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Kaito Tomoe

"Sir, if you keep goofing off we're going to be late."

0 · 776 views · located in Las Vegas

a character in “Blood and Chocolate: Nightfall”, originally authored by Cheshire_Girl, as played by RolePlayGateway




General information


He's only about 20 years old, but has a bit of a baby face.



Vampire/Human type:



145 Ibs.

Eye colour:
A brownish orange, it's a bit of a complicated color to explain.

Hair colour:
Honey blonde

General Description:
Kaito is the spitting image of his father, with the coloration of his mother. Tall, slim, with smooth flawless skin and a smile that screams confidence. He has honey colored hair and soft, glowing brown eyes that almost appear to be orange in some light. His body is low in fat, but dense in muscle; with ligaments that seem to stretch for days. He isn't athletic though; no, Kaito would rather read or balance a check book then lift weights and do laps.


Kaito has a good head on his shoulders, he can keep a clear focused mind when needed and knows how to split his attention properly when things need to be taken care of. He's very good at keeping his emotions and temper in check, especially in front of his master, Shiro. Their relationship is a bit complicated, although Kaito has only been working as his Ghoul for a month. Kaito has a bit of a problem with letting loose; his father drilled into him that he needed to always be a bit uptight and that mistakes would not be tolerated in this business; although his father no longer walks among the living; Kaito is no less uptight.
Kaito has since been doing his best to unwind a bit while remaining the organized, cheerful person that keeps Shiro on track with his business. He does more then just remind his Master of business meetings and appointments; he does his best to be Shiro's personal assistant and make sure his every whim is taken are of. After all, what else is a Ghoul good for?

Sleep || Reading || Sunsets || Powerade || Meat || Math || Jogging || Birthdays || His family || Working || Salty snacks || Hot chocolate || Tea || Singing in the shower || Rain || Video Games || Crepes || Rice omelettes.

Liars || Cheaters || Bad Business Men || People who cross Shiro || People who bad mouth his father || Hunters || Drug addicts || Overly sweet things || Coffee || The sound chalk makes when you use it || When people click their tongues || Disappointing people || Broken promises || Broccoli || Being cold.

Named Kai, for the sea and To, as in to fly; his parents wanted him to always have the wind under his wings. Perhaps it was because of this that Kaito was always so lucky; or maybe it was just untimely fate. Whatever it may be, Kaito and his father were the only living successors to the Tomoe name. His mother was a regular woman, she had a normal job as a nurse in a hospital and enjoyed her daily life. His father was just starting up a company that was predicted to be very successful.
It was during this uplifting time that tragedy struck; his mother was run over by a bus and his father's company failed and spiraled into debt. He isn't exactly sure when the man became a Ghoul to Shiro, but when Kaito thinks back; he always sees the strange ageless boy with his father following along behind him. Then another terrible thing happened.
It was an accident the police claimed, but Kaito knew better. His dumb father had been protecting Shiro and in the process had been killed by a hunter. He isn't sure what compelled the old man to sacrifice himself and Kaito hopes he never finds himself in the same situation as he decided to take his father's place as Shiro's right hand man and main Ghoul.

Right now he just has Shiro.

So begins...

Kaito Tomoe's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: William Ridley Character Portrait: Shiro Yurei Character Portrait: Isuke Chitaru Character Portrait: Enoch Hendriks Character Portrait: Elizabeth "Liz" Tan Character Portrait: Iven Breton
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The music was loud, the rythmic beat felt as if it was pounding inside his skull but the man sat at the bar didn't mind this one bit, it just added to the atmosphere in the room creating a thick and primordial, animalistic charge that hung in the air as the customers either raved to the beat or sated their varying thirsts. Smiling to himself as he saw the revellers having a good time whilst the staff tried their best please them, the figure sat at the bar picked up his drink and downed it's content; feeling satisfied at the burning sensation of the whiskey and a coppery taste of something that wouldn't be found in a lot of people's cocktail. After ordering another drink the man lit up a cigarette, taking a long drag on it before letting out an equally long exhalation the individual scanned his environment; as he looked past the usual customers and the "entertainers" he noticed the owner of the nightclub was no where to be seen but his favourite pet, one which was rumoured to be the owners right hand man despite only being a worker, was working the floor as he usually did, the man he was looking for on the other hand was as absent as the owner.

Hmm, Petrov mentioned the parte codardo di merda would be paranoid but this is ridiculous, the man scolded in his head picking up his fresh drink and once again downing the contents, his one good eye fixed on the entrance. After some time had passed, his mark finally showed up and headed towards the watching man, his head was down and the man looked like he would run as soon as the watcher made any movement as he shuffled towards the bar. "H-hey there Carth what's with the sudden meeting, ey?" The newcomer asked, squirming as he made himself on one of the stools next to the more imposing man. "Well Jacob it's the usual stuff, one of us has been running amuck amongst the donatore dii sangue and Petrov's found out," Carth mentioned light heartedly a casual grin on his face as if he was filling in an old friend on the latest gossip, noticing a slight tremble in the smaller mans lower lip, "And he's asked us to get rid them." At this last sentence Jacob seemed to visually relax, causing the grin on the other man's lips to retract I to a smirk.

With a nod of his head he signalled the bartender who had been waiting on them to serve them two drinks, Carth's usual: a whiskey cocktail containing sugar syrup, single malt whiskey and his most favourite liquid, A- blood. For the man who was no longer squirming on his seat, a screw driver was poured but with something else added to it as well, a little something extra Carth had tipped the barkeep to add once the mark had shown up. Picking up his own drink, Carth saluted both the man behind the bar and the man sat next to him and drank his beloved liquor in one gulp and waited for the other man to follow suit, to which he did as on que. With the smirk still on Carth's face he asked for his tab and payed it, grabbing Jacob under the armpit and half dragged him out the back exit, the drug that was added to the drink was now taking hold of the man as he made no attempt to resist the only thing he could do was whimper. When they where safely out of everyone's sight in a back alley that stunk of urine, Carth threw the man into the closest pile of refuge, his whimpers growing in intensity. "P-please don't do this, we're buddies right? You wouldn't kill a buddy over a mistake right?" Jacob begged on his knees, tears in his eyes a glimmer of hope in those brown doe like eyes that maybe he could squirm his way out of his inevitable demise. "I don't make the rules." Carth said flatly, as he pulled out a colt .1911 from a hidden holster attached close to his left shoulder and attached a silencer that he produced from his pocket.

"It's nothing personal." And with that said, he placed the tip of the silenced gun to the begging mans forehead and pulled the trigger, shielding his face from the splash back as Jacobs vitae as the man's body slumped backwards, bending it's back in an unnatural way. His job still not finished the armed man placed a carefully aimed round into the body's heart and that was it, job over although conscious wise it wouldn't be over for another week but still he was done and that was all that mattered. He detached the silencer and placed everything back were it had previously been, he even went has far as picking up the spent cartridge and dropped it, nonchalant into the closest trash bin. He needn't worry about the body being discovered, it would be nothing but dust in half an hour or so, with that on his mind he pulled out his mobile phone and called his employer. When the call was accepted he stated, "It's done Petrov, the 'miscreant' has been dealt with. If you need anything else I'm just a call away." He let out a loud sigh as he hung up, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it, hopefully that's it for the day but... The night is still young.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: William Ridley Character Portrait: Shiro Yurei Character Portrait: Isuke Chitaru Character Portrait: Enoch Hendriks Character Portrait: Elizabeth "Liz" Tan Character Portrait: Iven Breton
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William's deep pink eyes narrowed as he peered over the shoulder of his guard. "Who is that?" He demanded thrusting a narrow pale finger at the screen, the blurry image of a man flickered at the bar. The guard blinked and leaned in squinting at the screen.

"I dunno." He muttered. William smacked him in the back of the head with his cane.

"Don't give me I dunno. Give me names. Watch him, and figure out who that other man is." He snapped. He knew from experience that these things didn't simply go away. He needed to take action before the shit storm blew in his direction and ruined the crops he'd worked so hard to sow. He turned away, leaning on the silver handle of his cane and pulled out a cell phone. It was an old flip model colored purple and green as most of his things where, the image of a white rabbit printed on the front. He pressed a few of the buttons and typed in a message before flipping it closed then left the security room, leaving the guard chatting on the coms.

