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Califorina Love



a part of Califorina Love, by ShardsOfGlass.


ShardsOfGlass holds sovereignty over California, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

1,784 readers have been here.


The Coast of San Francisco and other areas
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California is a part of Califorina Love.

26 Characters Here

Destiny Oakley [46] This has got to be a joke...
Jesse Blake [36] "Sun, sea no parents. And the best part...GIRLS"
Tyler Mohking [34] "No, I'm not your personal translator, ugh!"
Andre Bravo [29] "Don't push me, i'm not afraid to break your face!"
Juliet Melonie Monroe [26] "Sure Whatever"
Alex Blake [24] "This place is awesome!"
Asher Freedmon [16] "I'm spooonsooorred. I just love saying that!"
Jay Valentine [16] "Step your game up."
Denver Rubio [15] A friendly young girl, eager to explore the world and all it has to offer.
Jace Dawson [14] "Pass me that bottle, will you?"

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Character Portrait: Destiny Oakley Character Portrait: Andre Bravo Character Portrait: Juliet Melonie Monroe Character Portrait: Tyler Mohking
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Tyler was drunk, that much was certain, but he was aware which was strange. Normally when someone is drunk, they have no clue what they are doing, but Tyler did for the most part. Granted he would slur his words every now and then, but the drink that Shane had made him hit the spot. He was sipping on some Cognac and it was good. It was very good. He kept sipping on the cup he had in his hand and felt someone tug his hand. It was Destiny and she had sat him next to her to play some game of Dare or Drink. He had barely heard what the guy named Troy had said, but when Destiny had started leaning forward as if to kiss him, Tyler leaned forward as well only for the moment to be broken when Andre and Juliet walked up. Juliet was drunk off her ass, but Andre seemed to be mellow.

“Give him one of those drinks that Shane made and he’d be off his ass soon enough,” Tyler thought as he smiled and listened before turning his attention back to Destiny who planted a middle school kiss on his lips.

“You call that a kiss?” he said rather slurred together as he softly grabbed her chin in between his fingers and pulled her close.

Their lips met and entangled in a passionate drunken dance before Tyler released her and spoke one word, “DARE!” He then took a big gulp from his cup and smiled. He was having a blast, and this game of Dare or Drink would be interesting.


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Character Portrait: Destiny Oakley Character Portrait: Tyler Mohking
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Destiny could hardly think anymore. Her words were separated by long pauses. "I dare you.. To kiss me again" She laughed. She leaned in as they kissed again. It was strong and he tasted like whiskey. She put her hand around his neck and through his hair. She had pretty much lost control. Destiny started to playfully nibble on his lip when she pulled back, "Wanna go.... somewhere else...?" She asked looking at the door. She finished the last drops in her red plastic cup and slammed her drink on the table. She didn't know where Jesse was and at that point, I don't even know if she knew who Jesse was.


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Andre watched as everyone was sitting and drinking and having a good time. He chuckled as Tyler and Destiny kissed, Tyler saying he first little peck was barely a kiss. As he was standing there he noticed Juliet's face looked a little green. THe next thing he knew she was standing up from her seat and took off in a sprint towards the water. WHen she arrived at the shore she immediately began to throw up every alcoholic drink she had consumed that night into the beautiful ocean waters. He headed over towards her a little worried about her. He held her hair until she was finished and then walked her back towards the group. "Are any of you at least a little sober?" Andre asked knowing that the group probably wasn't. He looked over to Juliet "Stay here and do not move an inch ok." He told her as he headed into the house to get her a glass of water. When he got the drink he walked back and tod her to drink it and follow him. He wanted to keep an eye on her, because for some reason she reminded him of his younger sister. Juliet stayed silent and followed behind him feeling extremely horrible and just wanting to go to sleep. She knew she would pay for this tomorrow. Andre and Juliet headed back into the house where she spotted Asher and Denver standing by the dancefloor. Juliet headed over towards Denver. "Hey Denver, are you having fun." Juliet asked stumbling a little so Andre helped her to stay balanced. Andre slightly chuckled as Juliet began to fall backwards some and he had to help her stand up straight. This was going to be a long night of keeping up with Juliet but it's a job he would take on, not all of them could get totally wasted.


