit intimidating. She'd seen plenty of dining halls before given her past life, but this one just seemed a bit creepy. Perhaps it was the dark furniture, the large fireplace, or the dreary weather outside that made her feel this way. She looked around, taking it all in. Her facial expression barely changed as she did so.

Her attention turned back to the maid leading them as she asked if anyone had any questions. Clementine had quite a few questions. Who were the guests that were coming? Other wealthy civilians? Where was Master Blackford? Could there really be only a few staff members that weren't new in this large manor? Why did the man next to Nancy not speak? How had she been selected for this role? How had they even found her after she'd fled after knocking some sense into that pervert cook? She would not ask these questions to another human just yet. First, she might as well wait and see if some would be answered for her. Until then, she'd just do her job and hope nobody bugged her too much.

Clementine shook her head in response to Nancy's question and gave a small nod to the maids before leaving the dining room. It was time to go and clean the kitchen. She was looking forward to the mind numbing work of sorting and cleaning. A small smile formed on her face as she walked down the hall, glancing at the walls as she passed them. She was soon in the kitchen, where Mr. Jones and Miss Nina would be if they weren't already. Hopefully there were no creatures or unwanted plant life lurking within the kitchen. Clementine did not want to deal with catching mice or removing mold. Both were quite annoying.