William walked down the narrow halls that lined the upper floors of his club, he could feel the vibrations of the electronic noise coming from the dance hall of the night club but the sound itself was muffled thanks to the money he'd spent in noise cancellation insulation, it still made he head ache, which was why his own living quarters where several stories up still. These floors belonged to the staff and for the few who could manage to afford a private evening with one or two of his ghouls the price was higher than admittance to the club AND the Feeding floors combined so the rooms on that level where never filled completely. William took to the stairs and carefully worked his way up them, hoping that his Little Cat got his message.



Robb, meanwhile had been on the stage. Treating the guests to suggestive glances and winks as he shook his arse on stage. He'd started off in little more than a fluorescent green suit coat and pants and a loosely done purple tie, his pale shapely torso visible to all as he danced to those who enjoyed that sort of thing, tossing his tie and coat into the audience until all he wore was the pants low and revealing on his waist, an equally fluorescent pink G-string just visible. Robb had felt his waist vibrate as William paged him and he finished up his act, bowing low and giving the women at the front a wink of his blind eye, and a grin. Robb had a body nicely suited for his job, thin, his stomach flat but not emaciated, muscles just rippling beneath his skin. For an 87 year old he had a body to die for. He left the stage and pulled on a dark purple dress shirt over his bare torso inquiring on the nearest guards what had happened.

"Some suspicious guy spotted at the bar. Spotted him going off with another guy might've been drugged. He wants us to bring the guy up to him for payment." The guard said. All the guards where dressed in all black with the logo of the club stitched on their breasts and a purple and pink tie. They all wore earpieces and radios and they all carried both tasers and guns. Every single one of the guards where big burly men with at least basic training in the art of subduing a rowdy party-goer. Half where also trained in killing vampires.

"Why does he want me out there?" Robb asked, exasperated. The guard merely shrugged. Robb sighed. "Two of you come with me, let's go offer this man a rare visit with the White Rabbit."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Yurei Character Portrait: Kaito Tomoe
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Image If the guys really wanted to trade so badly, they'd wait on Shiro, no matter how long it took. Yet, he wasn't the type who liked to keep people waiting, specially when it comes to business. Sure, he'd trade the best of the best of things when it came down to it, which was why he always got what he wanted, so of course it wouldn't go too wrong. If people waited so did their itch to start things, it always made people so iffy.

The tycoon that Shiro was dealing with today, he was new to the scene, never had he done trading with such high ups and risks. Specially with humans. This guy was human which meant more risks. Humans tend to lose control under pressure, they have no really learned what it means to truly wait. Unlike us vampire’s we could wait for years if we had to and still understand why and not break.

Pondering over what he saw at the docks, the guys looked pretty skilled. Sure for humans that was kind of amazing. It kind of spiked his appetite, he always did crave the bad humans. For some reason the darkness their soul held, came with a sweet yet sour taste. Touching his pale lips he took his attention away and glanced over at Kaito.

"Are you nervous?" He distracted himself from the slight hunger he was starting to get.

Kaito was mainly there for distraction and not so much for the help. He had made a promise to the boys father that he wouldn't put the kid into danger. And he wouldn’t drink from him, though he has done it once by mistake.

Without hesitation, he reached over and softly rubbed Kaito’s cheek. For a ghoul he felt pretty soft, almost squishy. Like a plushy. Pulling his hand away he looked back at the docks. Shifting his shoulder he finally got out of the car and as soon as the door opened the guys below at the docks looked up.

Even for Shiro and his looks of merely a teen, he still was able to hold his grown with pure threat washing over him. It was like one instant he was gentle and kind and the next, it felt as if death washed over him and changed him completely.

“Stay here.” He had told Kaito.

He didn’t bother to walk down the road, but instead he jumped onto some metal shipping containers and easily jumped down from that onto the ground. To walk around was much more of a pain in the ass than it was to show off and point out his skills a bit. Wasn’t much, but it got the message across, causing the men to back up a few steps.

Standing there with his hands in his long coat he waited, staring them down.

“Ah..Uhm..Somebody get the boss!” One of the guys panicked a bit as he ordered the other guy.

Seeing him run almost sent excitement through Shiro’s body. It was like the cat and mouse game, but having the cat just play it cool.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Yurei Character Portrait: Isuke Chitaru Character Portrait: Elizabeth "Liz" Tan Character Portrait: Iven Breton Character Portrait: Kaito Tomoe Character Portrait: Petrov Yurei
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Kaito was calmly observing their surroundings. They were standing a top an area of shipping containers, looking down at the concrete stacked with crates and other things awaiting to be sent overseas. Beyond that was murky gray water edged in black and green; it was a place Kaito would most definitely never swim in. "Are you nervous?" He looked up when his boss addressed him, he could see that Shiro was hungry and revving for something to eat but whenever Kaito made the suggestion for him to drink his boss turned away as if the idea repulsed him. What good was Kaito if Shiro wouldn't drink his blood? It made the Ghoul feel awfully useless although he never expressed this to his employer.

"No, why would I be?" He questioned when Shiro's hand suddenly came up and pet his cheek. Kaito had braced himself for a slap as his boss could be rather unpredictable at times, but the hand was a gentle caress and Shiro's hand embrace strangely warm despite the fact that he was technically dead. Kaito nearly closed his eyes to savor the rather odd feeling, but caught himself and straightened. He looked down at the clipboard he nearly always carried in order to hide the blush that was coming across his face and wondered whatever could be going through Shiro's head.

"Stay here," Kaito looked up once more only to watch his boss take off across the shipping containers and crates, showing off his power despite his small stature. Kaito sighed and a ran hand through his blonde hair, knowing that it was going to be another long night if Shiro didn't eat something soon. Hopefully he would find a snack among the imps that were lingering below. The call of one of the pesky humans rose up to where Kaito was stationed, his voice shrill and a bit panicked as if they had not been awaiting for the young businessman. It was rather sketchy meeting out here and Kaito wondered why Shiro had ever agreed to go.

The hairs on the back of his neck suddenly stood up. It wasn't chilly, so the goosebumps were not from the cold which could only mean one other thing; they were being watched. The Ghoul took a step forward and hesitated, Shiro had told him to stay put. Should he warn the vampire? He didn't want to interrupt the meeting if it was important, but if the eyes he sensed were hunters then they could be in serious trouble. What would his father do? He tried to think, gripping the clipboard in his hands so hard that the wood creaked.

"Shiro we're being watched!" Kaito finally called, hoping that his boss could hear him over the sound of construction and forklifts that had all decided to come to life at once. He cursed and began to pace when a black elegant, slender car caught his eye. Petrov. The Ghoul froze, the very thought of seeing Shiro's father again made him feel sick to his stomach. The last time they had met Petrov had made a few passive aggressive marks about getting rid of the assistant since Shiro had only ever drank from him once. Was his boss aware that his father was here?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Yurei Character Portrait: Carth Insidiatori Character Portrait: Kaito Tomoe Character Portrait: Petrov Yurei
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"Tsk" Shiro clicked his tongue once he heard Kaito shouting like a fool. Of course they were being watched, it was only natural. Just because he was a vampire didn't make him stupid or lack his senses. Sure if he tried hard enough, he could probably most likely locate the hunters. They all had their own stench that Shiro could never stand to smell. It wasn't bad or anything, he just couldn't stand it because they had the scent of death all over them. It was just the thing that made him crave blood more. They were pretty much a desert to him.

Walking up to the guy who had stood there waiting for his boss, Shiro smiled to him. "Do excuse me for the night. It would seem that we have no business with your boss. I'm afraid that what he carries, isn't what we need."

This was a true, from the looks of how their boss was taking his time, it only meant that they didn't come with the stuff they had agreed upon. It showed he was frightened and lacked the ability to for this job. And if it wasn't for the hunters near by, Shiro would have gotten away with what was running through his mind.

The hunger had set a bit of a fire in the pits of his stomach. There was the smell of death all over. Lowering his head, his white hair barely covered his eyes, casting a small shadow over them. "Did you know, it's not polite to turn down kids? They tend to have very bad tempers and throw fits. Their anger can be even more terrifying than a grown man. Because with a kid, you can never truly understand what they are thinking, until the last second."

Hey... The guy turned pale at what Shiro was talking about. Unable to collect his words. It was only obvious he could feel the change in the air. Wh..what are you talk-

Shiro took a step back and bent forward a bit, with one hand on his hip and the other waving. Haha! Forgive me, I just couldn't help myself. You guys are just too serious." He started to laugh, almost in tears.

