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Aedan Tylarro

"A ship is safe in harbour, but that's not what ships are for."

0 · 740 views · located in The Three Realms

a character in “ leave of the King”, as played by bombinate


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Áedán Tylarro A ship is safe in harbour,
. but that's not what ships are for.


            Name: . . . Aedan Aleksi Tylarro . ..
            Nicknames: . . . Captain, ... Aedie

            Gender: . . . Male
            Sexuality: . . . Heterosexual
            Age: . . . 34

            Species: . . . Human
            Class: . . . Swashbuckler Warrior
            Origin: . . . Ilyos

            Dialogue colour: . . . #bdae80

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        Eye colour: . . . Dark brown. . . . . . . . . Hair colour: . . . Brown
        Height: . . . 181cm; 5'11" . . . . . . . . . . . Weight: . . . 79kg; 174lb

        Description:. . . Aedan likes to think of himself as dashing, and while such confidence is not always attractive, he's certainly been called 'dashing' enough to fuel his assumptions. With thick, dark curls framing his face, and dark eyes gazing out from thick lashes, he definitely has the look of some brave hero. If a little messy. Trimmed facial hair usually decorates the lower portion of his face; a small beard and moustache around lips prone to smiling. Without facial hair Aedan always finds himself to be mistaken for someone several years younger than his actual thirty-four years, so he tends to favour at least a bit of stubble.

        The clothes Aedan wears tend to be nothing out of the ordinary. For all that he fights flamboyantly, he'll usually be found wearing plain breeches and an old shirt in his free time, his sword strapped around his waist, maybe the odd necklace tucked beneath the shirt. When wearing his casual clothes, Aedan lets his hair rest in messy curls, but when he's in his official uniform he takes extra care to ensure he's looking tidy. The occasional healing scar might decorate his athletic, slim frame, but he has few that are permanent. The odd few that are can be found on his right arm and one above his hip.







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    Swordplay: . . . Aedan isn't just good at sword fighting, he makes it look good too. He wields a blade like an extension of his own body, moving with a grace and flair that might have his opponents swooning if he wasn't about to defeat and/or maim them.
    Sailing: . . . Aedan was practically raised on the seas, and as such he knows how to read the tides and the sky like any true sailor. He can navigate by the stars, tell when a storm is brewing, and read swells as easily as other men walk.
    Agile: . . .Quick feet and fast swordplay denotes Aedan's style, though his agility comes in handy in many other situations. He's fast, in battle, on land, and when forced to scale a ship's mast, among other instances. He claims to have gained his gained his quick reflexes from when he would run from his father's punishments after he'd done something naughty as a child.
    Silver-tongued: . . .Words have always come easily to Aedan. Whether it's weaving a lovely lie or telling a grand story, he likes to talk and he knows how to make his words heard. Jokes to have a tavern laughing or a stirring speech to boost the courage of his crew is all in a day's work.
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    Moral code: . . . As much as Aedan would like to be the easy-going, no-rules person he claims to be, he does have a moral code that can at times restrict him. He hates winning an unfair fight, believes in second chances, and won't use dirty tactics unless absolutely necessary. Against opponents who will, this puts him at a disadvantage.
    Armour: . . . Aedan prefers to wear either light leather armour, or none at all. He finds heavier protection cumbersome, slowing him down when he needs speed. Because of this he's less protected than other warriors
    Foolhardy: . . . Aedan was born reckless, at least that's what he's been told since childhood. He's prone to diving into the thick of action with little in the way of plans, barely thinking of his own safety. It can lead to some careless situations.
    Partially deaf: . . . Aedan is partially deaf in his left ear, meaning someone speaking into his left ear won't always be heard. He compensates by being an excellent lip reader, and makes sure that as few people as possible know of his minor disability.
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    Losing his son: . . . Aedan's young son, Teddy, is what spurs him on and spurs him to work so hard. To lose Teddy would be to lose part of his soul and heart.
    Paralysis: . . . Aedan fears losing the movement of his limbs. To be confined to a room, rather than able to stride confidently across a rocking ship scares him.

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        There's no denying that Aedan approaches life with a grin and a good sense of humour. If you can't crack a smile every now and again, there's something wrong with you. While he's definitely had moments where his smile has faltered, for the most part he carries on in an easy, happy manner. He's generally a friendly guy to get along with. Easy to talk to and happy to have a good conversation, Aedan's quick to share a joke or laugh along with a friend. Not always are his jokes well timed, with more than a few of those he's brought in to serve the King's justice scowling as he makes teasing quips about their capture. To his mind, his jokes are hilarious and witty, to theirs, probably not so much.