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Character Portrait: Destiny Oakley Character Portrait: Tyler Mohking
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Tyler was enjoying everything that was happening. It seemed so surreal, and he didn’t want to wake up. He smiled at Destiny when she dared him to kiss her again. Before he could say a single word she had leaned forward and had started to kiss him. Of course he didn’t back down and allowed his hands to grab her waist as her hands ran through his hair and her arms wrapped around his neck. Then the kiss stopped and Tyler looked at Destiny as she began to speak. She wanted to relocated, and Tyler was game. He was drunk, and his inner conscious was telling him not to do it for it might ruin their potential friendship, but when alcohol is in play coherence goes out of the window.

Before Tyler could answer, Juliet took off towards the beach and Tyler stood to his feet. He watched Andre run after her and help her. Poor girl had had way too much to drink. When they returned, Andre had asked if any of them were sober, to which Tyler was about to say “yes” but Andre departed with Juliet back into the party. Meanwhile, Tyler looked over at Destiny and held out his hands.

“I’m sure there is a more private place, we just gotta look for it,” Tyler stated as he gave off a sexy smile.


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Character Portrait: Destiny Oakley Character Portrait: Tyler Mohking
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She took his hand and stumbled to her feet. Destiny had never been drunk before but she sure as hell liked it. It's as if no one cared or should I say people did care, who she was and they liked her. They went into the house which was blaring Internet Friends by Knife Party. They walked through the crowd, holding hands not to get separated. She found Tyler stumbling a little too but couldn't seem to stop giggling. They tumbled upstairs through the couples making out on the stairs and when they reached the top there was more. Destiny went all the way down the hall to the last door. It had a sign which said off limits so she tried the handle. Unlocked. So she opened the door and slipped herself and him inside the room.

She locked the door handle and went over to him. "Tyler... Tyler... Tyler..." She said seductively. She put a hand behind his neck and was pulled closer by an arm on her back. She heard a few bangs on the door but ignored it as she was living in the moment. She kissed him, slowly. They started moving around the room a bit until they were by the window. Leaning against the wall with Tyler in front of her, Destiny couldn't be happier. She was so intoxicated she started tripping. She tripped onto the bed and closed her eyes as she felt by her sides.


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Character Portrait: Destiny Oakley Character Portrait: Tyler Mohking
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Being led upstairs by Destiny didn’t bother Tyler one bit. He was enjoying himself and he figured whatever happened this night happened and he wouldn’t hold it against anyone. He smiled when he stumbled, the alcohol getting the best of him, but somehow, someway he and Destiny made it to a secluded room and things began to happen from there. He watched Destiny lock the door and his eyebrows arched in surprise. Was this really about to happen? He didn’t say anything, he simply allowed Destiny to have her fun, and he just hoped it wouldn’t come to bite them in the ass later on. Everything that happened after the door was locked was rather explicit. A lot of touching, kissing and feeling occurred, but nothing extreme, that is until Tyler and Destiny met eyes.

He moved his hand to brush a loose strand of hair from her face and leaned forward kissing her, laying her down as they kissed. He stopped and exhaled softly before kissing Destiny’s neck and smiled at her.

“Are we really doing this?” he said softly, though his words were slightly slurred.


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Character Portrait: Destiny Oakley Character Portrait: Tyler Mohking
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Destiny had a thousand reasons of why not to do it. If she had been thinking she would have said No. What are we thinking! I practically just met you! But she was intoxicated and couldn't care less. She closed her eyes as Tyler kissed her neck again and she whispered "Yes" in his ear.
*Fade to black...*


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Destiny Oakley Character Portrait: Andre Bravo Character Portrait: Tyler Mohking
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Their rides showed up eventually. Never before had Kain seen such a flashy automobile, and he was quite impressed with it. Unfortunately, he was unable to ride in it, and was shuttled to the party in one of the backup vehicles brought by Andre's friend, Brittany. Space was generous, and the ride was comfortable. While the driver insisted on playing some obnoxious pop that Kain didn't recognize, he enjoyed the company of the others in the car, and they quickly got down to a conversation about their own tastes in music.

