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Jack Unsworth

"Keep it down I have a hangover, now where's the liquor"

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a character in “Casa of Amour”, originally authored by Dante Angelico, as played by RolePlayGateway


Full Name: Jack Unsworth
Nicknames: Unzy or what ever people want to call him.
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Appearance: Jack stands at 5'9 and weighs 161 llbs and is broad shouldered. He has a scar on his right eyebrow from a bar brawl and a large scar on his lower left abdominal where he had been stabbed in his childhood because of this he never takes his shirt off infront of someone even in hot weather. He usually dresses very casual, a light shirt with/without a vest underneath, jeans and converse but tends to becomes very scruffy after he has his daily drinking binge, often ending up with rips and tears in his shirts and jeans. His eyes are usually bloodshot with black rings around his eyes due to lack of sleep. A bottle of whiskey can usually be seen in his perssesion so people who see him regularly often say that the bottle is much a part of his outfit as his shirt or pants.
Personality: He is usually approachable, can talk his way out of almost any situation and will talk to anyone despite what he personally thinks of them, it's not that he's twofaced it's just he can't be bothered making enemies as he believes life is hard enough without adding pathetic complications like that, he has a dry/dark sense of humour mainly due to his up bringing but loves to sing, dance and play the guitar when ever he can, he also has a tendency (despite any hangovers) to exercise how ever he can to keep all the alcohol he consumes from staying in the form of a bear belly. He use to be a hopeless romantic but became almost stoned hearted, he'll make friends and sleep with people but he tries his hardest not to let anyone back into his heart. When his depression hits him though he becomes very secluded and won't say much. This is when he starts to go on his binges, drinking so much he often passes out there and then.
Likes/Dislikes: Likes: Whiskey, dancing, playing guitar and singing, sharing a drink (misery loves company), exercising (even ones like swimming were he has to take his shirt off but only if he's alone) Dislikes: His depression, hangovers, making enemies, love, taking off his shirt infront of people
Background: Jack's first sixteen years of his life was just that of any normal kid growing up in Northwest England, he wasn't abused by his parents, although they didn't show any love or compassion for him either, he went to school, didn't go out much, kept to himself and didn't get in any trouble despite the harsh area of which he lived. His life turned upside down (or at least in his eyes) when he met this girl he completely fell head over heels for. She helped him come out his shell and to find his feet in the world that he was only starting to explore after sisteen years of staying inside. Despite her having a boyfriend they soon grew close and after many weeks of debating, she finally left him for Jack who couldn't believe his luck. They spent two years of their lives in each other pockets never leaving each other's side for more than a few hours. until one day after walking her home from a nightclub they had just been, her previous boyfriend had been waiting for him, in an alley Jack always used to cut off three miles of the journey. After a few heated words Jack felt the cold sting of a knife blade and was left in the alley to bleed to death, luckily for him someone else also used that alley for a short cut and phoned an ambulance and got him to hospital. After recovering from the attack he and his girlfriend then spent another year together, although things begn to become very shaky and on his nineteenth birthday he found a note in a birthday card from her telling him she had left him for someone else she met a year ago and that she was also pregnant with Jack's child.

Heart broken and developing depression he left home with his passport, a suitcase and his credit card and decided to travel a bit through europe to clear his head and forget about this misshap. He started to travel city to city, pub to pub, this then started a vicious cycle of binge drinking, sleeping with random men and woman, passing out and then waking up wandering where he had ended up. This continued for months until one night pf heavy drinking and drowning in depression an old man who spoke English told him there was a place where his depression would dissapear. He told the old man that's why he drinks so much but he was happy to try if he wanted. He then staggered to his hotel, still holding a bottle of whiskey and after many failed attempts to find his room he simply passed out in the halls, two doors away from his room. When he awoke, he was in a strange room he didn't recognise as the two star hotel room he had been staying in, whiskey still in his hands.

Room Image
How you enrolled: Himself without knowing or actually wanting too

So begins...