        He can come across as a 'devil-may-care' type of individual, with an easy-going attitude. However, Aedan is more careful and considerate than many might believe, with a serious side that breaks through in moments of quiet contemplation. He has his morals, and he has responsibilities he would never abandon. Though Aedan may joke to close friends about going rogue because 'the pay is better', his loyalty need never be questioned. If he makes a promise or swears his allegiance, that's where it lies. He doesn't break his word, at least most of the time. You can forgive him a few white lies and broken promises when it comes to flirting, though he's never outright lied to trick someone into bed with him. He doesn't need to with his face and a tongue as smooth as his.

        Usually, Aedan's cheeky grin and some pretty words are enough to charm anyone who catches his eye. He's something of a flirt, or at least he was. While he'll still wink at a pretty girl, he hasn't yet pushed himself further since the death of his wife. Most of his flirting now is superficial; playful words not intending to lead anywhere. At this stage, he's not after any kind of relationship. When Aedan does love, he loves deeply, and right now his heart is still mending. Though reckless, flamboyant, and overly-dramatic at the best of times, he gets jobs done with skill and flair. His style is definitely not to everyone's taste. He'll frequently tease the 'stuck-in-the-mud' types who refuse to change their ways. They in return usually look down their noses at Aedan's loud style. Thankfully, Aedan has a thick skin when it comes to critics and their opinions of him. He's confident in his abilities and happy with his techniques. He may come out with a few more bruises from insisting on jumping into battle without much of a plan, but what fun is sitting back and waiting?

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        Aedan Tylarro's childhood is nothing special. He grew up just outside a relatively prosperous fishing town on the coast. His father owned several ships, and though he was not rich by noble standards, he had enough to send his two sons to be educated and ensure their future careers. Aedan's older brother was set to inherit his father's small business, while it was hoped that Aedan would join the King's army as an officer. Though that wish of his parents would eventually come true, as a child and young teenager, Aeden rebelled against it. He can't count the number of times his father had to discipline him as a boy, be it from mouthing off, failing to do his school work or chores, or any other number of transgressions that littered his childhood. It was only his father's dead that halted his irresponsible behaviour.

        Aedan's father died when he was 16, and as a last sign of respect for his father's wishes, Aedan left his family in order to pledge his support to the King. He joined the King's navy, and given his skills with sailing - skills he'd learned on his father's fishing boats - he quickly proved himself. So, while Aedan's brother, Vance, took over the family business, Aedan climbed the ranks of the King's navy until he was commanding his own ship and loyal crew. Despite taking orders from above, Aedan found the freedom of sailing the seas invigorating. He honed his own style of fighting, made friends with the outlaws he hunted as well as the nobles he hunted them for, and found himself enjoying the life he had once fought against.

        He was twenty-six when he met Florence Alder, the charming daughter of a low ranking noble. It wasn't love at first sight, at least not on Florence's part, but Aedan likes to claim that his charm eventually won her over. He courted her as best he could given that he was often at sea, and given they often had to be careful about their meetings as her parents did not approve of the match. He wanted to marry her within a year and she him, but both knew that asking her parents would be difficult. So, the couple waited and Aedan worked hard to gain new titles and earn enough money to make Florence's parents a suitable offer.

        It was devastating when they still said no, looking at Aedan as if he were no better than a common thief. He was heart broken, fearing that this was the end for their romance. Yet, Florence was made of more steel than he, for she declared that they should runaway together and elope. Aedan had enough money, and she didn't need much. Just him. So they did, traveling to his family home and marrying there before his brother's family and his mother. A purchased a house and land not far from his family without a view of the sea, where Aedan and Florence lived happily for a year or so. He could not always be at home, but his mother was close and would visit when he was away to keep her daughter-in-law company.

        It was during a prolonged stay as Aedan healed from the explosion that partially deafened him, that Florence found out she was pregnant. Aedan found himself crying with joy as he spun her around, ecstatic with the thought of having a child. He doted on Florence like she was a princess, and he her loyal subject, bringing her back gifts and treasures whenever he was called away to sea. Their child came a week early, and Florence, exhausted and having lost too much blood, slipped away as the cries of her son filled the room. Aedan buried her beneath one of a blossoming tree while he soothed his son, heart broken for the both of them.

        Three years later and he can see Florence in Teddy's smile. He can see himself in Teddy's eyes too, and treasures his son more than anything. After Florence's death, his mother moved in to help rise Teddy whenever Aedan must be away. Aedan's hoping to leave the navy soon, perhaps working with his brother instead so that he can be with Teddy more. He's told himself all he needs is one last, big mission and that'll be it... one last adventure.