Yet even though it was a joke to him, he was the only one laughing. The rest of them had become speechless and unable to respond. It was almost as if they were frozen deer who knew their time was up.


"Now now Pet." Petrov had made his way out of the car. He had completely took in Kaito, stopping for a second to light his cigarette right next to him. You mustn't be shouting something so dangerous." He mumbled the rest through his teeth as he held the cigarette between them. In halfing a drag of smoke he glanced over to where Shiro was standing in laughter. "Beautiful isn't it? Even as a killer, he could find amusement in anything. Those poor fools."

Petrov closed his eyes. His words held no remorse, in his eyes it was purity from a child, his child. Exhaling the smoke away from Kaito's direction he dropped the rest of it and smashed it under his shoe. "Tell the boy, this is not the time to lose control and to meet me in the car. We have some things to disgust. Gag him with your blood if you must, just do your job."

He got into the back seat of Shiro's car. Sitting down he crossed one leg over the other and rested his elbow on the car door, staring out the window s he began to wait. Sure, he didn't ever get question or spoken back to. So whenever he said for something to be done, it was always done. Despite how the other felt.

The only one who had ever went against him was Shiro. Which was one of many reason he admired him so deeply. Not even his own father objected to Petrov.

* * * * * *
That's just stupid! Hiding is for dubbies! Gran-Papa is a jerk!" Shiro had shouted at Petrov one day in the study room of the First Elders home.

Petrov was sitting in his chair by the fireplace reading a book with a tall glass of fresh 'wine'. He had looked up to see little Shiro hanging on the edge of his chair, staring up at him with pouting eyes of a child.

Closing his book he placed his hand on top of Shiro's head. "You know we don't talk like that." Pulling Shiro into his lap he smiled softly. Leaning his elbow on the arm of the chair and rested his head in his hand. "Now tell me what's going on?"

Shiro took in a deep breath and glared at Petrov. "If it was me, I'd never hid from humans! I don't see why we have to hid in the shadows."

"Too much light will hurt you, you know this. And humans are our food, if we scare our food away, we will starve. You don't want that now do you Shiro?" He stroked his cheek softly and chuckled.

He pouted and crossed his arms. "I really dislike How you guys treat people. Just because you guys have no remorse for what you do! It's cruel! I don't like it!" Slapping Petrov's hand away, Shiro took off running.
* * * * * *

Remembering this made him crack a slight smile. It was refreshing to him to have someone act so indifferent towards him. If it was anyone else, he'd probably end it right there. So why this kid? There wasn't anything of value with him. He never loved him more than just a son, if even that. So he never did understand as to why.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Yurei Character Portrait: Carth Insidiatori Character Portrait: Kaito Tomoe Character Portrait: Petrov Yurei
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So he had chosen wrong..... Kaito sighed, sometimes it felt like no matter what he did it would be the wrong thing. "Now, now Pet." Kaito's body stiffened at the familiar voice. His hands clenched around the clipboard once more as he turned towards the old vampire, Shiro's father. "You mustn't be shouting something so dangerous." It took everything Kaito had not to roll his eyes at Petrov. Shiro's laughter began to rise from below them, tickling Kaito's ears. He turned to see whatever could possibly be so funny only to catch a view of Shiro cackling and the humans backing away.

"Tell the boy, this is not the time to lose control and to meet me in the car. We have some things to discuss. Gag him with your blood if you must, just do your job." Kaito nodded his head and bowed respectfully before replying with a quick "Yes sir." Only straightening once Petrov walked away. His hands un-clenched and Kaito breathed a sigh of relief, being around that man always made him nervous. Now.... He turned towards where Shiro was preparing the lambs for the slaughter and sighed knowing his boss would not be happy with him.

Nimbly Kaito made his way down to the pavement and said from behind the vampire, "Your father has requested your presence. He's waiting for you in the car." Although he was quite calm on the exterior, there was a sense of urgency in Kaito's tone that should hopefully alert Shiro that Petrov meant business.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Yurei Character Portrait: Elizabeth "Liz" Tan Character Portrait: Iven Breton Character Portrait: Kaito Tomoe Character Portrait: Petrov Yurei
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#, as written by veve

As Liz stalked her target, he seemed to slow down. Hiding behind a nearby wall, she watched as he looked around, studying his surroundings. Shit! How’d he know I was following him?! The man stayed still for a second then sighed and grumbled, “Goddamn workers…” Liz sighed in relief as he turned back around and continued to walk ahead. The man was referring to the other people just a few buildings away that Liz had noticed earlier. Thank God! But not that I think about it, I'm too close for comfort… Quickly, Liz climbed some containers and ended up on a rooftop. She could watch him easier from up here, and he wouldn’t notice her as easily.

He continued walking and she observed him. While he strolled, she took notice of the people still conducting business not too far away, along with the guy watching them from a nearby rooftop. As long as they don’t come over here, there shouldn’t be any problems. Liz had finally begun her hunt for tonight and she’d be damned if anyone was gonna mess this up.

Eventually he stopped again. What is it now? Damn! Whatever they’re doing over there is screwing with my paycheck. This time, he didn’t stop because he’d heard something. This time, he glanced multiple times from side to side as if to check if anyone was watching as he slowly undid his pants. Is he about to take a piss? Before long, there was the distinct sound that confirmed her suspicion. This is too perfect! While he had his pants down, she had a perfect opening to take him down.

Liz squatted, screwing silencers onto the ends of her Berettas. She then aimed them both at his head. Say goodnight, you piece of shit.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shiro Yurei Character Portrait: Elizabeth "Liz" Tan Character Portrait: Iven Breton Character Portrait: Kaito Tomoe Character Portrait: Petrov Yurei
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Whether or not the Vampires and Ghouls new his position was no issue to Iven. He was far too far away for them to come up to him by surprise, he'd notice before they'd get to him and then he'd simply disappear, become one with the shadows around him. Yes Iven had been doing this for many years, since he was five years old his parents had taught him, they too were Hunters. But when they died via Vampires when he was seventeen, he had to teach himself the rest. He was lucky that his Grandfather was still around to give him advise and help him as best he could, look after to him. It had been tattooed onto his brain to kill any Vampire or Ghoul he was told to kill. He did this for money of course, sometimes even other Vampires would ask him to kill another of their own kind, he'd do it, get the money, and if he didn't really like who he had worked for, he'd kill them too. Nonetheless, many still hire him knowing this, perhaps it's because of how successful he has been. Not many Hunters lived to tell the tale of their encounters with the inhuman kind.

Aside all that, the rather, young looking Vampire (although he could probably be 100+ years old) seemed to be laughing, the others around him clearly Human as they were very jumpy and nervous, it was so obvious with the help of his binoculars. God they were hopeless, it was rather embarrassing seeing his own kind, Humans, freak out and be unable to pull themselves together when facing a Vampire or Ghoul. Just be professional for once. But fear drove people to do crazy things, fear made people weak and those feared strong. He learned this the hard way, but was there ever an easy way to learn such a thing?
The young looking Vampire's follower, usually they were Ghouls and so he'd assume the follower was one, yelled something out, he could not hear it but perhaps he was alarming his Master of his presence. An elder Vampire silence him however, he seemed quite important, looked very domineering. But that was when he heard a sudden noise close by, near himself. He pulled himself away from the binoculars, startled and curious by who or what could have made the noise. Backing away from the ledge of the building, he stood up and looked around.

Iven's eyes widened slightly, surprised to see what appeared to be, another Hunter. Wait what the hell was she doing? He watched her closely as she sneaked up on a man who was taking a piss. Well then. Were they Human or Vampire? Surely she was in attempts at killing a Vampire, unless she was a bounty hunter as well? Well, she seemed to have everything under control, although he was concerned if it was her or the random Vampire who had made the noise. He simply watched, curious to see how things would play out. He was not one to interfere with another Hunter's task, and he expected the same back. But if she was in a bit of a pickle, then perhaps he'll help, when she desperately needs it. Sometimes a newbie needs to learn things the hard way, can't expect a hero.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: William Ridley Character Portrait: Isuke Chitaru Character Portrait: Enoch Hendriks Character Portrait: Elizabeth "Liz" Tan Character Portrait: Iven Breton Character Portrait: Carth Insidiatori
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''Dreaming in white, splatter in red, blue faced terror I bid you goodnight.''
Valkyrie II: Lucuna || Varien

Since the early evening where everyone in his and Alan's home at the top of 'The Ivory Tower' Hotel and Casino and woken up and left him. More so for Alan and Anais to bond and wind down. He had been managing the Casino's incomes, customers in the high class suites, Getting bookings for birthdays, weddings and so on and finally guard detail, though admittedly Alan had always been better with the men and women. He seemed to be able to get on with all Vampiric races where himself had trouble often finding himself wanting to rip a few throats out. But once this was done he sighed in relief as he went back into the private elevator back up to his home.

