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Basara Tsukino

Don't worry about it...I'm good at fixing things

0 · 1,622 views · located in BlossomCrest Academy

a character in “BlossomCrest Private Academy”, originally authored by Nekohina, as played by RolePlayGateway


Tsukino Basara

❝Surely there's better people to quote than me.❞


The Inside

| Nickname(s) |

To be seen.

| Gender |


| Age |

| Appearance |
Stands at 4'7. (I stopped growing six years ago okay)
despite the image...I'm fully albino
But I also don't have any piercings either

| Grade |


Um I'm currently in the Cooking club and applying for Drama, Gardening and Soccer. Already failed out of Baseball, Football,and Basketball.

| Spot/Role |

Student 9


| Likes |
* Seeing people smile and being helpful
* Good food of any kind
* Trying new things
* Meeting new people

| Dislikes |
* seeing others get hurt
* his genetic condition
* his appearance
* bullies


| Personality |

Despite having a good heart, Basara is possessed by a form of recklessness that only one who's never experienced consequence could possess. It doesn't help that physically and some parts of his mind are locked at the age of ten courtesy of a side effect of his own ability. He does however have an extreme complex about his size and appearance often throwing fits despite his own admission of the misunderstanding being a reasonable one. Partly because of his condition he's always ready to help and prove his own usefulness and will frequently refuse help from others even when he needs it.


| Bio |

Basara was born as the eldest in a well-to-do family, but his... condition has made the chances of his succession slim to none in comparison to his younger siblings. The genetic disorder was inherited with only his family's status allowing for his relatives to hide the condition. This resulted in a rather lavish childhood of being waited on hand in foot, but after getting a younger brother and sister and ultimately his power being known he was removed from the main house. At this point in time, he still gets money from his family, but otherwise he's had zero contact with any of his relatives in years.


| Other |

Power: "Reset"- Basara's ability to gain an exact understanding of an object upon touch and "Reset" it back to a previous point in time. For living things, this limit is only 15 minutes but can still erase any injury so long as the subject isn't dead. As for nonliving matter, as of yet he's yet to experience a limit nor has he tried testing it. The ability can only work on one target at a time and is always active on himself by default.

Genetic Condtion: CIPA IV- Basara's nerves endings do not send tactile sensations to his brain aside from pressure. This means he's never felt heat (even his body temperature), cold, pain,texture or anything aside from the basic "there's resistance thus I'm touching something". His brain is formed normally, thus can tell him "pain" were the sensation directly applied to brain. But his body is incapable of telling him he's damaged.

His condition also means he's never produced sweat and can result in an interesting loophole of overheating and "Resetting" from strenuous labor or exercise. He can also still get sick, implying his "Reset" can't remove something inside a body prior to his power activation.


So begins...

Basara Tsukino's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hiro Takiyama Character Portrait: Basara Tsukino Character Portrait: Kazuki Character Portrait: Yuji Yakano Character Portrait: Momoko Akiyama Character Portrait: Axel Lerate
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(OOC: Okay... this turned out to be a novel... I won't normally do this, hell, this is the longest post I've ever made in my life. I normally do 2 or 3 paragraphs! For those who are too lazy to read all the way through, it's just summing up how she feels about the school, her getting there, the orientation, and dropping her things off at the front of her dorm. After everyone makes their entrance post, I'll start the orientation.)

Anaru was suddenly awaken by the loud screech of her alarm clock. She groaned in frustration as she slammed her fist on the top of the clock, eventually hitting the snooze button. Once again, she had a restless night. Mostly because she stayed up until 2:00 AM, forgetting about her first day of school, but details, details. After succeeding to turn off the alarm, she stood up and started her morning schedule.

After taking her morning shower, Anaru dressed up in a pale pink dress with a white, see-threw laced overcoat. After slipping on her shoes, grabbing a wrapped muffin, and swinging her backpack over her shoulders, she opened the door and started walking the pathway to a taxi stop.

As she was waited for the taxi to arrive to take her to her new school, she thought about all the new people she'd see. People like her. Although she felt joy and excitement by the thought, she was awfully anxious. For all she knew, these different people with abilities or types of human-like species could be practically insane! The thought of all the chaos made her feel like there was a knot in her stomach. Nevertheless, she's not hesitating to get out of that stupid apartment and out to see a new area, maybe even starting fresh.

Eventually, the taxi arrived. She crawled in and set her book bag down beside her as she took out a dull scrap of paper. She handed it to the 'taxi driver' and waited for his response. After a few moments, he handed the paper back to Anaru and nodded. She took the paper back, stuffed it into her backback's side pocket, and slouched into her chair as they drove off.

Hours had passed, and Anaru's worries about the school are now in the back of her mind. Honestly, the only thing she is worried about now is how much money she's going to have to pay for the taxi driver. She glanced out the window and her eyes widened in astonishment. It looked like something out of a fairy tail; lakes with swans, vines wrapped around pillars, and cherry blossoms everywhere. Then again, it is called BlossomCrest.

