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Rafaello Sanzio da Urbino

"I am surrounded by idiots."

0 · 421 views · located in Paris, France

a character in “Cafe of Thieves”, as played by ゆうい


Rafaello Sanzio da Urbzio

The Hacker and Renaissance Artist


Basic Appearance
Raphael stands at a height of 5'6 and with a lean athletic build. He's very short for his age, but he's got muscle. His skin is pretty pale, not a sickly pale, but clear and unblemished. His cat like eyes are two different colors. A bright redish brown and a cat amber. His hair is dyed a bright red, he loves the color and finds it interesting how modern day technology has allowed for this. It was originally a dark brown by the way. As one of the waiters, he is seen wearing a white button down with the cafe logo embroidered on the shoulder and black slacks with a red apron. On days off he wears t-shirts and skinny jeans.

"Use whatever is at hand, Be it friend or foe."

Name: Raphael; He hates Raph or Rafaello

Over 300 years old.


A Glock and Computer.


~Calm | Calculating | Scheming | Not a Bad Person~

In the "team", Raphael is the "cool" type. He is calm, logical, and has superior intelligence. He also can come across as rather detatched, and sometimes threatening when he wants to. He normally won't do anything that doesn't have any benefit for him, however ____ has wondered if maybe he wishes to gain something intangible from his relationship with his friends. He is actually rather a softie when it comes to Leo, giving him more free reign when it comes to what he wants to do with the team. He feels a sort of kinship to ____ and idly chats with him often, since they are both very level-headed people. It is told in history Raphael that was ruthless and wanted to be the star to surpass Leo, but when Leonardo rose to stardom, Raph supported him, showing that he is good-natured and cares for his friends, despite being cool and rational.

To clients this man is rather pleasant
And civil. The Butler "type". It attracts quite a lot of customers. Moreover he is the Cafe's financial manager and informational source. In away he's like a computer. A evil, scheming, killer computer who cares deeply for those close to him.

He is considered the "King of Shadows" of the Black Cats, controlling all aspects of it while still being only second-in-command. He also considers himself an egoist, despite the fact that he seems to care much about the other Black Cat members.

Being type AB, the rumor is he is has split personalities. This is most apparent when it comes to lack of sleep. Wake him up to early and he has a murderous aura about him. Without hesitation he will shoot you with his Glock. His evil self comes out if need be or if he wants to be.

-Being Benfited
-People who Appreciate Art
-Modern Stuff, Especially the toilet and shower.
-Any kind of noodle or pasta

-People who don't get art
-Being compared to Leonardo or Michelangelo or Donatello
-Art hoarders

-Hacking and Stealing
-Basic tools of trade for a thief
-Financial Comprehension

-Doesn't to let anyone into his heart, so he is often harsh and cold in front of most people besides the other painters.
-Unconfident in portraying his feelings
-Needs his sleep or else he turns into the King of Demons...
-Acts likes like a lonely, spoiled child when drunk.

-Playing the piano in the cafe
-Walking around the city


You know the story. A famous painter of the renaissance who influenced the art today by using three-dimensional shapes, as well as foreshortening and etc. One sunny afternoon, he found a painting on my doorstep with four men and two shaking hands. The art style was Leonardo's....The background was blank, so he took the painting and started to fill in the background. A city full of grotesque figures that were manipulating others for money. He made the painting into something he felt about society. Art by geniuses were coveted by the rich and corrupt.

A few days after completion the great artist's health began to deteriorate and he died suddenly. His spirit trapped in the painting. While in the painting, Leonardo's great plan of finding a suitor in the future file his mind the moment he entered. So for a time, Raphello was left to his thoughts in a painting.

Eventually he awoke in the 20th century. An early awakening caused by people trying to his painting. His appearance shocked them and he ran off, painting in hand. With no where to go and in a strange land. He explored, but first snagging some clothes from a street vendor. The living he made was through painting on the streets. At first he didn't sell much due to his outdated style, but he learned to do self portraits of people quickly. This got him by.

However one day he tried his hand at computers. It was a strange object to him and he broke one or two at the library. Raph soon got the hang of it and he gained an interest on how this worked. While painting, he learned all he could about the square box. He soon got to the point he understood what made up the programs, websites, and hard drives. It made sense. That's when he got into hacking.

