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Yang Kaido

(All credits to Ricky for thinking this up) The balance between light and dark is crucial... "More Sake!"

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a character in “Bleach: Burning Dawn”, as played by Areomancer


Name:Yang Kaido
Age: 22
Abilities: Kido, Zanjutsu
Rank: Captain

Zanpakuto Name: Sashihiki
Translation: Ebb and Flow
Zanpakuto Type: Reiatsu
Zanpakuto Weapon (Sealed)
Zanpakuto Weapon (Sealed): Unknown. The world that Yang interacts with is dark with a white eternal mist, the spirits speaks to him as if it is everywhere around him. He has never seen it manifest.
Personality: Sashihiki is extremely calm and wise. It often guides him when he needs to make a more level headed decision.

Zanpakuto Spirit (Outer world): His Zanpakuto spirit never exits into the real world for it does not see the need.
[*]Name: Yami no kurōru (闇のクロールCrawling Darkness)
Description: By stabbing his Zanpakuto into the ground he can create a mist like darkness that extends around him and can trap enemies, extend stalagmite like spikes and loosen those same spikes in order to grasp or detain an opponent. The attack can only be used by having the blade stabbed into an object the darkness extending from the area that was stabbed and if removed from that object the darkness will disappear

[*]Name:Hikari ni kagayaku (光に輝くShining Light)
Description: A slash type attack that causes a crescent shaped streak of reiatsu to surge forward. This focused attack is a powerful projectile that can slice through most all inanimate objects.

[*]Name:Yami ni kagayaku (闇に輝くShining Darkness)
Description: No longer bound by the rules of dark and light he can now fire streaks of darkness from his zanpakuto with a thin lightning like stream of white reiatsu encircling it. When coming into contact with a target the darkness can spread from the point of impact but only in a range of 5m and it will only last for a few minutes
[*]Name: Kaosu Arashi (カオス·嵐Chaos Tempest)
Description: By separating darkness to one side of his Bankai blade and light to the other Yang invokes "Chaos". Then by spinning the blades he creates a powerful tempest. Once the blade reaches the proper speed it is thrown towards the target at a high speed the blade always naturally returns to Yang regardless of contact with the intended target. Being that the blade is infused with Yang's reiatsu he is able to control the blade using his hands while its in flight. While Yang's most powerful attack it also leaves him vulnerable being that he is without a Zanpakuto for a moment.
Release Command: Taishaku, Sashihiki!


Yang Kaido is a man of many faces and a complex nature. He prefers for his true emotions never to be seen and hides under the guise of a jokester. He is a deep and serious thinker, a poet of sorts, and a defender of Gotei 13. In most situations he is happy to keep a light heart and joke around unless duty calls in which case the smiles fade and his serious nature arises.


Shunido - A custom technique created by Yang a combination of Shunpo and Sonido Yang uses this technique to push his body into a flash making him one of the fastest beings Arrancar or Shinigami


Yang Kaido wasn't much of a human as humans go. He was dull and most people didn't pay attention to him. His only redeeming factor was that he was a slight oddball, always claiming to see spirits and outlines of monsters. Most villagers just shook this off. One day while helping a spirit Yang came across one of these monsters and in an attempt to defeat it to defend a spirit Yang was easily killed. He awoke to a white haired boy kneeling over him. One who would come to be known as Shoya his brother. He and Shoya quickly formed a 'family' to survive the cruel afterworld especially in the poorer sectors of the Rukon District. Shoya took on the name Kaido, even though he was 2 years (physically) older than Yang because he thought it sounded cooler. As Yang learned the basics about hollow he found himself exploring the Rukon district at every sighting of a hollow. Most often he avoided being seen but steadily trained to defeat them and become strong. When he believed himself strong enough to take one on he challenged a hollow and was easily thrashed. As the hollow went for the kill Yang was saved by a shinigami captain who recognized the boy's spiritual power and told him that if he wished for strength to join the Seireitei. It wasn't much of a decision for Yang. He told his brother immediately that he would be leaving. Shoya told him that it was a fool's errand but Yang was set in his heart. He departed for the Seireitei.