After finding relief that she didn't have to pay the taxi driver for such a long and risky drive, she stepped out of the car. She scanned her surroundings as she stood at the front entrance of the school. The big clock planted above the school doors says 9:00 AM, meaning there is one hour until the orientation starts. It even said on the flier that they'd announce on the intercom when it's time for all the students to gather up in a certain area. So while she waited, she decided to roll her suitcase around to find her dorm.

After finding her dorm, she left her suitcase up against her dorm's door. Not exactly the brightest idea, but she didn't have a key. Students would receive their keys for their dorms as soon as the orientation ends. They say it's a way to make sure students don't skip the orientation. After dropping everything off, she wandered around the school.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Basara Tsukino Character Portrait: Yuji Yakano Character Portrait: Miiko Fukuta
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Basara woke after falling out of his bed instead of the alarm which had apparently been going off for the past ten minutes. Rather than hear its noise any further, he turned the blasted thing off. Mornings weren't his thing, his body and mind seemed so sluggish and didn't function as well as he liked. He recognized the need to hurry, after all his condition left his body demanding twelve hours of sleep and despite taking precautions, he was still running late.Guess it was a good thing my stuff was packed in advanced, the thought was more a complaint than observation.

Truth be told his parents had long since removed him from the general vicinity of the family, thus his life in a separate home. The official claim was they didn't think it healthy for his younger siblings to discover their older brother was younger than they were...the twins had turned twelve this year and he'd been removed from their lives for nearly five years now. He was still allowed contact via mail and phone...provided he used a custom voice synthesizer. But to an extent it felt more like a curse than a blessing. Such matters as dressing had been done on auto pilot.

His musings were interrupted when he began his descent downstairs, he'd missed the first step and fell the whole way. Courtesy of the family's disorder, he didn't feel any pain from the tumble. His power fixed any injury he would have otherwise sustained before it could be consciously also caused his "condition". Basara merely stood and stretched the body that had been locked at the age of ten for six years now. He skipped breakfast and went straight to the car, staff had already started the vehicle and finished packing. He simply tuned everything out during the trip...staff tended to treat as he looked instead of his genuine age.

When he stepped out of the car, he signaled for his luggage to be dropped off at the dorms. After all the bags were selected for a body bigger than his own and he wasn't about to bother with it if possible. Of course he'd have to carry the bags into the room, but that was easier for his frame to manage. Two figures instantly caught his eye when he finally looked towards campus, the first was the back of a brown haired male stand right in front of him. The other was a green haired girl next to him

"Seriously this place needs to set up signs," Basara muttered to himself before running up to pair, "You two look lost," unfortunately his voice sounded as mature as he looked. This often created misunderstandings but nothing he could do at this point. "If you're looking for anything I can help."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Basara Tsukino Character Portrait: Yuji Yakano Character Portrait: Miiko Fukuta
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Yuji was running along and was about to turn a sharp corner when a girl turned it at the same time he tried to stop himself from running into her but the momentum carried him into her. The girl fell over from the impact. Before Yuji could respond she Got up to her feet with some surprising speed. The Girl had green hair and eyes, was skinny and she seemed to be roughly half a foot shorter then himself. Over all she was pretty cute. The girl despite being the one knocked down by himself asked if he was alright. "Well she is nice" he thought to himself. He was about to respond when a voice cracked over the intercom saying that it was time to gather in the auditorium. Crap I'm going to be late

Turning back to the girl he was about to ask her if she knew the way when she said asked him. "Sorry to say this but I am lost as well, looks like we are going to late on the first day" Taking a closer look at the girl she had a few scraps on her from when she was knocked over, feeling a ting of guilt for not being more careful. Looking at the band aid he shook his head back and forth. "Also I'm fine you should take care of yourself first" He pointed at the scrap's trying to hid his embarrassment "Also.....sorry it was my fault I was not looking were I was going, by the way my name is Yuji a pleasure to meet you".

As Yuji was about to suggest they look for the auditorium together when a guy who looked like he should be in kindergarten walked up them and asked if he could help them get around "A savor!" he thought. "Hi, if you could be so kind to point us to the auditorium, were kind of lost and we are going to be late.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Basara Tsukino Character Portrait: Yuji Yakano Character Portrait: Miiko Fukuta
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0.00 INK


"I'm Miiko Fukuta," she replied, glad to know the tall boys name. She was even happier when someone came by and said he would take them to the auditorium. Thank goodness, they only had a few more minutes to spare. She placed the band aid on one of her cuts as they were walking, the boy about her size wasn't walking too fast. She wondered if he was a freshman and had come here before the semester to explore the campus?

"What grade are you going into?" Miiko asked Yuji, he looked like a senior but honestly Miiko had never been good at gauging people's ages. One time one of her foster parent's had told her to guess their age and she said 56. It turns out that the woman was 45 and furious that Miiko would guess so high. That was probably the fastest time she had ever been kicked out of a house.

Her thoughts drifted and Miiko found herself thinking about her roommate. She wondered who it was and what the person was like. Surely they would pair girls with girls? Although Miiko didn't know, she couldn't remember anything in Blossom Crest's pamphlet about dorm life.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Basara Tsukino Character Portrait: Yuji Yakano Character Portrait: Miiko Fukuta
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"Tsukino Basara surname Tsukino age sixteen, pleased to make your acquaintance," the girl was barely less than half a foot taller than himself. But he still politely bowed on introduction, call it a habit. He lead the pair towards the auditorium, no real rush in his stride which let him notice a band-aid on the girl.