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Played by: . . . bombinate
Face claim: . . . Santiago Cabrera
Coding inspo: . . . Achelois


So begins...

Aedan Tylarro's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Athelia Nelmos Character Portrait: Phaedra Raephen Character Portrait: Erik Measborn Character Portrait: Helena Bigge Character Portrait: Theon Mercier Character Portrait: Aedan Tylarro
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#, as written by mjolnir

bayard volström
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
bearx|xhumanx|xknight warrior


varric dalgaard
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ravagerx|xdwarfx|xbandit rogue


phaedra raephen
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
thalinx|xelfx|xassassin rogue


Every day had seemed like the last for months in Ilyos. Not that Bayard minded, he liked the lull in action. It wasn't often that he had to be on his toes. Most of the Ilyosie never caused much trouble aside from the occasional drunken brawl. And what people who decided to break laws beyond that would spend the remainder of their now shortened lives in the dungeons. Of course, there was always something to do for the knights of the King's Guard, especially the Captain. But that day it seemed all that was needed was patrolling, if you could even call it that. It wasn't often that patrolling guards had to do much of anything, other than escort drunks home or help find children that stay out later than their curfew.

Bayard strolled slowly along the west bridge, making his way away from the keep. He didn't particularly have a destination in mind, but his feet always seemed to guide him to the same place. The docks. His left hand rested on the hilt of his sword, as the heels of his boots clicked quietly upon the stone walk way. He smiled and nodded his head toward people who passed by. With his attention focused on the gently rolling tide that lapped against the docked boats, Bayard didn't realize the sound of tiny feet pitter pattering up to him.

"Bay!" The small voiced sang from behind him as her little hand tugged on the hem of his shirt.

He couldn't fight the smile that crept across his face. Bayard quickly reached down, and scooped up the young Penelope. He spun her around playfully, before raising her up so that she could sit on his shoulders. The bubbly blonde giggled the entire time as Bayard held her hands and spun around with her on his shoulders. "And how is my favorite girl today?"

Penelope laughed happily, holding tight to his thumbs. "I brought you something!"

"Oh you did?" Bayard moved his hands to gently hold her feet as she wiggled on his shoulders. "Careful," he laughed, making sure she didn't fall as she squirmed.

After a moment or two of her moving around, Penelope's small hand shoved something into his face. "I made this for you."

"Wow," he said leaning his head back to try and see the gift. Her little arms held it so close to his face that it tickled his nose almost making him sneeze.

"It's a necklace!"

"I knew that," Bayard fibbed, just then finally seeing the small blue flowers tied together by their stems.

"It'll match your feather," she said as she tried her best to put the necklace over his head. Bayard raised his right hand and helped her get it over his head without breaking it. Penelope then grabbed his hair and pulled it up and over the chain of flowers. "Do you still have your feather I gave you?" she asked as her fingers started digging through his brunette locks.

"Of course I do," he said. Bayard reached his left hand behind his ear, after moment or two he found a deep blue feather that was fastened to a braid in his hair. Penelope instantly giggled when she saw it, running her finger tips over it.

Penelope sighed contently as she rested her cheek upon the top of his head. Her right hand continuously brushing the blue feather. Bayard adjusted her on his shoulders slightly before continuing walking toward the docks. "Hey, Bay?"


"The next time you go out on one of your adventures... Can you bring me back a feather too?" She leaned forward, looking down at Bayard. Her little hands grabbed the side of his face, tilting his head back so he could look up at her. Penelope's plump little face framed by her blonde curls.

Bayard descended the wooden stairs that lead down to the King's naval fleet. "Purple!" she chirped. Before he could respond, Penelope bounced on his shoulders with excitement seeing where they were. "What are we doing here?" she teased, as if she didn't already know.

"Visiting a friend," Bayard answered as they neared the ramp that lead to the ship. If he didn't hurry and get Penelope off his shoulders, she probably would have jumped off. He lowered her down to the ground and the second her feet touched the dock, she took off in a sprint. "Careful!" he called after her as she ran up the ramp to the ship.

"Aedan!" Penelope called out when she reached the deck of the ship.

Bayard followed her up the ramp slowly, not nearly in the rush that she was. He raised his hand, knocking his knuckles against the ships railing. "Knock, knock. Permission to come aboard?" He called out toward Aedan, even though he couldn't see him. Penelope continued to run around and search for Aedan furiously.

Just before he stepped onboard, he heard someone clear their throat from behind him. Bayard pivoted on his heels, turning around to face the culprit. Standing below him on the dock was King Guardsman Percy. "Sir Volström," he greeted with a bow. No matter how much he heard it, Bayard hasn't gotten used to the titles and treatments that came with being Captain of the guard.

