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Lacey Evans

"Stop looking for reasons to be unhappy. Focus on the things you do have, and the reasons you should be happy."

0 · 1,171 views · located in Decker's Mansion

a character in “Captive in a Chemical Garden”, as played by crystalrain


Name: Lacey Alexa Evans

Age: 14

Face Claim: Stefanie Scott


~Sunny Days
~Singing cheerful songs

~People who are mean
~When people are grumpy--She always feels compelled to try to cheer them up.
~Being alone

~Being hurt (physically or emotionally)
~Being deserted (she hates to be alone)


Appearance: Lacey is average height for her age--about 5'3". She doesn't have the skinniest build, but she's far from overweight. Her blonde wavy hair falls just past her shoulders, and she likes to wear it in a simple ponytail, or just leave it down. Her light brown eyes appear almost hazel, and are always cheerful, expect when she is in pain. She has a beautiful, ever-present smile, and pale pink lips.

Personality: Lacey has a very cheerful demeanor and is practically always happy. She is a bit naive and easily excited, due to her young age. She is cooperative, and doesn't ever start fights with anyone. This is partially due to her sunny attitude, but is also due to her fear of being hurt. She loves laughing and making others laugh. She is always with other people, and hates being alone.

History: WIP


So begins...

Lacey Evans's Story

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Lacey looked around, smiling to herself. Containing her excitement was a difficult task. Everything excited her, from the pretty lavender dress she was wearing to the silver ring on her finger. The dress had a sweetheart neckline, and fell just below her knees. The dress was skin-tight around her upper body, but flowed out freely at the bottom. Her hair was pulled into a low bun, a few curls left out to frame her face. A white rose had been pinned to the bun. Lacey was optimistic--she didn't see any reason to be unhappy, surely this life would be better than the life she had lived before. Besides, she had been alone on the streets before, and to her, anything was better than being alone. Giddy with excitement, she wondered who she should talk to first.

The setting changes from Distant future America to Decker's Mansion

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Character Portrait: Lacey Evans
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Lacey grabbed a glass of champagne and took a sip, then groaned in disgust. "Gross," she mumbled under her breath. She set the glass down on an empty table, hoping no one would notice. A few guests came up to her, and she smiled and chatted with them, showing them her ring and gushing along with them. She glanced over at her new husband handing another bride a rose, and a pang of jealousy struck her. Here they were, married, and she hadn't even said a word to the guy. She began walking toward the general direction of her new husband and, well, sister wife (for lack of a better word), hoping to make herself noticed.

The setting changes from Decker's Mansion to Distant future America

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Character Portrait: Lacey Evans
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Lacey giggled excitedly as he kissed her hand, and took the rose graciously. She blushed, "Thank you." She tucked a golden curl behind her ear, and glanced over at Raven, assessing her for a split-second. She shifted her glance back to Decker, as she studied his blonde curls and charming smile, and smiled to herself.

The setting changes from Distant future America to Decker's Mansion

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacey Evans Character Portrait: Raven Addams Character Portrait: Decker Delaney
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Raven took the rose between her fingers as she set her glass down on the edge of one of the many buffet tables.
"Thank you..." she said, keeping up the shy smile on her face, her voice barely above a soft whisper. Then, as an afterthought she added "Governor Decker..." She felt that, as her husband, she shouldn't address him by such a formal title, but he was still a stranger to her. This was the first time they'd spoken - apart from when he read out his vows and she nodded silently along - and any term of endearment she would have hoped to call a true, consensual husband would just feel wrong in this situation...
Her heavily made-up eyes widened ever so slightly as soon as he bent his head to kiss her hand, and as soon as his lips came into contact with her skin, she felt another rush of flutters in the pit of her stomach as well as the sudden pounding in her chest and the fire she felt in her cheeks.
She glanced at her sister wife when she approached and felt her smile fade and her heart sink. She was too young for this...Thinking about what she was actually doing here as a wife forced some of that earlier resentment for Decker to return, even though she was almost sure he had no real part in this...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacey Evans Character Portrait: Raven Addams
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Lacey took a seat next to Raven, shoving down disappointment. She wished she could spend more time with the man she had just married, but supposed that was one of the many drawbacks to this polygamy. She decided to take this time to get to know one of her sister wives. She turned to Raven, smiling slightly. "Hi, I'm Lacey," she chirped happily. "I guess we'll be spending a lot of time together." She bit her lip, not sure what else to say.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacey Evans Character Portrait: Raven Addams
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Raven blinked, startled slightly by Lacey's voice, and redirected her gaze from Decker's rose to her younger sister wife.
"Raven..." she introduced herself with a small, anxious smile. She wouldn't say anymore for fear of the wrong words leaving her lips and leaving her humiliated in front of this girl who she would be spending the rest of her life living with.
There was something that bothered her about this young girl sat beside her, though. She was so happy, so chipper...As if she didn't understand what it was that was happening here. She'd been kidnapped and sold to a wealthy stranger for breeding purposes. She was quite a few years younger than Raven, yes, but surely she was old enough to understand just how sick this whole situation was...

