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Josette Rayven

i hope he will be kind to me......

0 · 1,213 views · located in Modern Day

a character in “Blood Rites”, as played by Lady Inali


Name: Josette Rayven
Age/Age Appeared: 18
Gender: Female
Belief: Catholic

Appearance: Image

Personality: She is kind but can have a temper. She has a deep eagerness to learn anything new that she can. She is out going once she gets to know someone. Josette always seeing the bright side of things no matter how bad they get. She is damaged mentally thanks to her brother and parents and that shows from time to time

What are they most afraid of? the idea of being shipped off to fill the “arranged marriage” her parents set up. She fears her older brother, he has a powerful lot of wraith to anyone that won’t bend to his will or give in to his wants.

Her family was very greedy and lusted for power. They were so hungry and lustful for power and money that they had no regarded for anything but there first born son. Not only did they sell the soul of their second child but they sold the whole child making the deal with the warlock that when that child turned 18 she would be his.

Josette at a very young age resieved a necklace with a strange blue stone. She has never taken it off, she finds a strange calming comfort in it. She grew up being primped and trained for who she was going to belong to. Never fully getting to take the classes she wanted but she was fine with that. She had a great love for cooking and reading. She even enjoys dancing no matter how bad she is at it.

She was never allowed to date always being told that when she turned 18 she was going to be sent off to be with the man she was “arranged to marry” That of course was a lie. She was going to be sent off to the warlock they sold her to, to be his servant his pawn.

What did they trade their soul for?her parents traded her for money and power.

Cooking /home making (sewing , and so on)

So begins...

Josette Rayven's Story


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Character Portrait: Sean Rayven Character Portrait: Josette Rayven
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She sighed as she packed up the few thing she was going to bring with her in to her new life. She was nervous to meet the man her parents paired her with. she knew little about him nor did she know what he really was the anything about the real reason why she was being shipped of. It would take two to three days by train to get to the town he was in...that just meant a few more days to her self. In truth she did not like this in any way shape of form...she wanted to find no to fall in love with someone that she wanted to be with not someone her parents picked. The only thing she could do now is pray that he is a good man.

Josette shut the trunk lid looking around the room that she spent all of her life. She did one last walk in the house that held both good and horrid memories for her. She could hear the clock ticking by as her father put the trunk in the car and waited tapping his foot as if she was wasting time. Slowly she got in the car and was on her way to the train station. She really did not eat anything or sleep on the train. How could she with what was going on.

The time on the train seemed to stop and speed by making it hard to forces or think. The few times the train stopped she thought about getting off and running but that would not end well and she knew that. She wondered if that man she was promised to would be there when she got there or would she have to sit and wait, she wondered about what her new life and home would be like.

She had to go throw this the family honor had to be held. She never new this was a painted lie from some sick contract they made with a warlock to gain power and wealth that there greedy lustful hearts longed for. Would he tell her the truth or would he keep that painted lie going the answers would lie a head for that path was still covered in thick fog that seem to want to let up any time soon.


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Character Portrait: Josette Rayven
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The train and pulled up stopping with a soft hiss. She was the last one off the train her trunk sat on the plat form. She sighed takeing a set on it. Shacking hands pushed pale lavender hair behind her ears. She was all nerves and this point and the lack of sleep and food did not help. The biggest up side about this was she would never have to see or be around her older brother again.
She looked up at the large glowing clock shivering a little.

The train was a little bit early witch was a surprise in itself she let her mind wounder as she sat there. She had no idea what this man looked like, what he did nothing. Out of all that to her the only thing that mattered was him being kind to her. She did not want a man like her father or older brother.

