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Randolph Atkinson

"Control is the only thing keeping me from self-destruction."

0 · 484 views · located in Moonglade, Colorado

a character in “By The Harvest Moon”, as played by Ansreth Maern



"People don't change. We only learn different ways to suppress the animals we keep inside."

Back to Basics


Full Name:
Randolph Ulfred Atkinson

Rand (which he most commonly goes by)



September 23rd, 1987

Inverness, Scotland

Role in Pack:
The Delta

Purebred or Mutt:

First Impressions


Height: 6’1”

Weight: 190

Build: Broad and Muscular

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Eye Color: Blue

Scars or Markings: He has a scar across his left pectoral from a fight he got into with another werewolf back in the day.

Brief Written Description: Rand is tall, broad, and most of the time has a rugged face. On special occasions he’ll shave his face and look quite presentable, but most of the time he at least has some scruff on his face. He has blue eyes but they aren’t so blue that they are piercing or harsh. They just kind of settle in with the rest of his face and rest below Rand’s slightly furrowed brow. Most of the time, Rand wears jackets and jeans: clothes that don’t expose him too much, though underneath them he’ll sometimes wear a t-shirt or a v-neck.

Digging A Little Deeper



Quirks and Faults
Rand likes things to be orderly and controlled. Everything he does is planned out, so when he is caught in unexpected situations he finds that he has a lot of trouble adapting to them.

When Rand is nervous, he will start tapping his toe either quietly or loudly (depending on how nervous he is). When he is angry or frustrated, he will tense up and clench his teeth.

-Whittling and carving wood
-Running through the woods
-Climbing trees
-The accordian

-Disorder and chaos
-Not being prepared for situations
-The full moon
-Really loud music
-Feeling a lot of emotions

Rand loves America, but since he was born in Scotland it's always been somewhere he's wanted to revisit. Though he knows he's probably being impractical, a part of him feels like if he goes back there, he'll find some consolation or closure for what he did there when he was younger.

Rand's greatest fear by far is losing control. Control and order are the two things he wishes the most to maintain over himself. He fears that, even though he has control over when he turns and when he doesn't, his wolf instincts will one day take over. Though he knows the chances of that event happening are very slim, it still eats away at the back of his mind and causes him to feel hesitant towards getting in touch with his wolf.

Loyalty-Once Rand makes a friend, he feels responsible for them and will stay by their side when their in need of his help.

Dignity-Rand's sense of pride in himself keeps him on a straight path that he rarely strays from. He tries to do things that he know will make himself proud and is proud of things that fall in line with his moral compass.

Forethought-Rand always thinks ahead before doing something. Rarely is he caught without a plan.

Organized-Rand keeps his possessions as well as his schedule organized and is dedicated to making sure he stays on time with that schedule.

Even-tempered-Rand doesn't like to lose control of his emotions either. Therefore, he isn't very excitable and won't get too emotional too fast.

Lack of Adaptability-Because Rand usually has everything planned out and has everything happen according to his plan, when he faces problems he hasn't prepared for, he isn't able to deal with them well.

Close-Mindedness-Rand is open to new ideas, but he tends to cling to one way of thinking rather than adopt those new ideas into his own philosophy.

Pride-Since Rand feels like he owes it to himself to make himself feel proud, he doesn't very often ask for other people's help. He believes that if he does so, it will come off as he doesn't have control over situations, and convincing people that he's in control of himself and stable is something he highly values.

Stubbornness-Rand's close-mindedness leads him to sometimes get in bouts with people about his and their conflicting opinions. He won't often change his mind and therefore rarely ever looks to compromise.

Over-thinking-Because Rand always tries to plan everything out, he sometimes over-thinks simple problems or simple day-to-day scenarios in which thinking and planning isn't necessary.

Under My Skin

|Loyal, Proud, Minimal, Orderly, Protective|

Since the time of his adolescence, Rand has been very insecure about what the person he would be without structure. He often worried that if everything that gave life order and balance was stripped from him, the man that would be left behind wouldn't be a good one. Therefore, everything that he has done since he was a teenager has been aimed at giving his life this highly-valued order and balance. He keeps his room clean, clings closely to a rigid schedule, keeps a cool head, and doesn't allow himself to drastically change himself. All of these things he does in order to maintain stability in his life. However, all it does is suppress the person he truly is inside.

This insecurity is something that Rand struggles with, because at his very core, Rand is a bad person, or, rather, that's what he believes. Ever since a fight he got into with another wolf that he was close to, he's decided that the animal he keeps inside himself is one that isn't inherently good. This conflict with himself and his wolf causes their relationship to be very strained. He doesn't like to turn into his wolf, and when he does turn into it, he feels very regretful about it afterwards. This strain between him and his wolf is another trait that results from his need to be in control, and something that Rand doesn't see is actually the problem that caused him to fight with his friend. But Rand will never see it that way, and is too stubborn to try to change that way of thinking. He therefore spends most of his life trying to suppress the animal that he needs to get in touch with.

