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Blood Rites: Awakening

The Town of Craine


a part of Blood Rites: Awakening, by Celaira.


Celaira holds sovereignty over The Town of Craine, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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The Town of Craine is a part of Blood Rites: Awakening.

7 Places in The Town of Craine:

8 Characters Here

Cantus Caedis [24] "Yes, I have a tumblr. No.. I don't obsess over it. Yes I use it every day... Like i said, I still do stuff, you wouldn't understand."
Seph Ganien Dikou [21] "The moon is so beautiful. Don't you feel the ecstasy under its presence?
Soul [21] Just about the strangest person you ever had the oppertunity to meet.
Erin Saito [14] This feeling of dread...I've never felt it before, but I can't seem to shake it.
Ello [11] You all disgust me.
Jaxson Crue [4] As a Mortray and a gentleman, it is a matter of principle to rid the world of Creaous.
Auberon Urso [3] "My bear is not on a leash, be aware"

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Character Portrait: Cantus Caedis Character Portrait: Syra Adrovere Character Portrait: Erin Saito Character Portrait: Ello Character Portrait: Seph Ganien Dikou Character Portrait: Soul
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#, as written by Damioa
Seph gave a light laugh that sounded almost like a 'hmph' when the woman said he name and her preferred title. Soul sat down next to him and introduced himself to her after she had received her drink. 'That was good. She didn't seem to be dangerous at all. At least not from her actions. Why else would she return to the table? The fact still remained however, that she still smelt of fresh blood. Blood that wasn't hers.
He thought since she stated her name, then he should also state his. "My names Seph. As for hunters, I don't fear them because unlike the cub I can control my transformation." It wasn't really something he was proud to say, since learning how to control it took allot of blood and built up allot of hate for a man that he made sure died by his own hands. "Speaking of which, try to hide your ears. If your going to be traveling with me then you should at least know how to conceal your true nature." He said to Soul, shaking his head a little at the guy. Turning back to Syra he said, "Anyway, I'm not here for hunting, I'm here because I don't have anywhere else to go." Her earlier statement formed an Idea in his mind. "You say you live here, but there's hunters here as well. Where do you sleep exactly?"

Before he was able to get an answer out of him, a smell hit his nose that was worse then hers. A vampire. He had a really unique smell too. Seph couldn't really pin point why but if he smelled that strong, he must have not just some random vampire that you can find anywhere.

He turned his attention back to the girl in front of him. Surely her face and the vibe he was getting from her meant that the vampire who entered the room was indeed a powerful one and judging from his smell, he was also more pure bled then she was. He let out a faint growl. "Do you know him?" He asked. "He seems to be pretty strong from what I can tell." Surely this town attracted not only him, but allot of other creatures as well. The only question was why.

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Character Portrait: Jaxson Crue
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Being a gentleman really seemed be rather inconvenient at times, such as now. The only thing that was separating Mr. Crue from the creaous commoner who seemed to be in desperate need of execution, was a tacky door that couldn't be thicker than a mere inch. If he were inclined to, the redheaded gentleman could no doubt kick a decent sized hole in the door. Of course, this is where his proper mannerisms prevented him from proceeding with said course of action. Jax had taken to leaning against the wall opposite of the door, and rubbing his temples with his hands. Gideon was presently exercising his rather colorful vocabulary upon having been leaned so casually against a wall in a 'commoners' apartment.

"If you could kindly refrain from talking for a few measly minutes, then I might convince this... monster, to open her front door!"

"Go to Hell!" a voice screeched at him from within the apartment. Jaxson's teeth ground together upon having to take an insult, and his fists clenched. In his back he could feel his wings straining against the skin, itching to show themselves and let Jax exhibit his full power against the Creaous.

"You really are of the most stubborn disposition," young master Crue sighed with a low chuckle. "Open this door, miss." Inside the apartment, when Jaxson pressed his ear gently to the wooden door, he could faintly make out the sound of something being poured. A female voice soon accompanied the sound of whatever was being poured.

As this salt I sprinkle about to keep the evil beings out, let no danger enter in any opening herein. I now invoke the law of three; This is my will, So mote it be. Was this a spell of sort? He was hunting a creaous, not an akina. Had Jaxson found himself an insane member of the Creaous race? Admittedly, all the creaous that had thought themselves capable of living were undoubtedly insane already.