After using a keycard only himself, Anais and Alan had to get into their home and he reached the top, the door opening and he stepped into his living room. He sighed, smiling and showing all of his sharp teeth and he threw his briefcase and wallet onto the couch. ''Finally! Away from work~! Time to get to the real work~ Fun fun fun...'' He rubbed his hands together as he walked to the open kitchen and he opened a cupboard and started to make himself a caramel latte. Humming as he waited for the water to boil. When it was done he poured his drink into a tall latte glass and put whipped cream, caramel sauce and chocolate powder over it and finally put it on a saucer with some chocolate. He would not lie. He loved such detailed and sweet things.

With that done he kicked his shoes off and loosed his tail and went to his office and opened a book with room designs, music choices, menus and entertainment ideas. ''Alright. This should get everyone into the casino for the Annual Charity Ball.'' He sat back in his leather computer chair, eating a bit of white chocolate as he spoke aloud to himself. ''Everyone loves Masquerade balls. Means you can be mean without getting told off.'' He chuckled before sitting up straight and picking up the office phone. ''Hello. Alesso Von Burgentine here. Oh great, perfect. So it will be ready for tomorrow night as planned? Oh great. Did the drapes and crystals go up alright then? Oh thank god. I would of been so upset if they didn't go up. I will get to sending out the invitations then. Okay? Okay.. bye, bye.'' He hung up and picked up the phone to see if food was getting ready then got invitations sent out to all the vampiric people of high class and middle class for the night to go on. And of course, ghouls were welcome too. No need to eat the servers and chefs now is there?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: William Ridley Character Portrait: Carth Insidiatori Character Portrait: Kaito Tomoe Character Portrait: Robb Roswell Character Portrait: Alan F White Character Portrait: Anais Calverleigh
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Things had taken a turn for the worse but didn't they always when dealing with Perturbatos. Carth despite the assurance that even a vampire with an unhinged mind such as the kind in front of him would still abbide by those unwritten laws the elders generations before had created to make sure their servants were not disrupted with, was still under the threat of loosing his hand or possibly more. As the mad vampire advanced on him, a hidden blade raised; the mercenary found himself reaching into his jacket ready to pull out his firearm if push came to shove, he was faster than William and he was sure he was stronger too, something about the threatening vampire called out that he was younger than his target but he wouldn't be able to avoid injury in such small a place, at the very least he could make sure none of them would be debilitating or lethal without surrending his own capabilities to return the favour. In the midst of this thought and the madmans ramblings he picked out a voice.

"Votre mots... Ce n'est pas gentil de dire ça." It had come from the woman sat next to the giant of a vampire, it was in the language of his second homeland. Despite the gave situation he was in the contents of the sentence made him grin and chuckle despite his efforts to control himself. Lucky for him that the ever politically correct Robb was trying his best to control his master even going as far as giving the offender a smile of apology, something which Carth returned with another genuine smile back. As things were still not settling down it looked like it now turned to the elusive Alan to bring back the peace; the man had stood up to his full height, a rather intimidating display on its own accord, it would take more than Williams little pocket knife or my pea shooter to take him down, fanculo, it would take nothing short of an elephant gun, but this paled in comparison to his display of strength and power as he picked up both of the guards with little effort all the while he gave William a threat that seemed as a thistle disguised as a rose in its message.

When the man had finished he did something which had taken the one eyed vampire by surprise. 'Take this as payment. A gift or pawn it. Which ever tickles your fancy. I am sure you will find use for it.'' The massive vampire offered a rather beautiful piece of jewellery, which the mercenary took without much thought into it, giving the other man his most charming smile he could offer with what could pass of as a wink with his remaining eye. "Now why would I pawn such a beautiful gift like this, ey? When my masters award their dog with so many bones as payment for his century and a half work for them." He directed the last part to William eyeing him as he said it, the Mad Rabbit was the one himself who said that vampires only obeyed displays if strength and age two of which the giant had shown and what the mercenary had yet to do.

''But I would like your contractor's contact details. If you want something done proper, you do it yourself no?'' Alain carried on offering a smile that rivalled Carth's, the still sitting vampire was beginning to take to the elusive owner of the Ivory Tower, a place which he had never personally visited inside the building only the parking lots and back alleys when buying various firearms and other black market items. Still he began to shake his head at the standing man and was preparing to leave but the companion he had been, the woman who had caught his attention before locked her rather remarkable jade like eyes with his rather sickly corpse light orb. "Si vous voulez de dire avec moi, vous êtes les bienvenus." She spoke again in the language of the place he had once called home, something which brought an odd sense of home sickness, something which he had never felt before to him. "Vous savez, ça fait trop longtemps que je ai entendu quelqu'un parler la langue de ma deuxième maison si couramment et magnifiquement, d'accord, je vais vous donner sa carte," He replied, pulling out one of the many business cards Petrov had given to him and a pen, he proceeded to write down a series of numbers before he got up and walked over to the woman and handed it over, giving her another smile as he did so. "Aussi voici mon numéro personnel de téléphone si vous, ma douce fleur ou que plutôt impressionnante maîtrise de la vôtre a besoin de quelqu'un de mes talents."

With that said and done he made his way out of the VIP room, intending on making his way to the docks where he hopefully could still find his contractor, he gave a friendly wave to everyone including the man that had threatened to mutilate him. "Buonanotte a tutti, la notte ora svanisce e ho ancora del lavoro da fare quindi spero che tutti voi capire se mi faccio scarsa." He called out in his long now deceased father's native language, pulling out his cellphone as he did, attempting to call his current master but to no success. Feeling a little annoyed at both himself and Petrov he looked through his contacts and selected Petrovs heir, hoping that the rather brass vampire would be with his father and began to call him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carth Insidiatori Character Portrait: Kaito Tomoe
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They were dead, they were dead and it was all Kaito's fault! He was supposed to be standing watch, but had fallen asleep from the exhaustion of having pulled a 24 hour shift. The limo was overturned, laying on it's side with fire spilling out of the broken windows. Kaito had tried to pull the limo driver free from the wreckage to no avail and had sustained burns, cuts, and shards of glass embedding into his skin. Shiro and Petrov had not been in the vehicle, they were battling for their lives down below and as Kaito realized that the driver was already dead and turned to go assist his boss someone had hit him over the head and punched him in the stomach. With his head spinning Kaito fell to the ground and clutched his abdomen with scarred and bleeding hands, pain searing his body.

When his vision finally returned to normal Kaito saw that Shiro was struggling. He unsteadily rose to his feet and jumped down two crates to the ground level, unsheathing the knife he kept in his pockets for emergencies. Kaito fought his hardest, but they were overwhelmed and Petrov was the first to go down. The older vampire's body was mutilated to the point where it was nearly unrecognizable as him and his blood spilled into the murky water of the docks. Shiro was next, the pure white hair of his boss stained crimson and a bullet hole ripping clean through his skull. A silver bullet, a death sentence to vampires.

That was it, he was done for. They closed in around Kaito, laughing at the size of the knife he brandished. Some sort of terrible, animal like noise came from within Kaito as he fought for his life; blinded by fury and rage. One of them caught him in the back with a knife and then it was over; a whistle that sounded from their leader, calling the faithful dogs back. Kaito slid to the ground against a brown box, exhausted, confused, enraged, and saddened. His boss was dead, the father of his boss was dead and there was nowhere left for him in this world. He slid to the ground, resting his cheek against the concrete and closing his eyes; allowing the pain to wash over him. Tears pricked his amber orbs and his sobs broke the silence; mixing with the hollow sound of water lapping against the dock.