Yang seemed to naturally pick up all the talents needed to become a Shinigami. He was particularly good with Kido which led most to believe he would have a Kido based zanpakuto when he discovered its name. It was while training that he met a man named Domon Tsugetsa, the exact opposite of Yang. While Yang was serious and straightforward Domon was an obvious prankster, all the world his stage and every line his punchline. After a particularly destructive sparring match called by the teachers between the two clashing personalities they became friends. Yang graduated and found himself among the ranks of the Gotei 13 while Domon disappeared at some point in their Academy years. Yang quickly ascended in the ranks. He found himself serving under a particularly jealous and unscrupulous captain, but he figured the first chance he got he would simply change squads. He never got that chance...

So begins...

Yang Kaido's Story


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Character Portrait: Yang Kaido Character Portrait: Ryu ? Character Portrait: Nakahira Kujo
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"Well there, seems like were having ourselves a bit of a ball here aren't we Ryu?" Kaido said as he appeared beside the other captain.

He looked around at the havoc that was being caused by the adjucha. "Seriously, this much fuss over one little hollow." He looked towards Ryu as she made a scolding face towards him.

"Hey don't get mad at me, I got bored and decided to take a stroll. Oh and Lieutenant Kujo, get a shirt on."


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Character Portrait: Yang Kaido Character Portrait: Ryu ? Character Portrait: Nakahira Kujo
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Ryu Shosuke

she scowled at the captain "well it wouldnt have been much of a priblem had we known sooner of its level of power,besides its good for te boys to fend for temselves i wont always be there"

as she looked back at the fight she realized her lietenant didnt have a shirt on "Dammit Kujo put a shirt on we have an audience!"she yelled at him. "somehow i dont beleive you were just on a stroll Kaido,"her tone level and full of authority"tell me why are you here?"


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Character Portrait: Yang Kaido Character Portrait: Ryu ? Character Portrait: Nakahira Kujo
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Kaido let out a small chuckle as he looked back at the hollow. "Well theres more than one reason why I'm here of course. I'm pretty sure you've heard about the mysterious person that comes around seretei and destroys towns turning them into wastelands. Well I'm actually on an investigation about that."

Kaido said as he stepped towards Kujo, appearing beside him almost instantly. Placing a hand on his shoulder he stated with a grin. "Please Lieutenant let me handle this one." Kaido grinned more as he took his hand off of the Lieutenant's shoulder and aimed it towards the hollow.

"Hado Number 4, Byakurai." Kaido uttered the words as a bright streak of a white beam shot forward piercing through the adjucha's mask and causing his boy to begin disspersing. After Kaido turned back to the captain and stepped towards her. "Now was that so hard?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yang Kaido Character Portrait: Ryu ? Character Portrait: Nakahira Kujo
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#, as written by Tomoya

"Dammit, why does everyone keep interrupting me when I wanna kick some ass?!" Nakahira yelled.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yang Kaido Character Portrait: Ryu ? Character Portrait: Yukimura Hayato Character Portrait: Nakahira Kujo
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Ryu Shosuke

she was shocked when Kaido killed the adjucha "What the Hell Kaido i never gave you permission to kill it"she said angrily "and whats this about wastelands and destroyed towns?first you question my mens ability to handle an adjucha,next you kill the damn thing uggh!"she yelled walking up to him glaring.

"lieutenant Kujo stop complaining and bring these two to the Fourth Division"she orderred without once looking away from Kaido.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yang Kaido Character Portrait: Ryu ? Character Portrait: Nakahira Kujo
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"Heheh sorry I guess I might've used a bit too much power their." Kaido said as he looked at Ryu with a smile before stroking her cheek.

