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Alex Lewis

"Hey. Do you have a lighter on you?"

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a character in “Casa of Amour”, as played by RawrImaPanda



Full Name: Alexandra Lewis
Nicknames: Alex, Kitty
Age: 17 years old
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Straight, but doesn't mind experimenting.
Appearance: Naturally, Alex's hair was blonde, but she dyed her hair a bright, juicy red due to personal reasons. She has a glowing, white complexion that stands out in the dark. She, usually, wears make-up around her light blue eyes, that make you feel like you're choking on air or drowning if she even sends you one of her death stares.
Alex has a tattoo of a small flock of birds on her upper back, following with one on her wrist of a peace sign. She has a silver septum piercing, that she only wears on 'special occasions.' On her left ear, she has an Auride piercing, and three ear lobe piercings of colorful stars. On her right ear, she has a Daith piercing, an Anti-piercing, and two silver ear lobe piercings.
Alex is very interested in fashion, and likes to change her style from every now and then. Her usual trend is t-shirts of her favorite bands and skinny jeans of all types. She is always wearing a necklace that has a small kitten on it, she never takes it off. No matter what.
Personality: Alex isn't an easy girl, not unless you interest her in a way. She isn't shy either, if she wants to talk, she does it.
Likes/Dislikes: Alex is fond of fashion and art. She makes most of clothes, rather than buying them. She loves to sketch, draw, and paint like her life depended on it. Alex has a small addiction with energy drinks, like Monster, and Starbuck's coffee.
Alex hates when guys try to act some tough and power around everyone, even though they're not. She has a fear of drunk people because of her father, and tries to stay away from them. Alex isn't really a morning person, but loves to be the first one up to make herself a cup of coffee with a hint of vanilla.
Background: Alexandra Lewis, better known as 'Alex', was born on the chilly New York's December on the 26th day.
Life wasn't so exactly perfect for Alex. She lived with her strict mother, her alcoholic father, and her older troubled brother.
She grow up on the dangerous line of physical and emotional abuse from her parents and her druggie of a older brother who took her out to illegal places for some fun.
Alex didn't seen to care for the people around her, and they didn't seen to care either. She loved her brother with all her heart though, even if he was a sick druggie who couldn't control himself at times, she loved him. Soon enough Alex join her brother's path, in a safer way. She smoked and drank on a limit she stuck to.
One day, a man came along her way in an alley as she was smoking some joint. He was dressed in a business suit, and had a black suitcase in his hand. He called for her and told her about this 'rehab' center that can help her. The center provided her with tons of help and a chance to get out. She agreed to check it out, but the next day she woke up in a room she never been before.

Room: Image
How you were enrolled: Herself without knowing.

So begins...

Alex Lewis's Story


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Character Portrait: Alex Lewis
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-Alex Lewis-

The waves lapped the seashore gently sending a gentle breeze towards a girl with bright red hair. She inhaled deeply capturing every moment. She continued to walk steadily along the shore, listening to the gentle song of a waves lightly crashing on the shore. The memory would be cherished forever and it is what she would only describe as "perfect."

She closed her eyes and absorbed the warmness of the sun's ray and opened them to a dark, dead forest. The girl looked around in sign of light, but only found a path. She followed the path and it led in front of an old, abandoned house. The paint was weathered and peeling off in spots, and the slats in the shutters on the upstairs windows were mostly broken out. A slight breeze made the shutters tap against the house and the hinges squeaked. The sun low in the sky, illuminated the upstairs rooms making the two windows facing her, look like dime red eyes, and the door below a gaping maw.

"Where am I?" she said in a low whispered.

"Hell." an icy tone creep next to her ear.

Alexandra could feel the air being sucked out from her body, the atmosphere becoming more and more tight. She struggled out from under the blanket covers, and rolled her knees in front of her chest. "Not again." she wiped the sweat from her forehead, as she took a few deep breathes in and out.

She looked around the unfamiliar room that seemed just like home in her mind. "Where the fuck am I?" she exhaled with a dead look in her deep blue eyes.


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Character Portrait: Alex Lewis
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-Alex Lewis-

Alexandra looked bewildered and wide eyed, and really didn't look like she knew where she was or what she was doing in the precious room. She kept looking around and her eyes kept darting back and forth, wall to wall, around the space.

How did I get here, in this room? Did I slept with a rich man or something while I was drinking last night with the guys? No,I couldn't have. I don't past my limit of shots and bottles of liquor.

She rose from the luxurious mattress, placing her both feet into the icy flooring. She placed her vision for anything explaining why she in this room and without any memory of getting here. A printed-on envelop was laying on the nightstand, next to her bed, saying 'Alexandra Lewis' printed in the front.
Alexandra's eyes widen a bit to the sight of the envelop and her shaky fingertips grabbed of hold of it. She opened the envelop and slid out a folded paper in it. Her eyes followed her fingertips, as she open the letter and read it to herself.

