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Kyra Gosling

The Mercenary

0 · 468 views · located in Cartwright Falls

a character in “Cartwright Falls A Psychological Horror Story”, as played by Bosch


Kyra is 5’8 and has body type best described as lithe. She is strong and very good physical condition, most people would find her attractive but it comes with an intensity that most would find intimidating. People often describe her as lonely. She is thirty years old.


Kyra is a no nonsense type of person who is very objective driven and has a loose moral code. This is advantageous in her work as she will not stop until her objective is completed at the cost of everything and anyone else. She has been diagnosed as a sociopath which means she views people in terms of what they can do for her, this prevents her from forming meaningful relationships. She believes her emotions apart from rage and distain are muted and she feels them less than other people.



Kyra has access to the weaponry on the Mansion Grounds.
She has numerous false documents and surveillance equipment.



Kyra was born in New York and had a relatively happy childhood, she was an above average student with a gift for languages. While she could have gone to University the cost was prohibitative so she instead enlisted in the US Military as they would support her through her education after a tour of duty.

Kyra however was ear marked during basic training as a “Morally adaptive” person which is a nice way of saying a sociopath. Under a new NSA programme Kyra was ejected from the army and trained in the art of espionage, assassination and interrogation. Her age, ethnicity, gender and skill with languages all being important to her job.

She spent ten years as a government assassin working across the world. In the past two she has left the agency and become a Mercenary with a view of retirement. However she isn’t sure what retirement looks like for someone like her.


So begins...

Kyra Gosling's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayden Montgomery Character Portrait: Simon "Deacon" Temple Character Portrait: Kyra Gosling
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#, as written by Bosch
Hayden thanked him for the body armour and Temple smiled, he wanted to make sure the kid stayed safe although his motives were somewhat clouded. They walked out to the car and Temple could see she was getting a little keyed up. It was a natural response when going into battle of course she had nothing to worry about, Temple would take a bullet if it meant keeping her alive.

In the car she immediately hit the heat and began talking.

"I know this isn't the best time to teach you the way the Mill, but it's simple enough and if something bad happens
Temple almost smiled the adrenaline was making her nervous and talkative.

"It would just be bad if I was the only one who knew how to get back to town. Like I said, the directions are simple enough, but in this weather and at night the forest can get tricky to navigate."

“Good thinking I’ll be sure to keep my eyes peeled but we’ll be alright. Just remember to keep your eyes on me and stay low. Fire fights are won through use of cover so make sure you always know where your nearest safe spot is. Should someone go down focus on the threat then the casualty.”

He kept spouting advice for most of the car trip, maybe it was his way to keep his mind off what was about to happen.


The woman was finally approaching her base, a large Mansion deep in the woods. Originally it had been built by the owner of the Saw Mill, Julius Dalton, but along with the man’s business the mansion had fallen into disrepair. Now it was home to a very different man.

She lifted the scrambled radio out of the glove box and hit the PTT button.

“This is Gosling. I’m coming home got three eggs two of ‘em cracked.”

“Confirm acquisition.”

Gosling rolled her eyes and then looked in the mirror she’d set up so she could watch Nathaniel in the back of the van who was still out cold.

“Do you think I’d be coming back if I hadn’t?”

“Alright a team will meet you at the Garage.”

The Mansion had been bought by her employer a few years ago. His name was Blair Lamont and he was wealthy enough to buy mansions and hire people like Gosling. Along with the small army he’d amassed around the grounds of the mansion. As near as Gosling could tell they were some kind of cult, it wasn’t her bag but it paid the bills.

She had never been inside the Mansion but it was clear a lot of money had been invested in the old place. She noticed the high walls surrounding the grounds, the cctv cameras and the motion sensitive lights. Inside she guessed would be much the same and she had a feeling somewhere deep inside the mansion was a state of the art security room.

The armed men walking around the Mansion seemed to be well trained and she’d picked up a variety of accents, British, French, American, Israeli and she was pretty sure she’d even seen a Ghurkha. The crew all seemed to be ex-military and professional. Whatever was inside the mansion Lamont did not want anyone getting in to see it or maybe it getting out.

She was waved through a checkpoint by a friendly guard. He was the public face, a ruddy cheeked man who looked like a minimum wage security guard, enough to see way any travelling sales men or lost hikers. The only give away that all was not as it seemed was a SAR-87 sitting in the small guard post. A weapon like that wasn’t issued to minimum wage rent a cops.