"What was that?" he called out, louder than he had been before. Gideon warned Jaxson that if the Creaous being inside had taken defensive actions, then it may have taken on its animal traits. From what Jaxson had heard earlier, the squawking, it was a bird of some sort. It seemed to be a raven. Unless the creature inside has somehow formed a bond strong enough to give her the wings of a raven, he had little to worry about.

It may seem that he was too confident in himself, but Jaxson had grown receiving the training the could be described as dangerously similar to the level of training a Hunter received. His father had gone to great measure to acquire information on regimens for hunters, and had worked even harder to drill the lessons into his son at a young age.

"You can't think that a few magic words are going to keep me out, can you?" he chuckled lowly, again. The hunt was one of the only things that made him laugh, simply from how pathetic his prey was.

"What are you?" an eerily calm voice spoke, making Jaxson jump at how close to the door it sounded.

"I was born to hunt down your kind, Creaous."

"That doesn't exactly narrow down the possibilities of your race, boy. You see, I've been hunted for quite some time." The woman's voice, while still an unnerving calm voice, had taken the faintest hint of amusement to it. Jaxson reached back, eyes leveled on the wood in front of him, and gripped Gideon. He answered simply, with one word, and knocked on the door, slowly, one more...twice...a third time.

"I implore you to let me inside," his voice was low yet smooth as it instructed her. Gideon now began his drill sergeant routine, and his voice was its battle tone Gentleman or not, break the door and take her life. "I will not go against my nature, fool. If there are any other ways of entering the apartment feel free to share them." Break the door. Break the door. Break the door! Break the DOOR! "No!" BREAK THE DOO- "NO!"

"You seem somewhat busy, Mortray. Try coming back later," a smile was audible in her voice. To leave now, and let her escape? Not a chance. Jaxson couldn't stand Gideon who seemed to have more bloodlust than he usually did, and with a loud noise of annoyance, he stripped himself of his vest. Did Gideon have any sense of how degrading this was? Mr. Crue unbuttoned his dress shirt and laid it neatly over one arm, along with his vest. Now shirtless, two jagged scars that were a foot in length were visible going down his back.

It had been some time since he returned Gideon to his original form, and he wasn't looking forward to the experience. With a surprising amount of pain on Jaxson's part, Gideon became nothing more than a tattoo on Jaxson's back. The voice still rang, but it was significantly quieter and on a level that Jax could handle.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cantus Caedis Character Portrait: Syra Adrovere Character Portrait: Erin Saito Character Portrait: Ello Character Portrait: Seph Ganien Dikou Character Portrait: Soul
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He grinned as his scone arrived, fluffy and flaky like a scone should be. He despised going hungry, and it had been sometime between meals. After a few bites his ears perked up, then lay back at Seph's "cub" comment. "I'm not a cub. I turned of age a few months ago." He then muttered to himself, "I mean, I think I did." He dropped his scone on the little plate and clutched his head with one hand, ears going flat, as something at the back of his mind tried to surface. A memory best left untouched. But as quickly as it had come, it was gone, and he rubbed his temple to ease the pain. His brain was being especially rude today, doing a thing like that. "As for my ears", he said. "They refuse to change. Soul has tried hundreds of times but Soul is stuck with them. And putting a hat over them renders Soul all but deaf."

He took another bite of scone, it was quite a good one at that, as he noticed the tension in the air, the thick smell of what he'd come to understand his Vampire. He did his best to keep his ears from twitching, they would alert the new presence of his awareness. This scent, and this strange feeling in his gut, like someone was squeezing him in a vice, it unsettled him greatly. He put down his scone and laced his fingers together to keep his hands from shaking. What was this person, that they're mere presence unsettled him so greatly? "Seph, I-I don't like this," He managed to whisper. "Who ever that person is..." His voice trailed off, his brain refusing further operation of the tongue. Images flashed in his mind. Blood. Pain. Death. Over and over again, blood, pain, and death.