"How old's the cut? If it's less than fifteen minutes I can fix that...and any other injury you might have." He spun around to face the girl during his question while holding out a hand. The auditorium was directly behind him at this with a rather obvious crowd heading towards it. By this point he really didn't need to play guide so he focused more on conversation.

"That's my power, any kind of injury or damage is instantly undone if I come in contact with a person within fifteen minutes of it happening. It's why I look know." He broke off awkwardly towards the end, his appearance wasn't something he was comfortable with discussing. That and some students refused talking about their abilities at all so his explanation might be headed towards dangerous waters. So he decided to quickly shift topics.

"But yeah, it's my second year here. I might not know everything but I'm a pretty good person to come to if you need to find or get something. I seem to be able to get away with a lot just about anywhere." Basara shrugged since he had no clue as to how that happened.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Basara Tsukino Character Portrait: Yuji Yakano Character Portrait: Miiko Fukuta
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0.00 INK



"...You're joking, right?" Mumbling curses at nobody in particular, Sora gave an irritated sigh. Blue optics stayed glued to the clock tower, hoping time would reverse if he just glared at it enough. He hadn't arrived late. In fact, it was the complete opposite. He arrived at his new school rather early, just a few minutes after 9. What had caused him so much trouble was the 45 minutes he was spent trying to find the dorms. Sure his sense of direction was horrid, but in his defense the academy was massive. He was surprised it didn't come along with a map.

The animal lover gave another sigh, frowning as he moved on from his dorm, dropping his luggage in front of the door as it seemed everyone else was doing so. It didn't seem very safe, however having carried his bags for so long, he found himself not caring particularly much anymore. He glanced at his watch, 9:54 AM. Another 5 minutes was gone before he knew it. Right now, he needed to find out where the Auditorium was. He had to hurry if he didn't want to be late. Being late on the very first day wasn't something he wanted.

Luckily for him, it seemed he wouldn't have to search for another 45 minutes for the Auditorium. Out of the corners of his eye, he could spot a small group of students, presumably a year or two younger than him, standing around and chatting. Being the person he was, Sora obviously tried looking around for an alternative way to find out where to go that didn't involve embarrassing himself talking to others. However, he couldn't think of any other way. Approaching them, he soon realized that that all seemed to be rather short. "Excuse me?" Sora started, trying his best not to look embarrassed about this. Though his discomfort was clearly noticeable. "I apologize for cutting into your conversation like this. However, do you happen to know exactly where the Auditorium may be?" Being as respectable as he could be, the male awaited a reply. How long has it been since he had last spoke to someone around his age?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Basara Tsukino Character Portrait: Yuji Yakano Character Portrait: Anaru Furukawa Character Portrait: Sora Kiyotaka Character Portrait: Miiko Fukuta
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Anaru slowly walked down the school's hallways, drawing her own personal map of the school. Of course, it was kind of difficult to make it accurate, but she was good at these type of things. Most of all, she was stunned by the site of the decor and interior surrounding the school. After finally mapping down practically every place in the school, she stepped outside to take a look at the bell tower. Her eyes widened, she only had a few minutes to get to the auditorium!

As she was walking around the school, studying her map, she was about to pass by a small group of students. Anaru wasn't much of a person to listen in to other people's conversations, but she overheard one of the students ask where the Auditorium may be. Out of her instinct, Anaru turned on her heal and held out her map towards the boy named Sora. "Here..." She said in a quiet voice. "I could always make a new one... however, if you're all having trouble, just take it. I practically memorized the school already..."

"What am I doing? Just leave, it was rude to listen in, just leave..." Anaru thought to herself. Nevertheless, Anaru just stood their and waited for anyone in the small group to take the map from her hand.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Basara Tsukino Character Portrait: Yuji Yakano Character Portrait: Anaru Furukawa Character Portrait: Sora Kiyotaka Character Portrait: Miiko Fukuta
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Basara tilted his head when a really tall guy came up asking for the auditorium, but he didn't have time to respond before a girl with white hair arrived and offered a map. His eyes lit up when he noticed the hair, after all he was used to being the only one with white hair aside from really old people of course.

"The auditorium is the big building behind me...that we're currently headed towards...and has the crowd of students flocking towards it." Normally he might have included some form of sarcasm in his statement but his staring at the girl's hair kept the idea from occurring. He found himself wondering whether she was born, or power induced that way like himself. After a couple seconds of staring he managed to get to her His own were red, giving the look of natural albinism and essentially giving him no room to talk in regards to eye color. Basara did notice a sinking sensation in his chest, disappointment at the realization maybe?

"For those of you who'd prefer to get caught in the crowd now, feel free to rush. Personally I hang back to avoid all the pushing, shoving and general inconveniences of the crowd." He knew that sentence definitely came out a bit weird after his prolonged silence, and even dropped his extended hand from before.

