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Mathew of Jerusalem

"I cant tell you if theres a God, but I can tell you for a fact his son lived, and died, for the sake of you humans..."

0 · 239 views · located in Khaol

a character in “Borrowed Strength”, as played by Mathew Littlepaw


Mathew of Jerusalem
Age: Unknown (2038)
Race: Human (Immortal)
Birthplace: Jerusalem
Birth date: Spring, 4BCE

"Into the light, I command the!"

Height: 5'9
Weight: 169 LBS
Face claim: John Constantine

Behavior: Mathew tends to stay away from others, but with will with others if needed. He likes to work alone, and doesn't put up with shit. He understands the existence of demons, but is unsure on the existence of God. Despite having known Jesus of Nazareth himself, he is far from a holy man... Ever sense the death of his close friend, Mathew has been in a deep self-impulsed exile. Despite even this, Mathew protects the Spear of Destiny with his life, knowing if it falls in the wrong hands could mean the destruction of the worlds.
Likes:Smoking, drinking, fighting, and fucking.
Dislikes:Demons, angels, anyone who gets in his way, people who try to take the Spear.

"What the fuck do you want...? If its the spear, go on. Try and take it."

Undieing, but can be killed. He is immune to sickness, but isn't invincible. He feels pain.
-Expert demon hunter.
For almost 2000 years Mathew has served as a demon hunter. He knows demons weaknesses, along with strengths.

Mathew IS human. He has normal human weaknesses.
Mathew, being immune to cancer and leukemia, has smoked for 400 years. His lungs are filled to the brim with tar. This causes him daily pain, and means he cannot run for very long.

Weaponry: Image
The Spear of Destiny.
The Spear of Destiny is the worlds strongest weapon against evil. Despite the fact that it is sharp, it is almost useless against humans.

The Holy Trinity.
The Holy Trinity is a large shotgun consisting of 3 parts. 1. The Father. The Father is a low power scope, but it grants all those who look through it the ability to see demons as they really are. 2. The Son. The Son is the middle section of the gun, witch resembles a large gold cross. At the handle of it is a trigger that releases a blast of fire through the cross. It travels out of the 3 ends of the cross, incinerating anything the fire hits. 3. The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the base part of the shotgun. It fires large slugs witch are filled with silver shrapnel. While it is good against anything that lives, it is extremely useful against demons.

History:To be done!

So begins...

Mathew of Jerusalem's Story


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It isn't only on earth that Demon Contracting was illegal, it is also outlawed in both heaven and hell. You see, the one they call Satan isn't actually evil at all. He is just, if you think about it, the mayor of a very large town of murderers, rapists, and pedophiles, and the idea of people sacrificing children in his name actually makes him sick. Hes actually a very well spoken man, and likes to read on his days off. From a political aspect, Demon Contractors put out a bad reputation for him. When a contract is signed with a demon, it condemns the contractor's soul to hell. So, without doing anything wrong, these contractors are condemned to suffer for the rest of eternity. Hell itself is a prison, made for those who have done something evil in their lives to put them there in the first place, and not for people who simply wanted to win the lottery, or live forever. Because of these Demon Contractors, Mr.Satan has a bad standing in the minds of most humans who think he just allows these contractors to run free.

Being the mayor of hell, like the mayor in any city, has limited power over the denizens. There will always be those who wish to undermined his power, much like a gang will in a real city, while the Demon Contractor's are like the drug cartel. The only reason Mr.Satan cant stop all of these illegal actions is because there's simply no police in his town and he is only one man with so much power.

Satan and the Creator have a little deal; As long as Satan keeps his demons out of the Earth, the Creator will keep all of his angels from destroying them. There will always be those who slip through the cracks, but the angels will find those demons and destroy them. Over the past 1000 years demons have been getting craftier, and have found ways to avoid angelic detection while on Earth. But there will always be plenty of ways to find demons hiding on Earth. The easiest way to find one, is to just open your ears. Demons love to talk, so when ever they seal a contract, they love to go to bars and boast about how they "Gave William Shattner eternal life, for his soul when he finally turns to ash." For demon hunters, bars are the best possible hunting grounds. But the only problem is, it's almost impossible to find a demon in a bar because they can smell a hunter from 100 miles away. The best way around this, is to have bait...

Mathew had heard somewhere that a powerful Demon Military Contractor was skulking around in the city somewhere in the city of Khaol. Demon Military Contractors are especially wanted, because instead of taking the souls of the contractors to hell, they consume the soul of the contractor and, after they die, put a demon soul inside of them to be used for an army. According to the source, this Demon Contractor had scored 104 souls in under 48 hours. If any demon was a threat to the balance, it was this one. He had heard the contractor was going to a bar that had just opened in the city.

