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Hisoka Gyuren

Cover Sakende Shibo

0 · 2,846 views · located in Soul Society

a character in “Bleach: Burning Dawn”, as played by Areomancer


Vizard Template
Name: Hisoka Gyuren

b]Hollow mask:[/b]
Zanpakuto: Cover Sakende Shibo

Grand Rey Cero~ Image
Garganta~ Image


ImageHisoka was once a well known and respected lieutenant throughout all of soul society until his hollowfication occured. There was a time when he was sane, but now his mental health is unpredictable. More so the fact that since his power is insane, no one knows what he is capable of.


Bankai~ Three stages
Honzo Jyushirin Sakende Shibo~ Image
When in it's first stage, Sakende Shibo transforms into a massive Buster Blade. While swinging this blade Hisoka is able to use his reiatsu as a sort of air slash. Infusing every swing with some of his energy he can launch multiple waves of Reiatsu at once.

Jyushirin Sakende Shibo Taiken~ Image
By forming his hollow mask and transfering his Zanpaktou into his body, Hisoka becomes a power filled fighting force that uses it's fist as a weapon. While in this form his reiatsu output is massive enough to make captain's nervous,

Tsunpo Shibo~ Image
When in it's final form Sakende Shibo unleashes all of it's power causing Hisoka to undergo his full hollowfication transformation. While in this state Hisoka has control over his judgements unless he decides to let his inner hollow become the user. Maximum Reiatsu is outputted while in this form causing the entire soul society to begin shaking.


(updating later)

So begins...

Hisoka Gyuren's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hisoka Gyuren Character Portrait: Yukimura Hayato Character Portrait: Anzabe Riyukai
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#, as written by Hoga
Anzabe sat atop the palace of Las Noches. He moved his throne up their recently, he liked being able to get such a good view out of everything. He hated the inside, and loved the perpetual night Hueco Mundo offered.

He sat with his legs crossed, leaning his head against is hand. He tapped the armrest with his free arm, a very rhythmic beat. A quick 1, 2, 3, 4. He over looked the entirety of his kingdom. His time here had been short, but he had quickly made his rule total and absolute. He was planning his next assault. He wasn't going for anything big, he just needed to prod the Gotei 13, he needed a better gauge on their strength. He thought about sending Hisoka in the next attack. He was sick of Arrancar failures.

He looked down at his small pocket watch. Yukimura should be here soon with their daily tea. He stamped his foot, and a table and additional throne appeared for his friend.

(OOC sorry I forgot to tag this Las Noches, i'll do that with my future posts.)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hisoka Gyuren Character Portrait: Yukimura Hayato Character Portrait: Kitty Character Portrait: Anzabe Riyukai
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#, as written by Hoga
"How many years will go by before you stop calling me Rikai? You know I'm not a fan of it." He grabbed his cup and and picked it up for a small sip. Good tea as usual.

"Also you make it sound like I'm just trying to cause chaos, but my plans have method and purpose. I'm still trying to gauge their power. I was going to send Hisoka or Kitty on a small skirmish."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hisoka Gyuren Character Portrait: Yukimura Hayato Character Portrait: Kitty Character Portrait: Anzabe Riyukai
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"It's just an old habit. Besides, pronouncing your name, 'Riyukai', is quite hard. I find 'Rikai' better." He smiled. Indeed how many years had passed by since he started calling him Rikai, he wondered. What happened at the past seemed to clung onto him like a glue, and no matter how hard he tried to fight it off, it just keeps coming back.

"Also you make it sound like I'm just trying to cause chaos, but my plans have method and purpose. I'm still trying to gauge their power. I was going to send Hisoka or Kitty on a small skirmish."

"Didn't everything you planned turns out to be a mess? And it's I the one to clean it up. Sigh... So, what's your next plan? Sending Arrancars like Hisoka or Kitty ain't no small job. Tell me."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hisoka Gyuren Character Portrait: Yukimura Hayato Character Portrait: Kitty Character Portrait: Anzabe Riyukai
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#, as written by Hoga
"Didn't everything you planned turns out to be a mess? And it's I the one to clean it up. Sigh... So, what's your next plan? Sending Arrancars like Hisoka or Kitty ain't no small job. Tell me."

"I will need an Arrancar and Shinigami for this. We need to draw them out in the World of the Living, and in the Soul Society. Kitty will battle them in the World of the Living. Hisoka will battle them in the Soul Society. We need to see how they react to the individual battles, and see if we can draw out some powers we previously didn't know about."

He looked up to his friend. "I wouldn't have judged you for staying behind my friend. You make it sound as if you didn't like coming with me."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hisoka Gyuren Character Portrait: Yukimura Hayato Character Portrait: Kitty Character Portrait: Anzabe Riyukai
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#, as written by Hoga
Anzabe looked to both of them. He knew the two of them hated each other. Sending them on a mission together wouldn't yield any results that would be helpful. They wouldn't become better teammates. But maybe this would still be useful. Yukimaru could go to the World of the living. Then Kitty could go with Hisoka. Everyones happy. Kitty would cause more trouble in the Soul Society anyways.

"Kitty go with Hisoka. You get your wish. Yukimaru head to the world of the living."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hisoka Gyuren
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Hisoka walked through Karakura town as he looked around for a bun shop. He was hungry as hell and nothing was going to get in the way of him and a redbean bun.

Hisoka spotted someone, instantly feeling their reiatsu, he looked in the directon of a highschool. Running head first Hisoka charged into the school building knocking everyone out of his way and ran into a classroom. Placing his fingers forward, a twisted smile formed on his face.

