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Anthony Garcia

"Do i have to pick sides they're both breaking everything anyways."

0 · 1,577 views · located in Asiah Human ( Blue exorcist )

a character in “Blue exorcist: Apocalypse”, as played by holothewisewolf


Name: Anthony Garcia

Types of Meister exorcist classes(Your character may choose what type of Meister they are aiming to become. You are only allowed to be 3 of the 5 categories tops.):Dragoon


His familiar:Image


Brief history: He was born under a dark moon and was supposed to be a sacrifice to the Demon's of hell. He was however not able to be possessed due to his strong half demon soul he was the one who came out on top. He raised himself and could be considered a wildman but is actually very civilized and smart. He is currently trying to keep his lack of a house a secret from the church while he learns there.

your race: Half Demon

Hobbies:Wood Carving

Nicknames: Tony or T

temptation Demon: A goblin tried to drown me but failed turns out he couldn't swim.

When did your temptation happen: When I was swimming in my apartment's pool.

Alliance: Neutral

Likes:his familiar, pretty girls, and the color of blood
Dislikes:killing, waste of any type, spiders
Powers: He can summon lightning without a talisman. it is stronger with one though and he is a expert on barriers and protection.
Weapons: two pistols with a ammo made from his own demonic power making it a threat to demons and mortals alike. He also has a old rifle owned by his father.ImageImageImage

So begins...

Anthony Garcia's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anthony Garcia Character Portrait: Ami Satou Character Portrait: Edwar Rochefort Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura
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#, as written by KazutoK
The world ends in fire shocker...or is it the bible did say that it would end this way, but no one expected the fire to come from hell. Welcome to true cross academy a place thriving with young students during the day and night, but with a dark secret they were training the specially gifted in the way of the exorcist. The academy had been doing this for centuries their major victory was when Rin okumura prince of hell defeated his father and sealed him back in gehenna but this victory didn't last long. The Dark lord made his triumphant return he crawled out of hell and made his way through the world possessing thousand of humans along the way this was call the blue journey. As the humans lay to waste after being possessed by Satan the academy leader Rin and a few excellent exorcist prepare to strike back, but due to their over confidence they were hopeless unprepared. Satan tore through them easily killing the guardian of the gate kuro, but hit a road block when he was confronted by his son Rin. They two ensued a fight where Satan held no advantage instead was due to loose, but his elder son Lucifer had a plan he snuck into the Rin's home and stole Rin's baby boy killing his wife in the process. Satan manage to kill Rin, but not before he rescued his son, sending yukio his brother back to the academy to warn the others and protect his son Rin was impaled by Lucifer and Satan who dragged him back to hell. 16 years have pass since the blue journey began now Satan is here and is knocking at our door. The academy is in flames everything crumbling around us while demons catch those trying to run for their life and kill them in the spot. The west wing of the academy is gone and soon we'll lose the east and side the best bet is to go through the north exit. The voice of the principle was heard all over the school trying to warn the students. He himself was outside trying to fight his brother Lucifer in a un successful fight being over power at every turn he took. The head exorcist yukio was severely wounded and lay in front of his class with an arm missing. Rin's kid witness the demon that had done this to his uncle it wasn't a regular demon this one burn with blue flame...Satan. Yukio instructed Rin Jr and the other students to run while he held Satan off. The south wing finally collapse and anyone who was still alive and wanted to keep it that way was heading towards the north wing.

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Character Portrait: Anthony Garcia
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I stood on the school roof and stared back at about thirty chuchi. "Is that all you got?" I raised my guns as my Familiar dove through the group killing three. I started shooting my lightning shaped tail cracked with lightning.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anthony Garcia Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura
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I saw the bird and ran jumping above it. "Fear me demon for in my fist is God and in my heart the devil!" I came down on it like lightning and punched my way through. I landed on the floor panting. "That hurt a little."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anthony Garcia Character Portrait: Ami Satou Character Portrait: Edwar Rochefort Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura
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I got swatted away by the bird as Lahiri laughed walking back. "Rock? I'm made of a Gehanna gate itself!" I pushed myself out of the wall. "Is that all you got!" I started advancing firing at the bird until I reloaded one gun which I then turned on Lahiri. I fired at both of the demons.

