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Yamata No Orochi

0 · 200 views · located in Khaol

a character in “Borrowed Strength”, as played by Kamileon1


Name: Yamata No Orochi

Nickname: Mamba

Age: Time has no influence over this being.

Gender: Both

Type: Parasite/Snake type

Many thousands of years ago there was a deity called Yamata No Orochi. Yamata No Orochi was a snake deity his scales were the color of fresh snow, his eyes were the color of copper, andhe spanned the length of one valley and one hill, . He was the guardian of the Koshi area, but demanded the sacrifice of one human every year. After his one hundreth sacrifice he shed his skin. When he emerged he felt something was very strange, he went to the surface of the lake he lived in, slithered on shore and looked at his reflection. In the water he saw that he had grown another head and tail out of his body.

This pattern continued for the next 600 years, by this time Yamata No Orochi had grown very much, his eyes had become a blood red, he had grown heads and tails until he had eight, and now stretched the length of eight valleys and eight hills. On his way to collect his sacrifice he smelled his favorite smell on Earth, wine. A device designed especially for him with eight gates leading to eight platforms each with a vat of eight times refined wine, he knew it was a gift for him from the grateful villagers. Wasting no time he put his eight heads through the eight gates and drank deeply,he soon fell into a deep sleep. He later awoke without any of his eight heads. In his last moments he realized a rival deity had tricked him and cut off his heads in his sleep. Without the heads his body quickly became too weak to support his spirit and rejected it. His spirit began looking for anyone willing to grant it a body.

Personality: He is left with barely any personality because of his past injury. However all traces of personality have proven to be focused only on surviving

Likes: Eating souls, wine.

Dislikes: Doorways, swords.

Secrets: Can't remember them.

Fears: The legendary sword Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi

Crush: None

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None

Do you have a contractor: Yes

Contract Details: In exchange for his soul Alois is given the the ability to control all snakes, as Yamata no Orochi is the original ancestor to all snakes. Alois is also granted the abilty to summon snakes of all sizes from the seal on his tongue, however the size and amount of snakes he summons is proportional to the amount of energy spent. When Alois is possessed by Yamata no Orochi his bond with snakes becomes so great that he is be able to become a snake in all but name. While possessed by Yamata no Orochi, Alois will not be able to speak, and will have the almost transparent outline of scales on his body.

Other: Yamata no Orochi gains strength from eating souls however he cannot eat the souls of those he has killed. Only the souls offered up to him, or scavenged from someone else's kill are able to be eaten.

So begins...

Yamata No Orochi's Story


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Character Portrait: Alois Lyla Scarlott Character Portrait: Yamata No Orochi
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Alois anxiously paced his 8' x 6' cell, like a hamster in a wheel, his movement only an illusion. "Damn it!" he exploded, in his anger he punched the wall of his small private hell. The cell next door shook a little releasing some dust from the crack between the ceiling and the wall. Alois thought about just how many days he had spent in here and that he was absolutely positive he was to be released today. His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a voice "Prisoner number 3652" said the voice. Alois smiled a bit partly because he noticed that the his prisoner identification number and the number of days he had served were the same and partly because he knew today was gonna be a good day.

Alois turned around, hands behind his back before the guard had even entered the cell. The sounds of metal sliding against metal and a loud clang let Alois know that the guard was standing right behind him. He felt the icy grip of handcuffs on his wrists and knew it was okay to turn around now. The guard led Alois out of his cell, closing the door behind him with a grunt and a clang. Looking back all Alois saw was an 8' x 6' gray room, it's only furnishings a metal bed frame with a green plastic mattress to cover it, a sink barely deep enough to soak your hands in, and a toilet without so much as a seat cover. A happy sigh escaped his lips, if there was one thing on Earth he knew wasn't going to happen, it was a return visit here.

The guard led Alois up to the warden's office to officiate the release. Alois had been here many many times before and it had always been due to unwanted behavior. Upon sight of Alois the warden let out a tired sigh and covered his eyes with his hands. "What now?" groaned the warden. The guard curtly replied "Release day" Looking up then back down the warden quickly filled out the proper paperwork and saluted the two out the door. Alois imagined this was the beginning of many happy days for the warden. He thought back to all the fights he started, all the fights he ended, and even some of the riots he had caused. Thinking about it Alois realized he was probably the worst prisoner in the entire prison?, city?, world? "Nah, after all I never killed anyone while i was in here." he thought to himself

Alois' release seemed to be a cause for celebration to the entire prison. Before he even went halfway down the stairs he experienced a stadium's worth of curses, rude gestures, and threats on his life. Just for fun he decided to listen to one and heard this "If i ever see you in the streets, I'll murder you." Alois smiled a little, laughing in his head at just how ridiculous that was. "Someone... kill me" he chuckled, knowing that would never happen. Ever since he made the contract with Yamata No Orochi it had only become more clear to him that he was the strongest. If would only be a matter of time before everyone else knew it.

When they finally made their way through the prison into the front office, the sea of noise was finally calmed. The guard called for the secretary to bring the belongings of one Alois Lyla Sasori. Alois looked at the back of the guard's head wishing like hell he could smash it in for saying his middle name. A moment later the secretary produced a box and a sheet of paper which she handed to the guard. The guard unlocked Alois' handcuffs and said to him "Make sure everything on the list is in the box, after you do that sign the sheet of paper and we can release you." Alois signed the paper without even looking in the box, he couldn't care less if the things from ten years ago were there. The guard led him slowly to the last door, the only thing standing between Alois and freedom. The guard fumbled with his key chain which had at least 20 different keys on it. Alois held his breath so ready to be free he couldn't think about anything else. Finally the guard opened the door, with a "Good day" the door was closed.

Alois inhaled the smell of sweat and bleach replaced by the smell of hope and opportunity. Never mind the fact that he had no money and no place to go anywhere was better than Sunnyshore Prison. Alois just now really took into account that he held a box in his hands. Maybe he did actually have some money, he rummaged through the box finding clothing from ten years ago. He thought to himself "They probably won't fit considering how much more buff I got." He slipped into an abandoned house and changed, his tailor made clothes fitting just as they had when he first got them. His lips curled into a sneer as he slipped his hand into his pocket and checked his wallet. He was completely broke, no surprise really but it would have been nice to have some money for once.

Alois thought deeply about what he was going to do. On one hand he was a good ways from the prison so stealing a pack of cigarettes wouldn't be so hard, and if worst came to worst he could run. On the other hand if he happened to get caught he could count on a long time back in jail. That thought alone drove the idea of stealing from his head. He looked around for anyone smoking that he might be able to get a cigarette from. In the crowd he spotted a well dressed boy in his teens, stopped and smoking a cigarette. Alois hurried along as he saw the boy put it out, he didn't want to miss the chance to finally smoke. Getting closer Alois realized the boy was stopped because he was talking to someone, who obviously had something urgent to do based on the way he hurried past him. Thinking that was a bit odd Alois asked the boy "Hey kid would you mind giving me a cigarette. I don't usually smoke, but it's been quite a while."