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Ibara Hanabira

"It is at the edge of a petal that love waits."

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a character in “Bleach: The Dying Of The Light”, originally authored by PrincessBoy, as played by RolePlayGateway


Ibara Hanabira

Nickname: He likes to be called Ira-chan, even if you are lower class. Also called Ira, or flower boy.
Age: 301, June 21st
Appearance: Ibara is quite different, his hair is kept very long, almost reaching the floor long. His hair is pink with white streaks going through it. He's eyes are a striking aquamarine with long pink and white lashes around them. His skin may look healthy from a far, but up close it's pretty pale. His child appearance, unlike now, his pink hair was cut short and with a square fringe. He's height is quite short compared to the other captains and he's not as strong looking as them either. Though, whenever the chance you catch him without a shirt, he carries a lot of muscle. His expression is usually with a smile on his face. He's very quick on his feet, thanks to his small stature. His clothing is the standard captain uniform, but with a pink obi with a white flower pattern, a lotus on the back keeping in sturdy. Anytime he gets to go to the human world, his appearance changes a lot. His human form is very much like him, but with now white streaks in his hair and it also got chopped off. The clothes he where's are quite fashionable.
Occupation: Captain of the 4th Squad
Theme Song: Fantasy on a Japanese Folk Song
Personality: Ibara is a oddball. He's usually seen with a cheery expression on his face, without a care in the world. Other captains call him stupid for his happy attitude, as he's hardly ever serious. He's pretty clueless too, important information usually going through one ear and out the other. He tends to get whiny or confused when he's given something important. Though,he does have a serious side. Another 'him' in general. He sighs very often and he's a great listener, also giving out good, but pretty confusing advice.
Spiritual Pressure (Reiatsu) Level: Immense
Reiatsu Appearance: A pink color with rips of red and white.
Zanpakuto Name: Sakuibara
Zanpakuto Sword Appearance: Not too plain, not too flashy.
Zanpakuto Spiritual Form Appearance: Not exactly an animal, but more like plant, Sakuibara is vicious. Though there is a small glimpse of a fairy figure with the plant. As it seems, the fairy figure grows bigger with each transformation.
Shikai Release Command and Appearance: "Anata no toge de shukketsu...Sakuibara!" "Bleed by your thorns...Sakuibara!"
Shikai Abilities: Sakuibara has earth like abilities, growing vines and attaching to opponents. Yes, there are thorns.
Bankai Release Command and Appearance: "Hana ga saku sū sen...Bankai!" "Thousands of flowers bloom...Bankai!"
Bankai Abilities: As it transforms to Bankai, Sakuibara's blade gets very long and thin, but still sharp. It also emits off a gas that has a later affect on opponents, causing them to loose focus in eye sight and mind. Flowers scatter around (kind of like Byakuya, but it's actually flowers, not petals) and make a whirlwind around the blade. Flowers cover his mouth (and any others he doesn't want to be exposed to the gas) so the gas doesn't back fire on him. The flowers that are scattering came make illusions of himself or of his sword, hoping to make the opponent go mad (before the gas does it for them). Has minimal use over wind, but all he can do is make it extremely windy.
Powers and Abilities: Ibara is average with Kido, but also an expert with Shunpo (hardly ever seen uses it, except from training or fighting). He's a master at healing, tending to heal anybody that is at least nice to him (or he's too stupid to figure out the person is nice ore evil). He's most commonly found using herbs or any other kinds of plants to heal people.

So begins...

Ibara Hanabira's Story


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[OOC: Sorry if the post sounds short to you, I'm having trouble of thinking what I should type. Stupid writer's block!]