Lahiri took the bullets laughing until they exploded into holy water. "You bastard that hurts!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anthony Garcia Character Portrait: Ami Satou Character Portrait: Edwar Rochefort Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura
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#, as written by KazutoK
" what the hell man stop shooting at me too " he said as a bullet touched him and he felt the pain, he look at Ami " get away I don't want you in harm's way please I can handle myself plus I got this two helping " he said with a smile before and pulled the kurikara to him he ran towards the demon slashing his legs before he kick him to the side. " new guy let's fall back we won't last log fighting this three specially if he is a hell king " he said before he was kick by lahari who had recover rather quickly, he tried to stan up but it felt like he had every bone on his body broken. He spit blood and his flames faded quickly, he was now hearing a voice, " you need me release me from my cage I can defeat your enemies I can give you your power all of it" he the dark voice continue his sermon as Rin lost focus on the fight and tried to get the voice off his head.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anthony Garcia Character Portrait: Lahari Character Portrait: Gabriel Rayne Character Portrait: Ami Satou Character Portrait: Edwar Rochefort Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura
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(OOC: Thank you for knocking Lahiri out of the picture for a while.)

I saw Ami throw her shoe and I tossed a talisman on it. "A shoe really? I am a king of gehanna that won't even.... Hey what is that toilet paper?" He asked lifting the shoe. " lightning hear my call and bring down thor's hammer!" I saw a flash as lightning knocked Lahiri into the basement. I turned to the girl who had thrown the shoe. "Nice their i'll carry you out if you want the help." I was still shooting at the bird. "We better leave fast."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anthony Garcia Character Portrait: Lahari Character Portrait: Gabriel Rayne Character Portrait: Ami Satou Character Portrait: Edwar Rochefort Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura
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#, as written by KazutoK
He got hit by the shoe and felt on his face. " What the hell is it, beat Rin to death day or what because if it is no one send me a reminder!!!! " He said as he rubbed the back of his head and look at Ami" Seriously what are you still doing here, didn't I say to evacuate we will follow soon but if we have to fight and protect you at the same times this Is going to be a lot harder than I thought " He said as he jumped back still hurt by the demons kick he barely manage to stand up. " Let's see yukio what did you say about this king of demons.....dammit I can't remember...." he said trying to remember the best course of action against kings of hell. He then was again spoken by the voice " you need to fight fire with fire unleash your demon have fun..." He was puzzle unleash his demon the only familiar he ever had was kuro and he was death besides he himself was a demon. He was focused again on the battle" Yo Romeo mind saving the hitting on my friend till we leave, Edwar and your teacher can you cover an exit I got a crazy idea..." He said as he pulled the kurikara and slash his hand open blood began to drop into the floor. He began chanting a strange spell, the gehenna gate summoning.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anthony Garcia Character Portrait: Gabriel Rayne Character Portrait: Ami Satou Character Portrait: Edwar Rochefort Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura
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"I got this." I said dodging the bird before tossing a bomb into it's mouth I then picked up Ami and fled jumping through the window. My demonic powers allowing me to take the fall easily. "All right i'm gonna drop you off in a safe spot." I ran and set her in a large pool of holy water before running back my hands somewhat burned. I stopped on a van outside and grabbed my rifle. I started taking pot shots at the demons that got near Rin. "You two need to get out of here and fast i'll get sparky over there."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anthony Garcia Character Portrait: Gabriel Rayne Character Portrait: Ami Satou Character Portrait: Edwar Rochefort Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura
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Few minutes later, Edwar opened his eyes recovering from an improvise meditation state: the first thing he saw was a flying girl that landed in a pool of holy water. Successively an impressive bang was heard and the flying demon was flying down, returning to dust.
Then, the same one that struck down the bird that pinned the crazed guy appeared, holding a rather baroque rifle: Edwar looked at it once, before turning toward the Hell King.

"You two need to get out of here and fast i'll get sparky over there." The rifleman said.

