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Brennan Doyle

"If you're happy then I'm happy. Like, actually."

0 · 454 views · located in Vancouver,

a character in “Boot Camp for Heroes”, as played by Ansreth Maern





Full Name Brennan Kilduff Doyle

Gender Male

Age 23

Orientation Heterosexual

Role Camper


Personality Brennan is a very serious person. Because of his ability to feel the emotion of those around him, he feels the need to maintain a stoic demeanor so that he doesn't go insane. He believes that, as a channel of a Celtic goddess as well as a channel of other people's emotions, his sole purpose is to absorb and carry: never to project. This stoicism is his way of keeping himself sane; he disregards his emotions and motives so that he can carry others'. Therefore, everything about Brennan is very minimal. Meaning he shows minimal emotion, makes minimal contact with people, and feels minimal connection to them.

Strong Will: Doesn't give up easily on things that he knows must done. It's not so much a display of his own passion, but rather a feeling of obligation to get necessary things accomplished.
Stoicism: Is able to take hardship without much complaint or signs of distress.
Loyalty: Once he opens up to a person he knows he can really trust, he will stay with them and always be there when needed. It may even evoke emotion in him, though that is very uncommon.

Lack of Emotion: Because he is so stoic, he displays minimal emotion which makes it hard for people to know what he's thinking.
Distrust: He is very cynical and often sees the worst in people before seeing their best. This leads him to open up only to people he really gets close to.
Insecurity: At his very core, he believes his power strips him of anything that makes him his own person. He feels other people's emotions, only does what a goddess wills him to do, and has mind severely altered by his raven-like enhancements. Also, because of everything going on in his own mind and body, he can easily be broken when his front of stoicism is knocked down. This contrast between the front he puts up and the person he really is leads him to go to two extremes: either he is stoic and emotionless, or so full of emotion and distress that he does very undesirable things.

Fears His main fears are losing control and being inadequate. Being around a lot of magic, he isn't afraid of much else.


Backstory Born to parents who were very learned in arcane magics, Brennan has always been exposed to strange happenings. Since his parents' magic was gained from praying to gods and goddesses of old Celtic paganism, Brennan was also exposed to many history books that filled the shelves of his parents' home library. When Brennan was young, even though he was allowed to read up on the lore, his parents didn't let him involve himself in these magics. Instead, Brennan was home-schooled and restricted to only portions of the house (the ones that didn't contain the parents' magical equipment). In this way, strange events that resulted from his parents' practicing of magic were blamed on normal circumstances, rather than magical ones. He grew up thinking magic was normal.

It wasn't until his 13th birthday that Brennan's parents began to pass their knowledge onto him. Now understanding that magic was something dangerous and abnormal, Brennan was allowed to attend traditional high school. But, despite his adoption of a more normal lifestyle, weird things began happening to Brennan: weirder than what he was accustomed to. Ravens began crowding around his room, he began having visions of seemingly random people, and he was very susceptible to feeling emotions of those around him. That's when his parents realized he was being targeted by one of the old Celtic goddesses, the MorrĂ­gan, whom the parents used to contact in the past for not-so-moral reasons (but that's another story). In the end, the MorrĂ­gan decided they'd curse the parents' 13-year-old son. This curse would be how Brennan received his powers.

Power Brennan, a channel for the MorrĂ­gan, has powers related to that of a raven. One of his powers is that he is able to communicate with ravens and sometimes have them do his bidding. This power proves useful because of ravens' ability to mimic human speech. He is therefore able to get surveillance on persons of interest by getting recordings of what they're saying. Another power of his is that, like a raven, he has empathy. This power enhances his empathy to the point where he is able to detect and feel the emotions of those around him. It proves useful when he is trying to get a read on someone he is talking with. Another skill Brennan adopts form ravens is their high level of intelligence. Though already well-learned and well-read in his human years, this power has given him an increase on his critical thinking and analytical skills. He is able to retain a lot of information and adapt to most any problem or environment. However, this doesn't mean he always follows his common sense. His next power, one that stems from his ties with the MorrĂ­gan, is that he is able to take the form of a man-raven. This power, the only power that makes changes to his physical form, is still developing and isn't something he can achieve often. Right now, at best, he can sprout black wings. But even then, he seems to only be able to do so in extreme situations and never on his own free will. Finally, because the MorrĂ­gan (and the raven in most myths) often come as an omen of death, Brennan sometimes has visions of those who are about to die. Like his other MorrĂ­gan-related power, this ability to foretell people's death isn't something he can do at his own free will and it only comes to him in his dreams.