"Percy," he replied. Bayard glanced over his shoulder toward Penelope, making sure she was in sight and ok. Then he descended down the ramp until he was face to face with the man. "Is there something you need?"

"The King requests your presence immediately, Sir. Along with Captain Tylarro."

Bayard sighed. Of course, a quiet day couldn't last forever. It never did. He glanced back over his shoulder toward the ship. "Aedan... Penelope," he called out to them, before turning his attention back to Percy. "What's wrong? Is the King ok?"

"Yes, of course, Sir. Sorry, I did not mean to worry you. Just following orders." Percy held out a rolled up piece of parchment that held his orders along with the seal of the king. "I've just been told he requests both of you, presently. He has sent messengers to gather you, Captain Tylarro, Ottaric Drengsorn, Athelia Nelmos and Helena Bigge. And that you shall head to the dungeons to meet him, immediately. I apologize, I do not know anything. Just that it is urgent."

Bayard raised his right hand, scratching at his beard. After a moment, he nodded his head toward Percy. He then turned toward Penelope who came running down the ramp to him. Bay squatted down so that he was more at her level. "Hey," he smiled, taking her hands in his. "I have to go. Percy here is going to take you back to the home. I'm sure Madame Charlotte is worried sick about you." He gave her a slight smile, playfully tugging at her hands.

Penelope frowned. "You always have to go."

"I know," he sighed softly, pulling her in for a hug. "How about this... When I'm done, I'll stop by and tell you all another story about Aedan and my's adventures. Deal?"

She quickly perked up, a smile growing upon her face. "Ok!"

Bayard stood up and walked Penelope over toward Percy. He took her little hand and held it out to the guard. "Straight to the orphanage, Percy. And you," he pointed down at the little blonde. "Don't hurt Percy too much. He's fragile." He laughed and patted the guard on the shoulder as he walked away with Penelope in tow.

Once alone, Bay looked over at Aedan, nodding his head in the direction of the keep. "We've been summoned," he said with a roll of his eyes. Although meeting in the dungeons was new territory, he didn't expect anything of it. It seemed anymore that every time they were summoned it was because of something irrelevant. But alas, they had to answer the call.


The dungeon was dark, cold and wet. It didn't matter the time of year, or the weather outside, it never changed. The waterfall that surrounded the cells kept everything in the perpetual state of uncomfortable dampness. Instead of eery silences, the sounds of dripping and rushing water echoed throughout the handful of cells. Five cells total made up the small dungeon. It comes as no surprise in regards to the reputation of how Ilyos deals with their prisoners.

It could be argued that Phaedra was put in the worst cell of the dungeon, if there was such a cell. It seemed the waterfall tended to slip into this cell more than the others and she didn't know any better, it looked to be open to the heart of the falls. She sat with her back against the left wall, her legs stretched out before her and her ankles crossed. With a sigh, she let her head slowly lean back until it was resting upon the wall.

Her gaze did not falter from Thadhrion who shared the cell with Phaedra, sitting across from her. She didn't let a single emotion wash over her face. Instead, her jaw was clenched and eyes squinted in deep thought... Or potentially trying to smite him with her mind. But smiting didn't seem like a realistic option. As she stared, she couldn't help her foot tapping. Her nostrils seemed to flare with every breath like she was just waiting... Waiting for her top to blow or the words to finally form sentences in her mind.

A large drop of water fell from the ceiling, landing right in the center of her forehead. Phaedra growled out of frustration, wiping the water from her head. She pushed off the ground, quickly moving to her feet. Before she knew it, she was pacing around the small cell, walking back and forth from one side to the other. It seemed as though the more she walked, the more claustrophobic she got in the cell. Her hands quickly tore her scarf from out her neck and threw it at Thadhrion.

"Do you have any idea what you've done!?" And there it was. Phaedra's anger finally boiled over and formed words. Words that lashed out from her lips like a whip toward the elf in her cell. "If you would have just listened to me, we wouldn't be here!" She stormed over to him, snatching her scarf up from his lap. "I told you not to follow me. To leave, and forget about me. I am not who you think I am." She stared down at him. "Phaedra is dead," she hissed at him under her breath so only he could hear.

Phaedra walked over to the iron bars that faced out to the other cells. She raised her hands to grab them until her knuckles went white. Her head fell forward until her forehead was pressed to the cold metal. "You ruined... Everything. Mercier would be dead if you would have just let me be." She sighed, tapping her finger tips against the bars.