As she pulled up to the garage the large door began to open. She parked the van and got out as four men walked to rear and opened it. Gosling lit a cigarette that she immediately stubbed out when she saw Lamont making his way toward her.

“This is the boy? I hope he wasn’t wounded?”

“Bloods not his. The maid took a bullet and so did the guy you gave me.”

“Good.” He said as he watched his men bring Nathaniel out of the van and into the garage.

Gosling cleared her throat. “About Keith getting killed. Now I have to do double the work load and I feel I should be compensated.”

Lamont looked at her with dark eyes and for a second it felt like the life was draining out of her.

“Of course. You’ll receive full payment on completion of your tasks.

Gosling nodded. “I’ll also need a new vehicle, That one looks like a slaughter house.” She said pointing at the van as the maid’s body was being removed.

“Take a key from the board.”

Gosling walked inside the garage and was astounded by its size. She had thought the room was much smaller but in fact it was set on incline and went far beneath the Mansion. There was an entire motor pool of various vehicles including motorbikes, vans, cars and ATVs.

She grabbed the keys to one of the vans from a board with hooks holding keys and walked to her vehicle. She noticed strange carving on the walls that looked like eyes. Gosling thought the place gave her the creeps and decided she’d do her best to avoid going back inside the mansion.

For a second she felt bad for Nathaniel whatever was going on here was dark but the feeling quickly passed. People in Kyra Gosling’s line of work didn’t get to have emotions, that’s what they told her in basic training and that’s what they told her again in Baltimore. She didn’t need to hear it though emotion for Kyra was muted like the volume had been set way too low. The two she knew she felt were anger and distain and the government had loved that. She first came to their attention when she signed up to serve her country as a solider at eighteen and happened to score highly on Moral Flexibility which ear marked her for a special programme in the NSA.

The next ten years she’d spent killing and torturing the enemies of Freedom for her Uncle Sam. Now she did it privately for whoever paid the most money, at the moment that Lamont. He had contacted her a month ago and given her a list of dates and times along with half a million dollars, all she had to do was round up the names and she’d walk away a full Million now it looked like she was getting Keith’s cut as well.

This motivated her.

The next name would be easier.

Hayden Montgomery.


They were out of the town now and far away from any prying eyes. Temple produced his weapon and seemed to check it. He cocked the weapon and pointed it at Hayden’s head.

“I’m real sorry but you’re going have stop the car and cuff your hands behind your back.”

Inside he was dying, he hated being played but in the end it came down to a simple choice.

Hayden or his Family and that wasn’t a choice at all.


Lamont had Nathaniel brought to one of the rooms inside the mansion the boy would be waking up at any moment. Once it had been a bedroom and in a lot of ways still was but subtle changes had turned it into a cell. The glass windows were shatter proof and covered by ornate iron bars while the door was reinforced. A two way mirror ensured the boy was always monitored but apart from that the room was well furnished with everything Nathaniel would need to make his stay comfortable.

The rest of the mansion was functional nothing had been replaced if it didn’t serve a purpose so the old creaky hallways were still intact along with peeling wall paper and water damage. Lamont had put most of his money below the foundations and in other places prying eyes couldn’t see.

“He’ll be waking up soon.” Lamont said absentmindedly to the guards. “Make sure the artifact is prepared.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayden Montgomery Character Portrait: Simon "Deacon" Temple Character Portrait: Kyra Gosling
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#, as written by Bosch
"You shouldn't make promises you aren't going to be able to keep."

Deacon said nothing as it took all he had to choke down the bile bubbling in his throat. He was nauseous but he knew this was a reaction to the fear he’d been living in since receiving the phone call. He wasn’t lying when he said he’d do whatever took to save his family, didn’t help with the guilt though.

He got out of the car and marched Hayden to back passenger seat where a suspect would normally sit and locked her there. He then got into the driver seat and set off for his destination.


Kyra was feeling quite cold in the middle of the storm but wouldn’t let that affect the task at hand. She was leaning against the back of the van and trying to work out all the possible ways this could go down. She was quite sure Deacon would play ball but it was always a gamble that he’d be struck by a sudden utilitarian urge. That’s why she was wearing the armour and packing a Micro Uzi of course that was just backup if the shit hit the fan.

