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Harrison Theodore Todd

"A strong message doesn't have to be shouted from the mountain tops. It can be whispered from the shore, too..."

0 · 755 views · located in United States of America

a character in “Blood of the Covenant”, as played by SithFaced


"A strong message doesn't have to be shouted from the mountaintops. It can be whispered from the shore, too..."

The Basics

Full Name:
Harrison Theodore "Achak" Todd
Nicknames and Aliases:
Harrison // Achak* (by his parents/grandparents)
Theo (by his friends)
*"Achak" is Algonquin for spirit



Identifies as Native American
10% Wampanoag || 15% Narraganset || 20% English
25% Nauset || 30% German

Sexual Orientation:


Blood Slave

What's on the Outside

Hair Color:
Dark Brown

Eye Color:
Green with brown sunburst


157 lbs.


Left Nostril – Nose Ring

A very small scar in his right eyebrow that he doesn't remember how he got - he just knows he's had it for forever, so most of the time he doesn't even remember it's there.

Theo is a tall male with a relatively strong facial structure. His chin is almost squared off, with a sharp angular jaw. His cheekbones are prominent, and his eyebrows are relatively thick. His overall facial presentation is bold, with lightly tanned olive skin to compliment it. His hair is a natural dark brown that he began to dread a year and a half prior. Prior to dreading, it was already longer than many males his own age. He can usually be seen clean shaven, though he can't grow a lot of facial hair to begin with. Theo is relatively slim, with some toning apparent in his arms and core. He has strong hands with long thin fingers - many of which are calloused from years playing the acoustic guitar without a pic. Theo's overall appearance is a bit more rugged than he actually is. He prefers to wear clothing he's found at thrift stores, and as such his style changes with each outfit. Because of this, people tend to make assumptions about him based upon what he has chosen to wear for the day.

What's on the Inside

{Quiet, Contemplative, Spiritual, Understanding}

Theo is quiet; that much is for sure. The young man was never really a loud person. He would rather walk along the Cape Cod National Seashore and sing songs lightly to himself and think than be the center of attention at a party. The male has always had a few close friends, and never really found it hard to get along with people. He simply doesn't like loud places. His demeanor is smooth - he moves with grace, almost as if he is floating. His Native family name 'Achak' speaks to this nature - he is very spirit-like in his movements, floating from place to place, keeping quiet when he feels like it, and speaking lightly when he doesn't. His voice is light and airy in construction - his personality is a reflection of this. He feels close with nature, and many times will sit outside at absurdly early hours in the morning to watch the sun rise while he meditates. He is by no means someone who will be walked on. Just like a spirit, he is strong, and while he may bend sometimes, he will not break. He is firm in his convictions, but kind of heart. He's been told sometimes that he is a bit silly. He likes to laugh, although he doesn't laugh loudly. He likes to smile, although they aren't huge smiles. Simple and small is his way, but it definitely goes far.
Playing Guitar.
Going for quiet walks by himself.
Likes writing letters to his grandmother, though he definitely leaves a lot out for obvious reasons, and they usually don't have a return address. He does it as a sort of way to reassure her that he's doing what he set out to do, and so she doesn't worry about him.

Biting his nails.
Laughing quietly to himself when he thinks of something funny.
Playing with the ends of his dreads when he is thinking.
Muttering lyrics to a song along with it when it's playing.
Muttering lyrics to a song that is stuck in his head, when the room is otherwise silent.

Lactose Intolerant.
Allergic to Penicillin, and other medications in the 'cillin' family.
Used to suffer from mild trichotillomania, and decided to dread his way as a way to combat the disorder before it progressed. He ended up liking the way he looked so much that he decided to keep the dreads. The only remaining hint to his disorder is the fact that he plays with the ends of his dreads when he is thinking.
While Theo loves nature, he cannot bring himself to love bees – even a lone bee can scare him away from his favorite spot.

  • Guitar
  • Classical Music
  • Historical Manuscripts
  • The Beach
  • The Mountains
  • Fresh Air
  • The Massachusetts Shoreline
  • Quiet
  • Standup Comedy
  • Reading
  • Mortal Kombat
  • Thunderstorms and Rain
  • Black and White Movies
  • Thrift Stores
  • Alcohol
  • Sustained Eye Contact
  • Sudden, Loud Noises
  • People Who Litter
  • Being Called 'Indian'
  • Being Asked Generalized, Stereotypical Questions About His Heritage
  • Skittles
  • Being Pressured To Drink
  • Being Called a "Hippie"
  • Heavy Perfume
  • People Who Make Silence "Uncomfortable"
  • Anger
  • When People Tug On His Dreads
  • Flying

What's Done Is Done


Place Of Origin:
Provincetown, Massachusetts

Birth Date:
June 18th, 1996

Harrison Theodore Todd was born in the early hours of June 18th to a young couple from Wellfleet, Massachusetts. The couple, Jamie and William Todd, were young, but loved the gift they were blessed with. A few months after Theo was born, they got married in a small ceremony at a nearby church, with only a few close family and friends in attendance. Theo was raised in a relatively loving home for the majority of his life, but the stress of trying to keep up with the cost of living in the area around North Truro, and a tendency towards addiction, lead Theo's father to begin abusing alcohol around Theo's 10th birthday.

