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Phoenix Hikari

"Maybe if I don't give in maybe the urges will go away..."

0 · 365 views · located in Percy Jackson and the Olympians

a character in “Camp Fullblood: The Rivals United”, originally authored by Purpl3_Flam3s, as played by RolePlayGateway




Anger is like a bomb. Once you pull out the ring there’s no going back…


Normal || Radioactive | Imagine Dragons ||
Fighting || Girl on Fire |Alicia Keys ||
Emotional || Wake me Up|Avicii ||
Crazy || The Monster | Eminem and Rihanna ||

ImageName: Phoenix Hikari

Nicknames/Titles: Phoe, Flashlight(don’t ask), Phoenix, Red

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Nationality: White

Divine Parent: Titan Hyperion, Titan of Sun, Light, and Power/Titan of the East

Face Claim: Mio Kifune | Exe.

ImageBirthmarks/Scars/Tattoos/Piercings: Phoenix has three ear piercing on each ear which always has three studs in. The only time you won’t catch her wearing it is when she’s asleep. There also a couple of scars on her back from when she got mugged.

Height: 5’8

Weight: 130

Personality: I think that you can tell that anger is a trait that Phoenix has inherited from her father. Because she certainly hasn't gotten it from her mother. Her mom is too sweet for things like that. When it comes to anger, it usually when someone pisses her off or pushes her over the edge or past her breaking point. She’ll probably scream in frustration and punch of couple of nearby objects. But that’s only when something or someone pisses her off. When it’s a built up anger she either A, fights B, Punch and break more objects, or C, fight. She would get mad so easily that she took up street fighting. She was average at it. Not awesome but wasn't bad. It was just enough to release the tension. But this anger sparked when she was getting bullied throughout elementary school to high school. Mostly about her choice of clothing and her looks.

Anger isn't her only personality though. When no one is bothering her and trying to get under her skin (which takes a while to do), she is usually calm and collected. Always taking in her surroundings and looking at objects for a while (without realizing it)and sometimes listening in on conversations when she isn't zoning out. Though she never responds so don't expect her too. Most people usually avoid her because her temper can get out of hand but as most people forget, it only happens when you piss her off. When no one's talking to her, she's totally fine. Besides, what did you expect from her? Someone who's easy going and was super nice to everyone and anything. Nothing is that easy. But anyways. When she's calm, she likes to keep to herself most of the time. You can even catch her humming if you listen close enough(and she isn't zoning out like usual).

Phoenix is a determined and confident person. No I'm not talking about being confident about her body (even though her clothes may hint that, it's not true). I'm talking bout when she's having a show down or something like that with another person. Most likely an enemy or someone she hates very much. She doesn't like to loose and always has an argument up her sleeve (just a heads up to all you people who like to challenge others). This usually leads to stubbornness. She hates backing down and it usually leaves a bad feeling in her stomach. A coward is not in her vocabulary. She doesn't like the easy way out of things, but that doesn't mean she like to go the most difficult way as well. Anyways, her goal is to finished what she/they have started. It usually takes a lot of force (i mean a lot of force) to get her to stop. Most of the time good reasoning or putting her mother into the equation get her to calm down or chill.

Around her mother Phoenix is a whole other person. I’m talking smiling, caring and so happy that nothing can bring her spirits down. I mean nothing.t. You would probably double take when you enter the room when you see her. It usually serves as a distraction for her mother because her mom always seemed stressed out. First it was her father leaving, then having Phoenix, then it was paying baby essentials and bills, then it was moving from house to house each getting crappier and crappier by the second, and lastly would be Phoenix bullying problem. I don't think being moody would help her mother in the slightest. Even though her mom married some rich guy, you can tell she still feels bad that her daughter gets bullied at school no matter where she went. So she puts on an act for her. Call her fake if you will. Besides, Phoenix can take the bullying. It's when they start talking about her mom then all hell breaks loose. She doesn't care if it was the first time you ever talked about her. You. Will. Go. Down.