To say that Phaedra was livid was an understatement. Not once had a target slipped through her fingers. There was a reason she had the reputation she did. But then Thadhrion just had to show. He belonged in Avalon, far far away from her. If he would have just let her be, she'd have the King's head and be on her way to redemption. Now she'd most likely see the end of her days from inside that miserable damp cell. To say she wasn't tempted to jump out the hole and let the waterfall take her would be a lie. But she didn't. She simply stood there, grasping the iron bars like they were the king's throat, refusing to turn around and face Thadhrion.


Unlike many of the prisoners, Varric didn't see his time in the dungeons as the end of everything. He has spent more than his fair share of time in cells throughout Xalterra and this was no different. There was just a lack of a wall and some water. No big deal. He didn't even mind it, aside from being wet all the time. His fingers had been prunes for days by that point. It was annoying but not intolerable. Varric spent most of his time trying to run through different escape ideas. Most seemed fairly improbable or unsuccessful if attempted, but that didn't mean if he were given the opportunity that he wouldn't try.

He laid with his back on the ground, far beyond caring about what parts of him were in puddles or being dripped on. Varric didn't even seem to mind the rats that scurried in every once in awhile. His short legs were stretched up along the wall and his arms crossed over his chest. On more than one occasion he found himself eaves dropping on the other prisoners in the different cells. He was particularly interested in Thalin. In all the years that he had known the woman, not once had she been captured or failed to kill a target. Interesting that when it came to this one particular kill... A King no less, that she failed. Varric couldn't help but wonder if it was a case of morals, a miss calculation, if she was outnumbered by guards... But as he heard her yelling from across the dungeons, it sounded more like whomever the frosty headed elf was played some part in her failure.

Varric sighed, swinging his legs from the wall and shifting so that he was sitting up. He ran his hands back through his hair and scratched his scalp as he sized up his cell partner. He couldn't fight the urge to smile at the fiery headed elf. Asa was definitely attractive. And the fact that she was a pirate elf just added to her appeal. After all, there was a reason he sought her out on more than one occasion when he needed someone with a ship. There was always something about a strong woman that got him going, and the fact that she seemed thoroughly uninterested only made it more fun.

"So, Red." Varric rested his head back against the wall. He entangled his fingers and then rested his hands in his lap. "What got you down here?" He cocked his head to the side slightly. "Because if it was my fault, I'd say I owe you a drink when we get out of here." Varric flashed her a sly smirk. "And if it was her fault, he continued, pointing at Thalin who stood in the cell across from them, staring right at him. "I guess that means I'd have to kill her."

From across the dungeon, Thalin laughed a could and emotionless laugh. "Oh, please,"she said with a roll of her eyes. "Could you even reach me?" She slid her arms through the gaps in the iron bars, letting her arms hang as she stared at him. She raised a threatening brow toward him.

"Is that a Dwarf joke?" Varric faked being offended, pressing his hand to his chest in shock. "I think that was a Dwarf joke," he said toward Asa.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phaedra Raephen Character Portrait: Aedan Tylarro Character Portrait: Maedoc Thibault Character Portrait: Bayard Volström Character Portrait: Asa Ilriane Character Portrait: Varric Dalgaard
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Aedan knew his ship like he knew the back of his hand. He knew every nook and cranny, where water was prone to slip through from the sea beyond, and where a crew member might sneak off to gain an extra minute of shut-eye. The room he knew best was his own cabin suite. Compared to other captains who might claim more decadent accommodation on their ships, Aedan's was rather bare. The desk was old and used, the chairs well sat in, and the rugs beneath his feet were well worn. The only object which held much pride for the sailor was the bed, which he made sure was to the highest standard. Aiden grew grumpy if he didn't get his beauty sleep. Thankfully, he had long passed the status of having to share with others, so snores keeping him up weren't an issue. It also meant he could personalise his space more, with portraits of his son, tokens of his travels, and a box of small keepsakes given to him by his late wife. On his desk sat another trinket, a tour he'd pick up from a dwarven tinker on his latest trip. That would be a gift for Teddy, his son.

As if conjured up by the thought of his son, he heard the squeal of a child. Not Teddy however, but a voice he recognised nonetheless that was followed by a deeper, older voice. From where he sat at his desk, finishing up dull administration issues, he straightened. He was glad of any excuse to leave the boring details for later. A smile split his face as the small head of Penelope peaked around his door, squealing with delight when she spotted her target. Aedan stood, ready to catching the child as she threw herself at him. He feigned almost dropping her, as if her weight was triple what it actually was.

"Someone has been sneaking too many desserts." He teased, only to reach across to his personal stash of treats and pick one out for himself and the girl. Above their heads he could hear talking and Bayard calling them, and quickly ushered her out so that he might follow. His hat found it's way onto his head, while he weighed his belt down with his sword. He was in friendly port here, but it never paid to be careless.

