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Chance Tag

"What a wonderful shade of happy you're wearing."

0 · 264 views · located in Cantarella

a character in “Cantarella: Masked”, originally authored by Spectrum, as played by RolePlayGateway


Chance Tag

Prince 1




Chance is the type to do what he wants when he wants how he wants. If heā€˜s ever disturbed while in the process of one of these varying activities, he gets very edgy for the rest of the day. Whoever bugs him or disturbs him heā€˜ll ignore or glare at for the entire rest of the day, but by morning, he pretends like it never happened and is back to normal with that person. Heā€˜s very attentive to people when theyā€˜re talking and likes experimenting with othersā€˜ feelings. He seems to be a little bit of an awkward person when around others. He likes to pick and prod at people, usually getting in their personal space or asking unnecessary, nosy questions just to peak his curiosity. He loves knowing things about others--but donā€˜t mistake this curiosity for kindness. He doesnā€˜t do it so he can be polite, he does it so he can find something bad about you.

Chance doesnā€˜t hesitate to speak his mind, whether the situation is appropriate or not. Heā€˜s a very blunt person who takes everything quite literately and doesnā€˜t understand sarcasm. Heā€˜s pretty selfish, being that he cares mostly for himself and hates when people mess with his things. If he allowed you to touch his stuff, it means he likes you. As mentioned earlier, he can be a little awkward around others or makes other people feel awkward with his odd actions or words. When heā€˜s intent on something, like making a potion or getting an idea by studying someone/figuring something out, he goes suddenly quiet and itā€˜s hard to snap him out of it until heā€˜s done with whatever heā€˜s doing/thinking.

Brief Description
Chance looks to be an abnormal pale in contrast to his raven black hair. His hair is an odd case, actually, having three perfectly aligned, perfectly white, perfectly straight stripes on his left-side bangs. He has normal eyes, since heā€˜s not a race mixed with any animals, but they are a dull yellowish color. He has very little muscle tone and is more scrawny than anything since he doesnā€˜t like to eat very often, usually opting for working on perfecting his potions or something of that sort. His hands are almost always cold.

Of course, being a Hechizo, Chance is skilled in making potions and such. He has two favorites: the kind that mess with the emotions of othersā€˜ and the kind that turn people different colors. He actually has mind one specific type of potion that he absolutely loves himself for making, but hasnā€˜t actually used on anyone other than one maid to test-run it. When the user drinks it, itā€˜ll make them turn a specific color according to their mood, changing as their mood changes. It usually wears off in a day or two. Other than emotion potions and skin discoloration potions, Chance is a surprisingly good dancer; mainly ballroom.

Dagger. His dagger is used for certain spells that either need a specified time in order to work or need blood as an ingredient. It works two ways for Chance (and Chance only). The first way is when he needs time. Heā€˜ll stab himself somewhere (usually the arm or leg) and instead of blood being drawn, sand will pour out. This accounts for how long the spell or potion will work. This is only for if heā€˜s using the potion though. If someone else takes it and it needs a time limit, then heā€˜ll have to stab them. It doesnā€˜t hurt at all and doesnā€˜t leave any scars or anything, but it tends to freak people out. All theyā€˜d feel is a slight pin prick. Of course, the other way he can use the dagger is its natural use: for actual stabbing and drawing blood.


-Being disturbed
-Figures of speech
-Failed experiments
-Unanswered questions

Amathophobia - he has a distinct fear of dust. Chance is far from OCD, but he does seem to be a little obsessed with cleanliness. He doesnā€˜t mind mud or dirt, but dust bothers him. Heā€˜s not allergic to it. He just really doesnā€˜t like it, so he usually works extra hard to keep everything he owns dust-free.

Itā€˜s not exactly as extreme as a phobia per se, but he doesnā€˜t like looking into mirrors. If he passes one by, he pointedly ignores it. He turns the other way when brushing his teeth in the morning. Whenever trying something on, he doesnā€˜t bother checking himself in the mirror to make sure everythingā€˜s right--if heā€˜s feeling paranoid about it, heā€˜ll just have one of his servants look him over.