Jack Unsworth's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack Unsworth Character Portrait: Jeremy Miller Character Portrait: Velescona Trinity
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Jack woke up feeling like shit, scratch that, he woke up feeling worse than shit, he was feeling the full might of 12 hour binge drinking hangover. Despite the fact that his head felt like it had a small angry dwarve trying to break out of it, he managed to haul himself up and instantly realised he wasn't in the hotel hall he had passed out in. He quickly survayed the room and thought to himself he must have got lucky with a rich gal or bloke or he had entered the wrong hotel and was moved to a nearby room. Staggering to his feet Jack whinced as he felt a sharp pain coming from his left ankle. He limped to the closest mirror unfazed that he was in a strange room, he usually ended up in other people's rooms and more than a few time in a cold, damp prison cell.

Looking into the mirror Jack couldn't help but to smile at the state he was in. His right left cheek was cut open and still bleeding slightly, his eyes had black rings around them which caused his bloodshot grey eyes to stand out even more. His light grey shirt was missing the first three buttons revealing his chest, one sleave was rolled up to his elbow while the other hung down his left arm ripped at the bottom so it ended at his forearm. His jeans were also in a state having a gaping hole showing his also bloody right knee and his converse were in tatters. He was surprised when he realised he was still holding the same bottle of whiskey he had been holding last night, uncapping it he took a very generous swig out of it. They do say that the hair of the dog that bit you is good for you, he let out a loud laugh ar this and instantly regretted it.

He limped out the room, still carrying the bottle and decided to find someone who could tell him where the hell he is, after wandering around for a while he walked in to two strangers, one a very good looking lad and the other a very graceful looking las,Well ain't they a couple of french eye candy, taking another mouthful of his favourite hair of dog he approached them, free hand against his head trying to remember the phrase he needed, he tapped the lad on the shoulder and asked, "Excusez-moi mais quel est le nom de l'hôtel je suis dans?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack Unsworth Character Portrait: Jeremy Miller Character Portrait: Velescona Trinity
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-Jeremy Miller-

Jeremy's clear vision crossed over to a young man who looked like he just got out of bar fight. The man opened his mouth to speak, and filled Jeremy's ear with a foreign language he wasn't so familiar with.

He gave me a blank stare and then lighten up with a chilling smile. "Do you have Google translate? Because I didn't understand a word that came out of your lips, Sir."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack Unsworth Character Portrait: Jeremy Miller Character Portrait: Velescona Trinity
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Vel was going to answer him, but she only blushed. She warmly smiled at him and opened her mouth to say, "I'm fine, thank you..." but she was interrupted by a man speaking French. "We don't speak French," she told him politely, hopeing he would understand.

She grinned at Jeremy, slightly biting her lip. She wasn't used to being around guys, espicially guys that so highly resembled Jacob. She had the urge to wrap her arms around and kiss him, and she constantly had to remind herself that he was not Jacob.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack Unsworth Character Portrait: Jeremy Miller Character Portrait: Velescona Trinity
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After both of them looking blank at first, they both spoke english but Jack couldn't quite tell what their accents was, sighing, he took a gulp of whiskey, his hangover was beginning to die down now and asked the same question in english, his gruff northwest accent showing. "Sorry, I asked what's the name of the hotel I'm in?" He smiled at them, his cracked and split lips stinging. He was starting to get concerned as to where he was, he didn't usually bump into other 'tourists' like himself, he often spent time in what was normally called the locals part of a city, while he waited for one of them to respond he took a long swig of the amber coloured liquid he loved so much.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack Unsworth Character Portrait: Jeremy Miller Character Portrait: Velescona Trinity
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-Jeremy Miller-

"Casa of Amour isn't really a hotel." he flashed the man a fresh smile from his lips, as he explained. "It's more like rehab for the lonely."

Jeremy took a long glance at the young lady next to him. She had a nice grin upon her face, with a slight grip on her lower lip with her teeth. She was simply the most beautiful creature he has ever set his eyes on.