It's a shame too, for Rand and his wolf at one time used to be considered one being. Rand used to be comfortable with his wolf, thoroughly in touch with it. His wolf was one of his greatest strengths and transforming in and out of wolf form was something natural and completely controllable. Now, Rand is uncomfortable with changing into his wolf and he seems to be losing more control of his wolf with each passing day. Also, he separates himself completely from his animal, considering him and the wolf to be two separate entities rather than one. Every animalistic impulse Rand blames on his wolf, and in this way he is able to keep order in his mind: by dividing what he considers to be two different beings who were simply joined together at one body. Rand doesn't consider him and his wolf to be one being anymore.

Diving Into The Past


Rand's father, Ezra Atkinson, knew that his son would be a werewolf when he was born. Before then, Ezra and his wife, Eileen, both lived in Winchester, Nevada where they were only a few hours away from Ezra's sister, Pilar, and her family. But when he found out his wife was pregnant, the 24-year-old Ezra brought himself and Eileen to Inverness, Scotland where, in large and open fields, he would be able to teach his mutt son how to control his wolf.

When Rand was born, Ezra began his son's training. Ezra, on nights of the full moon, took his son into wide open fields where Ezra could turn and confront the infant boy in his wolf form. With these nights, Ezra hoped to achieve two things: 1) get his son acquainted with the moon in the moon's full form and 2) have his wolf meet his baby son. The baby would take kindly to the moon and his father's wolf, and, because of his comfort being around both those two entities, he would, at the young age of 4, learn how to turn into his wolf with ease.

Rand's childhood from his toddler years to his preteen years was a very happy one. He was in touch with his wolf, very close to his parents, and had rolling fields and open plains to run around and be free in. His father and him would run together in their wolf forms every night after the sun went down. The family was isolated from most of society and only had each other, but it was bliss for Rand.

It was in his preteen years that Rand's paradise began slowly slipping away. Rand's father ran into another pack and became friends with their leader, Fergus. Soon, Rand's father gained his way into the pack, and wanted his family to move with him into an urban area of Scotland where they would stay in their new pack's townhouse. For a while, this was alright with the family. They got to know the city and a whole new family of wolves. Rand had a group of friends and he quickly go used to city life.

However, as a teenager, Rand would often be heavily influenced by his peers and give in to peer pressure. He had been technically wild all his life, as he never had been confined to a rigid structure, but now, in the city, it was something that got him into a lot of trouble. He would go out drinking and partying with his friends, get into fights with teenagers from other packs, and then come back home late at night, way past curfew, where his angry and frustrated father would then scold him. All of this teenage tension rose for a year until it finally hit it its peak. That point was when Rand's blissful life truly and completely slipped away.

At the height of the summer, right before school started up again, a soon-to-be-junior Rand went out with his friends to live up the rest of their vacation while they could. They did a number things: drank beer, raced in cars, raided small drug stores, and turned into wolves and ran with each other in the woods. However, Rand, at this point the craziest in the group, suggested they do something even riskier: light their high school on fire. In this way they could get back at the school they all hated so much all the while feeling the thrill of lighting a building on fire. The rest of the group was hesitant at first, but eventually Rand convinced them to follow along. By the time their little night of adventure was complete, half the school was burned down and the whole group was in cop cars. Through some shady, behind-the-scenes business, Fergus was able to get the group of boys out on bail. However, he knew that Rand had to have lead the other boys to commit this crime, and went to Ezra demanding that the boy be thrown out.

When Rand heard this news, he sought for blood. He went to Fergus' room with the subconscious intention of killing him. After a very heated argument, Rand threw a punch at Fergus, and initiated a fight that would end with Rand bringing the strong-willed pack leader to near death. After knocking out Fergus unconscious and beating him to a pulp, Rand stormed out of the house and into the woods. When happening upon the unconscious body of his best friend and pack leader, Rand's father left the house and looked for his son.

In the woods, Ezra found Rand in his son's wolf form. Because his son didn't seem to be in control of his wolf at the moment and he didn't see any sign of Rand's human conscience in the eyes of his wolf, Ezra decided he would need to turn into his own wolf in order to avoid being eaten alive. Ezra wasn't trying to kill his son, but Rand was blinded by rage and attacking anything that was living. When Rand's wolf lunged for his father's, Rand had the upper-hand, because while Ezra was pulling back his blows, Rand's wolf was viciously attacking. When the fight ended, Rand was left with a big scar on the left side of his chest, but his father was left dead. Appalled by what he had done, Rand, in his human form, ran back to the shelter where everyone who had once been his friend had heard the news about what Rand had done to Fergus. When Rand told them the other news, Fergus was the first one to say something.