Edwar grinned, annoyed by that apparent superiority of the Dragoon and the, he knew more than anyone that Gabriel wouldn't be moving anyway. Edwar's hand was already blazing a blue-ish force: the very air around his hand withered lightly, although its movements were rather regular.
"Nope" Edwar said "No one goes around ordering two Vaticans like that, 'specially if it's me or the Geezer..."
"Hold on...Crazy Guy" Deeply inside, Edwar rather admired the bravery, cleverness and simplicity of that plan: simply push the Hell king from where he came from! Nothing serious, and Edwar wanted to demonstrate it
"Keep it up a while longer..." Edwar muttered, as he rushed toward a wall, running on it and trying to not draw too much attention.
Hopefully, Gabriel would support Edwar with demons behind him, as well as efficiently distracting the Hellking.
Edwar glanced at the crazed guy once more: his skin was burning, sticking off from his flesh slowly, but steadily.
The blue flames were already a dreadful and surprising vision: as they tuned to a darker tone, they became even more terrific.
"No, not again!" Edwar tried to regain focus, trying to not disperse the Divine Spear: like most Qi and Tao techniques, it was vital to maintain focus and a neutral mind, attuned to no emotions.
As he got closer to the King, he started to recite a mantra, to improve his focus.
To avoid the same fate of his other arm, he had to concentrate: even if the Hellking was pushed inside, the effort would have been meaningless, if he couldn't leave the North Entrance.

"Unveil, O Thou who givest sustenance to the Universe, from whom all proceed, to whom all must return, that face of the True Sun now hidden by a vase of golden light, that we may see the truth and do our whole duty on our journey to thy sacred seat...unveil, O Thou who givest sustenance to the Universe, from whom all proceed, to whom all must return, that face of the True Sun now hidden by a vase of golden light, that we may see the truth and do our whole duty on our journey to thy sacred seat...unveil O Thou..."

Edwar kept reciting, until he reached the back of the demon, and leaped, aiming at the demon's back: he kept reciting the mantra until the very moment of the impact...if there would have been one.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anthony Garcia Character Portrait: Gabriel Rayne Character Portrait: Ami Satou Character Portrait: Edwar Rochefort Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura
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#, as written by nltniko
Gabriel looked as the guy that had just placed Ami somewhere safe came back with a rifle and demanded that Edwar and Gabriel retreated. "You got some guys thinking you are better than me kid." he said as he sliced a demon in two with the sword and then killed another one with the Redeemer. "However you're just a brat with more luck than skill." he laughed.

He then looked to Edwar. "Be damn sure to hit this one okay ? I don't feel like having to bring out the Peacemaker for this so-called fight." He shouted. As soon as he did that he started walking over to one of the crashed helicopters and found a box in it that had been sealed with various high-leveled seals and marks. As he placed the box on the ground he kneeled besides it.
"Just in case however Edwar" He shouted "I will prepare it none the less." He then placed his full attention on the box again and started praying in latin.

"In nomine Patris, et portantium haeretici ius voco te.
Et impios in nomine Filii quieti.
Et in nomine Spiritus Sancti, qui percutietis damnantur."

((The prayer translated is the following: In the name of the father I summon you who shall bring the heretics to justice.
In the name of the son you shall bring the wicked to rest.
And in the name of the holy spirit you shall destroy those that are damned.))

As he finished the prayer a click was heard from the locks on the box and the seals themselves opened up and as the box were unlocked he placed the redeemer on the ground and picked up the Peacemaker and inserted a single bullet. "The bane of demons and devils. I give thee my spirit and lend thee my hand. My thine divine will flow through my body so that I can carry out thy command on earth. Show me a foe and I shall slay him. Show me a place and I shall go there." He said as he rose up again.
"Come at me shadowspawn and child of satan. I shall bring thy 'till rest even though it may be my end" he shouted at the king of hell.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anthony Garcia Character Portrait: Gabriel Rayne Character Portrait: Ami Satou Character Portrait: Edwar Rochefort Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura
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#, as written by KazutoK
As the beast felt into the black pool of sludge the gates close quickly not allowing a chance for it to escape. Once the demon king was seal Rin felt back having all the energy in his body spend it in the task he was now unconscious and barely breathing. His flames faded completely leaving behind a near charred lines across his body more prominent on his hands and faces though slowly healing they were a sign of how bad Satan flames could hurt Rin if he used them too much. The demon hordes continue to assault the academy it was now or never if they did not escape they would be bury under the rubble of the now destroyed academy. The smoke was thick and reached high no one in Tokyo could miss this disaster it was going to be a though story to covert up for the Vatican.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anthony Garcia Character Portrait: Gabriel Rayne Character Portrait: Ami Satou Character Portrait: Edwar Rochefort Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura
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I ran forward shooting demons until I got to Rin. "Come on hero boy." I ignored the other two until I neared the window Rin on my shoulder. "Zip up your pants and stop trying to make this a pissing match." I said looking at the other two before jumping out of the window and again I landed fine. I walked over to Ami I carefully retrieved her from the pond of holy water. "My lady." I said giving a playful bow as my tail swatted a goblin away. I started running towards the nearest safe zone.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anthony Garcia Character Portrait: Gabriel Rayne Character Portrait: Ami Satou Character Portrait: Edwar Rochefort Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura
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As Edwar's palm struck the demon, a small and loud shriek was made, and from Edwar's palm a thick blue whirlwind pushed the demon back in the Doors of Gehenna. The blow was so strong that Edwar's wrist got dislocated: he grinned a little, and tried to hide the other wound in the sleeve of the coat. As Edwar landed softly, the Gate disappeared very, very quickly.
"Hey, blue guy! Nice job ov--" Before Edwar could finish his sentence, Rin was falling unconscious.
And before Edwar realized Rin was unconscious, the sniper jumped and grabbed him: another demon.
"This Academy sure is full of weird exorcists..." Edwar thought, as he heard a rather nasty sentence.