So beautiful, like crystal stars shining across the midnight sky. I never seen a gem as precious as she can be. I don't even know her name, but I bet it's lovely like a fresh, bloomed rose in the spring. Her rosy lips and gem-like eyes are so inviting, yet her body tells me "Don't touch me."

Jeremy sent her a warm smile at her, before laying his eyes on the man who took long gulp of his whiskey. I need to know her name.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack Unsworth Character Portrait: Jeremy Miller Character Portrait: Ryan McKalister Character Portrait: Velescona Trinity
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"If this isn't a hotel then how the fuck did I end up here? Actually wait am I still in France?" His head was a mess of thoughts, he couldn't believe he had traveled to a different country while blacked out, he had crossed borders drunk but always by foot and illegally, hell he lost his passport the first day he set foot in France. He decided he needed to be drunk again and began to drink ruthlessly, he didn't care what these two thought of him at the time moment, he just wanted to have some familiararity and all he could think of was to be wasted. After drinking most of the bottle he looked in and saw that there was only a quarter of the bottle left. He still didn't feel much except the sensation of being slightly light headed, he began to observe his surroundings and noticed another lad standing there just looking at them. Jack responded to this by simply giving him a nod of his head, he wasn't sure about beckoning him over incase he took offence to it.

"Before I start going on a binge session to calm my nerves down I think I should introduce myself," He stuck his free hand out and noticed his knuckles were also cut. "My name's Jack Unsworth, I know common as dirt name but hey if you wanna call me anything else go ahead." he began returning the lads smile and then added on to the end of it. "Even if it is something like pisshead or alchy I don't really care."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack Unsworth Character Portrait: Jeremy Miller Character Portrait: Ryan McKalister Character Portrait: Velescona Trinity
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Ryan saw the nod and he returned it and took a few more steps towards them so he wouldn't have to strain his ears. He said his name "Ryan." and nothing else. Jack spoke of drinking more and Ryan was interested to join him, his back was sore form the little fight with Sydney and he wanted something to dull the stress of the move. "anymore where that came from?" he asked hoping he might have a little of some Guinness his favorite mead. He regarded the other two for a brief moment but he wasn't interested in asking to them so he turned his attention back to Jack.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack Unsworth Character Portrait: Jeremy Miller Character Portrait: Ryan McKalister Character Portrait: Velescona Trinity
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-Jeremy Miller

"France?" he questioned to himself in a soft, low tone. This guy must be losing it. The man continued to bring the bottle of rich copper colored liquor to his lips until it was running low. His eyes shined in thought, and shifted between Jeremy and another guy who was leaning on the wall watching carefully among everything.

Jeremy took the drunken man's hand with pleasure, and shook it firmly. "I like the name, Jack. It suits you." A slight smirk curved upon his mouth. "The name's Jev. It's a honor to meet a drunk, like myself."

The guy leaning on the wall, took several steps and stood in front of Jack. He stated his name was Ryan, and asked Jack if there was anymore of his liquor.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack Unsworth Character Portrait: Jeremy Miller Character Portrait: Ryan McKalister Character Portrait: Velescona Trinity
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The lad took his hand and introduced himself as Jev. "It's a honor to meet a drunk, like myself." Jack noticed the smirk but dismissed it. "Thanks mate, not many people say that about my name." He let go of Jev's hand and turned around to the person who had been looking at them, he was now closer and muttered what Jack thought was "Ryan." The new lad looked at Jev and the girl who hadn't introduced herself then turned his gaze to the bottle Jack was holding. "Anymore where that came from?" Ryan queried with a quite broad irish accent. This caused the drunk to smile, Good to hear someone from the UK. He held the bottle out to the lad, "Sure mate but it's whiskey and pretty strong stuff too, man the french have some good liquor." He said almost laughing, he felt a trail of blood running down his cheek but didn't bother to brush it away, once he had some more to drink and maybe something to eat he'd get a shower.

