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Theodore Valentine

"I don't care who you are. No one is above the law."

0 · 1,064 views · located in Paris, France

a character in “Cafe of Thieves”, as played by usernamesareadrag






Basic Appearance
At 6'2 Theodore could definitely be considered tall with a lanky, almost gangly appearance. But don't let his thin frame fool you- underneath his slightly rumpled suits is a wiry, lean body that moves with a surprising amount of grace. His black hair is in a constant mess of spikes and, no matter what he does, some always seems to stick up in the back. His bangs tend to get in the way of his dark blue eyes that have constant dark circles under them from a lack of sleep. During his work as a detective, as previously mentioned, he wears a suit and tie with whatever color button-up he happened to pick out that day. He doesn't have the most put-together appearance. Really, he looks like a bit of a mess, like a bumbling detective whose about to pass out from exhaustion, but that just may be a clever tactic to make himself appear like less of a threat and, generally, it works. On his rare off days or when attending class, Theodore opts for functional over fashionable clothes, usually wearing sneakers and whatever he found in his closet that morning. His body is littered with the odd scar from old cases and scuffles, one of the reasons that he took to learning self defense.

(From a police meeting when asked to comment on the Black Cat thefts):
"It's not about what's popular, it's about what's right. Stealing is a criminal offense and they will be brought to justice."

Theodore Etienne Valentine. "Theo or Teddy is fine when I'm off the clock."

Twenty-Two-Years-Old "Yeah, yeah, I know I'm young. You don't have to say anything."

Male "It doesn't take a detective to figure that one out."

A pistol, a pocket knife, and his own skill in hand-to-hand combat. "What can I say? Being a detective is a dangerous job."


How would one describe Theodore Valentine? His colleagues on the police force would probably say blunt and dedicated, citing how brisk he could be during interviews and how he immerses himself in each case. His family might say that he has a strong sense of justice and takes too much upon himself. Both groups would be absolutely correct. Theodore is, admittedly, not much of a charmer. He lacks the patience and finesse that it takes to coax and cajole others, instead relying on bluntness and honesty to get his work done. It sometimes rubs people the wrong way, but Theodore isn't trying to be rude; he just wants to get to the heart of the matter, brushing aside speculation and petty emotions to find the truth hidden beneath. That's not to say that he's a bad guy, just very determined.
He is almost disturbingly dedicated to his cases, delving into them with a disturbing intensity. He immerses himself within them completely, often forgetting to take care of himself in the meantime. It's a definite fault of his and he needs someone to look after him during the most confusing cases, remind him to eat or take a nap. This dedication is in part due to the stress that he feels he's under- the pressure to be the best, to solve the case, to not let anyone down. Speaking of his stress, it's one of his biggest problems. It eats him alive, forcing him to turn to cigarettes and the occasional drink in an attempt to control it. Most of the stress is self-imposed, but it is prevalent. As a young detective, there are many eyes on his, waiting to see him fail.
Contrary to popular belief, Theodore is actually a pretty fun guy to be around. He has a dry sense of humor, has fun jokingly teasing people, and is always ready for a night on the town unless he's on the brink of a break in one of his cases. And, during his downtime, he's actually quite relaxed, enjoying days just lazing about. Sadly, though, those days of downtime don't happen often enough.
Likes:"Yeah, I guess I can list a few."
~A wide variety of music, but particularly classical and music he can dance to
~Paris, especially at night
~Most sweet foods
~Home-cooked meals

Dislikes:"Ugh, no thanks."
~Failing, but especially when it means lettings others down
~Octopus and squid

~Hand-to-hand combat
~He's a crack shot
~His detective skills
~Trilingual (he can speak French, Italian, and decent English)
~Playing the cello and violin