"Zip up your pants and stop trying to make this a pissing match." He said, and Edwar took a deep breath, looking over his teacher "Maybe I'd have made a favour for Vatican, squishing his head back then...Oh well! Keine Reue" Edwar said, while running out of the Academy, giving a bored glance at Ami, while the sniper took her away from a pool of water.
As Edwar reached them, he asked "So, you guys have a safe-house 'round here?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anthony Garcia Character Portrait: Gabriel Rayne Character Portrait: Ami Satou Character Portrait: Edwar Rochefort Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura
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#, as written by Miyer
Ami was kind of frozen for a period of time as she mainly avoided the fighting happening around her knowing she would probably be just a burden considering the fact that she actually couldn't fight... But it appears that she had also become a rag doll as she was dragged around by some demon boy who appeared to be flirting... She was not blushing. But really? Flirting on a battle field?!

It took her a moment to realise she was in a pool of holy water and it took her another to wonder why there was just randomly a pool of holy water before she just decided she didn't really care all that much. She watched the fight for a while in the safety of her pool. It wasn't to long till the battle had ended and she was once again approached by the flirty half demon. She quickly gave him a once over and a smile as she quickly checked for wounds.

During the fight she clocked a few, like the ones the new boy had obtained and the fact that rin was unconscious! UNCONSCIOUS! She tells him not to worry her and he does the exact opposite! Offering the half demon a smile, "Thanks but please call me Ami, lady makes me sound posh.", she joked before turning all her attention to the boy hanging over the half demons shoulder, "Rin you idiot! Told you not to worry me and look what you do!", she growled out in frustration, before meeting the half demons eyes, "Please settle him down so I can check him over.", she requested politely, glancing worriedly at the boy once more. He was going to be the death of her if he kept this up!

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anthony Garcia Character Portrait: Gabriel Rayne Character Portrait: Ami Satou Character Portrait: Edwar Rochefort Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura
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#, as written by KazutoK
He woke up his injuries nearly healed it didn't hurt being a demon much, he pushed himself off the guy carrying him shoulder a little surprised and embarrassed he was feeling better but still exhausted."' exorcist!!!" He said as he got up and walked towards the exit. " let's go we don't need to stick around much longer " he said as he look at the new squads just formed. He look at the other demon in the room " and you quit that flirting the battle field isn't your first date spot." He said with a snicker it was both amusing and annoying. " the Vatican send you two Woah finally the do something besides worry about their fancy behind " he said as he look at the now ruin academy and the last chopper landing. " there is a small academy east of here"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anthony Garcia Character Portrait: Gabriel Rayne Character Portrait: Ami Satou Character Portrait: Edwar Rochefort Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura
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#, as written by nltniko
Gabriel looked to the destroyed academy. Building were ruined and had crashed while some were still burning from the destructions that the demon attack had caused. He looked over to Rin with a smile on his face. "Yeah about time the old guys in the Vatican finally allowed us to get some action." He laughed.