"Son of a gun." she bit her lip in frustration. Rehab, he said. It will help you live your life better,he said. Well let's see what gonna happen the next time I see you old man.

"I'm gonna pop you right in the face!" she yelled out of her rough thoughts.


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Character Portrait: Alex Lewis
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-Alex Lewis-

Alexandra slid on a pair of denim shorts, that hugged her hips, and a loose-fitting t-shirt. She cracked open her door by turning the knob and stepped outside. Her eyes widen a little as she saw two other human beings, a boy and a girl.

"How awkward." a smirk curved up on each corner of her rosy lips.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Lewis Character Portrait: Ryan McKalister Character Portrait: Brooklyn Stone
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"it is good to meet you Brooklyn." Ryan said softly his Irish still thick in his voice. He looked at her for a moment and then glanced over her shoulder and saw another girl standing there watching him. His mouth crinkled down into a small frown and his arms lifted and crossed them selves. He inclined his head to the girl and then looked back at Brooklyn. "what are you here for?" he questioned.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Lewis Character Portrait: Ryan McKalister Character Portrait: Brooklyn Stone
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#, as written by Lyndie
"I'm not exactly sure... I guess my parents just got tired of me not being able to talk to anyone like a normal person," Brooklyn said, assuming that he was talking to her and the other girl rather than just the other girl and desperately hoping that she's right. She's messed up like that before, and to say that it isn't pleasant would be an understatement.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Lewis Character Portrait: Ryan McKalister Character Portrait: Brooklyn Stone
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-Alex Lewis-

Alexandra placed her vision between the girl and the boy. They were having a slow conversation that lacked of words from both sides. She walked around to them to get a better look.

A smile arose from her lips, once again. "Hey. Don't mean to get in your guys' business, but how exactly did you get here?" Alexandra placed her eyes on both of them. "By car? Or plane?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Lewis Character Portrait: Zach Alvarez Character Portrait: Ryan McKalister Character Portrait: Brooklyn Stone
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Zach woke up in a room with almost all of his things on the floor neatly and his shoes stacked by an empty dresser. Zach stood up and ran into the bathroom. He quickly took a 5 minute shower and dried of with a red towel. He threw on some underwear and a black t-shirt with the word "swag" in red. He put on some black nike socks and some rd, black, and grey jordans sith some khaki shorts and gotup off the bed.

Zach put on his black and red obey snapback on and slowly walked outside his room. Two see three people talking. He laughed lightly "What's up everybody?" he played with his bracelet.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Lewis Character Portrait: Zach Alvarez Character Portrait: Ryan McKalister Character Portrait: Brooklyn Stone
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#, as written by Lyndie
Brooklyn wasn't sure if she should lie or not when answering the girl's question. It would sound crazy, but she supposed that everyone would think she was crazy by the end of the day anyway, so it didn't really matter. "I'm not sure... whatever it was, it either didn't wake me up or I don't remember it. All I remember is my parents telling me they were sending me here, going to bed, and waking up this morning in a room I didn't recognize," she bit her lower lip after she said it, a nervous habit of hers.

As for Ryan's anger issues... she didn't mind all too much. As long as he doesn't hurt anyone here and he's working on it. Nobody's perfect, after all.

Another boy comes up and asks what's up. Gas prices, she thought, but didn't say it. Being sarcastic with people she hasn't even really met yet wouldn't help her make friends. But she didn't know what to say.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Lewis Character Portrait: Zach Alvarez Character Portrait: Ryan McKalister Character Portrait: Brooklyn Stone
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Ryan looked around at all the people around him suddenly and he felt himself go on the defensive, he took another step back and stuffed his hands into his pockets and looked at the girl who had asked him how he had gotten here. "I dont know." He said grumpy that he honestly didnt, "I went to sleep in my own bed and woke up in this place." He growled the word 'place' and backed up some more into the wall and he looked at the boy who seemed far too happy in his opinion. he didnt answer him, instead he gave him a hard look and then focused his attention on a picture on the wall.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Lewis Character Portrait: Zach Alvarez Character Portrait: Ryan McKalister Character Portrait: Brooklyn Stone
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Zach laughed at the guys hard look."Bitch" he murmured. He laughed and leaned on the wall. He looked around at all the others. Hopin there werent as mean as the other guy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Lewis Character Portrait: Zach Alvarez Character Portrait: Ryan McKalister Character Portrait: Brooklyn Stone
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-Alex Lewis-

"How lovely. Seems like all three of us ended up the same way." Alexandra brushed her swift bangs to the side while biting her lower lip. "And here I thought, I got stoned or something last night and someone took me to their place."