"After all, abilities aside this is a normal school with mostly normal teenagers." Basara plastered a wry grin on his face, "Short of someone deciding to show off or accelerate a fight with their ability...I'm probably the weirdest thing you'll around here. But of course that means normal teenage issues are plenty abundant." The statement was something he paraphrased from the previous year, though he didn't really understand the 'teenage issues' bit... he at least hoped it sounded reassuring.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Basara Tsukino Character Portrait: Yuji Yakano Character Portrait: Anaru Furukawa Character Portrait: Sora Kiyotaka Character Portrait: Miiko Fukuta
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huh he’s 16....damn but hey I guess I will see weirder in the time I’ll be spender here Yuji thought to himself when Tsukino was talking about his power. Yuji looked at Miiko "Well I am 17 but I'm only in the 10th grade do to a situation I had some time back". he said answering her question Yuji was about to ask her another question when he saw that most of the people nearby were flocking to the auditorium.

As Yuji was about to say they should head in a man with black hair walked up to the group and asked if they knew were the auditorium was before he could a wight haired girl walked up to him and gave the guy a hand drawn map. It looked to be only partly completed but looked like it was accurate, Yuji would be tempted to ask for one if it was not for the fact he had already memorized the map. After she handed it over she keep standing there. The little group that had started off with just Miiko had become much larger. Yuji who had not been around a lot of people for some time was uncomfortable with this many.

Yuji looked to face the group as the stream of people heading into the auditorium has trickled down to only a few people. It seemed like he was not alone in being hard to deal with people. But years of living on his own for years had made it so Yuji could take charge although he was not very authoritative. "Hey guys" she said with a light tone "We should probably head in to the auditorium the Origination is about to start." He said that and began to walk into the Auditorium.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Basara Tsukino Character Portrait: Yuji Yakano Character Portrait: Anaru Furukawa Character Portrait: Sora Kiyotaka Character Portrait: Miiko Fukuta
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Miiko looked at the crowd of people pushing past them, then towards the auditorium. They were right outside of it, it seems. "Thank you," she said to Basara, bowing respectfully as was the custom at the previous school she had attended. Miiko turned and began walking towards the Auditorium, following Yuji.

He seemed like the type who preferred to go off on his own rather than stick with a group so Miiko went the other way, finding that she was lost in a sea of people, too short to see over anyone's heads. Miiko suddenly wished she had stuck with the taller boy, or at least Basara; the two seemed so confident and sure of themselves that people moved out of the way for them, whereas Miiko was just a flamingo in a flock of pigeons. She looked around, hoping to see her other friend that had applied to this school as well. When she switched foster homes she wasn't able to keep in contact with him, but she had hoped to see him here today.

Miiko turned around in circles, spotting the place that everyone was heading to when someone stepped aside, chairs! Thank goodness, Miiko didn't want to stand the whole time. She managed to squeeze her way through a few students towards the seats people seemed to be ignoring. Every so often there was a squeal of excitement and two females would run in the general vicinity of each other to reminisce on how long it had been since they last seen each other and how something that happened before they left each other's presence was so funny.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Basara Tsukino Character Portrait: Yuji Yakano Character Portrait: Anaru Furukawa Character Portrait: Sora Kiyotaka Character Portrait: Miiko Fukuta
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There really seemed to be a lot more people crowding around than originally. Honestly, he was feeling very uncomfortable now. His eyes focused on the side, refusing to hold eye contact with anyone. He hadn't expected someone to come up to him and offer up a map. Blue optics flashed immediate concern, taking a second to glance at her before looking away. Her golden eyes looked beautiful. Were they natural? They couldn't be... "That's very kind of you. Thank you and all, but are you absolutely sure?" She still held out the map for him to take. She looked rather serious, so Sora just took it, mumbling one last quiet "Thank you."

Hearing one of the two males in the small group speak about where the Auditorium was, he glanced in the direction behind him just to double check. It seemed he was right as well, students had already starting rushing to the meeting place. Strange, a minutes ago there were nearly no students around for him to follow. It seemed he truly had a talent for looking stupid. "Y-Yeah...Thank you." Mumbling once again, he listened to the other speak on about this it being better to wait instead of rushing with the rest of the crowd. Even though he was someone who despised huge crowds, he found it better to get going now.

After hearing him speak of this school holding different people with different abilities, Sora raised an eyebrow. He glanced around once more. Thankfully, his power wasn't anything flashy or something that gave him unwanted attention. Not to mention his ability wasn't anything that could defend him, so he needed to avoid a fight. Although he trusted the school had that under control. Snapping back into reality with the words of the other person, the young male gave a nod. "Right. Thanks again for your help." Following the nearby students, Sora rushed through the crowd, managing to squeeze in somehow and get himself a seat.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Basara Tsukino Character Portrait: Anaru Furukawa
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Basara heaved a sigh as the other students walked off, he'd felt popular. However, while most pushed forward he stayed back...once more he told himself it was due to the crowd. The white haired girl didn't seem to head off like the rest so he thought he'd make small talk.