Clenches his fist or bites his lip when worried.
Sometimes taps random rhythms on his leg when he's waiting or really bored.
Clenches teeth (visible signs are shown along his jaw and temple) when angry.

Listening to music in order to calm himself down.
Studying history and mythology.
Playing piano by himself.

His Song Edward by Marlais

So begins...

Brennan Doyle's Story


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Character Portrait: Brennan Doyle
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“Great,” Brennan said to himself. After a few moments of temporary blurriness, his eyesight finally focused on the clock and, though he didn’t know the schedule, he knew for sure he was late; it was way past 7:00. Plus, he was the only one in his cabin. No campers, no mentor. “Dammit.”

Slipping on whatever clothes he could find, Brennan made his way out the door. It was a cool morning, a slight breeze brushed against his skin. But Brennan didn’t take time to think about the coolness of the weather. Instead, he focused on the building where most of the campers and mentors seemed to be located. As he eyed the building, he observed that people were beginning to finish up in there and head outside. “I wonder what’s going on,” Brennan thought to himself. As he looked closer, he realized it was a cafeteria, but breakfast was most likely over by now. Only one way to find out, though.

Brennan figured there had to be a schedule somewhere around the cabin. Maybe he even had one in his luggage. He wouldn’t have been surprised though if he didn’t. It was his first year at the camp and his decision to come here wasn't exactly thought out early on; his application for the camp was fairly last minute. Fortunately, someone was smart enough to pin a schedule right up on the door. “Oh,” Brennan said, pleasantly surprised as he turned around and saw a schedule staring him right in the face. Though he was fairly happy that now he wouldn’t have to go searching for a schedule, his small moment of delight was abruptly crushed by what was on it.

“Hand-to-hand combat. Great. First day here and the very first thing I’ll be doing is getting my ass handed to me by some superhuman campers,” he thought in his head.

“Let’s see,” he began saying to himself, sarcastically, “How should I defeat my opponents? Maybe I should feel their feelings for them. Oh man, that would really get them. Or maybe I could summon a bunch of ravens to mimic their speech and have them repeat it until my opponent is annoyed to death. Oh wait, no. I got it! I could have a vision of one of their loved ones dying, tell them about it, and then consequently thrust them into a deep and utter depression!” Brennan pulled the right corner of his mouth in a display of contempt. Yep, combat-wise, Brennan realized was pretty much at a loss. Well, his wings could really help him, but he had absolutely no control over his ability to sprout them. The only thing he would be able to rely on would be his enhanced analytical skills, but much good that would do him when he was facing a person that could, say, lift him off the ground with a flick of the wrist.

After his little rant, Brennan turned away from the schedule and muttered some choice words under his breath. He looked back towards the rest of the campgrounds. Not everyone was out of the cafeteria yet. Maybe he could still get something to eat. He began walking over to the building, putting on a more serious face, and preparing himself for whatever emotions people were about to channel through him. Hopefully everyone in the camp was a morning person. Because if they weren't, he wouldn't be either.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gregory 'Ghost' Reach Character Portrait: Brennan Doyle Character Portrait: Victor Artoras Character Portrait: Amira 'Red' Devaroh
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It was about that time where Greg was finally done smoking his cigarette and gazing out at the uneventful waters of the creek. Instinctively, he pushed the butt of his cancer stick into the dirt, putting it out, and then threw it behind him into the woods. He then stared down next to his legs, realizing that he still had a half-empty cup of coffee. Knowing that he'd have to get rid of it eventually, Greg decided to journey back down to the cafeteria. Perhaps he could find out what danger he'd be putting himself into today.