"Come on now Ryu-chan theres no need for the hostilities, I mean after all we all belong to the same organization." He said as he ignored Kujo's loud outburst. He let go of her cheek and began walking away whistling a tune to himself. "I question your ability as well Ryu not just your men. As their captain, this situation shouldve been dealt with quickly no meddling around letting your men's lives be risked so foolishly." Kaido said in a more serious tone fitting that of the 13th Division Captain, Yang Kaido.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yang Kaido Character Portrait: Ryu ? Character Portrait: Nakahira Kujo
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Ryu Shosuke

stepping back when he stroked her cheeck she countinued to glare at the man."dont add honorifics like were friends Kaido and i did beleive my men could handle the adjucha without my help but it seems i was procen wrong besides your the captain of the 13thbdivision worry about your own men not mine"she was really irritated by Kaidos behavouir and would have normally killed any man if they decided ti get chummy with her but because he was a captain she had to refrain herself.

watching him as he walked away she turned back to her lietenant and men "is everyone alright besides those two?"she asked softly her anger quickly deflated as Kaidos words struck a chord in her heart 'i was being foolish but i trust my men and want nothing more than for them to be safe'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yang Kaido Character Portrait: Kai Ryuuzen Character Portrait: Ryu ? Character Portrait: Nakahira Kujo
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Kai Ryuuzen

after an hour of sulking a messanger arrived and handed Kai a document filled with info on his next mission "isn't captain Ryu on that location why doesn't she deal with it... ok i'll got on that right away." he said letting out a large sigh then headed off.

looking about Kai walked up to Ryu "how many have fallen?... oh right exuce me i have to deal with something" he said and instead of waiting for a reply he raced off passing Kaido who had talked with the others "better not let that attitude go unchecked"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yang Kaido Character Portrait: Kai Ryuuzen Character Portrait: Ryu ? Character Portrait: Nakahira Kujo
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Ryu Shosuke

at that moment 1st captain Kai walked up to her asking how many fell. "well non-. . .sir"she stopped midsentace as he rushed off to complete some errand 'strange does everyone know my buisness?'she scoweled at the thought and looked back at her men frowning as she noticed how itired they looked and felt a pang of guilt 'tch its my job as captain to protect these men but i cant even do that much what kind of captain am i?'and Ryu looked up at the ky with a sad expression in her face.

which soon changed with her lieutenants respones and suggestion. "oh your proably right and began to lead the way back home."wait let me take him"and she took the uncousious soldier from one of the men and continued walking humming a slow tune that made the others smile for it meant she was going to sung them a lullaby tonight.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yang Kaido Character Portrait: Nakahira Kujo
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Ryu Shosuke

entering her office lieutenant Kujo not far behind who closed the door behind him silently. "Nakahira make sure to tell the men to gather in the large courtyard by nightfall, you know what will happen from there" giving him a barely noticable smile. "oh and make sure everyone goes to the baths first ill be joining you today so make sure everyone is prepared for me." stepping behind her desk she sat down with a huff and stared at the ceiling. 'what am I going to do... what did Kaido mean by that' thinking back to what he informed her earlier. "tch the damn bastard killing the adjucha and insulting me, and Ryu-cha the hell did that come from?" she grumbled leaning her head in her hand. 'ah well might as well get prepared for the bath' and rising from her desk she walked behind a small silk screen and began to remove her clothing until she wore nothing but a robe. she sat before a mirror and combed through her long red hair unbraiding them and let out a when she finished combing through it.

opening the her window she stepped onto the edge and with a single step was gone. she later appeared in the bathing hall that they all shared and smiled upon hearing the laughter echoing off the high walls coming from her men 'they must have had a good day'. stepping into the wash hall she realized for the first time how few women they had in the tenth division. "strange I could have sworn the washing station was fuller the last time' and began to wash herself with the help of the other woman.

after washing the she and the girls walked into a steam filled room stepping into the bearable hot water. Ryu let out a sigh of content and watched her men And woman interact with each other despite it being the bath. she continued watching for the one person she knew she would have to watch for 'the damn kid is late'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yang Kaido Character Portrait: Hisoka Gyuren Character Portrait: Ryu ? Character Portrait: Ratigan Character Portrait: Nakahira Kujo
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Hisoka looked at the man that had recently appeared with a vizard mask. Who the hell was this guy and where the hell did he get off telling me off? Hisoka thought to himself as he studied the man over again, taking in his entire appeareance. For a vizard he didn't seem so strong but he was right, he wanted attention from soul society, the urge for fighting was overtaking him.

