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Micha Marie

"Here...let me help..."

0 · 387 views · located in NUSA

a character in “Caught in the middle”, originally authored by emotionless, as played by RolePlayGateway


Micha Marie, 21, Snowflake, Female

< Physical Info >


Micha has ice white hair, and large ocean blue eyes, that sit on a pale oval face. She is small in stature but large in attitude.

Affiliation (Enemy/American/TBD) Experiment

Micha is a very innocent girl. She can be naive and downright adorable at times but don’t let that fool you…she knows a lot more about life thank she’s willing to share…which is why she gets quiet and stand offish sometimes.

[Likes] [Dislikes]
o Gummy Bears Crying x
o Ice-cream Being alone x
o her friends being chased x


< Ability Statistics >

Abilities/cybernetic enhancement
Empathic Healing-- Micha has the abiliy to take any wound into/onto her own body. It hurts like hell but wounds heal faster on her depending on her health level to start.


If Micha doesn keep up her strength she is unable to heal herself after healing someone else, this can lead to death.

Personal Traits
Micha is shy and quiet, she tries not to be in the way, though she is kind and caring and would give the shirt off her back if she thought it would help.

< Personal Background >


So begins...

Micha Marie's Story


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Character Portrait: Brenin Powell Character Portrait: Micha Marie
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Taking a long swig of light ale, Brenin felt his muscles relax. Letting out a sigh of relief, the young man took advantage of this free time, exhausted after a long day of work. With all the chaos in recent years, he and other combat medics had certainly gotten more than their share of work. With a shortage of doctors, he and others like him had stepped in to help. He loved his work, but it was nice to relax now and then, even he got tired sometimes. About to pay for his drink, the voice of a young woman caught his ears.

Despite his mind telling him not to eavesdrop, the medic found himself listening in, frowning at the exchange. The man was clearly making the girl uncomfortable, and refusing service if she didn't get a drink! How rude! Stepping over to the silver-haired girl, he smiled at the bartender.

"She'll have the house special, and the drink will be for me, since the lady doesn't like the taste." he said, handing the barkeep a few bills. Placing his hand protectively on the girl's shoulder, he hoped he wasn't freaking her out too much.


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Character Portrait: Brenin Powell Character Portrait: Micha Marie
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"She'll have the house special, and the drink will be for me, since the lady doesn't like the taste." a smooth male voice said from behind Micha.

The bartender hesitated before nodding and stepping back. She felt a slim hand touch her shoulder and she flinched. When nothing bad happened she looked up at the owner of the voice. A tall slim male with brown hair and glasses stood behind her. When the small crowd of men dispersed she relaxed and gave a small smile to the man.

"Thank you..." she said quietly as she stood.

"I'm sorry you had to get involved..." she said as she faced him and reached into her pocket, pulling out what little money she had, she handed it to the man and looked away.

"I'm sorry its not...its not quite enough to cover the cost..." She said as her cheeks reddened. She only had the money she had because she had pick pocketed a man who had hit on her earlier that day.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brenin Powell Character Portrait: Micha Marie
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The young medic shook his head, pushing the money back into the girl's hand. "No, keep it. You might need it later. Don't worry about it. Besides, you were just being harrassed, only for me to butt in and make you uncomfortable too without asking if it was ok. It's the least i could do miss." he said with a smile, fishing out his own money. He surpressed a chuckle at the shy girl, her cheeks an adorable shade of pink. Aw, how cute!

Her thanks earned a dismissive wave of his hand. "Please don't worry about it. I, had two younger sisters..I know I'd be upset if someone bothered them like that. It's not right to treat a lady like that y'know?" Brenin sheepishly rubbed the back of his head, berating himself for accidentaly staring at the beautiful hair and clear blue eyes. He had a feeling she got hit on a lot.

'Oh man, where are my manners? Erm, well, I'm Brenin. Nice to meet you miss. I hope I haven't upset you too much, sorry for touching your shoulder. I really should've been more tactful." he said with an apologetic smile, only to hold out his hand in case she actually wanted to shake it.