"That was nice of you, offering the tall one a map and all...especially when you just transferred yourself." He began playing with his hair before continuing, "I'd also advise you hurry if you want a seat because unless you can fly to the roof for flight access, you'll be stuck standing." Despite his own words, Basara made no attempt to move himself. To a certain extent, isolating himself had become a habit so he didn't exactly feel bad about his own words. After all, despite this girl being even closer to his size than the green hair and even having the same hair color she was still separate from himself.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hiro Takiyama Character Portrait: Basara Tsukino Character Portrait: Kazuki Character Portrait: Yuji Yakano Character Portrait: Momoko Akiyama Character Portrait: Axel Lerate
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Anaru nodded as the boy asked if she was sure. "I wouldn't of offered it if I wasn't serious." She said in reply to the boy's unsure reactions. As she was waiting for the boy to take her map, she felt someone staring at her. She glanced over to her left to find a boy with white hair and red eyes looking her way. Anaru saw how he was studying her hair, and then she made eye contact with him for a few seconds as he made his way up to her eyes. She quickly darted her eyes in front of her and straightened her posture, finding this a little uncomfortable. After the boy finally took the map from her hands, she nodded. "You're quite welcome."

After watching the small group and the boy with her map leave, she frowned slightly. Honestly, she's only spoken a few sentences to them all, but she felt like she actually had a chance to bond with the group. Anaru watched them walk inside, and then slowly made her way towards the entrance, keeping her head down as she got lost in her thoughts.

Suddenly, she heard a voice beside her.
"That was nice of you, offering the tall one a map and all...especially when you just transferred yourself."
Anaru's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a masculine voice, causing her eyes to dart to her left. She found herself staring at the same exact boy who was staring at her a few moments ago. He spoke while messing with his hair, as if he were becoming shy. She blinked and then turned to see if he could possibly be talking to someone else. You'd be surprised by how many times she had made that mistake. After seeing they're both practically at the end of the crowd, she turned back and cleared her throat. "... Thank you, I suppose... although, I wouldn't say it was just a random act of kindness... I truly just didn't find a need for it anymore."

After the boy stated that she should move quickly to find a seat or she'll end up standing, she smirked slightly in reply. She found it quite humorous, since it certainly wasn't a problem for her kind. Nevertheless, she nodded. "I can assure you that I'll be just fine." She said as she made her way towards the Auditorium, still standing by the boy's side.


Mr. Sakagami


"Ah yes, another year full of new students... how delightful it is to see them running free, isn't it Sherman?" Mr. Sakagami said as he spoke to his pet bird. He was currently behind the curtains, feeding his Border Canary his daily meal. "I suppose I should get a move on, don't want to keep my children waiting, now do I?" He said as he fixed his tie to make himself appear more presentable. Mr. Sakagami honestly didn't expect his bird to reply to him or anything like that, it was only a matter of a Master and pet bond. He picked up his bird's cage and placed it in the stage's wings.

"Alright... let's make a good impression..." He mumbled to himself as the curtains opened, reveling only himself, a microphone, and it's stand. He smiled as he heard his students clap in his presence. Mr. Sakagami approached the microphone and tapped on it, making sure it was on. After doing so, he looked up at the audience full of children with special powers and took in a deep breath.

"Welcome everyone to BlossomCrest Private Academy!" He started off as he spread his arms out. "As some of you know already, I am the founder of this here school, and you should know that I made this school not only for you children to roam freely for your stay, but for you to know that's it's fine to be a 'freak' as the humans may call it. Look around! Some of you must be surprised to see so many students with amazing abilities, hm? All that I hope is that you'll take advantage of this chance to be around other special children like yourselves."

"However... now we need to cover all the boring things." He said with a sigh. Those who had been able to spend time with Mr. Sakagami know that he's just as full of a child's spirit as the students themselves. "The rules of this school is strict and there is no reason whatsoever you should break them. One of these rules would be no bullying. If you are seen picking on another student, then you shall be restricted by certain rights, or expelled from the school. Another one of our rules is no drugs, alcohol, or any of those harmful chemicals will step foot in my school. Indeed, some of you are at a legal age, but as long as you're here, there will be none of that in this school. Following that, is your time restrictions. Students may not roam the halls of the school past 12:00 AM. If you are caught, same consequences apply. However, there are acceptations if you're a werewolf. But there were only 3 werewolves who were registered in this school year, don't you dare try making up an excuse like that when you're not such a creature."

"Moving on to your dress code and class rules. As you may have noticed, you haven't received your uniforms yet. Never fear, they're all cleaned and folded on the top of your beds. At the end of orientation when you receive your room keys and get settled in your dorms, you will now have to wear your uniform at all school hours. I know they may not be the most stylish of outfits, however, it is required during first period, second, third, lunch, electives, and so on. The only time you may dress freely is either on special occasions or in your own dorms. As for your class' rules, your teachers will gladly lecture you on that." He said as he winked in the direction of the teacher's against the wall.

"And now my dear children, I'll have to leave you with that. Most of you should have the common sense to know what to do and not in a school, especially in one that's such a important part of your lives. Although, before I let you go, please know that I am free to talk to any of my students. I love making bonds with each and everyone one of you, seeing how talented and individual you all is one of my favorite advantages of this job. Just stop by my office or catch me in the hallways if you need anything." With that, he took took a bow and turned to leave the stage.

Suddenly, the intercom came on.