The bar itself was some shit downtown club called pLace. Any sense of grace about this place was thrown out the window. The girls who danced on stage weren't very attractive even with them shaking their tits at anyone who cared to look, the drinks were none to good either. The stake out Mathew was on had lasted 4 hours so far, 4 hours of sitting at the same bar, waiting for this demon to show up and take the bait. The only thing keeping Mathew sane was the fact that it was a smoking bar, which meant he could light up all night long and no one would care. Smoking had always been a bad habit of Mathew's, ever since about the 1700's he had been lighting up every day. After about his 19th cigarette of the night, he had found his target.

With his back hunched over the bar, a drink in one hand and a cigarette in the other, Mathew watched a large man came through the door. Turning away from his drink, Mathew looked at the massive man and smirked, knowing that "man" was his target. The man walked in alone, dressed in a pair of black pants and a black polo shirt, looking like a typical clubbing douche bag. His black hair was cut short to show his scalp, and black sunglasses covered his eyes. The moment he walked in the gagging smell of sulfur filled Mathew's lungs, a dead giveaway to demon kind. Despite the demons ability to take over mortal body's, the smell of sulfur can still be detected by trained hunters. Trying not to cough, Mathew simply sat at the bar watching the hulking man walk and sit down next to him.

The large man turned to Mathew and for a moment, the two of them looked into each other's eyes before the man spoke: "So you are the famed Mathew of Jerusalem, huh?" He asked with a thick Australian accent as he towered over Mathew. After deeply inhaling from the cigarette, he blew the smoke into the giants face, chuckling a little before responding. "That's right big guy, in the flesh. So, how about you tell me about these 104 humans you tricked into joining your little army...?"

The man took a several moments before replying, in which time a dark smile crept across his face. "90 of them are strong able-bodied men, 12 were women perfect for breeding, and 2 were children who will grow to be excellent breeders for my army..." At this point Mathew could feel his blood boil. Using humans for an army was bad, but using children for breeding was even worse. It was apparent to Mathew that the child comment was meant to make him angry, and cause attack in haste, which was something Mathew wasn't about to do.

Mathew smiled and moved his hand to the handle of the shotgun on his back, the Holy Trinity, making it apparent to the demon that Mathew was ready for what ever he was going to do. With a nod Mathew responded: "Good for you... So, beast, why did you accept my invite, but only come alone if you have a little army?"

To retort, the demon answered: "Because I wanted to see if it was true, to see if the Holder of the Spear was here, in Khaol. As I can see, it's true... So I will say this once, give me the Spear of Destiny, or I will simply kill you, along with every other human here."

With a shake of the head, Mathew dropped his hand from the shotgun, and picked up his lighter from the bar. After taking a quick drink of the vodka on the bar he sighed, picked up the bottle, and responded. "You know I cant do that, and you know you cant kill me with all of these people watching. Angels would find you within a day, and you wouldn't even get a chance to use the spear."

"A risk I'm willing to take..." The demon stated as he took his glasses off to reveal his deep blood red eyes.

With a final sigh, Mathew brought his foot up and pushed the stool the demon sat on over, knocking him onto the dance floor of the club. Standing up Mathew took one last hit of the vodka before turning it over, pouring its content all over the bar. While the loud and repetitive club music played, Mathew took his lighter and flicked up the flame. Before the demon even had a chance to stand up from the kick, Mathew touched the flame of the lighter onto the vodka-covered bar, engulfing the bar in flames. The bartender, after noticing the fire, ran to the fire alarm and quickly pulled the switch to turn on the sprinklers.

The music shut off, while the people on the dance floor ran off of it and out of the door, leaving only Mathew and the demon on the dance floor. Standing up, the demon looked at his water-soaked cloths and growled deeply at Mathew, but that's when it hit him. Over the entire demons body, he felt his own flesh started to melt off of him as if the water itself was burning him alive, which it was. Mathew stood with a smile as he watched his plan take shape. Before meeting the demon, he had already broken into the pump system for the bar, and treated the water with 6 prayer beads, making the normal water into Holy Water.

While the demon screamed in pain from his flesh burning, Mathew pulled the Holy Trinity from his back and aimed the massive golden shotgun down at the beast, now exposed from the Holy Water. While the demon writhed around on the ground in pain, Mathew cocked the shotgun and aimed it right for the creatures head. With the cocking noise, the demon looked up at him with his flesh falling off, letting out a low and evil growl as a gun shot rang out through the club, and the slug from the shotgun found its mark in the demons skull. With a thud, the demon's body fell to the ground in a pile of melting flesh. It wouldn't be very long until the body simply melted away from the Holy Water.

Walking out of the club, Mathew hooked the shotgun onto his back once again, and walked to an ally across the street, before the authority's even had a chance to show up.