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Character Portrait: Micha Marie
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"I'm gonna faint... If I don't eat or drink something now, I'm gonna faint." Moon thought as she looked around for something, anything, to eat. She saw a bar and she felt her pockets. No money, but maybe they'll give her some water.

She walked to it and sat down next to a girl with silver hair and a boy with glasses and brown hair. "Can I have some water?" She asked hopefull to the bartender and the man behind the counter smirked. He bend down to get a glass and Moon looked at him as he filled the glass with water. His name is Johnny Maxwell...

"I-I don't got any money." The man behind the counter laughed and put his hand on her's.

"It's from the house." He said and he walked to the other side to help someone. Slowly she took a sip, it was warm but still refreshing. She sighed, and thought. Well, actually 'searched'

I need to find another mutant. Or a spy that can bring me back to the lab... I can find them with the map but then I'll maybe pass out again. She sighed again and turned her head. In some way the guy just looked... familiar.

"Hi, I'm Monica Sighe. You can call me Moon for short." Moon said as she stared in his eyes, she liked looking at people's eyes. Eyes can tell you so much in just one look. She hoped she wasn't freaking him out by staring that much.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brenin Powell Character Portrait: Micha Marie
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The boy pushed the money back into her hands "No, keep it. You might need it later. Don't worry about it. Besides, you were just being harrassed, only for me to butt in and make you uncomfortable too without asking if it was ok. It's the least i could do miss." he said with a smile.

Her thanks earned a dismissive wave of his hand. "Please don't worry about it. I, had two younger sisters..I know I'd be upset if someone bothered them like that. It's not right to treat a lady like that y'know?" The man sheepishly rubbed the back of his head.

"You are very kind..." she murmured still looking down.

"Oh man, where are my manners? Erm, well, I'm Brenin. Nice to meet you miss. I hope I haven't upset you too much, sorry for touching your shoulder. I really should've been more tactful." he said with an apologetic smile as he held out his hand.

Micha took his hand gently in hers and shook it.

"My name is Micha, Its a pleasure to meet you....Would you...would you like to sit with me?" She asked hoping to prolong the human contact as long as she could. She missed it some much it almost hurt....

"I-I don't got any money." a frail voice said from her right. Micha hesitated momentarily as she expected the girl to be harassed as she had....but found the bartender had been cowed by Brenin....She looked over the girl. She was pretty in a exotic kind of way....and she looked familiar.....

"Hi, I'm Monica Sighe. You can call me Moon for short." Moon said as she stared at Micha's new friend.

Micha waited for Brenin to react. She almost felt disappointed that the girl had spoke to him because she wanted to talk to this kind man. She wasn't her place...she didn't deserve human contact...she wasnt human after all.... She flinched at that thought and looked down, and prepared to leave...she didn't want to get in anyone's way.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brenin Powell Character Portrait: Experiment 10/Moon Character Portrait: Micha Marie
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Brenin smiled, face relaxed at the handshake. He nodded at Micha's offer, sitting beside her and making himself comfortable, not in any hurry now. He liked good company, and besides, he felt protective. The barkeep made him mad, messing with ladies like that. It was rude, crude, and completely improper.

About to ask Micha about herself, Brenin found yet another young woman speaking to him. Looking at her in surprise, he smiled kindly. "Well it's nice to meet you miss Monica. I overheard you say you have no money either?" Brenin wondered if perhaps, the girls were involved in a scam. Well, no way to know, and if they were, it was on their heads. However, the idea seemed wrong, and he would assume they were for real unless otherwise proven. 'Innoccent until proven guilty', right?
Handing over some more bills, he encouraged Moon to take them. "You look famished. It's not good to avoid food for too long."

Brenin's smile instantly went to a look of concern as Micha flinched, wondering if he had upset her. He hoped not. Or was she not feeling well? He held a hand out in case she fainted.

"Miss Micha? Are you allright?" he asked worriedly, medic and protective mode activating in his brain.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brenin Powell Character Portrait: Micha Marie
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"Well it's nice to meet you miss Monica. I overheard you say you have no money either? You look famished. It's not good to avoid food for too long." Brenin said making Micha's heart soften towards the young man. He was so kind...and she would bring nothing but death and danger to him. She was an animal on the run...hunted for her ability.