Thankfully their driver wasn't yet intoxicated, and he seemed to be a skilled enough driver to avoid any potential wrecks. It was probably stupid in retrospect, Kain realized as he stepped out of the car, to accept a ride from a friend of a friend-- he would call a taxi on the way back from the party, if he couldn't find any of his classmates.

The party itself was loud and lively, as he had come to expect from California-- the floor was practically shaking with the bass, and the air was heavy with the pungent aroma of alcohol. It was not long before Kain was approached by one of the other party guests, a tall Asian boy who was clearly already buzzed. Kain tried to look away from him, thinking that he might have broken some unwritten rule, but he was found in due time.

"You just get here?" the boy asked, looking down at Kain's empty hand. Kain replied in the affirmative, and was quickly dispensed a red Solo cup with something clear in it-- Kain quickly discovered it to be vodka, and though he was not particularly inclined toward vodka, he said his thanks.

The night wore on. Kain spent a great deal of it off of the dance floor, instead preferring to mingle with the party-goers. Most of them were quite friendly, though Kain chalked it up more to the great deal of alcohol that Kain found scattered around the house than to Californian hospitality. He worked through his own drink sip by sip, and found that by the end of it, a familiar warmth had overtaken him. Thankfully he was less intoxicated than his classmates, most of whom were struggling to stand up.

Kain found a few of the others sitting in a circle, playing a game that they called "Dare or Drink". He slipped to one side of the door as Destiny practically dragged Tyler up the stairs and down the hall. Shane wasn't going to be particularly happy about that, Kain imagined. Andre, too, had seen better evenings, and looked panicked, asking if any of them were at least slightly sober. Kain looked around slowly. Crap.

"What's up?" Kain asked him. "Where'd Juliet go? She was with you a few minutes ago."


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Andre looked up at Kain as he followed Juliet back. She headed in the house and he was hot on her trail but stopped to talk to Kain. "He ran in the house and I lost track of her." he said turning his attention away from her for a second when he turned back again Juliet had dissapeared. 'Damn' Andre said under his breath as he looked around. Juliet moved fast, "hey Kain are you sober?" Andre asked still looking around.

Juliet, not wait long for Denver's reply because a song she likes came on, headed straight for the dance floor. She had thought that Andre was behind her but when she turned around he was nowhere to be seen. Juliet started dancing with this random guy who handed her a drink. She willingly accepted itt and chugged the drink while she continued to dance with the stranger.

Andre really had hoped that he could find someone else who was sober so they could both keep an eye on Juliet. Juliet being this drunk was an accident waiting to happen. Andre remembered when he took his younger sister to her first party on her sixteenth birthday, just like Juliet she got totally wasted but so was he. The next thing he knew she was came home, a week later after going missing, saying she was pregnant and that she was running away. He didn't believe that Juliet would do the same but he didn't want someone else's life to turn out like his sisters.


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Andre looked up at Kain as he followed Juliet back. She headed in the house and he was hot on her trail but stopped to talk to Kain. "He ran in the house and I lost track of her." he said turning his attention away from her for a second when he turned back again Juliet had dissapeared. 'Damn' Andre said under his breath as he looked around. Juliet moved fast, "hey Kain are you sober?" Andre asked still looking around.

Juliet, not wait long for Denver's reply because a song she likes came on, headed straight for the dance floor. She had thought that Andre was behind her but when she turned around he was nowhere to be seen. Juliet started dancing with this random guy who handed her a drink. She willingly accepted itt and chugged the drink while she continued to dance with the stranger.