"So does this place have a bar, kitchen or even a wine cellary, it's just I could do with something to eat and some more drink." His gruff accent shining in each word. "Oh also mate drink the rest of it if you like, I'll just get a new bottle." He told Ryan turning around to him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack Unsworth Character Portrait: Jeremy Miller Character Portrait: Ryan McKalister Character Portrait: Velescona Trinity
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Ryan didn't comment on Jack's current state and he couldn't help but watch the blood drip down his cheek. He took the bottle and lifted it to him in a toast. "much thanks." he said and then tipped the bottle back enjoying the familiar taste. Wasn't as good as the Guinness but it would have to do. "I saw a kitchen." Ryan said to them "but didn't see anything that looked like liquor, but then I hadn't been looking for it at the time." he shrugged and said "I'm sure we can get some from the town down there if the need arises." he said pointing out the window.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack Unsworth Character Portrait: Jeremy Miller Character Portrait: Ryan McKalister Character Portrait: Velescona Trinity
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Jack couldn't help but to feel dissapointed at the sound of there being no liquor in this place, hell he would even settle for larger which he despised and the thought of going to town didn't brighten his mood up either since his only form of currency on him was euros. "You wouldn't mind showing me to the kitchen would you mate?" He asked, hoping Ryan would say yes, he really needed to eat something badly it felt like he hadn't eaten for days, which could have been true, he wasn't really sure himself. "Oh and if we do end up going to that town you mentioned just then do you know if there's a bank I can swap all this to..... What ever currency this country uses?" He pulled out the wad of euros he had been keeping in his back pocket to show the lad infront of him what he meant.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack Unsworth Character Portrait: Ryan McKalister
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Ryan supped he should have the decency to show him where the kitchen was and he motioned for Jack to follow him and he shrugged when the money was waved in front of him. He felt a small twinge of anger that he would wave something precious like it was nothing. He frowned and said "how would I know, I'm as new here as you are." he muttered. He led Jack down the stairs and motioned him to the kitchen door. "there." he told him. His head tilted back as he finished of the whiskey.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack Unsworth Character Portrait: Ryan McKalister
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The lad frowned at him and said. "How would I know, I'm as new here as you are ." This caused a flicker of annoyance on Jack's face. "Yeah and how was I suppose to know, I don't even know how I got here." He replied, showing no emotion in his words. The irish lad led him down a flight of stairs to which Jack could only hobble down the pain in his ankle still not numbed by the acohol he had consumed. Ryan stopped pointed him to a door which he assumed was the kitchen. "Cheers mate, if I find anything I'll give you a shout," He stated to him, "That is if you're not coming in." And with that he limped to the door and opened it, struggling to walk in.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Lewis Character Portrait: Zach Alvarez Character Portrait: Jack Unsworth Character Portrait: Ryan McKalister Character Portrait: Brooklyn Stone
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-Alex Lewis-

This place is starting to sound like New York City again. Now we just need workers whistling at young women in shorts and skirts. Alex wasn't a huge fan of rap, or anything to do with it. She rolled her eyes between the floor and ceiling. "Your ringer is just... smackin'."

Brooklyn opened the door for all three of us and entered. Inside the door, was the kitchen. Brooklyn walked pass Alex and Zach and started to look for something to eat. Alex made eye contact with Ryan and another guy he was with. More people, great.

Alex walked over to the fridge and opened it up. The fridge was filled to the top with foods of all types.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Lewis Character Portrait: Zach Alvarez Character Portrait: Jack Unsworth Character Portrait: Ryan McKalister Character Portrait: Brooklyn Stone
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Zach saw Brooklyn's smile. He didn't mean to be in anyway offensive or sexist in anyway. But him and his friends often went to night clubs and mingle with lots of girls. One day one of his good friends said "Bitches Ain't Shit But Hoes an Tricks, Zach". It became little saying between the weed heads. But not every girl was a Bitch to Zach, but most of them were. Zach really didn't feeling like cooking. But he didn't want cereal. He went and looked into the cabnets for some warm food to make. Zach laughed at Alex's Sarcasm "You really think so?" He turned to see the Gu from earlier with a someone new. He looked rugged and was bleeding on his cheek.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Lewis Character Portrait: Zach Alvarez Character Portrait: Jack Unsworth Character Portrait: Brooklyn Stone
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After hobbling into the room he noticed he was not alone, there was three people having what he guessed was breakfast, one was a boy who's clothing screamed 'swag', a girl who had bright red hair that didn't help him with his hangover and another girl who looked rather normal compare to the other two. He decided in his head that he should introduce himself, he wiped his cheek of the trail of blood only to make more come trailing down. "Bonjour je m'a...." He suddenly remembered he wasn't in Paris anymore and switched back to his native north west english accent. "Sorry about that I'm still a little confused to where I am, anyway my name is Jack Unsworth and I'm sorry for looking like I've just come out of a bar fight bit I can't be too sure if I did or not." He said slightly frowning, trying to remember what had happened.