His skill had attracted a bit of attention and he naively accepted a job to hack into a bank accounts of several people for a few hundred dollars. Raphael did so successful, but the criminal who did so turned him into the police. Unaware of why the authorities were after him. He fled. He ran the streets until he wasn't even paying attention and he was hit by a bus. But he didn't die...he just went back to his painting. The artwork magically reappearing on the once blank canvas.

Now the painter is once again awakened, but not alone. Bu meeting up with Leonardo, Donatello, and Michelangelo, he learns in order to move to the afterlife they must find someone to teach their skills to. The hunt for a successor is on!

Needs reading glasses to read and of course hacking.
Wakes up when he wants.

Relationships/Thoughts towards Other Characters:
Leonardo - "The "Daddy" of our little group. He's an idiot at times, but..." *smirk* "He has helped is in one way or another."

Michelangelo - "TBA"

Donatello - "TBA"

Millie - "Reminds me of a flame that feeds on whatever it touches. It can't be put out."

Chie - "TbA"

Akito - "He's lazy, but with effort the boy has talent. Maybe even surpass intriguing notion."

So begins...

Rafaello Sanzio da Urbino's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rafaello Sanzio da Urbino
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[center]Rafaello Sanzio da Urbzio

Raphael slowly opened his eyes. The sun was already high in the sky, indicating it was noon. He picked his cellphone, an iPhone to be exact, and checked the time. "Time moves quite fast. Time to get to the cafe." He ruffled his bright red hair and went off to the shower.

The hot water helped his rela and his thought process began to flow. A sudden incident about last night popped up. Last night four students had seen him and Donatello making off with the painting Leo had been residing in. "That's rather unfortunate." He quickly finished and left for his living room. He switched on the flat rectangular thing called a TV and flipped to the news. The fact the painting was stolen was brig reported, but...."Their are currently no leads to who could be doing this. However a call card was left." The camera zoomed in on a black calling card with an emoji cat on it. A police officer rushed to cover it from view. In the scene a few detectives were loitering around.

"Close one. Nearly dodged the bullet." He walked off to his room changing into his waiter uniform, combing his hair and ruffling it up. Then he walked out the door, slipping on his tennis shoes, and downstairs to the cafe below. The architecture in this age was beautiful as it was useful. The stairs were a single spiral with the railing in a Juliet balcony railing style. Around him the walls were painted in magificent murals by the other three artists. Even the ceiling was covered. As he descended into a small hallway, he noticed that his red apron was the last hanging again. With a subtle sigh Raphael it it on and walked into the cafe. It was quite lively now. "Afternoon, sorry I'm late." His mouth twitched into a devilish smile that was aimed toward a pair of girls sitting at a window table. He approached them with his notepad out. "What can I get for you to day, Ladies?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leonardo Di Vinci Character Portrait: Rafaello Sanzio da Urbino
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Smell of oil paint and the sound of a brush was heard in a lightly lit room. And in the middle sat a blue haired male who held a sense of authority and seriousness. His matching eyes were sharp and focused as he created a new master piece. Oh a master piece? Yes, he is the- "Finally another great master piece of Leonardo De Vinchi~!" He shouted, and smiled. Grabbing a thin brush, he signed with short "Leo." His Alias.

Pleased, he let the canvas dry and he got up to stretch. "This is satisfying~" He rolled his shoulders. "And now time for work." Looking over the canvas one more time, he nodded and took off his paint covered apron. 'Ah the smell of paint~'
He always enjoyed the smell of paint. it was one of the many familiar scents that stayed with him since 450 years ago.. It never left him. 'Neither my genius~' Leo chuckled, making his way towards the door. He, however flinched slightly. A sudden muscle pain from too much night "work" That reminds him.. the students. They saw him, all of them....And it was almost a failure.. But~ His smiled upturned to a smirk. "This Leonardo has no failures" yes, they escaped successfully only to be caught by four pairs of eyes.. A potential danger- "What am I thinking haha~" He opened the door leading to the cafe. "What are the chanc-"

Leo blinks. 'Eh.' Chance? No it must have been fate. A few of the students from the night before... A grin pulled at his lips, causing the customers to squeal. "Welcome loves~"

The girls swarmed around the counter asking for his attention but he winked. "Later doves." Walking off casually towards Rafaello, and rest his elbow against his shoulder. "Rapheal~" He leaned into his ear and whispered. "Look at those two." He nodded his head at the two students. "Familiar eh?"