Every since Phoenix saw that she had fire and light capabilities, she has become a pyro. She has grown addicted to seeing something burn and become ash. The light is magnificent and makes her feel good. Though this isn't a good habit, because this makes her a bit on the insane side. Phoenix has been told plenty of times to control her urges, that its not good to burn things down. So she has an inner battles with herself. Light things up or fight the urges. Of course the latter usually wins out. But that doesn't mean she doesn't feel guilty afterwards. She admits, it is thrilling but when she realizes what she does she regrets it. She get's frustrated with herself. She deems herself insane but her mother and her step dad say that's she's just going through the motions and will grow out of it. Sometimes she hears this voice in her head -it's mostly hers, sometimes it's a male voice, she thinks it's her father- trying to persuade her to burn things. At first Phoenix tries to make it stop (banging her head, or replying) but when it get's consistent she gives in. When she gives in, she's a whole other person. here are days when she doesn't feel the urges at all, and that's when the calm and collected persona comes in.

Her mother

Her MIA father
Seeing her mother upset

Being very confident
Witty and Smart
Street fighting

A bit of a pyromaniac (Okay, a big pyro)
Being Stubborn
Not having control of her abilities

The Dark
Losing control
Seeing her mother die
Killing somone because she lost control

Weapon: Though her mother hid it from her, she does have two gold and black sai swords that her father gave to them. She only got them when she showed her mom the letter. They were suppose to channel her fire or light into the blades an make them powerful. Phoenix was/is too scared to try so she use them as regular sai swords.

Pyrokinesis: Phoenix is able to control over fire and its properties by exerting her will. This includes setting oneself on fire, throwing fireballs, containing explosions (though she has never tried it), ect. While any fire she produces or has the ability to command, such as an open flame via candles, torches, campfires, etc., will never harm her, sources of flame that are too powerful for her to control will still be able to affect her.
Photokinesis: Phoenix is able to control light and its properties by exerting her will. This includes surrounding oneself in harsh, blinding light and travel at the speed of light (though she has never done it, her father can). Any light that she produces, or is capable of bending to her will, (flashlights, headlights on a running car, some solar light, etc.) will never harm her, or affect her adversely (via sunburn or otherwise). However, sources of light that are too powerful for her to control will still affect her as intended by the will of the one commanding the light.
Titanic Energy: Phoenix can blast anything yards away from herself by a yell or a swipe of a hand. Though she’s only half titan, and will continue to grow into this power, she is only capable of producing 1/3 the amount of force her father would be capable of creating.

ImageBio: You can call Phoenix a bastard child if you want to call it that. Her parents were never together when she was due to come out and see the world for herself. Heck he wasn't even there when her mom was pregnant for 9 months. What Phoenix only knows is that her mother was knocked up and then he left them to fend for themselves. Her mom was only 19 then. Still in college. So you see where this is obviously going. So there is no point on going into the major details. Every time Phoenix wanted to get to know more about her father her mom would just ignore her or walk away so she got the hint and stopped asking. Her mom eventually went into poverty and had a bad credit score. Bills, school, bad pay, and a baby obviously will make a recipe for disaster. It was probably around 13 years like that. Her mom struggling, Phoenix growing up in bad cities and going to bad schools. Getting bullied and more crap to add on. Then her mom met him. Yes the Mr. Right. He was some big shot lawyer for Maryland. How they met is beyond Phoenix. She’s still fixing out the major details. Like how they met and what possessed her to marry a guy like him. Her mother slowly got back on their feet though. Money never became a problem for them anymore and her mom looked overall happy. Phoenix wasn't going to mess with that. She loves her mother way too much.

Phoenix never took a liking to her new step dad. She never knew what it was but it was something about him that made her want to keep her guard up. He was nice to her. Too nice. And that usually causes suspicion. She knows he’s trying to be the good father that he should be, put having her mother is all she need and no one else. He was always there when something bad happened. Like when she got in trouble for lashing out on a student who has bugged her for a long period of time, he was there in the office. Her mother no where in sight. That's a little creepy. Speaking of school, it sill hasn't and never will change. Being dyslexic and all, with bright hair and eyes, it kind of made you stand out from the crowd. For a while. Yes Phoenix can take it but it kind of gets irritating and frustrating when everywhere you go you hear the word “They’re goes flashlight! Why would she die her hair red? And contacts too! So stupid.” Someone would go crazy after that. But it's when people start to mention her mother is when she goes crazy. Things like "Isn't her mom a stripper?" "Not anymore, just a gold digger who married this lawyer." Things like that would get you killed. And if you lucky enough, in the hospital. Yes she has gotten in a couple of fights and even took up street fighting to get some of the anger out but It ended just as quick as it came. People took their street fighting seriously. That obviously wasn't the life for her.