He headed to the nearest cabins before someone could introduce themselves and searched for the precious liquid he needed to help his hangover. After a few minutes he found what he had been searching for, a bottle of cheap whiskey he took it from the cabinet along with four shot glasses just incase someone else wanted a drink, he also picked up a couple of apples while he was at it. Placing his bounty on the table everyone was sitting at he preceeded to sit down, with some difficulties ahead of the boy and opened the bottle, pouring himself a shot and drinkimg it imediately, then proceeded to pour another one. "Oh and before I carry on does anyone else want some?" He asked smiling through split lips.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Lewis Character Portrait: Jack Unsworth Character Portrait: Jeremy Miller Character Portrait: Ryan McKalister Character Portrait: Brooklyn Stone
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Ryan came into the kitchen as well and he saw the crowd and he went and sat at the table. He recognized the quiet girl Brooklyn and the red head. He frowned at all of them, his eyes were drawn to the liquor Jack had found and he was happy there was a supply in the house. He leaned the chair back on two legs and he crossed his arms and stayed quiet.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack Unsworth Character Portrait: Brooklyn Stone
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#, as written by Lyndie
Brooklyn noticed Ryan's frown and looked down, frowning at her bowl of cereal. This must be some kind of record, someone didn't like her after only one conversation. She decided to think about something else. Like why Jack was drinking first thing in the morning. Isn't it normal to break out the alcohol until the evening? Oh well. It's his life. If he wants to be drunk all day, so be it. It's his life.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Lewis Character Portrait: Zach Alvarez Character Portrait: Jack Unsworth Character Portrait: Ryan McKalister Character Portrait: Brooklyn Stone
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[sorry if responding so slow! >< I'm babysitting an one year old that doesn't want to go to sleep ._. ]

-Alex Lewis-

"Oh, of course. That song should win a Grammy." she slipped out, without even trying to act like she cared. Alex went through the fridge and took out eggs and a cart of milk. She placed them on a large counter, and laid her eyes on Ryan and the other guy.

The other guy introduced himself as Jack Unsworth, and was apologizing about looking the way he did. He went straight to the cabins, and within a few minutes he found a bottle of cheap whiskey along with four shot glasses. He opened the bottle, and poured himself a shot and drank it out immediately, and poured himself another.

"Oh and before I carry on does anyone else want some?" with a smile on his face.

Ryan has a frown on his face as he looked at everyone, but it soon lighted up as he saw a bottle of whiskey on Jack's hands.

A smile appeared on Alex's face, as she bite her tongue. "Pour me a shot."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Lewis Character Portrait: Zach Alvarez Character Portrait: Jack Unsworth Character Portrait: Ryan McKalister Character Portrait: Brooklyn Stone
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The girl with the bright red hair was the first to speak. "Pour me a shot." His grin widened, Misery sure does love company he thought rather bitterly. "Sure thing béau." His english accent mixing into the french he knew. He poured a generous shot for the girl and more than generous shot for Ryan which he slid the glass across the table too. After downing another shot he poured himself yet another shot, relishing the fiery feeling the whiskey caused at the back of his throat. He poured a shot into the last glass and offered it to either one of the people still without a drink. "What about you handsome?" He asked the lad infront of him, "Or how about you miss pretty?" Turning to face the other girl.