His expression was completely normal with that narcissistic, but his eyes held a gleam of adventure.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akito Kouzakura Character Portrait: Minato Arikaze Character Portrait: Leonardo Di Vinci Character Portrait: Rafaello Sanzio da Urbino Character Portrait: Millie Hayes Character Portrait: Chie Ansel
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#, as written by Issa
Millie Hayes

Millie found, thankfully, that she didn't have long to wait.

"Yo." The voice made Millie glance up to find her friend Chie waving her a greeting. Millie smiled at the girl, straightening and giving up on clearing her clothes of small pieces of grass.
""You're here pretty early... Ugh, didn't get much sleep last night." Chie said, covering up a yawn. Millie wasn't surprised. Firstly because they had both been up late when they witnessed the burglary and secondly because Chie had a habit of staying up late gaming.

Millie had tried playing Chie's games, figuring that if her friend found it so fun than she should at least try it. She had given it a go and found, to her annoyance, that she had no talent whatsoever. So she had stopped, she would happily leave the gaming to Chie.

"I though I was late so I rushed over..." Millie started explaining. She stopped as she spotted a blonde head bobbing through the crowd towards them.
"Hey..." Came Minato's greeting before he pulled out his inhaler. Millie hid a smile behind her hand, her friend had obviously ran at least part of the way here.
"Great, now we just have to wait for Akito..." Millie gave a sigh and flicked her hair behind her back. Of course Akito was the last to arrive, "He's probably still sleeping." She remarked, shaking her head. That boy loved sleeping, almost more than he loved eating. Millie tried to remember if they had told Akito that they would have lunch at their meeting. That would have been sure to make sure he didn't sleep through their meeting.

Millie's thoughts seemed to drift away as two figures standing in the Black Cat Cafe across the street caught her eye. There seemed to be something familiar about the two but perhaps it was just the distance playing with her sight...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi Character Portrait: Akito Kouzakura Character Portrait: Minato Arikaze Character Portrait: Leonardo Di Vinci Character Portrait: Rafaello Sanzio da Urbino Character Portrait: Millie Hayes
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Rafaello Sanzio da Urbzio

An involuntary shudder went down the red head's spine when Leo placed his shoulder on him. "Mhmm." He looked up from his cooking to the now four students from the night before. "Milley Hayes, Chie Ansel, Minato, and Akito. " Raphael murmured as her placed the finished crepes onto a plate and placed the plate on a tray with an assortment of food. Illegally , he had hacked University records to get their student files. Apparently they were all art majors...."Table 13 Leo. Chop Chop." In his mind he was formulating a plan on what they should do. The best option was elimination of the witnesses.

However as Raphael was about to make his suggestion, a swarm of girls directly in front of him distracted him. "Leo, please go entertain your little fan club as well." The day was going to be another long one, but the gueasts must be happy. "Raphael, where's Arashi and Donatello?" A girl demanded. The painter gave a slow smile. "Apparently not here yet cherrie, please be patient." He pulled a pink rose from the multitude of flowers behind him that he cultivated for such a occasions and handed it to the girl. "Please accept this as an apology for my colleagues' tardiness." He put on an apologetic face, a crescendo of squeals following. The crowd was satisfied for now.

"Where are those two idiots." Raph went back to cooking at a much more forceful pace.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi Character Portrait: Akito Kouzakura Character Portrait: Minato Arikaze Character Portrait: Leonardo Di Vinci Character Portrait: Rafaello Sanzio da Urbino Character Portrait: Millie Hayes
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#, as written by Naught
Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi

Eyes opening, blinking a couple of times as the sun nearly blinded them with it's beaming light. Getting up and out of bed, he began stretching his arms out and trying to wake himself up. He didn't know what his mood would be today but, he hoped he'd be a bit happy going to work at the cafe. He absolutely enjoyed working at the cafe. Even if he didn't talk very much, and was distant to some of the new customers. As he was getting ready for work, he remembered those four students that had spotted him and Rafaello carrying a painting. Donatello thought they were scott free but, he was wrong. They still made it out with the painting, he didn't panic or anything, he was just a little surprised.