After walking over the creek once again, he spotted the redheaded girl standing by herself in the middle of an open grassy area. He stared at her for a moment, away from her eyesight. She stood there for about a minute, and then made her way towards the direction of the forest. Greg was confused as to why she was there, but after reading a bulletin board nearby, he could guess why.

The schedule said that they'd be having combat training today. The young man rolled his eyes; if there was one thing he wasn't in the mood to do, it was fight against amateur kids with little to no control over their powers. It's not that he was confident about winning. In fact, his mind didn't even think about winning any fights. Greg just didn't want to hurt anyone too badly. He understood the damage he was capable of dealing, and because of that, he knew he'd be a tough opponent. He hoped people would be able to catch up to him.

By the time he had reached the cafeteria, his cup of coffee had been emptied. "Excuse me," he said to the stoic Brennan Doyle, passing him in order to reach the garbage can. After disposing his paper cup, Greg found his mentor, Victor, stationed over by the kitchen. He approached him, his hands in his pockets while he sauntered over to his mentor's side.

"Victor," he said, "Can you explain the protocol for the combat training we are going to be receiving today? How exactly will it work? I just want to know who up going to be up against."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gregory 'Ghost' Reach Character Portrait: Kitty Fetzer Character Portrait: Jacelyn 'Jace' Wells Character Portrait: Brennan Doyle Character Portrait: Victor Artoras
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“Excuse me,” a male camper said to Brennan, passing him on his way into the cafeteria. At the very moment the camper passed him, Brennan could feel that he wasn’t a morning person. It seemed that the camper had a not-so-ideal morning, for spreading through every inch of Brennan was now a sense of certain gloom. It wasn’t that the other camper seemed to be extremely sad about something, but rather there was an indifference he had for the world around him that caused him to see little joy in it. ”What a great way to start off the morning,” Brennan thought to himself as that same indifference now possessed him. This indifference was tenfold because, even without feeling the camper’s emotions, Brennan was a fairly stoic and indifferent guy. Plus, the man’s slightly sarcastic personality was adding to Brennan’s own slightly sarcastic personality, which was, of course, just making Brennan’s morning sooooo much better.

Fortunately, this experience didn’t last. As soon as the man past by him, the feelings he had just conveyed through Brennan had quickly dissipated. It was only when Brennan chose to follow the camper that he began feeling those same feelings once again.

“Victor,” the camper said to another man, “Can you explain the protocol for the combat training we are going to be receiving today?”

“Perfect,” Brennan thought. This would be his chance to figure out what exactly was going to transpire during combat training.

Victor, whom Brennan assumed to be a mentor, looked back at the other man and said, “Eh? Oh! Right, training. I haven’t fully figured out what exactly it is we’ll be doing today, but I know we won’t be going up against Jeremiah’s campers if I can avoid it.”

“I guess that’s a good thing,” Brennan said in his head.

After Victor was done explaining the combat training to the camper (whose name Brennan learned to be Ghost), the mentor glanced up towards a clock, bid farewell, and suddenly disappeared into a wall. “Woah,” Brennan thought to himself. He was so impressed that he almost said his little mental exclamation out loud.

With the mentor gone and Brennan fairly informed about the details of the upcoming sparring session, he realized that the room Victor just left out of was the kitchen. Brennan stepped through the door, hoping there would be some left over food. Unfortunately, he couldn’t see any food. Instead, he saw a pair of campers just finishing the dishes, who Brennan suddenly realized were also just having a conversation. “Whoops,” Brennan thought silently, getting out of the way of the girl walking out of the kitchen. Since the food was gone and there seemed to be nothing left to do dishes-wise, Brennan thought he might as well wait to follow one of the campers who possibly knew their way around and would be making their way to the sparring field in a few minutes. Therefore, he waited outside the kitchen for the campers to start making their way out. Fortunately, for Brennan, the two campers in the kitchen both seemed to be in fairly good moods, and that put Brennan in a fairly good mood as well. Hopefully, it would counteract the feelings Brennan was receiving from Ghost. Otherwise, Brennan’s new combat tactic would be to kill people with his excess amount of sarcasm.