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Alexandria Bennett

" An open book, with a torn out page and my inks run out."

0 · 596 views · located in Camp Liberty, California

a character in “Camp Liberty”, as played by Toffeeebot



"You taught me the courage of stars, before you left.
How light carries on endlessly, even after death.”

- Sleeping At Last
Human || Saturn || Neptune |


Alexandria Kate Bennett









|Years at Camp Liberty|

Fourth Year

"With shortness of breath, you explained the infinte.
How rare and beautiful it is to even exist.”




Saturn by Sleeping At Last

Captain America

|Decade of the 1900's?|




Crhis Evans



"Stage by stage, I tear apart
If brokenness is a form of art
I must be a poster child prodigy


Tea || Rain || Starry Nights || Music || Competitions || Being Active || Running || Snow || Dresses || Oversized Sweaters || Cooking || Dancing || Outdoors || Camping || Fruits || Nature || Road Trips || Ballet ||


Complete Darkness || Piercing Silence || Losing to others || Chocolate|| Sweet Items || Being lonely || Girls who tries too hard || Smoking || Cheaters || Selfish people || Gummy Bears || Reading || People who don't smile ||


|| Secret ||
Most people see Alex as this competitve and atheltic person; not very many people know that she writes poetry.

|| Secret ||
There isn't a day where Alex wishes that she turned out differently.


Heights || Falling in Love|| Death || Being alone || Complete Darkness ||


Whenever Alex is stuck, she begins to think outloud || Tends to chew on a pen if at hand || Bite her bottom lip whenever she smiles || Enjoys being drenched from the rain

"I'm only honest when it rains
If I time it right, the thunder breaks
When I open my mouth
I wanna tell you but I don't know how "

Alex was brought up with a very wealthy and prestigious family. Her parents own their own company and are always on their toes when it comes to competitions. It's only normal that they raise their only daughter the same way. Being nice and giving won't earn your way to the top. Though her parents are rich, she isn't a spoiled brat.
When things get rough, Alex tends to close up in her little shell and absorb everything. Keeping it all to herself and bottled up. Her parents didn't have time to comfort her nor did they bother. They were to busy and Alex had to grow up all on her own fairly quickly. Most teens her age would be careless and dumb, but she's grown maturely and intelligently. She's very witty when it comes to remarks, especially if you try to make fun of her. When it comes to thinking on her toes, she has that challenge down to the 'T'.
Alex might appear as a tough and worthy opponent, but when it comes to love, she's very distant. Any boy who has ever tried to ask her out has been rejected or denied. People at her school took it as 'I'm too good for you, so no', when in reality, she just didn't know how. She's always been afraid that guys will only like her because her parents are rich or because she's pretty. Alex isn't as shallow as most people take her to be. But her competetive and arrogant exterior gives off such a vibe to others which often results in her being with the 'wrong' crowd. Though most would disagree because she seems to fit in with them so perfect. But not enough people gets to know what's beneath her surface.

The youngest of three children; two older brothers. Alex grew up with parents who pushed her beyond the limits. Starting out at a young age, she was exposed to ballet. Then from there, her parents pushed her to joining the sports. Keeping her very active, but whenever it was game day or competitions, her parents can not be seen anywhere. They gave her support from afar and would scold her for the slightest mistakes. They were perfectionists and they wanted nothing less from their only daughter. This is why Alex is very competitive and can be taken snobby and arrogant. They've conditioned Alex to have the apetite to be at the top.


FC: Nina Debrov

So begins...

Alexandria Bennett's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Emily Willis Character Portrait: Lacey Chung Character Portrait: Coby Clarkson Character Portrait: Oliver Hale Character Portrait: Ariadne Brooks Character Portrait: Nate Goravich
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Ari was slowly but surely regaining composure, life ebbing back in to her body, warmth to her cheeks as she took a deep breath as everyone began to introduce themselves. She smiled to herself and her recovery. She could count on one dainty hand the weeks she would have just had a breakdown right then and there.

