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Brinn Pyralise

The girl with hair as fiery as her ambitions.

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a character in “Bullet-Proof!!”, as played by Nephthys


Brinn Pyralise
"By my logic, being a huge bitch is a lot better than being dead."

ImageName: Michelle Brinley Pyralise.

Age: Unknown. The subject appears to be little more than a youth, but from her mannerisms and from her manner of speaking, she may appear to be older than she appears.

Gender: Humanoid female. Sterile due to chronic radiation poisoning.

Species: Lightly evolved human.

Appearance: Thin and lanky, Brynn is a figure who looks as though she needs something to eat— badly. Stand at 5'9'', she's tall and long-limbed with no figure to speak of. Her clothes— jeans, a black tank top, and a white button-down shirt— fit loosely on her figure. Her skin is covered with freckles, and her hair is a stark, fiery red that's only accented by her plain style of dress. She has a pretty, innocent face that tends to mislead, but the foxlike look in her brown eyes can't lie. She's a cunning girl, and underneath her mess of waved hair is a mind that's cold and calculating. She can give a wide-eyed look, passing off as sweet, kind, and girlish for the first few seconds, but there's something in the way she walks, talks, and moves her eyes that gives her away as the one who'll be the first person in the room to take the lives of everyone else and make for the door. To most, she simply looks untrustworthy.

Brinn has no muscles to speak of, as she gives off a general appearance of simply being underfed. Her eyes have a certain hunger to them, too, always roving the room in search of something, be it the exits or her next meal. She has an odd, ugly scar on her left shoulder, which she usually leaves covered up when it risks being extremely obvious. Usually, she can get away with covering it with her hair, but it's noticeable enough for her to leave it under the shirt the majority of the time.

Brinn's body is incredibly hardy, sporting numerous knife scars and even what's left of a gunshot wound around her lower torso. The human race has long since evolved to be even tougher to kill. It should be noted, however, that this is largely by conserving only what's truly necessary and shutting down all the rest. She's lost her pinky toe on her right foot because her body, much like a fungal colony, diverted most of the nutrients to repair her ailing body. She doesn't wear sandals much.

Personality: Brinn is cunning and sly, and her intentions are clear in her eyes. By the time she catches the first glances of those around her, she'll have already scoped out the exits and the weakest ones in the room. When she speaks, it's loud and commanding, as she has a natural way of garnering the attention of those around her. Brinn is a natural-born leader— though she's more than a bit a tyrant. She enjoys controlling and manipulating others, winning, and being in charge, and she's damn good at all three. Though she might not physically be the strongest, it's tough to outwit her, especially in a strategic situation. Brinn is always sure to take an advantage when she can, and she isn't shy about it. She isn't shy about anything, really. She speaks her mind and takes charge whether it's right for her to do so or not. She doesn't tolerate deviations from her plan, and those who choose to defy her, beware: things she dislikes are soon taken out of her sight one way or another.

Brinn tends to be the smartest person in the room, and, as such, she can be extremely arrogant— though because of her ego and this arrogance, she's one to fight to the last word. It's not as though she's arrogant without reason, either, as her inflated ego has arguably been well won over the course of her life. She's still alive, isn't she? To Brinn, life itself is a prize worth fighting for until— until, well, her last breath.

The one thing Brinn is most outwardly threatened by is men. Those of the male gender have often been her most challenging competition, and, societally, they tend to win unfairly. Brinn's more likely (although it's still rather unlikely) to tell the truth to a woman than it is for her to do the same to a man. Tell her she's sexist, and she doesn't really care. Brinn isn't usually one to care about the opinions of others until it really matters. She doesn't care. Having lived in her depraved, desperate society, she's seen how they can get away with taking advantage of women scot-free— even lauded for it!— and wonders why it's so different for her own gender. She may not fight for the common good, but she's damn sure going to want to be on equal grounds herself.

Equipment: The three things Brinn always carries are a pen, a notebook, and a lighter. She's arrived with nothing more— no weapons, no food, and no emergency supplies. That said, she's fine with what she has, as she knows it's all she needs to score herself a good positon in... wherever it is she happens to be. She's wearing a good pair of boots and clothing that'll do her well enough. She also has a handful of hairties on her wrist and a gold locket around her neck.

History: Brinn was born poor. Very poor. And yet she was just like every other girl who ever lived on Calterra. Born in the rather barren slums of one of Earth's last surviving population overflow planets, life was dog-eat-dog from the start. Those who weren't strong didn't make it, and that was that. She was born the sixth of eleven children to parents who turned out babies like the cheap figurines street vendors always tried to sell the (notably few) packs of tourists as they milled about the city. Eventually, she was to be one of three surviving children of the family. In retrospect, she supposes it was somewhat practical for her parents to procreate like rabbits.

From an early age, Brinn has learned to hold herself above all others— to put her own survival before anything else. Brinn has always been a vicious girl and couldn't care less about who she hurts. She's done some questionable things over the course of her life and doesn't regret them one bit. She never grew up with any morals, so why would she? One has to be alive to even begin to be kind.

The human species had long since been on the decline. Nuclear war had torn apart not only her own planet but countless others. Humanity, arguably, was a dying breed in Brinn's time and particular corner of the galaxy. Long ago, they'd developed psychic powers— not that she got any— and long ago, they'd torn what was never quite a united people to shreds. Brinn was born into desperation and lives it with every breath.

So begins...

Brinn Pyralise's Story