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Andrea Durrel

"The heart was made to be broken."

0 · 218 views · located in New Orleans

a character in “Bloodshed in the French Quarter”, originally authored by thegriminyourteacup, as played by RolePlayGateway


"Better to be strong than pretty and useless."


Andrea Durrel


24 {January 23rd}


{23% Chinese} {23% French} {54% Dutch}



Andrea is a charming enough girl, and she's able to pull off the look. Her hair is an almost-black color, though she calls it dark brown. Naturally wavy, her hair tends to be a bit flyaway if not properly contained. It glimmers in the sun, making it look light, but it is dark brown, despite what the sun may say. Her almond-shaped eyes are interesting, though. They're a green-gold that resembles snot in its color, but looks exotic on Andrea. Her eyes are large, and hold intelligence and mirth, although most people don't get close enough to see that. Her nose sits a bit crooked on her face due to her bad habit of fighting, but she covers that up well enough with a few growled threats. Her mouth is average, being right in between full and thin, and oftentimes pulled into a smile, albeit a slightly threatening one. Overall, she has a round face, making her seem younger than she is.

Andrea is an average height of 5' 6", adding to her list of average features. She is athletic, preferring running and fighting to reading and tea, so she has muscles and well-defined curves. Her arms are bony, though, and even with her muscle, she looks fragile. She has long legs and a short torso, giving her more leg to use when running.

Andrea usually wears outfits with sweaters, or bright colors, and often wears combinations of both. She often wears a lot of necklaces and cross-body bags, too. When she's forced into dresses, or anything semi-formal, she either rebels or she looks as formal as she can. She loves to wear pajamas with tank tops, and can almost always be seen wearing a beanie. She loves vans and cardigans, not to mention her not-so-small obsession with necklaces. She has a tattooon her inner right ankle.

Andrea's wolf is mostly a ginger-red color with hints of black around the area that her human form would have eyebrows and a forehead. The sides of its snout are white and fades to red once it reaches the top of the snout. It has eyes like hers, a green color that reflects golden in the sunlight, or at least looks cooler outside, according to Andrea. Her wolf is actually pretty small, and she uses that to her advantage whenever she can. Her fur is rather fluffy, making her appear larger than she actually is, and, as she's a red wolf, has large ears and a very distinct face shape.


❒ Andrea taps her fingers wherever she can: desks, her sides, legs, the ground, the wall, wherever. ❒ Andrea hums. A lot. Whatever song she can remember the tune of, even ones she can't, and it's not in tune. ❒ She always keeps her hair brushed, no matter what. ❒ She always has lotion with her wherever she goes. ❒ Andrea always calls everybody 'bud', even if she doesn't them. ❒ She always walks/runs to a certain beat, depending on the situation's urgency. ❒

[Eidetic Memory]- The ability to remember everything.
[Persuasion]- The use of persuasive tactics to make or convince somebody to aid you.
[Running]- Andrea can run fast and for long periods of time.
[Common Sense]- Andrea has enough common sense to get her through life mostly unscathed, and she uses it whenever she can.

↿Shoulders↟ Andrea fell out of a tree when she was younger and hurt her shoulders badly, making them weak and easy to harm to this day.
↿Violent↟ Andrea is violent, and not afraid to say it. Good for protecting herself, not so good for making friends.
↿Blunt↟ Andrea is blunt and ruthless, which, already a bad combination, portrays her as a bitch.
↿Loyal↟ Andrea is many things, but abandoning is not one. She is loyal, and would do anything for the few people that put up with her, giving her a large, easy-to-see weak spot.

⇛Achluophobia⇚ {fear of the dark}
⇛Asthenophobia⇚ {fear of fainting or weakness}
⇛Erotophobia⇚ {fear of sexual love or sexual questions}
⇛Metathesiophobia⇚ {fear of changes}
⇛Taphophobia⇚ {fear of being buried alive}
⇛Thanatophobia⇚ {fear of dying}
⇛Zelophobia⇚ {fear of jealousy}

⇗Andrea accidentally killed her father while she was playing around with one of his guns.⇙
⇗Andrea is extremely afraid of the dark, and pure darkness gives her attacks.⇙
⇗Andrea is asexual, and has a fear of having sex or loving somebody in a sexual way.⇙

◜Cardigans◝◜Marshmallow Fluff◝◜Running◝◜Fighting◝◜Action Movies◝◜Bitter Coffee◝◜Lemonheads◝◜White◝◜Interior Decoration◝◜Organization◝◜Daylight◝◜Rock and Roll◝

⋐Darkness⋑⋐Silence⋑⋐Stillness⋑⋐Soap Operas⋑⋐Rap Music⋑⋐Blueberries⋑⋐Having to Cook⋑⋐Debating⋑⋐Moccasins⋑⋐Swimming⋑⋐Messy Areas⋑⋐Black⋑

â•ČNosy, Loyal, Secretive, Violent, Impatient, Proud╱
Andy always has to feel like she's on top, so, naturally, she's nosy. Or curious, as she likes to put it. If she thinks you're hiding something, almost nothing can deter her from finding out what she wants to. Her curiosity tends to make her vicious and jumpy, so make sure to keep your secrets well hidden, as she's generally very good at detecting lies and secrets, seeing as she's got more than a few herself. Add this to her already jumpy and suspecting self, you've got yourself a ticking time bomb.
Though she'll stop at nothing to know every inch of your life better than you do yourself, Andy is loyal. It's not easy to gain her loyalty and respect (unless you're her half-sister and she desperately wants to go against herself and hate you), but when you do, you'll always feel safe. She's vicious about it though, which makes her seem like all she wants is a fight, which is far from the truth. She much prefers to stay out of conflict (but yay, fights and the gloating of extreme prowess), but that flies out of the window with even the slightest insult.
Though she tries to find out everybody else's past, Andy likes to keep hers a secret. Who can blame her, she murdered her own father because she thought it would be cool to sneak a gun out of his cabinet, she found out that she has a half-sister, and she can't figure out who she is, so she's pretty much going through her teen years a little late. She can lie, though, so use whatever you can find out about her wisely.
Andy is vicious and violent, she loves to win, and she loves to cause her enemies pain, as sadistic as that sounds. Even though conflicts aren't her thing, she'd fight a stranger for no better reason than the color of their shirt. Andy is aggressive, but she's passionate about it. Take that as you will. But she hits hard, and she doesn't know how to slyly resolve something with just her words. Her fist are her best friends, and she prefers to lash out at everybody who tries to get super close to her (again, teen years all over again).
Andy's impatient. She doesn't- she won't wait- for anybody, and according to her, the longer the battle is, the worse the fighters are. Lines and downloads aren't her things, and stake outs are her biggest weakness (besides all of her other] greatest weaknesses). She can't slow down and care for somebody suffering through trauma, that's not what she knows. She knows how to get over it and pretend it never happened, and that one act applies to almost all of her life.
Andy's proud. She's the first one to leave a relationship, a one-night stand, and the last one to leave a fight. She can't take insults, and her compliments are few and far apart. She looks down her nose at people who can't or won't fight (character development will hopefully change that), and she has an ongoing battle about whether she should wear her shoes because their cute or because they're better than Sally Smith's were in middle school. She refuses to admit that she makes mistakes, and will ride a train wreck until it crashes or violently (and suddenly) explodes.



Theme Song:
This is How We Roll ⊐⊏ Florida Georgia Line ft. Luke Bryan
How to be a Heartbreaker ⩆⩅ Marina & The Diamonds

So begins...

Andrea Durrel's Story