Petrov's phone began to ring and Kaito ignored it. He felt nothing for that man, in fact, Kaito was rather relieved that the old vampire was finally dead. He had been nothing but a nuisance and a bully to Shiro in the guise of acting as a faithful father who wanted nothing more then his heir to succeed. In truth he was a puppet master, pulling the strings of his favorite toy; making it jump over impossible hurdles to please him. It was Shiro's death that tore Kaito apart; he had been rather fond of his boss and even though Kaito knew he would never be as good of a Ghoul as his father, he believed he was filling in his shoes quite well; aside from the fact that Shiro refused to drink from him.

Petrov's phone finally ceased it's incessant ringing only for Shiro's to start up. Shakily Kaito rose to his feet and walked over to the body of his boss, fishing the phone out of the man's coat pocket. "You've reached Shiro's assistant Kaito, whom do I have the pleasure of speaking to?" He hobbled back over to the crate he had been leaning against, figuring that bleeding to death here, surrounded by the sound and smell of the ocean wouldn't be so bad.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carth Insidiatori Character Portrait: Kaito Tomoe
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"You've reached Shiro's assistant Kaito, whom do I have the pleasure of speaking to?" Despite the rather calm and polite voice on the phone Carth was on edge, he knew that his bosses son had a ghoul assistant but this was the young Draco's personal cell not a work phone. "It's me Carth, I'll be there as quick as I can!" His voice betrayed him of his nervousness despite his best attempts at trying to keep it hidden. He had to get down to the docks quickly but even a Draco would have trouble reaching there from his current destination, though his thoughts were beginning to cloud his judgement already he had decided he would still have to call over a taxi, this he did without any problem, that's Sin City for you.

He reached the docks, it had only taken 20 minutes but even that was too long if something was happening or had already happened. With his mind on more pressing matters, the distressed vampire simply handed the driver a wad of notes without paying attention how much he had actually given the man. The smell of salty water hit his nostrils like a shell of mustard gas; the old legionnaire had never liked the sea even when he was a human and absolutely despised it now as one of the undead but just under that obnoxious smell were a flurry of smells that he couldn't remember a time when he couldn't smell them: gunpowder, ash, blood and fear. That was all he needed to know and he drew his weapon, reloading it with a fresh magazine as he did so and raised it at the ready.

It didn't need much investigation to figure out where the source of these smell originated from but what he saw shocked him. The limo which had been something of a trademark of his master was now little more than a blazing wreck, the heat from the inferno was intense enough to cause beads of perspiration to drip down Carth's nose, even form the distance he was at. The bodies, the bodies, like the one he had created before were now almost fully decayed into ash besides from a few body parts semi-buried in the forming piles. Forgetting that there was still at least one more body yet to confirm he heard something to his left, raising his firearm once again he cautiously made his way to the sound.

When he saw the assistant leaning against the crate his first impressions was that the boy was dead but when he heard the boy still breathing he immediately kneeled down in front of the wounded ghoul. "What happened? Are those two bodies Petrov and his son? How are you still alive?" He questioned relentlessly, checking Kaito's wounds as he did so. He would need medical help soon if he was going to survive but there was no way he could get the ghoul to one in time and without any humans around to feed the boy so his limited healing factors would kick in, the only other option was to feed the boy his own. With a heavy sigh he extended his fangs and bit into his hand, placing the small wound to the boys lips. "Drink."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carth Insidiatori Character Portrait: Kaito Tomoe
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The voice on the phone yelled at him and Kaito winced, "It's me Carth, I'll be there as quick as I can!" Kaito hung up afterwards as there was nothing really to say to the vampire. He was familiar with Carth, he had met him once or twice but the two had never been properly introduced. Kaito dropped the phone onto his lap, his breathing coming out in short, uneven bursts. Kaito could hear the blood swimming in his lungs, his ribs crackling with every breath. Despite the intense heat coming off of the burning limo, Kaito felt cold.

He closed his eyes and waited, listening to the screech of wheels and the pounding of footsteps as the vampire approached the scene twenty minutes later. Kaito didn't move, he didn't have the energy left to lift his head up and give a proper greeting. Kaito must have given the impression of the worst ghoul ever, first allowing his master to die and now not properly greeting Carth. Quickly the vampire approached the boy, wasting no time as he hounded the ghoul with questions. "What happened? Are those two bodies Petrov and his son? How are you still alive? Kaito opened his mouth to answer and winced. The vampire seemed to understand and bit into his hand, lifting it to Kaito's lips. "Drink," Kaito did as told, feeling weird about drinking someone else's blood.

"We were ambushed by hunters. I was supposed to be standing watch but I fell asleep and they blew up the limo. There were so many of them, I tried to help Shiro and Petrov but there were so many of them. They got Petrov first, the old man didn't stand a chance and then Shiro...." Kaito trailed off as the memory was painful. Watching the seemingly invincible vampire go down like that was not something he wanted to think about. He looked over at the pile of ash that was Shiro's remains.

Tears pricked Kaito's eyes once more and he felt pathetic crying in front of someone so powerful. "What am I supposed to do? Shiro... He was the only thing I had left and I failed him." He was so pathetic, covered in blood and crying. It would be better if Carth just killed him now.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: William Ridley Character Portrait: Isuke Chitaru Character Portrait: Enoch Hendriks Character Portrait: Elizabeth "Liz" Tan Character Portrait: Iven Breton Character Portrait: Carth Insidiatori
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''It is in us all to be living for something if not, then why exist? So long as you have a purpose you are fine, it doesn't matter if it changes, it just means you are growing.''
Boundless || Aero Chord

Alan frowned at William's words but waited for him to seize his words before he slowly stood up to his full height then sighs long and hard, closing his eyes as he did so to release some of his pent up anger that nipped at him ever so irritably. Once he stopped and opened his eyes, harshness normally present had resided as he put one of his clawed hands onto one of his surprisingly curvy hips and he tilted his head and spoke softly. ''You certainly know where to take a jab to make it sting longer. Don't you William? Hm.'' He cleared his throat, looking to the side and for a brief moment his lip quivered before he looked back and his hard face returned. ''Embarrassment was not my intention to make you feel I would strive to do to you. None the less, I am very sorry.''

His eyes for a moment softened then he looked away and hardened again as he looked at William again. ''If they are not dogs to you, I would like it that you do not call them that.. That is all. And your readiness to sever hands from arms was especially strong today... I simply wanted to end the transaction without bloodshed. It is as simple as that William.'' He then looked to Anais for her to get up, ready to leave then and there but his emotions got the better of him and he looked at William, his voice a bit broken, frowning like he were angry but his voice sounded more hurt. ''And to say I function on money alone is very insulting, considering I came here with none, as you know.'' He then growled. ''You infuriate me.'' He then continued. ''Of course I trust you, I was not doubting you, I just wanted no bloodshed!''

He gritted his teeth, his eyes a bit more watery. ''You infuriate me.'' He looked at Anais and in his emotion driven moment he went to her and though it looked rough, he simply took her hand and pulled her up to her feet quickly and started to pull her with him. ''Good evening!'' He screamed back to William and stormed out of the club while pulling Anais with him and once they were outside he took his phone out to get a car. Fifteen minutes later once it arrived he waited for Anais to get in before he did and they began to drive home. He looked out of the car window and wiped a tear away while clearing his throat to cover it up in some way, perhaps to cover the small sob.


''Come to drink,
Come to bet,
Come to help,
Come and have a good time.''
Alan F White & Alesso Von Burgentine.

With a new day that came with his alarms going off in his room which he barely heard from.. Alan's room again... He and the man were up drinking and he had to walk the man to the bathroom then his bed, he was practically disabled at the legs when he was drunk, noodles for legs. He took advantage, like he often would and he stayed in the man's bed with him again and used him as a teddy bear which was rather odd considering Alan was the living giant. He lifted his head from Alan's chest with a small high pitched groan and yawn that showed the rows of shark like teeth and he smacked his lips tiredly before looking at Alan and then to his finger and he licked it then popped it into Alan's ear and shouted. ''Wet willy!'' Before Alan sat up screaming then looked at Alesso with the biggest death glare while Alesso laughed his ass off. Then Alan scrambled after him bare arsed as he giggled around the room, jumping over the bed and tackling Alesso and biting his shoulder which made Alesso groan and tug on his white locks and casually spoke to the man.