He couldn't deal with this. He laid his head down on the table and shut his eyes, trying to relax, though when the mans eyes fell on him, his whole body went rigid. He didn't know what was happening, but if this kept up, he'd lose control. Then lots of bad things would happen.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cantus Caedis Character Portrait: Syra Adrovere Character Portrait: Seph Ganien Dikou Character Portrait: Soul
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Third body

Cantus never really understood how his strength felt to others, seeing as he was around his father for a long time. One thing he did however understand, was that he was respected by most creatures. He didn't know what had drawn him to the little town named Craine. Perhaps it was simply fate playing with measly beings on Earth, or perhaps it was just luck. He waited a bit until he could feel the tension in the room. He laughed a bit while still looking at his phone. The phone's back was pointed at the group, but most importantly, the camera was as well. He was watching them from the camera, but his third body appeared to be looking away from the group. His first body however, was staring at feed off of the phone. God, he loved technology, not that he would say god.

He wondered how the werewolves felt, seeing as he and another vampire were here. Surely they wouldn't try anything hasty, right? He noticed the wolf with ears lay his head down. It amused him.

He clicked his phone shut with a snap, one that would be obvious to anyone listening for any sound from his direction. The humans in the cafe didn't notice. It was just after all, another phone. He stood up a second before his order finished being made and walked towards the male behind the counter. "Thank you," His voice was calm and practiced.

He went back to his booth before thinking of a genius idea. He walked over to the white-haired werewolf and feigned being unaware of the situation, "Are you alright?" He was still wearing contacts that hid his black eyes, but a monster with good sight would easily see through them. He put down his cup of coffee and "accidentally brushed his hand against the other vampire.

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Character Portrait: Auberon Urso
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#, as written by Ivisbo
Auberon Urso and Morotagh

Morotagh refused to respond to Auberons questions. The big bear, whom was usually quiet talkative, had chosen to instead remain silent and resilient. The Creaous had climbed from his familiars back and now walked silently behind him, his fists slammed into his white jacket pockets and an angry scowl on his face. He made sure to make as much noise as possibly as he stomped his boots, enjoying the annoyed twitching of the bears ears.

Morotagh on the other hand, but only looking out for his Creaous. Auberon did not know that Morotagh was actually leading them towards the Town of Craine, or that he planned to force the boy to go in on his own, for the first time without his familiar. Auberon did not do well without his polar bear, and Morotagh did not want his partner to become sloppy just because he was afraid of loneliness.

After another hour of silence between the two, Morotagh finally plopped himself in front of a good camping location on the outskirts of the city, but still safely hidden in the forest. Auberon gave the bear a look, but went off to collect wood and make a fire anyway. Soon a small sized flame was flickering and the Creaous settled down next to his familiar.

I only want whats best Morotagh finally spoke up, glancing at Auberon, whom had leaned up against the bears bulky frame and staring into the fire. Auberon nodded, keeping his eyes fixated on the flames.

"I know brother" He breathed out, letting his eyes slip shut, "I trust you"

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Character Portrait: Auberon Urso
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#, as written by Ivisbo
(Double posted, I apologize)

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cantus Caedis Character Portrait: Syra Adrovere Character Portrait: Seph Ganien Dikou Character Portrait: Soul
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#, as written by Celaira
Syra held her drink just on the edge of the table, her eyes staring at the straw so that they wouldn't be drawn to the powerful Vampire nearby. When she heard Soul begin to justify why his ears were out, she looked at him. She didn't know if her eyes seemed calm or haggard and afraid, but regardless she watched the white-haired wolf. When he put his head down, her head tilted. She'd never seen a werewolf react this way to the power of a vampire, was he really as overwhelming to them too? That's when she heard the other wolf, Seph, as he had introduced himself ask if she knew him.

"No." She whispered softly, biting the top of her straw. "I can't be sure who he is."

Much to her dismay, the power became even more suffocating, and without even looking up she knew he was closer to them than before. When she heard his voice, her eyes drifted up to his face, scanning over it carefully. No one in her family had ever been invited to the functions of the Royal Family, so she'd never seen any of the princes or princesses in person. She couldn't be sure that's who he was, but she didn't have any other clues.

Just as she was getting used to him standing there, she felt an electric shock tear through her body. Had he touched her? What the hell was that feeling? What the hell was going on? Her eyes watered a little as the shock subsided, and she wasn't really sure if she had remained physically composed, but she doubted it.