The bloody Fergus declared that Rand, who had both beat up the pack leader and killed one of the pack's closest friends, was thereby banned from not only the pack, but Scotland as well. Fergus said that his pack wanted nothing to with him and that if he showed up there ever again, it would be Rand's own death that would be next. Rand's mother, though horrified by her son's actions, decided to banish herself as well, later saying that it was out of shame for her son rather than her need to continue taking care of him. Rand and his mother then sailed to America, where they decided they'd find a home in an isolated area of Oregon.

On their way to their new home in Oregon, they passed through South Dakota where Rand met his cousin, Ronnie, for the first time. Eileen told Ezra's sister, Pilar, that Ezra was dead, but she did not tell her anything else. After leaving South Dakota, Rand lived in Oregon with his mother from his junior year to the end of his senior year. Once Rand turned 18, however, Eileen stated she wanted nothing more to do with him, and kicked him out.

The years that passed between Rand's 18th birthday and his acceptance into another pack involved a lot of self reflection for Rand and turned him into the stiff, structured person he is today. He would grow to hate his wolf, and blame everything that was animalistic about him on it. Rand then grew to also hate himself, deep down knowing that he was the thing that truly killed his father.

At the age of 25, Rand was picked up by another pack, the Blackwells. Rand continued to keep his past to himself, not even sharing it with Ronnie, his cousin, who also happened to be a part of the Blackwell pack. It seemed, because Rand and his parents were so remote from other wolf packs besides Fergus', news of any of the events that transpired in his teenage years remained tucked away in the small urban city in which he used to live in Scotland. Rand has been able to keep what happened in the past a secret, though burdening his past alone is something that gnaws at him every day.

Aftermath (Present Day)
As of right now, Rand is still detached from his wolf, feeling very uncomfortable associating himself with it. He'll turn into it when he needs to, but for the most part doesn't feel connected to it like he used to. Now, Rand just focuses on keeping his animalistic side at bay, as well as making sure he doesn't do anything to harm anyone in his new pack.


How often do you get online?: Fairly often.
How often can we expect you to be able to post?: Very often during the summer. I'll post whenever I am prompted to or is possible.
Password: Loyalty and Dignity

So begins...

Randolph Atkinson's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lou Fleming Character Portrait: Adrian Blackwell Character Portrait: Veronica Brooks Character Portrait: Randolph Atkinson
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The air was cooler now. The blood pumping through my veins slowed down and my heavy breaths with intermittent gasps eventually slowed down as well. I let out my first calm exhalation. The whole morning I had used up in order to get a sense of the landscape town, or rather the landscape of the woods surrounding it, and I used up the past few hours for what I aimed to be a light nap. But then three hours turned into four hours, and four into seven. Before I knew it, I was waking up at 5 o'clock in the evening, sweat drenching my sheets, and images of my dream gently teasing at my recollection. "At least it wasn't real," I said to myself, trying to focus on the coolness of my body rather than the heat burning through my head. But I knew, deep down, that the events that transpired within that dream were, at one point, my reality.

I rose from my bed. There was no need to spend the rest of my evening staring at a random spot on my ceiling, contemplating the justification for my being. The town still had much to be explored, and I wanted to be back inside before nighttime. I changed out of my shirt, put on one that wasn't soaked in sweat, and threw on some shoes and pants before heading outside of the homestead to see the town. Preferably, I would have liked to accompany Adrian on his endeavors, but perhaps my sleep caused me to miss him on his way out. I didn't bother looking around our new homestead to find him, I was sure that wherever he was, his antics would lead the way.

"I'm heading out!" I yelled back into the homestead before closing the back door. I didn't know if anyone was inside, but wanted to make sure that if they were, they would know of my absence. Of course, by "they" I was primarily thinking about Ronnie. She was like a sister to me now, and that made me afraid of a number of things. But perhaps my greatest, though very irrational, fear was that I'd leave the house one day and that she'd wake up thinking I was no longer there for her. I paused at the door for a moment, wondering if I should just take a quick peek back inside, but then decided I was being silly. "I should just get going," I thought to myself, "Ronnie can take care of herself..."

"Ronnie!" I yelled back into the homestead after reopening the back door, "if you're in here, just know that I'm heading out! I'll be back before sunset!" With my worries brought to a minimum I closed the door again. I wasn't even sure if she was in the homestead, but now my mind was again at ease. I hurried down the steps of the homestead and began on my way to town. The sun wasn't far away from setting and I still wanted to check out a good portion of the town. "Maybe I should have checked if Adrian was in the homestead before heading out," Ronnie wasn't the only one who worried me. "Have I always been such a worrywart?" I thought in my head, "must be the town."