" i should have brought a book with me" She said more to her self then anything else. she shivered a little more wishing she had a jacket or something to keep her self a little more warm but if wishes her fishes everyone would be feed and happy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sean Rayven Character Portrait: Josette Rayven
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She blinked looking at him. unsure of what was going to happen he seemed nice so fair but that could always change. Slowly she took his hand standing up. She was thin and stood around 5'5. Her hair went to the past her shoulders. She wrapped her fingers around the handle of her other piece of luggage. The cold in truth did not bug her in small ways she enjoyed it. "very well" was spoken in warm honey tones with that sweet smell of lavender dancing about her. She was unsure of what was going to happen to her at this point but no matter what it was she was going to make the best out of it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sean Rayven Character Portrait: Ember-Jay Scarlet Character Portrait: Josette Rayven
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Ember-Jay felt sad when Sean had let go of her hands, sure her body was mentally kicking her mind and she didn't want to kill him but he seemed like a really nice Warlock and she couldn't help but worry some hunter might get to him. As he walked away she didn't know whither to follow, leave or just stay where she was. She looked around her recognizing very little and mentally kicked herself for losing her way.
After what seemed liked hours to Ember-Jay but was probably only minutes she decided to stay were she was, she didn't know why and came up with the excuse of trying to figure her way back and make sure the Warlock got back to the inn safe and sound.
Just then she heard a shout and someone grabbed her from behind and hugged her tight, making her gasp for air. "Dude! Where were you!?" The guy that hugged her shouted.
She looked over her shoulder and stared in horror, there right behind her were three hunters and her friends.
"We decided to 'walk' around and 'check' out the people here" A very bone like girl said.
The third guy just shrugged in agreement and slung is arm around the girl.
One thought ran through her head as she realized what was going on. They were hunting... there was a Warlock just up ahead, probably picking up a Night Beast friend...And if she didn't get out of the hug soon, she might turn purple instead of the blue shade she was now. Oh,


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sean Rayven Character Portrait: Ember-Jay Scarlet Character Portrait: Josette Rayven
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Ember-Jay was horrified when she saw Sean appear with the calm looking girl. She was hoping this wouldn't happen but yet again the world hated her life. When he made it pitch black she took her chance and knocked the guy that was holding her out and watched as he fell to the ground.
Next she lunged at the other two but instead of getting her way it turn into a fight of two against one, a sword and gun against machete, throwing knives, and two small blades; Ember knew there was no way she was gonna get out of this without being punished or hurt but she kept going so that they wouldn't chase their new pray.
"WHAT THE HELL, EMBER-JAY!!!" Screamed the girl as she kept firing rounds of bullets.
"She lost it!" Spat the third guy as he lunged at Ember-Jay, making contact with her skin and slicing her arm causing her to change weapon and slow her down.
Ember had cornered herself and was trying hard to stay out of their hits and range but her body was tired from all the walking she'd done that night, and the fighting wasn't help. She'd already been shot in the arm, leg, and shoulder. Not to mention all the cuts the sword had made. Yet she didn't give up.
Ember-Jay's thoughts were running through her head fast, so fast she didn't understand. 'Why do we have to fight...I don't want them dead...but I don't want the Warlock dead either...I'm going to die if I don't choose..'
After a while Ember-Jay gave up and settled with being beaten to a pulp by the her friends/fellow hunters. It wasn't to bad, the blood loss made her feel less of the pain, but every time the guy she knocked out would hit, it would hurt like crazy. He was so pissed off. They kept going until they all grew tired and stopped, looking over Ember with horror at how far they took it.
"Oh, shit...what do we do!?" Ember could just hear the girl's shouts and smirked slightly, 'Serves her and the guys for beating me to a pulp' She thought softly as they all started to argue. Soon they came up with something and run off. 'No...Don't leave me here....' Ember cried mentally but it was to late, they were gone and the hunters couldn't hear thoughts.
Slowly and weakly she pulled herself to her feet and stumbled around, still not knowing which why to go so she was home. She didn't know how far she had gotten but soon she passed out from blood loss; falling so that she was laying in the shadows on the street, her vision went black and the last thing to escape her lips was a chuckle at what she had done before the blackness and nothing took over her.

The setting changes from Modern Day to Silver Rose Tavern

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sean Rayven Character Portrait: Ember-Jay Scarlet Character Portrait: Josette Rayven
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Sean was wondering how things for Ember-Jay were going. He decided to use this time to scry on her. He pictured her hair, legs, butt, face, breasts and when he stared into the mirror he found her laying on the ground injured. Very injured. She was unconscious and bleeding profusely. Sean knew that Josette would wake up soon but he felt responsible. Sean wasn't sure why but she had fought her comrades. She had chosen his side. A grin spread across his face.
"It must be my lucky day," he said as he continued to stare at the girls body."Two treasures in one day." he said He turned to his Josette and waved his wand and staff as he started to cast a series of spells. At first the blankets wrapped around Josette and held her snug. Then they started to hover followed by Josette and blankets turning invisible.