''You should get in the shower, you smell like alcohol.'' He grinned before Alan released his four toothed bite from the man's shoulder, leaving the print on him and quickly got into the bathroom. Alesso sniggered before rolling onto his feet and running a hand through his red hair then rubbed his shoulder and went to his bedroom and put his alarms off then danced on the spot. ''Time for some fun~'' He then danced into his on-suite bathroom of his and while Alan was out and getting ready for the annual event in about an hour getting his coffee and toast ready and sitting in the living room with a newspaper and the news on on the TV. Alesso took longer, taking two and a half hours in the bathroom showering then drying his hair and putting some light make up on like foundation, mascara, eyeliner and eyeshadow in the colour theme of the ball room being pink, blue, purple and teal with silver. His attire was also like so while Alan wore a white suit with a purple, teal and silver tie, he was a simple man. While Alesso has his waist coat lace patterned with silver, purple and blue tones, his tie being teal, trousers black along with his shoes.

When he came out he got his coffee from Alan as he made it just in time as well as his porridge which was sweet like he loved it and he shovelled it down before washing all the dishes up with Alan and he looked at him. ''I am sure William will be over it. Just apologize and I am sure he will be sweet again.'' He dried his hands as Alan did, smiling to him before taking his clip board and pen. ''Time to get the catering sorted for 7:40pm tonight.'' He looked at his silver watch. ''Which is in two hours, perfect timing. I am so excited. Futuristic theme~ With neon lighting and greatly dressed cloth dancers, think fifth element with that white suit? Just in silver. Because silver is shiny and I looove shiny~'' He giggled which made Alan smile in amusement before he spoke. ''Yes, I can picture it. I love the glass tables and betting tables. The neon lit up dancefloor is going to look so perfect with the large crystal glowing tree and chandelier light too. As for William.. Yes, I hope so. I will get Anais up and ready then come and help you Alesso.'' He smiled before blinking as the man hugged him, he patted his back before watching he dance to the elevator and get to work. That was when Alan walked to Anais' door and knocked on it before speaking. ''Anais? Are you up? We have two hours to get you ready for tonight's charity ball.''


Characters Present

Character Portrait: William Ridley Character Portrait: Enoch Hendriks Character Portrait: Elizabeth "Liz" Tan Character Portrait: Iven Breton Character Portrait: Carth Insidiatori Character Portrait: Kaito Tomoe
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''It is in us all to be living for something if not, then why exist? So long as you have a purpose you are fine, it doesn't matter if it changes, it just means you are growing.''
Boundless || Aero Chord

Alan backed away from the door in surprise and a perhaps fright with the sudden loud and harsh unladylike words from Anais from the other side of the white painted oak bedroom door. He cleared his throat and got closer to it again, speaking up while his sensitive pointed ears twitched to the sound of Anais running around to get ready. ''You.. don't need to rush too much Anais.'' He then smiled to himself before walking into the living room and turning on the TV to a music station and he sat down, leg crossed over another and he moved his foot to the tune and lipping the words without actually singing. He was in the privacy of his home and he was much more able to be more himself but at times one would find him tense even in his own home. It was these rare moments that he looked actually human rather than some stone cold diplomat. But even they were human... Behind his status, fame and coin he was rather reclusive and prone to the spurts of anxiety and night terrors. There seemed to always be a sadness around him, even as he enjoyed the small number on the TV.

He certainly was not the oldest vampire but he seemed to deem sacrifice as a personal and needy friend. Much he had lost and given up to fit into the world of materialistic wonders and in some retrospects he was losing the willpower to continue in it but everyone had bad days. Unfortunately for him, it was today, of all days.. So impractical. At that moment he sighed to himself, turning the TV off just as Anais came out from her room, rather frazzled for a moment before settling and wondering what to do with... Alan at that moment as she sat down in the living room looked at his watch. An hour until the doors were opening and people would already be queuing outside.

He pulled his sleeve back down then slowly looked at the young lady. He looked at the ball dress and smiled at it, especially with the silver patterns, Alesso would most likely be staring at it for long moments throughout the night... He always was mesmerized by shiny things and was quite the kleptomaniac around them also. Luckily stealing from your own ball was not illegal, just strange to witness but guesses were, Alan would be watching the man lest he escape the ball with his pockets full of ball lovers' jewels. He certainly still couldn't forget their first ball, staring between Alesso and his new jewels spread along one of the tables and actually having to fight the man to give them back. One of his scars on his back were from that night, such joy. He chuckled to himself before looking to Anais' eyes, noting the delicate and lovely eye make up before speaking, his relaxed appearance seeming to tighten and be ripped away, replaced with the familiar sense of locked out emotional connection apart from the occasional appearance of twitches from his nervousness in his clawed fingers that most didn't notice unless they really looked behind his handsome face and giant like height that intimidated most people. ''You look lovely, Anais. Not that I expected anything less of you.''

He sat up straight then as he continued. ''We have an hour, we could go and help Alesso with any remaining work. But we don't have to.. well, you don't.'' He smiled for a moment before getting up and looking down on Anais which normal considering his unbelieveable height. ''But I must, after all, I am also a host to this annual event.'' He then looked to the elevator, clearing his throat for a moment to try and banish some fear from his tense form before he walked to it and called it. ''Come or don't. Either way, I want you to enjoy yourself, Anais. You deserve it.'' He then got into the elevator as the doors opened and pressed the button to go down.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: William Ridley Character Portrait: Isuke Chitaru Character Portrait: Enoch Hendriks Character Portrait: Elizabeth "Liz" Tan Character Portrait: Iven Breton Character Portrait: Carth Insidiatori
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Enoch had not returned to their flat in days. He had gone out to take care of some business two nights before the ball and with each passing day Neptune grew more and more worried. At first she had planned to wait in the apartment like he had instructed, Enoch had promised he would be back but now Neptune was beginning to doubt. Panic flooded her mind and she wondered if he was abandoning her, just like every other good person that had ever come into her life. Had she done something wrong? Was she not a good ghoul? Neptune had done everything Enoch had ever asked of her. Except two days ago when he had picked out two different shoes.... She had refused to go get the matching one because she was manning the stove to make pancakes.

But he wouldn't have left over something as silly as that... Would he?

Neptune suddenly decided that she had waited long enough, she slammed her tea cup down on the table and went up to her bedroom to change into something more suitable for traveling. She was just taking her dress off when the window exploded and glass shattered across the room; scratching her body with tiny cuts. The ghoul looked around for something to defend herself with when she remembered the silver knife under her pillow and ran for it just as someone burst in through the broken window. She pulled the knife out and held it in front of her, legs shaking as he smirked and drew a gun from his waist holster.

"You think that little knife will hurt me?" He taunted, waving around his gun and turning the safety off. "Yes." Neptune replied simply, glad that she sounded a lot more confident then she felt. Another came in through the window and whacked his partner across the back of the head. "Our orders aren't to kill it, we need the kid alive so her master will come for her."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Neptune spat, "I live alone." The two looked at her, clearly confused. They glanced back and forth between each other and the girl standing in her underwear, brandishing a knife; then burst out laughing. "I nearly fell for that," the older of the two said and stepped forward, "now come quietly and you won't get hurt." Neptune gripped the knife harder and lunged, dodging his first bullet. She plunged the knife into the first gun wielder's arm, making him drop his weapon. He screamed, cursing her out and wrestling her to the floor. She stabbed him again in the leg this time and he grappled the knife from her grip, holding it up against Neptune's throat. She kicked him between the legs, causing him to fall to the side. He moved the knife from her neck and sliced her cheek as he rolled off of her. Neptune kicked him the rest of the way off and ran for the door, his partner leveling his gun and shooting her in the leg causing Neptune to fall and a scream to erupt from her lungs.

The one Neptune had kicked in the groin stood and motioned for his partner. Neptune attempted to army crawl towards the stairs but pain shot through her body whenever she moved. They grabbed the girl and dragged her back into the room, slamming the door shut and gagging her before exiting the apartment through their preferred method; the window. Once on the ground level they tied up Neptune's arms, not bothering with her legs since they figured the bullet wound would prevent her from going anywhere.