She laid her soft blue eyes on Ryan for a while and release a small smirk upon her face. "I don't bite, you know. Unless you want me to."

Alexandra rolled her eyes at the boy dressed in street clothes. "You should take that back, bro. If we're all going to live together, we don't want to start any pointless wars."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Lewis Character Portrait: Zach Alvarez Character Portrait: Ryan McKalister Character Portrait: Brooklyn Stone
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Ryan's hand curled into a fist and he stared at the guy and raised his upper lip in a half growl. He had punched men for less but he forced himself to control his temper and he took a few deep breaths and then focused his attention on the red head and he gave her a half smile "you're taking the fun outta this. Pointless wars are always so... Fun." he look at Brooklyn and said "you look like you're thinking too much."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Lewis Character Portrait: Zach Alvarez Character Portrait: Ryan McKalister Character Portrait: Brooklyn Stone
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#, as written by Lyndie
Brooklyn half smiles. "There's no such thing," she said. And it was true. If someone didn't think everything over, then they might do something stupid and end up a social outcast, like herself. Although she'd love to act like everyone else seemed to do, talking to people always seemed so effortless to them, she's just not like that. She's different.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Lewis Character Portrait: Zach Alvarez Character Portrait: Ryan McKalister Character Portrait: Brooklyn Stone
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-Alex Lewis-

And here I was trying to protect the leprechaun from the wannabe rapper. Can't be the tree huger for the rest of your life, Alex. There are boulders that are going to knock you out in a flash of a second.

Alexandra faked a smile as her bangs slid back in front of her forehead. "Don't get blood on the carpet. Looks too pricey for your appearance."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Lewis Character Portrait: Ryan McKalister Character Portrait: Brooklyn Stone
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"if you say so." Ryan grumbled softly. He shook his head softly at her and wondered if perhaps something had happened to her. He frowned at the thought, it made him angry that something would effect someone like that. He gave Brooklyn a hard look and then stood up from the wall he was leaning against and muttered that he was gonna look around some more. He didn't much feel like socializing anymore. He turned way from the group and left with out another word. He walked down a fight of stairs and peered into what looked like a great room for lounging. A large fireplace took up most of a wall and a large glass door opened to a balcony. He stepped out into the cool morning air and felt the wind move through him. He let out a breath and let himself calm.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Lewis Character Portrait: Zach Alvarez Character Portrait: Ryan McKalister Character Portrait: Brooklyn Stone
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-Alex Lewis-

"Asshole." Alexandra let out between a breath out. She turned to the boy with the snap hat, and looked at him with for a while. "He didn't beat you up too bad."
Her hand rose to touch his face, but she held back. "Don't let him get to you. He's just an angry leprechaun looking for his pot of gold like everyone else here."

Alexandra's eyes shifted on the girl, standing there, and back to the beaten up boy. "My name is Alex, if anyone cares."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Lewis Character Portrait: Zach Alvarez Character Portrait: Brooklyn Stone
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#, as written by Lyndie
"I'm Brooklyn, you can call me Brook if you'd like," she says. She didn't point out the fact that he wasn't beat up at all. That would be rude. Her stomach grumbled, and she wondered where the kitchen or whatever was. She wanted her breakfast. But she didn't want to just leave, that might seem rude. "I'm going to find a kitchen or something. Anyone want to come with me?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Lewis Character Portrait: Zach Alvarez Character Portrait: Brooklyn Stone
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Zach laughed at the girl's beaten up comment."Nah, as you can see i'm just fine." Zach looked at the girl who he know knew as Brooklyn and looked at the other girl who just said that her name was Alex. "I'm Zach Alvarez, professional slacker at your service" He smiled at Alex who almost touched his face. He acted as if he didn't see it. He then leaned back on the wall and took off his hat for a moment rubbed his hand with his hair and put the hat back on.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Lewis Character Portrait: Zach Alvarez Character Portrait: Brooklyn Stone
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-Alex Lewis-

"Brook." she pronounced softly to herself, like if she was trying to store it in her memory. "Cute name."

"I'll love to join you." Alex forced a smile on her face as she glance between Brook and the beaten up boy, who now was labeled as Zach Alvarez. "Pleasure to meet you, Zach. Even though it wasn't so peaceful."

"Let's go, before breakfast becomes brunch." She glanced over at Brook, and crossed her arms with hers. "You want to join us, slacker?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Lewis Character Portrait: Zach Alvarez Character Portrait: Brooklyn Stone
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Zach gave Alex a nervous smile."Ummm, yeah. Slackers gotta eat too". He went through his pockets for his iPhone. Whic had the ingrediants for his mom's famous eggs and grits. He pulled out his phone and a bag of weed. He quicklyput the weed back in his pocket and checked his phone messages as he locked arms with Alex. He put his phone away and smiled down at Alex and Brook. Hoping they didn't see his weed.