Flaws:"I'll admit it, I have a lot."
~He cannot paint to save his own life
~He has a tendency to become too involved with his cases
~His stress levels are almost constantly off the charts
~He's incredibly blunt and can come off as rude
~He hesitates to actually pull the trigger of a gun
~He doesn't take care of himself during a big case
~When he's stressed, which is nearly all the time, he smokes like a chimney

~Taking long walks around Paris
~Playing the violin or cello
~Going out with colleagues for drinks
~Collects works of art that he finds personally interesting


Ironically enough, Theodore was born into a family of artists. His mother, an Italian woman named Leah Angotti, was a college student majoring in art, her work primarily in sculptures, when she met his father, French native Hugo Valentine, a professional painter in Montmartre. The two quickly fell in love despite their five year age different and were soon married, choosing to stay in Hugo's beloved France. Leah and Hugo had two children together, a daughter named Alice and then, four years later, their only son, Theodore. The Valentines were far from rich, but they still managed to scrape by. Leah got a job as a sculpting instructor at a local university and Hugo continued his work as a painter in Montmartre.
In the family of artists, it was reasonably expected that their children would immerse themselves in the artistic world as well. Alice did not disappoint. She was practically a prodigy, an expert in whatever discipline of art she threw herself in, but specialized in painting. As for Theodore, well, he was not so lucky. He tried, of course, to make beautiful works of art like his parents and sister, but nothing ever turned out as he wanted. It all came to a head when he was twelve and working on his first(and last) masterpiece. It was a piece that he poured his heart and soul into, his last ounce of creative genius, working for months on the project. On the day he decided to unveil his chef d'oeuvre, everything went downhill. His older sister had just returned home from school, flourishing her own painting, a beautiful piece with intricate details and true creativity. Next to it, Theodore's painting was pitiful, ugly and no matter how hard his parents and sister tried to assure him that it was very nice, he could see the disappointment in their eyes that all but vanished when they turned to Alice's painting.
He gave up art that day and his relationship with his parents and sister became strained, leaving Theodore to cling to his paternal grandparents and his uncle, a police officer. He began trying out new things, trying to find his path in life. He developed a fondness for music and began to take lessons for both the cello and, later, the violin. But with his uncle he found his niche, a talent for observation and creative thinking that, quite ironically, he'd begun to develop due to his parents' countless lessons on art. He couldn't put it into practice with art, but with it he was able to become something of a detective prodigy. His uncle was more than happy to encourage his interest in solving crimes, occasionally bringing him old case files to see if he could solve them. Amazingly, he could, using only crime scene photos and witness statements. Finally he'd found something he could do, something that others could be proud of.
He solved his first crime at sixteen, almost by accident. There had been a break-in in one of Paris' wealthiest households where a priceless jeweled tiara was stolen. It was, of course, instant a media sensation. That very day, Theodore had accidentally locked himself out of the house and went to find his uncle to get the spare key and found him in the middle of the insanity of the investigation. There, standing amongst all of the milling police officers and reporters, after taking only a moment to glance at the clues as he collected the spare key, he correctly deduced that it had been the family's youngest stone who had stolen the tiara.
"The Boy Detective" the papers had called him and, as if pressured by the media blitz, Theodore was offered his own place as something of a consulting detective, then, once he turned eighteen, as a real detective. While it may sound like a fantasy, the truth was more grim. With his special status, Theodore began feeling an immense pressure on his shoulders, partially due to his own personality flaws but mostly due to the ever-watching eyes on him of people less than pleased by his success, waiting for him to fail. He took to smoking, sometimes to drinking, to stave off of the immense stress, immersing himself almost bodily into every case, every problem. Sometimes he would forget to eat, to even sleep, but his record remained perfect.
Soon the media circus died down with other more interesting news coming along and things became slightly more relaxed for Theodore. He was no longer an anomaly once he hit his adult years, just another young detective in the Parisian police force. Still, he remained dedicated to his work, ignoring University in favor of continuing on. However, the work slowed down eventually and, for lack of anything better to do, Theodore decided to go to University, a bit older than the other students but still eager to earn his degree.
That was, of course, when the Black Cats arrived in Paris. Vanishing paintings, spectacular art thefts like a modern day Robin Hood... And, of course, Theodore was thrust into the middle of it. Stress was building up once more with the pressure of his perfect record, school life, and the fact that no one really wanted the art thieves caught. After all, they were just returning art to the masses. As much as Theodore could sympathize with the idea, breaking the law is breaking the law. It's his job to bring them to justice.