There was a couple of time when Phoenix experience some of her powers. It was the day she was walking home in the dark and she was crossing the street. This is going to sound typical but she was mugged. It was probably a week after she quit street fighting. It was a group of girls who were upset they lost their money. So they decided to get revenge. It was probably five minutes of getting kicked when she felt one of them pull back. "What the hell." Was the word they heard until they all pulled back shielding their eyes. "Is she glowing!" Phoenix looked up and all the street lights where flicking trying to keep on their light. The light got brighter and soon enough, Phoenix couldn't take it and shielded her eyes, but that was no use. It was apart of her and kept going until Phoenix couldn't see anymore. Everything was bright and she felt dizzy and tired, like she was looking at the sun for hours. Soon enough she passed out only to find her step dad carrying her, running back to the house. Once she was home and hydrated they explained everything. Her step-dad was really one of the people sent to watch all the half-bloods, but he ended up falling in love with her mother. Her mom came through and told her about her father. Titan of Sun,Light and Power. Also know as Titan of the East for holding p the east side of the sky. But that's another story. Her mom said that he given her two golden sai swords as protection for when she grew up and became more dangerous.

Then they explained the powers she had. The Photo and Pyrokinesis, and titanic energy. The once she experienced not so long ago was Photokinesis. She covered herself in light but it got to bright and she passed out. She had limitations on her powers because her father was banned to Tartarus because he helped Kronos try and take over Mt Olympia. Phoenix now had some closure. She knew she was different but one. Half titan. That's a whole new level of weird. Now she knew her nickname "Flashlight" made a lot of sense. Not it was all about controlling it. She didn't want to blind the whole student body and then end up passing out. Then this was where the pyromania comes it. Phoenix become addicted. I mean, take her to the hospital addicted. She was so fascinated with fire and light. She just wanted to see it over and over and over again. Most of the time she would set something on fire just to watch it burn and then forget to burn out the fire and cause damages. That's when step dad usually steps in and pays for it and the scolds her later on along with her mother. But that never stops her though.

The day she got her letter was probably the best day of her life. She was going off to meet other people just like herself. Yes her step-dad told her that there were others but that didn't help the fact that no of them live near her. Probably in other countries. She skimmed over the part in the letter where it talked about who she is. She already got the memo, so when it said to give it to her mom, she did and then gave her sai swords (for the first time, since the first time she talked about her sai swords, she didn't give them to her, because her mother doesn't trust her. Not one bit). Since the weapons were huge the trick was to cross the blades and they fuse together and shape into a pendant for a necklace. Phoenix was also very happy because she was leaving school. No more bullies and people mugging her. She gets to lice a irritated free world, and that was probably as good as it can get.

Other: None

So begins...

Phoenix Hikari's Story

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Phoenix bit her lip as she looked up at the dark forest. It's dark now but once she lit it up...Wait, she can't be thinking like that. She already got a warning from Amphytriton from the first time she set something on fire on purpose. It was one of the counselors cabins, and let me tell you something. It was a beautiful sight. The way the flames licked at the wood and spread over it. It was like a beautiful dance, but it was stopped by the staff. It was disappointing and Phoenix felt her heart break bit. Amphytriton had taken her to his office and gave her a whole lecture. Something about setting things on fire is bad, blah blah blah. Of course she didn't listen. I think Amphytriton knew she was going to attempt to do it again.

Phoenix groaned in frustration and jabbed her fist into a tree trunk. It hurt like hell but she was angry so it masked some of the pain. She sat on the ground and looked through the forest. She didn't know what lurked behind those trees but that would soon be revealed when she set it up in flames. Just the thought of it had her sighing blissfully. It would be like a famous painting, but in real life...did that make sense? Phoenix looked at her palm and the object she held. It was a lighter. She wasn't strong enough to produce her own fire/light without killing someone or hurting them. She looked at the woods once again before sighing and tossing the lighter into the woods and watched it get swallowed by the darkness. Why was this so hard?