Letting that thought continue in his mind, he walked out of his room to his living room. He really enjoyed some of the modern stuff of today but, sometimes he finds himself questioning it. Donatello wasn't much of a morning eater so he decided that he'd eat something later. Looking around for a bit, he remembered that he had left the TV on maybe he forgot to turn it off. Walking towards the TV he turned it off.

Looking at the time, he was late. He wasn't always late but, sometimes keeping track of time was getting a little difficult. Donatello walked out the door and went to the cafe'. He took his sweet time not even caring to rush because, he was already late.Walking through the door, he kept it opened for a couple of people before letting it close.

Walking towards Rafaello and Leo he nodded at some of the girls who were regulars at the cafe. Donatello sighed in his head and beside the counter. Sometimes he was late and he sometimes tried to avoid conversation and say sorry. "I am truly sorry for being late." A group of girls ran up to him, Donatello smiled and said sorry to each of him. "Excuse me, I have to get to work now."

Donatello bowed slightly and walked into the kitchen, he started to wash his hands. "I'm sorry for being late, I might have lost track of time." Actually he did lose track of time, he nodded at Rafaello and walked towards a few people that just sat down. "What can I get for you today?" He smiled and took out a pen and a notepad out of his utility belt and wrote out what they had wanted.

Looking from the corner of his eye, he had noticed the students from last night. He looked back at his notepad and bowed before walking towards the kitchen. What a lovely coincidence, he thought. He was actually lying on the lovely part. Those kids could tell the police about their location and it could ruin everything they worked for. Donatello didn't like that one bit.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi Character Portrait: Akito Kouzakura Character Portrait: Minato Arikaze Character Portrait: Leonardo Di Vinci Character Portrait: Rafaello Sanzio da Urbino Character Portrait: Millie Hayes
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Minato Arikaze

One by one… the streets around them grew more crowded. A nagging feeling spoke from the deeps of his stomach, no it wasn’t hunger. He would know if it was if it had growled. He actually prayed at first that it was hunger. Easier to dismiss, instead it had been nervousness, fear and discomfort for being in such a crowded place. It made the boy feel vulnerable…

A feeling he long ago swore he would never let himself fell. He’s a but mere human though… no matter what kind of repression he does, fear and vulnerability always finds a way to crawl in. Like now, his face barely showed his discomfort. He tried to ignore the sickening feeling at the pit of his stomach. He’s getting paranoid… ever since last night he couldn’t help but feel like something was going to happen. Pretty soon...

The boy was going to wish he listened to his gut feeling rather than his sense of morality. Did it even exist? The boy pondered upon that thought while his friends spoke only for his thoughts to run dry when he heard a familiar voice spoke.
” You guys wake up really early... Really... how do people like you get such little sleep...”

That familiar voice of the lazy Akito spoke. Minato didn’t hold back the smirk that crossed his face. A rare one that he only let his friends see, leave it to Akito to forget and fall asleep. So the next sentence that left the boy’s lips hardly shocked him. “Sheesh… And here I thought the sound of food made sure you wouldn’t forget Aki.” He spoke with a slight quirkiness in his tone. Food sounded so good right now…

If his body wasn’t still trying to wake up, his stomach would be growling along with Millie’s. Speaking of which… he poked Chie’s arm to listen he then turned back to the conversation. They…were going to eat here? True the smell of crepes was temptation on legs but still… there was that hesitation lingering in his mind that he didn’t want his friends to notice. After all they already planned this… He nearly let his thoughts wander until he heard Millie’s statement about last night. His eyes narrowed slightly. It was no brainer he hated anything that has to do with the justice system… They were a bunch of chivalric idiots who were only after fame and glory… who would rather judge an innocent rather than the perpetrator themselves.