Sean continued to watch the mirror as he complete the directional coordinates of the propulsion spell. With this Josette would wake up in his room and he was able to collect his latest collectors item. Sean hopped on teh staff and took off towards where the young huntress lay. Not worrying about being spotted at this point he rushed low through the streets until he found Ember-Jay. He looked around as he dismounted and approached her.

"So many components," he whispered to himself. Without pausing he bent down and stopped the bleed with a simple healing spell He then began chanting and the girls (virgin?) blood was floating up into the air. Sean pulled out a particularly huge vial from his sack and called the blood inside. He then bent down and chanting once more his middle and pointer finger began to glow. He snipped some bits of hair and placed them in a tiny vial. He then picked her up and carried her small frame back towards the inn.


Sean rushed into the Silver Rose Tavern not paying attention if anyone had seen him or was following. He walked up the stairs and with a few words the door opened on its own and he entered. Sean was happy to see Josette laying on the bed still sleeping but he placed Ember-Jay on the nearby sofa chair and he went to close the door and pulled another vial out of his magical pockets and dipped the contents between her lips. Sean had pretended to be a doctor 90 years ago and he knew that her pale complexion was not good, but the potion, which was now in her body would help recuperate her body as well as cause natural healing. Sean pulled out some needles and put four of them each on an arm and leg. These needles would release the magical energy so that it would not build up in the girls body. He stopped as he put in his last pin in her leg and saw some design on the leg she claimed was hurting her.

Sean wanted to have a closer look but the thought of either of these girls waking during his inspection would not bode well for anyone's future relationships. He took his eyes off Ember-Jays' inner thigh and walked over to the window. Sherlock was elsewhere tracking the purple haired demoness so he wasn't there to keep an eye out for them. Sean continued to scan the outside, realizing he was starting to get a little tired.

'Too much magic and too little sleep', he thought to himself. Sean took his large sack and opened it up to reveal that it was completely empty. Instead on this black cloth were symbols and several magic circles. The magical cloth was huge. It was still folded three times and it took up most of the open floor. He placed his hand on a small magic circle. It glowed faintly as a cup of coffee floated out from the circle.

"What a long night," he said as he went back to the window, hoping no one had followed, or noticed him, or snuck in while he wasn't looking.

The setting changes from Silver Rose Tavern to Modern Day


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sean Rayven Character Portrait: Ember-Jay Scarlet Character Portrait: Josette Rayven
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Ember-Jay slowly began to gain consciousness but she felt all stiff and sore. She let a low groan escape her lips before her eyes started to flutter open. 'Where am I?...I thought they killed me...wait..who ki-' Her thoughts cut of as everything came back and her eyes flew open as she gasped with shock. She looked around carefully not sure what to do, when she saw the needles in her arms and legs she bit into her bottom lip so it bleed just to stop from screaming.
Her heart beat picked up with fear as possibilities of what could have happened ran through her head, her least favorite thought being that who ever had her might have touched her in a way that she would regret later, I mean she was a virgin and losing that would suck. 'Your life does would just make it worse.." She thought to herself.
It wasn't until she shut her thoughts up that she realized her leg was burning badly, the way it did when a night beast was to close; liquid fire in her veins. She straggle not to gasp or cry out with pain and focused most of the thoughts to the girl on the bed. She looked familiar in a way..
Forgetting about the girl, she looked at the needles and wondered if it would hurt just to pull them out; she never did like doctors or hospitals, they seemed so cheerful giving bad news the bastards. So because of that, she never went to one or the other and never had needles in her when she was awake.
"What have you gotten yourself into, Ember-Jay Scarlet?" She mumbled to herself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sean Rayven Character Portrait: Ember-Jay Scarlet Character Portrait: Josette Rayven
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(oops forgot to change location)
Silver Rose Tavern

"Aha, you are awake" stated Sean. he looked back from the window, he left the window, but glanced once more to check for any signs of hunters. "I hope your nap wasn't too bad, Miss Ember-Jay." he said with concern in his voice. Sean looked down at the huntress and carefully pulled out the pins from the girls soft skin. Sean for the most part was a nice guy. His darkened soul had not destroyed it. But it had given him a dark interest in his new found arts. Sean gave her a moment to take in her surroundings as he slowly took a wide turn around her keeping well out of reach.