She didn’t listen during introductions, as per usual. They were just protocol, but she did listen as an unfamiliar voice introduced himself. The boy didn’t look much like red, but who knows, she could have been judging too hard. Maybe he had been sorted wrongly, but how would she know?

The last person concluded introductions, and Adam explained they were walking up Mt. Vuena. Ugh, really? It’s the hardest one!, she placed her face into her palm as he prattled on about safety. She felt Lacey squeeze her hand as it was notified they were in the same group. Her eyes danced and one corner of her mouth perked up.

”I’ll meet you at your cabin,” Lacey spoke, and Ari nodded and waved her off, not speaking a word. She figured she’d used them up for a few minutes, but it didn’t bother her.

Ari made her way to the pink cabin, the nearest to the media room. She brought her suitcase into the room, inhaling sharply as she remembered the mixtape. She’d just have to get through it. The girl placed her belongings on the bed which was hers, and zipped open the black suitcase that shone patent in the sunlight that streamed through the large window beside her bed. She opened the suitcase and brought out leggings and a thick woollen sweater, along with a black bobble hat and her favourite hiking boots. She took out of the drawer under her (bottom bunk) bed, a small backpack adorned with badges and patches from days past. Out of the suitcase she saw a box of cookies that her mom had made. Exactly half were cinnamon (special request from Ari as she knew cinnamon was Lacey’s favourite, and honestly Ariadne herself loved cinnamon) and the other half were classic chocolate chip. Among cookies she brought some medical supplies, water, crackers, and her phone. A few minutes, and she was ready to go. Ari made her way out of the pink cabin, where she saw Lacey.

”I brought something!” Ari smiled, shaking the box of cookies, ”But we’re getting to the totem pole first, I think we’re late” She was always one to fret about being late.

It wasn’t long until they arrived at the totem pole, where Adam was just beginning to talk.

”Okay everyone, I want you to get into your groups” Adam raised his voice so it could be heard throughout the group of kids milling around, and the kids followed, arranging themselves into their groups.

”Each group is getting a map, and you will all be going different ways that are the same difficulty level. I’ll be going up the lets say, easy way, that you don’t need to know about. The first group to the top is the winner, getting a point for their color each. Last one to the top- well, lets say there will be a forfeit. A bad one. So, don’t be last, okay?” He paused, handing out maps to one person in each group.

”Leader of group one is Eddie Andrews. Group one will be going the west route.” He pointed exactly west, to a rather dry, dusty path up the mountain, only rocks and bushes at each side of the path signifying life.

”Leader of group two is Daniel Bailey. You will be going the forest route.” He pointed directly above to a path snaking in between the tall evergreens, wildlife sprouting from every corner of the walk.

”Leader of group three is Emily Willis. You will be going the west route. Adam pointed again to a slightly more mountainous route that stayed next to the roaring waterfall. Everyone knew it lead to rivers and a few lakes that would unfortunately need crossing.

”One. Two. Three- go!”

”Well,” Ari smiled to Lacey while walking next to the rest of the group. ”Do you want a cookie? They’re cinnamon.”

Connor Tanabe sighed as he got into his group, but he laced his arm around his girlfriend’s waist as they walked.

”So, Daniel, do you have any idea where we’re going?” He asked the boy, genuinely of course. (Well, half geninuely) I mean, it wasn’t a secret ol’ Dan wasn’t the most well, sweet of people, so he treaded lightly, making his way up the forest path.

Nate felt a figure collide with his chest. Emily, it was. Emily something.

”Are you really? Sorry, I mean?” He growled, waiting for a response. ”Thought not. Just watch where you're going.” He dismissed the girl, walking off until Adam spoke up and said his share. Apparently, the routes would be the same difficulty level, but how does a bare path compare to a trek up the forest, or even a near gorge-walk through rivers and lakes? He was just lucky he was in group one. Hm, lucky. For once.

He just tried to walk at the back of his group as they began to take the path. Oh, and it was a race. Fuckin’ great.