~He does not hate art, even if he may pretend that he does on occasion. He doesn't always get it, but he can appreciate the hard work that goes into it
~He's been visiting this lovely, new little cafe recently- The Black Cat Cafe. With all of the girls and women flocking there, it can feel more like a host club, but they make wonderful teas and coffees, perfect for relieving stress or, alternatively, giving him the caffeine boost he needs to pull all-nighters.

Relationships/Thoughts towards Other Characters:


So begins...

Theodore Valentine's Story


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The police headquarters was in an uproar, interns rushing around to deliver paperwork to the various offices, officers grumbling about being called in on their day off, all in a flurry after the night before's crime. All except for one office which was eerily silent. The shades were drawn blocking out all but the smallest slivers of sunlight, only the light from a desk lamp and the lights from the hallway keeping it lit. There were two desks in the room, one on the neat side and the other covered with a mess of documents, empty coffee cups with only the dregs of the crap coffee served at the headquarters staining the bottoms, and on the right side books piled dangerously high. It was at that mess of a desk where the room's sole occupant sat as he had since he'd been kicked out of the crime scene so many hours ago.

'Go sleep,' His superiors had ordered without much real hope. 'We'll call you if anything happens.'

Only Detective Inspector Theodore Valentine hadn't gone to sleep. Instead, he'd merely retreated to his office in the middle of the night and kept working. Oh, maybe he'd dozed off for a moment or two during the night, but that hadn't lasted long. Tired eyes reviewed the same documents over and over, pictures from the crime scene spread out on the small bit of desk still clear as he finished another cup of coffee. It tasted disgusting, but it was caffeinated so he couldn't really complain. He let out a quiet groan as he set the styrofoam cup down, rubbing his face before picking up his pencil, staring listlessly at another photograph. It was that damn cat thing again, mocking him with its chipper face.

Last night was supposed to have been the end of this insanity, the night the art thieves that had plagued collectors and thrilled the French and, indeed, world media were to be caught. He'd been on edge, adrenaline coursing through his veins during the stake out at the University- his university. It would have been so easy to catch them, especially on his home turf when they arrived to steal the painting. It had all been going according to plan except... His grip tightened suddenly, the pencil shattering into two pieces. Except those damn kids had to show up and ruin everything. The thieves had gotten away and he'd been left with another new crime scene, a missing painting, and four kids who had all been less than cooperative during the questioning.

Sure, he'd been a little short with them, but like the perpetually irritating teenagers they were, they certainly hadn't helped the situation, more interested in leaving than actually helping the investigation. He rubbed his face again, letting his forehead rest on his desk for just a moment. Kids? He was calling his fellow University students kids? Sure, he was a few years older, but... Mon dieu, this case seemed to have aged him, at least mentally. It certainly didn't help how the media lauded the criminals, calling them "modern day Robin Hoods" like they were god-damn saints instead of the art thieves that they really were. What was he supposed to do with all of these obstacles in his way...?

Theodore sat up suddenly, pulling a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and lighting one, taking a deep inhale before he let the smoke curl out of his nostrils, making its lazy way towards the ceiling before dissipating. Energy apparently renewed, he tossed the ruined pencil in the overflowing trash can next to his desk, filled with yet more papers and empty coffee cups and the occasional snack food wrapper, before returning to his work with a new vigor, cigarette dangling from his lips. Uncooperative witnesses, a foolish public, and clever criminals... They could try all they like to break his spirit, but he wasn't letting them get away with this. He was going to catch these art thieves, and that's what they were, thieves nor heroes, even if it killed him.