Aedan emerged to the world outside his cabin, where his long-time friend was busy appeasing the headstrong girl before sending her off. Aedan waved after Penelope, curious eyes also taking in Percy's presence. His attention turned to Bayard as he easily navigate down the thin plank of wood between his ship and the dock. "Is that what Volström was here for?" Aedan inquired as he came to a stop by Bayard, hand slapping his friend's shoulder in casual greeting.

"No rest for the wicked, I suppose. Lead the way, Sir Volström." Aedan couldn't help the slight smirk that pulled at his lips as he spoke, and finished his greeting off with a short, elaborate salute to his friend.


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If Asa closed her eyes and focused on certain aspects of her current predicament, she could quite easily convince herself that she wasn't in some damp, god-awful dungeon, but instead sitting in some oppressive, god-awful underground Dwarven city instead. Not that this was a good thing, considering her opinion on any kind of underground cave. Perhaps the underground city wouldn't be quite so cold and wet, but there would certainly be a large number of irritating dwarves around. Here, there was one, but he seemed to speak enough for a whole town of dwarfs.

Asa opened her eyes slowly, gazing out from beneath the curtain of dark red hair at the dwarf occupying the other half of her cell. Her gaze flicked from the smirk on his face to the edge of the cell where the cold laugh echoed through from their neighbour. Asa knew both of them, had brought dwarf and fellow elf across the seas on her ship and safely to the shores she now called an unwilling home. Unwilling because she had been captured and thrown in the dungeon. You rob one too many royal merchant ships and suddenly you're an outlaw.

Technically her capture was neither of their faults, but she wasn't about to admit her own contribution to the present situation. She'd had enough time to dwell on 'what ifs' regarding her capture, and throw plenty of mental, caustic insults at the man who had brought her in. She can still see his smug grin and hear his irritating taunts as his men had surrounded her. A distraction was always welcomed. So, with a lazy smirk of her own, Asa nodded towards Thalin as she spoke to Varric,

"Sounded like a dwarf joke to me." She shifted in her seat to lean against the wall, arms resting loosely on bent knees, "I was wondering the same myself, but then I figured, you could probably talk her to death instead."

Asa wasn't one for many words, usually leaving others to talk while she merely glared when it was time for them to leave. So, to get several sentences at once wasn't common. She put it down to boredom, as well as the fact she had some familiarity with Varric and Thalin. Besides, there wasn't much else to do in a cell locked away from the shifting currents of the sea and sky. Speaking or listening to those that also shared the dungeons with her helped to pass the time, though that didn't mean she was about to sit down and start sharing her deepest secrets with them like they were bosom buddies.

Asa's gaze slid past her immediate company and caught sight of a pale face watching the conversation from one of the other nearby cages. He'd been brought in for poisoning someone, the elf believed the guards had said. Feeling no need to speak with the human, Asa returned her attention to the dwarf who shared her cell, waiting for him to inevitably fill the silence.


x x x x .. X X X X X X ...... X X X....
Maedoc felt as if he were in a dream. A very realistic, depressing, and cold dream. He had gone from freedom and happiness to imprisonment in a few short hours, and now faced the alarming prospect of rotting in the damp dungeon. It was not a happy thought, and the speed with which his life had been turned upside down left him reeling slightly. Despite it all, there was a deep burning satisfaction within him. He had killed his parents' murderer, and for that he would take whatever retribution the universe had in store for him.

He found that so far, aside from the terrible food offered to prisoners, and the atrocious conditions, things could be worse. He could be dead, after all. Instead he sat as comfortably as he could make himself on the cold floor, and listened to the chatter of the other prisoners. His own cellmate wasn't entirely talkative, and neither did Maedoc feel like contributing anything to the conversation, but it was certainly nice to hear others speak. He liked the sound of the dwarf's voice, and the way his humour drew a small smile to Mae's face.

One of the voices - the angry one - seemed intimating, from what he could hear. And mad. The other voice, belonging to the elf he could see, intimidated him more, but perhaps that was because he'd just caught her eye and felt as if he were looking into the eye of an ancient storm. He wondered how old she was, and what she could tell him about the world before he was alive to witness it. He bet she'd seen a lot.