"Miss Micha? Are you alright?" He asked with concern in his voice. She snapped back to reality when she heard his question.

"I...I am fine..." Micha murmured as she dropped her gaze and blushed again. When the food was put down in front of her she deftly slipped a few bills under the plate and scooted it towards Monica. She needed to leave before someone realized who...or what...she was.

"You look like you need it more than i do...." She murmured with a small sympathetic smile as she stood and stepped away from the bar. She looked at Brenin with a smile.

"I should be going....thank you again for your kindness..." She said and bowed slightly before turning and heading towards the door. She would not endanger him for his kindness.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brenin Powell Character Portrait: Micha Marie
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Brenin looked mildly alarmed. Placing more money on the table for the other girl, he swiftly followed Micha. "M-miss! What about you? You should take care of yourself as well...I didn't mean to offend you!" the brunnette exclaimed, wondering what he had done wrong. Had he made her feel akward? embarassed? uncomfortable in any way? He hadn't meant to!

Not letting Micha get far, Brenin reached a hand out in offerring. "Are you sure you're ok? You seem bothered or like something's wrong. Please, let me help. I..I might not be able to do much to help, but let me try. I can't just leave you alone if something isn't right. least let me walk you home so I know you're safe, ok? Then I'll leave you alone if you want, so bear with me a little more, ok?" Brenin knew maybe he pushed it too hard, but..but he couldn't just leave her, could he? He never left a comrade behind, and he wasn't about to change that for a girl in need.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brenin Powell Character Portrait: Micha Marie
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"M-miss! What about you? You should take care of yourself as well...I didn't mean to offend you!" Brenin exclaimed as he followed her to the door. She instantly felt bad for making him feel like her leaving was his fault. She gave him a cheery smile.

"Dont be silly, its nothing you did...You have been nothing but kind and generous Brenin" She said, his name feeling beautiful on her lips. The only kindness she had ever gotten from any one came from this man, and she would never forget that.

"Are you sure you're ok? You seem bothered or like something's wrong. Please, let me help. I..I might not be able to do much to help, but let me try. I can't just leave you alone if something isn't right. least let me walk you home so I know you're safe, ok? Then I'll leave you alone if you want, so bear with me a little more, ok?" He said

Micha hesitated....She didn't have anywhere for him to walk her....It occurred to her for the hundredth time tonight that she was alone in the world. She didn't have a home.....but surely for his sake she could pretend to live at some random house...if it would ease his mind. She smiled and nodded.

"There is no need for me to bear with you at all, i would be honored to have you walk me home" she said though she felt a twinge at the word home. She took his hand in hers gently and led him outside. She looked up at the sky and smiled...It had been so long since she had been able to enjoy the beauty of...well...everything. She looked at Brenin, her eyes shining brightly as she smiled at him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brenin Powell Character Portrait: Micha Marie
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Looking immensely relieved, Brenin smiled at Micha, posture relaxing at her beautiful smile and her kind words. She was pretty sweet. He had not expected her to take his hand, and looked down at their hands in surprise. He made no move to pull away however, simply giving Micha a gentle smile, a tinge of pink in his ears and lighting his cheeks. How embarassing to get flustered!

Her bright eyes made his voice catch in his throat. Wow, but she was pretty! Admiring her in spite of his brain telling him it was incredibly rude to stare, Brenin smiled back. "Good. I'm glad to hear that. I'd feel bad if I caused you distress like the man inside. So rude he was. In any case, I'll be glad to see you home safely." the young man enjoyed the warmth of her hand.

"Anyways, do you have any siblings? What do you like to do for fun? Do you have any pets?" he asked cheerfully, eager to learn more about the woman.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brenin Powell Character Portrait: Micha Marie
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"Good. I'm glad to hear that. I'd feel bad if I caused you distress like the man inside. So rude he was. In any case, I'll be glad to see you home safely."Brenin said. Micha just smiled as she watched him turn a cute shade of pink.

"Anyways, do you have any siblings? What do you like to do for fun? Do you have any pets?" he asked cheerfully. Micha hesitated. How could she answer that? she didn't have a life outside of the government...

"I don't...i don't have any family....or pets" She said quietly as she stared off into the distance. She shook herself and smiled.