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Character Portrait: Theodore Valentine Character Portrait: Eclair de Bordeaux
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Eclair De Bordeaux

Eclair could hardly believe the night. The infamous Black Cats had stolen a painting yet again. A painting supposedly done by Leonardo di Vinci himself. "Narcissistic fool" The young woman murmured and then stopped in surprise. She couldn't know that and why did she spout nonsense about the renaissance artists. She shrugged and entered the police headquarters. A person at the front desk directed her on how to get to her new partner's office. As she entered the elevator, the info her boss gave on her new partner felt exaggerated.

"He's obsessive and paranoid. The guy also is one of those genius types who are bad with people and hardly take care of themselves. Now considering your type of persona and view of things you could be able to actually work with it, I mean him. His superiors wantedy help on this nut and you just might be able to crack him." The boss slammed his hands on his desk. "Starting tomorrow your new partner is Theodore Valentine!"

The brunette sighed and walked down a hallway. She stopped at a room and tried the doorknob. It was unlocked. Elclair opened the door and glided in.

The room was dark, a single lamp illuminating the place. As her eyes adjusted to the lack of lighting, she could see a figure smoking and in thought. The mess on his side of the room creating the perfect scene, Eclair wanted to create a sketch right now. But business brought her back from wishful thinking. "Excuse me...I'm Eclair de Bordeaux. I've been assigned as your new partner." Her voice was even, but inside she was nervous on what to expect.


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Character Portrait: Theodore Valentine Character Portrait: Eclair de Bordeaux
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Theodore was pulled from his thoughts with the sound of the door creaking quietly opening. For most, the act of someone coming and going from their office would be commonplace, either by a partner or coworkers delivering documents or just to talk. That was not the case for the young DI. For all the world, his office seemed almost off limits, a place where he took himself away from the world to ruminate on whatever case was placed before him. Rumor had it that if someone interrupted his concentration, he would blow up at them, shouting abuse and maybe even throwing something if their reason for being there wasn't deemed good enough. Such a thing had never happened, of course, but it was a rumor that Theodore himself did nothing to dispel. That way, even on slow days, he could hide away in his office to do homework. So, the noise of the door opening was altogether unfamiliar and probably meant that there had been a break in the case or one of his superiors was coming in to badger him about a press conference (which he had steadfastly refused to hold; he was no friend of the media, especially in this case) or to ask him when he'd finally catch the art thieves.

Wrong on all counts, he realized as he glanced up. In the dim lighting, illuminated by the hallway's lighting fixtures, stood a girl, well, a girl compared to the other women working at the police head quarters. She was short and pretty like one of the porcelain dolls his grandmother insisted on collecting with her flawless skin and icy blue eyes. He hadn't seen her around before, unsurprising given his habit to not socialize with a majority of his coworkers and even those others mostly for cases or the occasional expedition to a pub.

"Excuse me...I'm Eclair de Bordeaux. I've been assigned as your new partner."

The first thing that hit him was her name. Not that it sounded familiar, but her name was Eclair like the pastry. Even the though of food sent his stomach grumbling, echoing loudly in the otherwise silent space. His eyes wandered to the digital clock next to his desk(he'd had to put it there once he needed more room actually on the desk). Noon already? He rubbed his eyes. He'd been locked in here for at least nine or so hours then.

"You're my new babysitter then," He commented, a wry smile crawling onto his tired face as he took another drag of his cigarette, puffing the gray smoke in the opposite direction of his new partner. Partner. The higher-ups had tried this before and it had yet to work out. His partners often quit after a while, fed up with his behavior or irritated that they were being bossed around by someone younger and with less experience than them. Theodore stood up, stretching as he did so, and made his way past the mess that was his desk and around it, over to Eclair de Bordeaux.