Maedoc coughed and pulled his gaze away from the red-haired elf, his hands fidgeting against his knees. He wished he had something to do to keep them busy. Normally he'd crush herbs, or measure ointments. Or anything that might make use of quick fingers. Here, all he could do was play with the fraying edge of his jacket and tap out quiet tunes against his leg. Maedoc would sing to himself if he were alone, but he felt as if any noise he might make would echo through the dungeons and he didn't fancy an audience. So, instead, he listened and waited for his fate.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Athelia Nelmos Character Portrait: Phaedra Raephen Character Portrait: Aedan Tylarro Character Portrait: Maedoc Thibault Character Portrait: Bayard Volström Character Portrait: Asa Ilriane
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#, as written by mjolnir

bayard volström
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
bearx|xhumanx|xknight warrior


varric dalgaard
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ravagerx|xdwarfx|xbandit rogue


phaedra raephen
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
thalinx|xelfx|xassassin rogue


Aedan descended the wooden ramp from the ship and gave Bayard a friendly slap on the back in greeting. "No rest for the wicked, I suppose. Lead the way, Sir Volström." Of course the sailor smirked as he spoke, even finishing his statement with an over the top salute.

Bayard rolled his eyes as he spun around, pivoting on his heels. "Will there ever come a day when you don't do that?" More of a rhetorical question rather than seeking answers. Bay knew Aedan better than most people, and one thing he loved more than others was poking fun at his friends. In particular, Bayard. But, the once nice thing about their friendship was the comfortable silence. So often in the company of others, people felt the need to fill the silences like the quiet deafening. But not for Bayard and Aedan.

Ilyos was the type of place that was never silent, from the breeze that whistled through the homes and sails, to the seagulls that sounded overhead or the waves lapping against the Luna Island coast. Most called this silence, but it was a melody Bayard cherished like a sweet lullaby. He could spend hours sitting outside while the sunset, listening to the cacophony of sounds these lands created.

But it wasn't long before they were walking past more and more people, and the sounds of the nature around then fell silent upon the bustle of the populated streets. While people snaked their way around moving to their homes, shops or taverns, Bayard let his steps fall in sync with Aedan's. "I can't help but wonder why we've been summoned to the dungeon, of all places," he said, leaning his head toward his friend slightly. "Maybe the king intends on making you the royal executioner," he added with a smirk and a raise of his brow.

It seemed the closer they got to the keep, the more people crowded the streets, not that this was anything new. Everyone in Ilyos learned the art of weaving through crowds seamlessly from a young age. If it was an emergency, Bayard would have shoved through the people or taken to the rooftops. Since Percy didn't seem like it was a pressing matter, Bay was taking the time to enjoy his stroll to the castle, taking in every moment of freedom before having to listen to whatever orders the King had.

Bayard adjusted his leather armor as they finally reached the long bridge that lead to the castle's entrance. His mind flipped through the possibilities of why the King could be requesting his presence along with Aedan's. Sure, Bay was called upon for nearly everything, but not Aedan. His job was on the sea, not defending the King. The strangest part was meeting in the dungeons. In all his years that Bayard has been a member of the King's guard, not once has he been summoned to the dungeon's. He wasn't a stranger to them, but the King himself had never been known to step foot down there. After all it was where they kept the traitors, thieves and murderers. It was no place for royalty.

It seemed the closer they moved to the keep, the more sporadic citizens were. It wasn't often that people lingered on the bridges surrounding the castle. More often than not it was guards or those seeking an audience with the King found traversing the bridges. As Bayard got closer toward the entrance, he started to see silver hair amongst a field of brunettes. He glanced over his shoulder toward Aedan, giving him a smirk while nodding his head in the white haired elf's direction. With that, his stepped picked up as he moved ahead of his friend, snaking his way through the crowd toward the woman.

When he reached Athelia's side, Bayard slowed so that he walked in step with her and lightly nudged her shoulder with his arm. "Hello, stranger. I see you have been summoned as well, any idea as to why?" He couldn't help the feeling of eyes on him as he walked with her. Bay raised his head, scanning the crowd until he noticed a few guards walking several paces behind them. "Just a moment," he said while holding up his index finger toward the elf.

He walked to meet the guards, with his arms cross over his chest. Bayard came to a stop before them. Obviously this were newer guards because their names slipped his mind, nor did they seem to know he was or what they were doing. "Leave," was all he said, while making a shooing motion with his hand.

"Excuse me, who do you think—" one of the men started but was cut off by the other smacking him in the chest.

"Do you not know who that is?" the guard hissed under his breath at the man. "Apologies, Sir Volström," he saluted and bowed, evidently nervous, trying not to misstep before the head of the King's guard.

"Why are you here and not at your posts?" Bayard asked. He then scanned the bridge counting at least a dozen guards holding the regular posts on the way to the keep. It was obvious these two were not stationed here, but more than likely were charged to patrol the streets of the common areas. "Looks like there are plenty of guards here."

The guard did a double take, glancing around at the guards positioned on the bridge, then looked back toward Bayard. "We saw the elf, sir... We thought that was..." His voice began to trailed off slowly as he noticed the unamused facial expression on Bay's face. "...Suspicious,"[/color] he concluded with an awkward laugh.