"All students are required to receive their dorm keys and get settled in. Your keys will be waiting for you at the table provided at the front of the Auditorium. Early tomorrow will be when you start your classes. Your schedule is located inside your uniform's pocket. In the mean time, get familiar with the school and have a great day!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hiro Takiyama Character Portrait: Basara Tsukino Character Portrait: Kazuki Character Portrait: Yuji Yakano Character Portrait: Momoko Akiyama Character Portrait: Axel Lerate
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Anaru nodded as the boy asked if she was sure. "I wouldn't of offered it if I wasn't serious." She said in reply to the boy's unsure reactions. As she was waiting for the boy to take her map, she felt someone staring at her. She glanced over to her left to find a boy with white hair and red eyes looking her way. Anaru saw how he was studying her hair, and then she made eye contact with him for a few seconds as he made his way up to her eyes. She quickly darted her eyes in front of her and straightened her posture, finding this a little uncomfortable. After the boy finally took the map from her hands, she nodded. "You're quite welcome."

After watching the small group and the boy with her map leave, she frowned slightly. Honestly, she's only spoken a few sentences to them all, but she felt like she actually had a chance to bond with the group. Anaru watched them walk inside, and then slowly made her way towards the entrance, keeping her head down as she got lost in her thoughts.

Suddenly, she heard a voice beside her.
"That was nice of you, offering the tall one a map and all...especially when you just transferred yourself."
Anaru's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a masculine voice, causing her eyes to dart to her left. She found herself staring at the same exact boy who was staring at her a few moments ago. He spoke while messing with his hair, as if he were becoming shy. She blinked and then turned to see if he could possibly be talking to someone else. You'd be surprised by how many times she had made that mistake. After seeing they're both practically at the end of the crowd, she turned back and cleared her throat. "... Thank you, I suppose... although, I wouldn't say it was just a random act of kindness... I truly just didn't find a need for it anymore."

After the boy stated that she should move quickly to find a seat or she'll end up standing, she smirked slightly in reply. She found it quite humorous, since it certainly wasn't a problem for her kind. Nevertheless, she nodded. "I can assure you that I'll be just fine." She said as she made her way towards the Auditorium, still standing by the boy's side.


Mr. Sakagami


"Ah yes, another year full of new students... how delightful it is to see them running free, isn't it Sherman?" Mr. Sakagami said as he spoke to his pet bird. He was currently behind the curtains, feeding his Border Canary his daily meal. "I suppose I should get a move on, don't want to keep my children waiting, now do I?" He said as he fixed his tie to make himself appear more presentable. Mr. Sakagami honestly didn't expect his bird to reply to him or anything like that, it was only a matter of a Master and pet bond. He picked up his bird's cage and placed it in the stage's wings.

"Alright... let's make a good impression..." He mumbled to himself as the curtains opened, reveling only himself, a microphone, and it's stand. He smiled as he heard his students clap in his presence. Mr. Sakagami approached the microphone and tapped on it, making sure it was on. After doing so, he looked up at the audience full of children with special powers and took in a deep breath.

"Welcome everyone to BlossomCrest Private Academy!" He started off as he spread his arms out. "As some of you know already, I am the founder of this here school, and you should know that I made this school not only for you children to roam freely for your stay, but for you to know that's it's fine to be a 'freak' as the humans may call it. Look around! Some of you must be surprised to see so many students with amazing abilities, hm? All that I hope is that you'll take advantage of this chance to be around other special children like yourselves."

"However... now we need to cover all the boring things." He said with a sigh. Those who had been able to spend time with Mr. Sakagami know that he's just as full of a child's spirit as the students themselves. "The rules of this school is strict and there is no reason whatsoever you should break them. One of these rules would be no bullying. If you are seen picking on another student, then you shall be restricted by certain rights, or expelled from the school. Another one of our rules is no drugs, alcohol, or any of those harmful chemicals will step foot in my school. Indeed, some of you are at a legal age, but as long as you're here, there will be none of that in this school. Following that, is your time restrictions. Students may not roam the halls of the school past 12:00 AM. If you are caught, same consequences apply. However, there are acceptations if you're a werewolf. But there were only 3 werewolves who were registered in this school year, don't you dare try making up an excuse like that when you're not such a creature."

"Moving on to your dress code and class rules. As you may have noticed, you haven't received your uniforms yet. Never fear, they're all cleaned and folded on the top of your beds. At the end of orientation when you receive your room keys and get settled in your dorms, you will now have to wear your uniform at all school hours. I know they may not be the most stylish of outfits, however, it is required during first period, second, third, lunch, electives, and so on. The only time you may dress freely is either on special occasions or in your own dorms. As for your class' rules, your teachers will gladly lecture you on that." He said as he winked in the direction of the teacher's against the wall.

"And now my dear children, I'll have to leave you with that. Most of you should have the common sense to know what to do and not in a school, especially in one that's such a important part of your lives. Although, before I let you go, please know that I am free to talk to any of my students. I love making bonds with each and everyone one of you, seeing how talented and individual you all is one of my favorite advantages of this job. Just stop by my office or catch me in the hallways if you need anything." With that, he took took a bow and turned to leave the stage.

Suddenly, the intercom came on.