The setting changes from Decker's Mansion to Distant future America

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacey Evans Character Portrait: Raven Addams
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Lacey bit the inside of her cheek. She hoped didn't make a bad first impression. "You look gorgeous," she offered, with a sincere smile. She didn't want this girl who she would be living with for the rest of her life to hate her. She absentmindedly stroked the soft petals of Decker's rose with one hand, as the other hand smoothed down her the bottom part of her lavender dress.

Lacey was happy, and wondered why Raven's attitude wasn't the same. Wasn't this better than being alone on the streets? Except for, well, the breeding part. The part Lacey didn't like to think about.

The setting changes from Distant future America to Decker's Mansion

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacey Evans Character Portrait: Raven Addams
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Raven looked back down, her cheeks flushing once more. She was in no way used to compliments - quite the opposite, actually…Always expecting some form of vicious verbal abuse to be thrown at her - so in the rare events she heard them, she often questioned their sincerity. She had every reason to believe that her sister wife was trying to be a false-friend. In her eyes, Raven could be seen as an obstacle blocking her way to her husband that she was clearly already fond of…Or, on the other hand, she could simply be trying to create peace between the both of them, seeing as they would be living in such close quarters…And she couldn’t imagine this young girl being so manipulative. But still…
In the end, her own desire for a lack of conflict won over her uncertainty and she answered, redirecting her shy smile back to Lacey: “Thank you…You look beautiful too.”

The setting changes from Decker's Mansion to Distant future America

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacey Evans Character Portrait: Raven Addams
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Lacey giggled happily. "Thank you!" She looked down at her dress, then back to Raven. "I've never worn clothes this nice before! Have you?" Lacey wondered Raven's background. Had she been part of a wealthy family? Had she lived on the streets like Lacey had? How had she ended up here? She wanted to ask all of these questions, but didn't want to seem nosey or forward. Instead, she looked around for a waiter carrying hor d'oeuvres.

The setting changes from Distant future America to Decker's Mansion

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacey Evans Character Portrait: Raven Addams
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"No...I haven't..." Raven answered quietly, her smile faltering slightly when she saw Lacey’s attention shift away from her. She looked back down and tried not to take it to heart, but that’s a hard thing to do when you feel like aren’t engaging enough to hold somebody’s attention. Raven knew she wasn’t engaging, or charismatic, or socially adept…But still, she felt that sting of embarrassment every time this was proven to her.
To ease the burning panic she felt in her chest, she also looked around at the many caterers carrying around foods she couldn’t even recognise on their platters, and thought that maybe she was reading too much into this. Some people are just easily distracted, it’s not that they’re bored or uninterested…She kept repeating that to herself in her mind until the panic faded.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacey Evans Character Portrait: Raven Addams Character Portrait: Valentina Black Character Portrait: Shelby Peters Character Portrait: Decker Delaney
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Valentina made her way over to the table where her sister brides were sitting, a small smile on her face, still carrying the rose and her glass of champagne. She had to admit, she missed her life back home, but...she was looking forward to meeting the other girls she would be living with from now on. As long as they were pleasant, that is.
When she reached the table, Valentina gave a warm smile to each of her sister wives in turn, first Lacey, then Shelby, and finally, Raven. Her eyes lingered on Raven for a small moment, and she hesitated...before pulling a chair out and taking her seat across the table from her. This was the one. She knew that from that moment. This was the sister wife she would bond with most...she could sense it. She seemed so shy, so quiet...
So refreshing.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacey Evans Character Portrait: Raven Addams Character Portrait: Valentina Black Character Portrait: Shelby Peters Character Portrait: Decker Delaney
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Raven lifted her head for a moment when the chair across from her was pulled back, and noticed that it was another of her sister wives occupying it. She gave her a small, nervous smile - barely meeting her eyes - before dropping her gaze again. The first wife she'd spoken to - Lacey - had seemed friendly, though she still wasn't a hundred percent sure of her motives, but she had no idea what to expect from this other bride. She looked so comfortable in this situation, with all of the stares she was receiving, with these clothes they had given her (whereas Raven fidgeted uncomfortable in them every so often) and she was so much more beautiful and graceful than her...It was already clear that between Lacey's giggly confidence, this bride's grace and her third sister wife's hard-to-get attitude, she would be the wife to fade into the background. Maybe that was a good thing...It would mean Decker would expect less from her in the way of children...but she still felt that sting of sadness at being that unloved wife who sat alone in the manor while her husband was somewhere else with one of his other brides...
There. She felt it. That jealousy...She looked back down at her hands under the table, where she was still holding the rose. Fake. Just like this marriage. she repeated to herself in her head, as Decker gave his speech.