Andre really had hoped that he could find someone else who was sober so they could both keep an eye on Juliet. Juliet being this drunk was an accident waiting to happen. Andre remembered when he took his younger sister to her first party on her sixteenth birthday, just like Juliet she got totally wasted but so was he. The next thing he knew she was came home, a week later after going missing, saying she was pregnant and that she was running away. He didn't believe that Juliet would do the same but he didn't want someone else's life to turn out like his sisters.


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Andre looked up at Kain as he followed Juliet back. She headed in the house and he was hot on her trail but stopped to talk to Kain. "He ran in the house and I lost track of her." he said turning his attention away from her for a second when he turned back again Juliet had dissapeared. 'Damn' Andre said under his breath as he looked around. Juliet moved fast, "hey Kain are you sober?" Andre asked still looking around.

Juliet, not wait long for Denver's reply because a song she likes came on, headed straight for the dance floor. She had thought that Andre was behind her but when she turned around he was nowhere to be seen. Juliet started dancing with this random guy who handed her a drink. She willingly accepted itt and chugged the drink while she continued to dance with the stranger.

Andre really had hoped that he could find someone else who was sober so they could both keep an eye on Juliet. Juliet being this drunk was an accident waiting to happen. Andre remembered when he took his younger sister to her first party on her sixteenth birthday, just like Juliet she got totally wasted but so was he. The next thing he knew she was came home, a week later after going missing, saying she was pregnant and that she was running away. He didn't believe that Juliet would do the same but he didn't want someone else's life to turn out like his sisters.


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Andre looked up at Kain as he followed Juliet back. She headed in the house and he was hot on her trail but stopped to talk to Kain. "He ran in the house and I lost track of her." he said turning his attention away from her for a second when he turned back again Juliet had dissapeared. 'Damn' Andre said under his breath as he looked around. Juliet moved fast, "hey Kain are you sober?" Andre asked still looking around.

Juliet, not wait long for Denver's reply because a song she likes came on, headed straight for the dance floor. She had thought that Andre was behind her but when she turned around he was nowhere to be seen. Juliet started dancing with this random guy who handed her a drink. She willingly accepted itt and chugged the drink while she continued to dance with the stranger.

Andre really had hoped that he could find someone else who was sober so they could both keep an eye on Juliet. Juliet being this drunk was an accident waiting to happen. Andre remembered when he took his younger sister to her first party on her sixteenth birthday, just like Juliet she got totally wasted but so was he. The next thing he knew she was came home, a week later after going missing, saying she was pregnant and that she was running away. He didn't believe that Juliet would do the same but he didn't want someone else's life to turn out like his sisters.


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He was surprised that Andre, of all people, seemed well enough to speak. Good for him. Kain, however, was concerned-- he felt slightly warm, but he certainly wasn't drunk, and he had been careful to ensure that he didn't get carried away. "I had, like, one drink," he answered. "Probably the most sober person here." It had been a small cup, and he was planning to call a cab back to the beach house to ensure that he didn't ride with anyone who might be legitimately drunk, but in retrospect, it was not the best idea to have accepted the vodka in the first place.

He would need to worry about that later. For the time being, it seemed that he should keep an eye on Juliet. He looked past Andre, following her as she wandered back out onto the dance floor. It was clear to Kain that Andre was worried for Juliet, though Kain had no idea why-- what she did there was her business. Regardless, he could not help himself, especially given that none of their classmates were likely to intervene any time soon.

"You want me to keep an eye on her?" he asked, pulling out his phone.


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Andre looked over at kain when he asked if Andre needed help. "Yeah man that would mean alot, she's not easy to keep up with though." Andre said looking around again to notice he couldn't find Juliet again. 'Where in the world did she go?' he questioned. "Hey Kain, thanks for this, i mean you could be out there getting drunk like everyone else, but you're not." Andre said as he walked a little more in the house to get a better look around. He spotted Juliet on the dance floor with some guy. "SHe over on the dance floor right now." He said to Kain so that he would know where she was as well.