The Bronco crested a hill and she straightened up making sure her Uzi was visible. The jeep skidded to a halt and Deacon leapt out of the car before pulling his service weapon.

“Family NOW!”

Kyra gave him her best unimpressed look.

“They’re close. First the Deputy.”

“I swear to God if you’ve hurt them you die first slut!”

“Temper, Temper Temple. Deputy Montgomery?”

“She’s in the car. Same rule for her too.” He said in a growl.

“Very intimidating Agent. I’m shaking in my boots.”

“Where are they?”

“You’ll be with them very soon. Are you alone? Does anyone know what you’ve done?”

“I’m alone, you think I’d risk my family?”

“Good. Your wife is in the back of this van, we will release your daughter once I’m clear of this location. The keys to the Bronco please?”

“No! Fuck that both of them now!”

“Can’t do it Temple, I’m not calling the shot here.”

She could see the cogs whirring in Temple’s brain. He was smart and would realise this was his only hope.

“I will find you

“Is that a yes?”

“Yes.” He said as he lobbed the keys to Kyra who caught them with one hand.

“Super.” She said as she tossed the van Keys a few feet from Deacon, he slowly stepped away from the car with his gun still drawn and moved to the keys. Kyra mirrored his movements and went to the Bronco.

Temple reached the keys but just watched as Kyra got into the car and drove away. He wanted to make sure he was sure of her direction of travel, it was a small thing but could help them find Hayden later. Once the Bronco was over the next hill he ran to the van.

“I’m here sweetie just hold on!” He called out to his wife as he fumbled for the keys. Finally he got the key in the back door of the van and turned.


Kyra heard the explosion and in the Bronco’s rear view mirror she could see the flash as the bomb Temple triggered when he opened turned the key detonated. It didn’t matter which door he would have chosen as anyone would have set off the explosion.

She couldn’t help but let the smile play across her face.

“Alone at last, Deputy.” Kyra said as she pulled the bronco over and got out. She produced a small black hood and after some struggling was able to pull it over Hayden’s head. Once she was sure the hood was secure she got back into the driver’s seat and turned on the Bronco’s FM radio in an effort to drown out any ambient noise that would give the girl a clue as to where they were.

They arrived back at the mansion after taking a very roundabout way with lots of dog legs and doubling back as she was aware Hayden was a native and she didn’t want the Deputy knowing where she was going.

The mansion was again much like she left it, to the outside world it looked like a dilapidated ruin of course Kyra knew better. She pulled up and a party was waiting to meet her.

“She’s got ears.” Kyra told the two Burly men who pulled Hayden out of the back seat of the car. They patted her down and removed anything she could have used as a weapon or as communications before dragging her up to a room similar to Alexander’s before they pushing her inside they removed her cuffs, leaving her to take off the hood.

Unlike Alexander however Hayden was not alone.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayden Montgomery Character Portrait: Simon "Deacon" Temple Character Portrait: Kyra Gosling
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0.00 INK

Hayden was silent as Temple drover her car to knows who where. She could honestly say that this was probably the worst week of her life. Working in Cartwright as a police officer wasn't supposed to get you kidnapped and swept away to places unknown. A small town like Cartwright wasn't supposed to have a murdered sheriff and house explosions. It was supposed to be a nice town with nice people living ordinary lives. The long car ride gave her time to think, time to wonder just what someone would want from her.

She barely noticed that Temple had stopped the car before he was running out and screaming about his family. The young deputy looked out the window, it was dark and she couldn't see much but with the headlights of the bronco still on she could make out of the form of a woman. And exchange was being made and before Hayden knew it the unknown woman was settling herself into the police car and driving away. Hayden turned in her seat to look out the rearview mirror and before she knew it the night was filled with the bright light of the exploding vehicle. Her stomach felt queazy and she heaved the contents of her stomach onto the floor of the seat beside her. Who the hell were these people? The voice of the woman filled the car and Hayden was very much sure that there was nothing more she would like at this moment than to not be alone in with this particular woman, especially as a hood was forceable placed over her head.

As they drove the woman took so many twists and tuns that even a native of the area like Hayden had no idea where they ended up. It was even worse that Hayden couldn't see a damned thing. The young woman assumed that they were still in the area of Cartwright though, maybe in the woods somewhere considering the amount of confusion that the other woman tried to create.