"All students are required to receive their dorm keys and get settled in. Your keys will be waiting for you at the table provided at the front of the Auditorium. Early tomorrow will be when you start your classes. Your schedule is located inside your uniform's pocket. In the mean time, get familiar with the school and have a great day!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Basara Tsukino Character Portrait: Yuji Yakano Character Portrait: Anaru Furukawa
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Basara couldn't help but smile at the girl's reaction to his statement, at the very least she was friendly. That and he appreciated having another individual nearby, made traversing the crowd easier...and something of a cue should he bump into someone. However he couldn't pay attention to the principal's long speech even if his life depended on it. Basara couldn't keep himself from fidgeting, he'd finally been awake long enough to actually feel awake and wanted to run around and have fun.When the speech was over, he leaped to his feet.

"I swear that geezer just likes to hear himself talk," he stretched while voicing his complaint. He also didn't feel like playing patient this time around. That said he turned to the girl he'd metaphorically clung to during entrance. "Guess you'll have girly stuff you wanna do when you get your dorms so I'll just part here. If you wanna play or something later just ask around for Basara... or the the white haired kid." He grimaced when he said the word but there was no point in denying his reputation. From there he talk off to retrieve his key, from there Basara dashed towards the room in question. After all, the sooner he put his stuff away the sooner he could burn off some excess energy.

Basara experienced little trouble getting to the dorms, the crowds preferred to clump up around now and chat before handling their dorms. This left his trip quick and easy, the harder part was properly picking up his stuff. Since the bags were meant for a large body, he staggered a bit before he managed to half-open half-fall through the door. The other occupant being one of the new kids from before.

"Hey it's new guy." The words came out of Basara's mouth before his brain could process further information. He heaved his stuff towards the unclaimed right end of the room before throwing himself on the remaining bed. "Guess I'm not bunking with a girl this year, that's cool...they hog the bathroom." Casual commentary flowed out of Basara's mouth without any real thought.

"I'm bored, wanna go check out other rooms?"Hyperactive energy brought Basara bouncing back to his feet again before his head tilted. "What's your name again? Sorry if you've already said it before...I think I missed it." He fully intended to get out and about regardless of the other guy's willingness to cooperate. But at the very least Basara felt he should at least know the guy's name before satisfying his energetic impulses.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Basara Tsukino Character Portrait: Axel Lerate Character Portrait: Anaru Furukawa
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As Anaru sat down in the seat next to Basara during the principle's speech, she couldn't help but notice he was fidgeting. Her attention went from listening to the principle's speech to watching Basara twitch in the corner of her eye. Maybe it was just a nervous reaction? Maybe his powers or speeches has something to do with being a shaky chihuahua? She frowned to herself as that thought crossed her mind. "Of course he's not a chihuahua, why would I even think that?!" She shook her head slowly and sighed quietly to herself.

The orientation seemed to last for years to Anaru as she slouched into her chair. She twirled a strand of her hair with her index finger as Mr. Sakagami went on and on with his speech. After watching Basara twitch for the 10th time, her eyes darted back in front of her as she heard the loud sound of clapping echo off the walls. Anaru immediately plugged her ears as the clapping went on for about 10 seconds, then replaced with the sound of chatter. She honestly felt like she was going to pass out.

As she stood up with a uncomfortable expression on her face, she heard Basara speak up once again. Anaru's expression softened as she heard his complaint about the principle's nonstop talking and nodded. "He seems nice enough... the last part was a little creepy, but he's not so bad." She said with a soft smile. Hearing him complain like that made her think he was acting like a 9 year old, meaning he hasn't fully matured to his age just yet, both physically and emotionally.

"Guess you'll have girly stuff you wanna do when you get your dorms so I'll just part here. If you wanna play or something later just ask around for Basara... or the the white haired kid."

Anaru's small smirk had only grew as she listened to Basara. At this moment of time, she was positive that this kid hasn't matured to his age. She casually flipped her hair back and chuckled. "Oh yes, because that's what I do in my free time. Careful boy, it might rub off on you." She said in a teasing tone. Anaru thought for a moment or two about Basara's offer to play with him later. She then shrugged."Sure... let's play sometime. I'd like that." With that, she waved goodbye to the small boy and made her way towards the front to receive her key. "Room 208... got it." Anaru thought to herself as she walked out the exit. As she was making her way towards the dorms, she still had that small smile on her face. She was glad she was able to make a friend, despite the fact they've only spoken 10 sentences towards each other. Nevertheless, her smile didn't fade and she even had a little hop in her walk as she made her way towards the dorms.