I then headed towards town......after yelling back inside to Adrian, then Lou, about my whereabouts in case they were still in the house.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lou Fleming Character Portrait: Lindsey Fillin Character Portrait: Adrian Blackwell Character Portrait: Veronica Brooks Character Portrait: Randolph Atkinson
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Lindsey Fillin


I was drawing when I heard Randolph yell to Ronnie how late he was going to be out. I only presumed he was heading towards town, because honestly, where else would he go? I had an urge to go and join him, but I really didn't talk to him much, and I wouldn't want to make the situation awkward.

I looked down to see what I was drawing. This may seem peculiar, but sometimes I draw subconsciously and I don't even know what I'm drawing. I looked at the former blank sheet to see something that I would mostly see in my nightmares. The setting was a forest, with tall and beautiful evergreen trees on a full moon night. There way a clearing, and something seemed to be lying in the middle of it. I didn't want to think any further of what it was, because in my heart I felt as if it were lifeless, dead. But my thoughts carried on out. It was a wolf, or at least a cadaver of one. Not any wolf I recognized, however. Not me, not my pack mates. Next to it - No, cuddling it - was a wispy human-like figure. I was utterly confused. What did this mean? I decided to ignore it, and jammed it into my sock drawer, where there were more pictures than socks.

I walked into the kitchen to make a cup of hot green tea. I really didn't like that picture. What if it was someone who died? Or someone whose going to die… Or maybe it was nothing. Maybe it was just my sick, twisted mind. I actually hoped it was."Dammit… No more tea bags?" I crossed my arms and started to pout. Maybe I should've told Rand to pick up some before he left.

Oh well.

I put on my shoes, grabbed some money out of my purse, wrote a note saying that I would be out for a quick grocery run, and headed out the door. If I ran into Rand, I would just give him a friendly smile and continue my way to the store. I wouldn't have wanted to bug him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lindsey Fillin Character Portrait: Randolph Atkinson
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I paced for a while where the dirt and the trees stopped and the stones of the town streets began before I entered the town. In that time, I came up with my plan on how I would go about exploring the town. With only a few hours before sundown I decided I would like to visit the town square. Within the square, I figured it would be easiest to find out about many of things that went on around the town. There was a library, the town hall, various stores and restaurants, and other little shops and buildings which gathering information about could help our pack later. The other buildings around the town--including some interesting houses I spotted while I was in the woods earlier in the morning--could be explored another day. They weren't so much less important than the buildings in town square, but the information I would get from them would be very specialized: I would be learning a lot about a certain area of the town rather than a lot about the overall happenings of the town. For getting a general sense of Moonglade, it would benefit me the most to poke around the town square.

I began walking towards the square. Everything that I saw on the way there made me feel more of a fondness towards the town. From the trees whose branches swung gently side-to-side in the wind to the old style houses craftily wedged between overwhelming thickets of wildlife, the town felt like a familiar childhood home. But as the nature thinned out--the thickets of nature turning into sparse copses--I began to realize a past home wasn't a place I wanted to remember. Thankfully, by the time the nostalgic wonder of the town's rustic outskirts wore off, I was already in the town square.

"Hey! Watch out!" a woman speeding on her bike said as she swerved around me. As I had been completely lost in my own thoughts she would had hit me if she wasn't paying attention. I waved at her and smiled awkwardly as she glared at me before disappearing into the streets. I was actually quite grateful she had almost it me; without her doing so I may have wandered aimlessly into the street like a lost dog about to get hit by a car. Also, since she shocked me back into reality, I was able to regain a grasp on my senses.

In the distance, somewhere behind me, I could smell a familiar scent trailing my own. It was someone from my pack: a Blackwell. I turned around quickly. Whoever it was still was quite a way away, but I could make out by the scent that it was a girl. I gave her a wave, hopefully one big enough for her to see. She seemed to be on her way to town, and as she came closer it became easier to tell who she was. I smiled and waved again. It was Lindsey, our hunter with the penchant for hot cocoa and tea. Maybe she was, like me, on her way to explore the town. But most likely she was on her way to refill our pack's tea bag supply.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lindsey Fillin Character Portrait: Randolph Atkinson
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Lindsey Fillin


I could feel myself coming closer and closer to my pack mate. He must have stopped? Once he was in visibility range, I saw him smile and wave. I blushed a little bit but then returned the gesture. My heart started to flutter, and I started to get uncomfortable. This wasn't new, it has happened before. I've dated at least eleven boyfriends before, and I always had felt like this with them… but this time, it was more intensified. However, I ignored it.

"Hi, Randolph," I said, the first syllable a little hoarse, but I managed to make my voice stronger. "How are you this evening?"

My hands were behind my back, like always. People say it shows superiority, confidence, and power… I say it's just a relaxing stance. As he started to respond, I looked at the background behind him. It might've been rude, but… the streets seemed familiar. Like, I've seen it before, but I've never actually seen it before. I can't remember the word, but I was in awe and I was just a tad bit afraid.