"If you want to get away so badly, sure i'll help you get away. But know what nevermind." Hisoka stated as he opened a gargantta and releasing five menos, that began feeding on the souls of the dead students.

Kaido had finished up his training and gone back to the barracks of the 13th squad. He thought about what had happened earlier between Captain Ryu and hisself. "She's a foolish woman but I know she means well, even if she doesn't realize the harm she puts her team through." He said to himself as he went back outside and began walking as he heard someone singing. Steeping into the courtyard he saw Captain Ryu singing and her team listening.

"What a lovely tune... Captain." He whispered to himself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yang Kaido Character Portrait: Kai Ryuuzen Character Portrait: Ryu ? Character Portrait: Hironobu Watanabe
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Kai Ryuuzen

looking up as Ryu made her way in Kai held out his hand "how you feeling today?" he asked with a smile it was obvious he was trying to hide the fact he was exhausted. "I'll tell you what this is about here real soon" if this wasn't so urgent Kai would have stayed in bed that day istead of comeing or ordering a meeting "sit still noon is nearly upon us" sitting down he patiently waited for noon to creep about keeping his Zanpakuto slung across his shoulder for Captain Watanabe and Captain Kaido to enter


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yang Kaido Character Portrait: Kai Ryuuzen Character Portrait: Ryu ? Character Portrait: Hironobu Watanabe
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Ryu Shosuke

she listened intently as Captain Ryuuzen informed them if his findings 'high alert huh well i'll be damned been awhile since we had last been on high alert.' hearing some captains argue about the pairings Ryu didnt really mind as long as she wasnt paired with one of the male captains who preseived her to be weak for being a woman.but really the fact that Captain Kai didnt think she or any of the captains could handle these hollows who seemed to be even stronger then Vasto Lordes. dissmissing them the captains trickled out of the meeting hall some sociolizeing and catching up on a neighbors affairs. she stayed back for awhile til she herself left the hall. for awhile Ryu simply walked on her own processing the new info.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yang Kaido Character Portrait: Kai Ryuuzen
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Yang Kaido

Kaido hadn't gotten any sleep in the past two days and was on the verge of keeling over at any minutes from drowsiness. However he couldn't allow himself to fall asleep at that moment, there was still alot of work to be finished. "Ahhh~hh, time to go talk to Kai about the latest hollow attack. Most of these attacks are starting to look more like planned positions instead of the usual feeding frenzies of the hollows. Hmm I wonder.." He trailed off as he stepped out of his quarters and saw his men training and laughing with each other. He greeted all of them with smiles and complimented them on their techniques and gave them advice on how to properly use their skills. He kept on walking until he reached thr 1st Division's barracks and appeared on the roof next to the commander. "Kai how are those dreams you've been having?" He asked with a grin.


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Character Portrait: Yang Kaido Character Portrait: Kai Ryuuzen
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Kai Ryuuzen

seeing Yang on the roof nearly made Kai leap out of his skin "getting much worse." he said regaining balance "and the fact that the activity of high level hollows aren't help that much either adjuchas, gillians, and vasto lorde sightings are making it really hard for one to get some sleep..." he added looking back to the sky "but i got a feeling your not here for some plesent chatting your visit must be stricly buisness judging by the way your standing" knowing that Yang wasn't at the meeting Kai quickly breifed him about what was going on "so in short you'll need to team up with another divison, now tell me what have you got to report Captain Kaido"


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Character Portrait: Yang Kaido Character Portrait: Kai Ryuuzen
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Yang Kaido