Carefully, her crimson eyes moved from the man who she thought might have been royalty to the two werewolves sitting across from her.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cantus Caedis Character Portrait: Syra Adrovere Character Portrait: Seph Ganien Dikou Character Portrait: Soul
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#, as written by Damioa
Seph watched Soul as he started having some kind of panic attack. He could smell it oozing off of his body like smoke. The pheromones. The body releases special fumes that when smelled can attract you to another person. Another thing it does is transmits your feeling into smell. It was the bodies natural equivalent to a mood ring. At least, that's how he saw it. "Hey Soul.... Soul.......Snap out of it." He said while taking his hand and pinching souls neck with it. It was a common pack leaders tip. If you rub a wolfs neck in the right spot it should calm them down.

The stench from before was hitting his nose again. He turned away from Soul to see that the vampire, who was sitting across the room, was now standing right next them. He must have done something to Syra because her smell changed and her body seemed to be frozen. It was a strange smell. Wasn't exactly fear but he didn't know what else to call it.

"Hey buddy. You know its rude to step up to people's tables without asking right? I don't really know you all that well so the least you could do is be polite." He told the dark haired man in front of him. It always did bother him when someone tried to intrude on his territory without asking or with out him being there. That was his wolf instinct. He didn't know why but in some scenario's he was a tad bit more territorial then other.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cantus Caedis Character Portrait: Syra Adrovere Character Portrait: Seph Ganien Dikou Character Portrait: Soul
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As soon as this strange presence approached the table, he knew it was over. Even Seph's weird neck pinch didn't do much. It felt like his entire body were on fire. He wanted, no, he NEEDED to- Suddenly he heard the voice, and he snapped. He suddenly stood, his hands slamming against the table as he did so. The wood around his hands gave way, splintering and leaving a rough impression of his palms. A few startled humans looked at him, but as always they looked away with slightly befuddled expressions. They only ever saw what they thought was there.

He turned and bumped into the man, if he could call it a man, exclaimed an abrupt apology, ran to the counter, slammed down his hands and panted. "Three dozen- no, ALL the scones, NOW!" The man behind the counter let his jaw drop. Who the hell would order an entire shelf of scones!? "And tea, yes, black tea. Twelve of them." Now the man's eyes lit up with greed as he replied, "Yes sir! That'll be two-hundred, thirty-four dollars and ninety-eight cents." He looked into the wallet in his hand and pulled out two hundreds and a fifty, got the change, and a tray laden with scones, to start. He sat down at the booth again and ate a scone in two bites. Suddenly he was calm again. In fact he looked as happy and carefree as he had when Seph first met him. The world could be crumbling down around him, but if Soul had any form of baked goods, he couldn't care less.

He wiped his mouth as the first of his twelve teas arrived. He took a sip and looked the stranger in the eye, grinning like the fool most people took him to be. "Soul is afraid he must agree with Seph, though Soul appreciates your concern." That grin threatened to split his face in half. "Please, introduce yourself. Here, have a scone!" He picked a rather scrumptious looking scone from the tray and offered it to the vampire stranger.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cantus Caedis Character Portrait: Syra Adrovere Character Portrait: Seph Ganien Dikou Character Portrait: Soul
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Third Body

Cantus flinched when he touched Syra. He cursed under his breath. He didn't actually mean to. He looked at the werewolf who wasn't freaking out, and wondered what he would say.

He laughed internally, 'hypocrite', he wasn't actually going to say this. He knew that the werewolf probably walked up the female vampire without asking, but he didn't want to say this out loud. He could be wrong. "Polite? All I was doing was asking if your friend is all right." He had a non-malicious tone in his voice. "It is after all, my fault that he's acting this way." He continued, confused by what he was saying. He did however, feel anger that he was being told to be polite. He had been polite for all of his life at his manor, do this, do that, stand up straight. What did this werewolf know about being polite? He shook the thought away internally. Now was not the time to get angered.

Cantus felt as if he was going to be attacked when Soul bumped into him, but he didn't have time to attack. He was even more surprised when Soul went to the counter and ordered every scone. "What?" He asked this mostly to himself. He was dazed for a second, wondering how eating a scone could calm someone down so easily. He composed himself quickly.