She remembered a time when she burned down a whole building -mind you that it was an abandoned one- and her step dad/guardian told her that she had to control the urges. He said that her father had the same urges but it wasn't structures he burned down, it was usually entire cities. What Phoenix would give to see a sight like that. Probably the world. He also said that it's a bad habit and usually leads to her becoming evil. Now let's get one thing straight. Phoenix is not an evil person. Yes anger is her main personal but so it being calm. So it's like a good vs, evil thing going on.

That's when the pain of her bruised knuckles actually kicked in, now that her thoughts weren't angry. She hissed a little at the pain and cradled her hand to her chest and got up of the grass. Everyone was probably hanging out together probably having the time of their lives but here was Phoenix having an inner battle with herself. What she needed right now was to listen to Burn by Ellie Goulding. It's a good song. And if that wouldn't work, then a video game would, but this is a camp. Electricity isn't the main priority. Shaking her head at herself she started to walk towards the festival quietly hoping not to alert anyone of her presence.

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Character Portrait: Phoenix Hikari
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Phoenix cursed silently as her fist throbbed in pain practically begin for her to put something cold on it so it can heal. She ignored it and kept moving forward until the lights of the festival came into view. Her min was yelling at her telling her to march her ass back over to the forest and set it on fire, show that you're not afraid o the dark, but another part of her was pushing her towards the festival and lights, saying that burning things were never the answer. For the sake of getting in trouble she chose the latter and kept on trudging to the festival. The closer she was the more she could People laughing, hanging, playing around like nothing could stop them if they tried.


The word flashed in her mind and she cringed a little. When she said it in her mind it sounded bitter, like she just ate bad food and wanted to get it out her mouth ASAP. But at the same time she envied them. They don't have a voice inside their head trying to pull them into madness, making them burn everything in their wake. A voice that's non-stop and makes you feel vulnerable. Closer to insanity than sanity. She groaned and smacked her head twice making her thoughts scatter. Just breath in and out. That's what Amphytriton kept telling her when he knew something was wrong with her. She moaned a little in agony. She felt like a victim of depression.

She blinked and looked around. She was in the heart of the festival. She was walking absentmindedly this whole time. Her eyes widened in horror at a realization. Everyone saw her. The saw her groaning and whacking at her head like the maniac she is. She looked left and right at the staff members who were looking at her. 'Oh no, it's too late. They suspect something, I know it.' Phoenix thought in panic. She lifted her lips up and gave them a smile. An awkward one no doubt. Of course the saw right past it. 'Think of something to get them of your back.' She thought and then she got her idea.

Phoenix ran over to one of the games, it was a balloon popping game. Throw a dart to pop a balloon. "Hey can I play?" Phoenix asked the staff member. "Uh yea sure Phoe, are you sure though? That hand looks a little busted up." Phoenix tilted her head to the side in confusion before glancing down at her right hand. Her knuckles were crusted with blood from three small slits that opened from contact with the tree. She had a dark purplish bruise forming on it too. She winced. That didn't look good. She put her hand behind her back. "Hey how did that happen anyways? It looks painful." He asked as he handed her 3 darts and put three balloons on the wall. 'Think think think, you can't tell him you punched a tree, who does that? Something normal people would do. Think!' She thought and picked up a dart. "Um well you see, my cabin door was locked and I couldn't get out so I...punched the window...?" She felt like face palming. 'Now one punches a window stupid, and besides the slide upwards to open.' He looked at her weirdly and then shrugged. She groaned internally and started to play the game.

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Character Portrait: Kurai Tenma Character Portrait: Alexandra Lopez Character Portrait: Phoenix Hikari
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Ten didn't know how to take her confession. With her wrist in his hand he could easily break it with a flick of his wrist, but that wouldn't go over easy with Amphytriton. But she deserved it. So does everyone else that she has ever stolen from, but he dropped her wrist. He didn't break the glare. "If I catch you again, you can say goodbye to your hand," he threatened. His threat wasn't empty, he meant what he said.

With that he walked away from her to 'enjoy' the rest of this evening. But now he was angry and upset because Alex thought it was okay to steal from him. He took his headphones out and wrapped them neatly around his iPod. The sound of laughter and chatter annoyed him, but he wasn't in the mood to listen to his music any longer. Up a head he saw Phoenix. She was playing a game and he just stood there watching her.