"I like to read...and sing" she said with a smile as she started walking. When she needed to pass the time when she was under the governments 'care' she would read old literature...or sing songs she knew from catching bits and pieces from the government workers.

"What about you? What do you for fun?" she asked trying to change the subject.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brenin Powell Character Portrait: Micha Marie
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Her answers made the medic pause, looking sadly at the girl. No family? What a sad, lonely thought! He squeezed her hand, looking at her empathetically. "I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to make you sad. I hope you at least have good memories and dear friends to be with." he said sincerely, feeling bad for the girl.

She finally smiled, making feel a little more reassured. Her hobbies were simple but ones he could appreciate. He nodded enthusiastically at her before answering her question.
"Me? I like to read. Especially medical mysteries or medical journals. I know, kinda weird, right?" Brenin said with a slight chuckle. "Puzzles are fun too." Looking aside, he seemed to struggle with whether or not he should speak. After all, he just met Micha, he didn't want to creep her out or be akward. Finally, he let out a thought. "Maybe someday I'll hear you sing.." he mused wistfully, enjoying how relaxed he felt with the girl. She was sweet, and very cute. Perhaps she'd be his friend? He hoped so. As much as he liked other medics and his battle buddies, it would be nice to have people other than a bunch of crazy and boistrous dudes to hang out with.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brenin Powell Character Portrait: Micha Marie
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"I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to make you sad. I hope you at least have good memories and dear friends to be with." Micha stayed silent at that.

"Me? I like to read. Especially medical mysteries or medical journals. I know, kinda weird, right?" Micha shook her head with a smile.

"Puzzles are fun too." He said with a smile. Micha grinned and shook her head. He was so kind.

"Maybe someday I'll hear you sing.." He said. Micha hesitated, not sure what to say, then suddenly she started to sing.

"It’s too late to change your mind
Even though this fragile world is tearing apart at the seams
We can’t wash these sins away
This sinking feeling everyday: I’m waking up in someone else’s life

Is it so hard for you?
'Cause it’s so hard for me
To believe that what we dreamed could ever come to life again
'Cause I cannot erase this lie

Not gonna let this day go by
I’m gonna save this wasted life
And nothing can stand in my way
Not enough to say goodbye
Burn it til there’s nothing left
I’m drowning in the mess that I have made" She sang beautifully only pausing for a breath before continuing.

"Is it so hard for you?
'Cause it’s so hard for me
To believe that what we dreamed could ever come to life again
'Cause I cannot erase this darkness in me

The water’s rising around us
There is no other way down
I only have myself to blame for it all

Is it so hard for you?
'Cause it’s so hard for me
To believe that what we dreamed could ever come to life again
If I could just erase my mind
But I cannot erase this lie" She slowly trailed off and turned red as she waited for her response


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brenin Powell Character Portrait: Micha Marie
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Brenin was once more caught by surprise, a sweet melodic voice resounding in the air as Micha began to sing. Flushing red himself, the medic watched and listened in awe, entranced by this mysterious girl. He'd never had a girl sing for him before. The tune was both beautiful and lonesome. It made his heart wrench.

As soon as she finished, the young man stood in awed silence, only to then clap in praise. "Miss, that was absolutely beautiful! You have a gift for music." he mused, looking at her admiringly. His eyes then took on a sensitive, concerned look almost, but his smile was still there.

"It was poignant....the song you chose...sounded so sad. Beautiful but sad. I...I wonder what made you choose such a song. But then again, it's none of my buisiness. And it was hauntingly beautiful nonetheless. Maybe you could do it professionally?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brenin Powell Character Portrait: Micha Marie
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"Miss, that was absolutely beautiful! You have a gift for music. It was poignant....the song you chose...sounded so sad. Beautiful but sad. I...I wonder what made you choose such a song. But then again, it's none of my business. And it was hauntingly beautiful nonetheless. Maybe you could do it professionally?" he asked

"No....i didnt have...i didnt have a chance to have a future until now...i had no dreams...." She paused and looked at him.

"And ive never had the chance to have a friend..." she said with a smile as she glanced at him shyly.

