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Soren Kaz

"Flithy, disgusting, nasty, no good humans"

0 · 634 views · located in New York, New York

a character in “Bloodlust”, as played by TheGoddessReborn



Full Name:Soren Kaz

Nickname: Kaz


Role:Vampire 9, Blood Scout

Powers: Inception-The ability to implant memories, thoughts, and emotions into the minds of other people



Best Friend: 10 and 11

Likes: frowning, hunting, killing and Vanilla Wafers

Dislikes: Doing Nothing, being emasulated, Igorance and Candy

Fears: Never Finding his place within the other Vampire, Losing a loved one.


Description: Kaz stands at 5'9 and wieghts about 180lbs, after the event when he was finally turned his gained an intense hatred for humans.
Personality: Kaz is a jokster in his own right, Serious to a fault and Cold and ignorant toward humans. also, Kaz is know to be very Calculation and Cerebral.


History: Kaz was always a target for bulling, he trusted one of his good friends to keep an important sercret. "i'm gay." he told him in utmost confidence. next thing then, William knew his friend told everyone about his secret and on top of it his friend left his side joining in on the bulling. "Fag!", "Bitch!!" is what they said everyday all 8 hours of the day. one day, Will had had enough "they dont need me, im just a target of their ridicule." so off he when deep into the woods and had on a sharp knife intending to take his own life. "its not worth it.." he put the knife up to his wrist and slashed. he watched unfeeling as the gush of blood slapped on the ground. "It begins.." a man approched him and offered him a different way to die, a more honorable way. unfliching he said "do it." he told now turned. "Kaz" that he could recive a power to get back, get at all of them. "give it to me." the vampire smiled at his earness. the man nodded and touch kaz's forhead. "Go forth and kill." kaz nodded with a purpose and set off kaz turned to give thanks but the man was gone.

Setting off to his school clad now in gothy type clothes he walked to halls a new man, stalking his prey waiting for the exact moment where he could kill them leave there body laying around and inspire panic and confusing. an evil smile flashed across his demented mouth, "Game on." after about 4 hours he had made people kill themselves, killed the himself and stood in the middle of a red bloody mess. he walked out casually whistling a show tune.

So begins...

Soren Kaz's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Flem Character Portrait: Scarny Pretige Character Portrait: Soren Kaz
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Alex walked out from the back and stepped up to his station. He got there just as the chants for the music rose up. He enjoyed the glory of it all. He scanned the crowd and saw Kaz with Scarny at the bar. He watched they talked and wished he could just tell Kaz the truth but he knew Kaz was interested in someone else. So instead he put on his headphones and silenced the crowd. "This one is for my best friend Kaz." He said then started Kaz's favorite song. He smiled over at Kaz hoping he would look over so he could see how happy he was.

Scarny nodded at Kaz. She wasn't used to the peppy guy yet. She started to love him. In an annoying little dog way. She smiled at the thought and looked over at Alex as he got onstage and made his announcement. "Yeah real fun. Isnt this your favorite song?" She considered dancing on the bar top with him but that wasn't her job plus Matty and the boss would get jealous.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Flem Character Portrait: Alba Marie LaPierre Character Portrait: Scarny Pretige Character Portrait: Soren Kaz Character Portrait: Elizabeth Huntsman Character Portrait: Travis Maldoran
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#, as written by KameJLa

Elizabeth was ready when the bar filled with the awaiting crowd. Feeding before her shift became a regular habit just in case she happened to run into Alba after hours. Lately, she has had the blonde on her mind more than she would like to admit. With the crowd as rich as it smelt, she could feel herself starting to get hungry again. But it would have to wait. The 'Intoxicating before feeding' plan had only just commenced.

She set drinks down left, right, and center. Money slid from her fingers to the register and back. Tips ringed in the jar in the middle of the bar, graciously smiling at those who tipped "Thanks!" She said in a sweet tone. With her hair let loose in waves, her black heels gave her another four inches to her form. The white mini skirt clung to her hips, red strapless tank fitting her form, long necklaces adorning her neck.



Travis walked in through the back doors with a blonde in tow, his slightly muscular arm thrown around her shoulders. He was walking slow, like he was helping her walk beside him. "Are you sure you're alright from here? You took a nasty spill there in the back." Sapphire eyes looked down at the shorter girl. In reality, he had just fed off of her, and took her memories of it. The girl nodded, and took her leave. Stuffing his hands into his jean pockets, he watched until she passed through the doors before spinning on his heels, making his way to the bar. His shirt was an old local band from a few years back named 'Radio Logic'.