The setting changes from Decker's Mansion to Distant future America

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacey Evans Character Portrait: Raven Addams Character Portrait: Valentina Black Character Portrait: Shelby Peters Character Portrait: Decker Delaney
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Raven's blush intensified and she quickly looked back down, still holding onto her smile.
"I doubt that..." she muttered softly, tucking a few blonde waves behind her ear and exposing the tiny diamond in its lobe. Her ears weren't pierced before she came here. The first generation attendants that had come to prepare her for the wedding had done it just before styling her hair. It hadn't hurt nearly as much as she expected it to, and only lasted a second for each ear. She hadn't understood why it was necessary, though...She knew the attendants wanted to make her look her best for her soon-to-be husband, but impaling her skin just to add extra jewellery didn't make sense to her.
When Decker spoke, her head lifted again to look at him, and when she heard his words, she quickly looked around at the other wives. What could I possibly tell him? she thought. There was nothing to tell apart from her life before this place...And nobody would want to hear about that.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacey Evans Character Portrait: Raven Addams Character Portrait: Valentina Black Character Portrait: Shelby Peters Character Portrait: Decker Delaney
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Lacey smiled at her other sister wives. They all seemed nice, and she felt like she would get along with all of them. She was relieved she wouldn't have to spend her life with a bunch of mean women. She was younger than all of them, she noticed, and wondered why. She listened and smiled as Decker talked, and was very interested when Valentina said what she liked.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacey Evans Character Portrait: Raven Addams Character Portrait: Valentina Black Character Portrait: Shelby Peters Character Portrait: Decker Delaney
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0.00 INK

Shelby Peters

Shelby took the rose from Decker warily but she didn't say anything to him. She waited for him to leave and then breathed a sigh of relief. Part of he wanted to dart from the table she was sitting at but she knew better. She knew that somewhere around this party there were two women in high authority watching her every move. Her sister's life was at stake and she wasn't about to kill off her sister for a moment of selfishness. Finally Decker wanted all his brides to sit at the head table so Shelby made her way up to the table and sat down. She heard the conversations start up. Valentina already seemed to have made friends with Raven, and Decker was asking everyone their story and what they liked.

Telling him anything about herself seemed like an appalling idea. On the flip side, she didn't know what to say. She couldn't tell him the truth. The ladies in waiting made it a point to tell her to keep her personal life...well...personal. She had to figure out her life story, it had to be convincing, and she had to do it fast. Her likes wouldn't have to change, just her life story. She blocked out the other women and started piecing together a life story. When she was finished she gave herself a small nod and folded her hands nicely in her lap. She could see the women watching her from the back of the room. They were giving her a very stern look and she knew what it meant. 'Be civil. Be kind. DON'T tell him where you came from, he doesn't need to know about your poor trashy life, he has better things to do with his time.' she heard the woman's voice ring in her head.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacey Evans Character Portrait: Raven Addams Character Portrait: Valentina Black Character Portrait: Shelby Peters Character Portrait: Decker Delaney
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Lacey smiled, and her cheeks blushed pink when he called her sweetheart. "Well I like smiling," she said with a giggle, "and I love to sing. I like being with people and talking with people. I like little kids, and I love animals. And I absolutely love flowers." She grinned at Decker and her sister wives.