"You were hurt quite badly by your hunter comrades," he said silently. he let the knowledge of him knowing exactly what she was seep into her core being. He watched her with much interest as he continued to circle. "Tell me, why exactly were you so injured? On top of that it seems that your leg is once again hurting isn't it? he paused again. "I have to say, when I saw you from the train station your leg seemed fine. I have to say I am quite curious about that and many other things."

Sean watched as the girls face went through a series of changes as he spoke. He didn't personally take much pleasure from making anyone suffer. And he wasn't a demon that ended lives when they ate either. They remained alive and continued to deal with their lives as they saw fit.

"How would you like to join me?" Sean asked and watched as the thought bounced in the huntresses' mind.

The setting changes from Modern Day to Silver Rose Tavern

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sean Rayven Character Portrait: Ember-Jay Scarlet Character Portrait: Josette Rayven
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Ember-Jay sat frozen, she didn't know what to think and him circling her like that was making her feel like prey. She noticed that she was trembling slightly with fear and her body didn't want to take action. 'Oh so now it doesn't want to shred something to bits!! God..' She thought to herself. This wasn't going to be easy and he court her by surprise. She tried avoiding all the questions and only answered with a question, "J-join you? What do you mean by that, Sir Sean?" She raised an eyebrow at him, her fingers twitching nervously. The one good think about talking was her mind wasn't on the burning. "What are you going to do to that you know I'm a hunter?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sean Rayven Character Portrait: Ember-Jay Scarlet Character Portrait: Josette Rayven
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Sean smiled as it seemed that a crack of trust had been created. It was a warm smile which spoke of relief, but regardless his interest in a possible hunter ally was almost too good to pass up.

"Join me as a partner," Sean couldn't help but smile at her expression by the word of partner. It had many meanings. "I'm sorry, I meant as an ally." Sean smiled hoping to reassure her. "It seems like you have probably made an enemy of your fellow hunters, and though I don't know what the penalties are for such an act in your society, I doubt it will be very pleasant. Besides you already helped me once. Why not make a official?" Her face remained wary and skeptical, but Sean wouldn't let that phase him.

"You don't need to call me Sir, Miss Ember-Jay." he started again. "I am not as terrible as your society things I am. I have done terrible things that is true, but that distinction is made by you hunters. I help people improve their lives and they become quite happy with their lives afterwards. I would understand why you hunt demons, vampires, and werewolves down, seeing as how they end lives quite often. By a witches/warlocks contract doesn't kill. And on another note it is a deal between two parties that understand that it is a give and take situation."

He looked over at Josette wondering when she would wake up, and then back to the huntress. She was a fine specimen as was the huntress he saw earlier. Sean knew that sooner or later the Royal family would find out what he had done and come after him. It would be good to prepare. Sean liked preparations, almost as much as he liked successful results.

"I wish for us to be friends, but we can start slowly if you wish." he looked at her legs with much interest. "Perhaps you could explain that leg pain of yours and I'll see if there is something I can do to ease it."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sean Rayven Character Portrait: Ember-Jay Scarlet Character Portrait: Josette Rayven
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Ember-Jay stared at him in complete and utter shock as he talked, she wasn't sure if she should trust him or not, he could of done a number of things to her while she was out. No night beast she had ever met..She cut that thought of, realizing she never met any, only the bodies of dead night beast. She breathed in slowly and deeply then began to talk in a way she never thought she would unless to The Elders. "It's death for most but I'm lucky and can probably get away with beaten and left for dead, as you probably saw, my team took care of that but I did earn it, I hit first....." She trailed off as his words start to confuse her. She was told to kill all night beast because they were evil and she did for her parents and brother who were long gone dead, the thought brought tears to her eyes and she looked away from Sean, hoping he didn't notice as she continued to talk, slowly starting to trust him, but not enough to fully let him know. "You can't do anything to stop the burning. It's a Hunters Mark." She stopped at that, not sure if she should be telling him what it does..