Chance was born into his royal family. He was the youngest of three--with the oldest being a girl and the middle being another boy--and his mother died giving birth to him. It wasnā€˜t of his own accord, of course, she just happened to be very ill and weak and giving birth was the last thing she managed to do before dying. His father didnā€˜t blame him at all and raised him the same as he did his other children, but Chanceā€˜s siblings never treated him right. His sister, 5 years older than him, would pointedly ignore him when she was supposed to be watching him as a child--which led him getting into trouble or getting lost and having to wander around for hours crying to find his way back home. His brother, 2 years older than him, would constantly pick on him. Heā€˜d break his potions as soon as he finished perfecting them or mix them with other things so theyā€˜d go wrong or blow up in his face. Then heā€˜d scribble or rip out pages in Chanceā€˜s spell books, making him screw up spells or wonder why he was getting them wrong. Because of this treatment from his siblings who despised him for ā€œkillingā€œ their mother, Chance grew up secluding himself to avoid their torment or mean looks. The maids and butlers were all nice to him, however, and since his dad was always busy with kingly things, he was taken care of more by them.

Who are they engaged to?

Love Interest

Hex Code

Heā€™s almost always wearing this necklace. Itā€˜s supposed to be for tiny potions or good luck charms, but he keeps it empty at all times for seemingly no reason at all.


So begins...

Chance Tag's Story


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Chance Tag

Chance bounced from foot to foot, adjusting the tie that hung awkwardly and loosely around his neck. He never knew how to situate one quite right. They were agitating things anyway. He was focusing hard on it though to avoid, at all costs, looking over at the clock for the hundredth time. He knew he was running late and the more he looked at the clock, the more anxious he got. Eventually, his fight was lost and his eyes were drawn once again to the slowly ticking clock on the wall. Five minutes had passed! He was running later and later. He was going to be the worst presented Prince there. He bet the others were all already there. But did anyone expect? He'd just arrived that morning and settled down long enough to take a nap and the next thing he knew one of the servants were waking him up in a rush and hurrying him out of bed for the ball.

Giving out a noise of frustration, Chance decided he no longer cared. He huffed and put his hands down at his sides, looking glumly down at the half stuck-out tie that just refused to work for him. If it didn't want to work, then he'd just give it what it wanted. He was done with the stupid thing. Wait, he thought, looking up at the wall and blinking dumbly. He suddenly muttered a short spell and the tie straightened perfectly, looking neat as ever. He could of jumped for joy if he wasn't so frustrated that he hadn't thought of that earlier. Oh, right, he was in a rush. Mask. Where was...

There! Chance strode over to the large mirror hanging spotlessly on the wall, grabbing up his mask and putting it on. He didn't bother to avert his eyes slightly to the side to see how he looked because, frankly, he didn't want to know. Content now, he rushed out the door and down the hall. Oh, I'm so late! They're all sure to think I'm not fit to be a Prince now... That was him. Chance Tag: the Prince who shouldn't be. Mother-murderer extraodinaire! The weird one, the strange and secluded one. The one who spoke to himself and wasn't good around people. The only reason he was even here was because his older brother left home months ago to explore the rest of the world and there were rumors that he found a country he wished to stay in. In all honesty, Chance was both excited and dreading this ball. He wasn't very good around people. And now he was to go and be expected to entertain a soon-to-be bride? They obviously hadn't taken him into account when making these decisions.

Bursting into the ballroom, Chance caught his breath, overly worried that he might be late. "Sorry!" A scolding wasn't on his to-do list today. As he glanced up, however, he sweat-dropped in the realization that he didn't seem to be late at all. There were still one or two people missing. Sure, there were some of the other princes around and some of the girls as well. Everyone looked to be having conversations. The situation dawned on him and he scooted to the side, hoping nobody heard or took notice of his outburst. He made his way to a far wall by himself, taking an interest in the floor and wondering if he could think of a spell to make himself disappear.