He was even more surprised that Soul looked him in the eye. Rarely anyone had the guts to do so, and this werewolf seemed terrified just a minute ago. He smiled, "My name is Cantus Caedis, Prince of Vampires." He let the last past slip past his tongue, but he didn't notice. He took the scone and eyed for a second, before beginning to eat it slowly. "You use tumblr?" He pulled out his phone and went to the tumblr app, then faced the phone towards Soul, hoping that at least one monster would know what he was talking about. He was smiling genuinely, something rare when it came to Vampire Princes. He was beginning to like this werewolf, but he wouldn't let his family know that.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cantus Caedis Character Portrait: Syra Adrovere Character Portrait: Seph Ganien Dikou Character Portrait: Soul
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#, as written by Celaira
The female Vampire watched the events unfold before with slight confusion. When Seph told the male beside her to be polite she had to bite her tongue to stop from saying Hypocrite out loud. Who the hell did he think he was? This wasn't the woods, and this vampire was far stronger than Seph appeared to be. Shaking her head after the affects of the shock wore off, Syra found her eyes traveling back over to Soul who seemed to be freaking out. An eyebrow raised skeptically when the table beneath his hands gave way. The grade of tables must've gone down during the centuries.

However, she wasn't all that surprised when he ordered that much food. She just assumed he had a high metabolism or something. But, when he got back to the table and told the other vampire to be polite, she hissed a little. That was enough. Seriously.

Just as she was about to speak up and tell both wolves to shut their traps, her thoughts were overshadowed by the name entering her ears. He had said Cantus hadn't he? Oh, for the love of- Did he just mention Tumblr? Sure enough when Syra's eyes focused again, the prince was holding out his phone to Soul, showing him a familiar app.

"Um. What?" She blinked, tilting her head to the side. "Y-you use Tumblr?!" She tried to keep her voice level, but the shock was evident, and so she added, "Sire." keeping as little eye contact as she could.

This man could make her jump off a cliff if he wanted to, she'd have to tread even more carefully than she usually did.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cantus Caedis Character Portrait: Syra Adrovere Character Portrait: Seph Ganien Dikou Character Portrait: Soul
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#, as written by Damioa
'Mind my matters?' Seph thought to himself. "Listen Cu...." He couldn't finish seeing as the boy went to get some food. Thinking back on it he did realize he might have been portrayed as a hypocrite so he decided to nicely introduce himself to vampire. "Hey, I'm Seph. Ex-Clan 3rd, 2nd, in line for 1st in command. Recently left though. Those geezers are boring hehehe." He chuckled at the fact of seeing them in the teaching area. One of them of course was his father which didn't make him laugh much but he still felt success in killing the bastard. However, for his brother, he was still a little upset about that.

"Please, come sit with us. Syra here was just telling us how we shouldn't be here because of the hunters. Even though you and I both know that they're no match for all of us together if they did try to attack us." Seph said in his usual calm tone. "Hey Soul, let me have one too." He asked. He could have just taken one put that would prove that he thrown all the wolf territorial etiquette out the window. However, the smell of blood coming of the woman drew him to just talk to her directly. As for the man in front of him, on top of his heavy, not stinky but also not roses smell, he smelt of blood too. This peaked his curiosity but sometimes you have to wait for the right time to ask questions and so he did.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cantus Caedis Character Portrait: Syra Adrovere Character Portrait: Seph Ganien Dikou Character Portrait: Soul
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His ears twitches at his reply. "Prince Cantus. Its a pleasure!" He scratched his chin and looked over at Syra. "Whats a prince?" He blinked and passed Seph a scone while staring at the strange device thrust before him by Cantus. "Tumblr?" He took the phone and a sip of tea, tapping the screen curiously, surprised to find it responsive. He oohed and started swiping and tapping on the screen, smiling. He didn't know what this tumblr was, but was interesting. At the mention of hunters the pain in his head returned and he dropped the phone, wincing. Blood, death, pain, blood, death, pain. Why did those words hurt so much? He rubbed his head to ease the pain. It felt like his head was splitting! He swallowed another scone and slowed his breathing, returning the phone to Cantus. "S-Sorry about that. Soul hasn't been feeling so well recently."