"Shakkaho." He said as a red orb shot from his fingers and blew most of the building away, causing a numerous amount of civillian souls to appear. He strolled away listening as he let out a monstrous amount of reiatsu.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hisoka Gyuren Character Portrait: Ratigan
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Rattus Y. Pestis or Ratigan as he liked to be called had returned to town after many years, traveling making sure there was no one after him because of the death he had spread in the places he made his home. He had just left his medical practice, living there for close to forty years with the excuse of plastic surgery and keeping in shape only lasted so long. He had finally perfected his bankai; many mortals had to die for it but his just made it look like a giant plague. Not to mention the few Hollows and Shinigami he had managed to capture to test his few Bakudō techniques on. Most of them for capturing and stunning his targets, but his own techniques were a mixture of medical knowledge from his time in the fourth Division and what the humans know allowing it to look like he’s healing but actually the healings being blocked, he still didn’t know how long it takes for the technique to wear off but the person he had tested it on had died after three days of torture.

As he walked down the street he saw a figure throw an attack into the humans building, not one to let the souls go to waste, pity the bodies were dead but the souls were still useful to him, but there was no way to capture and hide any of them what a waste. He entered the plane activating his mask and appeared out of sword range to the figure. Taking his mask off but holding his hand to the side of his face in case of emergency, he said “you do know that they are going to hunt you now, and since I was close they are going to hunt me” he sighed “I have been hiding for years and now you have driven me out. If I help you get their attention will you help me escape?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yang Kaido Character Portrait: Hisoka Gyuren Character Portrait: Ryu ? Character Portrait: Ratigan Character Portrait: Nakahira Kujo
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Hisoka looked at the man that had recently appeared with a vizard mask. Who the hell was this guy and where the hell did he get off telling me off? Hisoka thought to himself as he studied the man over again, taking in his entire appeareance. For a vizard he didn't seem so strong but he was right, he wanted attention from soul society, the urge for fighting was overtaking him.

"If you want to get away so badly, sure i'll help you get away. But know what nevermind." Hisoka stated as he opened a gargantta and releasing five menos, that began feeding on the souls of the dead students.

Kaido had finished up his training and gone back to the barracks of the 13th squad. He thought about what had happened earlier between Captain Ryu and hisself. "She's a foolish woman but I know she means well, even if she doesn't realize the harm she puts her team through." He said to himself as he went back outside and began walking as he heard someone singing. Steeping into the courtyard he saw Captain Ryu singing and her team listening.

"What a lovely tune... Captain." He whispered to himself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hisoka Gyuren Character Portrait: Ratigan
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As he saw the souls get eaten he was glad they were used even for so minor a purpose. "You want to help in exchange for escaping? I have many talents few for battle, you're not hurt so that's useless, I can't help in destroying blocks, but I can help you kill. Names Ratigan I have a full name but I don't like it and if I told you then you might call me it. Just one question are you alone or are there more like you? Because I would love to test my techniques in our kind there are just too many questions about our systems that I have and it would do no good to test them on myself, most of them are …. hard on the body, though if you can control hollow then you must have some friends in ….. high places, and if your friends are who I think I would love to study them through the same tests I would our people. We will talk after I spread the death you want.” He stepped into the ruin of the building and found the plumbing he took his sword out and said “flow kokushibyou” with and stuck his sword into the water infecting the water in the city. He stepped back to the figure “they will be dying for days, I’d go kill more but as I said before I’m not a fighter, and there seems to be one coming up so if you could open a door for me. That is unless you need me for something else?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yang Kaido Character Portrait: Hisoka Gyuren Character Portrait: Kai Ryuuzen Character Portrait: Yukimura Hayato Character Portrait: Kitty Character Portrait: Ratigan
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Yang Kaido

Kaido jumped off the roof and followed the commander as they sat down. "Your telling me that even you were shaken? Then I don't think were dealing with a simple hollow here. Maybe an it was much too fierce even for them. A vizard then." Kaido thought out loud before looking at Kai's face. "I find it odd though. that of all the times to release pressure why now, and why in the human world. Was it to draw us out or maybe even warn us."

Hisoka Gyuren

Hisoka looked at the man who had now grasciously offered his help, however Hisoka wasn't in a very compatible mood seeing as how his need for violence hadn't been satisfied yet. "I'm sorry Mr. Ratigan but I need to take my leave now." Hisoka stated as he poked a finger in mid-air and his garganta began to open. He stepped inside and let it close behind him as he flashed almost instantly into a palace, inside of Hueco Mundo. "Anzabe, Yukimura!" He shouted as he began to walk towards the inner chambers where he knew they held most of their confrences.

The setting changes from Soul Society to Las Noches


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hisoka Gyuren Character Portrait: Ratigan
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Ratigan saw the figure turn to open a portal, in the seconds it took for the Vizard to walk through; Ratigan had gone full speed into Las Noches barl making it in with the bags from his solid body. With his mask on he used the full time to get into the wasteland, and used Kyokkō to hide himself. He quickly made himself a makeshift lab in the wastelands, and started to kidnap Arrancar. Usually knocking them out with his version of Tanma Otoshi, and when they woke up in his lab they were already under the influence of Shibireyubi, his messed with the blood and nerves of the brain. Writing notes on how his anti-healing techniques worked on them.

The setting changes from Las Noches to Soul Society


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hisoka Gyuren Character Portrait: Kai Ryuuzen Character Portrait: Hideaki Kurosaki Character Portrait: Ryu ?
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Ryu Shosuke

the young man came downstairs and she could feel the spiritual power oozing from him 'i guess we found him'she thought. but he quickly left them to talk with his father. "hey wait excuse me for a moment Mr. Kurosaki" as she followed the boy upstairs slammingthe door open.but apparently she interupted something when a rather smal girl came out of his closet and she gasped when she realized who it was. "Officer Kuchki what on earth are you doing in the boys closet?"