Bayard sighed softly, shaking his head. "That would be Athelia Nelmos... She has been on the King's guard since before you were a twinkle in your mother's eye." The two guards looked at each other, then back at Bay without saying a word. No doubt, they realized they had overstepped... majorly. "Return to your posts, or I'll have words with the King presently."

Without a seconds hesitation, the two men scurried off nearly tripping over each other as they hurried back to the towns. Bayard chuckled slightly, shaking his head as he returned to Athelia's side. He walked with her in silence until they reached the entrance to the keep. Bay stepped ahead of her, holding open the door for her and Aedan, then followed them both inside. "Maybe we should make a spectacle in the middle of town where you save my life all valiant like." He grinned teasingly toward the female elf. "Then maybe these young idiots will be less nervous."

Bayard glanced over his shoulder toward Aedan as they headed through the corridors toward the dungeons. "You could always kill Aedan. No one would miss him." He laughed, smacking Aedan on the shoulder in a teasing manner.


Phaedra's brow quirk in a very subtle smirk in response to Asa's own, no doubt the both of them getting entertainment from the mouthy dwarf. "Is that a Dwarf joke?" Varric feigned being insulted. "I think that was a Dwarf joke." Phaedra scoffed, rolling her eyes as he complained toward the elf in the cell with him.

"Sounded like a dwarf joke to me." Asa replied as she adjusted where she sat. "I was wondering the same myself, but then I figured, you could probably talk her to death instead."

Phaedra laughed weakly, taking a step back from the iron bars. Her arms slowly sliding back against the metal until her hands rested across the bar. She tapped her thumbs against the cold metal. "I don't quite know what sounds worse... Death by drowning or death by your mouth," she added with a little bite in her words.

She couldn't help herself and her lingering gaze that kept finding its way back to the staircase that lead up to the keep. Phaedra knew if she could make it out of her cell, that she could make it free and clear of the keep. There was always a possibility of death, but she'd prefer to die by the blade rather than be forced off the ledge of a waterfall, drowning to death. One thing she knew for certain, Ilyos was not known to be merciful. Death for criminals was certain and escape was as likely as seeing a dragon rise up from the ocean.

It seemed as though the moment these thoughts crossed her mind, the guards at the base of the stairs stirred before ascending to the keep. Phaedra's brows furrowed as she looked between Asa and the now empty dungeon. It wasn't like there was anywhere they could go, the only way out of the cell was through the falls... But, no doubt it was odd that the guards just up and left them alone in the dungeon.

Varric, for being a talkative seemingly oblivious dwarf, he even noticed the departure of the guards. He quickly moved to his feet and walked up to the iron gate that separated him from the center of the cells. "Did that actually just happen?" He sounded as confused as he looked, glancing between Thalin, Asa and the empty staircase.

Taking the opportunity for himself, Varric quickly started to scan everything at his disposal, hoping for something that could be of use for an escape. Of course, Ilyos didn't get its reputation for no reason, so he was unlucky at finding anything to give him aid. With nothing else to try, Varric turns sideways, and slips his right leg and arm between two of the iron bars. With a grunt, he begins to wiggle and push himself, trying to worm his way through to the other side. He wasn't even halfway through when his broad chest seemed wider than the opening.

Phaedra chuckled, letting her arms slip between vertical bars of her own cell, her elbows resting upon a crossbar. She entangled her fingers, letting her forehead rest against the metal. "You did not actually think your thick dwarven ass would fit through that did you?"

Varric scoffed, retracting back into his cell. He dusted off his clothes before looking back over toward her. "And you think you can do better?" he asked, motioning his right hand toward her.

Phaedra smirked, cocking her head to the side. "Is that a challenge?" She took a step back, patting her hands against the bars as she sized them up. Instead of going for the center, she walked toward one end of her cell. The gap between the iron bar and the rock wall was just slightly larger than that between each bar. With a crack of her neck, she slipped her left leg through and then her hip. Once her shoulder was through, Phaedra squatted, turning her head to the side. She could feel the space feeling tighter as more of her frame tried to squeeze through.

Just as she was halfway through, nearly certain that she might be able to make it, Phaedra heard the door at the top of the stairs open. Her eyes widened. She had merely moments to either escape and prepare to fight or go back in her cell. With one final push, Phae tried to wiggle her way through the bars, but when she realized if she tried any further she'd remain stuck. With a sigh, Phaedra jerked herself free and fell backwards, down on the ground in her cell. After catching her breath, she propped herself up on her elbows, looking toward the stairs expectantly... Wondering who was about to join them.