The setting changes from Distant future America to Decker's Mansion

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacey Evans Character Portrait: Raven Addams Character Portrait: Valentina Black Character Portrait: Shelby Peters Character Portrait: Decker Delaney
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Valentina watched Decker, Raven, Lacey and Shelby, a small smile on her face, just simply staying quiet and enjoying the conversation. Funnily enough, it felt like...
Like they were all some sort of family...
She guessed that, in some sense, they were...but, in that moment, things didn't seem so bad.
They'd probably get worse, but...right now, they were okay, and none of them seemed to hate her. Which was a good thing.

The setting changes from Decker's Mansion to Distant future America

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacey Evans Character Portrait: Raven Addams Character Portrait: Valentina Black Character Portrait: Shelby Peters Character Portrait: Decker Delaney
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Everyone seemed to be so enamored with the man, or at least happy in the moment. Shelby could not force herself to be happy. She could not force herself to like him, though for the life of her sister she'd try. "Reading, cooking, playing piano, children...namely my little sister, rain, listening to music, fresh air, and I like to stay fit." she said emotionlessly. She had no desire to add explanations to the things she liked. She knew if she did she'd probably say something inappropriate, and she sure as hell wasn't going to give him any crucial information to play off of. He was not going to win her favor easily, if at all.

The setting changes from Distant future America to Decker's Mansion

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacey Evans Character Portrait: Raven Addams Character Portrait: Valentina Black Character Portrait: Shelby Peters Character Portrait: Decker Delaney
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Valentina looked at Shelby, her expression slightly confused. She knew this girl was trying to hide something, but she had absolutely no idea what.
Looking back at Decker, she huffed quietly. She wished she'd never made the comment about liking being called pretty. Now, he would think that was all she cared about.
Frankly, it was nothing compared to some of the other things that were important to her. And for yet another time that night, Valentina glanced over at Raven.
See, that was a girl who wanted affection. That was a girl who needed a man to cherish and respect her. To love her.
Looking back at Lacey, she saw a young girl who didn't want marriage, per say...just the ability to have fun and make friends. And Shelby...well...she suspected that Shelby just hated Decker's guts.
Not wanting to make a huge fuss over what Decker was completely overlooking, she would stay quiet. But she desperately hoped things would start looking up for the shy little thing sitting opposite her. And fast.


Hi guys, I have to go now, so can we please pause until I'm back? :) x

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lacey Evans Character Portrait: Raven Addams Character Portrait: Valentina Black Character Portrait: Shelby Peters Character Portrait: Decker Delaney
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Raven looked back down with the smile still on her face when Decker had finished talking to her. When he mentioned taking her out to see his garden, she felt a small rush of excitement, but also nausea. The rose. The rose. Think of the rose. she repeated in her head, gently twisting the stem of it between her fingers. She probably knew it was all futile, though...Because whenever she didn't force herself to think back to that fake beauty, she became caught up in the romance; in the idea of being loved and cherished by this wealthy, good-looking, kind man...But it would never be love, would it? How could it be? He has three other brides, each more beautiful and confident than her. Granted, one of them was a child. But still...If he were to love any of them, really love, she would definitely not be his final choice. She doubted she'd even cross his mind.
She lifted her eyes occasionally to the other brides that were speaking, but she was too lost in her own mind to register most of what they were saying, but her head lifted entirely when Shelby left the table. Maybe she'd be the one he falls for...Men always seem to chase after the challenge, don't they? But she truly seemed to hate him, so if he did, that love would be unrequited.
No, the one he'd most likely be happy with is Valentina. She was beautiful beyond words, with poise and confidence. Any man would fall for her...And she doesn't have that level of hatred for Decker as Shelby has, so of course it'll be her.
With an inaudible sigh, Raven dropped her gaze back down to her lap.

((Okay, I'm back. Let's do this. :D ))