You could say they were friends when really, he tolerated her. She didn't talk to much and she knew better than to irritate him. The encounter with Alex was a definite what not to do. "Hi," he said from behind Phoenix.

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Character Portrait: Kurai Tenma Character Portrait: Phoenix Hikari
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Phoenix had been playing the game for a while. Sometimes getting frustrated when the dart hit the balloon but it didn't pop. But her mood has gotten better none the less. Her thoughts became sane and she lost all interest in putting something on fire. IT was like all she needed was a distraction. Something to get her mind off of it. She tossed the dart in her palm and it bounced off the balloon. She growled. "Son of a gun! How is that even possible!" She threw her hands up in anger. "The dart is sharp, and the balloon can be easily popped! This can't be happening!"


Phoenix turned around and looked at Ten. She gave a smile. "Sup Ten! Win me a prize!" She said and handed him his last dart. It was suppose to come out as a question but it was more of a demand. A giddy demand. One that Ten would hopefully understand and do for her. This game was frustrating her to no end and she had a couple of outburst and the staff member is clearly wary of her now. So she decided to take a break and let Ten do his thing

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Character Portrait: Kurai Tenma Character Portrait: Phoenix Hikari
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"Sup Ten! Win me a prize!" Ten rolled his eyes. If he didn't know Phoenix he would have assumed that this girl partakes in drugs. She was way to giddy and demanding right now. But he took the dart, knowing full well that this was something she had been attempting for a while. She always did that. When she got frustrated, he would step up and be forced to do it. He never argued though, so it wasn't force.

The worker knew of Kurai. Everyone in this damned camp knew of Kurai and his father. She seemed to be ready to hand him a prize even though he didn't even walk up to the game yet. He rolled his eyes. Ten was sick of people treating him like this, but he didn't say anything. He didn't say anything to anyone ever. Unless he was angry, on their team, or Phoenix. That was it. He didn't attempt to get to know anyone because he didn't care.

Ten walked up to the game and positioned the dart setting his eye on the green balloon in the middle of the board. Taking a deep breath and shot his hand forward and let the dart go. He didn't realize how angry he was at Alex until the dart hit the board. It popped the balloon just like he thought it would, but it put a hold in the board sending it to the other side. The worker's eyes grew wide and handed him a giant white bunny rabbit.

He immediately handed the bunny to Phoenix. Ten shoved his hands into his pocket and looked at her. "Why does this amuse you so?" he asked with pure curiosity.

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Character Portrait: Kurai Tenma Character Portrait: Phoenix Hikari
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Phoenix watched the staff member's reaction to Ten. It was alert and curious. She rolled her eyes. Everyone seemed to have a problem with Ten. Well not really him in particular, but mostly his father Kronos. The guy eats his children then try to rule Olympus and now he's the bad guy. That got Phoenix thinking about her father who was one of the four titans that helped Kronos overthrow the gods. Look at where that got him though. In Tartarus. I guess you can say that's how Phoenix and Ten became friends. Both of their fathers where stupid and where bound in Tartarus. Phoenix could relate to him.

She smiled hugely when he got himself positioned to throw the dart at the balloon. She was already doing a victory dance in her head. Phoenix knew she was going to get stuffed animal. This was Ten they were talking about. He was definitely going to win this. She looked over all the stuffed animals and choose a white bunny in her mind. She looked directly at the worker making eye contact and pointed to the white bonny rabbit with a nod of her head. The staff nodded in understanding and when the balloon popped she handed him the bunny which Ten instantly gave to her.

"Why does this amuse you so?" Phoenix just shrugged. "I don't really know. I never had a stuffed animal and it looked cute, so i thought, why not?" She explained and squeezed the bunny to her and smiling again. Her cheeks were going to end up hurting by the end of the day. "Thanks Ten!" She exclaimed before walking off, already knowing that he was with her. She was the only one that he tolerated. He was going to give that up to be alone. "I'm starving, how 'bout you? I'm thinking one of those hotdogs at the stands that say there good but aren't really but you're too hungry to care." She said all in one breath looking at him for a minute before continuing to walk.