"Nice to meet you, Bordeaux," He said, sticking his hand out for a handshake. She may be young, but if she was to be his partner, she was going to be treated like any other officer. "DI Theodore Valentine. You can call me Teddy, I guess. What do you know about the art thefts?" The change in conversation was quick, but it seemed fluid in Theodore's mind, still filled to the brim with stories about Renaissance artists, clever thieves, and obstinate teenagers.


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Character Portrait: Theodore Valentine Character Portrait: Eclair de Bordeaux
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Eclair De Bordeaux

Eclair giggled slightly when her new partner's stomach growled. He called her his babysitter and shrugged with a smile and sparkling eyes. The smoke he seemed to intentionly blew at her didn't bother much. "I'm here to work on the case. Thats all, and I guess to be boss said something along the lines of babysitting though." His wry smile could be expected. When he came up to her to shake her hand she briskly did so. He went straight to the case after that and she held out an envelope containing her evidence and notes. On top of the envelope she held out a ball of rice.

"I know that the suspects are self-proclaimed vigilantes who steal art to give to the public. Know as the Black Cats, their team consists of four people. One of the members is identified as a hacker, his or her hacking skills resemble one from a hacker years ago. The four students last night witnessed their most recent crime and gave a vague description of men all in black." She finished with a small smile as he looked her partner in the eyes.

"That's pretty much what I know. Not much help...but I've heard your not the type to take care of yourself so I suggest you eat before we carry on." She took Teddy by the wrist and placed the rice ball in his open hand. "This called onigiri by the Japanese. Inside the rice I filled it with bacon." She scratched her head awkwardly "it's a strange combo but its oddly satisfying." With that said she released her partner's wrist.


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Character Portrait: Theodore Valentine Character Portrait: Eclair de Bordeaux
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"I'm here to work on the case. Thats all, and I guess to be boss said something along the lines of babysitting though." Theodore quirked an eyebrow at the response, giving his new partner an appraising look after their brief handshake. Her grip was solid, unlike the frankly weak handshakes a lot of the people he met had. That was the most honest reply that he'd been given out of all of the people his superiors had lined up as partners. Generally the reply was a fake smile and hollow assurances that they were just here to help. Yeah. Right. He sent another cloud of smoke in the air, this time pointedly away from Bordeaux. If she had the courtesy to be honest with him, the least he could do was not send a cloud of second-hand smoke in her face.

"That's the short of it," He said after her brief summary, reaching out to take the envelope of evidence from her hands, only to be stopped when she grabbed his wrist, putting a ball of what appeared to be rice in his outstretched hand. He stared down at it blankly as she explained what it was. A Japanese food called onigiri? Filled with bacon. She was giving him food? Well that was unexpected. Well, unexpected but not unwelcome. His stomach rumbled again as if asking why he was staring at the food and not eating it.

"You heard right," He said at her comment about not taking care of himself, plucking the envelope from her grip with his free hand and, after stubbing out his cigarette in a slightly overflowing ashtray situated on his desk, taking a bite of the rice ball in his other. It was an odd flavoring, he didn't exactly eat a lot of Japanese food in Paris, but it filled his stomach and wasn't entirely unpleasant. Actually, it was pretty good, although that might just have been his empty stomach talking. The onigiri was gone in less than a moment as he sucked an excess grain of rice from his thumb.

"I think we're going to get along quite well, Bordeaux," He commented with a lop-sided smile, like she'd just passed a secret test. Which, in reality, she kind of had in that in the three minutes she'd been around him she'd proven to be a better partner then all of the past occupants of the job combined.

"Your desk is over there," He said, gesturing towards the empty side of the room, kept neat and clean in a dramatic contrast to his own side filled to the brim with trash and mostly paperwork. He was about to settle down again when his stomach let out another loud grumble. He sighed, rubbing his eyes tiredly. The onigiri may have been filling, but he was practically running on empty. When had he last eaten? Yesterday morning? The night before that? He couldn't remember, but his body was insisting that he eat something else, the rice ball only having served the purpose of whetting his appetite.