The car stopped once more, this time large hands pulling her from the car. They took everything she had, everything that she could possible use to help herself. Not that she had much to begin with. She felt them take her up some stairs and down a hall before tossing her unceremoniously into a room. The door quickly shut behind her and the first thing she did was grab the hood off of her head. She bolted for the door she just came through and tried the knob. Hayden knew it would be locked but there was no harm in trying. Then an angry growl left her mouth as she kicked the door harshly.

"Who are you?" Someone whispered from the other side of the room. Hayden jerked around to face this new person, her hand instinctively reaching for the gun that was taken away.

The room was dark and she couldn't see much but she could make out another figure. Hayden remained calm, not sure if this person was a threat or not. "I'm Deputy Haden Montgomery, who are you?" A thought struck through her mind and she wondered if she had found Karen Fellows for a moment.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eli Carter Character Portrait: Thomas Barton Character Portrait: Hayden Montgomery Character Portrait: Nathaniel Alexander Character Portrait: Kyra Gosling Character Portrait: Cassandra K. Bishop
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Bosch
Blake slapped his forehead.

“Damn it! The autopsy report. It slipped my mind with Temple. I received the report earlier this morning.” He rifled through his desk and produced his report on the death of its previous owner. Blake then handed the report to Barton who thumbed through it. Blake provided a brief synopsis but he knew Barton would still want to read it.

“Ethanol poisoning. They say it was methanol introduced via syringe. Pretty clean too suggesting the killer had some medical skill. Of course he died in a hospital so the suspect list is the length of your arm. I’ve got people reviewing tapes but with the numbers going in and out of his room it’ll be tricky to work out who killed Carter.”

Barton nodded and handed back the report.

After concluding their meeting Barton headed for the door and on to the funeral.

After a few moments Blake stepped out into the lobby of the Sherriff’s Department.

“Agent Blake you look like hell!” A woman’s voice cried.

Blake spun on Justine whose eyes were filled with genuine concern.

“I... I haven’t had much time for sleep.”

“Well right now we’re making time. You go lie down and I’ll field the phones. Nobody will miss you for a few hours besides everyone has been tasked all you’re only waiting for their reports.”

Blake nodded glad in way that someone was giving him permission to sleep.

"Can you tell me how to get out of here?"

Eli nodded before walking away from Hayden and the group. He spent a while getting the lay of the land.

They were currently on the third floor of a four story mansion. The mansion was divided loosely into five structures, an east wing connected to the main building by a long corridor. The main building was then connected the west wing via another long corridor. Eli decided to name the structures the east wing, east wing corridor, Main building, west wing corridor and the west wing. Apart from the bedrooms the place was in a poor state of repair.

The group was on the third floor of the west wing. Each wing had four stories except the main wing which seemed to have a large attic space. First the group would have to get out of the west wing which would not be simple considering the many armed men that where milling around the place.

Eli returned and gave his impression of the place to Hayden.

“Seems to me the easiest way out is through the parking garage below the east wing. Looks like you have two options, try to sneak past the guards on the west wing staircase, in the west wing corridor and the rest of the way there or use the west wing crawl space that will bring you to the main building attic. From there you might be able to sneak down to the east wing park garage. Whatever happens you need to get moving.”


Cassandra Bishop watched as her son was lowered in the dirt and felt nothing.

The voice was speaking to her, telling her what she must do. For now though she’d have to act the part she was expected to play.


Later, at the wake which was being held at the small church hall Cassandra saw her opportunity.

“The kids are all at home Cassandra. They need their mother, it’s time to come home.”

Cassandra dumbly nodded. She knew where she was needed, needed for the first time years. The voice had broken her but rebuilt her stronger and better than before. She now knew where her purpose lay.

At the mansion in the mountains.

She quietly excused herself to go to the bathroom but already she knew where she was going.

She left the church hall and walked to the car park where a white car was waiting just as the voice had promised. A pretty woman with cold eyes sat behind the wheel.

“Don’t be afraid she’s here to help, Cassandra.” The voice said when Cassandra felt a trickle of doubt.
Kyra Gosling got out of the car and approached Cassandra.

“Mrs Bishop, I’m here to bring to Mr Lamont.”

“Lamont?” Cassandra asked.

“Just another member of the family Cassandra.” The voice answered while Kyra looked confused.

Cassandra nodded and followed Kyra to the car.