He placed the sword in it's sheath and took the redeemer over his shoulder. Then he walked over to Rin while still holding the Peacemaker in his hand. "So...Where did you say that academy was ? Because I need you to guide us over there when we fly." As he walked over to Edwar he simply looked at him. "Chopper...Now." Then he looked over to Ami, and as he made a slight bow and said in a jokingly voice: "My lady your chariot is waiting."

In the end of he looked over to Anthony. "I hope that mouth of yours knows when to shut up unless you feel like finding out if you can survive a fall from a helicopter in the sky." he said before walking into the helicopter himself

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anthony Garcia Character Portrait: Gabriel Rayne Character Portrait: Ami Satou Character Portrait: Edwar Rochefort Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura
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"Pfft I'd knock your crap wagon out of the sky if I felt like it."I set Ami down and gave a short whistle. A small thick burst of black mist came charging at me but turned to go past as I jumped on. "If I were the Vatican I'd start worrying about others more than myself but you guys aren't team players now are you? I don't work well with egotistical assholes I think I'll walk." I started to kick the Familiar in the side gently and it changed to a horse shape and started speeding off. I was glowing in the dark from the electricity crackling off of me since I never even tried to hide. A few Demons tried to follow only to be left behind. I brought lightning down on them anyways since it wasn't wise to save them for later.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anthony Garcia Character Portrait: Gabriel Rayne Character Portrait: Ami Satou Character Portrait: Edwar Rochefort Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura
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Edwar stepped in the chopper the very moment Gabriel told him to do so. He simply turned and nodded.
Once he was inside he did not seat on a seat, but instead lied against one of the chopper's metal hull trying to keep his arms as straight as possible: he felt a strange dolour grip his arms, and his mind blurred. He was so stunned that decided to let the sniper on his own.
"Ah...right...the arm... Edwar collected his memories, and remembered that his right arm was shredded and reduced to purea.
Now that he remembered how grevious was the injury, he heard the blood drops hitting the metallic floor. Rhytmic, inevitable, unstoppable.
His arm was all red, due to the haemorrhage. In one word, it looked horrible.
"Uh..." As the last passenger entered the aircraft, Edwar felt the world spin and his visions becoming more and more blurred.
Edwar was struggling, trying to get a hold of himself and stand up. As he crawled and stood up thanks to the wall behind him, he fell down, feeling very feverish.
Was the helicopter flying? Or, did they arrived? Edwar couldn't really tell.
"Maybe...a little nap..." Edwar slowly closed his eyes, letting the sleep take his numb body.
"Note to myself...never ever use Tao techniques, unless I am calm..."

When Edwar opened his eyes, he noticed that the ceiling was white. Strangely enough, the pillows were very soft, as well as the bed.
Edwar rose up easily and yawned. He looked around, and noticed that the room was very familiar.
"" Edwar stood up, and noticed that he was wearing a plain azure pajama.
He sighed and shrugged. As he walked toward the wooden lacquered door and tried to open it, he noticed that it was looked.
Edwar tilted his head, and tried harder.
"Who the damn would lock MY do--" Suddenly, the morning sky beyond the windows darkened.
Edwar turned toward it, and noticed that the room's walls were slowly melting in a black smudge. The floor would slowly entaglage his feet.
"What the..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anthony Garcia Character Portrait: Gabriel Rayne Character Portrait: Ami Satou Character Portrait: Edwar Rochefort Character Portrait: Rin Yukio Okumura
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(If Kirito gets another complaint over my character not being near dead or scared of Gabriel again i'm leaving because frankly my character is injured badly and 2 is being deemed public enemy number 1. Also a Familiar will not need to be revived if the summoning circle is safe and it still is for my familiar. I don't want to leave but you guys seem to hate my characters and style so I won't stay if I feel I may enhance your playing this rp by me leaving. In short yes my character is weak and injured but if you won't be happy that I understand he seems really over powered right now you're wrong. Also yes he hates Gabriel and Edward because they have been trying to treat him like crap. So if you want me gone just say so.)

I was riding very fast until I got to the school. I got off and ripped the 8 month old paper in half. I started towards a monk but then felt the adrenaline wearing off. I noticed a lot of me was torn open or broken. I coughed onto my hand and noticed a large amount of blood before collapsing blood pooling from my lips. I had suffered a lot of internal damage and was going to be in a small coma for a day or so.