They stuffed Neptune into the trunk of an awaiting silver car and began to drive. Neptune struggled and let out a muffled scream, sliding around as the car drove. Minutes passed, then hours in maddening silence; the only noise was that of the road under her. Finally the car stopped and her captors popped the trunk open. They were at a gas station on a back road. Neptune knew this rest stop, they weren't far from one of Enoch's vampire friends. The one Neptune had stabbed in the hand undid the gag from her mouth and offered her a bottle of water; she chugged it thirstily, not caring about the liquid that spilled onto her body. "I have to pee," Neptune said when she finished and he looked at his partner nervously. The man simply nodded his head and he pulled Neptune out of the trunk, holding her arm tightly and leading her to the bathroom inside.

No one blinked an eye at the nearly naked girl being dragged to the restroom, in fact they acted as though this were a daily occurrence. "Go quickly," he said and undid the ropes on her hands, standing by the bathroom door to ensure she couldn't get away. Neptune went inside and to her delight there was a window. She limped to the far end of the restroom and shimmied the old screen up; wondering if she would fit. She had gotten about halfway through, but the window was small and Neptune scrapped and scratched herself as she clawed her way out and fell on her butt on the other side of the gas station. She broke into a run in the direction of the vampire Alan White's house, knowing there was a ball tonight and that he would not be pleased if she showed up in her sorry condition without her master, but Enoch had told Neptune that if anything ever happened to him to go to Alan right away.

Night had fallen by the time she reached White's property, her body sore and her bullet wound throbbing. It was dangerous showing up to a party full of vampires with open wounds, but at this point it was a risk Neptune was willing to take. She knocked on the door, crossing her arms self consciously as a butler opened it and looked the girl up and down. "I think you have the wrong address," he said distastefully and began to close it, but Neptune stuck her foot out to prevent him from doing so. "I have to speak to Alan White, it's about my master. He's gone missing."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carth Insidiatori Character Portrait: Kaito Tomoe
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At the sight of the grief stricken boy, the vampires features softened; he had forgotten that even though he had hardened somewhat to the carnage and sorrow of losing a loved one, he was only a boy after all and had not yet learned to deal with such tragedies. "Listen there was nothing you could have done," he placed a hand gingerly on the injured ghoul's shoulder, "if anyone is to blame here it's me, I was suppose to be your back-up but I got held up in other matters." He looked around at his surroundings, and although he wouldn't say it out loud, deep down he was glad he had been late otherwise he would have ended up being nothing more than scattered ash in a sea side breeze just as Petrov and Shiro. Having taken in enough bloodshed for the night he turned his gaze back to Kaito a slight smile on his face. "As to what you should do, the only sensible thing now would be for you to rest up for the night to allow your body to heal up."

He withdrew his hand from the boys shoulder replacing it with his jacket and as gently as he could, wrapped one of the boys arms around his shoulders and lifted him onto his feet. "We can't take you to any hospital that's for use, they'd ask too many questions," He started to half carry have support the ghoul as he made his way to their destination, "so I'll take you to my place, it's the least I can do given the gravity off the incident tonight." It didn't take as long as the vampire had expected it would, dawn was still a couple of hours away and with only a few glances from the odd passerby, their journey went without a hitch and they soon arrived their destination; one of the lesser known hotels in the city of sin but still it had everything a paying customer would need.

The lobby was dead besides from one of the staff at the front desk but with one look from Carth, she stemmed all questions he might have had about the bleeding boy, who ever payed for the former Legionaires room also payed her salaries and she knew better than to overstep it. They entered the elevator and were in Carth's room in moments. He allowed the boy to support himself now that they were in the comfort of the vampires home, waving a hand around to illustrate the condo more, the one eyed male spoke up. "It may not be as fancy as what you were use to with Shiro but it gets the job done." He chuckled heartily before pointing at a room then the one adjacent to it. "The first one is my room, you can bunk down in the spare bedroom next to it and besides that I make a terrible housemaid so just help yourself to anything you need." With the rather vague orientation done, he waved the ghoul goodnight and went into his bedroom; throwing off his clothes in a messy heap as soon as he entered, letting his hair down and removing his eyepatch and simply collapsed into bed already in a deal slumber.

A new evening began with the sounding of his custom alarm going off and despite the rather busy night before, he was feeling particularly good. He popped into the shower, washing away all the grime and weariness that still remained and was out and dry again in a matter of minutes, his hair on the other hand was a matter of simply letting it air dry. Although his good feeling was remaining intact he suddenly notice a rather burning urge in the back of his throat and after looking into the mirror, his one crimson orb confirming that he was in fact thirsty, must be because of the ghoul last night. It was a much more simpler to solve than the problem he had now with what to do with the grieving ghoul but it was too early in the evening for such matter as for the moment the only thought he cared about was quenching the steadily growing burn in his throat.

He left his room and head straight for the freezer, plucking out a bag of A negative blood and drained it there and then not being in the mood to pour it into a cocktail. He tossed the empty container onto the counter without a second thought but as he made his way back to his room to dress, his sense of modesty returning as he remembered he was a host but on his way he noticed that the empty blood bag had landed next to a small envelope. His curiosity getting the better of him, he opened it and revealed three invitations, all of them inviting the holders to a charity masquerade ball held at the Ivory Tower, the ball, its today?, He had been asked by Petrov to obtain one for his master, his son and himself after which the recently deceased vampire had asked his underling to keep hold of them till the day. With him and his son gone, Carth had two spare invitations to get rid of. "Che un pezzo di mercs fortuna ho!" He cursed casually.

He returned to his room and began to pillag his closets trying to find clothing that would remotely be appropriate for such an occasion and with his luck turning around he managed to scavenge up a tuxedo. It was outdated by a decade or two or maybe three but it was slim fitting and stylish and that was all that seemed to matter in these gatherings, he was even able to find a rather more elegantly designed eyepatch, something he must have picked up during his time with the Victorians, he never fully understood why these seemed so popular with the lords children but it suited him fine. Now that he was fully dressed, besides from his eyepatch, he decided to see if Kaito wouldn one along with him so that his mind would be distracted from the deaths of last night. After wasting an hour searching through every wardrobe he had in his bedroom, a fair few despite what people would think of the man, Carth succeeded in finding a suit that would fit the ghoul; why he had one in such a small size even he couodn't remember but that no longer mattered. He knocked on the guest door suit and invitations in hand and waited for the ghoul to answer with a broad smile on his lips.

"Scrub yourself up nice kid because we've got a ball to attend and hurry up we don't want to be too late in arriving or all the best liqueur will have gone!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carth Insidiatori Character Portrait: Kaito Tomoe
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"Listen there was nothing you could have done," Carth placed his hand on Kaito's shoulder, causing the ghoul to wince. The vampire's touch was light, but Kaito's body hurt all over. Carth's words stung, they were true but that didn't make it hurt any less. "If anyone is to blame here it's me, I was suppose to be your back-up but I got held up in other matters." No, he would not allow this vampire to take on the blame. If he had been here during the battle he would be nothing more than a pile of ash, just like Kaito's master. "It's better that you came late." Kaito muttered, glad that he had at least showed up. If Carth hadn't come when he did Kaito surely would be dead from loss of blood. "As to what you should do, the only sensible thing now would be for you to rest up for the night to allow your body to heal up."

Yes that sounded like a good idea, healing. But where? Surely he couldn't go to a hospital and Carth seemed to confirm this fact, it was too suspicious and with injuries like these the local authorities would attempt to get involved and there was no way Kaito could tell them what happened; one because it wasn't believable and two because he wasn't quite sure what went down himself. Everything was still a blur, the only thing Kaito knew for certain was that Shiro and Petrov were dead and Carth, one of Petrov's associates was standing before him. "so I'll take you to my place, it's the least I can do given the gravity off the incident tonight." Kaito looked up quickly, attempting to suppress the grimace of pain that was trying to snake its way onto his face. "Really?" He asked incredulously, wondering why this vampire who didn't know him and had no relation to him would offer to allow Kaito to heal in his home.

The vampire placed his jacket around Kaito's shoulders and assisted him to his feet. Kaito attempted to walk as much as he could, limping with one dead leg dragging behind him as Carth half dragged him towards their destination. The town was mercifully empty and the lobby of the building they entered contained only the receptionist who seemed to know better then to ask any questions. Soon enough they were in Carth's apartment and the vampire allowed Kaito to walk on his own. He still felt weak but regardless managed to support himself as Carth pointed out the guest room. "Thank you, I really appreciate it." Kaito said and handed the man his coat back before limping to the door and entering the space. He closed the door, not wanting the vampire to see how truly pathetic he was and struggled to remove his shoes, pain inclining up his leg whenever he moved it a bit. Kaito's left leg was still dead aside from the little shocks of pain running through the limb that startled him and delayed his attempting to shimmy out of his dirty clothes. Kaito settled on simply removing his shirt and further inspected his wounds in the mirror.