He leaned back in his seat, sipping his tea and staring at the table. The things he didn't know seemed to hurt him the most. What things lay in the back of his mind? He'd come here hoping to learn the answer to that, but this was quite the development. It would seem he had made a few friends as well. He'd never had any before, none that he could remember anyway. He smiled a little to himself. Maybe everything would work out.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cantus Caedis Character Portrait: Syra Adrovere Character Portrait: Seph Ganien Dikou Character Portrait: Soul
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Third Body

Cantus turned his head towards Syra when she appeared to be confused over his use of Tumblr. 'Yes, I use tumblr." He was slightly blushing, or the vampire equivalent of it. He composed himself. He wanted to ask if she had a tumblr. He hoped she did, but he couldn't exactly be sure what her response would be. He would however, not be hesitant to kill her if she dared to make fun of Tumblr, or so he told himself.

His attention was brought away from Syra and to the werewolf named Seph. He didn't know anything about Werewolf clans, but he pretended to at least acknowledge Seph. He was more interested in who these 'geezers' were, but he wasn't going to ask about them. He didn't want to overstep his boundaries and have to kill and possibly be killed. He still after all didn't know how his "ability" worked.

Cantus sat down and still held the phone out to Soul. "If we killed hunters carelessly, we would be alerting the whole organization to our presence." He said this matter-of-factly, thinking of strategies on the spot before stopping and being reminded of the phone. He pulled his hand to his side after Soul took his phone, wondering what the werewolf would think of the amazing device. He just hoped the werewolf wouldn't find his less-than-honorable Followings, not that they were perverted, they were just a bit embarrassing. He winced when Soul dropped the phone, hoping that his phone wasn't broken. He could easily afford another one, but he had a lot of stuff stored on the phone. "It should be fine," He had a slight look of dismay on him, but he pulled himself together. He took the phone gingerly, and sighed when he turned it on without any problems.

"Oh right," He turned to Syra, a smile evident on his face, "Do you have Tumblr?" He asked this sheepishly, waiting her for her response.

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Character Portrait: Auberon Urso
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#, as written by Ivisbo
Auberon Urso and Morotagh

"Are you joking!" Auberon roared at the town came into view ahead of them. Morotagh flinched, his whole body tensing as he felt the anger of his creaous. They had awoken not long after the fire had died out and decided to keep moving, well...Morotagh had forced the man out of his sleep to walk through the forest once more. Now they had finally reached the town and Auberon was less then happy at his familiars obvious deception.

Now brother, you know I didn't-

"No! I know you did Moro!" The white haired man yelled at the bear, fists clenched at his side, "You dragged me for days through the forest to Craine just to force me in their without you! Don't play me for a fool brother, I know you well enough already"

Morotagh let out a massive exhale and plopped his fluffy white butt on the forest floor, Well Aub, you need food. We haven't found any prey for a few days and you just finished your last canned food. One of us has to go into town and its not going to be the polar bear.

Auberon glared at the bear and attempted to push the massive form, comically shoving against the unrelenting weight. When it became apparent he was only making a fool out of himself, Auberon quit and crossed his arms. He had never been anywhere without Morotagh ever sense they had met and became his familiar. Once more, he had never set foot in a town the size of Craine...they due had kept to smaller villages when they needed to restock. Auberon knew why the bear was doing this; he needed to branch out a bit and get over his fear of others. But...

Familiar and Creaous locked eyes as the two fought their inner battles and Auberon opened his mouth to speak.

"I'll go if its so important to you-"
I'll go with you if it's so important to you-

They both let out a howl of laughter at both of their identical responses. Auberon took a step forward and ran his hands through Moro's fur, resting his forehead against the bears, "I'll be fine, I can do this. We have the telepathy, so its not like we are truly apart. If anything happens, you'll come?"

Of course brother

Auberon grinned and rustled the soft fur lovingly, then turned and looked towards the town. He stared at it, exhaled deeply, then left the forest to walk towards the town. It only took him a view minutes, but already he wanted to run back to his bear and call this adventure quits.

It was busy. People moved to and fro around him, not stopping as they hustled to their location. He had to dodge a few people as they ran by without out even seeing if anyone was in their way. He felt like people were staring at him everywhere he turned. Auberon ran a hand through his bright white hair self consciously, dusting the dirt of his equally white jacket. He stood out, but he didn't have a change of clothes so this would have to do. Hopefully this could be a fast trip and he could get back to the forest as quickly as possible. With a hefty sigh, Auberon continued to walk through the streets, not really sure where he was going but hoping to find some sort of grocery store along the way.