The setting changes from Silver Rose Tavern to Modern Day


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sean Rayven Character Portrait: Ember-Jay Scarlet Character Portrait: Josette Rayven
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She blinked at what she was seeing seeing a powder tossed in to the air than feeling sleeps take grip on her. Going in to that world of dream and falling lip only to be caught and keep from hitting the ground. She was light bit still built. Hours would pass until she would start to wake even after he lifted the spell she need sleep and this got her that sleep she need.

Josette moved slowly sitting up in the bed still warped in the blackets. Her head felt a little off but she did not worry about it. She could here Sean's voice and a woman's......did he have one mate already was the first thought that came in to her head. Bruning Mark, Hunter.........what did this all mean. "mmm" She moved now fully sitting up in the bed those strange green eyes looking down at the ground.

The setting changes from Modern Day to Silver Rose Tavern

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sean Rayven Character Portrait: Ember-Jay Scarlet Character Portrait: Josette Rayven
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Sean was considering how to maybe redirect the pain and change it, when he heard Josette make a sound.

"Oh good," Sean moved over to the side of the bed." It was about time for you to wake up." Sean looked at Josette and back to Ember-Jay. He was placed his hand on Josette's head and then bent down and placed his forehead against hers.

'Good,' he thought. 'no side-effects'. Her green eyes were quite captivating now that Sean had a chance to take a look.

"Time to get up, Josette" he said as he looked back to Ember-Jay. "What if I changed the sensation of that burn of yours. It would be a little tricky but I think I could do it with a little time." Ember looked a bit confused by the suggestion. " I meant what if I made your brain register the pain as something else? Say pleasure?" He grinned as his eyes met Ember's hoping to see a little blush

Sean knew he could probably do it. He just need to study it a bit more. But Sean knew Ember was still holding something back. She didn't explain how she and the other girl hunter had knew he was what he was. He had an idea but it wouldn't help to just assume it. When it came to magic it had to be quite precise.

Sean turned to Josette and lifted her chin so he could see the green eyes of hers.

"Can you tell me, why your parents sent you here. What am I to you?" he asked because he knew some lie had been perpetrated but he needed to be clear of it so that he could work with it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sean Rayven Character Portrait: Ember-Jay Scarlet Character Portrait: Josette Rayven
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When his forehead touched hers her heart skipped a beat or two as her cheeks went a rose color. She was unsure what to think or say at this point. Josette flushed a little when he touched her chin but blushed a little again. She took a moment to find the words to use that would be the best. "they told me that it was an arranged marriage.... That I am to do as told" She was 100% clueless to why she really was there. "they told me that I am to be your wife" There was a hard tone to read when she spoke there was a bit of sadness but other things at the same time. "I hope i have not displeased you" came in that warm honey tone. She was not scared but more nerves

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sean Rayven Character Portrait: Ember-Jay Scarlet Character Portrait: Josette Rayven
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'Marriage?' he thought to himself. ' Well she was definitely worthy to be his wife. Of course Sean thought he had met quite a few worthy candidates this day.

"Aha," he said with a warm smile. "Sean kept his eyes on hers and said. "I am definitely not displeased but I am afraid your parents have deceived you slightly. Though you are to mine, as to you being my wife that will be decided at a later date. For now you simply need to keep an open mind and be as honest to me as possible. For now that is all I ask because I'm about to be very honest with you."

Sean waved his hands before his future almost ex-bride-to-be. Between them a black and silver mirror appeared before them and then it vanished again and was replaced with a hat. ... 4k4i4c.jpg

"Why hello, sweety" a voice said from the hat.

"This is my warlocks hat. Magic is real and being a warlock I granted wishes in exchange for souls." he explained as the hat disappeared and glowing contract appeared before them


Sean let Josette read the contract and pointed to her parents' signatures.