Yang noticed Kai's reaction to his sudden appearance and couldn't help but laugh, seeing as how he was considered to be one of the fastest in soul society, it wasn't surprising for people to act like that. "Well your right. Buisness is exactly what I'm here and sorry I didn't attend the last meeting.. I had a bit of research I was trying to finish up and I lost track of time." He said as he sat down and croseed his arms against his chest and closed his eyes thinking. "The recent hollow attacks are more precise than ones in the past. I'm afraid that theirs someone actually planning these attacks and gathering specific souls and not just random ones anymore." Kaido said with a serious face as he sighed. "And also I'm sure you felt that spirit pressure from a few days ago... that wasn't any hollow. It was too powerful and evil."


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Character Portrait: Yang Kaido Character Portrait: Kai Ryuuzen
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Kai Ryuuzen

nodding Kai lifted a hand "yes that spitirtual pressure was rather power and it doesn't surprise me if who ever it is has evil intents but to have such power that the hollows would even bow down to them i fear that not even the captains will survive if and when they go on a murderous rampage" he said leaping off the roof and gestured for Yang to do the same "i fear that we will need some one with the same ammount or even more spiritual powers inorder to even stand a chance agianst this new threat" looking around the court yard Kai turned to Yang then sat down


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yang Kaido Character Portrait: Hisoka Gyuren Character Portrait: Kai Ryuuzen Character Portrait: Yukimura Hayato Character Portrait: Kitty Character Portrait: Ratigan
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Yang Kaido

Kaido jumped off the roof and followed the commander as they sat down. "Your telling me that even you were shaken? Then I don't think were dealing with a simple hollow here. Maybe an it was much too fierce even for them. A vizard then." Kaido thought out loud before looking at Kai's face. "I find it odd though. that of all the times to release pressure why now, and why in the human world. Was it to draw us out or maybe even warn us."

Hisoka Gyuren

Hisoka looked at the man who had now grasciously offered his help, however Hisoka wasn't in a very compatible mood seeing as how his need for violence hadn't been satisfied yet. "I'm sorry Mr. Ratigan but I need to take my leave now." Hisoka stated as he poked a finger in mid-air and his garganta began to open. He stepped inside and let it close behind him as he flashed almost instantly into a palace, inside of Hueco Mundo. "Anzabe, Yukimura!" He shouted as he began to walk towards the inner chambers where he knew they held most of their confrences.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yang Kaido Character Portrait: Kai Ryuuzen Character Portrait: Hideaki Kurosaki
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Kai Ryuuzen

After a whil Kai stood the dream heavy on his mind and one could see that "wait did you say in the human world that is not good sorry to cut this talk short captain Yang but i have to go and remember don't let your gaurd down" walking off Kai went to the ckiffs agian "what am i supposed to do i know that there is no way the shinigami can survive what ever is lurking in the distance and that boy i am going to have to ask around see if any one has seen some one like that before" scratching his head Kai gabbed his Zanpakuto and began to practice


Hideaki Kurosaki

As soon as school let out Hideaki made a run for home he didn't want to deal with trivial stuff that usually would be brought up like test scores TV shows stuff like that just deal with normal things. Ofcourse nothing is normal with him any more now Hideaki has to hunt hollows and send souls two of the main duties of being shinigami "i'm back!" he called out ducking when he saw his dad diving from the top of the stairs causing him to hit his head on the door frame "geeze how many times are you going to do that i mean come on old man your going to kill yourself one of these days or worse you might kill me" Hideaki said kicking his father out the door then locking it behind him "i'm going to eat and head to my room do not let him in he need a nice long night out side to cool his head" grabbing a bowl of rice he quickly ate then went off to his room "hey Kon what's... pfft what happened?" he said stiffiling a laugh to the stuffed lion who had spirit candy in it giving it life "looks like you got to close to my little sister" sitting down he grabbed Kon then tryed to pull the little flower off his ear "hmm looks like i may need to ripp off your ear" leaning his head back Hideaki stared at the ceiling