"I guess....i guess i should start thinking about that...." she said with a small frown....and then she realized her mistake. None of what she said made sense to a normal person considering she was a government escapee.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brenin Powell Character Portrait: Micha Marie
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Brenin froze, looking at the girl in stunned surprise. What on earth was she talking about? Then his eyes widened, a troubled look on his face. Something bad had obviously been happening to her. It bothered him.

Placing his hands on her shoulders, he looked her in the eyes, concern and determination in them. This had to stop. Whatever hell she was being forced into, it couldn't be right.

"I see, so that's why you seemed so uneasy. Listen, I'll help you. I don't know what your situation is, an abusive family...a refugee from another country, an abusive relationship, human trafficking...whatever it is, you can tell me. I can help you, Don't worry, you don't have to be scared anymore, ok?" he said with confidence, a serious look in his eyes. Brenin felt very strongly about innoccent people being abused or getting drawn in when they were weak. Manipulation. He'd never personally handled a case involving a human right's or abuse issue, but he wasn't going to let it go if he could help it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brenin Powell Character Portrait: Micha Marie
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Brenin regarded Micha with utter confusion. What was this? Did she not believe in kindness of others? Was she oppossed to help? He didn't mean to say wshe was defenseless.

"Why...well, why shouldn't I? I..I know I'm just a stranger but..well, it's not right for people to suffer. Those who are stuck in situations they can't escape...people who are oppressed by the strong for selfish reasons..that's not right. I can't just sit back and do nothing, can I? That would make me as bad as them." the male answered finally, hoping she wouldn't completely push him away. He became a medic in the first place to help people, he felt good and like he was doing something right when he helped people. It was something that made him feel better about himself as a human.

"I don't know what your situation is..and you don't need to tell me, but it's ok to be free. I don't think you're weak because you've been living a damaged life..I just want to help, even if it's just one person..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Experiment #11 Character Portrait: Brenin Powell Character Portrait: Micha Marie Character Portrait: Ameya Rowan
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"Why...well, why shouldn't I? I..I know I'm just a stranger but..well, it's not right for people to suffer. Those who are stuck in situations they can't escape...people who are oppressed by the strong for selfish reasons..that's not right. I can't just sit back and do nothing, can I? That would make me as bad as them." the male answered finally. Micha stared at him in shock.

"I don't know what your situation is..and you don't need to tell me, but it's ok to be free. I don't think you're weak because you've been living a damaged life..I just want to help, even if it's just one person..." He said.

Micha stared at him...and then pulled him into a hug.

"You are the kindest person i have ever met..." She whispered, her eyes watering as she fought tears.


Ameya paused on her walk through the shadows. A boy staggered to the light. She watched as he fell to the ground an hesitated. He had a knife protruding from his back, so obviously he was in trouble...was he worth stepping into whatever shit he was in? She sighed as she thought of what her sister would say...of course she had to help him....hopefully this wasnt too much trouble.

"Ugh..." she sighed as she crossed the street.

She crouched down and examined the boy for a moment before she picked him up over her shoulder and started towards her apartment. It didn't take very long to get to her house. She slowly trudged up the stairs with the boy over her shoulder.

Once inside she laid him face down on her couch and brought out her medical supplies. he examined the wound with a critical eye. Someone stabbed him in the back...unfortunate.

"What happened to you?" she whispered as she ripped his shirt open, then pulled the knife out. She pressed applied alcohol to the wound to clean it before she dressed the wound and rolled him over.

What was she supposed to do now.


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Character Portrait: Brenin Powell Character Portrait: Micha Marie
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Brenin was startled by the sudden hug. He gently hugged Micha back, making sure his hands were at her shoulderblades, no lower. He was a perect gentleman. "The kindest peron? Really?" he asked in obvious surprise, feeling sad at the thought. Had she truly not known human decency and kindness before? That was heartbreaking.

"I'm sorry if I embarassed you by calling you out, but..but I hope you won't be upset thatI want to help." he said softly. The medic smiled, lightly patting Micha's back before noticing her eyes. "M-miss Micha? Are you allright?! I'm sorry, I didn't want to make you sad!" he said, looking extremely apologetic and concerned. She looked like she might cry.