After what happened to him in the past, it was no surprise he held a bit of contempt for the law enforcement. “I say we just forget it happened and not get involved…” The boy murmured. Still yesterday he was probably a hell lot more annoyed at the questioning. He didn’t plan on talking to those people. Ever.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi Character Portrait: Leonardo Di Vinci Character Portrait: Rafaello Sanzio da Urbino
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Leo whistled.
"Mhmm." He looked up from his cooking to the now four students from the night before. "Milley Hayes, Chie Ansel, Minato, and Akito. " Leo whistled. "Can't expect less from you eh Rap-" "Table 13 Leo. Chop Chop." He jumped. "gotcha~" Taking the plate, he smoothly served it and gave his charming smile. "Enjoy" But he didnt make a detour and quickly left, following Rapheal. Though he wasnt fast enough as their fans began to swarm, making a large gap between the two. "Leo, please go entertain your little fan club as well."

"Already doing so~" He winked at a few of them, sniping them down at the very spot. 'I could be a sniper' He thought amusingly, and began to give little chit chats with the girls who called and beckoned for his attention. "Leo-Sama~"

"Raphael, where's Arashi and Donatello?" A girl demanded. The painter gave a slow smile. "Apparently not here yet cherrie, please be patient." He pulled a pink rose from the multitude of flowers behind him that he cultivated for such a occasions and handed it to the girl. "Please accept this as an apology for my colleagues' tardiness." Leo laughed slightly [At Rapheals surprising charm], the husky sound causing the squeals to go up and above. Easy to break a few ear drums. But they were used to it.

"Where are those two idiots."

Leo blinked at the sound of familar steps and felt the corner of his lips pull. "Oh why speak of the devil" He turned. "Donatello."

"I am truly sorry for being late." A group of girls ran up to him, Donatello smiled and said sorry to each of him. "Excuse me, I have to get to work now."

Donatello bowed slightly and walked into the kitchen, he started to wash his hands. "I'm sorry for being late, I might have lost track of time."

He waved his hand in dismiss. "Its fine~" 'Not sure if its okay with Rapheal though ^^;'
Not saying that aloud, or rapheal might actually hurt him, he watched the two work. Seems like all three of them knew of the.. He glanced at the students- Familar faces.

They both didnt seem to like it, however Leo had some other thoughts.. They'll have a meeting once the last one arrives.

[OOC: Okay after we get the last male, or if he returns, Im planning to have leo to call a quick meeting in the kitchen or something along the line. But if the last male cant be recruited soon, i might just hold the meeting]


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi Character Portrait: Akito Kouzakura Character Portrait: Minato Arikaze Character Portrait: Leonardo Di Vinci Character Portrait: Rafaello Sanzio da Urbino Character Portrait: Millie Hayes
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#, as written by Issa
Millie Hayes

The cafe was, as expected, busy. It seemed the vast majority of customers were girls who were fawning over the waiters. Millie, as she caught sight of one of the waiters, had another wave of recognition. She was almost certain that she had never met any of the waiters before but...

She shook her head as she and her friends looked around for a table. Millie eventually spotted one recently vacated table and walked over to nab it before someone else could. She pulled a free seat across from another table, smiling her thanks at the occupants as she did, before she took a seat.

She glanced around the cafe, interested in the decor. She had never been here before but she could immediately see that she would like the place. Apart from the groups of girls that were worshiping the waiters the whole place had a very nice vibe to it. Millie had to admit that the leagues of fans were getting on her nerves already. She hoped it wouldn't effect the waiters taking their orders. Her stomach gave another rumble and she eagerly looked at the menu, skimming through the list of food until she found something that caught her attention.

Millie turned back to her friends and continued the conversation from outside,
"So, one to forget about it. What do you guys think?" Millie asked nodding at Minato as he was the one who had already given his opinion on the robbery.Millie wanted her friends' opinions. The robbery and following police questioning had been irritating last night and Millie, tired and not in the best of moods, had not been very cooperative. But now, as she thought of it, she hoped she hadn't too rude. They were the police after all. And what would happen to them if the thieves decided they didn't need witnesses around? Millie bit her lip, hoping that her friends' opinions would help to ease her worries.