They were slow to close, but they were healing. It was a relief, but also terrifying to know that he had this sort of ability. Feeling drained Kaito collapsed in bed and curled onto his side on top of the covers, tears pricking his eyes once more as a sob was quietly ripped from his throat. "It's all my fault, if only I had been stronger," he whispered through tears before falling asleep.

It had taken years of sleeping through the day and taking pills so that his body would become acclimated to the backwards habits of vampires. Waking up during the evening came easily now so when Carth knocked on the door Kaito was already rising. He stumbled to the entryway and opened it up, discovering the vampire was holding up a tuxedo and two invitations. "Scrub yourself up nice kid because we've got a ball to attend and hurry up we don't want to be too late in arriving or all the best liqueur will have gone!"

"Um, alright." He managed, taking the suit from Carth, a bit dumbfounded by the sudden turn in events. He placed the tuxedo on the bed and closed the door, going to the bathroom and turning on the shower. Kaito stripped himself of his pants and boxers, stepping under the hot stream and watching the blood and dirt splash onto the tile and slither down the drain. The feeling in his leg had finally returned, but it seems that not all of his wounds had healed. Kaito's right arm was almost completely numb, he could lift it a little and wiggle his fingers around but attempting to hold the soap or shampoo bottle resulted in it slipping out and clattering to the floor. He grit his teeth, determined to not allow this development to get in his way and stepped out of the shower squeaky clean.

He had no spare underwear and so Kaito put his boxers back on and returned to the room, putting the tuxedo on and wondering where Carth had obtained such a suit and why he had it in Kaito's size. Perhaps it was borrowed? No, considering the style and amount of lint clinging to the garment it had been in storage for quite sometime. He looked in the mirror and carefully did the bow tie, then ran his fingers through his hair (or at least the working ones) in an attempt to look presentable. Kaito looked around for his shoes and discovered that they had been replaced by a pair of fancy black loafers. Was this Carth's doing? He wondered and stuck his feet in them before exiting the space.

"I'm ready, thank you for the clothing." He said as he entered the main room of the apartment. His stomach growled, but Kaito ignored it. He would eat at the ball, there was no need to further inconvenience Carth.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: William Ridley Character Portrait: Isuke Chitaru Character Portrait: Enoch Hendriks Character Portrait: Elizabeth "Liz" Tan Character Portrait: Iven Breton Character Portrait: Carth Insidiatori
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Iven was up and ready, rather excited for a change for work tonight. The ball was something he hadn't ever gotten the chance to attend growing up, he was either too lower class or poor, perhaps he didn't look very neat and tidy in the past but now that he was a well paid, professional, wanted bartender, life was easy and fun. Sure he enjoyed his main job of hunting on the side but it got a bit boring some times, the same old oh please don't kill me! and I swear I won't do it again! crap did get tiring; when would they learn that Hunters show no mercy? It was pretty amusing to give them hope sometimes before finally ending them, at least they died with a such a helpless expression.

Anyway, aside all that, he was dressed in his usual work clothing, he didn't have anything fancy picked out for the ball unfortunately, just the usual black bartender attire. He was told he would be given a specific waistcoat to wear but he hadn't received it yet, perhaps he would get it when he got there? Unsure, he kept the current waistcoat on and would simply replace it if he was given one. Iven smelled lightly of cinnamon and vanilla from the body wash he had used in the shower, aftershave, and mocha scented deodorant, he rather smelled like some sort of milkshake or something really. It was a nice change from the sweaty, wet clothed, dirt smell he seemed to carry after hunting. His hair had been combed because well, it is fairly long, and put back into a ponytail. He was so very tempted to actually wear his Hunter mask to the Masquerade ball, just waltz in like 'hey Vampires! Wazaaap! I'm going to kill every single one of you some day.' And then die a stylish death. As funny as it seemed in his head, he decided to stick with the plain, silver mask that most of the other staff would have.
Standing in front of the body length mirror, he turned and shifted himself, looking at himself from every angle before adjusting his vest with a grin. "I look hot." Iven started laughing at how he just sounded before sniffing himself and nodding "I know for certain I smell great though." Yep, he was ready. "Oh! Almost forgot!" Before he was about to leave, he placed his infamous, small knives in his pockets and strapped a much more lethal and larger one to his torso under his shirt, fixed himself up again then left the building. He had a bit of an obsession with his knives.

Once Iven arrived, showing ID and what not, proving he was staff, he entered the most breath taking building and walked towards the other staff were with a friendly smile and a short wave. Shortly after a female came rushing towards them with what seemed to be their waistcoats before running off again. "Whoa okay then." Iven said surprised as he took his piece of clothing "holy crap she's fast." He changed quickly into the waistcoat before finally starting to help prepare for the guests and put a lot of work into making sure the bar where drinks would be served looked its best, his place of expertise. "I already know this is going to be an amazing night."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carth Insidiatori Character Portrait: Kaito Tomoe
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Whilst the kid got himself ready Carth slipped back into his own room. With the aftermath of last night he wasn't going to take any chances with his life or that of the already emotionally scarred ghoul's with that in mind they were going to need to be armed even if it was a fully public event with high social ranking members of both the human and vampire worlds; Petrov's death was just another reminder that hunters or even rival vampires were willing to cause chaos even at the risk of exposing this dark secret, a secret which ensured a rather uneasy peace between the day and night. With the restrictions of his clothing in his mind, the vampire forego the shoulder hoslter he had currently used the previous night and opted for an ankle one large enough to hold his colt. 1911. He even was able to find a couple of spare magazines which were hidden in the pile of discarded clothes that still layon the floor.

With himself armed he felt somewhat at ease but a question popped into his head at a sudden realisation: what about the kid? Even if the mercenary was armed he couldn't promise that he would be able to keep himself protected and Kaito if they were to be separated, as they most likely would be as they mingled with the other guests but what would be suitable for him to use, the vampire had no knowledge on the ghouls previous self defence skills if he had any and whilst any fool could shoot a gun it took more than simply pointing the barrel at the general location of target and pulling the trigger to actually hit what you was intending to hit. With a heavy sigh he headed over to the bathroom or more specifically the mirrored cabinet, opening and snatching a fresh pack of his favourite cancer sticks in one clean movement before taking it fully off the wall to reveal a safe.

Despite having a sophisticated locking mechanism on the door, Carth rarely ever locked it simply closing it when it wasn't in use and opening the door when it was needed. Its contents revealed a variety of easily concealable weapons ranging from pocket knives to daggers and from simple one shot personal defence firearms to automatic pistols all ranging from modern to almost antiques. He was tempted in giving his guest one of his many blades but thought to himself that bringing a knife to a gunfight was a sure way to get oneself killed so his eye fell on a S&W 640 pro, one the more modern models, chambered in the slightly less powerful 38 special rounds. This was more of a knickknack than anything tactical based as any round lower than 50. Cal had rather controllable recoil for a vampire but as luck would have it, the 38 special would be more of a help for the presumably novice shooter than a hinderance.

After placing everything back, he loaded the small revolver and placed it on its safety feature, fitting it into a shoulder stock that would hopefully fit unde the tuxedo jacket that he had lent to Kaito, even going as far as to grab a couple of extra rounds, something which he admittedly found very scarce as he never had much use for them in the first place. With this now fully ready he waited once more for the ghoul to come out of his room, phoning a taxi as he did. "I'm ready, thank you for the clothing." His guest thanked as he entered the main room. "No problem but now you're ready," Carth commented handing over the gun, "Slip that piece of assicurazione under you jacket and you'll be ready to go." His phone began to ring and after finishing he answered it for a moment before heading to the front door. "If you ever decide you need to use just remember to squeeze the trigger first to take it off the safety before you point it to kill what ever it is you're trying to kill."

He smiled widely, he was in a rather pleasant mood despite the circumstances, even going as far as chuckling softly at the sound of the ghouls stomach growling. "Solo la morte si sa quante persone sono morte perché hanno lasciato la sicurezza, anyway let's hit the show kid, our taxi's waiting for us."