Ibara Hanabira

Ibara Hanabira wasn't as late as others, but he was almost late. He had work to be done. He had been neglected some things and he decided to actually do it for once (before the other captains and his lieutenant started to yell at him). He simply walked in with one of his many smiling faces, with absolutely no care in the world. "Sorry for the tardiness." With that said, he took his seat, but he kept his dreamy expression, not faltering at all. He got some stares, but it was the usual with Captain Ibara as his long pink and white hair was up like always, but with flowers scattering over. It wasn't out of the normal for him at all, but it still freaked out some others of how he was so obsessed with flowers. Like his hair, his uniform also seemed to have flowers scattered (not to many, mind you). He blinked lightly before looking at what has happened as he got here, seeing as most of the captains and other are talking and mingling with everyone. He listened in as the Head Captain made his speech, still with the stupid smile on his face. After he was done he reached over for a drink, he sniffed it first before taking one of the flowers that was on him and putting it in his drink before taking a sip. Which took his obsession up a little.

After taking the sip, deciding that the drink was pretty good with the flower, the flower boy wondered where his lieutenant was. Where exactly is Rei? Should of seen him by now... He kept looking around, his eyes actually becoming serious for a rare moment. The others would gasp at the sight just from how rare it is. The only time he's really serious is when he's training or in a fight. It's actually quite frightening to say the least. After some staring, he blinked and his cheery expression came back, getting some gasps and groans from some people. "Hmm...did I do something?" So clueless.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ibara Hanabira Character Portrait: Ashido Hotaru Character Portrait: Azumi Takeda Character Portrait: Katsuro Nishimuraya Character Portrait: Mugen Otogami
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Katsuro Nishimuraya

Katsuro was one of the first to show up to the Captain's dinner, he didn't really care to go to the dinner but he thought it wouldn't be good if he where to skip it. Katsuro didn't really care for the company of the other Captain and lieutenant because they all where far to serious. He got alone with them all but all ways felt like a child force to sit at the side of there parent as they talk to another adult. Once the other started to show up Katsuro began to think about the day he had. Most of the people from the Rukongai remember what happen one year ago, so he felt like that weighted heavily in the back of there mind. but the children of course, he spend a better part of the day playing with them they where the only ones who seem to truly enjoy them self's. Katsuro honestly only remeber's bits and pieces from that day he had to "lose himself", to fight at full strength so it all just seem like a bad dream to him. Although at times new memories from that day would come back to him at random it seem. As he sat and thought about the games him and the children played Mugen and Ibara had arrived to the dinner late, Katsuro was much to busy in his day dream to noticed. But the sound of Ashido voice snaped him out of his day dream. He looked over at him and seem the same heavy look that everyone had today. He was a little disappointed that Ashido hasn't dunk enough from him to become "fun"[i/]. Gensaiken stoop up Katsuro didn't even take notice of it he tends to tune him out most of the time. After Gensaiken sat back down Katsuro thought this was a good time to leave. he patted Ashido on the back, "I think im going to barracks if any thing happens you can fill me in later." As Katsuro left he began to whistle the song that some of the children where singing.

Azumi Takeda

Azumi sat unpatiently for mugen to show up. She began's to scold herself for not checking to make sure he wasn't off sleeping some where. as he walked in and apologize for being late he wanted to yell at him, for not being here on time like she was. but she knew that would only be wasting here time and breath. she just sits there with a angry look on her face even as Gensaiken begins to speak she only thought how nice her bed would feel right now, but she couldn't very well go until this[i] "thing"
was over.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ibara Hanabira Character Portrait: Azumi Takeda Character Portrait: NPC's
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Ibara Hanabira

The impact of the explosion did catch Ibara off guard. Although, when he heard Gensaiken gather what men that we can. The 4th Squad Captain just squinted his eyes, still looking for his Lieutenant. When the man stood up, he found Rei looking around. "Ne, Rei! Let's get going shall we?" That reiatsu was so familiar, it got to him just a little, but made him chuckle softly. "Well, I always knew something like this would happen. With peace, comes chaos." He just continued to smile like the idiot he is and put his hand on his Zanpakuto, calling to Rei. "Coming or not, my honey bee?" He tilted his head at the man, who got flustered and a bit angry at his nickname. He only chuckled more as he was gone in a flash, Rei only noticing the absence of his Captain until he ran after.

Stepping into the prison, Ibara saw the damage that was there. Chuckling like the stupid person he is, he saw Azumi, the Lieutenant of Squad 5, and like he was listening to her thoughts, he walked up behind and spoke. "It is like someone is breaking him out, don't you think?"