Ducking under the pass, he flashed the customers a smile. "What can I get for you hun?" He asked, getting the girl her drink. For being an old Vampire, he lost most of his British accent, but at times it slipped through. Setting the Budweiser down in front, he collected the money, moving onto the next. In time with serving, he noticed Scarny up at the DJ Booth, and waved to the three who occupied the space.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Flem Character Portrait: Soren Kaz
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Alex stopped the music when Scarny got up on the bar top to talk. He took his chance and went over to Kaz. "Hey Nathan told me I am supposed to have something to drink. I dont know what that means. He told me to ask you." He was nervous about asking him. He wasn't sure what was supposed to happen. He didnt know the whole vampire thing yet. He didnt even have powers yet.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Flem Character Portrait: Scarny Pretige Character Portrait: Markus Powell Character Portrait: Soren Kaz Character Portrait: Nathan Thorne
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The comment about only caring about the bar hurt Scarny and it showed. She winced and turned around. The fires stopped on everything but on her. It just fairly lightly blazed on her. "The only reason I was here was for you so if you don't care ill just be on my way." She headed for the door then stopped and looked at him again. "Remember when you asked me why I never let anyone close to me?" She blinked back the tears in her eyes. "This is why." Was all she managed to whisper before she ran out the door at high speed. She didn't even see Markus because her eyes had misted over to much to see. She ran for the one place she knew she was safe. The old warehouse she lived in when she first got to New York with Nathan. Once inside she ran to the top and onto the roof.

Alex took the bag from Nathan and confused did as he was told. At first it felt weird but then it felt good going down his throat. He drank it all not spilling or waisting one last bit. Then he watched as Alba dashed in then out at the last second. He didn't even have a chance to reply. So he just walked back over to Kaz. "So whats it like all the vampire things I mean. I haven't done it yet."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Flem Character Portrait: Scarny Pretige Character Portrait: Soren Kaz Character Portrait: Nathan Thorne
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#, as written by Geekly
Nathan blinked in surprise as Markus just walked away. He walked over to Scarny, scratching the back of his head. "Scarny? He just kinda left..." Nathan muttered, he was confused, how would Markus not fight for her? Nathan shook his head, smiling a bit, "So this means you're staying at Teltum, right?" It was a question but he felt he already knew her answer, he hugged her tightly, grinning, "I'm so glad the clan isn't going to break up." He let her go, turning back to the bar, he walked in finding everyone was where he left them. "Kaz, go find a few humans would you? I'm a little thirsty. Find one for yourself and Alex as well." Nathan smiled looking over a paper, "Alex, you've yet to drink from a human correct?" He questioned, even knowing him most the time he was a newborn, Nathan could never be sure as to what Alex already knew.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Flem Character Portrait: Scarny Pretige Character Portrait: Soren Kaz Character Portrait: Fera Manroe Character Portrait: Nathan Thorne
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Geekly
Nathan looked to Alex, raising an eyebrow, "Really? Being right? That's what you think your power is?" Nathan shook his head, "Wait not the point, theres a fight outside?" Nathan looked to the girls that Kaz brought in, smirking as he hopped over the counter, there was time for a small snack. He took one of the girls by the hand sinking his fangs in her neck, soon sucking her dry. As he pulled back he licked the blood off his lips, letting the corpse fall to the ground, he swifly walked out side, passing Alex, "Hey! What's going on out here?" he demaned, looking to Fera and Scarny. "Scarny, what the hell are you doing?" he questioned, shaking his head. He glared over to Fera, "I know your crazy, but I hadn't realized you were crazy enough to start a fight with one of my own." He smirked slightly, "No way in hell you win this one." Nathan looked over to Alex, nodding his head towards the bar, "Go get Kaz, tell him to save the treats for later and get out here. Find everyone else while you're at it." he muttered. He turned back to the girls in the firey ring. "Hey get rid of the fire, your gonna attract the police before the fight is even done." Looking around, he crossed his arms infront of his chest, his gaze set in a glare.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Flem Character Portrait: Scarny Pretige Character Portrait: Soren Kaz Character Portrait: Fera Manroe Character Portrait: Noelle Beaumont Character Portrait: Nathan Thorne
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On her way to work, Noelle immediately sensed something was wrong, although at the time she didn't know what it could possibly be. Looking down at her phone when she recieved a text, she read it and smiled to herself. Nathan. She was supposed to hate him, but...there was just something that stopped her from feeling that way.
"My night? Torture. Meet up? YES. ;P" she typed into the keypad and pressed send, then continued her journey.
When she was still walking, she heard a large collection of loud words and noises, that sounded like a fight, and she immediately thought the worst. And her suspicions seemed to be proved correct when she noticed Fera, Nathan, Scarny and everyone else in the middle of a fight. Oh, the joys of this life.
Springing into action and tossing her bag over her shoulder then running towards them, she stopped a few feet away from both Fera and Nathan, debating whether or not to speak up. They were the first in charge of each of the bars...she was just a dancer. Nothing she could say would have an effect on them, would it?
"...You might want to take this fight a little somewhere more private..." She said quietly after a small pause. "This isn't going to do wonders for EITHER of your businesses. I mean, I'll be the first to admit that I'm insignificant, but I'm only thinking of you."