"I had never not taken a soul before," he said after a while. "I thought I would give it a try. Your parents success was thanks to me and my magic. The girl over there," he said as he pointed to Ember. "She is a hunter, which is a person who kills witches and warlocks like myself as well as demons, vampires, and werewolves." He saw disbelief briefly. "Yes they are real too. Though I don't think you should think too highly of them or get involved. They are quite fixated on their next meals, which tends to kill their victims.

The setting changes from Silver Rose Tavern to Modern Day


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sean Rayven Character Portrait: Ember-Jay Scarlet Character Portrait: Josette Rayven
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She blinked some takeing this all in. The talking hat was something very new and the strange mirror. She was very unsure of what to say or do at this point. She read every inch of the contract shutting her eyes she felt in ways sick that her parents did this but she let it go there was always a silver light to everything. with all of this it was a bit of an over loud. but after a bit she found the words she wanted to use wanted to say. That all the evil things of stories where true and real.

" I am to become a shell." Her eyes looked so sad when she said that but she still smiled. She new she had to obey and do as told. "So you where the one that sent me the necklace..." She was unsure of what to say or do a few tears slid down her cheeks...she new her parents cared more for her holder brother than her but it never really hit how little they cared for her until now. Her skin felt like it was crawling that she was that unwanted.

The setting changes from Modern Day to Silver Rose Tavern

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sean Rayven Character Portrait: Ember-Jay Scarlet Character Portrait: Josette Rayven
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"No you wont become a shell." he said as he wiped her cheeks. "You did not make a contract with me so your soul is fine." He looked at her worried face. "Do not worry, the contracts only work when both parties agree of their own free will. I could never force it out of you, though I have heard of others who use blackmail." -he paused realizing it wasn't helping the situation. "But I don't do that. And don't worry about your parents."

"You will be safe here and you will be free to do as you wish. You are not a prisoner and I will do my best not to treat you like one. I am glad you are here and will always be here if you need to talk or have any questions. I know what I do may not sit well with you but I think it will work itself out." Sean chanted a few words then kissed her forehead making her worries seem less and making her inside feel warm and fuzzy.

"Worry not Josette," he smiled again. "I'm sure you will start smiling soon enough.And if you are hungry just let me know and I will whip something up for you."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sean Rayven Character Portrait: Ember-Jay Scarlet Character Portrait: Josette Rayven
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She nodded some she was unsure of what to say or do.... she was going to to say something but when he kissed her forehead her cheeks went bright red. She felt warm and safe for the first time in a long time she was unsure of so many things at this point but decide to leave them alone. In truth she did not care what happened to her mother and father all that mattered to her was she was away from them.

"what will my roll be than" She almost whispered....she had to know it would give her footing in her new life. Her hand move up to her necklace holding the pendent that she love so dearly. everything told her he gave it to her to make sure she would be safe and taken care of.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sean Rayven Character Portrait: Ember-Jay Scarlet Character Portrait: Josette Rayven
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she had never been asked that and that showed. She was unsure of what to say or ask. "I.....I dont know I have never been really aloud to do anything. "I...i want to do anything that would be helpful" part of her wanted to make hell for her parents and her brother but she was not that type of that person. "I want to be useful and not a waste" She smiled it was faint but it was a smile.

When he asked about the food she nodded. Food sound so very good at this point. "Oat meal and some tea would be nice" She wanted something simple. she was easy to please and make happy and need so little. This was thank to her parents. Unlike her brother who was a spoiled brat

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sean Rayven Character Portrait: Ember-Jay Scarlet Character Portrait: Josette Rayven
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Sean smiled and made his over to the open side of the room. He picked up Ember-Jay and sat her on the bed. He would start Josette's food and then take Ember's if she could trust him enough.

"Josette, Ember- Ember-Jay, Josette" he introduced.

Sean lifted his hands over the cloth on the ground. It unfolded one side exposing a whole new set of magic circles he stood over a particularly large one and suddenly a large stove with pots and pans floating next to it. He conjured the actual food and then lit a smokeless blue flame and started to cook.

"One important thing to remember is that most supernatural beings such as myself usually work alone. So unless I introduce you to them pretend to not not what they are and don't trust them" he said as he continued to stir.