Theo's family was definitely not a small one. His parents had six more children following him. Two years after he was born, twin girls joined the family as well, named Alana and Milly. Following them two years later was Jacob, the second boy in the family, and child number four. Another set of twins followed - a boy and a girl, three years younger than Jacob, named Maxwell and Eva. His parents believed themselves to be finished with children, but a girl was born five years after Maxwell and Eva - her name was Marie.

Theo was used to such a large family, and his parents had to move a few times around the area to find a house that fit their size. They finally settled in a five bedroom home just on the border of North Truro and Provincetown. The home was expensive, and their father pushed himself to be able to maintain the mortgage. They were able to get by comfortably, but their fathers drinking took a toll on all the children. Theo was there to try to be a rock for his siblings - a good example of how to be, something their father was unable to show them. Their father was not an angry man, but became distant when he drank. There were a few occasions where he even threw punches at Theo, who kept the violent encounters with his father a secret from his mother and younger siblings. He figured that if he took any and all of the anger his father had at his life, then his siblings wouldn't have to view their father as a violent drunk. Theo didn't want his brothers and sisters to look on their dad in such a way - he rationalized it as the alcohol controlling his father.

The high school in town that Theo attended was small - there weren't many people who lived out on the Cape during the school year, so the classes were small with the students tightly woven together in an almost family unit. Provincetown was a busy place during the summer season, and Theo would help out in the museums around the area during the Peak Season. But during the school year, it was a lot quieter, which Theo loved. The local school was a place where you knew everyone, and everyone knew you. There weren't many secrets, but Theo liked it all just the same; the knowledge of everyone else's dirty laundry didn't seem to change people's views much, because all of them had something they wanted to hide.

Theo had always excelled academically, something he had also tried to encourage his siblings to do. It was during high school that he decided what he wanted to do in college. Working in the museums during the Peak Season gave him an appreciation of history, and built within him a strong love of the subject. He also understood what exactly it was that people didn't seem to know about the local history. Decidedly, he wanted to become a historian, and specialize in running museums, so one day he could take over management of local museums and help teach the story of his ancestors, who had been in the area since before the pilgrims ever even dreamed of a "new world".

But in his senior year of school, his father became very ill. Theo's mother had to take a job outside of the home, while Theo attempted to take care of his siblings. His grades began to drop from the added pressure, and he graduated at a much lower GPA than he had been anticipating. The young man felt such utter disappointment in himself - he didn't take into account that the pressure he was under wasn't supposed to be normal for someone his age. He turned to his grandparents for advice, travelling the short distance to Wellfleet to see them.

His grandmother was adamant that he go out and find himself again; do something that made him feel whole once more. She reassured him of her faith in his ability to become a historian, which renewed some confidence in the male. His grandmother also assured him that his siblings would be fine - she was going to be spending more time at their house to take care of the youngest ones, so that their mother could work and their father could recover from his illness without the worry that his family was going to fall apart before his eyes.

Theo spent many hours that night sitting and contemplating on the swings in the park on the outskirts of Wellfleet. He debated traveling around the country, taking in a feel of what it meant to truly live in The United States. He figured he could study what people knew of Native American history - maybe even get a chance to spend some time on reservations around the country, and get a feel for the current state of affairs of Native American's in other states. It was at that particular moment when a very beautiful young woman approached the swings, asking to join him. He nodded, and they sat together in silence for a while before she spoke.

She asked him many questions about himself, and he felt that their interaction was odd because he knew nothing of her or who she was - but he felt entirely compelled to answer all her questions regardless. She seemed kind, but odd. Theo couldn't really read her. It wasn't long before her questions started to turn in a different direction - asking him about the occult and the afterlife, and his superstitions. She seemed to have a weird smirk growing on her face, but the male still couldn't bring himself to feel uncomfortable around her - she looked around his age, but appeared frail. He mentioned his Native American ancestry to her, and her eyes seemed to glow. That was when he noticed their color - a strange red. And before he could say anything, she was upon him.

The feeling of losing something so valuable to your life energy - a feeling that he thought would be painful - was in fact rather pleasant to him. He didn't realize what had happened until it was over; his mind felt dazed. In front of him, the young woman stood, smears of his blood around the edges of her mouth - blood that she quickly licked away, apparently desperate not to lose a single drop. His mind told him that he should be running, that this pale and frail girl was in fact anything but frail. But his body stayed rooted where it was, his gaze locked with hers.

She offered him a deal. She would take him wherever he wanted to go - anywhere in the world, even. Financially support his travels... In exchange, he would 'help' her out. The now throbbing sensation in his neck told him exactly what it meant when she said "help". And as idiotic or crazy as it seemed, he agreed. Her smile showcased the sharp fangs that named her a vampire.