As she returned to the front door of her dorm, she noticed that her luggage was gone. Her expression slowly faded at the realization as she scanned the hallways for her suitcase. Nothing. "W...What?" Anaru pulled the key out of her pocket and quickly unlocked her dorm's door, twisting the doorknob and opening the door with more force than needed. She blinked as she scanned her dorm. It seemed like someone had already been here for a while. As she scanned her surroundings, she noticed that her suitcase was placed on the other bed. Anaru sighed in relief and rushed over to her suitcase, unzipping it and looking through her bag to make sure nothing was stolen.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Basara Tsukino Character Portrait: Yuji Yakano
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Yuji Yakano


Yuji turned around when he heard the door open behind him. To his surprise it was Basara the boy he had spoken with briefly before. Yuji was glad to see it was someone who seemed nice. He had shown himself to be somewhat kind before hand when he helped him and Miiko. Yuji got up from the work he was doing. Already he had used his power to make some light modifications to the part of the room near his bed. He had made a hidden safe that was perfectly blended into the wall. he had put his journal into there for safe keeping. Yuji had also unpacked his bags for the most part. The few different outfits’ he had were put into the closet and the other other thing he brought with him, his laptop was put onto a nearby desk. Yuji was not afraid of this being stolen for he had used his power to make the laptop and it could be tracked for several miles. There was also advanced programs for keeping people from logging in unless it was him such as retina scanner finger scanner and more.

He also made some hidden security cameras; they only covered his side of the room and the door. These cameras were linked up to Yuji's laptop; it was a safety measure that he had been living with for some time. When people know you can have anything and everything, theft was a common thing. Yuji made sure that they would not violate his roommate-to-be privacy.

When Basara entered the room he commented on him being a new guy and that he was happy he did not need to share a room with a girl."Odd they let boy’s and girl's share rooms?" Yuji thought as Basara sat down on the other bed. Basara talked for a bit saying that he had forgotten Yuji's name and if he wanted to check out some of the room's and see who was nearby. It was clear that he was hipped up and was ready to go. He may be 16 but he seems to be a kid in both appearance and mentality. Surprisingly Yuji was fine with that, for he had always wanted a younger brother.

"My name is Yuji, Basara-san, I am looking forward to living with you." Yuji said in his most friendly tone. "And sure I would love to check out the other rooms with you in just a bit but there is something that we should do first. Seeing as we are to live together we should set some ground rules. No messing with each other’s stuff without permission, no using our powers on each other and we respect each other. Those are some of the rules I would like to set, if you have any rules let me know." Yuji fished and stood up and held out his hand to shake.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Basara Tsukino Character Portrait: Yuji Yakano
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"Cool but there's no need to be so polite Yuji, after all we'll be sharing the same room," Basara hesitated when Yuji held out his hand.

"Um, regarding powers...mine works on contact so shaking hands would kinda break that rule. Unless of course you don't mind your body being set back to the best its been in the past fifteen minutes, the fact I can't turn if off is why I'm stuck like this." Basara put his hands in his pockets and began rocking on his toes.

"Beyond that: don't touch my toothbrush, there's nothing you can break that I can't fix. While it's embarrassing to admit I have two younger siblings I may get calls from and potentially require you to pretend to be me since they don't know about my ability. There's also a rather harmless yet humiliating family secret that I'll elaborate on if it ever comes up...I just expect you to keep those secret too." Basara screwed his face a bit in thought to see if there was anything else.

"Beyond that I can't think of anything, but I'd prefer if you did the knocking and know that if I forget my key: lock the door anyways, it won't slow me down." Having said everything he thought necessary, Basara opened the door again before walking out of the room.

"Any door you wanna visit in particular...or we doing this at random?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Basara Tsukino Character Portrait: Yuji Yakano
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Yuji Yakano


Upon hearing Basara's powers Yuji pulled back his hand. Yuji was a little stumped at the odd request of pretending to be him for his younger siblings. Yuji was confidant he could act well but he had never been asked to pretend he was part of someones family. It's was odd but i think i can pull it off.

After listening to the rest of Basara's rules Yuji followed him out of the room. "Personally seeing how this is my first year here I would ask you to lead us around. I am bad at getting around new places but after i have gone though it once I am fine. If we need some sort of goal about we try to find some of the people that we were talking with before hand, Miiko or the wight haired girl. we could also go around the school exploring" Yuji spoke with the general curiosity. There was plenty Yuji wanted to see and he wanted to get the lay out of the school. The other guy who they had spoken with seemed to be a loner so he thought he should leave him out of the search.

"If we can though I personally am not good with crowd's at least for now I am not, so if we can i would like it if we could avoid anything with too many people." Yuji put he's last request in at the last second.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Basara Tsukino Character Portrait: Yuji Yakano
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Basara could only tilt his head again from Yuji's strange request. Well to him it was strange to no want to be around as many people as possible. But he had to accept some people had their own preferences.

"Well unless you can turn into a dog, I don't think we'll be finding either any time soon. We COULD just go door-to-door and hope any Miiko on the slide plate is the right one, but that's not exactly fast either..." Basara scratched his head in irritation, "beyond that it's either we do something stupid enough to catch the entire dorm or do something rowdy." He didn't state the obvious fact that both would draw a huge crowd which is exactly what Yuji had just stated he didn't want.

"If you want to look around, we can explore most of the campus. But I think the club rooms are locked, but that shouldn't be too much and issue I don't think. If you care about teachers: Yama-sensei might be willing to share ice cream, Mr. Norling may be willing to play, and Yam-chan as a whole is just fun." Basara knew his speech was very rude concerning the teachers...but it was his honest opinion in regards to the bunch. In fact, he actually ignored most of the staff in regards to his summary and only named the three he found the most interesting.