"You know what? Let's go out. We can walk and talk," He said suddenly, grabbing his suit coat off of the back of his chair and running a hand through his always messy hair. "I need a change of scenery..." He glanced at the empty styrofoam coffee cups and made a face, "And some real coffee."

Which he probably did. Well, the change of scenery at least. After been locked away in his office for hours on end, brooding over the failure from the night before and the taunting calling card with the emoji cat, there was little else to be done in his dark office. He shrugged his jacket on, slipping a carton of cigarettes and his lighter into his pocket as he meandered towards his door before turning his head to Eclair.

"You coming?"


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Character Portrait: Theodore Valentine Character Portrait: Eclair de Bordeaux
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Eclair smiled a little more. He didn't seem as bad as her boss described. It was exaggerated as usual. "If I had to put it in words...he really is like a teddy bear." The girl's mind was wandering again while her partner ate the onigiri. When he had finished he assured her she was right again., as well as said they would get along. "That's my specialty." She returned the grin.

As he gestured to her desk, Eclair wondered if she was his first partner. The desk was too neat and covered in a layer of dust. As she was about o comment his stomach once again growled. "You know in honor of own new partnership, I'm going to cook you a proper dinner tonight." She said with an awkward scratch to the back of her head again. Onigiri she made were usually filling, but if this guy was still hungry something was up. In her little moment again she hardly noticed him getting ready to leave.

Eclair nodded when he asked about going with him somewhere. Her eyes sparkled and she went along ahead holding the door open for him to get through. "A suggestion is this rumored cafe called the Black Cat Cafe. Odd how their name is so close to the culprits."


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Character Portrait: Theodore Valentine Character Portrait: Eclair de Bordeaux
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Almost immediately after they exited the building, Theodore wasted no time in pulling out another cigarette, lighting it with an easy familiarity. The streets of Paris paid no mind to the Detective and his new partner, carrying on as if nothing of great importance had happened the night before. Even the crime spree that had captivated the entire nation was only a drop of water in the ocean that was Parisian life. Oh, there were people discussing the Black Cat crimes together, but like idle gossip as people finished their daily shopping.

Which, in a way, was a good thing, Theodore thought as he puffed out a ring of smoke. The damn criminals didn't need anymore attention then they were already getting. Eclair and Theodore were lucky as they walked away from the police station; the media was still swarming at the University, eager to see the scene of the crime. Maybe a little later in the day they'd have to use the back entrance in an effort to avoid pesky reporters barking out questions, demanding answers they didn't have, and pushing cameras in their faces. He grimaced at the thought.

"A suggestion is this rumored cafe called the Black Cat Cafe. Odd how their name is so close to the culprits."

He paused for a moment, giving the young woman walking next to him a cursory glance before turning his gaze back to the crowds around them, making his way past business men on their lunch breaks and teenagers reveling in not being at school with the ease of a true city-dweller.

"That doesn't sound half bad," He admitted, having to speak up just a little bit to be heard over the noise filling the city's streets. Horns blaring, the chattering of a thousand people, and all of the sounds of people going about their daily business mixing together into an orchestra of pure noise. "Maybe it is the name, but I've been going there a lot since the case started. You know, I think it's really more for teen girls and bored housewives," He snorted in mild amusement, "And I'm usually the only guy there, but they've got some great stuff on the menu. Especially coffee." Coffee. He could use some more coffee right now. As invigorating as actually moving after hunching over his desk for God knows how many hours was, he could already feel the effects of caffeine fading from his system, the false high dissipating as soon as it had appeared. Really, it had been the only thing fending off the sleepiness that threatened to take over during the night, but he couldn't sleep. Wouldn't. There were things to be done and art thieves to be caught.