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Character Portrait: Kurai Tenma Character Portrait: Phoenix Hikari
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Phoenix was starting to prove his theory wrong. He was actually thinking about the different drugs she could be taking, or even what she could sneak in here. But his train of thought was interrupted when she started talking. He listened intently as she spoke. This was how their relationship worked. She would talk. He would listen. She would ask a question. He would respond with simple remarks. She would go back to babbling and the cycle repeats itself. He was okay with it, but she never says anything irritating. The things that fly out of her mouth are usually irrelevant.

Ten was walking beside her and she didn't even look to check. He would always follow Phoenix. It was better than being alone, even though he did enjoy being alone. But sometimes when he looked at her, he would try and figure out what compelled him to be around her. It was either because neither of them cared for their parents. Or because she didn't expect much from him when it came to conversation. That was nice as well. He doesn't really remember how they met. She just came up to him and started holding her own conversation. She accepted the one word answers and simple sentence phrases. Now he keeps her around.

"Let's go get one," He said tugging her toward the Hot dog cart. Ten knew she wanted one, that is why she was talking about it and hunger like she was. And if he was going to get her to stop talking about it, then he was going to have to get her a hot dog.

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Character Portrait: Kurai Tenma Character Portrait: Phoenix Hikari
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"Let's go get one," Phoenix nodded and almost tripped and dropped her bunny. Ten had grabbed her arm and started pulling her towards the food stand. Let's get one thing straight. Ten was taller and averagely bigger than her. So his strides where longer than hers so she was basically running after him trying to keep up with his pace. She kept a good grip on her bunny if she doesn't say so herself. It would have been long gone if it wasn't for the iron grip on the animal. Then they finally got there and Phoenix was basically hunched over catching her breath. She was so out of shape. Ironic 'cause she was at a camp to help her get stronger.

Phoenix straightened herself and looked over the menu they had placed. It was literally just shaved wood and was written on with black sharpie. There were also sad attempts to make it more cheery looking. She rolled her eyes and looked at the staff member working the stand. "I want a hotdog and fries." Then she gave them a look that said 'make it quick'. She didn't plan on sitting here waiting for them to get her food. She was going to die before that happened. As to prove her point her stomach growled adding on to her warning.

She turned to Ten. "What are you gonna order?" She asked shifted the bunny. She didn't want to put it on the ground because it was a white bunny and the floor was dirty. But on the other hand it was hard to carry a giant animal such as this one. But she was grateful none the less.

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Character Portrait: Kurai Tenma Character Portrait: Phoenix Hikari
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Kurai ordered fries after Phoenix ordered her hot dog with fries. He wasn't even that hungry. The need to chew something was overwhelming so he thought, why not. It would do no harm. And everything was free. The people handed him the food that they both ordered. With one hand he held there food, with the other hand he snatched the giant bunny from her hands. It gave her free hands to hold the food. Once she handed him the food he held the bunny for her.

Ten wasn't embarrassed. People knew better than to talk about him, to his face or even behind his back. He always hears. And he always knows. Well that isn't entirely true, but Phoenix was friends with people at this camp. She would tell him or yell at them for talking about him in that manner. Taking his mind off others, Ten put a fry in his mouth and shook his head in disappointment. Dry. At least the camp was trying.

"It's dry," Ten said to Phoenix.

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Character Portrait: Kurai Tenma Character Portrait: Phoenix Hikari
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(Double post bud, no worries, I got ya. ~Shishio)

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Character Portrait: Kurai Tenma Character Portrait: Phoenix Hikari
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Phoenix gasped in surprised when a her arm became empty. She looked at her arm then at Kurai who was holding her white bunny. She tilted her head in confusion. "What are you doi-" He shoved the food to her and she took it nodding in understanding. He was just switching with her. She smelled in the food and a smiled appeared on her face. Again. "It smells good." She said. She just couldn't wait to shovel the food into her mouth so that she ended up chocking. Okay so maybe that wasn't a happy thought but still. She was hungry.No scratch that. She was starving. "I can't wait to e-"

"It's dry," Phoenix frowned instantly. She looked at him and saw that he was eating a fry. And she was going to eat that first. "Damn you Ten." She sounded sincere but secretly she was playing around and Ten new that so she didn't have to explain herself to him. She shoved a fry into her mouth and almost hacked it back up but she forced her body to swallow the...'thing' down her esophagus and then shuddered. It was like swallow wood. It was hard and didn't have any taste to it. "It needs salt." She said desperately. "Hell, It need a better cook." She mumbled under her breath but Ten could hear her.