Before he knew it, she was keeping up her end of the bargain. He told his parents that he was going to find himself, and they seemed reluctant to have him go - but his grandmother seemed to support his travels. Within days he was leaving, the female vampire his companion for whatever journey they would take. Eventually, their journey lead them to Detroit. He had seen the underground system of Blood Slaves from the east coast to Michigan - he knew the term included him, yet he didn't like to hear it. The vampire he accompanied was apparently fond of the scene in a club called Blood Bath, a place off the beaten path of run down shops and bars. He wasn't fond of the area, but if a prolonged stop in Detroit meant a trip around the country at the expense of some of his blood, he supposed he didn't mind too horribly.

Happiest Memory:
The summers spent walking around Provincetown - the shoreline, the bay, the main roads and small shops - as well as working in the museums around town.

Saddest Memory:
The first time his father ever laid a hand on him.

Face Claim:
Samuel Larsen

So begins...

Harrison Theodore Todd's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leandra Annibelle Gates Character Portrait: Leotychides Character Portrait: Jayne Adler Character Portrait: Harrison Theodore Todd
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Leandra could feel the music beginning to seep inside of her skin and into her brain. She was getting carried away in the beat and sound, and the fact that she seemed to have lost her bearings in the room wasn't helping her case any. It wasn't just the music that felt like it was carrying her away - it was the crowd as well. She tried to push her way though a group of people, effectively getting glares and some weird looks in the process. She attempted a half-hearted apology that they probably couldn't hear over the music anyway, and kept trying to find her way back to one of the outside walls of the room.

It was in that moment that she felt a strong hand take hold of her elbow, pulling her gently out of the group of people she couldn't seem to find her way out of. Her head whipped in the direction of her apparent savior, hoping it wasn't some total creep that would proceed to hit on her endlessly once he'd saved her from getting even more lost in the rather large group of people. Instead, she was met with the face of one rather handsome man, clad entirely in black. He didn't seem much older than her; a light dusting of 5 o'clock shadow accented his face, and his hair was swept clean to the side. It was apparent that he was strong - Leandra could feel it in his grip, though he held her arm carefully.

A few moments later the male had pulled her up to the bar. She was sure the confusion was written clearly on her face, though a moment of realization hit her when he spoke for the first time.

"Leo -- I work security here and I haven't seen you around her before." His introduction seemed nice enough, albeit curious. Even so, Leandra could feel her heart beat skip one beat, before increasing its speed slightly. Had she really seemed that out of place? She supposed she really did look lost, or maybe he had seen her sneak in. That feeling of worry sat lightly in her stomach, before his thought was finished.

"What brings you?"

A sheepish smile found its way to her face, a bit of color in her cheeks at the realization that this guy was in fact security, and she would in fact have to admit to him that she'd more or less snuck into the building.

"Uh, well, my name is Leandra," she began, feeling the nerves kick in a bit. One of her hands found its way to the end of her hair, which she played with a bit while she spoke. "I was looking for a different club, and I sort of got lost on the way there. I wasn't planning on coming here - I didn't even know there was a club here. But I figured I could get some help, and..." She trailed off, looking between Leo and a couple other people sitting at the bar.

After a moments pause, she let out a sigh, letting go of her hair in the process. "Look, honestly, I didn't mean to sneak in, and if there's a cover charge and I need to pay, I won't mind." She offered him a smile, opening up her clutch to take out her resume sheet. "I was actually looking for management, but this place is so big that I sort of got lost." She felt the blood back in her cheeks again at this admission, though it was for reasons other than nerves. In all honesty, she was feeling better as she spoke with Leo.

She extended her resume to him as she spoke. "Actually, maybe you can help me? I was hoping to give this to the owner... I'm new to the area, and my previous employment sort of... fell through." She knew she was rambling, but at this point she couldn't help herself. "Do you know if your employer is hiring? I can dance and sing, and play piano. I'm willing and able to learn." She paused, gauging his expression. "I'm a recent graduate of Juilliard," she finished. "It's all in there." Her gesture was towards the resume sheet she held extended towards the male in her hand.

She only hoped that this wasn't all for naught.

~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~



Theo had recently made his way to the bar, after a conversation with his 'employer'. The vampire he was travelling with was meeting with some old friends she hadn't seen in years, apparently having run into them here of all places. She told him to get himself something to drink, though he wasn't sure exactly what he'd be drinking at the bars that they had here. He didn't drink blood, for obvious reasons, and he didn't drink alcohol.

He hoped the bar tender working that night wouldn't get pissed at him if he just kept ordering waters.

Approaching the bar, he had taken a spot off to the side and out of the way of anyone just stopping over to grab something and go. When he realized who was working the bar, he relaxed a little. He had been served by Jayne on numerous occasions as of late, as well as another young male who didn't appear to be working that evening. Jayne hadn't seemed to have minded when he would order waters on those previous occasions; she had just seemed glad that he was quiet, simple to please, and kept to himself.

When he felt that Jayne was in earshot of him, he called out his order - his voice wasn't very strong, so he hoped she had heard him. "Just a water, please."

He thought that maybe one day, when he was feeling adventurous, he might order something sweeter, though non-alcoholic to be certain.