She looked at her hotdog already dreading it.She picked up the lump of meat snuggled in bread and bit into it. She furrowed her eyebrows and swallowed loudly. She looked at the hot dog again. "I can't,"

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Character Portrait: Kurai Tenma Character Portrait: Phoenix Hikari
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Ten watched Phoenix throw away the food and he followed in suit. It was a waste of food and money, but he would pretty much do anything for her. Which is strange. She was the sister that he never had the pleasure of having. Of course he would never say this to her or anyone. She just knows. As they walked Ten was just becoming more bored. They were running out of things to do and the food made everything seem ten times worse than it already was. He just sighed and looked at his friend. "What do you want to do?" he asked her.

Giving her the choice saved him the suffering of having to pick between dumb things he was never interested in. Hopefully Phoenix considers his feelings where choosing something to do, but he would do it anyway. He is just that kind of person. But he prays on every god that it doesn't involve socializing with others. That run in with Alex has put him off of trying to mingle without people.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kurai Tenma Character Portrait: Phoenix Hikari
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Phoenix was actually very disappointed. The games weren't bad but the food just lowered her expectations. By like millions. She took the bunny from Ten and snuggled it to herself almost for comfort as she remembered the taste of the food she had once eaten not to long ago. "Ten, next time we make our own food okay." Phoenix didn't expect a reply knowing that she most likely wasn't going to get one. That's just how they work. I'm pretty sure she already explained that concept. "What do you want to do?" Phoenix shrugged. "Does burning all the food stands down count as 'something to do'?" See only two people know of her...unnerving side. The head Amphytriton and Ten, and maybe other staff members Amphytriton may have told. Phoenix looked up at Ten looking for his reaction. He usually never had a reaction but it didn't hurt to try and look for one.

Phoenix sighed heavily. "You don't have to worry, I already went crazy today you don't have to take me back to my cabin." She reassured Ten because sometimes he does do that. That's what friends do for each other. They help one another. "Just forget what I said. How about playing another game. Or we can go by the forest or the lake. Choose." She smirked knowing that he didn't like decisions or choosing something of that matter. "I'll make it easier, I hate the games here so you now have 2 options, choose wisely my young grasshopper." Let's get something straight, Phoenix is nothing like Ten. He actually more control over his abilities than Phoenix. But that doesn't mean he can control, just more control. She envies that about him really. Though she never voiced her thoughts on the subject.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kurai Tenma Character Portrait: Phoenix Hikari
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"Does burning all the food stands down count as 'something to do'?" That forced Ten to give a small smile. That was typical Phoenix. Of course if she did do that he would have to send her back to cabin. The last thing he needed was for her to get kicked out of the Camp for doing something like that. If she left then he would feel obligated to leave as well. There would be nothing here to keep him from going home. Except for Amphytriton, but it Kurai ran fast enough he would surpass him as well. "You don't have to worry, I already went crazy today you don't have to take me back to my cabin." Kurai raised an eyebrow at her. He was curious to what she did, but he didn't say anything. It wasn't his business. And it already happened.

"Just forget what I said. How about playing another game. Or we can go by the forest or the lake. Choose." Damn her! he cursed. She knew full and well Kurai doesn't like making decisions for anything or anyone. It freaks him out and he feels as though either decision ends badly. Why would she do that to him? "I'll make it easier, I hate the games here so you now have 2 options, choose wisely my young grasshopper. Kurai rolled his eyes. That didn't make it any better. It was as if she was teasing him. He had half a mind to strangle her, but kept his hands in his pocket. They balled into fist as he weighed out each option.

The forest was his go to place, but it was also going to be filled with other campers. Also it was still relatively close to the place they were trying to get away from. No difference would be made. He would still hear the others nearby. Laughing. Having 'fun'. The lake was another great option, but he didn't bring anything to swim with. His father needs a medium to communicate with Kurai. Water, fire, Dreams, anything. Kurai stopped walking and shut his eyes tight. The decision was going to be the death of him. Before he could change his mind he made a decision. "Forest."